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<h1 class="headline">Sunset farm mini aussies.  Our dogs are a part of our family here at the ranch.</h1>

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<p><em>Sunset farm mini aussies  They like plenty of open space for them to run in.  3 verified stories.  We offer Champion Pedigree Toy and Mini Australian Shepherds.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com.  Subscribe Form.  Taking the time to enjoy a beautiful sunset helps us put everything into the proper perspective.  You contact me to set up a time to come pick out your pup.  We have both puppies available at the farm for you to bring home! Contact us today to bring home your new puppy! Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies.  101 miles away from Kentucky.  Stay tuned! Here are a couple pictures of us out hiking with the girls recently.  Willis Farms Mini Aussies, Chunchula, Alabama.  2 verified stories.  EST 12”, and 14lbs Black Tri Female- Smaller Toy, Brown Eyes, EST 11” and 11-12lbs www.  Chester, dad.  We are really excited to bring something new to Sunset View Farms- an AKC Australian Shepherd which will be the Mini size for ASDR.  Opal’s Miniature Aussies.  310 likes &#183; 10 talking about this.  The Miniature Australian Shepherd breed is intelligent, easily trainable, incredibly loyal and loving.  Our dogs Find a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy from reputable breeders near you in Louisville, KY.  Black Tri Male, 10 weeks old.  1,836 likes &#183; 9 were here.  Update- sold and headed to Oklahoma And just like that this little tiny toy Blue Merle Female is available.  Our family owns and operates a 205 acre apple orchard called Sunny Hill Fruit Farm.  In mini Australian Shepherds, the following conditions may be observed as a result of miniaturization or dwarfing: Intervertebral disc disease; Luxating patellars; Fragile bones; Toy Australian Shepherds (Jr x Vegas) Black Tri Male- Medium Toy, 1 Brown, 1 Blue Eye.  Combining these factors with a Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com &#183; December 22, 2022 &#183; December 22, 2022 &#183; Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com added a new photo.  Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies.  After years of hard work and dedication by many breeders, a name was voted upon for our new I have been breeding toy mini aussies for 20+ yrs.  Perfect Mini Aussies have medium-length double coats, hence, a lot of hair.  Hours.  K-C Farms &amp; Mini Aussies, Denham Springs, LA.  The Dam is a Mini Australian Shepherd and the Sire is a Miniature Poodle.  2,801 likes &#183; 135 were here.  Male, reserved.  They have been in operation on a 600-acre farm for the Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  Transportation to Dayton, OH available.  91 miles away from Lexington, KY.  Rally I &amp; II &amp; III &amp; IV Black Tri Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com added 3 new photos to the album: Picture.  Nan loves the window seat in our house and runs like a rocket outside on our farm.  1,819 likes &#183; 31 talking about this.  28 likes.  Sunset Sage Tillie, mom.  232 miles away from Bozeman, MT.  Puppy Sunset Ranch Aussies.  2012.  Hotels.  I strive for good temperments.  - Belle- Homegrown (Reb x Cricket) 2 first places and a 2nd place in Toy Valley View Farm Toy Aussies.  Pick your puppy online. 7 km away from Sunset Farm Mini Aussies.  We are a small farm that raise Mini Aussies.  Hughes Toys Mini Aussies.  Search for other Amusement Places &amp; Arcades on The Real Yellow Pages&#174;.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern Albright hobby farm is a small hobby farm in eastern Washington specializing in rearing dogs with service and working potential.  Pick out your pup on the farm.  I’m particularly proud of my Toys.  Columbia Coast Toy &amp; Mini Aussies.  Performance Titles: Agility Level 1.  Rocky Creek Farm Aussies Rocky Creek Farm Toy &amp; Mini Aussies LLC.  Request info.  While Sunset Cowgirl Mini Aussies hasn’t shared details about their specific health practices yet, we encourage you to reach out to learn more about how they care for their puppies.  Elegant Oak Farm has high-quality Minimature Australian Shepherd Puppies in Galt, California.  151 miles Cedar Crest Mini Aussies, Oakley, Kansas.  Just go to “follow” over to the We will be having a litter of Red Merle’s and Red Tri’s in about 4 weeks.  Easy to apply.  Transportation to Indiana available.  1,489 likes &#183; 1 talking about this &#183; 4 were here.  573 mini &amp; toy Australian shepherd -Health guarantee, transporting puppies, do Aussies make a good family pet, what plants are poisonous to puppies, and more.  Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Sunset Farm Mini Aussies.  Arcanum, OH (Darke County Ohio) 860-987-2601.  Address.  Some have Blue eyes.  Proudly created with Wix.  If you have never had the pleasure of owning Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  These intelligent pups are loyal and very active, just like the standard herding and Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies.  Ready for his new family and forever home.  Mini Aussie pups, 2 boys and 1 girl left.  Illinois.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Lucky Savage Ranch is a small family owned ranch located in Aztec, New Mexico.  Combining these factors with a coat Boyle Farms Mini Aussies is a family farm Dog Breeder based in Moorhead, Iowa.  Puppy Application.  I raise miniature and toy Australian shepherds.  Find a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy from reputable breeders near you in Indiana.  We breed AKC Miniature American Shepherds, Australian Shepherds, and African Pygmy Hedgehogs I listen to breeders from We have registered purebred Standard, Miniature and Toy Aussies.  I do not dock Sunset Ridge Aussies: Miniature American Shepherd, hobby show breeder genetically tested, bred for structure, movement, and temperament.  &#183; August 5, 2019 &#183; August 5, 2019 &#183; Hi, I'm Jill, the breeder behind Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies in Arcanum, OH.  Our dogs excel at their jobs.  Testimonials.  All our dogs live in our home as pets ️awarded with Canine Good Citizen for excellent temperaments, sleep in Those pups lean more towards the toy size or smaller mini.  No litters planned.  ถูกใจ 418 คน.  Sunset View Farms is a small breeder located in Palmyra, IN.  Combining these factors with a coat that Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  Early Socialization.  Breeder of all size varieties of Australian Shepherds. com  las vegas &gt; farm &amp; garden - by owner Posted 2025-01-20 18:10 Contact Information: print.  Our goal is to provide quality Border Aussie puppies, KuneKune pigs, and Nigerian Dwarf And so began our journey into the world of aussies!! We love toy &amp; mini aussies, they are so much fun having the aussie traits all wrapped into a smaller package to fit into our homes as No longer Available - 9 week old Mini Male 3BF Mini Aussies, Nashville, Arkansas.  Find the best Miniature American Shepherd, Miniature Australian How much do Sunset Farm Mini Aussies employees Hourly make in the United States? Sunset Farm Mini Aussies pays an average hourly rate of $35 and hourly wages range from a low of 4) Rebecca S.  1st in class- Toy Male Aussies. sunsetfarmminiaussies.  Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the SF Toy &amp; Miniature Aussie’s.  Option 2.  Registered puppies raised in our home, with our children, intelligent breed, easy to train, and great family pet.  It also means you’ll have to do a lot of grooming.  Their focus is on breed We love getting messages and videos about our puppies.  $700 Surprise!! Elle is quite large bellied for only being 30lbs.  How much should you feed your puppy and when? When should Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  said &quot;We took our dog there today.  Combining these factors with a coat Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com.  Subject.  Transportation to Louisville, KY available.  1,465 likes &#183; 4 were here.  We love our Aussies like family! Flashy little Red Bi Male 殺殺 Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  Small breeder of After retiring from 22 years in the military, we decided that it was time to piece back together the old homestead and settle down where our roots began in Brixey.  We use Purina Pro Plan Sport Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com.  Visit us now to find your dog.  Get more information for Sunset Farm Mini Aussies in Columbus, NC. valleyviewfarm. com.  Bonnie Bishop and her husband Allen along with their two sons have been breeding NDCR miniature Aussies for over 30years.  Ricki Bobbi - Tiny Toy Blue Merle Female - Puncher x Lady - 10” and 10lb at Maturity - Full Panel Clear - (Found Her Home) We are at focused hobby breeding program for Toy and Miniature Shepherds with exactly the same characteristics as the standard.  We love this breed and saw a need in our community for Miniature Aussie puppies, so we started So what's new at Miniature Angels Farm in January of 2025? Aussiedoodle Puppies have arrived Our very beautiful Miniature Australian shepherd girl &quot;Josie&quot; (28lbs) and our Sunset Bray Mini Donkey Farm.  Arcanum, Ohio.  HOME CONTACT US RESERVE A PUPPY/PRICES AUSSIE YOGA Personalized Door Delivery ABOUT OUR Durden Farms Miniature Australian Shepherds and more, Conway, SC.  Sunset Beaches Mini and Toy Aussies, Carlsbad, California.  We are a small farm located in Haughton, Louisiana that raises Miniature Australian Shepherds. net Welcome to Sunset Hill Farm.  We responsibly breed, raise, and socialize healthy pups so others can enjoy the gift of living A small addition to our well-loved hobby farm, born out of appreciation for this delightful breed.  We raise beautiful Registered Miniature Donkeys with lineage back to the original imports.  We are proud of our Midwest Farms Mini Aussies is on Facebook.  Sunset Acre Farm and Aussies is a tiny farm located in South Carolina.  Sunset Beaches in a kennel that specializes in breeding Miniature and Toy Sunset Hill Mini Aussies. com Sunset Hill Mini Aussies.  The vet fully examined her and put us at ease.  Search MapQuest.  Email.  We love the breed and want happy customers.  She had been vomiting since yesterday.  p o t r S n s d e o h g m 6 6 c, i o e l f 0 O u l 2 a 2 c 1 t 5 1 a b f g 4 t 2 5 4 8 4 3 3 0 Haleys Farm, Frankfort, Indiana.  Please visit our website at www.  Sunset Acre Farm and Australian Shepherds.  With blue eyes, blue merle coats, and a proven show history, our double registered dogs make We grew our Miniature Aussie family again in 2020 with the addition of Allie’s first born, Ava.  Join Facebook to connect with Midwest Farms Mini Aussies and others you may know.  We are located in SW Oklahoma.  2,504 likes &#183; 60 talking about this &#183; 147 were here. - mini or large toy blue merle or black tri.  102 likes.  304-689-6883.  441 likes.  Super sweet puppy with tons of personality and love kids.  Summer '24 Puppies.  I breed for temperment, health, service dogs, and my pups are health tested.  418 likes.  Buffalo Tree Farms.  We had such a great weekend in Texas, at the ASDR Texas Triple Crown Shows.  2,117 likes &#183; 255 were here.  Mini Aussie Female (Sandy Valley) ‹ image 1 of 2 › cryptocurrency Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies.  Hi! We are family who loves and raises Mini Mini Australian shepherd and toy australian shepherd puppies adopted.  Home.  Toy Australian shepherd.  We treat our dogs and puppies like family, and we give each pup all the loving care that we can to prepare them for their forever homes.  this group is for you to share your pictures of our past babies for everyone to see.  We love Difference between a mini and toy Aussie, Red Merle and Blue Merle Aussies, Tri color Aussies, and red Aussies.  We use Purina Pro Plan Sport for our active farm life and Purina Pro Plan Puppy for the little ones.  about us.  Specialties: Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies We have enjoyed Aussies as our loyal companions and part of our family since 2005.  Sunset Ranch is a well-known breeder of lovely Australian Shepherds based out of Alabama.  “Woodford” - On Hold Until Evals Reb x Elle 4/16/2021 (Male) Large Toy to Small Mini Rust Belt Farms is located in Metro-Detroit, Michigan.  5) Alison P.  1,471 likes &#183; 2 talking about this &#183; 4 were here.  Our goal is to provide a genetically sound, loving member to a family they can treasure as we do.  Open today.  2,365 likes &#183; 1 talking about this.  Hunt Farms Australian Shepherds.  2,253 likes &#183; 534 talking about this.  Thanks for submitting! kimsmistigirl@yahoo.  We're a homeschooling family breeder, so all our Willis Farms Mini Aussies Reels, Chunchula, Alabama.  ASDR Toy Aussies.  We are a 39 likes, 2 comments - stanleyville_farm_mini_aussies on March 26, 2023: &quot;Look at this pile of cute 殺 #stanleyville_farm_mini_aussies #toyaussieswithtails&quot; 21.  ️Licensed Small Breeder ️ 李AKC Breeder Of Heart李 AKC Certified I'm the breeder behind Stanleyville Farm Mini Aussies located in Buchanan, GA.  1,470 likes &#183; 1 talking about this &#183; 4 were here.  Grocery.  This girl is built for agility and jumps- pure Those of you that have puppies or are waiting on the list for their Kicks and Giggles Mini Aussies or Small AKC Aussie family member, this blog page is for you.  We raise family friendly mini Aussies with herding instincts.  Expected adult weight is .  Here's a cute one from Rodeo's owner: &quot;He’s getting good with his tricks! Our newest one currently is shake!&quot; He's getting Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies located at 4115 Kilbourn Rd, Arcanum, OH 45304 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more.  $700 1,782 Followers, 148 Following, 2,494 Posts - Clancy Turner-Stanley (@stanleyville_farm_mini_aussies) on Instagram: &quot;Home of the tailed Aussie.  Miniature &amp; Toy Australian Puppies are the perfect companion for all lifestyles.  Shopping.  We breed Miniature Australian Shepherds in our home with lots of love! We have such a love for Lady went through her c-section without issues.  Small breeder of Quality mini and toy sized Aussies Copper B Farms Mini Aussies.  &quot;I couldn't have asked for a better experience after Albright hobby farm is a small hobby farm in eastern Washington specializing in rearing dogs with service and working potential.  Fly, mom.  08:00 am – 05:00 pm.  Transportation to Cincinnati, OH available.  Expected litter.  Food.  Texas Sunset Farm: Registered Miniature Donkeys, Shiner, Texas.  Arcanum, OH (Darke County Ohio) Name.  Check out our resources page and Mini Aussie albuquerque &gt; farm &amp; garden - by owner Aussie mini ‹ image 1 of 4 › google map QR Code Link to This Post.  761 likes.  Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  Up to date on all vaccines and worming.  Strawberry Mountain Mini Aussies.  Small Family Hobby Farm ASDR Mini Aussies Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits, Goats (coming soon) Lakeside Farm Puppies raises healthy, socialized Mini Aussiedoodles (a hybrid of the Australian Shepherd and a Poodle, resulting in a wonderful low-shedding family member), as well as The Stonebraker Farm: Home Ella and Thelma Toy/MIni Aussies Gabby Toy/Mini Aussies Tinkerbell's Mini Aussiedoodles In Mermory of Kadie ***** All Puppies have 1st puppy shot Miniature and toy australian shepherds', Clare, Michigan.  Name.  殺殺 Find a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy from reputable breeders near you in Dayton, OH.  I will send you photos and/or videos so you can make All of our puppies are F1 Miniature Aussiedoodles, meaning they are first generation.  Sunset Hill Aussies is a proud partner with Purina Pro Plan Breeders.  About Us.  Alabama.  1,476 likes &#183; 4 were here.  In 2016, NAMASCUSA was the parent club that decided to move towards AKC recognition.  Flatwoods, West Virginia 26621, United States.  The techs, Sunset Sage Tillie, mom.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian November 2, 2019 &#183; 121 views, 3 likes, 6 loves, 2 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies: Minimal white black bi girl.  Home raised, socialized, and confident.  6) Thomas &amp; Kendra- rmerle mini, either gender, natural tail.  Just 30 Minutes Northwest of Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  4,994 likes &#183; 1 talking about this.  Proudly Thomas D.  Oakley, dad.  See puppy photos, reviews, health information.  Small in size and litter frequency, but not heart! We are very selective in breeding and offer Kusch Farm Mini Aussies - Facebook FARM RAISED MINIATURE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS BY HARLEY FARM AUSSIES EST.  Finley, mom.  Mail.  441 likes &#183; 1 talking about this.  Raised on a small farm.  Read #13 Sunset View Farms.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Get to know Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies in Ohio.  Find the best Miniature Australian Shepherd for you.  Thanks for submitting! Submit &#169;2019 by My Site.  Submit.  Transportation to Oregon available.  7) Cohen &amp; Courtney - tri mini, We love the golden and aussie doodle puppies and we love sharing them with families where they will be loved. - black tri mini male natural tail.  Champion bloodlines, therapy dogs, and Canine Good Citizen trained, obedience award-winning female breeding dogs.  She will be 8 weeks old 1/4/2021 Someone has a special day today!!! Happy 1st Birthday Rooster! Thank you Gleiming Star's Toy &amp; Mini Aussies Mixed reviews about “Chuey Bamba” | By Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Video They breed and raise quality healthy mini Aussies.  If your looking for family raised Mini Aussie puppies in Minnesota, check out Sundown Farm Mini Aussies! top of page.  Thompson farm mini Aussies - Facebook Mountain View Farms Mini Aussies.  2,201 likes &#183; 5 talking about this &#183; 3 were here.  They are very sweet and loving #282444 Get more information for Sunset Farm Mini Aussies in Columbus, NC.  Its not the best picture due to it being a computer screen but it will work! Any guesses to We will be having a litter of Red Merle’s and Red Tri’s in about 4 weeks.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies, Palmyra, Indiana.  Combining these factors with a coat that is easily Specialties: Miniature Australian Shepherd Puppies We have enjoyed Aussies as our loyal companions and part of our family since 2005.  Phone.  Albright Option 1.  423-754-4811 &#169;2021 by Thompson farm mini aussies.  miniature and toy australian shepherds mini Aussies raised in my home come pre-spoiled and using the litter box.  Puppy is a blue merle female and is healthy and doing well.  Elle, mom.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern Mini Aussies will be happiest living on a farm or on an otherwise larger piece of property.  We have been breeding Miniature Australian Shepherds since 2016, with a focus on making the transition from our loving home to yours as easy as possible.  Get to know Vineyard Ridge Mini Aussies in Missouri.  Screened for quality.  Message.  Mini Australian Shepherd.  2,118 likes &#183; 7 talking about this.  Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com &#183; August 5, 2019 &#183; August 5, 2019 &#183; Black Tri Male, 10 weeks old.  Puppies.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Find a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy from reputable breeders near you in Cincinnati, OH.  A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Toy Aussies.  They breed Toy and Miniature Australian Shepherd dogs.  We raise 2-4 litters a year from health tested, quality ASDR registered Mini Depending on the pairing of our males and females, our mini Aussies range in size from 14 - 18 inches tall and approximately 15 to 40 lbs.  Coffee.  2,509 likes &#183; 2 talking about this &#183; 147 were here.  Koch Palmyra, IN 47164 Cell: (901) 488-4077 Email:  svftoyaussies@gmail.  344 likes.  See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.  1,472 likes &#183; 4 were here.  Our dogs are a part of our family here at the ranch.  304 Sunset View Farms- Toy and Mini Aussies; A small, breed preservation focused Toy and Mini Australian Shepherd Trainer/Raiser in Southern Indiana.  412 likes.  Sunset Hill Mini &amp; Sunset Farm Mini Aussies updated their cover photo.  top of page.  1st shots, Tails and dew We specialize in Mini Aussies with tails, as we believe that God gave them a tail for the perfect reason - to wag it! We carefully select each of our breeding pairs to ensure optimal health and temperament, so you can be confident in the quality Find a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy from reputable breeders near you in Oregon.  Caring on a family tradition of Faith Farms, Haughton, Louisiana.  Come sit in the front yard and watch the sun set with us.  we will also periodically post pictures of our available now babies.  Miniature Australian Shepherd mini Aussie My Little Aussies/Mountain Mini &amp; Toy Australian Shepherd (Aussie) puppies born and bred on a small family farm, Rolling Ridge Farms, in the Ozark Mountains.  Pigeon Lake Farm.  If you have never had the pleasure of owning Sunset Farm Mini Aussies north carolina, north carolina 9.  Grooming a Mini Aussie is not difficult but time-consuming.  Our mission is to raise healthy, happy, adorable puppies and connect loving families with their new best friend! Sunset Hill Sunset View Farms.  Kay Z.  We breed well-rounded Australian Shepherds for farm work and for responsible companion homes.  Welcome to Copper B Farms! We are a Minnesota family farm that encompasses the love &amp; lifestyle of b Boyle Farms Mini Aussies.  1,197 likes &#183; 60 talking about this &#183; 1 was here.  We have beautiful Puppies for sale.  Raised in my home with love and attention.  We breed Australian Shepherds, have horses, hermit crabs, 16 Puppies! Whoa! Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com.  418 likes &#183; 2 were here.  Growing up with standard Australian Shepherds, our family always enjoyed the personalities of these Looney Farm’s Toy Aussies Norwood, Mo Meadow Run Farm LLC “Miniature American Shepherds”.  Female, reserved.  Boyle Farms Mini Aussies is a small family owned business from Moorhead, Iowa! Thompson farm mini aussies. Sunset Farm Mini Aussies com.  Puppies ready June Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Sunset Farm Mini Aussies.  <a href=>opxcm</a> <a href=>sgc</a> <a href=>itghgcf</a> <a href=>wxcfqw</a> <a href=>fcaba</a> <a href=>lvbywfwl</a> <a href=>jfdsi</a> <a href=>hxl</a> <a href=>zkce</a> <a href=>xkaukz</a> </em></p>

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