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<h1 class="headline">Salco doors.  Downloads Request quote.</h1>

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<p><em>Salco doors  To set and improve the standards in the market continuously with innovative solutions.  Salco is a genuine family business.  horizontal sliding doors.  This allows you to compile the complete door yourself.  Wij ontwikkelen, produceren en (indien gewenst) monteren onze producten zelf.  Door leaf 100 mm thick.  Contact Number.  Sometimes the solution is quickly found.  Corrosion-resistant; High impact resistance / dent resistance With the Salco overhead doors, there are many designs to choose from.  Home Service Webshop} Webshop.  We develop, produce and (if desired) assemble our products ourselves.  Products Each sectional overhead door can be completely SALCO’s fully automatic doors (both horizontal and vertical) can operate at extremely high speeds and are suitable for frequent use and easy integration into any transport system.  Salco chiller, freezer and operational doors in various designs.  Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote. PIR Insulation: Choose SALCO as a trusted partner in optimizing your distribution center operations.  Select an industry or About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  It is possible to provide the door with glazing, thanks to the extensive glazing options.  Durable Stainless Steel Doors for Food Processing: SALCO presents a premium range of stainless steel doors tailored for the food processing industry.  Door fittings.  As opposed to a standard steel sheet material, a 4 mm thick aluminium composite panel was opted for.  Downloads Request quote.  Over Salco.  The hinged doors are installed in the aluminium door frame, in the factory.  Delivery, Installation and Maintenance Request quotation Downloads.  A hermetic seal makes the doors particularly suited for rooms where the Salco’s doors are designed for ULO (Ultra Low Oxygen) and CA (Controlled Atmosphere) storage.  Our Air Lock Doors are perfectly suited for the storage Salco Industrial Doors | 1,721 followers on LinkedIn. E.  Zo kunnen we elke uitdaging aan.  This way, we developed two large sliding doors for a big nation-wide construction company, intended for Salco Industrial Doors USA | 330 followers on LinkedIn.  Hygienic (EU/FDA approved).  SALCO GP200 PE Swing Doors.  With this competitive advantage, SALCO has become the market leader within the industrial door industry across Europe and the MENA region.  Refrigeration, operational &amp; freezer doors.  Various options are available such as glazing, a wicket door, panel design and corresponding colors.  Salco’s gas-tight doors open easily and close gas-tight.  Horizontal, vertical, resistant to temperatures of -40&#176;C or in low-oxygen environments as part of fire-prevention measures - Salco High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) are available in a diverse range of designs and for a wide range of uses, and can About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  high impact resistance / dent resistance.  That is why we approached Salco again for this project,&quot; says Jeffrey.  products overview; horizontal sliding doors (chill-type) horizontal sliding doors (freezer-type) stainless steel doors; hinged doors (chill-type) hinged doors (freezer-type) swing doors; high speed doors (chill-type) Salco Industrial Doors | 1,828 followers on LinkedIn.  Salco's high-speed doors come with built-in security as standard, reducing the risk of impact and damage.  Engineering Service Every day our Salco colleagues are looking for the best closing door solutions.  SALCO doors are lightweight, gastight and have a smooth open – close mechanism.  PRODUCTS OVERVIEW; HORIZONTAL Sliding doors (Chill-type) Our insulated sliding doors are incredibly versatile and suitable for a large range of different applications, from cold stores and dry stores, to blast freezers and ambient processing A big Salco family.  This adaptable rapid roller door boasts a robust PVC fabric and a high-speed frequency-controlled motor, making it the ideal solution for your facility.  With its strong presence in the MENA region, the company continues to expand its door manufacturing activities from Why Salco gas-tight doors.  It ensures excellent protection and Discover the HD-1420 hangar doors: lightweight, customised and designed for high wind loads.  The self-repairing design allows the door to function again SALCO is committed to meeting the requirements of all our clients, That is why SALCO Insulated Doors is ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 certified.  Unbreakable - made of sturdy and durable material.  Lightweight and hygienic, these doors are perfect for smaller access points.  salco overview; mission and vision; quality and safety; management team; applications; products.  They are also greatly favoured in high trafficand harsh environment distribution centres.  Specially designed for the food processing industry, SALCO’s Stainless Steel Freezer Doors are manufactured with 304 or 316 Grade Stainless Steel in the door framing profiles, wall frame, door leaf and rails.  Our doors are also able to withstand sub-zero temperatures due to their high insulation properties.  Hangar doors Salco also has the right doors for large and tall buildings: hangar doors are large doors and therefore very suitable for the aviation Specifications • oors fitted with all safety devices in D accordance with CE standard • Soft start/soft stop (frequency controlled), or Anodised aluminium profiles for door leaves and walls are complete with thermal breaks to prevent heat bridges.  40 mm thick door leaf.  This completes our assortment.  The VH-1414 freezer door from Salco is perfect for cold storage facilities.  PHONE +971 (4) 88 59 600 MAIL info@salcodoor.  Easy Installation as a Kit Overhead Door.  Please click on the products below to explore product details.  Downloads.  CA door without inflatable sealing NI-1610 - 100 mm.  Fixed door solution.  Secure your business today! Explore our range and request a quote now! en (GB) nl de en (US) + 1 (224) 318-1120 Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote.  With a robust design and high-quality insulation, this door is ideal for businesses needing freezer doors.  Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote +31(0)228-564 200.  This exhibits our devotion to preserving the quality of our work and ensuring that our clients, salco overview; mission and vision; quality and safety; management team; applications; products.  in Rotterdam is an enormous cold store.  Ideal for use at temperatures of -30&#176;C to +60&#176;C.  salco gp200 pe swing doors Unbreakable - Made of sturdy and durable material.  Contact.  D&#233; partner voor deuroplossingen voor de industri&#235;le, agrarische en koeltechnische sector.  Each overhead door can be completely customized to your requirements.  This door does not use the inflatable principle.  For use in the food processing industry, special stainless steel versions are possible.  Choose a custom-made sliding door that retains both its functionality and appearance.  Hierdoor blijven handel en processen beschermd.  Door leaf constructed with an insulated core, covered on both sides with a metal sheet, finished all around with anodised aluminium profiles and is thermal bridge free.  Upgrade your facility, boost productivity, and meet the highest hygiene standards with our tailor-made solutions.  The design can be fully customized to your preferences.  Downloads Chiller-type.  handle nylon SALCO 67072.  Door te luisteren en te begrijpen wat klanten &#233;cht willen, kunnen wij de beste deuroplossingen cre&#235;ren.  First Name.  Cooling doors for cooling and freezing storage.  Aluminium doors are also lightweight, making them smooth and easy to operate.  The juxtaposition of several doors that slide past each other allows you to create one large, movable wall.  That, in a nutshell, is the development Salco has gone through in almost 45 years. com salcodoor.  45 years of proven quality.  Made of polyethylene PE500, 15 mm thickness.  Sliding door panels PD-1480/1412 (40/80 mm) Salco sliding doors and hangar doors are known for being indestructible and good for many decades of use.  The juxtaposition of several doors Contact with the service department.  For a sliding door on an outer wall, On this large area you can find several Salco doors! View project Project Kloosterboer Cool Port - Rotterdam .  Home Products. O.  The door leaf is lightweight due to the use of high-quality, seamless polyester and available in various colours.  Filter.  Branches Cooling and freezing storage Livestock Why Salco gas-tight doors.  With a Salco door, you can enjoy a maintenance-free door for years.  With its robust design and premium insulation, this door is ideal for businesses requiring reliable freezer doors.  For use in the food-processing industry, special stainless-steel doors are available.  This way, trade and processes remain protected.  This material’s unique properties make the doors dent and corrosion-resistant.  Hook lock (double sliding door) 26001.  Branches Cooling and freezing storage Livestock farming Non-residential construction Fruit storage (CA-ULO) Storage of potatoes, bulbs and onions Other agricultural. Discover durable and custom-made industrial doors at Salco.  This ensures fast and easy installation: create an opening in the wall, positioning the door frame with door in the opening, adjust the hinges and the door is ready to go.  In addition to doors fitted with the unique, inflatable gasket (KHG and KDG), there is also a more competitively priced Sliding Doors Hinged Doors Stainless Steel Doors Gas-tight Doors and Windows Sectional Overhead Doors High Speed Doors Air Lock Doors Swing Doors All Products.  Innovation - Quality - Engagement - Sustainability | Salco is a manufacturer of High Quality Industrial Doors for: - Conditioned storage Overhead door for stable or commercial property.  This way, we developed two large sliding doors for a big nation-wide construction company, intended for SALCO GP200 PE SWING DOORS.  Hinged doors.  en (GB) nl de en (US) Downloads Request quote.  Last Name.  Directly to Products.  Covered on both sides with a 0.  We offer various versions of refrigeration doors, freezer doors and commercial doors that provide a customized solution for virtually any situation.  Available in a variety of colors, the KHG-1810 can be customized to match your business's appearance.  There are two options available to seal the gas-tight doors ensuring they are completely gas-tight.  In this blog, learn why the PKD-100s is the perfect investment for your cold storage projects.  Downloads About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  Made to measure.  In addition to doors fitted with the unique, inflatable gasket (KHG and KDG), there is also a more competitively priced SALCO doors are fabricated with highly efficient insulation, keeping refrigerated air inside the cold store.  Each Salco overhead door is custom-made to your specifications.  swing doors.  Salco's sliding doors are made from aluminium, a rust-resistant and maintenance-free material.  Not for nothing, Salco overhead doors are often used in industrial buildings.  Hinged Doors.  Home Products High Speed Doors High Speed Door (Thermaspeed) with dual function, door mass support and conditioned air plenum (Thermaster).  As opposed to a standard steel sheet material, a 4 mm thick aluminum composite panel was opted for.  New Old Stock.  High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) CA doors and windows.  Involve us in your process at an early stage, so we can advise you in advance.  products overview; horizontal sliding doors (chill-type) horizontal sliding doors (freezer-type) stainless steel doors; hinged doors (chill-type) hinged doors (freezer-type) swing doors; high speed doors (chill-type) Discover durable and custom-made industrial doors at Salco.  THERMASPEED Thermaspeed doors are used in industrial applications due to their simplicity and robust design.  Webshop.  SLIDING DOORS AIR LOCK DOORS HINGED CA DOORS HIGH SPEED DOORS SWING DOORS STAINLESS STEEL DOORS Salco sliding doors and hangar doors are known for being indestructible and good for many decades of use.  With over 100 Salco colleagues we are looking for the best locking door solutions every day.  Salco's gastight doors are designed with durability in mind.  Your email address.  They are designed to operate within multiple Each Salco overhead door is custom-made to your specifications.  Composed of a 100 mm (Chiller and Freezer type) and 140 mm thick (Blast Freezer only) insulated core with a polyester coating on both sides, these hinged doors are finished with anodised aluminium profiles all around with thermal breaks to prevent heat bridges.  In non-residential construction, the right industrial doors can elevate efficiency, safety, and visual appeal.  The polyester door leaf is strong yet lightweight, making it easy to handle.  products overview; horizontal sliding doors (chill-type) horizontal sliding doors (freezer-type) stainless steel doors; hinged doors (chill-type) hinged doors (freezer-type) swing doors; high speed doors (chill-type) Such doors are commonly and frequently used in the fresh produce sector and are vital to maintaining a suitable internal atmosphere.  The juxtaposition of several doors that slide past SALCO’s fully automatic doors (both horizontal and vertical) can operate at extremely high speeds and are suitable for frequent use and easy integration into any transport system.  Manually or electrically operated. ) and at weekends we divert With the Salco overhead doors, there are many designs to choose from.  Our doors are designed with cold room builders in mind, offering innovative solutions for the unique challenges of fumigation rooms.  This ensures fast and easy installation: create an opening in the wall, positioning the door frame with door in the opening, adjust the hinges and the door is ready to Construction Door leaf constructed with a fire-resistant Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation material with a foam density of 40 kg/m 3.  salco insulated doors llc .  Cooling and freezing doors.  To be the regional leader in the insulated doors market.  products overview; horizontal sliding doors (chill-type) horizontal sliding doors (freezer-type) stainless steel doors; hinged doors (chill-type) hinged doors (freezer-type) swing doors; high speed doors (chill-type) Salco, a global leader in industrial doors, is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking partnership with Ulti Group, a well-established, family-owned company based in New Zealand.  Rails and accessoiries.  552 likes &#183; 12 talking about this.  Benefits of Choosing CA Doors Door leaf constructed with a core of insulation material, covered on both sides with polyester, finished Stainless steel 304 drop/lift rail system type BR, double door version, stainless steel 304 bumper, stainless steel 304 finish of the clear opening, stainless steel 304 rain cap, key locks, Electric system to CE standards, Threshold heater.  Please log-on for your pricing.  products overview; horizontal sliding doors (chill-type) horizontal sliding doors (freezer-type) stainless steel doors; hinged doors (chill-type) hinged doors (freezer-type) swing doors; high speed doors (chill-type) high speed doors (freezer-type SALCO Insulated Doors LLC | ١٬٨٢٦ من المتابعين على LinkedIn.  Versatility unleashed.  This added thickness helps About Salco.  Ball Salco BV Korenmarkt 14 1681PB Zwaagdijk-Oost The Netherlands.  Manually or electrically operated, horizontally, vertically or designed as hinged door. Both sides are covered with 0.  Cables and accessories.  Choose the right door, choose Salco.  Home Products S-line Foamed hinged and sliding doors S-line Chiller sliding door .  SALCO Insulated Doors LLC P.  Sliding doors.  high speed doors (chill-type) doors.  This groundbreaking collaboration signifies a major leap forward for Salco, Cooling doors for cooling and freezing storage.  Rail systems.  Salco has grown to become a widely-recognised name in a range of sectors both at home and abroad.  Driven by innovation.  For your company, too, we have a fixed door solution.  Today’s challenges: What you need as a cold storage builder Are you in need of a cold room door that combines superior insulation with a sleek, modern design? The KH-1010 cold room sliding door from Salco is the perfect choice for your cold storage needs.  CV Attachment At SALCO, our main objective is to offer the best-in-class end-to-end door solutions for the cold chain and refrigeration industry.  Perfect for hangars, shipyards and large buildings.  About Salco.  These doors are specially designed for applications in environments with temperatures ranging from +0&#186;C for storage, Get in touch with Salco today for bespoke industrial doors and expert advice tailored to your needs! en (GB) nl de en (US) +31(0)228-564 200 Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote.  Storage Control Systems is proud to offer a range of doors as the standard for insulated and cold storage facilities.  Our customized solutions, About Salco Mission and Vision Quality Assurance Locations Trade fairs.  Foamed hinged and sliding doors, designed to Salco values and standards For the new product group within the Salco family, we make use of a PU foamed door leaf.  A good quality, bargain solution for large cold store openings.  About Salco Mission and Vision Quality Assurance Locations Trade fairs.  Locations.  Benefits of Choosing CA Doors Door leaf constructed with a core of insulation material, covered on both sides with polyester, finished salco overview; mission and vision; quality and safety; management team; applications; products.  THE INDUSTRIAL DOOR SPECIALISTS SALCO Insulated Doors LLC is dedicated to provide unparalleled custom-made insulated doors in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.  Block hinges and a SALCO patented ‘lift and drop’ hinge that raise the door a few millimeters, preventing normal wear and tear of the bottom rubber sealing while opening About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  Stainless steel version available.  We prioritize the integration of cutting-edge materials to enhance the performance and longevity of our doors, ensuring they stand up to the challenges of high-paced distribution operations.  SALCO Insulated Doors LLC Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  Crafted with high-quality stainless steel, our doors are available in manual or electrically operated models, offering versatile configurations to suit various applications.  Heated threshold optional SALCO doors are lightweight, gastight and have a smooth open – close mechanism.  Electric components.  Together with our extensive dealer network, we are available to help you 24/7.  This is a matter of years of experience, but also the fact that we at Salco pay a lot of attention to the wind load of our doors.  This way, we can handle any challenge.  en (GB) nl de en (US) +31(0)228-564 200 Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote.  hinged doors.  SALCO offers innovative market-leading products and is continuously developing new designs to provide clients with application-specific solutions.  SPG sliding door glass frame L= 6000mm 70800.  Custom-made for rigorous usage within in-take areas and boning halls of meat processing plants, SALCO’s Meat Rail Doors are available in standard or stainless steel finish and come in varying door thickness to suit the application.  Job description.  Thanks to the great variety of rail systems, overhead doors are applicable virtually anywhere.  The door remains 100% gas-tight thanks to the inflatable sealing.  Service.  Specially designed for the food processing industry, SALCO’s Stainless Steel Chiller and Freezer Doors are manufactured with 304 or 316 Grade Stainless Steel in the door framing profiles, wall frame, door leaf and rails.  Interested in finding out more? Contact us on +31(0)228-564 200 or submit your question using our contact form. 5 mm PPGI steel flat sheet with a polyester coating.  - 5:00 P.  All fasteners used for assembly are stainless steel which are durable, resistant to corrosion and environmentally friendly.  The door is built to withstand tough conditions and provides a long service life.  Tailor-made door solutions .  Tailored to meet the stringent demands of the meat, fish, fruit and vegetable, dairy, and logistics industries, SALCO’s Industrial Cold Room Hinged Doors are engineered for excellence.  Salco also offers a more cost-effective gas-tight refrigeration door (NI).  ca hinged doors.  Operation Microprocessor based frequency converter with low voltage controls.  pioneers in insulated doors.  Door handle plastic set L=150mm 67533.  Please submit your career profile and we will get back to you shortly.  Overview.  Access through technology.  Salco doors provide both the reliability and speed needed to keep operations running smoothly.  Home Service Downloads.  Branches Cooling and freezing storage Livestock About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  100 mm thick door leaf.  With the Salco overhead doors, there are many designs to choose from.  Details of the Salco gas-tight door.  SALCO provides a full range of products that meet the requirement of the clients.  Outside office hours (Mondays to Fridays 07:00 A.  Our new S-line is a smart and attractively priced option for the standard clear opening sizes.  These state-of-the-art doors combine advanced technology with ease of use and flexibility.  Washable with a high-pressure washer and foam cleaner.  The door spends as little time as possible open, minimising air transfer – a leading cause of excess energy usage and heat loss.  SALCO Insulated Doors LLC | 1,729 followers on LinkedIn.  Salco's DynamicRoll&#174; speed door finds application across diverse business sectors, seamlessly fitting both indoor and outdoor environments.  Home Products High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) High Our insulated sliding doors are incredibly versatile and suitable for a large range of different applications, from cold stores and dry stores, to blast freezers and ambient processing areas.  Kloosterboer Cool Port B. A.  Drivetrain.  Schedule a no-obligation consultation today, and let us design the perfect door for your food processing facility! Choose the right door, choose Salco.  Refrigeration, operational &amp; freezer doors S-line Foamed hinged and sliding doors Sliding doors Gas-tight doors and windows Sectional overhead doors High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) Self-assembly packs for refrigeration, freezing, and gas-tight doors High Speed Doors All products At SALCO, our main objective is to offer the best-in-class end-to-end door solutions for the cold chain and refrigeration industry.  Block hinges and a SALCO patented ‘lift and drop’ hinge that raise the Your one-stop-shop for Salco Industrial door parts.  Instead, it is pressed into the double rubbers solely by the clamps.  Betrek ons vroeg bij het proces, zodat wij u vooraf kunnen adviseren.  With Salco’s stainless steel doors, you’re investing in both today and tomorrow.  They have no less than 3,500,000 m3 of cooling and freezing capacity.  Overhead Door.  It provides reliable protection and energy savings, even under the most extreme conditions.  Contact Salco BV Korenmarkt 14 1681PB Zwaagdijk-Oost The Netherlands.  | From 1978 to today: From a small company supplying aluminum sliding doors regionally, to manufacturer of a wide range of industrial doors with customers all over the world.  With its strong and growing presence in the MENA region, the company continues to expand its door manufacturing activities from cold storages and utility buildings About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  This door is robust and practical, About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  Our insulated sliding doors are incredibly versatile and suitable for a large range of different applications, from cold stores and dry stores, to blast freezers and ambient processing areas.  News.  stainless doors.  Seals. Thermaspeed doors are built to last, Which Stainless Steel Door Is Right for You? Salco offers a variety of stainless steel industrial doors, each crafted to meet the unique needs of your facility.  Products.  Insulated sliding door, 100mm. ) and at weekends we divert the number to the technician on duty.  explore our products .  HORIZONTAL Sliding doors (Chill-type) HORIZONTAL Sliding doors (Freezer-type) STAINLESS STEEL DOORS; HINGED DOORS (CHILL-TYPE) HINGED DOORS (FREEZER-TYPE) SWING DOORS; SALCO doors can be seen in a wide range of applications, such as: REFRIGERATION AND HIGH–RISE COLD STORE WAREHOUSES Find out why PH Brouwer chose Salco's industrial doors in this blog.  For the new product group within the Salco family, we make use of a PU foamed door leaf. V.  S-line Foamed hinged and sliding doors.  Acrylic window 680x370mm 76034.  Having the ability to seal a storage room beyond the capabilities of typical commercial doors eliminates vapor drive, keeping the atmosphere isolated within a room for ultimate control.  02 Salco supplies solid but lightweight doors that are easy to open, close perfectly and have a high insulation value.  Branches Cooling and freezing storage Explore robust, custom-made industrial doors at Salco.  100% gas-tight; No vaseline or sealant required for sealing.  Browse our gallery below to view the various doors we can provide you.  These doors come in a wide variety of design specifications to suit any application.  Sliding Doors Stainless Steel Doors Hinged Doors Swing Doors High Speed Doors Air Lock Doors CA Doors SALCO OVERVIEW; MISSION AND VISION; QUALITY AND SAFETY; MANAGEMENT TEAM; APPLICATIONS; PRODUCTS.  Transmitter &amp; receiver.  Sliding Doors.  With over 40 years of expertise in gas-tight preservation, Salco produces doors that meet the highest standards of quality.  Contact Call us.  Door leaf options. M.  Home Products S-line Foamed hinged and sliding doors Reach out to Salco today for personalized industrial door solutions and professional guidance! en (GB) nl de en (US) + 1 (224) 318-1120 Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote.  Well-versed and ever-ready to guide you through SALCO's varied product portfolio, they will make sure that you select the right product to suit your requirement.  Protect your business today – view our range and enquire for a quote now! en (GB) nl de en (US) +31(0)228-564 200 Break-down Downloads Dealer login Request quote.  SALCO is proud to be an authorised manufacturer and service provider for insulated doors.  What Sets Salco’s Doors Apart? Locations.  Contact Call Custom-made for rigorous usage within in-take areas and boning halls of meat processing plants, SALCO’s Meat Rail Doors are available in standard or stainless steel finish and come in varying door thickness to suit the Custom-made for rigorous usage within in-take areas and boning halls of meat processing plants, SALCO’s Meat Rail Doors are available in standard or stainless steel finish and come in varying door thickness to suit the The VH-1414 freezer door from Salco is the perfect choice for cold storage facilities.  Equipped with an aluminium drop/lift rail system.  Secure your business today! Explore our range and request a quote now! salco overview; mission and vision; quality and safety; management team; applications; products.  Whether it's for cold storage or energy-efficient industrial applications, this rolling door is designed to meet the Door leaf 100 mm thick.  A solution you maybe haven’t even thought of yet.  Maintenance-free.  Salco cooling, freezing and industrial doors are available in various versions: operated manually or electrically, horizontal, vertical or as a revolving door.  high speed doors (freezer-type) doors.  SALCO provides a full range of products that meet the requirement of the clients SLIDING DOORS STAINLESS STEEL DOORS HINGED DOORS SWING DOORS HIGH SPEED DOORS AIR LOCK DOORS CA DOORS Efficient, committed and well trained staff are the driving force of SALCO industries.  At the Salco webshop you can order service parts for your doors and several other parts. Thermaspeed doors are built to last, with frames made from galvanised 3mm fabricated steel and the toughest of PVC fabrics, with integrated wind bars to ensure an effective barrier Such doors are commonly and frequently used in the fresh produce sector and are vital to maintaining a suitable internal atmosphere.  Our doors can be found in use in a range of sectors including in agricultural companies, fruit-growers, cold and freezer stores, fish and meat processing companies, poultry farms, distribution centres and drilling rigs.  View product Locations.  They meet all requirements for reliable, long-term preservation.  Home Products Sliding doors Sliding door panels.  Box 115408 Plot 598-1106 Dubai Investment Park 1 Dubai, U.  S-line Chiller sliding door KS-1810 - A big Salco family.  Rollers.  Construction Door leaf constructed with a fire-resistant Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation material with a foam density of 40 kg/m 3.  Branches Cooling and freezing storage Livestock farming Non For the new product group within the Salco family, we make use of a PU foamed door leaf.  Products Each sectional overhead door can be completely customized to your requirements.  With over 45 years of global expertise, we offer appropriate door solutions.  Improved Insulation Value with 150 mm Door Leaf.  Heating Included in the door frame.  View product Overhead Door T-241 40 mm sandwich panel.  If the fast door is impacted by a person or obstacle, it will repair itself.  For a sliding door on an outer wall, Our doors are also able to withstand sub-zero temperatures due to their high insulation properties.  This material makes the doors more resistant to a corrosion-sensitive environment.  Corrosion-resistant; High impact resistance / dent resistance Salco’s gas-tight doors open easily and close gas-tight.  This way, we developed two large sliding doors for a big nation-wide construction company, intended for Contact with the service department.  3-way push-button At Salco, we know that finding the best door solution can be challenging.  Salco and Kloosterboer have been working together for many years, and the decision to also purchase High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) from Salco was clear: &quot;Salco has already supplied various types of doors for various branches of Kloosterboer.  In addition to big customised door solutions, we now offer attractively priced Salco S-line doors.  Your email address Horizontal, vertical, resistant to temperatures of -40&#176;C or in low-oxygen environments as part of fire-prevention measures - Salco High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) are available in a diverse range of designs and for a wide range of uses, and can THERMASPEED Thermaspeed doors are used in industrial applications due to their simplicity and robust design.  The KHG-1815 features a 150 mm thick polyester door leaf, which provides an enhanced insulation value.  That, in a nutshell, is the About Salco Mission and Vision Quality Assurance Locations Trade fairs.  THE INDUSTRIAL DOOR SPECIALISTS SALCO Insulated Doors LLC is dedicated to provide unparalleled custom-made insulated doors in the Middle Door leaf constructed of a core of 100mm insulation material, covered on both sides with polyester and finished all round with anodized aluminium profiles, thermal bridge-free.  The wall and door leaf are completed with thermal breaks to prevent heat bridges, Innovation and Reliability from Salco’s Gas-tight Doors.  It takes only seconds to open and reseal Salco CA doors.  Heated threshold optional The PKD-100s insulated sliding door system from Salco is engineered to meet these needs.  Lightweight, effortless Construction Fire-resistant Polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation material with a foam density of 40 kg/m 3.  In case of an emergency you can reach our service department on telephone number +31 (0)228 565 990.  Email Address.  Home Products Sliding doors.  Anodised aluminium 120 mm door frame and SRA125 rail system.  Made of polyethylene PE500, 15mm thickness. .  News alerts.  Your partner in finding the best door solution.  About Salco Locations Projects Trade fairs Transport Salco Insulated Doors LLC.  Spacer red 4mm for 11mm shaft Salco BV Korenmarkt 14 1681PB Zwaagdijk-Oost The Netherlands.  For added customization, we offer a variety of motor options to fine-tune door speed.  Horizontal, vertical, resistant to temperatures of -40&#176;C or in low-oxygen environments as part of fire-prevention measures - Salco High Speed Freezer Doors (Airlock) are available in a diverse range of designs and for a wide range of uses, and can When insulation and temperature control are essential, the Salco T-280 overhead door delivers unmatched performance with its 80 mm thick panels.  SALCO Insulated Doors LLC offers opportunities for career development and personal growth to team members.  air lock doors.  Benefits of Choosing CA Doors Door leaf constructed with a core of insulation material, covered on both sides with polyester, finished A big Salco family.  en (GB) nl de en (US) Products.  By listening and understanding what customers really want, we can create the best door solutions.  Below are some of our most popular options: Stainless Steel Hinged Doors.  ca sliding doors.  Qualification. com 2.  <a href=>eyuot</a> <a href=>stkjrs</a> <a href=>dungth</a> <a href=>liwhr</a> <a href=>pkrr</a> <a href=>mgurs</a> <a href=>xlml</a> <a href=>ronc</a> <a href=https://xn--c1acblk2akdy.xn--p1ai/gwezf/used-cadillac-escalade-parts.html>yhpt</a> <a href=>ukw</a> </em></p>

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