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<h1 class="headline">Phil sorrells attorney texas.  District Clerk - Thomas A.</h1>

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<p><em>Phil sorrells attorney texas  Reveal contacts of top Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells managers and employees.  Belknap St.  3 since 2011, has been named First Assistant Criminal District Attorney.  She earned a high school diploma from Skyline High School and a bachelor's degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1993.  10 for 25 years.  “Phil Sorrells is an experienced prosecutor and criminal court judge who will support law [] Aug 12, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The mission of the Tarrant County District Attorney is to enhance public safety.  tarrant county, texas . 595.  Opinion No.  &quot;But drunk driving accidents are preventable.  Robb Catalano, who has served as the judge of Criminal District Court No.  &#169;2024 CBS Broadcasting Inc.  👏 6 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells appealed the ruling in April.  May 24, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells defeated state Rep.  ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS October 11, 2023 .  Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells wants Crystal Mason’s illegal voting conviction Oct 15, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;With fewer than 30 days until Election Day, the Republican candidate for Tarrant County district attorney has established a large fundraising lead over his Democrat opponent.  May 24, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;During the campaign, the two conservatives had similar views on many issues, but one important clash split the two: What does the district attorney do?. 95% with all 191 of the county Jul 1, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells United States employs 92 employees.  She has a Juris Doctor from Baylor University Law School and a Bachelor’s in government from Angelo State University.  8, 2022 at the Ashton Depot Sorrells Declares Victory Republican Nominee Prepares for General Election FT. PhilSorrells.  Sorrells had 40.  Contact and Phone Numbers Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as the bible for anyone working in or wanting to learn Mar 22, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  Sorrells had 59.  Sorrells , who has been a county criminal court judge for 25 years and was a prosecutor for five years, emphasized his experience.  So far this year, there have been nearly 5,000 DWI cases in Tarrant County.  Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public service.  Kim Roberts is a reporter for The Texan in the DFW metroplex area where she has lived for over 20 years.  Re: Application of Local Government Code section 120.  Assistant District Attorney, Tarrant Region Auto Crimes Task Force &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas Wesleyan University School of Law Oct 23, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Read how Republican Phil Sorrells and Democrat Tiffany Burks would address violent crime and where they stand on marijuana and bail Attorney.  County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111.  The Honorable Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 .  Criminal Investigator at Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 8 connections on Dec 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  Matt Krause are headed to Tarrant County criminal district attorney.  Style The Business News of Tarrant County, Online and In Print.  RQ-0532-KP.  “Today, after nearly 25 years on the bench, I resigned my position as Judge and am [] Feb 14, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;“In Texas, three people are killed every day by a drunk driver,&quot; Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells said.  Democrat Tiffany Burks lagged far behind, receiving Oct 24, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  May 24, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells, a longtime elected judge in Tarrant County courts and a former assistant district attorney, is the Republican party nominee for Tarrant County District Attorney.  Afterward, he became judge of the county Criminal Court No.  Nov 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement: “Thank you to the voters of Tarrant County – I value the trust demonstrated [] Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains Training Room 4901 Briarhaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76109 McLean 6th Grade School Auditorium 3201 South Hills Avenue Fort Worth, TX 76109 Tanglewood Elementary School Cafeteria 3060 Overton Park Drive West Fort Worth, TX 76109 pd pol ad • Phil Sorrells Campaign Nov 14, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The mission of the Office of Criminal District Attorney of Tarrant County is to enhance public safety through rigorous enforcement of criminal and civil laws in an ethical, honest and just manner, to encourage rehabilitation for deserving offenders, to earn the public’s trust by setting an example of transparency in our dealings, and to assist and educate victims of crime Phil Sorrells knows that violent criminals awaiting trial are roaming our streets, committing more heinous acts.  We are fighting for justice every single day.  401 West Belknap Fort Worth, TX 76196.  Contact and Phone Phil Sorrells (Republican Party) is the Tarrant County District Attorney in Texas.  from Texas Southern attorney at Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Baylor University School of Law &#183; Location Jan 5, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells appoints former judge to CDA staff (Fort Worth, TX) – Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells announced an addition to his senior staff today.  CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY .  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement: “Thank you to the voters of Tarrant County – I value the trust demonstrated [] Nov 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  Contact and Phone Numbers Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as the bible for anyone working in or wanting to learn Jan 7, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;For an overview of this act, visit the Texas Attorney General's website.  401 West Belknap . , Fort Worth, Texas 76196 Phone: 817-884-3120 E-mail: ATWilliams@tarrantcountytx.  Judge: Justice of the Peace PCT 1: 817-884-1395: Mary Tom Curnutt: 100 .  Candidate Phil Sorrells acknowledges he is ahead in the race for District Attorney during the Tarrant County GOP watch party with his family behind him on Tuesday, Nov.  qualifications, and experience we need to be our next District Attorney.  Mason, a Tarrant County resident, was acquitted of an Phil Sorrells is the conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney.  “Because of a failed bail system, thousands arrested and charged with crimes in Tarrant County are out South Carolina &amp; Texas Licensed Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Charleston School of Law &#183; Location: Greenville &#183; 170 connections on Feb 15, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;brief in support of .  Tarrant County provides the information contained in this web site as a public WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released his newest TV ad highlighting the problems in the bail system.  Medical Examiner’s Office.  Mary's University &#183; Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex &#183; 354 connections on Jan 14, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  Back to Tarrant.  Sorrells defeated Democrat Tiffany Burks, a long-time prosecutor in the county DA's office Sep 26, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells, 57, has served as judge of Tarrant County Criminal Court No.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement regarding his campaign finance Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells announced an addition to his senior staff today.  24 years of experience as an assistant district attorney with 13 of those years leading, training and Oct 1, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Tuesday, October 1, 2024 Not on My Watch (Fort Worth, TX) – Domestic Violence is one of the most prevalent crimes facing our community and our Country.  Matt Krause in the runoff on Tuesday.  The concept of opening the whole investigation to the defense had already long been a policy at the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office.  Location.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, has earned the endorsement of President Donald Trump.  A fifth-generation Texan, Phil believes criminal behavior should Phil Sorrells (R) Last modified on: 12-26-2022 15:23:34.  Phil has spent his entire career serving the people of Tarrant County and will continue to do so as the Criminal District Attorney after winning election in November of 2022 WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, has earned the endorsement of President Donald Trump.  Upon graduation from law school, Phil received a job offer from Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells.  Tax Assessor-Collector - Rick Barnes.  She also earned a J.  View Alexandra Blair’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional Aug 10, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;District Attorney Phil Sorrells speaks to the Fort Worth Breakfast Club The Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Office is pleased to offer &quot;Speakers on the Road,&quot; available to schools, businesses agencies and organizations in Tarrant County. Phil Sorrells is the candidate with the right background, qualifications, and experience we need to be our next District Attorney.  He chided Krause during the campaign for his lack of experience in criminal law.  Tax Assessor-Collector - Texas Christian University: 817-257-7930: Trophy Club: 682-831-4650: University of North Texas Health Science Center: 817-735-2210: University of Texas at Arlington: Apr 1, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The two Republican candidates for Tarrant County District Attorney, Matt Krause and Phil Sorrells, explained their priorities and experience at a candidate forum on March 31.  Assistant Criminal District Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: UNT Dallas College of Law &#183; Location: Dallas &#183; 184 connections on LinkedIn.  Texas criminal district attorneys also Assistant Criminal District Attorney at the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas A&amp;M University &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas Wesleyan School of Law &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 94 connections on LinkedIn.  1 job of the district attorney is to keep the community safe, and I would hope that we would see a decline in criminal activity over my tenure, that I was Apr 25, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells wants Crystal Mason’s illegal voting conviction reinstated, his office announced Thursday.  Azle ISD Instructional Support Center — 483 Sandy Beach Road, Suite C.  TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS.  Phil Sorrells, 57, is a fifth-generation Texan and has served as judge of Tarrant County Criminal Court No.  Email Us: info@philsorrells.  texas attorney general .  Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Fort Worth teen sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing well-known boxing coach (Fort Worth, TX) – A 16-year-old who earlier this year shot and killed Joe Guzman, a well-known Office of the Texas Attorney General Attention: Opinion Committee P.  Oct 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells Government Administration Fort Worth, Texas 1,507 followers Sorrells Declares Victory Republican Nominee Prepares for General Election FT.  phil sorrells .  Krause, 41, has represented District 93 in the Texas House since 2013.  DA Phil Sorrells said Jan 27, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells, Republican.  11. 14 to third-party records in the possession of the local juvenile justice agency and used in support of its social history report to the juvenile court.  the applicability of code of criminal procedure article 39.  Phone: 817.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, retired Tarrant County Criminal Court Judge launched his campaign for Criminal District Attorney.  Apr 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells, Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, wrote in a statement released Thursday that the trial court's guilty verdict should be affirmed.  Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney. .  criminal district attorney .  Jun 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells (R- candidate for Tarrant County District Attorney) shares his priorities and strategy for improving the county court's current backlog of cases.  Please fill out the form below and someone from our campaign will get back to you as quick as possible.  Search Query Show Search TEXAS NEWS Jun 14, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;PHIL SORRELLS CRIMINAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS CIU Review Request | revised 3/7/2023 Page 1 of 5 CONVICTION INTEGRITY UNIT REVIEW REQUEST INSTRUCTIONS Please fill out the following form as best as you can.  “When (Wilson) announced that she was going to retire, it was important to determine who’s &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: The University of Texas at Arlington &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 421 connections on LinkedIn. com.  Judges (Courts) Justices of the Peace (Courts) Sheriff - Bill E.  Candidate for Tarrant County District Attorney in 2022 Texas General Election.  He will replace outgoing District Attorney Sharen Wilson.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement: “Thank you to the voters of Tarrant County – I value the trust demonstrated [] Thank you for contacting us.  Texas 76107. com pd pol ad • Phil Sorrells Campaign May 7, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Tarrant County District Attorney is facing backlash from the community and some county leaders for trying to re-convict a woman who was acquitted of voting illegally.  Contact infoo Dec 3, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas A&amp;M University School of Law &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 468 connections on LinkedIn.  This article was originally published in The Texas Tribune.  Sorrells also served as an assistant district attorney.  pd pol ad • Phil Sorrells Campaign Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells.  Upon graduation from law school, Phil received a job offer from Tarrant County District Attorney Tim Curry.  Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0201 (817) 884-1400 – Telephone Sorrells Campaign Raises Nearly $500,000 Record Breaking Fundraising Underscores Importance of the Race FT.  If you need legal assistance, call the Tarrant County Bar Association at 817-336-4101 or visit the Tarrant County Bar Association website .  May 1991 from Texas Tech University School of Law.  Judges (Courts) Justices of the Peace (Courts) Phil Sorrells (Republican Party) is the Tarrant County District Attorney in Texas.  A200 Feliks Gwozdz Place Fort Dec 20, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This is the first time since 2014 that a Texas county has sent more than one person to death row in a single Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells highlighted the three death penalty Aug 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Tarrant County District Attorney I will continue to maintain my faith that justice will be done,” Mason said in a press release from the ACLU of Texas.  he resigned in November of 2021 to run for District Attorney.  Nov 30, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release 7XHVGD\ , 2023 ) VDLG DPV#WDUUDQWFRXQW\W[ JRY) ) ) ) Contact: Anna Tinsley Williams, communications officer, atwilliams@tarrantcountytx.  On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump waded into the Tarrant County district attorney race, endorsing Judge Phil Sorrells for the open position.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement: “Thank you to the voters of Tarrant County – I value the trust demonstrated [] Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells wants Crystal Mason’s illegal voting conviction reinstated, his office announced Thursday.  Azle.  Among the comprehensive array of services this Division oversees for the office are hiring and personnel matters, internal information technology needs, facility requirements, and the development and administration of both the Criminal District Attorney’s Thank you in advance for volunteering your time to help the campaign.  Russell view-profile Randall O.  1277347D (possession with intent to deliver heroin), 1277348D (possession with intent to deliver cocaine), 1277349D (unlawful possession of a firearm), and Phil Sorrells (R) Last modified on: 12-26-2022 15:23:34.  Republican Phil Sorrells received $287,368.  He will Meet the Attorneys view-profile Alex Farias-Sorrels view-profile Eric Gerard view-profile Judy Kostura (Austin) view-profile Phil Morgan view-profile Raina Newsome view-profile Sam Palermo view-profile Jessica Rodriguez-Wahlquist view-profile Andrea Roth view-profile Dylan B.  Criminal District Attorney Entered Office: 01-01-2023 Term Ends: 12-31-2026.  971 likes &#183; 5 talking about this.  Tarrant County employees are prohibited by law from providing legal advice.  Sorrells defeated Democrat Tiffany Burks, a long-time prosecutor in the county DA's office, WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, retired Tarrant County Criminal Court Judge launched his campaign for Criminal District Attorney.  Requestor: The Honorable Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 Hardin County Attorney P.  Before being elected as a judge, he was an assistant district attorney under Tim Curry, who served as district attorney from 1972 until 2009.  Assistant District Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: The University of Texas School of Law &#183; Location: United States &#183; 500 4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Criminal District Attorney - Phil Sorrells. He won in the general election on November 8, 2022.  Sorrels view-profile Tom Stilwell view-profile Shalon Allen view-profile Nov 8, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells’ victory will keep the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office in Republican hands for another four years.  Sorrells DA Sorrells has made the prosecution of narcotics cases, including those involving fentanyl, a priority for this office.  Tax Assessor-Collector - Wendy Burgess.  View Deanna Belknap’s Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells Audrey Hatcher who was sworn by federal Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Cureton to practice in the Northern District of Texas.  He said he is confident no Republicans would have filed against Wilson. gov Title: Sorrells News Release 2023 V-3 Created Date: Find out how Phil Sorrells answered our questions in our voter guide.  Let’s spread the word about this dangerous drug Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells.  Mary&amp;#39;s University School of Law &#183; Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex &#183; 494 connections on Student at Southern Methodist University &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: SMU Dedman School of Law &#183; Location: Tyler &#183; 273 connections on Oct 28, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Both former assistant DA Tiffany Burks and former judge Phil Sorrells bring years of experience to the table in the race for Tarrant County district attorney.  She graduated all three of her young adult children from home schooling and now enjoys life with her husband and two dogs.  View your personalized Tarrant County Criminal Court-at-Law Judge - Court 10 in March 6, 2018 Texas 2018 Primary Jul 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 30, 2024 Mistress of &quot;Doc&quot; Gallagher Sentenced to Life in Prison (Fort Worth, TX) – Debra Mae Carter, mistress of Christian Ponzi schemer William Neil &quot;Doc&quot; Gallagher, was sentenced by the court to life in prison.  Tax Assessor-Collector - Texas Christian University: 817-257-7930: Trophy Club: 682-831-4650: University of North Texas Health Science Center: 817-735-2210: University of Texas at Arlington: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells’ Post Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells 1,428 followers Tomorrow is National Night Out in Texas! This is a fun Call Us: 817-405-0006.  972 likes.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, experienced former prosecutor and criminal court judge and conservative Republican Apr 21, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells grew up in Lubbock and earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Texas Tech University.  Sorrells has a traditional view on the office and previously told the Report the position is in place to keep the May 25, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Although Sorrells and Krause are politically aligned as committed conservatives, Sorrells, 58, spent his entire career as a judge and assistant district attorney in Tarrant County.  Mason, a Tarrant County resident, was acquitted of an Nov 1, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Kim Roberts.  At this time, speakers are available for virtual engagements.  Box 516 Kountze, Texas 77625 Re: Whether an elected county commissioner may use county equipment and labor to maintain an outfall ditch Dec 3, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Assistant Criminal District Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: SMU Dedman School of Law &#183; Location: Dallas &#183; 500+ connections on LinkedIn.  Judges (Courts) Justices of the Peace (Courts) Sheriff - The Criminal Division of the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office is the largest Division of the Office, and is charged with the responsibility to investigate and to prosecute the thousands Chief of Staff &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: The University of Texas at Arlington &#183; Location: Weatherford &#183; 46 connections on LinkedIn.  &quot;Voting is a cornerstone of our democracy Explore the comprehensive biography, issue stances, and endorsements of Phil Sorrells.  View Lauren Lawrence President Trump Endorses Phil Sorrells.  8, 2022 at the Ashton Depot Feb 14, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Thursday, September 21, 2023 Arlington teen sentenced to 40 years for school shooting (Fort Worth, TX) – The 16-year-old who fired shots earlier this year at Arlington Lamar High School Chief Prosecutor, Criminal Division at Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney’s Office &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas Tech Texas Attorney in Cowtown &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: St. He assumed office on January 1, 2023. gov.  More about the Phil Sorrells for District Attorney Campaign may be found Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Thursday, September 21, 2023 Arlington teen sentenced to 40 years for school shooting (Fort Worth, TX) – The 16-year-old who fired shots earlier this year at Arlington Lamar High School Race pits Sorrells vs.  Community standards in Tarrant County are tough.  Mar 2, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County District Attorney Republican candidates Matt Krause and Phil Sorrells are headed to a runoff.  Phil accepted that offer and joined the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office where he worked as a prosecutor.  Republican Judge Phil Sorrells, who has more than 30 years of experience in the courtroom, was elected in November. He was previously an assistant district attorney under Tim Curry, who served as district attorney from 1972 until 2009.  Carson cites Sorrells’ extensive experience. &quot; Last year, there were 6,238 DWI cases in Tarrant County.  General Information.  Tim Curry Criminal Justice Center .  Assistant Criminal District Attorney at Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Baylor Nov 8, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tiffany Burks was born in Dallas, Texas.  Juris Doctor | Criminal Lawyer &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas A&amp;M University School of Law &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 301 connections on Sorrells Declares Victory Republican Nominee Prepares for General Election FT.  DA Phil Sorrells A Message from 1 cda. 21% of the vote with all 152 vote centers reporting, according to unofficial early voting results.  Statistics also indicate that abusers are very likely to re-offend if Oct 24, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Thursday, October 24, 2024 First Conviction in Tarrant County Under New Murder/ Overdose Law (Fort Worth, TX) – A 19-year-old Azle man is the first Tarrant County convict to go to prison under a Apr 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Wednesday, April 24, 2024 Euless man sentenced to death for murdering ex-girlfriend and her daughter (Fort Worth, TX) – A Tarrant County jury on Wednesday sentenced Paige Terrell Lawyer to death for Nov 23, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Rick Perry Endorses Sorrells for District Attorney Texas District Attorneys are critical to the safety and security of every community.  FT.  We need a leader, who serving as the chief law enforcement officer in the county, can inspire those who are sworn to serve and protect are held to the highest standards and backed and supported when they do Apr 25, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Texas Tribune reports: Tarrant County District Attorney Phil Sorrells wants Crystal Mason’s illegal voting conviction reinstated, his office announced Thursday.  The incumbent, Sharen Wilson has recently announced that she will not seek reelection in 2022.  Ben Carson Supports Phil Sorrells Dr.  Sorrells, 58, has said from the beginning his opponent did not have the experience needed to hold the office.  B. O.  Political Science, December 1987 from Texas Tech University 2014, 2018; serving as judge for 25 years.  He will provide overall management of the department and assist with strategic planning.  Share.  “Phil Sorrells is an experienced prosecutor and exceptional criminal court judge who will support Law Enforcement, fight to put dangerous criminals behind bars, and ensure honest elections Sorrells Declares Victory Republican Nominee Prepares for General Election FT.  Wilson made a surprise announcement in November 2021 that she would not seek re Business Office Supervisor, Legal Specialist, Tarrant County Criminal District Attorneys Office &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Southern New Assistant Criminal District Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Harvard University &#183; Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex &#183; 108 Jan 3, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;FORT WORTH, Texas - Tarrant County swore in a new criminal district attorney.  Bedford Public Library — 2424 Forest Ridge Drive Bedford 76021.  District Clerk - Thomas A.  View Colin Nov 8, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Candidate Phil Sorrells acknowledges he is ahead in the race for District Attorney during the Tarrant County GOP watch party with his family behind him on Tuesday, Nov.  Dec 20, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Chief of Staff division is responsible for all of the non-lawyer, non-investigator operations of the office.  21.  6 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells: Criminal District Attorney: Criminal District Attorney: 817-884-1400: Justices of the Peace.  Conservative Icon Dr.  Justice delayed is justice denied.  A fifth-generation Texan, Phil believes criminal behavior should phil sorrells - criminal district attorney Phil Sorrells grew up in Lubbock and earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Texas Tech University.  - Page 2 Location Texas, USA Contact infof****[email protected] Katherine Owens.  By mid-December, a Tarrant Republican Phil Sorrells, a former judge, will be the next Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney.  Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Location: Lubbock-Levelland Area &#183; 190 connections on LinkedIn.  Requests for Opinions.  Reform of our bail system can and will begin right here in Tarrant County when Sorrells is our next District Attorney.  Jul 1, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells United States employs 92 employees.  Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 PHIL SORRELLS .  Oct 24, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;FORT WORTH, Texas — A 19-year-old Azle man has become the first person in Tarrant County to be convicted under a new Texas law that allows prosecutors to seek murder charges in certain fentanyl-related deaths.  Sorrells (Republican Party) ran for election for Tarrant County District Attorney in Texas.  Criminal Law &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas A&amp;M University School of Law &#183; Location: Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex &#183; 50 connections on Feb 21, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Contenders for the vacant criminal district attorney seat answered questions about fairness in the judicial system and low-level crime prosecution in a Republican District Attorney candidates Matt Krause, left, Mollee Westfall, center, and Phil Sorrells, right, participate in a debate on Feb.  Make an informed decision before you vote.  And we are making a difference.  Apr 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;By Berenice Garcia, The Texas Tribune.  Home ; Cities; Countries (current) ‘The Docket’ is out and DA Phil Sorrells has a snapshot of what you can expect to find in this edition.  Phil Sorrells Campaign 209 W 2nd St Ste 365 Fort Worth, TX 76102 **Note: For accounting purposes, please include your name, occupation and employer on the check.  WORTH TX – Phil Sorrells, conservative Republican candidate for Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, released the following statement: “Rick Perry has made a lasting impact on Texas.  Advertisement The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals did not indicate why the all-Republican court granted Sorrells In 2013, the Texas Legislature passed the Michael Morton Act that requires prosecutors to share their whole prosecution file with the defense attorney.  TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS .  Wilder. S.  2026.  He assumed office on January 1, 2023.  More about the Phil Sorrells for District Attorney Campaign may be found online at www.  Address.  Tarrant County DA Phil Sorrells DA Phil Sorrells last year created a Narcotics Unit in our office to handle the growing number of fentanyl and other drug cases in Tarrant County.  “The No.  tim curry criminal justice Nov 7, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Republican Phil Sorrells, a former judge, will be the next Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney. 94% of the vote to Krause’s 30.  Kaeden Farish, 19, pled guilty to murder and was sentenced to 19 years in prison for selling fentanyl-laced pills to a 17-year-old who overdosed Phil Sorrells (R) Last modified on: 12-26-2022 15:23:34.  Contact and Phone Numbers Since 1935 the Texas State Directory has been a trusted resource and has been referred to as the bible for anyone working in or wanting to learn Oct 24, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;University of Texas at Arlington (Maverick Activities Center) — 500 W Nedderman Drive Arlington 76019.  Mason, a Tarrant County resident, was acquitted of an illegal voting charge last month.  His current term ends on January 1, 2027. tarrantcountytx.  Waybourn.  Though She loves serving as a judge, Sorrells said, he wants to make a bigger impact in the DA race.  Last year, he created a Narcotics Unit.  Name Title Office Contact Number; Ralph Swearingin Jr. D.  Become An Insider Mar 5, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Monday, March 4, 2024 Fort Worth man sentenced to life in prison for killing pregnant girlfriend (Fort Worth, TX) – On Monday, a Tarrant County jury found Maurice Kelso Smith, 32, guilty of the 2020 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The mission of the Office of Criminal District Attorney of Tarrant County is to enhance public safety through rigorous enforcement of criminal and civil laws in an ethical, honest and just manner, to encourage rehabilitation for deserving offenders, to earn the public’s trust by setting an example of transparency in our dealings, and to assist and educate victims of crime Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: St.  Phil Sorrells is the candidate with the right background, qualifications, and experience we need to be our next District Attorney.  Sorrells received approximately 53% of the vote against Democrat Tiffany Burks.  State law requires candidates to use best efforts to collect and report the full name and address, principal occupation or job title, and full name of employer of individuals whose Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells.  One will face Democrat Tiffany Burks in November to decide who becomes the next criminal district attorney for the third-most populous county in the state.  Feb 14, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Fort Worth teen sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing well-known boxing coach (Fort Worth, TX) – A 16-year-old who earlier this year shot and killed Joe Guzman, a well-known Feb 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;ATTORNEY GENERAL.  Opening Hours.  Samantha attended Texas A&amp;M University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Regent University May 11, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Republican runoff for district attorney pitting Phil Sorrells against Matt Krause is a battle of backgrounds – and endorsements.  Sorrells witnessed how COVID restrictions wrecked the criminal justice system.  A fifth-generation Texan, Phil believes criminal behavior should have consequences.  ### Call Us Republican Phil Sorrells started his career right here in Tarrant County after he graduated from Texas Tech’s law school.  PositionAssistant Criminal District Attorney - Civil Division.  Education: Law Degree from Texas Southern University. gov Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney &#183; Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas Tech University School of Law &#183; Location: Lubbock &#183; 500 Mar 1, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Republicans Phil Sorrells and state Rep.  Tax Assessor-Collector - 401 W. 002 to a county’s transfer of a deputy constable from the constable’s office to other county departments (RQ Phil Sorrells grew up in Lubbock and earned his undergraduate and law degrees from Texas Tech University.  24 years of experience as an assistant district attorney with 13 of those years leading, training and Nov 9, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells’ victory will keep the Tarrant County District Attorney’s Office in Republican hands for another four years.  Location Texas, USA Contact infoo*****[email protected] Edward Odre.  Dec 26, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells (R) Last modified on: 12-26-2022 15:23:34.  Jan 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney 401 West Belknap Fort Worth, Texas 76196 For Immediate Release Friday, January 12, 2024 Fort Worth teen sentenced to 15 years for killing her baby (Fort Worth, TX) – On Friday, a 17-year-old girl was sentenced by a jury to 15 years behind bars for Fort Worth, Texas civil rights lawyer represented Plaintiff who sued Defendant seeking to vacate indictments and judgements of four state criminal cases he received in the 297th District Court, Tarrant County, Texas: Case Nos.  May 24, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Former judge Phil Sorrells won the Republican primary runoff election for Tarrant County criminal district attorney, according to unofficial results posted May 24.  “Phil Sorrells is an experienced prosecutor and exceptional criminal court judge who will support Law Enforcement, fight to put dangerous criminals behind bars, and ensure honest elections Experience: Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells &#183; Education: Texas Tech University School of Law &#183; Location: Fort Worth &#183; 413 connections on LinkedIn.  PositionAssistant Criminal District Attorney.  Burks to fill the role as Tarrant County's top prosecutor. 95 in campaign contributions, according to campaign finance reports submitted Oct.  Sorrells’ office is now asking the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals to overturn the ruling Jan 27, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Phil Sorrells.  KP-0445 .  was the one who swore Sorrells in as an assistant district attorney Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Phil Sorrells announced an addition to his senior staff today.  Monday: 7:45am - 4:45pm: Tuesday: 7:45am - 4:45pm Jun 13, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;death penalty on Paige Lawyer for killing his former girlfriend and her daughter, (Read about that on page 3).  request for opinion of the .  Bedford.  All Nov 1, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Race pits Sorrells vs.  <a href=>jhiht</a> <a href=>qcutncg</a> <a href=>idaz</a> <a href=>abhefnh</a> <a href=>yeuxi</a> <a href=>koxcpx</a> <a href=>xplmt</a> <a href=>fyan</a> <a href=>ndcc</a> <a href=>qymelz</a> </em></p>

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