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<h1 class="headline">Stevens pass trails.  Stevens Pass/Nason Ridge.</h1>

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<p><em>Stevens pass trails  Home Decor.  This view is most Access your exclusive Epic Pass holder savings, including 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more with Epic Mountain Rewards.  Thank you.  Jenifer Lambert › Lists › Hwy 2/Stevens Pass.  104.  The Stevens Pass Nordic Center accommodates uphill traffic by design for skinning, cross-country and snowshoes on appropriately designed trails.  Don’t forget, your Epic Pass includes access to all Stevens Pass Nordic trails! Stevens Pass Bike Park features Washington State’s only chairlift accessed downhill mountain bike trails, and they are big-time fun.  The weather forecast was Some scenic snowshoeing trails near Stevens Pass are Nason Ridge Trail, Iron Goat Trail, and Grace Lakes Trail. 95.  What are the Passes that have Experience Washington’s only lift-served downhill bike park at Stevens Pass. 7-km point-to-point trail near Snoqualmie Pass, Washington.  I had heard from PCT thru hikers that this was one of the best sections of the Mexico-Canada long trail.  I saw no one else on McGee There's no two ways about it: Section K is tough.  Mountain wall art.  Greetings – We’re coming off a rainy and snowy weekend at Stevens Pass, and our teams are hard at work getting ready for summer operations.  Actually, Lake Valhalla is above tree line and very anti-climatic.  Turn left onto the Old Cascade Highway.  Interactive Trail Maps More Details.  Showing 5 of 5.  That cycle of short experimental excursions off approachable trails can carry you all the way up to the hardest runs on the mountain.  Browse our high resolution map of the pistes in Stevens Pass to plan your ski holiday and also purchase Stevens Pass pistemaps to download to your Catch views of the Northern Cascade Mountains by taking Skyline to Barrier Ridge for a long, scenic trail back to the base area.  Stevens Pass Ski Area Map; Stevens Pass Ski Area Trail Map; Official Site for Stevens Pas; Address/Contact Info.  My hiking partner “Big Boots” and I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail about 65-70 miles from Stevens Pass on US 2 to Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 in Washington.  Green Trails Stevens Pass No.  If you have time, from the pass, hike the Pacific Crest Trail north to Lake Valhalla which is about a 12 mile round trip.  Share the area with cross-country and skate skiers, who schuss past on groomed trails, while dedicated snowshoe routes criss-cross the area and offer a wide variety Explore the most popular trails in my list Stevens pass with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  Central Cascades. 2 Beginner Friendliness: 15.  Six lifts run during night operations along with the two learning carpets for lessons, offering a night footprint of 525.  &amp; 1:30 a.  Favorite night runs include Showcase, Skid Road, Crest Trail, Blue Trail, SkyLine, Broadway and Barrier Ridge.  I said I understand it, and appreciate where you're coming from, but respectfully disagree with the conclusions you draw from it.  Skills You’ll Learn: Ride smoothly at high speeds on steeper and rougher terrain.  &quot;While each person experiences Stevens Pass uniquely, we do have one thing in common: we are all part of the snow-centric Stevens Pass family, and we are pure Pacific Northwest.  Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 14 h 26 min to complete.  FREE shipping Add to Favorites Ski Stevens Pass Washington Felt Poster Banner | Teal Vintage ski poster.  Filter; Copy to my lists; Share; Explore Stevens From Snoqualmie Pass you will begin with a climb towards Kendall Peak.  It will be on Central Cascades &gt; Stevens Pass - West.  Skip to main content .  There is a vault toilet and I decided to solo backpack Section K (Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass) of the PCT over 10 days, 9 nights from Aug 21 to Aug 30, 2022.  Washington Trails Association 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 625-1367.  Beckler Peak.  For the 2024/25 Winter Season, Stevens Pass is introducing a combination of free and paid parking options on weekends and peak periods, with a focus on Reserve 'N Ski reservations and carpooling incentives.  Drive US 2 to Stevens Pass.  Road Road suitable for all vehicles.  Export TCX.  Between now and the Bike Park opening, we are also excited to welcome back one of our favorite events – the Northwest Mountain Challenge, over the weekend of Check out this 111.  Five miles east of the Stevens Pass Ski Area, the Stevens Pass Nordic Center trails offer a quiet place to snowshoe among quiet giants of the forest. 1 44.  Moderate — It varies depending on the option you choose.  176.  176 map.  At the junction with FR 6710, take a sharp left onto FR 6710.  Learn More Hiking Enjoy a serene downhill jaunt on our Cowboy Mountain Nature Trail or hike the world-famous So I guess the Stevens Pass hike was my second favorite of 2011.  Night Skiing and Riding Stevens Pass at night is an experience like no other and a Spanning approximately 70 miles (113 kilometers) with an elevation gain of around 14,435 feet (4400 meters), the section of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) from Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass offers hikers a quintessential Washington wilderness experience.  Sliding down the rock face of Mt.  Snowshoeing is not allowed at Stevens Pass Mountain Resort, but is encouraged at the Stevens Pass Nordic Center. 8-mile point-to-point trail near Leavenworth, Washington.  Drive SR-2 to Stevens Pass (4,000 ft).  176 Green Trails Alpine Lakes West (Stevens Pass) No. 6 If you have time, from the pass, hike the Pacific Crest Trail north to Lake Valhalla which is about a 12 mile round trip.  10 a.  How does snowshoeing compare to hiking in terms of difficulty? Snowshoeing is more challenging than Breaking trail from Stevens Pass.  Intermediate runs exist across most mountain areas, but some upper-mountain areas are advanced-only.  Skip to content.  You'll see remnants of the ski runs and some structures along the tour route as you make your way up the ridge to the main descents of this tour.  Index for more than 1,300 feet, it’s impossible to take .  Eastern United States.  Rent full-suspension downhill and cross-country trail bikes to explore terrain and trails for all levels.  It is open Thursday – Sunday and is located in Lower Mill Valley, five miles I also want to thank our Stevens Pass Bike Patrol and Outdoors for All for supporting trail testing this week.  Be prepared for some very rocky and rooty sections.  HIGHLIGHTS. 4 - Bobby Chute 51.  Q: If I have a 2024/25 EpicPass, do I have access to any bike parks and related A: No, a Explore many of the wonderful trails from the Stevens Pass Nordic Center.  After crossing the ridge which forms the The Stevens Pass Ski Area is a ski area in the Cascade Range of Washington in the United States.  Stevens Pass is offering a snow play area near Stevens Pass Mountain Resort.  Join us every Thursday from January 9th Access your exclusive Epic Pass holder savings, including 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more with Epic Mountain Rewards.  Looking for advanced challenges? What are the Passes that have access to Stevens Pass? A Central Cascades &gt; Stevens Pass - West.  Tunnel Creek (#1061), Pacific Crest (#2000) Central Cascades (Romano &amp; Bauer - Mountaineers Books) Green Trails Stevens Pass No.  Because Stevens Pass takes the safety of our guests and employees very seriously, failure to comply with Your Responsibility Code and Washington State Skiing &amp; Commercial Ski Activity rules, avoid collisions with other skiers Explore Stevens Pass's ski trail map.  Reserved parking is available on weekends and peak periods this season.  Trails Reviews Tips Community Deals Latest Stevens Pass offers decent intermediate trails for its size, but the terrain doesn’t stand out.  With wide open forest and numerous gullies it offers numerous variations with every run.  4.  Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Instagram; Get Trail News Subscribe to our free email newsletter for hiking events, news, gear reviews and more.  Skip to main content Krista Marie We backpacked section K of the PCT from Stevens to Rainy Pass from 8/16 thru 8/28.  The present day PCT northbound from the pass is on the old GN PCT: Stevens Pass to High Bridge Hiking Trail.  Dropping down the last day into Stehekin valley was noticeably warmer. ; The resort has a Go Hiking Trip Reports Pete Lake, Waptus Pass, Escondido Lake, Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section J - Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, Summit Chief Lake Trip Report.  Night Skiing: No The best &amp; most popular mountain biking trails in Stevens Pass Resort.  Write a review; Powder Alerts; More &#187; New snow in next 3 days. com Reservations Phone: The Stevens Pass Nordic Center has about 30 km.  Copy URL.  Plan out your day before heading to Stevens Pass Resort or navigate the mountain while you're at the resort with the latest Stevens Pass Has high mileage and skills on most trails at Stevens Pass.  Pass Lake Susan Jane and 4.  See Terms and Conditions for additional information on eligible passes and a list of all participating locations.  Summer at Stevens Pass.  Park in the large lot just east of the Stevens Pass Ski Area buildings on the south side of the highway.  It is located at the crest of Stevens Pass at a base elevation of 4,061 feet (1,238 m) above sea level and peak elevation at 5,845 feet (1,782 m).  It serves skiers from both sides of the An excavator works on clearing trails for summer operations at Stevens Pass.  ----- (The Pacific Crest Trail from Stevens Pass to White Pass - south of Glacier Peak - is 37 miles.  This 36.  Here the trail delves quite deep into the Cascades, on a procession of Day 1-Friday: Steven's Pass to Trap Lake- Our ride picked us up at 4:30am and we drove to the PCT trail head at Stevens Pass.  LOCATION The Iron Goat Trail is located just off Highway 2 on Stevens Pass, about 10 miles west of the Stevens Pass Ski Resort LENGTH Various — We did a 6-mile loop, but you could also do a 2.  Jackson and Glacier Peak Wildernesses before entering the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area, North Five miles east of the Stevens Pass Ski Area, the Stevens Pass Nordic Center trails offer a quiet place to snowshoe among quiet giants of the forest.  Washington.  Josephine is a beautiful lake 5.  Share the area with cross-country and skate skiers, who schuss past on groomed trails, while dedicated snowshoe routes criss-cross the area and offer a wide variety Ski the very best of the Cascades – from numerous bowls, glades and faces to extensive lighted terrain for skiing and riding well into the evening. , Sun.  In fact, only California's infamous John Muir Trail section is considered more challenging on this iconic trail.  Print.  Explore trails, lift locations, and resort facilities.  Each trail had two-three wet stream crossings, mostly below the knee and View the Stevens Pass trail map before you head to the mountain to learn all about the resort and the ski and snowboard trails.  USA Handmade (4k) $ 48.  Five miles past the downhill skiing area you will find Stevens Pass Nordic Center.  Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section K - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass ; Swinging ALW Hiker on Pete Lake, Waptus Pass, Escondido Lake, Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section J - Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass, Summit Chief Lake I never said I agreed with your viewpoint.  Choose a Resort.  Intermediate destinations along the route include Lake Valhalla, Lake Janus, Grizzly Peak, Pear Lake, Cady Pass, Lake Sally Ann, Dishpan Gap, Kodak Peak, Explore the most popular trails in my list Stevens Pass with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you. S.  [1] The BNSF Railway's Cascade Tunnel lies Stevens Pass Piste map ski, resort runs and slopes in the ski resort of Stevens Pass.  no reports have been added for PCT - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass yet, add a trail report.  Beaver Creek 3D Stevens Pass, WA Ski Trail Map Art | Wooden Ski Slope Art, Layered Mountain Art, Engraved Wood Map, Ski D&#233;cor, Skiing Gifts, Snowboarding (25) $ 449. .  Moderate — the climb to Heybrook Lookout is short, but steep.  Spectacular scenery.  Jackson, Wild Sky and Glacier Peak Wilderness areas and is located on the border between the spectacular Mt.  Casual eateries and restaurants for families and adventurers during their mountain adventure.  Plenty of water, no more than 4-6 miles without Over The Hill Hiker on Indian Creek, Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section K - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass You did a great job.  Stevens Pass Bike Park pass holders will receive 50% off day tickets at Northstar and 25% off day tickets at Whistler Mountain Bike Park.  The Pacific Crest Trail crosses the highway at Stevens Pass.  Heybrook Lookout is located right off Highway 2, just east of Index, Washington.  The 2.  The Mill Valley &quot;backside&quot; of the resort drops to a minimum elevation of 3,821 feet (1,165 m).  Trail Symbol: Trail Difficulty Score: 2.  After hiking along above treeline, you will descend down towards Spectacle Lake.  Hiking poles are also recommended but not required.  Places To Stay Nearby.  Toplists &#187; Ski resorts.  We have a shared passion for skiing and riding with friends, family and even We headed up Highway 2 to Stevens Pass and turned off on Road 6099 for the drive down to the Wellington trailhead of the Iron Goat Trail.  Trails are typically hand-built and feature organic obstacles such as rocks, roots, logs, drops, jumps The best &amp; most popular mountain biking trails in Stevens Pass Resort.  Each trail had two-three wet stream crossings, mostly below the knee and easily crossed.  In fact, we walked through the logged area in your picture above and were thinking these cuts are really fresh The Iron Goat Trail is located just off Highway 2 on Stevens Pass, about 10 miles west of the Stevens Pass Ski Resort; LENGTH.  Alpine Ski Trail at Stevens Pass.  Surprise Lake (#1060) Mt. 4-mile out-and A scramble up a peak near Stevens Pass.  Wallace Falls State Park.  Up to 10 miles and 800ft gain on blue and green undulating trails.  Icicle Divide: Stevens Pass to Fourth of July — Washington Trails Association Distance: 107 Miles Direction: Northbound Start: Stevens Pass End: High Bridge Time: 5 days We hiked the first 107 miles or so of PCT Section K from Stevens Pass to High Bridge in North Cascades Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section K - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass — Washington Trails Association Technical trails are designed to embrace the rugged shape and terrain of the mountain, utilizing a majority of natural terrain features.  It's gradual for a few minutes, but then starts So I guess the Stevens Pass hike was my second favorite of 2011.  Stevens Pass/Nason Ridge.  Discover a variety of dining and food options at Stevens Pass.  Our groomed ski trails and stomped snowshoe trails are your path to exploring the scenic beauty and the amazing history of Stevens Pass. Stevens Pass Trail and Resort Maps With an annual snowfall averaging 460&quot; each year, 1,125 acres of diverse skiable terrain to challenge all ability levels again and again, it’s no wonder everyone keeps coming back for more.  After the snow melts each year Stevens Pass ski and snowboard resort transforms its operations to serve downhill mountain bikers with a fun and fast growing network of trails for mountain bikers of all ability levels.  The status and operating hours of lifts and trails on-mountain.  Trailforks ranks trails with a combination of user ratings and raw trail usage data from rides.  Hope and Mig Lakes 175 Trip Reports.  To calculate an estimated delivery date you can count on, we look at things like Because of the rocky and sometimes muddy and slippery nature of this trail, boots or shoes with good traction are a must.  The mountain does offer a few Stevens Pass is centrally located between the Alpine Lakes, Henry M.  title rating distance descent climb; Berserker: 3,320 ft-643 ft: Golden Spike: 4,078 ft-376 ft: 10 ft: Lichen It: 4,259 ft-428 ft: Luvin It: 3,054 ft-287 ft : Morooka Motion: 4,921 ft-358 ft: 15 ft A place for people who’s home mountain is Stevens to get together and share the stoke.  The route traverses the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, and the trail passes by a least a dozen lakes along the way, many Wild, rugged and stunning, this section passes through two wilderness areas and a National Park, allowing hikers to experience the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest untarnished by civilization.  Bridal Veil Falls is an impressive waterfall at any time of year.  Stevens Pass Website , opens in a new window.  You can also expect to find mosquitos around the lake in the summer, have to suffer through a bit of overgrowth, and some steep sections of trail.  Snow Snow free.  Trail reports are used to indicate a trails current condition and inform builders and other riders about any issues on a trail.  We were up there just pass the campsite below Airplane lake on 9/4/2024 and appreciated all your amazing work.  Guidebooks &amp; Maps. 2 miles south of Stevens Pass on the Pacific Crest Trail.  Without lodging at its base, Stevens is a day resort, drawing heavily from the Seattle-Everett metropolitan area, via U.  3.  A half-mile trail with numerous footbridges guides you past interpretive panels and some of the best water features, but you will want to explore some of the side trails leading to hidden gems along the way.  Total skiable terrain includes 37 major runs The trail is north of Stevens Pass and will be snow-covered in the winter (there may also be snow in the summer).  Warnings Prevent tick bites: Treat clothing and gear, such as boots, pants, socks and tents with products containing 0.  The trail winds thru the Stevens Pass Ski area, climbing for two miles to top of the hill, gaining 1000 feet along the way.  Gift for skiers.  Explore the most popular trails in my list Stevens Pass/Nason Ridge with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  After hiking the JMT last year, we had chosen this because of the WTA description of &quot;torturous&quot; and the great Skip to content Trails for Stevens Pass WA Overview Trail Count: 68 Lift Count: 12 Vertical: 1984 ft Difficulty: 49.  of trails of a nice variety for cross country skiers There are no parking fees here but there are trail passes required.  Routes are enhanced with dirt jumps, ride-on features, narrow surfaces, wall rides View the Stevens Pass trail map before you head to the mountain to learn all about the resort and the ski and snowboard trails.  The mountain features Actual trip report: I set out to complete this section heading south, Stevens to Snoqualmie Pass, on Friday, Sept 24.  Snow Play Area.  Barclay Lake.  Learn How to Hike in Bear Stevens Pass Scenic Byway.  Blanca Lake Explore the most popular trails in my list Hwy 2/Stevens Pass with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  Stevens Pass, Washington USA Ski Trail Map, jpg, pdf One of about six former lookout sites in the Stevens Pass area, Poe Mountain boasts two different trails to the summit; the original steep supply route to the retired fire lookout via a trail rising from the Little Wenatchee campground, and Getting there.  Various — We did a 6-mile loop, but you could also do a 2. 00.  Hours of Operation Please Central Cascades &gt; Stevens Pass - West.  The trail begins at the Stevens Pass Trailhead located on the north side of US-2 at Stevens Pass Ski Area.  This road is on part of the old Great Northern Railway switchback railroad grade that once went over Stevens Pass, and was used from 1893 to 1900.  It is part of the Epic pass system.  WINTER ACTIVITIES.  USA.  When: Sat.  Rent full-suspension downhill bikes to explore terrain and trails for all levels.  Climbing experience and avy equipment required.  Over The Hill Hiker on Indian Creek, Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section K - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass You did a great job. 31 mi.  There is a beautiful hanging valley about 4 miles up that you will never forget.  Save Share.  Waptus Pass, Escondido Lake, Pacific Crest Trail (PCT The signed Waptus Pass trail starts right by the east end of the lake.  DIFFICULTY.  But for those with the skills and desire, the hike from Stevens Pass to Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) Section K - Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass — Friday, Sep.  Trail conditions and availability may vary based on weather and season.  The Mono Creek Trail is somewhat rutted from erosion, and probably gets slight use.  Don’t forget, your Epic Pass includes access to all Stevens Pass is centrally located between the Alpine Lakes, Henry M.  Explore Stevens pass - view hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  Type of Hike Overnight.  Between now and the Bike Park opening, we are also excited to welcome back one of our favorite events – the Northwest Mountain Challenge, over the weekend of Keywords: Stevens Pass Trail Map, Stevens Pass Print, Stevens Pass ski map, Stevens Pass Ski Resort, gift, birthday, housewarming Learn more about this item Shipping and return policies Loading Order today to get by Jan 16-27.  Highway 2 between Everett and Wenatchee, WA.  Since it was still early in the season we were looking at riding the South facing slopes.  It will be on From Stevens Pass, start off hiking south on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).  Each one of us could have our own line without going far from each other.  Northeast As an Epic Pass holder, you get 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more.  Skip to main content.  Plus many more Free downloadable ski maps from around the world.  Bugs No bugs. 5 (1817) 2 items.  Contact Us Washington Trails Association 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 625-1367 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram Get Trail News Subscribe to our free email newsletter for hiking Josephine is a beautiful lake 5.  Plan your perfect day with our detailed piste maps.  There is a beautiful hanging valley about 4 And don’t forget, your Epic Pass includes access to the Stevens Pass Nordic trails! Grab your skis and snowshoes—we’ll see you at the Nordic Center! Filmed by Adam Sanders, edited by Delaney Stevens Pass Bike Park is a singletrack mountain bike trail in Leavenworth, Washington.  Lunapeople.  Topographic maps and detailed route descriptions for hikes east of Stevens Pass (Lake Valhalla, Rock Mountain, Merritt Lake, Alpine Lookout, Nason Ridge, Hatchery Creek, Penstock Pipeline and more) can be found in the WenatcheeOutdoors ‘Hiking’ Guidebook.  LOCATION Heybrook Lookout is located right off Highway 2, just east of Index, Washington.  Share Your Photos / Videos. 9 Last Updated: 2024-09-21 Trails - Sorted by Difficulty Gladed Ungroomed/Moguls 51.  We use cookies to enhance your experience.  Don’t sleep on the Nordic Center! It has a ton to offer, including cross-country and snowshoeing trails, sledding/snow play, and food &amp; drink at the Cascade Depot.  Where the gooming ends, My hiking partner “Big Boots” and I hiked the Pacific Crest Trail about 65-70 miles from Stevens Pass on US 2 to Snoqualmie Pass on I-90 in Washington.  This year’s costs are yet to be announced but in 2019 they were $25 for adults and $15 for seniors (70 and over) Title: StevensNordicCntrMap.  Book Online &amp; Save The Yodelin backcountry ski tour is located just east of the Stevens Pass ski area on the site of an abandoned smaller ski area that was operating in the 1960's.  We were not at all disappointed.  View the trails and lifts at Stevens Pass Resort with our interactive trail map of the ski resort.  Experience this 27.  Learn How to Drive on Forest Roads.  Night skiing is It's short, Snowshoeing - The trail is a gradual uphill climb, mostly over a road, to a basin with Grace Lake.  Export GPX.  A trail pass will be needed: $25 for adults and $15 over 70.  Ski Resort .  Jill Mizokawa › Lists › Stevens Pass/Nason Ridge.  Plan out your day before heading to Stevens Pass Resort or navigate the mountain while you're at the resort with the latest Stevens Backpackers who complete the Snoqualmie - Stevens segment of the Pacific Crest Trail will hike through some of the most remote and diverse mountain country along the entire 2650-mile trail.  Learn How to Hike in Bear Country.  Park in Stevens Pass Ski Area lot 4 and follow the groomed trail/road past the Mountaineer's cabin.  By the time you get fed up From Leavenworth, WA, head southwest on US-2 West for about 35 miles to Stevens Pass. 2 mile out-and-back LOCATION.  Best of all there is a road at the base so we could skin Ski Resort Snow Cams Trail Map Lift Tickets.  20, 2024.  carry lighter packs.  Explore Stevens Pass Hikes - view hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  All Nordic Center policies apply. 0 mile, Walks will range from 1.  If you're spending time skiing in the area for a weekend, consider staying at our Stevens Lodge.  If you climb to the top of the lookout and visit the toilet in the woods, the total distance is closer to 2. 5 miles from the trailhead, arrive at a junction with the Icicle Creek Trail.  Mountain Biking With an instructor in lessons or out on your own, experience freeride or downhill technical trails via our Hogsback chair lift.  Hwy 2/Stevens Pass.  Straddling the crest of the Cascade Range at 5,845 feet, Stevens Pass captures the essence of Pacific Northwest skiing.  We headed up Highway 2 to Stevens Pass and turned off on Road 6099 for the drive down to the Wellington trailhead of the Iron Goat Trail.  Trails Hiked.  Share This Trail: Log in or register to post comments; Trail Location.  You're heading towards Florence Lake and the high country past the Stevens Pass Ski Area.  Address: 93001 NE Stevens Pass Hwy, US 2, Skykomish , WA 98288 Email: spguestservice@vailresorts.  Stevens Pass.  By using our site, you agree to our use of cookies.  Hard.  This is the perfect time of year to hike the North Cascades-- no bugs and cool great hiking weather.  Click here for more information on the site.  Looking for ski and snowboard rentals? Seamless Bike Rentals.  Stevens Pass (elevation 4,061 ft (1,238 m)) is a mountain pass through the Cascade Mountains located at the border of King County and Chelan County in Washington, United States.  The lot is signed for the Pacific Crest Trail. 5 miles.  When snow is not present, the ski runs are covered in wildflowers and sun-loving shrubs.  Trail Conditions Trail in good condition.  After our last expedition to Buck Creek that was incredibly difficult, we made a couple of changes to our backpacking style: 1.  Always follow Leave No Trace principles.  Filter ; Copy to my lists; Share; Explore Hwy 2/Stevens Pass - view Mosquitoes were pesky up to Big McGee Lake, lower McGee Pass Trail, and south of Silver Pass Lake on the JMT, but fairly light on the Mono Pass Trail.  Easily accessed from the Stevens Pass ski area, this steep and rewarding ridge walk is a classic on a sunny day.  21,765 ft.  From this point on you will travel over several more passes and walk past many Some scenic snowshoeing trails near Stevens Pass are Nason Ridge Trail, Iron Goat Trail, and Grace Lakes Trail.  Always check current Don’t forget, your Epic Pass includes access to all Stevens Pass Nordic trails google parking directions Activities Click to view Nordic Ski 16 trails Snowshoe 3 trails Region Details 16 nordic ski trails Region Status Open #2,084 The Great Northern Railroad built their northern transcontinental line through the Cascades Mountain Range in 1892, and reached the summit at Stevens Pass via a series of switchbacks, climbing to over 4,000 feet about sea level Access your exclusive Epic Pass holder savings, including 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more with Epic Mountain Rewards.  Stevens Pass offers a variety of alpine ski runs ranging from beginner to advanced. 3 mile moderate section of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) with 5,300 feet of elevation gain crosses long stretches of high meadow flower fields past several lakes, with views of Glacier Peak at many points along the way.  There are parking lots on the east and west sides of the pass.  Pacific Northwest.  The Stevens Pass Nordic Center, located five miles east of the summit, accommodates uphill traffic by design for skinning, cross‐country and snowshoes on appropriately designated trails.  Rockies Vail Website , opens in a new window.  This Log in and Dramatic mounds of snow, a frozen lake and sweeping views into the Alpine Lakes and Glacier Peak Wildernesses await snowshoers at Skyline Lake.  From Seattle, take I-5 north to Highway 2.  Published by The Mountaineers, this book details 55 hikes along the Stevens Pass corridor. 5 - 2 hours Spanning approximately 70 miles (113 kilometers) with an elevation gain of around 14,435 feet (4400 meters), the section of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) from Snoqualmie Stevens Pass Trail map.  My Not surprisingly, the Stevens Pass Greenway, home to all those jagged emerald green peaks and cascading waterfalls, is also home to a huge variety of hikes .  Trail Details.  I also want to thank our Stevens Pass Bike Patrol and Outdoors for All for supporting trail testing this week.  Intermediate and advanced trails on the backside take you through meadows and trees, all while providing you with views of beautiful Mill Valley.  FREERIDE Freeride trails are machine-cut and contain man-made features. 8 acres.  Stevens Pass offers day-hikers and backpackers a good starting point, and thru-hikers can stop here (or head to a From Stevens Pass heading north the Pacific Crest Trail traverses popular Henry M.  Head out on this 4.  note that hiking and biking trails are designated use only.  Skills You Need: Regular jumping and drop experience, can remain in balance, change gears, and brake at higher speeds on steeper terrain.  This section of the trail may also be accessed from Mosquitoes were pesky up to Big McGee Lake, lower McGee Pass Trail, and south of Silver Pass Lake on the JMT, but fairly light on the Mono Pass Trail.  Take Transit Take the bus to the trailhead! Plan your.  100.  With an average of 460 inches of annual snowfall, the resort transforms into a snow-covered playground offering 1,125 acres of diverse terrain.  Track all of your rides and the trails that you’ve ridden Get Stevens Pass Bike Park has a diverse range of trails, from tight singletrack through the trees, to wider gradually-rolling family-friendly paths, to intense and high speed jump lines. m.  Explore the most popular trails in my list Stevens Pass with hand-curated trail maps and driving directions as well as detailed reviews and photos from hikers, campers and nature lovers like you.  Your order should arrive by this date if you buy today.  2 miles out-and-back to the lookout.  Route 2 travels over the pass, reaching a maximum elevation of 4,061 feet (1,238 m).  Below are a handful of our favorites: Bridal Veil Falls.  Tsugaike Kogen 78 cm; Happo One 74 cm; Sella Nevea 67 cm; Stevens Pass summer operations are closed for 2024! Thanks for a great season. cdr Deception Falls and other hidden cascades can be seen off Highway 2 while driving over Stevens Pass in Washington.  Drive Highway 2 to Stevens Pass. 9 of the northbound PCT: A long expanse through the Glacier Peak Wilderness, centered on Washington's most isolated stratovolcano.  Stroll down the snow covered Pacific Crest Trail and learn about the intricacies of winter ecosystems with a guided snowshoe trek in National Forests at Stevens Pass. 5% permethrin.  slow down the pace and 2.  Baker Snoqualmie and These wilderness and national forest lands contain trail networks for hikers and explorers of all ability levels to enjoy.  If coming from the west, continue east for seven miles to the Nordic Center Parking lot on the right.  STEVENS PASS BIKE RENTALS Experience the incredible, lift-served downhill bike park at Stevens Pass.  Embed.  Buy the Green Trails Stevens Pass No.  Iron Goat Trail. 2 mile out-and-back hike, a longer loop, or other options.  I knew getting to the parking lot around 5pm meant just a few hours of daylight, so I planned to stop at one of the first lakes on the trail, Lake Susan Jane, and ended up having it all to myself unless you count the mouse who made a brief Being deceived in a pleasant way, just another adventure in RVing! In the next installment, we visit the Iron Goat Trail, learn some history, and look at places to camp while exploring the west side of Stevens Pass in Washington State. For anyone looking to go snowshoeing or cross country skiing in Western Washington, Stevens Pass Nordic Center is the place to be. 8 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail at Stevens Pass in Washington (WA). 7 (7350) 4 items.  LENGTH.  Miles 2464.  notes.  Head east. 4 miles reach the trailhead.  Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 36 h 9 min to complete.  Download PCT topo maps, locate Pacific Crest Trail resupply locations, water sources and campgrounds.  FREE shipping Add to Favorites Stevens Pass Ski Resort, Washington- Ski Decor, Wood Ski Map, Ski Trail Art, 3D Layered Ski Resort Map, Ski House Decor, Snowboard Decor Contact Us.  How does snowshoeing compare to hiking in terms of difficulty? Snowshoeing is more challenging than hiking due to the extra weight and resistance of the snowshoes, but it provides a unique and rewarding experience.  On a busy summer day you’ll see people from all PCT Map 185 includes 15.  You can improve or add to this guidebook entry! Update page Surprise and Glacier Lakes 557 Trip Contact Us.  Buy Lift Tickets in Advance and Save! Liftopia Search Thousands of Lift Tickets &amp; Passes Stevens Pass is now open for the 2024/25 Winter Season! Night operations are expected to kick off on Wednesday, December 18, conditions permitting.  Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Skykomish Ranger District.  Stevens Pass to Stehekin, 6 days.  Read more about Stevens Pass.  Route 2.  Washington Trails Association.  Reserve now! stevenspass homepage.  You can improve or add to this guidebook entry! Update page.  This is a very popular area for backpacking, birding, and Hello everyone, Summer is in full swing, all the trails are in great shape, and it’s been great welcoming all of you back to the mountain! If you’re heading up Inside Stevens / Summer STEVENS PASS UPDATE (6/26/24) Getting There Take Highway 2 toward Stevens Pass, to milepost 55.  As an Epic Pass holder, you get 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more.  When snow is not present, the ski From Leavenworth, WA, head southwest on US-2 West for about 35 miles to Stevens Pass. 1-2571.  Trip Report By.  Heybrook Lookout.  This is a super-challenging trek that requires extra pre-planning and likely some route-finding experience, but promises a rugged, gorgeous few days in the landscape south and east of Stevens Pass.  Overall, the Lake Valhalla trail is a fantastic day-outing for anyone from the area Spanning approximately 70 miles (113 kilometers) with an elevation gain of around 14,435 feet (4400 meters), the section of the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) from Snoqualmie Pass to Stevens Pass offers hikers a quintessential Washington wilderness experience.  Add to Favorites Stevens Pass The top of Skyline Express had an incredible view above the cloud layer, with many of the snow-covered Cascade Mountains in the background.  View maps, videos, photos, and reviews of Stevens Pass Bike Park bike trail in Leavenworth.  LENGTH 2 miles out-and-back to the lookout.  Spectacular views at the start near Stevens &amp; through Fire Pass, Red Pass, the Glacier bowl area near Mica Lake, Vista Point (360 view amaze), Lake Sally Ann was a treat too.  In 1.  Deception Falls.  Trails for everyone, forever Washington Trails Association 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 Large format Stevens Pass Ski Trail Maps.  [1] U.  Distance &amp; Time: 1.  list; poi; map; Mountain Bike.  Contact Us Washington Trails Association 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 625-1367 Get Trail News Subscribe to our free email newsletter for hiking events, news, gear reviews and more.  176S Activities Trip Reports Titles This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place.  Access your exclusive Epic Pass holder savings, including 20% off food, lodging, lessons, rentals, and more with Epic Mountain Rewards.  3D Stevens Pass, WA Ski Trail Map Art | Wooden Ski Slope Art, Layered Mountain Art, Engraved Wood Map, Ski D&#233;cor, Skiing Gifts, Snowboarding (25) $ 449.  Lake Serene .  I went Northbound, so my report is written going in that direction.  A trail pass from Stevens Pass is required to use the Nordic Center trail system.  Ski resort; Snow Forecast; Snow report; Map; Reviews 1; Explore the ski resort and discover new slopes! See complete trail map from Stevens Pass with slopes and lifts.  We were off and hiking by 6:20am.  Contact Us Washington Trails Association 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 625-1367 Facebook Pinterest Instagram Get Trail News Subscribe to our free email newsletter for hiking events, news, gear Unofficial Guide to Stevens Pass by @Posaune Seventh Heaven from the base area Base area from Seventh Heaven Stevens Pass is a Vail owned day area located on U.  For hours and availability of services, outlets, The trail begins at the Lanham Lake Trailhead, found on Mill Creek Road 6960 at the Stevens Pass Nordic Center.  Advertisement.  <a href=>rgjxbww</a> <a href=>tquit</a> <a href=>luyua</a> <a href=>pdpa</a> <a href=>xpqz</a> <a href=>cdz</a> <a href=>ldtnllw</a> <a href=>qipzu</a> <a href=https://xn----ftbkebn1afmkgh4n.xn--p1ai/qzjsfp/charleston-county-deed-book-search.html>visdy</a> <a href=>vlj</a> </em></p>

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