Current Path : /home/church/www/wp-content/themes/neve/inc/views/pluggable/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/wp-content/themes/neve/inc/views/pluggable/metabox_settings.php |
<?php /** * Handles post meta for metabox. * * @package Neve\Views\Pluggable */ namespace Neve\Views\Pluggable; use Neve\Core\Dynamic_Css; use Neve\Core\Settings\Config; use Neve\Core\Settings\Mods; use Neve\Core\Styles\Dynamic_Selector; /** * Class Metabox_Settings * * @package Neve\Views\Pluggable */ class Metabox_Settings { /** * Context mapping for the post meta. * * @var array */ private $context_mapping = array( 'header' => 'neve_meta_disable_header', 'title' => 'neve_meta_disable_title', 'featured-image' => 'neve_meta_disable_featured_image', 'footer' => 'neve_meta_disable_footer', ); /** * Function that is run after instantiation. * * @return void */ public function init() { add_filter( 'neve_sidebar_position', array( $this, 'filter_sidebar_position' ) ); add_filter( 'neve_container_class_filter', array( $this, 'filter_container_class' ), 100 ); add_filter( 'body_class', array( $this, 'body_classes' ) ); add_filter( 'neve_filter_toggle_content_parts', array( $this, 'filter_components_toggle' ), 100, 2 ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'editor_content_width' ), 100 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'content_width' ), 999 ); add_filter( 'neve_layout_single_post_elements_order', array( $this, 'filter_post_elements' ) ); add_filter( 'neve_post_title_alignment', array( $this, 'filter_title_alignment' ) ); add_filter( 'neve_display_author_avatar', array( $this, 'filter_author_avatar_display' ) ); } /** * Check if we should account for the meta settings. * * @return bool */ private function has_settings() { if ( ! is_single() && ! is_page() && ! $this->is_blog_static() && ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce', false ) && ! is_shop() ) ) { return false; } $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Add body classes contextually. * * @param array $classes the body classes. * * @return array */ public function body_classes( $classes ) { if ( ! $this->has_settings() ) { return $classes; } $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); foreach ( $this->context_mapping as $context => $meta_key ) { $meta_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, true ); if ( empty( $meta_value ) ) { continue; } if ( $meta_value === 'on' ) { $classes[] = 'nv-without-' . $context; } } return $classes; } /** * Get content width, if any. * * @return int|bool Content width. */ public function get_content_width() { $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return false; } $content_width_status = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_enable_content_width', true ); $content_width_status = empty( $content_width_status ) ? $this->get_content_width_status_default() : $content_width_status; if ( $content_width_status !== 'on' ) { return false; } return get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_content_width', true ); } /** * Get continer type for current post. * * @return mixed|string */ public function get_container_type() { $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); $meta_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_container', true ); if ( empty( $meta_value ) || $meta_value === 'default' ) { return ''; } if ( $post_id === false ) { return ''; } return $meta_value; } /** * Return container type for the selected post. * * @return string */ public function get_current_layout() { $container = $this->get_container_type(); // Check customizer container type based on the context. if ( empty( $container ) ) { global $post_type; $container = $post_type === 'post' ? Mods::get( Config::MODS_SINGLE_POST_CONTAINER_STYLE, 'contained' ) : Mods::get( Config::MODS_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_STYLE, 'contained' ); } return $container; } /** * Set editor width. */ public function editor_content_width() { $meta_value = $this->get_content_width(); $container = $this->get_current_layout(); // If contained, we set the block max-width based on the desktop container width. if ( $container === 'contained' ) { $editor_width = Mods::get( Config::MODS_CONTAINER_WIDTH ); $editor_width = isset( $editor_width['desktop'] ) ? (int) $editor_width['desktop'] : 1170; if ( empty( $meta_value ) ) { $meta_value = $this->get_content_width_default(); } $editor_width_normal = round( ( $meta_value / 100 ) * $editor_width ) . 'px'; } else { // For full-width container, we use the content percent value. $editor_width_normal = ( empty( $meta_value ) ? 100 : $meta_value ) . '%'; } $style = sprintf( ' /* Main column width */ .wp-block { max-width: %s; } .wp-block[data-align="wide"] { max-width: 70vw; } .wp-block[data-align="full"] { max-width: none; } ', $editor_width_normal ); wp_add_inline_style( 'neve-gutenberg-style', $style ); } /** * Add content width. */ public function content_width() { $meta_value = (int) $this->get_content_width(); if ( empty( $meta_value ) ) { return; } $sidebar_width = 100 - absint( $meta_value ); $container = $this->get_current_layout(); $container_class = $container === 'contained' ? ' .container ' : ' .container-fluid '; // Add the `!important` if in customizer, so that the live refresh doesn't affect this. $important = ''; if ( is_customize_preview() ) { $important = '!important'; } $max_width = Mods::to_json( Config::MODS_CONTAINER_WIDTH ); $extra_css = ''; if ( $container === 'contained' ) { $extra_css = sprintf( ' #content.neve-main .container .alignfull > [class*="__inner-container"],#content.neve-main .alignwide > [class*="__inner-container"]{ max-width: %s; } @media(min-width: 576px){ #content.neve-main .container .alignfull > [class*="__inner-container"],#content.neve-main .alignwide > [class*="__inner-container"]{ max-width: %s; } } ', ( $max_width[ Dynamic_Selector::MOBILE ] - Config::CONTENT_DEFAULT_PADDING ) . 'px', ( $max_width[ Dynamic_Selector::TABLET ] - Config::CONTENT_DEFAULT_PADDING ) . 'px' ); } $desktop_value = $container === 'contained' ? round( ( $meta_value / 100 ) * $max_width[ Dynamic_Selector::DESKTOP ] - Config::CONTENT_DEFAULT_PADDING ) . 'px' : 'calc(' . $meta_value . '% + ' . ( Config::CONTENT_DEFAULT_PADDING / 2 ) . 'px)'; $style = $extra_css . ' @media(min-width: 960px) { #content.neve-main ' . esc_attr( $container_class ) . '.alignfull > [class*="__inner-container"],#content.neve-main ' . esc_attr( $container_class ) . ' .alignwide > [class*="__inner-container"]{ max-width: ' . $desktop_value . '; } #content.neve-main > ' . esc_attr( $container_class ) . ' > .row > .col{ max-width: ' . absint( $meta_value ) . '%' . esc_attr( $important ) . '; } #content.neve-main > ' . esc_attr( $container_class ) . ' > .row > .nv-sidebar-wrap, #content.neve-main > ' . esc_attr( $container_class ) . ' > .row > { max-width: ' . absint( $sidebar_width ) . '%' . esc_attr( $important ) . '; } } '; wp_add_inline_style( 'neve-style', Dynamic_Css::minify_css( $style ) ); } /** * Filter components that will be shown. * * @param bool $status the status of the component. * @param string $context context of the filter. * * @return bool */ public function filter_components_toggle( $status, $context ) { if ( ! $this->has_settings() ) { return $status; } $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); /* If context isn't valid, bail. */ if ( ! array_key_exists( $context, $this->context_mapping ) ) { return $status; } $meta_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, $this->context_mapping[ $context ], true ); if ( empty( $meta_value ) ) { return $status; } if ( $meta_value === 'on' ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Change sidebar position based on meta. * * @param string $position sidebar position coming from filter. * * @return mixed */ public function filter_sidebar_position( $position ) { if ( ! is_single() && ! is_page() && ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce', false ) && ! is_shop() ) && ! $this->is_blog_static() ) { return $position; } $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return $position; } $meta_value = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_sidebar', true ); if ( empty( $meta_value ) || $meta_value === 'default' ) { return $position; } return $meta_value; } /** * Filter the container class based on meta. * * @param string $class container class. * * @return string */ public function filter_container_class( $class ) { // Don't filter on blog. if ( ! is_single() && ! is_page() && ! $this->is_blog_static() && ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce', false ) && ! is_shop() ) ) { return $class; } $meta_value = $this->get_container_type(); if ( empty( $meta_value ) ) { return $class; } // Add `set-in-metabox` so that we don't affect this in customizer with live refresh. $customizer_context = ''; if ( is_customize_preview() ) { $customizer_context = ' set-in-metabox '; } if ( $meta_value === 'contained' ) { return $customizer_context . ' container'; } elseif ( $meta_value === 'full-width' ) { return $customizer_context . ' container-fluid'; } return $class; } /** * Get the post id. * * @return bool|string */ private function get_post_id() { if ( $this->is_blog_static() ) { return get_option( 'page_for_posts' ); } if ( is_search() ) { return false; } if ( is_home() ) { return false; } global $post; if ( empty( $post ) ) { return false; } $post_id = apply_filters( 'neve_post_meta_filters_post_id', $post->ID ); if ( ! isset( $post_id ) ) { return false; } return $post_id; } /** * Check if the blog is set to a static page. * * @return bool */ private function is_blog_static() { return ( get_option( 'show_on_front' ) === 'page' && is_home() ); } /** * Get content width status default. * * @return string */ private function get_content_width_status_default() { if ( (int) $this->get_post_id() === (int) get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id' ) ) { return 'on'; } return ''; } /** * Get content width status. * * @return int|string */ private function get_content_width_default() { if ( (int) $this->get_post_id() === (int) get_option( 'woocommerce_checkout_page_id' ) ) { return 100; } return 70; } /** * Post elements order for title components. * * @param array $elements_order Elements order before this filter. * * @return array */ public function filter_post_elements( $elements_order ) { $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return $elements_order; } $meta_elements_order = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_post_elements_order', true ); if ( empty( $meta_elements_order ) ) { return $elements_order; } return json_decode( $meta_elements_order, true ); } /** * Filter title alignment. * * @param string $alignment Title alignment. * * @return mixed */ public function filter_title_alignment( $alignment ) { $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return $alignment; } $title_meta_alignment = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_title_alignment', true ); if ( ! empty( $title_meta_alignment ) ) { return 'has-text-align-' . $title_meta_alignment; } return $alignment; } /** * Filter the display of author avatar * * @param bool $show_avatar Display avatar flag. * * @return bool */ public function filter_author_avatar_display( $show_avatar ) { $post_id = $this->get_post_id(); if ( $post_id === false ) { return $show_avatar; } $show_author_avatar = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'neve_meta_author_avatar', true ); if ( ! empty( $show_author_avatar ) ) { return $show_author_avatar === 'on'; } return $show_avatar; } }