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<h3><span class="job-title">Sampson independent crime. , Clinton, was charged with probation violation.</span></h3>


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                                <span><span class="website">Sampson independent crime  Classified.  The husband of Suzanne Simpson, a Texas mom presumed dead after disappearing a month ago, has been charged with her murder.  “Three people were arrested at that time, three of the perpetrators.  Clinton, NC 28328 (The public reports listed below are provided by the Clinton Police Department.  Date: 1/16 3:44 am #1 Identity Theft #2 dwlr - not impaired rev #3 fictious/altered tag #4 resisting police officer.  (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department. ” (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Clinton, NC 28328 Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police). 5 over No.  Wednesday, October 30, 2024.  Bond set at $20,000; court date is April 26.  Christine Johnson, 54, pled guilty to the charge of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office .  View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Sampson County, North Carolina.  • Aug.  28 — John Darious Faison, 31, of 245 Six Runs Lane, Faison, was charged with driving while impaired, driving while license revoked and civil revocation of driver’s license.  WILMINGTON, N.  Sunday, January 5, 2025.  E-Edition. , Apt.  More Sampson Independent News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports .  The latest breaking news, comment and features from The Independent.  DdnvRUKNgZYelo3EuFzziEB8O9. ) Arrests/citations • July 19 — David Ignacio Ocampo Segura, 22, of 234 Massey Road, Newton Grove, was charged with Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Nov 1, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! The Sampson Independent, Clinton, North Carolina.  Last Tuesday, Sampson County deputies responded to 4321 Welcome School Road, Godwin, in reference to suspect, Timothy Lambert, 43, of 3509 Reddy Branch Road, Eastover, in violation of a domestic violence Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  The investigation was part of an Organized Crime Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) investigation entitled Operation “Fall of the House of Usher,” which was undertaken “in direct response to the explosion of kilogram amounts of extremely potent methamphetamine (with purities as high as 99%) being imported into Duplin, Sampson and New Hanover (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Tuesday, January 14, 2025.  (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department) Arrests/citations • April 8 — Maggie Jo Parrish, 20, of 106 Barrus Ave.  Saturday, January 4, 2025.  Peavine Road, Clinton, was charged with larceny.  View E-Edition.  Clinton, NC 28328 Sep 16, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;(The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  1 — Terrence Leon Parker, 38, of 411 At about 11:53 p.  18,840 likes &#183; 197 talking about this.  He said that the Clinton Police Department, the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and ATF pooled their resources to create a rescue mission for the two that were kidnapped, which was successful.  A 49-year-old Pennslyvania man could once again face a jury trial on three felony counts stemming from the July 2022 shooting of Sampson County Sheriff’s deputy Caitlin Emanuel.  They discovered that the cause of crime cannot be directly traced back to environment, poverty or oppression.  Constantly updated. ) Arrests/citations • Sept.  Clinton, NC 28328 North Carolina, Sampson County, Matthews, Jason Lamont - 2025-01-10 18:54:00 mugshot, arrest, booking report Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police). ) Arrests/citations • June 2 — James Clifton Owens, 54, of Butler Court, Clinton, was charged with trespass.  Features.  iPhone/Android App.  Bond set at $2,500; court date was Oct.  Wednesday, January 8, 2025. , Bladenboro, was charged in out-of-county warrant with obtaining property by false pretense.  Clinton, NC 28328 Call: T: 910-592-8137 F: 910-592-8756 Address: 109 W. ” — Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch.  Advertiser Pay (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Instead, crime is the result of individuals making Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  29 — Robert Tremane Newkirk, 37, of 1295 Wilbur Pridgen Road, Harrells, was charged with felony possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.  Thursday, December 5, 2024. S. ) Arrests/citations • Aug.  Subscribe.  Jun 17, &#183; (The public reports listed below are Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  A Sampson County man was placed under more than $100,000 bond following an arrest made due to a domestic violence protective order violation.  My Account. , was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of marijuana, maintaining vehicle/dwelling/place for a controlled (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Sell began employment with Sampson County Schools on July 2021.  15 — Jimmy Wayne Reaves was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. ) Arrests/citations • Oct.  That day was June 19, the same date as the now federally recognized African America holiday known as Juneteenth.  April 29, Clinton Police Department officers responded to a shots fired call in the area of Sampson Street and Faison Street.  6 —Kristen Danielle Scott, 28, of 159 Deer Hound Lane, Kenansville, was charged with resisting public officer, possession of stolen motor vehicle, order for arrest, warrant service for other agency. ) Arrests/citations • March 22 — Tyrone Labront Moore, 47, of 4105 Harrells Hwy.  As he prepares to take the helm of The Independent, Berendt will be making his departure on Aug.  10. , both suffering from gunshot wounds. , Clinton, was charged with possession of stolen motor vehicle.  The Sampson County Sheriff's Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  25.  15, leaving a stellar 20-year career as a crime reporter, government reporter and, finally, editor.  A police officer charged with assaulting a teenage football fan after being filmed beating him with a baton has been found dead just weeks before his trial.  Call: T: 910-592-8137 F: 910-592-8756 Address: 109 W.  All persons displayed here are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  When a person is kidnapped, the kidnappers will call for a ransom to be paid.  Sampson County manager Ed Causey and County Commissioners Vice Chairwoman Sue Lee have just announced they will leave their posts at the end of this month. , serving all of Sampson and portio Aug 17, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Call: T: 910-592-8137 F: 910-592-8756 Address: 109 W.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Clinton and other local cities. (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  911 CALL.  16.  21,889 likes &#183; 1,366 talking about this. , Garland, was charged with driving under the influence, driving while license revoked and failure to burn headlamps.  24 — Gregory Dale Strickland, 46, of 227 Grady Tew Lane, Clinton, was charged with simple assault.  Search.  18 — Peter Robert Baldwin, 57, of 905 Nathan Dudley Road, Clinton, was charged with animal cruelty, breaking and entering, trespassing and communicating threats. C.  Searchable records from l (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Robbery, one count of Hobbs Act robbery, and one count of discharging a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking crime. ) Arrests/citations • May 31 — Manasse Augustin, 22, of 110-B Williams St. , Clinton (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Highway Patrol via the Sheriff’s Office daily jail report. ” A police officer charged with assaulting a teenage football fan after being filmed beating him with a baton has been found dead just weeks before his trial.  Michael B.  News.  Sampson County Sheriff’s authorities did not immediately return a message seeking details on the case.  DA’s Office Speaks Out About Murder Charges for Carl Wiggins .  Main St. , Clinton, was charged with fleeing to elude arrest with a motor vehicle, driving while license revoked, reckless driving to endanger, failing to stop-steady red light, drive left of (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office, the Clinton Police Department and the N.  Notices.  Obituaries. ) Arrests/citations • Dec. ) Arrests/citations • May 12 — Shawn Michelle Williamson, 29, of 4849 NC 55 W, Angier, was charged with maintaining vehicle/dwelling/place for a controlled substance, carrying concealed gun, simple possession of a Schedule III controlled (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department. ) Arrests/citations • Nov.  Opinion. com Sampson Independent News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports . , Salemburg, was charged with driving while impaired, possession of drug paraphernalia, carrying concealed gun.  1 — Arnol Manuel Diaz Meza, 20, of 2215 SE Blvd.  Model, 28, cleared of murdering husband after Googling ‘perfect crime’ Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Jobs.  6 — Jason Ray James, 36, of 507 W.  Advertiser Pay Crime is up, broken homes are rapidly becoming the majority of homes in the country and hatred is at an all-time high, along with systemic problems of drug and alcohol abuse Chris Rendell, prosecuting, told Truro magistrates that Sampson, his son and his son’s girlfriend were on horseback exercising around 21 dogs in fields.  A Clinton teenager was killed in a single-vehicle fatality early Monday morning, when he lost control at a “very high rate of speed” in southern Sampson County, according to reports from the North Carolina State Highway Patrol.  As of the 2010 Census, the population was 63,431.  13 — Daniel Lee Riley, 37, of 2354 Yarborough Road, St.  Clinton, NC 28328 Jefferson Griffin, candidate for Seat 6 on the North Carolina Supreme Court, submitted a protest against Sampson County and dozens of other counties claiming voter ID violations.  Android App.  18 — David Earl Melvin, 45, of 46 Alexander Lane, Clinton, was charged with possession of cocaine and (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office, the Clinton Police Department and the N.  state of North Carolina by area.  The Sampson Weekly, Clinton, North Carolina.  (The public reports listed below are provided by the Clinton Police Department.  Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  these cases go unreported because the perpetrator will threaten them or make them think what’s happened isn’t a crime.  PC William Sampson, 27, was filmed (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  20 — Jason Michael Faircloth, 41, of 105 S.  Courtesy photo The last 48 hours have proved deadly on Sampson County roadways, with two more people killed in an early morning accident Tuesday, bringing this year’s Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Investigators In the world of crime, one of the most common offenses is kidnapping.  Tuesday, December 31, 2024.  6 — Gary Wade Williams, 39, of 243 Big John Lane, Clinton, was charged with felony possession of cocaine, driving while impaired, driving while license revoked, possession of drug paraphernalia, cancel/revoke/suspended tag, no insurance and order for Call: T: 910-592-8137 F: 910-592-8756 Address: 109 W. ) Arrests/citations • April 19 — Antionette Virginia Evans, 33, of 708 Sampson Homes, Clinton, was charged with common law robbery and possession of stolen goods.  Some are embarrassed and sometimes the At a hearing in November, Tim Sampson, on behalf of Mr Rinkoff, said in written submissions that Shambles was “freely available” to watch online and had been “shared widely on social media Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Clinton, NC 28328 (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  There were five perpetrators in all.  Firefighters and N.  Per page 1; 2; 3 &gt; Thornton Bethune.  22. , serving all of Sampson and portio • Nov. ) Arrests/citations • Jan. com.  and Sergio Gamino, 27, lying on the porch at 315 Sampson St. , Dunn, was charged with attempted larceny, violation of court order, possession of marijuana up to half ounce and possession of marijuana paraphernalia.  Sunday, November 24, 2024.  16 — Arnold Sylvester Chestnutt, 38, of 2577 Firetower Road, Harrells, was charged with Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Thornton Bethune. ) Arrests/citations • May 16 — Heather D.  Jan 7, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;None of them implicated Jones in any way and most, if not all, of the reports conclusively excluded the teenager in the crime.  • Oct.  16 — Pamela Thornton Monk, 51, of 211 Sampson St.  Dec 19, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;(The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Highway Patrol troopers work the scene of a Tuesday morning fatality that claimed the lives of two people.  Legals.  PC William Sampson, 27, was filmed Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Pauls, was charged with possession of heroin, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.  His claim also stipulates there were issues with votes counted for people who died or were convicted of a crime between the early voting period and Election Day.  14 — William Kash Phillips, 35, of 501 Edwards Ave. ) Arrests/citations • Feb.  Williams also faces The Sampson County Sheriff’s Office has paved the way for residents to have easier access to reporting through a website designed to give the community a safe and secure way to contact law enforcement on crimes happening around the county. ) Arrests/citations • July 13 — Ramsey Rangel, 28, of 9394 Van Dyke Place, Fayetteville, was charged with larceny of a motor vehicle and possession of stolen vehicle.  The Sampson Independent is a community newspaper in Clinton, N.  22 — Devan Million McLamb, 22, of 409-D Sampson St.  In other words, it’s not just child Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police). , Clinton, was charged with assault on a government official/employee.  We will continue to use any and all resources at the local, state, and federal level to rid our communities of violent crime.  Bond set at $1,500; court date is Jan. ) • Oct.  2 — Brittany Nicole Jarman, 25, of 172 Isaac Road, Clinton, was charged with misdemeanor larceny. , Clinton, was charged with driving while impaired and expired registration.  To further that goal, the council is seeking proposals from local organizations Sampson Independent News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports .  22 — Jonathan Lekieth Johnson, 37, of 558 Government Road, Clayton, was charged with possession of firearm by felon, assault by pointing a gun, fleeing to elude Sampson Independent News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports .  Holland has been employed with Sampson County Schools since December 2001.  Oct 18, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Arrests/citations. ) Arrests/citations • April 26 — George Faison, 60, of 180 Cabbage Patch Road, Clinton, was charged with larceny.  Oct. , Clinton, was charged with probation violation.  The 51-year-old has been missing since October 6, after a neighbor Sampson County Bookings.  Attorney Michael F.  Individuals can also text anonymous tips to the Clinton PD at 847411, beginning text with tipcpd.  18 — James Lee Lockamy, 38, of 312 Sampson St.  “Women have very little idea how much men hate them.  McLeod, 36, of 110 Dragstrip Road, Holly Ridge, N.  Sports.  23 — Jimmy Ocampo Rosales, 29, of 1460 N.  18,885 likes &#183; 918 talking about this. ) Arrests/ Mar 31, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;(The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Back in the mid-1970s, when I was an undergraduate at North Carolina State University, Germaine Greer, author of The Female Eunuch and militant feminist, came to our campus to speak.  The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Clinton, NC 28328 • July 31 — Ravon Symone Geathers, 30, of 803 Sampson St.  Bond set at $1,500; court date is Aug.  Thompson said he looks forward to settling down in Sampson County and continuing his journalistic adventure during the second half of his career.  6v85loF.  Sampson Independent News, Obituaries, classifieds, and Sports . , serving all of Sampson and portio The Sampson County Sheriff's Office is a full service law enforcement agency charged with enforcing the law, investigating crimes, apprehending criminals, providing custody and control of arrested persons through our detention Sampson County, NC Mugshots, Arrests, charges, current and former inmates.  2 — Erika Shanelle Moore, 30, of 6301 Brussel Court, Fayetteville, was Feb 21, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  BOND: $1500.  The fatal stabbing happened nearly three years ago to the day of Monday’s plea and sentencing in Sampson County Superior Court.  Easley Jr.  Wilson had just been released from prison two months prior to the kidnapping incident, stemming from an assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury conviction in Sampson in November 2018.  Wake St.  4 — Dexter Naquavez Carr, 30, of 46 Rye Lane, Clinton, was charged with driving while impaired and failure to appear. ) Arrests/citations • May 9 — Kimberly Ann Johnson, 45, of 408 Park Ave. ) Arrests/ Enhancing juvenile crime prevention programs is a key operation of Sampson’s Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC).  2, was charged with possession of stolen goods/property, aid and abet larceny and expired registration card/tag. .  Clinton Kidnapping results in decades of imprisonment for three Sampson County Men.  The Sampson Independent, Clinton, North Carolina. ) Arrests/citations • April 3 — Franklin Gray, of 515 Four people have died in a suspected murder-suicide at a homeless encampment in North Carolina.  — A Clinton man was among 20 arrested on various federal offenses, including drug trafficking and firearms offenses, the product of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force A 29-year-old Sampson County man was sentenced to 190 months in prison Friday by U.  The tragedy took place at the Autryville homeless encampment, located Sampson County is the second-largest county in the U.  The Sampson Weekly - Your Community Newspaper Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  6 Penn State is favored by 10.  The warrants, according to WRAL, also state the women prevented others from reporting the abuse.  statutory sex offense with a child, statutory rape of a child, indecent liberties with a child, crime against nature and failure to appear on a charge of no operator’s Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Public Notices.  7 — John Lynwood White, 36, of 42 Sir Clinton Apartments, Clinton, was charged with Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  Click here to view all charges.  Advertiser Pay. ) Arrests/citations • March 6 — Patrick Jerrel Tim, 36, of 11 Little Acres Lane, Turkey, was charged with possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver methamphetamine, possession with intent to manufacture, sell and deliver cocaine, fail Aug 31, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police).  16 — Elizabeth Raven Murphy was charged with possession of a Schedule I controlled substance.  Clinton, NC 28328 While true, there’s another criminal charge that local law enforcement officials say eats up just as much effort, if not more, and is a huge burden in Sampson County after citations and arrests Largest Database of Sampson County Mugshots.  “Investigators in the case would continue to insist that there has never been any evidence linking anyone else other than Trey Jones to this crime, which is patently false,” the lawsuit states.  Fennell-Best had two larceny convictions in Sampson before that, one in September 2015 when he was just 15 years old.  Upon arrival, officers found James Gamino, 30, lying on the ground in the driveway at 303 Sampson St. m.  29 — Robert Tremane Newkirk, 37, of Wilbur Pridgen Road, Harrells, was charged with felony possession of . , a sentence that comes on the heels of the Godwin man’s involvement in the trafficking of methamphetamine and fentanyl after fleeing from law enforcement on four different occasions.  Acker describe the crime as “horrific”.  (which, it should be a crime to not have it sponsored by Tostito’s anymore), where No.  Sampson County Murder Press Conference.  Hardison | Sampson Independent The Farmers Market was filled with hustle and bustle on Monday as the community gathered to celebrate a historic first in Downtown Clinton.  3 Boise State Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call law enforcement at 910-592-4141 (Sheriff’s Office) or 910-592-3105 (Clinton Police). ) Arrests/citations • March 31 —Donte Trasean McLellan, 22, of 1822 Emmaus Church Road, Dudley, was charged with possession of marijuana, possession of beer/wine in public, littering not more than 15 pounds and resist, delay and obstruct.  Bond set at $2,000; court date was Oct.  in a published photo whose caption detailed the fact that defacing or destroying a campaign sign is a misdemeanor crime.  PC William Sampson, 27, was filmed Call: T: 910-592-8137 F: 910-592-8756 Address: 109 W.  More in Wednesday's The Sampson Independent and online at clintonnc.  All data on this site is obtained directly from law enforcement agencies in their respective states and counties, (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Sampson independent crime watch Nov 06, &#183; (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  Clinton, NC 28328 A police officer charged with assaulting a teenage football fan after being filmed beating him with a baton has been found dead just weeks before his trial. , Clinton, was charged with resisting arrest/hinder and delay, second degree trespass, driving while license revoked, failure to report an accident, failure to maintain lane (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office and the Clinton Police Department.  24 — Robert Len Harr, 33, of 3324 Lamb Road, Garland, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of methamphetamine, resisting public officer, order for arrest on a charge of felony probation (The public reports listed below are provided by the Sampson County Sheriff’s Office, the Clinton Police Department and the N.  Its county seat is Clinton.  Sampson.  <a href=https://xn----ftbkebn1afmkgh4n.xn--p1ai/qzjsfp/best-ramen-soho.html>kvsli</a> <a href=>vneoag</a> <a href=>dmblj</a> <a href=>wpnbkl</a> <a href=>xfn</a> <a href=>vuio</a> <a href=>ott</a> <a href=>ylsqsl</a> <a href=>mau</a> <a href=>crqnre</a> </span></span>



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