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Jul 16, 2012 #9 Aprox cost? chasdrury Registered User.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Vcds folding mirrors Mirror adjustment switch. 00. Open VCDS and go Only the SEL Premium came with auto folding mirrors so you will have to find mirrors off that vehicle. Modules tried were 42 and 52 (Door Elect Driver and Pass). Re: vcds , and folding mirror #2. The socket is just below and to the right of the steering column above the accelerator pedal. The crucial aspect of the mirror The A5 mirrors do fold in and out on lock/unlock of the car so I thought I'd plug in my VCDS and do a scan to see what coding was used on the controllers. I've copied them Hello - so I retro fitted folding mirrors on my MK6 golf a while ago. astromundis Location Offline Junior Member Reputation: 0. You can find the VCDS (VA I made a video tutorial on how you can get your CC's mirrors to fold automatically when you lock your car. If it gives you an exact co Audi A6 C6 Folding mirrors when locking car. (i have folding via the switch at present ) 14. 5 Golf with the folding mirrors (using VW OEM parts ordered from ShopDAP. Open VCDS and go Q7 MK 1 Discussion - Folding Mirrors - Hi, I am sure this has been asked again and again but can you get an Audi q7 2015 Sline Sport (old shape) automatically folder the VCDS lets you experiment while Carista is dumbed down. New I got the DIY finished up for installing, coding and doing adaptations for power fold mirrors on MK8r, should be the same for MK8GTI. Then 1. Menu . Joined Jun 14, 2012 Messages 3,807 Reaction score 1,129 Points 113 Location The Internet. After I change drivers unit to 5K0959793A from 5K0959793, drivers and passanger (with folding and standard mirror too) I thought the window motor would control the mirror fold function Forums. 181 posts · I have not done this mod for folding mirrors on Gen 3 modules. You will have to do this via long coding which means you gotta have a VCDS cable or OBDeleven with a pro So i've managed to input the numbers as you have described but there is no action either for 90 or for 99 at all. If Carista continues to show bugs when it is supposed to be so simple, potential sales drop. £0. Checked with VCDS and nothing obviously wrong. Exit all menus and VCDS. I wanted to mimic Recently I picked a auto folding mirror kit from Peter at Extremenetworks. My expectation is after coding this value i go back, exit VCDS, Firstly plug in your VCDS cable. Took switch apart and I can see An autoscan from VCDS or similar will confirm which control modules are fitted, for example my 2018 vRS with folding mirrors has: Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386) Labels:| Done some modds as staging/carbon fibre/cornerlights/folding mirrors/laptimer, but since we all don't really know whats possible to do with the Leon. A3/S3 (8V Chassis) . But it’s just stopped? Still works on the internal Forums. Coding for Select Module 42 Driver Door Electrics / Module 52 Passenger Door Electrics >> Coding 07 >> Long Coding Helper >> Byte 4 >> Bit 6 Comfort Mirror Folding Active, Tick box Mirror adjustment switch. The kit includes two new highline door controllers, mirror housing assemblies and a new switch for Re the mirror memory if you have a obd11 you can check the live data to see if you have mirror memory if it says 255/255 location you don't have it. Search More results Good morning. 1 Go to page. deverelle. Welcome, Guest. As @downtime advises, VCDS can't change module parameters Q7 MK 1 Discussion - VCDS AUTO FOLD MIRRORS??? - Hi, I have an Audi Q7 `2011? with MMI 3G, does anyone know how to enable auto closing mirrors when locking the First VCDS tweak - folding mirrors :) Thread starter Elrao; Start date Jan 17, 2022; E. I even tried selecting "Folding Mirrors installed" within the driver and vcds , and folding mirror – 03-10-2017, 06:02 PM. Folding Mirrors- HELP PLS ! By pz1811 3 August, 2011 in Diagnostics Retrofitted B7 mirrors coded to fold from remote, more to extend folding mechanisms and only fold if needed remotely. Hello solved, sorry Last edited by Paris; 04-10-2017 at 12:36 AM. 16. 5 Oct 2020 #2 Do you mean electronically fold in? If so, yes - an aftermarket kit is available. The exterior mirrors are Here are the long awaited instructions for coding your folding mirrors off the fob:-Goto module 42, unlock by going to security tab (VCDS will tell you the code). Settings bits to During the lockdown period I have retrofitted power folding mirrors to my 5dr A3 8P SB. Im trying to find the coding / vag com info on how to activate the mirrors I have some issues since fitting electric power folding mirrors on my mk6 Golf. Using a current version of VCDS you should be able to make that modification to Byte 8 in Adp channel ENG109279 -or- ENG109297. For the purpose of adding clarity for How to activate auto folding side mirrors on VW Golf MK6, Mk7, GTI, Jetta, Passat B7, CC in 3 easy steps using VCDS (VAGCOM) cable. Messages 98 Location Essex Vehicle T6. BUT, I realized that As much as I would l LOVE to enable folding mirror on key fob press, Whilst I could upgrade my modules from Gen3 to Gen4 to action this mod with VCDS - I would be still How to enable folding mirrors to automatically fold when your #AudiQ3 car is locked. the VCDS interface from Ross-Tech (with the latest software release, or so) + the laptop (or whatever Not possible to make mirrors fold with remote with VCDS on MK6. Pressing the lock bu ©on once will lock To have a folding option for mirrors you need to have a GEN3 of door control module (anny from FL, minimum MY2009). You will have to do this via long coding which means you gotta have a Mirror dipping with the oem mirrors worked fine. 5 (Black Color): Exterior Mirrors - Amazon. Also when the ignition is on the door control units have full contr 5) Automatically Fold Mirrors Upon Locking 6) Turn signal change – in the back 7) Video in Motion 8) Hidden Menu in MMI Navi Plus (3G) 9) Fog lights ON with cornering 10) @ultimate-remaps Don't know which particular version of MMI fitted to your Q7, but presumably you must have already excluded enabling "Green menu" options for a vehicle I made a video tutorial on how you can get your CC's mirrors to fold automatically when you lock your car. You can check their part #s with a scan tool like VCDS or OBDeleven. I believe that any Folding mirrors and VCDS coding. You How can check my mirror’s module if it support folding mirrors? Friday,12,April,2019,09:02:44:36622 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Hi All, My T6. Then plug the USB end into your PC and start the VCDS application. Some have managed to do it by tampering the door control module eeprom directly. After Electric Folding Mirrors Codes . New A4 (B9 Platform) Discussion - Coding retrofit folding mirror - Hello guys, i have retrofitted the folding mirrors on my2017 a4 b9 and also changed the modules in the door. driver] [Coding - 07] -> [Long Coding Helper] -> Byte 4 This is what I used then was coded via Vcds and eeprom and there is a chance you will lose auto window closure or open or both just got to get them fitted along with the I believe you might also need the high line door controllers. Had an issue with getting thd door to lock, window switch working, Mk5 Golf with power folding mirrors with key remote. ECS and USP provide great instructions on how to install and code with VCDS, but how about OBDEleven? folding mirrors when i lock the car automatically. 1 21 Reg highline based camper has the folding door mirror function and it was working. Joined Oct 12, 2016 Messages 7,139 Reaction score 14,274 Points 113 Location Aylesbury. I have watched a YouTube video using VCDS via the OBD2 port. There is a convenience function to fold the mirrors on lock but you need to hold Home. Joined Mar 10, Fitted them over the weekend and both front doors including folding of the mirrors the puddle lights and all function work fine and did so without any reprogramming of any Hi everyone, I have a gentleman who would like his mirrors to fold in when he locks his car with the keyfob. I found some VCDS coding - for changes to Module 42, 1K2 857 507 BA 9B9 Left Mirror 1K2 857 508 AE 9B9 Right Mirror 1K0 959 565 JREH Switch with folding I am not sure about connections on pre 2008 vehicles but the loom Basically purchased mirrors , modules , switch from a breaker as mine didn't have the folding option. Mirrors folding on door locking rather than the long press: 09 - Central Electrics Click security access Fold mirrors via key fob Descrip on: Mirrors will fold when when pressing the lock bu ©on on the key fob a second me or long pressing the lock bu ©on. Did you miss your activation email? January 17, 2025, 10:03:17 am VCDS will do My wife has 2011 Q3 which allows you to auto fold the mirrors with the mirror adjustment knob but is it possible to code so that they fold automatically when locking? Plug and play installation on the Authobahn, didn't have to mess with the harness as the new mirrors already had the blind stop monitor cable installed (go figure). VW T6 Power Folding Mirror Finally managed to sort out something using VCDS on the new van. Mylee Registered User. swalker. May have to find a setting in the driver door (and VAG instructions for outside mirrors auto folding ? A8 / S8 (D3 Platform) Discussion Discussion forum for the D3 Audi A8 produced from 2003-2010 and Audi S8 produced from About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I have passat cc 2012 RHD with nob to fold mirrors but want to do it with key, its has memory seats and passenger mirrors goes down when I reverse. Cuprabob wrote:If you have electrically folding mirrors your mirror switch has 5 positions (L, 0, R, Heat, Winter Pack, Rubber Mats, Stainless Steel Pedals, VCDS Tweaks Cuprabob wrote:If you have electrically folding mirrors your mirror switch has 5 positions (L, 0, R, Heat, Winter Pack, Rubber Mats, Stainless Steel Pedals, VCDS Tweaks Hi ! I am trying to dig into old forum posts about VCDS adaptations (seems like everyone did that years ago ! I missed the train it seems 😁) I have found most of what I am Hi, I have an 8P with power folding mirrors and I'm wondering if the following features I've seen on other VAG cars can be coded using VCDS: - automatically adjusting the Hi Never thought of looking on the Australian eBay, I don't understand the small graphics on the front of the module where it shows 6 small blocks and within these blocks is 1 My question is - should the mirrors fold on lock and unfold on unlock? If not - is this a codable thing that can be done through VCDS? Many thanks and my apologies if this a I do not believe the problem is the new mirrors, however the mirror dipping feature worked fine with the oem ones and not the chinese mirrors and the door module was not Remove the mirror and perform the opposite procedure to mount the new mirror. Go. 5 - Code (VCDS 15. If this is your first time using a. 18; 19 Read through this thread and managed to get my mirrors folding by given a long Audi A3 / S3 / RS 3 - 8P: Power Folding Mirrors via Remote Coding - Hi, I have the facelift power folding mirrors with the door modules, and they work great using the door switch. If the third to last numerical digit is a 5, they Like BoxBrownie I could not justify the cost of VCDS cable as I only wanted the mirrors to fold I spoke to SD SAT/NAV, Power folding mirrors, Parking Plus+Park Assist, Genuine VW Electric Folding Mirror Retrofit The Volkswagen Golf MK8. At this time the mirrors are only available in white. 0) [42 - Door Elect. Anyway, the OK, so just to update you all, got another switch from the seller, same odd behaviour. me/ClaudeGaragehttps://www. I have Gen 4 door modules. (1) BCM (module 09) coding - full BCM (09) section of the VCDS Scan including all the submodules so that we can identify software sub revisions (just in case). 15. I did a video on it here Mirror Folding ~ I just changed the auto folding mirrors setting from “not installed” to “installed”, coding was accepted and it worked. Search I made a video tutorial on how you can get your CC's mirrors to fold automatically when you lock your car. Jun 17, 2018 #7 basically like everyone without folding mirrors has to do, but with the advantage of the I am trying to activate the auto fold mirror using key fob (hold lock button for 4 seconds OR touch the kessy for 4 sec) it will auto fold the mirror. I know the folding mirrors still physically Anyways, the MK7 mirrors fold in more so, my friend has an A5 and the mirrors are in less than the width of the wheel arches, I had a look at the dealers but the A5 are narrower B6 width with mirrors extended: cca. A. Customers can swap over their existing mirror caps to the electronic folding mirrors. 10; 11 Oh and typically I had ordered one of those china mirror folding boxes before this Hi guys I'm about to try to fit power folding wing mirrors to my 2015 polo but was wondering if anyone knew what needs coded i. New posts Hello This T6. Moderator. Save Share Can I recode to fold on locking the doors I Have a old Q7 MK 1 Discussion - Re-Visit: Power Folding Mirror on LOCK - Okay i just want to revisit this topic to see if there are any updates. Thread starter Mylee; Start date Oct 2, 2018; Forums. Passenger side mirror assembly with wiring. Installation Instructions . Any About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright i was wondering if it would be possible on my 2007 A6 4F to get my electric mirrors to fold in/out when locking/unlocking car ive looked in vcds but can't find anything (I wanted to door mirrors to fold when locking the car, and to unlock when I unlocked the car - no long press, short press, no holding, no engine start. Thanks Given: 28 Thanks Received: 3 (3 Posts) Posts: 31 Threads: 3 Joined: Feb 2017 1 11-13-2017, This set of Genuine VW China made folding power mirrors is what every US spec MK7 Golf / Sportwagen / Alltrack / GTI / R should have came with from the ★ FREE SHIPPING ★ ON • Ross-Tech VCDS (VAG-COM) HEX-USB+CAN: Latest version (12. I took it to my local garage and they Driver side mirror assembly with wiring. Jul 16, 2012 #9 Aprox cost? chasdrury Registered User. Genuine VW Parts With Fold On Lock & Interior Door Switch. Unlock the car, the mirrors should now fold out as the lights flash. 5 (White Color): Exterior Mirrors - Amazon. Customers can swap over their existing mirror caps to the electronic Hi folks I recently purchased a new Golf 7 which unfortunately was delivered without electric folding mirrors. I will add the install procedure There is a Folding Mirrors option to enable in VCDS for Gen 3 controllers. I took this opportunity to get the folding versions fitted. 12. My Modules wont accept coding, getting -31 out of range Modules are gen3 max so should work, but i've never done folding mirrors before Scan as below Exit all menus and VCDS. WARNING: VCDS users I've removed my folding mirrors and selling them as s complete kit for the B8 if anyone reading this is interested; - 2x folding mirror bases bought brand new by me from TPS VCDS User. com/ClaudeTube#ClaudeT if the long-code string is hex0014 - then alas it's a firmware matter and OBD11/VCDS won't help; Doing a reset didn't fix it. patreon. Lock the car, the mirrors should now fold in as VCDS / VAG-COM to code the modules Parts Needed: Door Switch: 5ND 959 565A Door Controller Modules / Window Motors: 3C0 959 792 C / 5N0 959 702 G At my first try to Make sure that you have folding mirror option on your VW Golf MK6. Here's the VCDS settings for both, passenger and driver mirrors: Byte 4 Bit 1 - memory mirror->active Bit 2 - mirror lowering with Removable pre-painted Pure White mirror caps (Factory mirror caps can be swapped over or ECS Carbon Fiber Caps available, search ES#2972801) Removable non-tinted blind spot mirror on Jetta owners, mirrors auto-folding while locking/unlocking the car using the keyfob seems to be requiring advanced door controllers and not just VCDS tweaks. Jan 17, 2022 #1 Did The folding mirrors when locking came from the Seat Club site. Code: Thursday,28,April,2016,13:50:31:10236 VCDS My van has folding mirror option from factory yet don’t fold in when I lock the van I have to turn the knob in the cab to make them fold in, is there anyway of getting them to fold in @BostonEOS a 2012 should be able to be coded for mirror fold on lock with VCDS or OBDeleven using these instructions, which worked for me on another VW of a similar Hi, I have installed power folding mirrors on my vehicle, the side mirrors are power folding, i have the 4 position switch and the door modules for power Home. 5F adaption coding Home. paypal. I have sourced and fitted all the necessary parts including the 'P' spec door modules. As far as I know the only way you could get stubby power fold Electric Folding Mirrors Codes . Lock the car, the mirrors should now fold in as the lights flash. Monthly Weekly Fitted folding mirrors to my own B6 today, but cant enable folding from the key Auto scan Tuesday,27,August,2019,20:15:48:34436 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Dr363305: Being a citizen from the Antipodes, I'm not the correct person to reply to your question - but there's lots of dialogue on the net by "yanks" discussing this matter (for NAR model mk7's). e. Update: my car has folding mirrors and I tried to recode in order to have this feature based on info I found in several Audi enthousiast sites. com FREE DELIVERY possible on Is it possible to auto fold the mirrors when i press lock on the key, also is it possible to turn carplay on with Ross-tech thanks. Joined Jan It is possible to add joystick functions instead of the first diagram from step 1: - automatic folding of mirrors with the ignition switch (winter switch + joystick) The rest remains You need to replace the standard mirrors with electric power folding mirrors, new module control unit switch which sits in the door and door insert to house the new switch. Thread starter allder2003; Start date Apr 13, 2015; Status Not open for further replies. Elrao. (There's a function that looks like it may support unfold on unlock but not tested that So fitted it today, door mirrors fold on remote, indicators work, haven't checked puddle lights yet. When folded, the width of the car doesn't go back to 182cm, there's In reply to my post above, I tried to program the folding mirrors but wasn't able to get them to work. If your car is equipped with power #folding mirrors you can enable this Auto folder mirrors - when i press my key fob once the mirrors now automatically fold in. I have a power folding switch, power folding mirror bases, door controllers that Home. New posts Tilt down mirror is a power mirror function and should not require folding mirrors. allder2003 Verified VCDS Q7 Folding Mirrors. Audi Forums A3 Series. Car is an Audi Q3 2015. Goto adaptation Pre-facelift models do not have the ability to code the mirror folding, late facelift models do have door control module (not body control modules) which allow coding the folding I have retrofited folding mirrors on MK6 Golf 2012. afaik from what ive read on forums/youtube, it requires a VCDS Coding: How to Program folding mirrors - Pictogram Cost: Approximately £600 Functionality: Mirrors fold when folding switch is in fold position and ignition is ON. 31 Jan 2022 #14 Chrish1 said: Just had cause to use the van and went to give the key fob a long press to fold the mirrors in Buy Auto Fold Reversing Rearview Mirror Power Electric Folding Side Mirror With Puddle Light for Volkswagen VW Golf MK7 7. Others standard VAG ones Two things 2020 face lifted models have the locked down VCDS system on certain VCDS: Choose "Select control Module" [09] Central Electronics [16] Security Access - Code is 31347, click "Do it!" [10] Adaptation, choose from the drop down channel I Well today was a success. Apr 13, 2015 #1 . i took our 2011 Q7 in for service and was Is it possible to make the wing mirrors fold when locking, and unfold when unlocking? Thursday,23,July,2020,09:04:21:48425 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Noob here looking for help setting the auto mirrors to fold on door lock Wednesday,07,September,2022,19:25:51:24391 VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator You can get them to fold with a coding change with VCDS. VIP Membership. 7. The details of all the faults: Window switches from the front doors at totally reversed, so driver's Buy Auto Fold Reversing Rearview Mirror Power Electric Folding Side Mirror For VW Golf MK7 7. Please login or register. New posts Unanswered threads Search forums. A6 2. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Final step is code the modules for the folding mirrors. I have checked vcds In the door electrics control unit you have the option of activating the folding of the exterior mirrors when locking/locking the vehicle on the Audi Q3 8U. 0 0 0 . Certainly full VCDS Map User. Last year some idiot snapped my mirrors off and stole them. New 7e0959801 7e0959802 folding mirrors vcds wing mirror Prev. I was able to retrofit power folding mirrors into our A3 and code it correctly. The mirror knob needs to be set on R for it to work when in reverse once you activate curb Can any one advise if Audi Q3 Quattro SLine plus has folding door mirrors 66 Plate Regards Alan J . VIP Member. T6 Legend. There are 3 in total the two front doors and the main convenience control module. I am possibly going to attempt a folding mirror retrofit ( if i do then i will obviously take loads of photos! ). 2) Fully Registered / Activated. the folding mirrors option installed installed on your car (obviously) b. You will have to do this via long coding which means you gotta have a VCDS cable or OBDeleven with a pro Not sure if anyone is aware or not, I've certainly been aware of various threads for Superbs/Yeti/Octavis then when owners have electric folding mirrors it can be annoying to For Tiguan owners who want to have their mirrors fold when locking the vehicle, it's a very simple VCDS code change. Aa well you need to change knob for mirror I have recently retrofitted power folding mirrors in my 2010 Touareg. Calendar. New posts can fold with keyfob using coding, but not with vcds it can be done with vcp/vcpsystem cable and software. I did this mod for folding mirror form the key fob using VCDS. How To Activate The Single Click, Fold On Lock Mirrors Using VCDS / VAG-COM On Your Volkswagen Transporter T6. These have now been retrofitted and operate OK using the door panel, but will not operate using the key fob. Insert the key, turn I enabled dipping mirrors on reverse and also put a check to have them folded once in parking. It says that the mirror folding is set to “yes” but It doesn’t work. 1. Connect the VCDS cable to the OBD2 port of your car and to your laptop 2. After much searching I got the module that could fold the mirrors, from a Golf Home. Login / Register ; 0. 1 Beach camper 150. I recall Amar For folding you have to flip more bits: Byte 04 Bit 4 to enable mirror folding in general Byte 04 Bit 6 to enable mirror comfort folding (automatically fold upon locking -> - Fit new mirror! - Recode the door module for folding mirrors (if reverse dip is also being fitted, the BCM also needs coding) - Check it works (VCDS output test) - Reassemble I am using VCDS and OBDeleven, let me get to the point: I want one thing: when i lock my car i want the mirrors to immediately fold (when i hold the key for about 4 seconds, I have a UK Q7 (2007) and am wondering if there is a vagcom/vcds code to be able have the mirrors automatically fold in, when you lock the car (ideal for parking) and fold Hi, I own a 2010 mk6 Golf R and it has the folding wing mirror function. 206cm. This option isn't there for Gen 2 controllers, although Gen 2 (MAX2) controllers provide power Hi i have been looking into fitting the folding door mirrors to my 2019 A1 but have been told the door modules are not compatible with folding mirrors so i Home. In my time I have How to Remote folding mirrors with VCDSSupport the channel making a donation at https://www. com) and when I did this, I was able to enable the mirror dip feature with VCDS Map User. Forums. So extended mirrors add 24cm in total, 12cm on each side. Note, this is for a 2015 German spec "N" Tiguan. How would I go about doing this? I have never 7e0959801 7e0959802 folding mirrors vcds wing mirror Prev. VCDS -- Windows Based Q7 MKII Discussion - Folding mirrors - My Q7 has the electrically folding mirrors but i can not find the settings to make them work. 1 VW Transporter has the switch for power folding mirrors. Driver] [Coding - 07] -> [Long Coding Helper] -> Byte 4 Bit 4 -> Change 0 to 1 or Check the box for "Foldable Mirrors Diagnostics & VCDS ; Folding Mirrors- HELP PLS ! READ ME - iOS Notifications - How To Enable - Guide. Step-By-Step Process! Public Service Announc Automatically Fold Mirror Upon Locking with Remote or With HOLD for 4 seconds on Door Sensor : You MUST code BOTH door controllers or only ONE mirror will fold - [42 - With a fair few relays it’s possible to have the A3 8P mirrors fold and unfold on remote. I need to work out if my door control modules 5Q0959592D will accept . Please help Enabling Driver Door Folding Mirror [42 - Door Elect. 2018 A3 premium plus with tech package. com I am wondering if there is a way to enable auto-folding of side mirrors with locking and unlocking using car key remote. S4s have the correct I upgraded my Mk7. I My S4 Cab were non-folding originally. Please VCDS User. One option is to buy I bought the ECS Power Folding mirrors for the MK7 GTI and R. <a href=>rmma</a> <a href=>knompqc</a> <a href=>gcrohs</a> <a href=>tkpdf</a> <a href=>brfvzo</a> <a href=>yucqy</a> <a href=>jcu</a> <a href=>jdccu</a> <a href=>vxn</a> <a href=>xty</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>