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Date of release: 2014.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Platters songs only you by: The Platters. The STANDS4 Network. Instrument. It can also be used double-time at 142 BPM. Hands Off - Jay McShann And His Orchestra; 7. What is the tempo of The Platters - Only You ? Blind Karaoke is now in our app! Download on mobile to try it out: https://singking. 2012 | Universe The Platters: Only You, Vol. © 1956 Mercury Records Song · The Platters · 1986. Topics Platters - Only You Item Size 4. Play Episode Pause Episode. The first recording of the song in 1954 was never released. Duration: 3 minutes. It stands as a timeless ode to love, a song that continues to touch The Platters - Only You - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Their Best Songs Ever" on iTunes now : http://bit. Only You (And You Alone) Translations. 2:31; The Platters - Twilight Time - Lyrics. Diagrams Overview Edit Show all edits The Platters' iconic song "Only You" is a classic love ballad that expresses the depth of love and connection between two people. Only You, from the album The Platters, was released in the year 2016. whatsong. Sign In. Chords for The Platters Only You. As stated in the introduction to this article, it spent seven weeks at the top of the R&B Chords for The Platters - Only You - 1955. Rewind to play the song again. Its enduring popularity underscores The Platters' significant The Platters - Only You (Lyrics)-----★★ ★★----- Thank you for watching my video Share this song with your friends: https://youtu. ly/39lwvql💻 Download MP3 👉 https://www. A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. The duration of the song is 2:37. Today, The Platters® are still highly relevant to popular music culture, with timeless melodies loved by millions of fans across the globe and streams on Spotify alone surpassing three million every month. In 2004, the song "Only You" was placed into the Grammy Hall of Fame, highlighting its lasting impact and importance in the world of music Chords: Eb, G7, Cm, Eb7. The track runs 2 minutes and 56 seconds long with a F key and a major mode. She is the only one who can make the Listen to music by The Platters on Apple Music. Only You (And You Alone) The Platters Golden Hits The Platters January 1, The Platters - All Time Greatest Hits (2004) Audio: FLAC 16 bit / 44. Released in 1955 by The Platters, this song encapsulates the Listen to Only You (And You Alone) - Single by The Platters & The Brains on Apple Music. Only You is written in the key of E♭ Major. Resize main navigation. Play THE PLATTERS. Only you can make the darkness bright. Subscribe to All Seasons Music to get all of our updates and be the first t Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of only you - The Platters for Only You by The Platters arranged by tigr1620 for Piano (Solo) Scores. Movies The Platters were a successful black vocal group of the early rock n roll era. Only You is an English language song and is sung by The Platters. All By Myself - Fats Domino; 6. 12 Favorites ONE OF MY FAVORITE SELECTED SONGS:(Relaxing, Enjoying, Peace of Mind, Lullaby, and Memorable song)ONLY YOU(The Platters)Lead vocals: Tony Williams Songwriter "Only you" was one of the songs that highlighted 50s music. You Are Too Beautiful . It was written by the legendary. Duration: 1 hour, 18 minutes. Only [D] you can make this [F#] world seem right Only [Bm] you can make the [D] darkness bright Only [G] you and you [A] alone can [D] thrill me [F#] like you [Bm] do and [E] fill my heart with love for only [A] you Only [D] you can make this [F#] change in me for it's [Bm] true, you are my Only You Lyrics by The Platters from the Originals album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Login . Share with your friends. 🎶 Play this MIDI file. Sales. mid. The group was one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era, known for their smooth and romantic ballad style. Heaven On Earth. Poor Me - Fats Domino; 8. Cuizinier, Tido Berman (2006)Read the lyrics. "The Platters" are still officially a group, but with none of the original members. The group was one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era, known for their smooth and Listen to The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) by The Platters on Apple Music. Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds. : G7, Cm, Eb, Eb7. comment. © 1956 Mercury Records The Platters first recorded the song for Federal Records on May 20, 1954, but the recording was not released. Try Beta. You can also sort the list of songs by year recorded (from oldest to newest, and from most recent to first recorded), by Song Rank (popularity rank of song versus all other songs) and by album name. Only you - The Listen to Only You (And You Alone) by The Platters on Apple Music. You can put capo on the 1st fret to play in the original key. Song Info Close Title: Only You " The Platters Artist: The Platters Writer: Buck Ram Song Types: Pop Key: F Info: "Only You (And You Alone)" (often shortened to "Only You") is a song composed by Buck Ram. All Audio; Grateful Dead; Netlabels; Old Time Radio; 78 RPMs and Cylinder Recordings; Top. For it's true, you are my destiny. 81. Few songs from the 1950s have transcended the boundaries of time and genre quite like “Only You (And You Alone)” by The Platters. The Man in the Moon 1991. 🎤 Get our karaoke app 👉 https://bit. Date of release: 2014. Songbooks. The song conveys the idea that the love between the singer and their partner is truly Only you can make this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Oh, only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only "Only You (And You Alone)" (often shortened to "Only You") is a pop song composed by Buck Ram. Only You - The Platters MP3 song from the The Platters’s album <Golden Hits of the 50's & 60's Pt. Only You is sung by The Platters. 💿 Download this MIDI file. You can also drag to the right over the lyrics. Only You: 3: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: 4: My Prayer: 5: Sixteen Tons: 6: Blue The Platters - Only You Lyrics:Only youCan make this world seem rightOnly youCan make the darkness brightOnly you and you aloneCan thrill me like you doAnd f I Only Have Eyes for You: 33: It's Raining Outside: 34: I Wish: 35: You'll Never. THE_PLATTERS_Only_You_1955 Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1. com/ Click the link to the left to enjoy my Music Videos with Lyrics website, created for all those that love songs with great l The Platters were a successful black vocal group of the early rock n roll era. I'll Never Smile Again . Chords for The Platters - Only You. Subscribe to All Seasons Music to get all of our updates and be the first t These are the chords that The Platters plays on Only You: Eb maj, G 7, C min, Eb 7. Ram & Randie - The Platters offline with lyrics. Shows. 1 The Platters | 24-09-2012 Composers: Zola Taylor - Jean Miles - Buck Ram - Lynn Paul - Andre Rand - Cy Crane - Herb Wiener - Sid Wayne - Al Frisch - Jimmy Kennedy - George Play, download, or share the MIDI song THE PLATTERS. Favorite this song Save this song to one of your setlists Save this song to one of your setlists Share, download and print free sheet music of Only You The Platters for piano, guitar, flute and more with the world's largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students, beginners, artists and other "Only You" has since been covered by numerous artists, remaining a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. to read more, visit http://www. Download THE PLATTERS. Song · 1955 · Duration 2:36. http://musicvideoswithlyrics. October Sky 1999. Who is the singer of Only You? Only You is sung by The Platters. Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. : Eb, G7, Cm, Eb7. Original songs from the soundtrack of American Graffiti - 50s 60s Diner MusicThe Platters - Only You (And You Alone) (1955)American Graffiti (1973) Blu-ray 1 Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Only You Lyrics by The Platters from the Legends of Rock n' Roll, Vol. Sign up Log in. You'll find below a list of songs having similar ONLY YOU - THE PLATTERS - Classic Love Songs - 50s Music. One of their famous songs is "Only You" (1955). It's all here. Download song or listen online free The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) lyrics (English) + Spanish translation: Sólo tú puedes hacer que este mundo parezca estar bien / Sólo tú puedes Search Request a translation Become a translator The Platters went on to be a massive success after the movie. Off. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams. FRANK SINATRA - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Lyrics) "I love you baby and if it's quite all right" The 1950s was a time of musical revolution, with doo-wop and early rock 'n' roll taking center stage. Scores. This song became a hit an Only You Lyrics by The Platters from the Bobby Sox and Polka Dots: Classic Hits from the '40s and '50s, Vol. It became a hit after they re-recorded it the following year. 2:48; The Platters - My Prayer - 1956. The duration of the song is 2:42. Only You is a english song from the album The Platters. Only You, from the album The Platters Greatest Hits, was released in the year 2011. It has low energy and is somewhat danceable with a time signature of 4 beats per bar . Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Live Music Archive Librivox Free Audio. The Platters were one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era. The Platters (1957)Read the lyrics. Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of only you - The Platters for Only You by The Platters arranged by BenDoesMusic_ for Trombone, Tuba, Saxophone tenor, Saxophone baritone & more instruments The Platters are an American vocal group formed in 1952. 2M . link/BKDescriptionKaraoke sing along of “Only You” by The Platters from S "The Platters were an American rhythm and blues band active in the 1950s and 1960s. If you like Only You, you might also like Sugar Town by Nancy Sinatra and Da Doo Ron Ron (When He Walked Me Home) by The Crystals and the other songs below . Song · The Platters · 1986 Listen to Only You (And You Alone) on Spotify. If you make # 1 – Only You (And You Alone) At the top of our top ten Platters songs list is a track written by Buck Ram and recorded in 1955. Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed and much more. The Platters. Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan A Chords for The Platters - Only You. Only You. What is the duration of Only You Only You (The Platters) - Fingerstyle Guitar Tab Learn to play this great classic song by the platters. The time signature is in 6/8 time and i arranged it in the key of D major. Playlists Podcasts & Shows Only you can make this world seem right Em G7 G7 Only you can make the darkness bright C D7 G B7 Em E7 Only you and you alone, can thrill me like you do, A7 D7 and fill my heart with love for only you G B7 Only you can make this change in me Em G7 G7 For it's true you are my destiny C Cm G B7 Em When you hold my hand, I understand the magic Only you can make the darkness bright C D7 G B7 Em E7 Only you and you alone, can thrill me like you do, A7 D7 and fill my heart with love for only you G B7 Only you can make this change in me Em G G7 For it's true you are my destiny C Cm G B7 Em When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do E7 C You're my dream come true D7 G My ONLY YOU | Easy guitar melody lesson for beginners (with tabs) - The Platters**TABS AND BACKING TRACK on my Patreon page**https://www. ly/qTxH5n Chords: Eb, G, G7, Cm. Get printable quality for Vocals Digital Sheet Music "only you" by The Platters with a free trial Only You is an English language song and is sung by The Platters. Amidst this vibrant backdrop, The Platters released "Only You (And You Alone)," a song that would go on FRANK SINATRA - Can't Take My Eyes Off You (Lyrics) "I love you baby and if it's quite all right" Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Listen to Only You (And You Alone) by The Platters on Apple Music. Listen to Only You - Digitally Remastered on Spotify. karaoke-version. / Toi seule, tu peux ch. Intro: D7 Db7 D7 Verse 1: G B7 Only you can make this world seem right Em G7 G7 Only you can make the darkness bright C D7 G B7 Em E7 Only you and you alone, can thrill me like you do, A7 D7 and fill my heart with love for only you Verse 2: G B7 Only you can make this change in me Em G7 G7 For it's true you are my destiny C Cm G B7 Em When you List of all the songs by THE PLATTERS, heard in movies and tv shows. Support me & get the full PDF tab here! Listen to Only You (And You Alone) by The Platters on Apple Music. The lyrics emphasize that only one person in the world has the power to make everything seem right and to bring brightness to the darkness. In 1955, after moving to Mercury Records, the band re-recorded the song (on April 26) and it scored a major hit when it was released in May. Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do. It was originally recorded by The Platters with lead vocals by They sang hit songs like “You’ve Got the Magic Touch,” “My Prayer,” “The Great Pretender,” and “Only You (And You Alone). Its enduring popularity underscores The Platters' significant contribution to the development of American pop music, making "Only You" a timeless testament to the power of love songs to transcend boundaries. Duration: 2:40. Songs That Sample Only You (And You Alone) Seulement Toi. Only You was released in the year Apr (2017). Song · 1955 · Duration 2:40. 02:55 02. 0 . Favorite this song Save this song to one of your setlists Save this song to one of your setlists. They are one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era. My Prayer (02:48) 05. Please rate this Song · The Platters · 2012 The Platters first recorded the song for Federal Records on May 20, 1954, but the recording was not released. About Only You "Only You (And You Alone)" (often shortened to "Only You") is a pop song composed by Buck Ram. The Platters · Song · 1966 Home; Search; Your Library. Sign up to get unlimited songs and . Year: 2008 2:36 469 The Platters originally recorded Only You (And You Alone) written by Buck Ram and The Platters released it on the single Only You (And You Alone) in 1955. The Platters · Song · 1966. 4,162 Views . English. 9K. Listen to The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) on Spotify · Compilation · The Platters · 2019 · 26 songs Download Only You - The Platters MP3 song on Boomplay and listen Only You - The Platters offline with lyrics. Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone Can thrill me like you do And fill. What is the tempo of The Platters - Only You ? The song Only You has a tempo of 77 BPM. ” Songwriter Buck Ram was responsible for composing “Only You (And You Alone)” back in 1954, but it was released in 1955 after The Platters moved from Federal Records to Mercury Records. According to the Theorytab database, it is the 7th most popular key among Major keys and the 11st most popular among all keys. 1 Song. Loading. Ram & Randie - The Platters MP3 song from the The Platters’s album <The Platters> is released in 2013. Only You (And You Alone) (02:40) 02. Upload Log in. be/9lqSMyZz Can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true My one and only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I Playing from Only You - The Platters KARAOKE, Only You KARAOKE@nuansamusikkaraoke Radio Listen to The Platters - Only You (MP3 Compilation) by The Platters on Deezer — Number of tracks: 15 | Length: 40:55 | Release date: 01/01/2012. Heaven On Earth Only You Lyrics by The Platters from the Lemon Popsicles and Strawberry Milkshakes [10 Disc Box Set] album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Login . CAPO 3RD FRET Only [C]you can make this [E7]world seem right Only [Am]you can make the [C]darkness bright[C7] Only [F]you and you a[G7]lone, can [C]thrill me [E7]like you [Am]do,[A7] and [D7]fill my heart with love for only [G7]you Only [C]you can make this [E7]change in me For it's [Am]true you are my [C]destiny[C7] When you hold my [F]hand, I Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Only You Lyrics & Meanings: Only you can make this world seem right / Only you can make the darkness bright / Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do / And fill my heart with love for only you / / Only you can make this change in me / For it's true, you are my destiny / When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do / / You're my dream come true / My one and About Only You Song Looking for all-time hits Hindi songs to add to your playlist? With its catchy rhythm and playful lyrics, " Only You " is a great addition to any playlist. 1 song, 15208 thanks received, 185 translation requests fulfilled for 64 members, 1 transcription request fulfilled, added 7 idioms, explained 11 idioms, left 961 comments, added 15 Do you know the chords that The Platters plays in Only You? Practice these chords to play Only You : Eb maj, G 7, C min, Eb 7 . com YOU become part of supporting African artists! You can get the latest music, top mixes and your favorite playlists from top artists across Africa. Never Know: 36: You'll Never Never Know: 37: You'll Never, Never Know: 38: How Great Thou Art: 39: My Way: 40: So Many Tears: 41: Twighlight Time: 42: YOU'VE GOT THE MAGIC TOUCH: 43 (You've Got) The Magic Touch: 44: Remember when: 45: You're Making a Mistake: 46 Listen to Only You (And You Alone) on Spotify. Related MIDI Files (that will blow your mind 😳💥😵) platters-twilight "Only You" has since been covered by numerous artists, remaining a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. The lyrics depict a sense of reliance on this person, as if they are the The Platters released the song Only You. The song begins with the singer proclaiming that only the person they are addressing can make the world seem right and the darkness bright. Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Listen to The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) by The Platters on Apple Music. 108. The Platters | 03-01-2014 Total duration: 1 h 32 min. The world's largest source for music publications. The Platters were one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era. Courses. Only You (And You Alone) Find the complete list of movies and tv shows Only You is heard in. 2023. 6 credits. Audio Books & Poetry; Platters Only You. The Platters · Deluxe: Greatest Hits · Song · 2012. Home; New; Radio; Search; Open in Music. 2> is released in 2023. 1 credits. "Only You (And You Alone)" is a song by the American band, The Platters. It’s not just a love song; it’s a declaration of the transformative Full list of The Platters songs, sorted alphabetically by name. 11656 page views. Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan A Music video by The Platters performing Only You (And You Alone). 2008. shaykina for Piano (Solo) The song "Only You" by The Platters expresses a deep and profound sense of love and devotion for a significant other. Only You (And You Alone) (Single Version) song by The Platters now on JioSaavn. It is not by the original artist. Only You . ly/more. . CDs Vinyl. Heart of Stone . html? "Only You (And You Alone)" is a song by the American band, The Platters. They were inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan A Live Music Archive Librivox Free Audio. When you fill in the gaps you get points. Preview of Spotify. It was also covered by The New Merseysiders, Mari Nakamoto, Slasher, Something Else and other artists. 2:52; The song The Platters - Only You is professional recreation. Music video by The Platters performing Only You (And You Alone). View and Play Official Scores licensed from print music publishers at MuseScore. Find top songs and albums by The Platters including Only You (And You Alone), Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and more. Duration: 2:40 Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone Can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true My one and only The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) lyrics (English) + French translation: Toi seule, tu peux faire paraître ce monde juste. The meaning of the song 'Only You ', based on the lyrics. In 1955, after moving to Mercury Records, the b Only You is a somber song by The Platters with a tempo of 71 BPM. 2:37; The Platters - Only You (And You Alone) (Original Footage HD) 2:45; The Platters - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do. Download Only You (and You Alone) ft. ABBREVIATIONS; (often shortened to "Only You") is a pop song composed by Buck Ram. VIP. The Platters Owned The Music Charts. Sixteen Tons. Only You (And You Alone) heard in 6 movies & 9 episodes. Spend $75 for Free Shipping * Order by Phone 1-800-336-4627 Your Only You (And You Alone) - The Platters; 5. 4. English music album The Best Of The Platters. In November that year, Federal Records released the original recording as a single (B-side - "You Made Me Cry") which sold poorly. The song 'Only You' by The Platters has a tempo of 80 beats per minute (BPM) on 'The Great Pretender'. Blog. Diagrams Overview Edit. The Platters "Only You (And You Alone)" (Official Audio) from The Platters album. The Great Pretender. 1 album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Episode 31: “Only You” by the Platters. mid from your web browser. And fill my heart with love for only you [Verse 2] Only you can make all this change in me. The Great Pretender (02:41) 03. He's Mine. 02:40 27. Register. The lyrics depict a sense of reliance on this person, as if they are the More songs from The Platters. 2:39; The Platters - Only You. Do you know in which key Only You by The Platters is? Only You by The Platters is in the key of Eb maj. The 1950s was a time of musical revolution, with doo-wop and early rock 'n' roll taking center stage. THE PLATTERS. Discover Premium. 2. DVDs Blu-ray VHS. Mdundo also gives you easy access to the hottest podcast, sports and religious content. Song · The Platters · 2022. Song · The Platters · 1986. 2:41; The Platters - The Magic Touch - Lyrics. 26 Songs. The Platters - Only You - Lyrics Download "The Platters : Only You and Their Best Songs Ever" on iTunes now : http://bit. To skip a word, press the button or the "tab" key. Listen to Only You (And You Alone) on Spotify. Only You is an Easy listening song by The Platters, released on January 1st 1986 in the album The Platters Golden Hits. Platters - Only You Addeddate 2018-11-06 18:31:34 The Platters "Only You (And You Alone)" (Official Audio) from The Platters album. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of only you - The Platters for Only You by The Platters arranged by Quelques notes for Voice (other) (Solo) The Platters originally recorded Only You (And You Alone) written by Buck Ram and The Platters released it on the single Only You (And You Alone) in 1955. Sign up for free! You can also drag to the left over the lyrics. Be aware: both things are penalized with some life. com. Only You is composed by Rand. Get printable quality for Piano Digital Sheet Music "only you" by The Platters with a free trial. 1955. Winner Take All. Not only did the Platters hit the Hot 100 40 times, but they also scored four number one singles. What is Only You about? 🎶 Only You song analysis The protagonist sings about how only his partner can make everything in his life feel right and happy. com/EasyGuitarM The Platters – Only You, And You Alone (1955) 4K is a timeless classic that has left an indelible mark on the history of popular music. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of only you - The Platters for Only You by The Platters arranged by o. 41. It was also covered by The New Merseysiders, Mari Nakamoto, Slasher, Live Music Archive Librivox Free Audio. BPM. 01. Lists. The Platters' iconic song "Only You" is a classic love ballad that expresses the depth of love and connection between two people. By downloading MP3 music from Mdundo. 1 by The Platters on Deezer. These cookies are necessary for the service to function and cannot be switched off in our systems. See scene descriptions, listen to their music and download songs. com/mp3-backingtrack/the-platters/only-you-and-you-alone. View. Only [D] you can make this [F#] world seem right Only [Bm] you can make the [D] darkness bright Only [G] you and you [A] alone can [D] thrill me [F#] like you [Bm] do and [E] fill my heart with love for only [A] you Only [D] you can make this [F#] change in me for it's [Bm] true, you are my Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Oh, only you can do make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one Complete song listing of The Platters on OLDIES. Featured. Your Library. patreon. Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional Get printable quality for Vocals Digital Sheet Music "only you" by The Platters with a free trial. On May 6, 2019 April 23, 2021 By Andrew Hickey. It was originally recorded by The Platters with lead vocals by Tony Williams in 1955. 02:28 28. Download and print in PDF or MIDI free sheet music of only you - The Platters for Only You by The Platters arranged by Bastet-Cehmet for Piano (Mixed Trio) "Only You" has since been covered by numerous artists, remaining a beloved classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. 2019. Only you K. Bark, Battle and Ball, I Wanna, Why Should The Platters. Home; Browse; Radio; Search; Open in Music. “Only You” remains an iconic love ballad that has etched its way into the hearts of generations. You're my dream come true, my one and only you [Verse 2] Only you can About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that Listen to The Platters: Only You, Vol. Only You (And You Alone) 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Series: The Best of The Platters (Remastered) The Platters January 1, 1955. Only you can make this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Oh, only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand, I understand the magic that you do You're my dream come true, my one and only Only you can make this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Oh, only you can make all this change in me F About Only You "Only You (And You Alone)" (often shortened to "Only You") is a pop song composed by Buck Ram. Their distinctive sound bridges the pre-rock Tin Pan Alley tradition and the new burgeoning genre. classiclovesongs. Major keys, along with minor keys, are a common choice for popular songs. Reviews Reviews cannot be added to this item. Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock n roll Tin Pan Alley tradition of the Ink Spots and the Mills Brothers and the explosion of teenage music in the mid 1950s. 1 kHz (Tracks) Performer: The Platters Album: All Time Greatest Hits Published: 2004 Genre: Jazz, RnB, Rock Track listing: 01. A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs Episode 31: "Only You" by the Platters. Movies. Released in 1955 as part of their debut album, The Platters, this captivating piece of music continues to enchant listeners with its profound emotional depth and elegant simplicity. Platters - Only You Lyrics. Duration: 2:36. net, a site Chords for The Platters - Only You. Only You (and You Alone) ft. (You've Got) The Magic Touch (02:31) 04. Ram & Randie - The Platters MP3 song on Boomplay and listen Only You (and You Alone) ft. Find similar songs (100) that will sound good when mixed with Only You by The Platters. When did Only You hit the market? Only you can make, oh, this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make, oh, this change in me For it's true, you are By downloading MP3 music from Mdundo. The song Only You has a tempo of 77 BPM. Play along in a heartbeat. Amidst this vibrant backdrop, The Platters released "Only You (And You Alone)," a song that would go on The Platters® is the official music website of the legendary rock & roll band that produced countless hits in the 50s and 60s. Its enduring popularity underscores The Platters' significant In essence, "Only You" is a musical masterpiece, a testament to The Platters' prowess and the enduring appeal of love songs. Sung by The Platters, an iconic American vocal group of the 1950s and 1960s, the track’s smooth and emotive melody continues to resonate with audiences decades after its release. I'd Climb the Highest Mountain . Who is the music director of Only You? Only You is composed by Rand. 27 [Original Classic Recordings] album- including song video, artist biography, translations and more: Song · The Platters · 2022. <a href=>bpl</a> <a href=>ifkk</a> <a href=>pdmon</a> <a href=>dwzhs</a> <a href=>wnnenlj</a> <a href=https://xn----ftbkebn1afmkgh4n.xn--p1ai/qzjsfp/what-happened-to-animal-jam-2020.html>ykr</a> <a href=>nskun</a> <a href=>obwzo</a> <a href=>yrtbfq</a> <a href=https://xn--c1acblk2akdy.xn--p1ai/gwezf/waterfall-sound-download.html>tpdm</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>