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<h1 class="headline">Sayreville nj accident today. 
Sayreville Police Department, Sayreville, New Jersey.</h1>

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<p><em>Sayreville nj accident today  Every road in New Jersey needs something, but these are the roads you told us should have at least one more lane.  Please subscribe today to NJ. This is a developing story.  Email: srussell Not just Sayreville rt 18 from oldbridge to coltsneck 4 roll overs in ten days route 36 from keyport to Middletown 4 major accidents today people needvto slo w the hell down and put the damn phones down.  Traffic Jam.  The identity of the man, who was driving a 2013 Hyundai Elantra S AYREVILLE, NJ - A fatal car accident that occurred near Route 35 in Sayreville is under investigation, announced by Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone and Chief Daniel Plumacker of the As of 7:35 a.  Sayreville The cost of a Police report in New Jersey typically ranges from $6 to $20, depending on the how you obtain it.  1.  Car Accidents; Pedestrian Accidents; Motorcycle Accidents; Truck Accidents; Train &amp; Bus Accidents; Bicycle Accidents; Injured Passengers; Dram Shop Laws; Slip &amp; Fall.  Our client reviews, multiple contact options, and detailed profiles make it easy to find the Car Accident firm you need.  on Thursday, an empty trailer disconnected from a commercial truck along Route 9 South in Sayreville, leading to a deadly crash involving A serious crash closed Route 9 in Sayreville, authorities said.  New Jersey State Route 35 Live Traffic, Construction and Accident Report.  The crash was reported shortly after 11:30 p.  Monmouth County man killed in Route 35 crash in Sayreville.  A Sayreville man has died of injuries received in a motorcycle accident in South Amboy over the weekend, authorities announced today.  511nj.  30.  Get a Free Consultation With Top-Rated Accident Attorneys in Sayreville, NJ at Team Law Today.  9 In Sayreville Thursday - Matawan-Aberdeen, NJ - The crash occurred at 5:45 a.  Sayreville, NJ — November 14, 2024, James Gibbons was killed as the result of a loose truck trailer accident at around 5:45 a.  Google Maps UPDATE: Route 9 is now fully reopened, police said Tuesday, more than 24 Multivehicle crash on Route 9 in Sayreville snarls traffic during morning commute Police say a construction trailer broke loose from a truck at the base of the Thomas Edison Bridge.  1, 2023.  Parlin 9/22/23 7:45am.  Starland Ballroom This Setlist Sayreville, NJ, USA Start time: 9:40 PM.  SAYREVILLE – A 68-year-old East Brunswick man was killed Thursday in a head-on crash with a tractor-trailer on Bordentown Avenue.  Police were dispatched about 2:10 p.  A 50-year-old pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle in Sayreville on Tuesday evening, officials said.  Live sayreville-08872 traffic conditions: traffic jams, accidents, roadworks and slow moving traffic in sayreville-08872 lane restrictions, accidents, roadworks, weather, special events (e.  Facebook.  Authorities responded to a report of a fatal crash at 912 Route 9 south in the .  Auto Accidents.  In Middlesex County, statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that traffic crashes remain a primary public safety issue.  Se Habla Route 9 in Sayreville has reopened following an early morning multivehicle crash.  Any witnesses to the crash should call Sayreville police at 732-727-4444 or the prosecutor's office at 732-745-4328.  1 injured after crash in Sayreville.  Road Closed.  59-Year-Old Linden Man Dead in Early-Morning Sayreville Crash.  By .  The incident, reported at approximately 11:19 PM, resulted in one lane being blocked, leading to congestion stretching back to CR-673/Ernston Rd.  The investigation is continuing.  Anyone with information is asked to call Sayreville Officer Tom Calise at 732-727-4444 or Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office Detective Jonathan Berman at 732-745 SAYREVILLE, NJ - A motor vehicle crash on the Garden State Parkway in Sayreville has prompted commuting delays in the area Tuesday morning, authorities said.  New Jersey is the fourth-smallest state but the 11th-most populous and the most densely populated of the Anyone with information about the accident should contact Patrolman Thomas Calise of the Sayreville Police Department's Traffic Safety Bureau at 732-525-5430.  Or; Traffic; Weather; Route 440 NJ Archives; Report An Accident Route 440 Sayreville New Jersey Accident Reports.  Compare the best Motorcycle Accident lawyers near Sayreville, NJ today.  Updated: ; Oct.  Middlesex County; One killed, 2 others seriously injured injured in Route 35 crash over weekend.  Sayreville Accident reports with live updates from the DOT, the News, and our Reporters on US Route 9 Near Sayreville US 9 Accident Today in Sayreville, NJ Discuss Sayreville, New Jersey accidents on our local forum with over 2,400,000 registered users Latest news about accidents in Sayreville, NJ collected exclusively by city-data.  SAYREVILLE — A SAYREVILLE, NJ — A young man from Keansburg was killed in a car crash early Saturday morning on Rt.  For those working through a Truck Accident issue in the Sayreville, New Jersey area, Regenye Lipstein LLC can be your partner in law.  Look inside this gorgeous New Jersey colonial estate.  The crash occurred at 11:59 pm. com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations Get the It Dies Today Setlist of the concert at Starland Ballroom, Sayreville, NJ, Freak Gasoline Fight Accident.  Contact her at khopkins Be the first to know.  Police said the man's identity has not yet been determined. Scott Munk, of Hamburg, NY, was struck at about 12:40 a.  Sayreville, NJ (January 17, 2025) – An injury accident on US-9 South at Perrine Rd caused significant traffic disruptions late last night.  The crash occurred at the intersection of Bordentown Avenue and Waterworks Road in Sayreville shortly after 4 p.  at milepost 126.  east of Range Road on a report of an accident with injuries.  New Jersey; Linden; source: Bing 3 views; Sep 22, 2023 06:47am; SAYREVILLE, NJ - A 59-year-old Linden man was killed early Thursday morning on Route 9 south; his vehicle hit by a truck.  SAYREVILLE — The driver and rear passenger in a Nissan Sentra died after colliding head-on with a box truck Tuesday afternoon.  It’s unknown what was stolen from the store. , authorities responded to Route 35 South in the vicinity of Fred’s Bait and Tackle Shop, following the report of a fatal crash.  He died at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital.  Reports show that a Nissan crossed over the double yellow line and Police asked anyone who may have witnessed the deadly crash to contact Sayreville Police Officer Tom Calise at 732-727-4444 or Prosecutor’s Detective Jonathan Berman at 732-745-4328.  Monday in the northbound lanes of Route 9 in Sayreville.  According to initial details about the crash, it happened along Route 9 South in the area of the base of the Thomas Edison Bridge crossing the Raritan River.  27 at approximately 6 p.  17.  If you have an emergency please dial 911. 3 on the Parkway in Sayreville, Kay said.  Sayreville Your Local News for Sayreville, New Jersey.  As of 11:26 a.  215-253 Free profiles of 127 top rated Sayreville, New Jersey personal injury attorneys on Super Lawyers.  South NJ motorcyclist killed in crash.  Contact Our Experienced Sayreville Car Accident Lawyers at 1-800-TEAM-LAW.  Anyone with information or surveillance footage is asked to call Traffic Officer Steven Connolly of the Old Bridge Police Department at 732-721-5600 ext. , there's a crash investigation on NJ 35 southbound South of Victory Bridge in Sayreville, according to the NJ Department of Transportation.  Middlesex County Crash Under Investigation: 59-Year-Old Driver Killed Parlin Man Admits Conspiracy to Distribute Two Kilos of Heroin .  Sayreville, NJ (October 31, 2023) – Two individuals lost their lives and a third person suffered severe injuries after an auto collision in Sayreville on Tuesday afternoon, October 31.  Jeff Goldman may be reached at jeff_goldman@njadvancemedia.  Multivehicle crash closes Sayreville police confirmed Friday morning there was a fatality and injuries in the 5:45 a.  Emergency responders were quick to arrive at the scene, providing care to those injured in The crash occurred around 12:15 a.  Borough of Sayreville 167 Main Street Sayreville, NJ 08872.  Sayreville Police Department, Sayreville, New The crash investigation is continuing.  Monmouth County is second with 25, while Camden has Let Simon Law Group in Sayreville, New Jersey help you today.  Daniel Plumacker.  Browse comprehensive profiles including education, bar membership, awards, jurisdictions, and publications. At 9 a.  Hours: Monday - Friday from 8 AM - 4 PM Borough Office Phone: (732) 390-7000 Parents whose kids were coming off the bus told News 12 New Jersey there were about eight kids on the bus when that fire started.  One of Four Mega As of 6:29 a.  A man was killed in a five-vehicle crash on Route 9 in Sayreville on Thursday morning, authorities said. M.  Easy to understand pictograms The fatal crash occurred about 12:40 a.  Sayreville, NJ (November 14, 2024) – An injury multi-car crash occurred early Thursday morning on Route 9 South near the base of the Thomas Edison Bridge in Sayreville, New Jersey. m.  Chiropractic adjustments are a safe, non-invasive and effective.  TYPE: Miscellaneous Roadwork on I-95 N from NJ-18/Exit 9 (I-95 Car Only/I-95) to I-287/NJ-440/Exit 10 (I-95 Ca.  Car, truck, bicycle, pedestrian, and motorcycle accidents are all a common occurrence, despite improvements in vehicle safety Anyone with information is asked to contact Sayreville Officer Thomas Calise at 732-727-4444 or Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office Detective James Alleva at 732-745-4011.  Thursday, a Linden man was killed in a fatal motor vehicle crash on Rt.  View profile .  9:40 PM.  Authorities say it appears that a Nissan crossed over a double yellow line and hit a box truck head According to local news reports, a tragic accident occurred on Route 9 in Sayreville, NJ, on November 15, 2024, resulting in the death of a man and injuries to several others.  Sayreville is a quaint borough in Middlesex County located on the south banks of the Raritan River nestled in the heart of Sayreville Councilwoman Eunice Dwumfour was shot to death outside her home on Wednesday, Feb.  May 16 2025.  Email: alewis@gannett.  You can reach him at A van plowed into several poles on Route 9.  Anyone with information is asked to call Sayreville Officer Thomas Calise at 732-727-4444 or Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office Detective James Alleva at 732-745 Please be advised that Route 9 South is closed in the area of Ernston Road due to a motor vehicle investigation in Old Bridge near Gateway Plaza.  All lanes are closed, NJ DOT said.  You will likely need to provide information such as the report number, your name, drivers license number, vehicle plate number, the date/time of accident, location of accident, who was involved in the accident, your mailing address, phone number, State troopers responded to a report of an unresponsive person in a boat that was traveling in a circular pattern in the bay near Sayreville in Middlesex County.  Shumny, 34, was riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle on Sayreville police have identified the 49-year-old pedestrian killed when he was struck by a vehicle after climbing over a concrete barrier on Route 9. C.  Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Auto Accident attorneys.  Sayreville. com Multi-Channel Reach: In today's digital age, it's vital to ensure communication reaches people where they are.  on Bordentown Avenue around the area of the Sayreville Soccer Complex.  crash involving a flatbed trailer and a dump truck, but declined to offer additional information Traffic is being detoured off Route 9 at Ernston Road at the border of Old Bridge and Sayreville due to a crash on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.  It was not clear how many people Police in Sayreville are investigating a deadly car crash that happened on Bordentown Avenue and Waterworks Road on Tuesday. A.  Follow Us.  The accident, according to police, happened around 11 a.  Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone said the collision Prosecutors say Domingo Coach-Sam and Gaspa Sam Ciprian were both killed in the accident on Bordentown Avenue and Waterworks Road.  Open the Article - Posted 1 month ago A driver was killed in a Saturday, June 8 crash in Sayreville, authorities said. , NJ Turnpike Authority reports there is an accident on the Garden State Parkway northbound, north of Driscoll Bridge in Sayreville.  Contact me .  Sayreville, New Jersey Traffic Cameras.  Additionally, the left lane of Rt 9 N onto the bridge is also closed .  Contact Us.  The Sayreville Police Department continues to investigate the accident.  Keith Stahl.  near the Edison Bridge.  1 MM 125.  3821.  Two people were killed on Tuesday afternoon and another two were seriously injured after a vehicle struck a box truck head-on, authorities said.  6y.  Department of TransportationA two-car accident is causing traffic delays on the Garden State Parkway northbound SAYREVILLE — Four people were injured today and traffic was backed up for miles in JUST IN: A multivehicle crash has closed the southbound lanes of the Route 9 bridge (Edison Bridge) spanning the Raritan River. The crash occurred at about 12:15 a.  On October 28, 2023, at 5:00 A.  Traffic was backed up from the New Jersey Turnpike in Woodbridge over the Driscoll Bridge to the crash scene 12 miles away.  James Novak.  along Route 9 South.  Prosecutors say Domingo Coach-Sam and Gaspa Sam Ciprian were both killed in the accident on Bordentown Avenue and Waterworks Road.  Scott Munk, 49, of Hamburg, New York, was hit about 12:40 a.  Scott Munk, 49, of Hamburg, New York, was fatally struck about 12:40 a.  in Sayreville on Tuesday, Feb. com.  OLD BRIDGE — A collision between a pickup truck and a car closed both directions of Route 9 during the morning commute on Wednesday.  on Monday, Jan. , police said.  This page is not monitored 24/7.  Accident News Reports.  Zion Jackson, 24, of Keansburg died in a crash on Route 35 A 50-year-old man was killed in a motor vehicle accident on Washington Rd.  SAYREVILLE, NJ — Two people were killed in head-on crash Tuesday afternoon in Sayreville, said Sayreville Police.  Contact Keith Zaid Law Today For A Free Consultation. 5 South of Raritan Toll Plaza (Sayreville) Sayreville, NJ 2 MM 126.  on Cheesequake Road, according to New Jersey State Police fatal crash data.  Dan Alexander is a reporter for New Jersey 101.  104 Results have been found for car accident attorneys in Sayreville, NJ, belonging to 21 different law firms.  A deadly crash in Sayreville is now under investigation.  Top rated Car Accident lawyer .  Extra Time: Latest on NJ Traffic is backing up on Route 9 in Sayreville after a car crash.  Jimenez, Jr.  Anticipate these closures to last several hours Sayreville councilwoman’s family pleads for answers in her shooting death Eunice Dwumfour, a 30-year-old Sayreville councilwoman, was found shot and killed outside her home Feb.  9 south.  Hours: Monday - Friday from 8 AM - 4 PM Borough Office Phone: (732) 390-7000 .  New Richmond, OH – 11-Year-Old Girl Injured in Four-Wheeler Crash on Buckeye Ln | Garner, NC – Accident with Injuries on I-40 EB at US 70 Hwy E | Raleigh, NC – Accident at Fox Rd and Louisburg Rd Results in Injuries | Springfield Township, OH – Two Drivers Killed in Fiery Head-On Crash on Daly Rd | Wells, NV – Crash on I-80 E near MM An officer and 10-year-old are recovering after being injured in a dog attack at the Knights Inn in Sayreville, New Jersey. The crash happened in the southbound lanes near Ryan Road.  Brent Wieand Wieand Law Firm, L.  Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting.  The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office said Sayreville police are The Bronx Brooklyn Connecticut Hudson Valley Long Island New Jersey Westchester.  Middlesex County prosecutors have identified two people killed Tuesday in a head-on Sayreville, NJ (October 31, 2023) – Two individuals lost their lives and a third person suffered severe injuries after an auto collision in Sayreville on Tuesday afternoon, October 31.  Today's report of the local weather in Sayreville, NJ on Fri Nov 29th 2024 provides detailed current weather conditions regarding humidity, rain or snow chance of precipitation, barometric pressure, dew point, heat index or wind chill factors, hourly forecast, sunrise, sunset, wind speed with direction, along with high and low temperatures presented in Fahrenheit and Celsius.  As of 3 p.  Call Today: 732-750-5000. , NJ Turnpike Authority reports there is an accident on the Garden State Parkway express lanes northbound, north of Exit 123 — Route 9 in Sayreville.  TRAFFIC ALERT: Accident Garden State Parkway south bound after the Sayreville Tolls.  Sayreville police confirmed Friday morning there was a fatality and injuries in the 5:45 a Sayreville, NJ (November 15, 2024) – A man was killed in a five-vehicle crash on Route 9 in Sayreville on Thursday morning, authorities said.  22 in the 900 Sayreville NJ Chiropractor.  Google MapsA map view of Washington Raod in Sayreville, where a borough man was involved in an accident while riding his motorcycle.  Sayreville police confirmed Friday morning there was a fatality and injuries in the 5:45 a. The Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office said Police Records in Sayreville (New Jersey) Official Sources for Sayreville Police Records CountyOffice.  Get a Free Consultation With Top-Rated Auto Injury Attorneys in Sayreville, NJ at Team Law Today.  A van plowed into several poles on Route 9.  on Cheesequake Road and left a driver dead, according to State Police fatal crash data.  Sayreville Emergency Management, Sayreville, New Jersey.  The driver of the westbound car, an East Brunswick resident, was Route 440 Accident Today in Sayreville, NJ.  Visit Website . 1 Exit 125 - NJ 35 (Sayreville) Sayreville, NJ Anyone with information is asked to contact Sayreville Officer Tom Calise at 732-727-4444 or Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office Detective Jonathan Berman at 732-745-4328.  The crash took place around 11 a.  Sayreville police confirmed Friday morning there was a fatality and injuries in the 5:45 a As of 5:58 a.  Updated: Nov.  The man was hit by an eastbound vehicle on Washington Road in the area Walling Street According to Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone, on Saturday, October 28, 2023, at 5:00 a.  R.  SAYREVILLE &amp;mdash; A 27-year-old Old Bridge Contact a local Sayreville, NJ Car Accident lawyer today.  New Jersey; Parlin; Parkway South Nj; source: Bing 24 views; Jun 23, 2024 5:00pm HOLMDEL, NJ - A significant traffic incident involving seven vehicles occurred earlier today on Highway 35 at Lubarsky suffered minor injuries in the crash that occurred at 11:04 p.  State police: 1 woman killed, 3 teens injured in New Fairfield head-on crash.  The man was hit by an eastbound vehicle on Washington Road in the area Walling Street at around 6 p.  Be the first to know Route 9 reopens in Sayreville following multivehicle crash.  SAYREVILLE, NJ — Two people died in a head-on crash Tuesday along Bordentown Avenue near Waterworks Road, according to Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone and Police Chief Daniel Plumacker. J.  on Bordentown Avenue near the Sayreville Soccer Complex, according to Capt. L.  DOT Accident and Construction Reports.  Roadway closed for helicopter landing; traffic backed up over the Sayreville Police open investigation into deadly crash 00:28. , two r The crash occurred about 9:45 p.  just south of the Raritan Toll Plaza.  Police say a construction trailer broke loose from the truck towing it.  Road Works.  The crash happened at 4:11 p. On Tuesday, Feb.  A 68-year-old man was traveling along in a westbound Trailer Breaks Loose, Hits 5 Cars On Rt.  crash involving a flatbed trailer and a dump truck. The crash occurred southbound at about 6 a.  Monday in front of a gas station in the 900 block of Route 9 North in Sayreville, according to police.  The incident involved a flatbed trailer that detached from the towing truck, leading to a multi-vehicle collision at approximately 5:45 a.  There are other treatment programs to Route 35 Accident Today in Parlin, NJ. , emergency response vehicles were at the scene.  Msg from Sayreville NJ Police Department: All lanes of the Edison Bridge (Rt 9 S) are closed due to a serious motor vehicle accident.  Dan Alexander is a A fatal car accident that occurred near Route 35 in Sayreville is under investigation, announced by the Middlesex County Prosecutors Office on Monday, Oct.  US 9 Sayreville, NJ Accident Reports ; US 9 Sayreville, NJ Weather Conditions ; DOT Accident and Construction Reports.  Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Car Accident attorneys. The route had reopened by 10 a.  21 near Bordentown Avenue (Route 615), according to the New Jersey Department of Transporation. .  Hometown Heroes in New Jersey; A 50-year-old man died after he was struck and killed Tuesday while trying to cross a street in Sayreville, according to police.  Welcome to Rockville 2025 Daytona Beach, FL Anyone with information is asked to call Officer Cox of the Sayreville Police Department at 732-727-4444 or Detective Colonna of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office at 732-745-3354.  sayreville-08872 traffic news for today - real-time road traffic - ViaMichelin.  Police say a construction trailer heading south on Route 9 broke loose from the truck towing it, hitting at least five other cars in the process.  Sayreville Police Department, Sayreville, New Jersey. , according to the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office.  Anyone with information Police say three people ran in and stole items from the store as a driver waited in the vehicle.  Nutley 7/24/17 2:04pm.  Cox at the Parlin Accidents reports with live updates from the DOT, the News, and our Reporters Accident News Reports. , there’s a crash on Sayreville police on Thursday morning did not respond to New Jersey 101.  27, as reported by the Sayreville Police Department.  The Sayreville Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for coordinating the A man was killed in a five-vehicle crash on Route 9 in Sayreville on Thursday morning, authorities said. : Crash on New Jersey Turnpike Inner Roadway southbound South of Interchange 9 - NJ 18 (East Brunswick Twp) left shoulder blocked SAYREVILLE, New Jersey (WABC) -- Two people were killed and a third person suffered serious injuries after a car On Thursday, Jack Piatek, 29, was sentenced by Middlesex County Superior Court Judge Pedro J. 6 in Sayreville, according to state police.  NJ.  30, 2023, 11: A 50-year-old pedestrian was struck and killed in a crash in Sayreville, authorities said.  Click here or call today for help.  Monday in the northbound lanes as he tried to cross the highway, according to Sayreville Police Lt. No other details wer A serious crash closed Route 9 in Sayreville, authorities said.  New Jersey; Sayreville; Rt-35; Kathleen Hopkins, a reporter in New Jersey since 1985, covers crime, court cases, legal issues and just about every major murder trial to hit Monmouth and Ocean counties. Two people were killed and a third person suffered serious injuries after a car crashed into a box truck in Sayreville, New Jersey Tuesday afternoon.  The crash happened on the northbound side just past the Sayreville police on Wednesday identified the pedestrian killed earlier this week when he was struck by a vehicle after he climbed over a barrier on Route 9. , Sayreville police said.  Tuesday, April 18 on Route 9 northbound near Emston Road, Sayreville police said.  A trailer being pulled by a dump truck headed south on Route 9 in Sayreville near the former Amboy Cinemas broke free and struck at least three other vehicles around 8:45 SAYREVILLE – Authorities are investigating a multi-vehicle crash Thursday morning on Route 9 South near the base of the Thomas Edison Bridge in which a construction trailer detached from the SAYREVILLE – Police have identified the two people killed while four others were injured in a head-on collision Tuesday afternoon on Bordentown Avenue.  Authorities did not say if the dump truck driver was injured.  Crash on Garden State Parkway Local Lanes northbound SAYREVILLE, NJ - According to The crash was caused when a flatbed trailer detached from the commercial truck towing it, leading to collisions involving at least five other vehicles traveling on the roadway.  Lou Russo Why Did This Route 9 Dunkin Suddenly Close Its Doors? SAYREVILLE, NJ - According to 511NJ GSP, a crash took place on the Garden State Parkway NB in Sayreville on Friday night.  Find trusted legal representation by reading our Education in NJ; Parlin News .  SAYREVILLE, NJ — At 5:16 a.  Closed road from New Jersey Tpke S to New Jersey Tpke N. g.  Or; Traffic; Weather; Route 35 NJ Archives; Report An Accident Route 35 Parlin New Jersey Accident Reports. 5's request for more information about the circumstances of the crash or the condition of the van driver.  Accidents in Middlesex County are a major cause of property damage, injury, and death each year.  Lanette Espy Nov 3, 2023, 4:07 PM It’s the second fatal crash in Sayreville in the past week and the eighth this year in Sayreville, according to State Police records.  9 south in Parlin. The crash occurred at about 4 a.  20,783 likes &#183; 603 talking about this &#183; 433 were here. 5.  Free Consultation.  PHOTOS&gt;&gt; Compare the best Auto Accident lawyers near Sayreville, NJ today.  | Published: ; Oct. org is an independent organization that gathers Police Records and other information from various Sayreville government and non-government sources.  View Profile .  3,591 likes &#183; 309 talking about this &#183; 4 were here.  Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified Motorcycle Accident attorneys.  SAYREVILLE, N.  35 in Sayreville, said Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone and Sayreville Police Chief Top 10 Best Car Accident Lawyer in Sayreville, NJ - May 2024 - Yelp - H Scott Aalsberg,Esq P.  Why should I hire a lawyer if I am injured in a New Jersey car accident? Today’s cars have a number of safety components designed to Contact Our Sayreville Car Accident Lawyers Today at 732-564-7165.  Google MpasA map view of Route 9 near Bordentown Avenue in Sayreville, where a 27-year-old Old Bridge man died in a motorcycle accident this morning.  NJ Turnpike Auth.  Two lanes of Route 9 in Manalapan were closed due to a crash on Friday afternoon, Jan.  Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone and Chief Daniel Plumacker of the Sayreville Police Department announced today that a fatal crash is under investigation. , NJ Turnpike Authority reports there is an accident on the Garden State Parkway local lanes southbound, north of Exit 123 - Route 9 in Sayreville, right shoulder.  Friday, jan 17 40 Today's National &amp; Local News Sayreville, New Jersey Fatal Crash Investigation Middlesex County Authorities are investigating Yesterday's late afternoon Head-On Collision in Sayreville, New Jersey, which tragically Claimed the lives of Two People and left Two Others Hospitalized with Serious Injuries.  Emergency responders were dispatched to the scene of the crash on Bordentown Avenue near Browns Road at around 4:30 p.  Tuesday to the area of 3411 Bordentown Ave.  public events).  Jahmeir Mendez, 22, was crossing the Parkway's southbound express lane in Sayreville when a Subaru Outback struck him, according to the New Jersey State Police.  Sayreville NJ Chiropractor 08859: At this premier chiropractic and wellness center, Dr.  at milepost 124.  -- A deadly crash in Sayreville is now under investigation.  The crash was triggered when a construction trailer detached from the truck towing it, causing a chain-reaction collision involving at least five other vehicles.  Police say a construction trailer heading south on Route 9 broke loose from the truck towing it, hitting at least Driver, passenger killed in Sayreville crash identified.  New Jersey State Route 440 Live Traffic, Construction and Accident Report.  Authorities are urging anyone with relevant information to contact Patrolman A.  on Thursday, Sept.  Sayreville New Jersey Accident Reports.  30, 2023, 1:14 p.  Event Type (Tap Button) * Accident.  Suite 204, Cranford, NJ 07016 . , for the July 16, 2020, fatal crash that left Jessica Vinsko, 36, of South Amboy, dead The investigation is continuing.  02, 2023, 10:11 a.  Neighbors heard multiple shots and saw her SUV roll into parked vehicles in her luxury rental Trusted Legal Guidance for Car Accidents in Sayreville, NJ.  The crash occurred at the SAYREVILLE – Authorities are investigating a multi-vehicle crash Thursday morning on Route 9 South near the base of the Thomas Edison Bridge in which a construction trailer detached from the SAYREVILLE – A man died early Monday after being struck by a vehicle while crossing Route 9, according to police.  Get a Free Consultation With Auto Accident Attorneys in Sayreville, NJ at Lombardi &amp; Lombardi P.  9 towns in NJ no one A fatal crash was reported on Route 9, authorities said. , Sayreville police were dispatched to Washington Road and Walling Street for the crash, according to Lt.  Sayreville is home to a wide variety of car accidents, including T-bone and head-on collisions, rear-end impacts, sideswipes, rollovers, multi-vehicle pile-ups, hit and runs, and pedestrian accidents.  Contact Our Experienced Sayreville Personal Injury Lawyers at 1-800-TEAM-LAW.  The road is shut down in both directions.  Three right lanes of traffic were blocked following the accident. C, Lutz Shafranski Gorman and Mahoney PA, Haddad Law Offices, CourtLaw Injury Lawyers, Hoagland, Longo, Moran, Dunst &amp; Doukas, Vlasac &amp; Shmaruk, Lessler &amp; Lessler, Levinson Axelrod, The Grossman Law Firm, Joseph M Ghabour &amp; Associates 2218 Real Customer Reviews of Son's A-1 Collision - If your vehicle needs auto body repair, check out Son's A-1 Collision with real ratings and reviews in Sayreville, NJ, 08872 LACEY TOWNSHIP, NJ -- State Police are investigating a crash that killed a Sayreville resident on the Garden State Parkway in Lacey Township Friday evening, according to a report by RLS Media.  They all got off within moments of the bus bursting into flames. , two r Compare the best Car Accident lawyers near Sayreville, NJ today.  New Jersey - The Garden State, known for vast farmlands, gorgeous coastline, and historic resort towns New Jersey is bordered on the north and east by New York, on the southeast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest by Delaware.  The Sayreville Office of Emergency Management.  Middlesex County has had the most fatalities on the roads in New Jersey so far this year with 28, according to State Police fatal crash data.  Play Video; A Threnody for Modern Romance.  US 9 Sayreville, NJ Accident Reports ; US 9 Sayreville, NJ Weather Conditions ; Write a Report; 9 Old Bridge Traffic; 9 Freehold Traffic; 9 Morganville Traffic; 9 Howell Traffic; 9 Parlin Traffic; 9 Englishtown Traffic; Other Cities Along US 9; Report an Accident.  Three southbound lanes of the Parkway were closed for three A fatal crash on Route 9 in Parlin, NJ is under investigation by the Middlesex County Prosecutors Office and the Sayreville Police Department.  It happened Tuesday afternoon at Bordentown Avenue and Prosecutors say driver Domingo Coach-Sam, 27, and Gaspa Sam Ciprian, 28, who was sitting in the rear driver seat, were both killed in the accident on Bordentown Avenue and Waterworks Road.  crash at the Exxon gas station in the Parlin section of Sayreville.  This happened in the vicinity of 912 Rt.  on Bordentown Avenue at Waterworks Road.  when a construction trailer broke loose from a truck and collided with at New Jersey.  Free profiles of 63 top rated Sayreville, New Jersey car accident attorneys on Super Lawyers.  Renan Perez, 59, of Linden, died in the 5:16 am.  Topics you care about, straight to your inbox Contact Us.  Play Video; The Caitiff Choir: Defeatism. org. , Members of The Sayreville Police Department responded to a report of a Serious Motor Vehicle Crash on Route 35 Sayreville traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with real-time interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures, traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and live cameras for the Sayreville area including US 1 and the I-95 corridor as well as other hwys and roads within SAYREVILLE, NJ, (November 14, 2024) - Around 5:45 a.  More results in our Route 35 Parlin New Jersey Archives.  Kelly focuses on combining chiropractic care with wellness programs to allow patients to be able to receive comprehensive treatments for most ailments.  Sayreville, NJ (January 6, 2022) – Officials confirmed that a fatal truck accident took the life of one individual on Thursday morning, January 6, in Sayreville.  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