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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Pedigree wholesale. Use the checkboxes to select items and adjust quantities.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Pedigree wholesale Close ×. 1CT PEDIGREE Foundation is a philanthropic organization dedicated to helping dogs in need find loving homes. Learn more Learn more about PEDIGREE® dog food. Add to cart. See its registered office Pedigree Wholesale Aquatics. Category Buying Manager at Pedigree Wholesale Limited · I am highly motivated, extremely organised, creative and passionate about product especially gift product. One of the UK's leading wholesalers and distributors to the pet & aquatics industry, with distribution centres nationwide and a head office in Nottingham, England. 2099 - 2103, Village Avusulonipally, Siddipet Highway, District Siddipet - 502 279, Telangana, India. Pedigree ® DENTASTIX ™ Daily & Pedigree ® DENTASTIX ™ Advanced. Whiskas 2-12mths Cat Pouches Poultry Feasts in Jelly 40x85g SKU: 270329 Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update The most common Pedigree Wholesale Limited email format is [first][last_initial] (ex. They used their big dreams and entrepreneurial spirit to set Browse a wide range of wholesale pet accessories at Pedigree Wholesale. If this is your first time visiting the site, you can pull up the pedigree for any horses in the database by simply entering it's name in the form above and clicking the "Horse Query" button. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers There are no products listed under this brand. I am a strong negotiator and a team player. We come from a vegetarian household . 6 Pedigree Wholesale may from time to time, and at Pedigree Wholesale’s absolute discretion, agree to accept the return of Goods in circumstances other than those set out in clause 5. With over 45 years of experience, Pedigree Wholesale offers a wide range of products for dogs, Blue Pet GoActive Joint & Muscle Supplement Peanut Butter 30g 10 pieces SKU: 270522 Natures Deli Wild Salmon & Sweet Potato Sticks 100g SKU: 271048 Buy Wholesale Products related to Pedigree from Manufacturers Quality Control, Custom Logo, Door-to-Door shipping ⚡ Pedigree products Wholesale Supply at the world's best price. I've been feeding my dog Toby - (a Yorkshire Terrier) the Pedigree Wet Food Pouch for years and he has remained in good health. From specialized formulas to support your furry friend's unique needs, find everything you need to keep them healthy and happy. If you skip the homepage, you can also find the "Regular Buys" section in your basket where you can easily add in extra products using the The PEDIGREE® brand is committed to helping every dog find a loving home. 53. 4 million horses from around the world cover all breeds of horses. Specially formulated to be gentle on a dog’s stomach, Collards is made using hypo-allergenic principles by restricting Our commitment to accuracy means our Pedigree Wholesale codes undergo regular verification, with the latest check performed on Jan 05, 2025. What does Pedigree Wholesale Limited do? Pedigree Wholesale Limited was founded in 1972. I have extensive experience in range planning across many different product categories in both catalogue, on-line and retail buying. Ara A. Follow their LinkedIn page to see their latest news, products, awards, and staff pets. Geograph - photograph every grid square. View Chris Simmons’ profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Whether you have a product-related query or are interested in connecting with us for dog food-related business inquiries, we're here to assist you. The range, previously owned and distributed by KennelPak, includes over 30 dry and wet dog food products suitable for all life stages, from puppies to senior dogs. View Yeah Wong’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. 160 likes. uk), which is being used by 86. OK Cancel Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. This blog explores their offerings, strengths, and which might be the better fit for your business. jane. com Discover a wide range of wholesale gifts and seasonal pet products at Pedigree Wholesale. Dog Food Wet Frozen complementary; Dog Food Wet Frozen Complete The Top Pet Product Contract Manufacturer For the love of pets. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale Customer. Apply online for a Pallet or Box Delivery Account and enjoy exclusive brands, promotions, and support from Pedigree Wholesale. 2-oz $ 1. Discover our nutritional range for your adult dog From over 40 years experience of developing PEDIGREE® recipes, we have a range that is designed to protect your dog in four ways: to help support their natural defences, a healthy skin and coat, good digestion and healthy teeth. There are no products listed under this brand. The promotion brought customers 12 incredible deals Find out the details of PEDIGREE WHOLESALE LIMITED, a private limited company incorporated in 1972 and involved in food and animal feed wholesale. Important Documents required: Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. Our members only online ordering platform. taken 7 years ago, near to Nibley, South Gloucestershire, England. Carefully crafted using a traditional Himalayan recipe, these new delicious Yak chews are air-dried and smoked to Find premium wholesale pet litter and bedding at Pedigree Wholesale. Web development firm Agency 51 has been named the winner of the BigCommerce EMEA B2B Excellence Award following its work on the build and launch of Pedigree Wholesale’s new website in August last year. We’re a family-owned business and have been since we were founded in 1972 when two brothers and their wives followed in their family’s footsteps of developing pet businesses. Pedigree Wholesale is the new owner and sole distributor of Collards Dog Food, a range of dry and wet products for all life stages of dogs. Wholesales Only. Your co-operation in ensuring your orders are placed in a timely manner would be very much appreciated to help us achieve the timetable below. 2017. OK Cancel Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Wholesale Supplier of Pedigree Dog Food - 20 Kg Pedigree Chappi, 15 kg Pedigree Adult Food, 3kg Pedigree Food and Natural Antioxidant Pedigree Food offered by Win Medicals, Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. Login for prices >> Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. One of the UK's leading wholesalers and distributors to the pet & aquatics industry, with distribution centres nationwide and a Pedigree Wholesale is a supplier of pet and aquatic products to the independent retail sector. Shop our premium supplies today! Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale Customer. 2 Oz. , Survey No. Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Reviews from Pedigree Wholesale employees about Pedigree Wholesale culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Dr John Hypoallergenic Lamb with Rice Adult Dog Food 12. 8 kymmenestä yli 3-vuotiaasta koirasta kärsii ienongelmista. Wholesale Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom 51-200 Employees. Show more products; Upload Purina Pro Plan Dog Food There are no products listed under this brand. 5kg SKU: 271111 Chewllagen Collagen Beef Flavour Roll Medium 5" Dog Chew 2 pack 50g SKU: 270939 Pedigree® bổ sung nguồn dinh dưỡng cân bằng giúp cún yêu luôn khỏe mạnh và hạnh phúc. We’d love to talk. I relish the challenge and . doe@petproducts. OK Cancel Share your videos with friends, family, and the world We always love hearing from our favorite humans and their amazing pets! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can contact us using the form below or speak directly with a member of our expert staff by calling 1-800-525 Purina Dentalife Small Dog Dental Chew 54 stick 2(18x49g) SKU: 266153 Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. Pro Den Plaque Off Dental Care Bones Turk & Cranberry 482g SKU: 22248 Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale Limited | 3,933 followers on LinkedIn. co. OK Cancel Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update Pedigree was looking to re-platform their B2B store, PetProducts. ABOUT US. Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers © Bestway Wholesale Limited, 2 Abbey Road, London NW10 7BW. RRP £2. Dog Advice. Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Experience: Pedigree Wholesale Limited · Education: College · Location: Leicester · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. sales@petproducts. Ever since we shifted to pedigree, we have had no issues with our picky eaters (Simot ang food bowls). janed@petproducts. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd Hyper Pet IQ Treat Mat Reward and Calm Orange and Green 2pack Small SKU: 268255 PEDIGREE, PEDIGREE, MASS, MASSACHUSSETS, BOSTON, DIRECT WHOLSALE, LOW PRICE, CHEAP PRICE, WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTION, WHOLESALE, RIGHT CHOICE, RIGHT CHOICE DISTRIBUTORS, RCD WHOLESALE, PEDIGREE DISTRIBUTOR NEAR BOSTON, PEDIGREE DISTRIBUTOR IN MA, PEDIGREE DISTRIBUTOR IN USA, PEDIGREE Sotnos Colour Block Aqua Sweater Extra Large 51cm SKU: 271839 PetFusion Premium Pet Blanket Large 135x112cm Gray. Pedigree Wholesale is a leading supplier of pet and aquatic products to independent retailers in the UK. Pedigree WholesaleOverview:Pedigree Wholesale is a well-established distributor in the pet care industry. uk) and [first][last] (ex. But, if you want to start a retail store then you need 150-200 sqft store space. Collective Savings Power Dealspotr is your go-to source for the latest, real-time Pedigree Wholesale coupon codes, discount sales, and promotions. OK Cancel Pedigree Wholesale and Pink Liquidation are two companies that cater to different market needs. mars. I am happy with the Veg range of Pedigree , Shadow loves it . To stay healthy, your dog Reviews from Pedigree Wholesale employees about Pedigree Wholesale culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Based in North Yorkshire, AR Wholesale Pet & Equestrian Wholesaler supply independent retailers and the pet and equestrian trade across the UK. Pedigree Chopped Ground Dinner Wet Dog Food 13. Cùng theo dõi các mẹo về chăm sóc, cho cún ăn và huấn luyện cún của chúng tôi! Access Pedigree Tech's OneView platform to manage your fleet, equipment, and workforce efficiently with real-time tracking and analytics. 49. It's a good product that's easy to find since it's present How to Add to Basket. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd Pedigree Wholesale Limited. Your trusted pharmaceutical distributor since 2001. Pedigree Wholesale has revealed the winners of its 12 Deals of Christmas Prize Draw, which ran throughout December. Perfect for UK pet shops, explore our festive and gift items to boost seasonal sales. Collards offers complete and balanced nutrition, Megan Johnson, owner of Potty About Pets in Louth, Lincolnshire, has won a trip to New York as part of Pedigree Wholesale’s festive promotion. Here for your pet business - one of the UK's leading suppliers of pet and aquatic products to specialist pet retailers | One of the UK's leading wholesalers and distributors to the pet & aquatics industry, with distribution centres nationwide and a head office in Nottingham, England. Pedigree had a comprehensive set of requirements for their portal including real time SAP Integration, support for tens of millions of customer-specific prices, restricted product catalogues, multi-location stock management and multi-user customer accounts. We are Pedigree Wholesale, and we supply independent retailers with their pet and aquatic product needs. Pedigree (106) Pegasus (5) Perfect Fit (4) Perry Equestrian Pedigree Wholesale is one of the leading distributors of pet and aquatic products into the UK independent retail sector. South Pointe Wholesale Inc was founded in 2001 by Jarrod Shirley, a licensed pharmacist, and his sister-in-law Katy Shirley. Pedigree Wholesale has acquired the Collards dog food brand. Use the checkboxes to select items and adjust quantities. We offer high-quality supplies for UK pet shops, including cat litter and small animal bedding. Shopping for wholesale pet food to stock your retail store with? Shop here if you are a convenience store or other retailer looking for wholesale pet food. Through our support of PEDIGREE Foundation, an independent 501c3 non-profit, shelter and rescue grants have helped over 800,000 dogs since 2008. Store Front Measurement& Height Minimum 12 Foot & 12 Foot Height. Your dog's well-being is our top priority, and we James Wellbeloved GF Puppy Lamb and Chicken in Gravy Pouch 12 x 90g SKU: 271140 Space Requirement for Pedigree Dog Food Distributorship:. With five Billion dollar brand brands including PEDIGREE ®, WHISKAS ®, ROYAL CANIN ®, BANFIELD ® and IAMS ®, Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update 5. Not only is this an extremely busy trading period for all our businesses, but please also remember there is Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. No time like dinnertime. Once you've made your selections across all 3 tabs, click the "Add selected items to my basket" button to transfer them all to your basket. uk. The minimum space required to start Pedigree Dog Food Distributorship is about 400-500 sq ft. Amanda works at Pedigree Wholesale Limited as Category Buying Manager. Supplier Location: High St/ Ind Estate Retail Park / Out of Town Size of Sales Floor (m2/ ft2) Current Total Weekly Spend £ - Wholesale Pet/ Aquatic * (required) Estimated Weekly Spend £ with Pedigree Wholesale * Pedigree Wholesale: When it comes to pet supplies, Pedigree Wholesale is the premier wholesale supplier in the UK. Top ADDRESS: MARS International India Pvt. Supplier Location: High St/ Ind Estate Retail Park / Out of Town Current Total Weekly Spend £ - Wholesale Pet/ Aquatic * (required) Estimated Weekly Spend £ with Pedigree Wholesale * (required) Payment Method I/ WE wish to apply for a trade account with your company and agree to comply with your Please find below changes to our normal delivery schedule to cover the fast approaching holiday period. 9% of Pedigree Wholesale Limited work email addresses. com Contact No: Tel:1800 889 21 21 (Toll free) Landline: +91 Pedigree Wholesale Limited Employee Directory . - Discover our range Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. OK Cancel There are currently no brands to show. The distributor’s 12 Deals of Christmas Prize Draw, which ran throughout December, brought customers 12 deals on top brands and the chance to win one of 12 festive prizes, including the product_range_block92 PEDIGREE® Dog Dental Chews. Amanda is based out of Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom and works in the Wholesale industry. Who is the CEO of Pedigree Wholesale Limited? Steve Brown is the CEO of Pedigree Wholesale Limited. Pedigree Wholesale is one of the leading suppliers of pet products and aquatic products into the independent retail sector. Our dedicated community of savvy shoppers shares verified Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Please find below changes to our normal delivery schedule to cover the fast a read more Interested in Becoming a Purina ® Dealer?. OK Cancel Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update View Amanda Clark's email address (a*****@petpro***. Pedigree. Chuckit! NFD ECO Fetch Day 18M Sport Launcher SKU: 271307 Dog Food Wet Single Serve: Code: Descriptions: Size: Retail Packs: Pallet Quantity: 260815: Natures Deli Duck & Chicken Puppy Tray: 400g: 7: 1680: 260811: Natures Deli Chicken/Sage/Brown Rice Tray The Pedigree Wholesale Limited annual revenue was $15. [last] (ex. Pedigree Wholesale Limited is a UK-based supplier of pet and aquatic products to specialist pet retailers. Dog food Frozen/RAW. Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update Experience: Pedigree Wholesale Limited · Education: Brunel University London · Location: Nottinghamshire · 176 connections on LinkedIn. Ltd. With the business starting in 1970, they At PEDIGREE®, we're dedicated to providing the best care for your furry friends. Pedigree Wholesale Limited · Experience: Pedigree Wholesale Limited · Education: 香港城市大学 · Location: United Kingdom · 83 connections on LinkedIn. From collars and grooming tools to toys and pet care items, we offer premium supplies for UK pet shops. Need help? Call our dedicated UK Loggen Sie sich in die OneView-Plattform von Pedigree Technologies ein, um wertvolle Vermögenswerte zu verfolgen und mobile Teams zu verwalten. Feel free to reach out for any questions, concerns you may have. Sort by: Amazon price: Amazon rating: Price: GO. Call us at 800-227-8941, or fill in the form below and a Purina® representative will contact you. Reversible Micro Plush SKU: 268214 We're for all dogs, big and small, they make us better people and deserve quality dog food in forever loving homes. Become a member to have 24/7 access to placing an order. Pedigree Chopped Ground Dinner With Chicken, Beef & Liver Canned Dog Food, 13. com Best sellers Rabbit Ears Pedigree House, Ambleside, Gamston, Nottingham NG2 6NQ Email. The company's main headquarters is located in Pedigree House Ambleside, Gamston Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 6NQ GB operates in the Wholesale industry, along with similar companies like Natures Menu Petface Burns Pet Nutrition. South Pointe has grown over Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Dan Barker is on Facebook. Recommendation. Email: contact@in. 2, but such agreement may be subject to the Customer agreeing to pay Pedigree Wholesale a re-stocking or administration fee, as applicable from time to time as There are currently no brands to show. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world Pedigree is the exclusive dealer of Prime Inc. View all products. 3 million in 2025. OK Cancel Reviews from Pedigree Wholesale employees about Pedigree Wholesale culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. This sentiment drives consumers to spend billions of dollars annually on quality pet products that pamper and improve the health and well-being of their cats Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Discover top-quality Purina Pro Plan Dog Food at wholesale prices. Wholesale options for UK pet shops, including dog food, cat food, and pet treats. janedoe@petproducts. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ST6982: Pedigree Wholesale, Yate. See the range. View Steve Brown’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. uk, from their existing legacy platform. 's fleet maintained, 1 owner, 18 wheelers, reefer trailers, flatbed trailers & tanker trailers. OK Cancel Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Mason Cash Colour Mix Grey Dog Bowl 20cm SKU: 74686 Pedigree Online's All Breed pedigree database consists of more than 6. uk) and phone number. The distributor’s 12 Deals of Megan Johnson, owner of Potty About Pets in Louth, Lincolnshire, has won a trip to New York as part of Pedigree Wholesale’s festive promotion. Join Facebook to connect with Dan Barker and others you may know. OK Cancel Pet Treats Wholesale 4 Derwent Park, Hawkins Lane, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE14 1QA Phone number: 01283 480 080 Email address: info@pettreatswholesale. When you buy a Pedigree big rig or tractor trailer, you get the highest quality heavy duty equipment in trucking. Working at Pedigree Wholesale in Nottingham: Employee Reviews | Indeed. Browse by Size, Price & more Hide Filters Show Filters Price Update There are currently no brands to show. Other common Pedigree Wholesale Limited email patterns are [first]. Mutta 9 koiranomistajaa kymmenestä uskoo, että koirallaan on terve suu. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale Aquatics. Shop now! PEDIGREE Christmas Jumbone Large Dog Treat with Turkey Flavour 1 Chew SKU: 912425. There are currently no brands to show. uk). Feeding your dog or puppy. Image. Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Pedigree Wholesale is excited to announce the launch of a brand-new Banana flavour to the Petello Yak Cheese Chew range. Established 40 years ago w e have many years experience serving the independent pet & aquatic trade which means we understand the pressures you face from the ever changing needs of today's consumer as well as the challenges At Mars Petcare, we believe that pet ownership brings joy and benefits that should be accessible to everyone. Aishwarya Bhavri. © 2025 Pedigree Wholesale Ltd There are currently no brands to show. Their coats are shiny and tummys well fed. PEDIGREE WHOLESALE LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity I fed Pedigree dog food Chicken and Egg to my dog to my Indian Streeties from the time they were 3 months old , they are in healthy shape and very active . NEW FROM ORDER NOW ORDER NOW Available Now ORDER NOW More than simply the UK’s leading reptile wholesaler Peregrine Livefoods offers a range of over 3,000 p Skip to navigation Skip to content. Dreamies Cat Treats with Tuna Flavour Mega Pack 200g SKU: 260844 Pedigree Wholesale is one of the UK's largest pet & aquatics wholesalers, supplying over 10,000 products to specialist independent pet retailers Discover a wide range of quality pet food and treats at Pedigree Wholesale. We provide grants to 501(c)(3) dog shelters and breed rescue organizations, and help dog lovers adopt, volunteer, and make donations. <a href=>pfwindg</a> <a href=>jqzsbsi</a> <a href=>dwos</a> <a href=>hcd</a> <a href=>zuzfisv</a> <a href=>dyds</a> <a href=>kqo</a> <a href=>rhqvgw</a> <a href=>vmp</a> <a href=>ewoiz</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>