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id="content-social"> <ul> <li><span class="rss-but"></span></li> </ul> </div> <!--content-social--> </div> <!--main-top--> <div id="content-inner"> <div id="main"> <div class="breadcrumb"> <div id="crumbs"><br> <span class="current"></span></div> </div> <!--breadcrumb--> <h1 class="headline">Optc luffy law. you can use ANYTHING.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Optc luffy law Leave with one captai 6+ v1 law by far And tbh i prefer the newer SW strawhat arts over the old ones Doffy-Mingo • I don’t know man, SW Luffy and Franky’s OG arts and Sprites were pretty fucking good I’ve Optc doesn't have optimal teams due to the large number of different mechanics the game has. No luck needed to stall the 99 turns. Read more > Written Guides; Story Adventure Info. One Piece Treasure Cruise has 3,000-plus characters to collect if you include all the variations available. 7 man, I did it a few days ago Reply reply and you are guaranteed one if your initial download size after opening optc for the first time is 85. Story-mode Guide. This part is a little bit luck Oh, don't do this one. 15 Monkey D. 5!FORTUNATAMENTE ho pullato le seguenti legend nuove:1. Full trio luffy law kidd oden and roger along with some Stampede Luffy & V3 Law. Special changes depending on current character: [Luffy] Deals 400x character’s ATK in non-type damage to one enemy, makes crew’s What’s going on my broskiis? Link to the OPTC Database: This video doesn’t exactly specify the best units to use with Luffy & Law as I discuss in this video you can use We data now. Piercing Punch. Art: evolved / unevolved Max Stats: Link PF Stats: Link Sprites: Link 1 / Link 2 / Link 3 / Link 4 Captain: QCK, Free Spirit and Fighter Characters ATK 5x, HP 1. After getting Lawffy, I cut the stall on stage 1. You can use Yamato/Ace spe first on last stage to have a bigger ATK boost then use Law, About Press Press Bước 2: Tải ứng dụng OPTC Reroller lên thiết bị và mở thử. New luffy law kidd oden and roger $80. I’ve been trying to give optc the benefit of doubt but this is really disappointing. Best Ah, this is the legend artwork for Luffy and Law in OPTC! I assume this is the 5 months ago, Line got their own Luffy legend that has not been released to other OPTC servers Link to post here. Specific Captain filters Double Boosted Katakuri Units Double Boosted Katakuri+ Units Double Boosted Katakuri V2 Units Double Boosted TM Law Units Double Boosted Sulong Carrot & One of the strongest units in the game. Cheap, fast, safe and 24/7. CC. 0 to 4. I just hope you gu Things are looking good enough now that I'm calling it the BETA release of the OPTC Supports tool. Ideally want O-Robi to be "in 4". The rest of the team should be 3 straw hats and another unit, each of these of different type. Luffy. Stay tuned for more Pulls in the Future Forest de Law con el imparable kung fu luffy!!!Sugofest support: https://goo. Luffy: Fighter and Powerhouse, strong with friends. Good luck to all One Piece Treasure Cruise play Testing the new legend after pulling him in this 5th anni. io/ are worth FenerbahChe-Optc • Legends missing: Luffy/Zoro, V3 Law, Pudding, Cracker, V2 Mihawk, Sabo/Koala, HW Ace, Stampede Luffy, Chopper, Kaido and Komurasaki All may not be You can replace Sugar by Doffy v2 or Mihawk 6+ or another resilience reducer who also changes orbs like Carina or Pudding. This is their only big downside. But taking him as FC will simplify the whole game for I didn't want to use Franky for a proper no-stall teamPurposely used my Inu & Neko on stage 4, since the conditional boost is not needed. For ez Ambush CavendishStage 1-3 in one turnStage 4 switch to Law & Tesoro spl. It s almost like this colosseum was made around the newer legend 🤔Nah must be my imagination About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise In questo video ci sarà la prova della regola che nel limited pull trovi sempre quella che hai 🤡#iostoconlafamily Sugo-Fest is a special Rare Recruit Rate Up event. sounds sorta cliche but i genuinely think thats what Crystal Skulls are needed to Super-Evolve a character. In this event you have higher chances to recruit powerful characters. gl/CWFw5P_____Seguidme en twitter: https: Then tap starting with Magellan->Drake->Law->Luffy and you should be able to finish with Soba. As mentioned above, Kind of like brushing off Fighters because there's #optc #sugo #fest #luffy #law #momV2 #part2 # multi #FuckBandai #optc #sugo #fest #luffy #law #momV2 #part2 # multi #FuckBandai #optc #sugo #fest #luffy #law #momV2 #part1 # multi #FuckBandai Here we are at the center of the meta universe. STR Supertype Snakeman Luffy (don’t confuse him with 6+ Snakeman Luffy! Feel free to ask me a Question About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Monkey D. Account Fresh. Stage 4:5 tur 🚨 VOICI COMMENT "ÉVOLUER" LUFFY/YAMATO !! - OPTC FRN'hésitez pas à vous abonner et à lâcher votre meilleur pouce bleu pour soutenir la chaine ! Les vidéos s (OPTC) Sangoro colosseum 60 sta (Double Luffy/Law)Track: Convex - Home Soon (feat. Rerollers should start there, but if you want to start now and get more units, starting tonight we get 5 days of #OnePieceTreasureCruise#OPTC#TreCruChaos Colo Sangoro - Luffy/Law F2P Subshttps://www. You can see in this video all his stats, Captain Ability, Special Ability and Sailor I iust use 2x luffy/law and the rest are the new dual units currently. 55 million downloads Sugofest. Base attack buff not working as expected, adds +600 to +2000 to TOTAL attack stat instead of +300 to +1000 BASE attack stat Perhaps it is BUGGED and maybe Bandai will fix it As of Luffy&Law Sugo Fest arrived on OPTC Global. Luffy/Law is the prize. Zeus & Prometheus & Big Mom, Ruler of the Soul Kingdom [OPTC] Luffy/Ace Vs Law Training Forest There are over 1000 characters in One Piece Treasure Cruise. Luffy, Roger & Newgate, and Roronoa Zoro. 13. The team doesn't have any way to deal with blk orbs and relies solely on Boa special but is Testing the new legend after pulling him in this 5th anni. 18 - [6*] Trafalgar Law, Alliance to Liberate the Land of 30 - [6*] Monkey I hope you guys enjoy my team for Raid Bege + Ambush Cavendish. " Support Abilities on Super Evolved Units. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (Up to date) Japan Don't forget the ships. Kuja's Pirate Ship: This ship is better than Hello everyone. 16-19) and Episode 593, Law offers Luffy an alliance. While I barely got any new rr (only 3 new, LRR Higuma, Butler/Django and Int Tashigi) the legends I got were insane. 7. 0 - Luffy/Law F2P Subshttps://www. Luffy, Gear 4 – Snakeman; Red Hair Pirates, Pirates Fighting for the Sake of their Friend; Trafalgar Law, Alliance to Liberate the Land of Wano; Monkey D Luffy, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright One Piece: Treasure Cruise teams, guides, videos, box management, and more! Find the latest guides and teams for Bandai Namco's hit mobile RPG. US. Units to Discuss. Use all specials and SC on law, kill kid with normal attacks, use hybrid kaido on stage 4, need some Special changes depending on current character: [Luffy] Deals 400x character’s ATK in non-type damage to one enemy, makes crew’s [DEX][QCK] slots have matching slot effects for 1 turn, boosts crew’s slot Law Special: Deals 75x character's ATK in Typeless damage to all enemies that will ignore damage negating abilities and barriers, makes DEX and QCK orbs beneficial for all characters This is a guide for the Luffy & Law Legend in One Piece Treasure Cruise. network/teams/19398/detailsAll units are rainbowed. 3 One Piece Treasure Cruise, is a mobile RPG that’s been going strong since 2014, and has been constantly updated with the new characters added to the Straw Hat Pirates since. 17 - [6*] King the Wildfire, Pteranodon 1508. github. Douglas Bullet: Best in Fighter and Driven class. But for the last 2 or 1 year it is really unplayable for me. OPTC github tools: https://optc. ) Luffy - [B] Luffy Law Fanart Fanart Archived post. search. 0 IS HERE! SUPER EVOLVED LUFFY?! Pirate King Adventures Tutorial! 9th Anniversary! Subscribe for more: https:/ (Extremely hard to replace in the times where you are barely dealing enough damage; even Luffy/Law special deals less, and you’re required to be on Law when you use it. Almost count as FTP if not needed Corazon and Mr. G4 is for example tanky thanks to the Sun Pirate shop. He's amazing ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO BANDAI NAMCOWalkthrough for Nakama-Guide. Close Menu. Enel can be replacedBege: Stage 1 & 2:Stall if needed Stage 3:Use Enel Stage 4:Use paralysis r STND Law (Super Limited Part 2) STND Luffy (8th Anni Part 1) Yamato/Ace (8th Anni Part 1) Kinemon/Denjiro (Not Rated Up) V1 Strawhats (Not Rated Up) LT Law (Super Sugo) LT Kid About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright As we still have some time till TM starts and the Garp Challenge Megathread is pretty dead at this point, I decided to start a thread devoted specifically to the Garp Challenge Heavenly Demon CLASH! 3 CAPTAINS! 3 Fast Teams VS 40 Stamina 8* Event! [OPTC | トレクル]0:00-Nami2:55- Kid/Kaido6:15- Frank/DogShoutout to the Members!Yonko: Sim City, Twonce, One Piece Treasure Cruise (OPTC) is a popular role-playing-action game from BNE Entertainment. Open comment sort options. This This is a guide for the Luffy & Law Legend in One Piece Treasure Cruise. ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. Bước 3: Vào Game (Có thể tranh thủ làm cách Reroll trên lấy Gear 4 V2, Luffy/Law) và hoàn thành hướng dẫn Tân thủ và đợi Class: Fighter, Free Spirit Type: STR/DEX Stats: ATK- 1756, RCV- 356 Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates have an insanely good captain and special ability, but the thing that stands out most is their Kinda Lore wise, this is the proper team. Skills (before LB) Special: Scheme to Subjugate a God Click to see characters with matching specials. Stage 5 switch to Luffy & Luffy spl. Note: Buffs could Subscribe for more OPTC content!OPTC Luffy/Law vs Raid Neo Hancock Slasher (One Piece Treasure Cruise)#OPTC #TreCru people don´t like another Luffy but if you compare OPTC to other games like blazin or dokkan were you have 10000 of the same Saiyans or 100000 Narutos just shows how cool and versatile One Piece is in terms of characters and Luffy/Law is a 4. e. I want to sell my OPTC Global account. He's amazingOPTCrew members:- Hercon- Batakuri- Anzetsu- OPTCalles- Monkey DMZ so we have one of the biggest bugs in OPTC history and no one talks about it? streamers, youtubers, Strawhats. Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation (DEX/QCK, Fighter, Slasher) Pros: Powerful dual unit with massive type advantage coverage, strong ATK, and orb boost, This video doesn't exactly specify the best units to use with Luffy & Law as I discuss in this video you can use ANYTHING. 4. V2 Ace, V3 Law, Luffy/Law, V2 Alluuuura ragazzuoli! 🔥🔥🔥🔥Ho fatto 5 multi nella parte 1 di questo sugofest con legend boostata x2. Here are a couple useful infos : Stage 3 Turn 3 silence all 6 turnsTurn 4 deadStage 4 Either of them (not sure about Ivankov) will leave when they're the onl adventures of Luffy and the gang! Experience moving moments from the ONE PIECE anime all over again! If you're a new Captain, and want to catch up fast, jump into our special Lesson This character entry on official Bandai OPTC page / Some links may be broken due to en and jp having different numbers for some Super Type Criteria: Luffy must be captain and other There are 4 types of "celebrations" in OPTC, ordered here in terms of importance JP Anniversary Remember that previous hype units have been released months and months in advance. Watch: http Overall, the best characters in OPTC are Monkey D. g. This includes any fan art not Mr. Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education OPTC - LUFFY/LAW vs STR MAP KIZUNA BUGGYSubcribe fore more videos. Trafalgar Law Warlord of the Sea HP: 2,790 Attack: 1,484 RCV: 470 Class(es): Slasher and Free Spirit Cost: 55 Captain Ability: Boosts ATK of Slasher Soba mask HC Luffy/law (6+ Rayleigh support) Invasion linlin Doffy/trebol Kizuna okiku raid zoro Stage 3: keep swapping luffy/law and doffy/trebol and deal damage. Stampede Luffy & Shanks Crew Having no support seems to matter for Brook stage, he seems to act based on your team total HP, also don't take I think Luffy/Law is 85. Pudding is for her awakened 3rd eye Luffy X Law Merchandise Archived post. Luffy/Law's switch ability. Launched in 2014, it is inspired by and revolves around the events of One Piece, a popular manga. 8-17) and 16 - [6*] Law: Road Midnight Street, Happy Scary Halloween 1517. 5xer, Sabo/Koala is a 4. Makes the affected unit's tap attack ignore enemies' damage reduction buffs and barriers. TM Shanks and Nami are good, then add PSY beatsticks or more buffs. It took 30 min to stall, use shira when you can. Trade In this era of OPTC, all legends released in like the last 2-3 years are very strong and have almost 100% clear rate when it comes to regular content. Hope you guy [OPTC] Grand Voyage Luffy V3 LVL 3 LogueTown Team Uta 6+ Optc grand voyage smoker loguetown Lvl 3 luffy Nami can be replaced by law qck 6+ Team full cerebral About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Wait a minute ! That s weird. One Piece Treasure Cruise trading OPTC. 25x, reduce 1 turn of Paralysis on crew Special: Reduce 4 turns of ATK down, Bind and Despair on crew, change Badly But yeah, Luffy Crew is ridiculous, but is gatekept by his LT as it really changes him from being a great unit to the pinnacle of OPTC. 0 needs support level 1. This is literal bait before the 28th. Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation. Manage your units and find teams to Farmable filters Story-only Hide Story-only Fortnight-only Hide Fortnight-only Pirate King-only Hide Pirate King-only Co-Op-only Hide Co-Op-only Raid-only Hide Raid-only Coliseum-only About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright The best sugo I have ever pulled on. me and my friends just start playing optc after quitting for 3 years so we need a lot of friends feel free to add me thanks (345,615,721) and (301,663,540) but Roger just laughs at them Luffy & Law, Miracle-Making Generation (DEX/QCK, Fighter, Slasher) The OPTC tier list 2025 is an essential guide for all One Piece Treasure Cruise players looking to build Best OPTC Characters Tier List - One Piece Treasure Cruise. . New Based on the OPTC artwork of them I decided to make this version because I love this duo. If you are looking to post about something non-game related, try r/OnePiece instead. Still have 400 rainbow gems. Commonly known as Lawffy, their switch effect that allows them to attack through any barriers on demand, while also significantly increasing their own attack when doing so, Kill Luffy with normal attacks, attack with int kaido second on every stage. Read more > Missions. 2. Corazon support level 5. Game Mechanics; Battle Mechanics; Type Matchups; Crew; Tavern; Friends; Cotton Candy; Trafalgar Law ★★★★ 70 876 702 238 FC Law/Kid with No New Batch, GEAR 5 LUFFY, & Boosted Team! [OPTC | トレクル]Luffy/Ace- 0:00Gear 5- 3:38Momo- 7:57Shoutout to the Members!Yonko Backup, the Old Meta For English Format. You can see in this video all his stats, Captain Ability, Special Ability and Sailor OPTC used to be one and done after all - just how far are we going into the dupe direction? Since they're normal legends though, eventually you'll just accumulate a lot of their dupes. Support unit OPTC video featuring a Luffy/Law team vs Garp Challenge Heavenly Demon 1. WARNING: Be sure to understand the difference between skulls needed for 5+ Straw Hats and skulls needed for 6+ legends. This is a listing of all the versions of Luffy in OPTC. Buy, sell or trade One Piece Treasure Cruise accounts. Luffy Gum-Gum Bazooka: Supremacy - Rising Sun, Rising Buy OPTC accounts from reputable OPTC accounts sellers via G2G. ATK/RCV, they utilize RCV more than HP, but HP isn't terrible Ships: If you QCK Luffy. All services expand_more. Let’s go through all the characters in turn, starting from the strongest ones. i feel like theres just gonna be 0 info about law until the big war where he makes an appearance. As a side note, Log Luffy can clear Whitebeard forest for this ship with a entirely F2P team with 0 skill ups or sockets, link at the end of the guide. Art: Link Max Stats: Link PF Stats: Link Captain: ATK 3. + ST10 Leaders (3 captains) + ST8 Wanted to use a 6+ Katakuri team but was to lazy to teambuild and i used this team instead. If Luffy/Law Sugofest. 5xer Looking back to OPTC old days, units like TS turn 5: 10 turn despair & sailor bind Stage 14Preemptive: lock all orbs behind perfects for 4 turns delay protecrewind top for 7 turns & middle for 3 turns 9 Lace counts as Luffy for V2 Sanji, who only does Luffy and 2 others. Forums. #optc #sugo #fest #luffy #law #momV2 #part3 # multi #FuckBandai OPTC Neo Clash Heracles, LUFFY LAW TEAM, 50 stamina -GLOBAL-Incredibly easy. I can't complain about them but that first multi was pure salt. Law Thanks for the analysis, always enjoy the analysis on the new units and look forward to the STND Luffy and kaido! For Law and kid, they are the second/third unit who have that chain +0. Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram. You can access Sugo-Fest through the Tavern through the Rare Guys I really need some friends in optc, Wano arc Law (1), Sugar (3), HW Shanks (3) Part 2: Luffy & Sanji (2), HW Law (1), Blackbeard (1), Soba Mask (1) Got both Here is a great Luffy/Law team to clear the new island - Rampaging Bullet: Strongest in the World 50 Stamina. Info Center Forum Rules. And they might even extend it until Hey guys!! My name is Rumble Skrash and in today's video I'm gonna be talking about the new super sugofest exclusive legends luffy, law and kid. Forums Alphabet List Staff. 67 Chapter 667 (p. Kizuna Clash Sakazuki STR Variation Team Luffy/Law#OPTC #ONEPIECE #TRECRU Time:V4 Law (captain e friend), Vasco Shot, V2 Shanks, LRR Kuzan e Luffy/BoaSuporte:Ace (Luffy/Boa) e KRR Akainu (Kuzan)#OPTC #Arena #SoJogoNoEasy #SanJuanWolf Or you can put any other useful unit who can be used with a despair remover support, check the OPTC-Database for more info (I suggest to replace Sabo regardless since hie boosts are Hell I doubt he even knows Coby and Luffy are friends, man seemed to just take an interest in him at Marineford then further after the Rocky Port Incident. Tips for New OPTC Players and a Roadmap. network/teams/21362/detailsStage 1-3 - Stall. 0. But, This week's episode we get to cover the new 'best' legend in the game in Luffy & Law!What's going on my broskiis? Official Patreon (For Goodies): https://www CLASH?! ★8 THREE CAPTAINS!! X2 BEST ACCESSIBLE & FAST TEAMS - KID & LAW & LUFFY! (OPTC)Let's dive into the first clash in ages!If you enjoyed the video, a li – Even though you can’t put Gear 4 Luffy and Law & Luffy on the same team, they still have uses on different teams, Gear 4 Luffy can evolve into Snakeman, who is good with DEX Luffy. TS Luffy thanks to the heal from the Boa ship (and his Law is #OnePieceTreasureCruise #OPTC #TreCru #Nitemarejp Stage 7 - Turn 1 - switch Luffy to Law, and manual target and kill all 1 CD fodders Turn 2 - Focus on Doffy, use Zephyr special, then Lucy special, then swap Law to Luffy, and use Luffy special law luffy optc 10+legends roger yamato Replies: 3; Forum: Sale Archives; L. Link to Nakama Network breakdown : https://www. This unit OPTC Tier List 2023: Check out this One Piece Treasure Cruise Tier List that has all the characters ranked from best to worst. Also, their swap ab This character entry in OPTC-DB Sample teams using this character as a captain: Nakama Network list. 5 (requirement: 6 Perfects), gradually strenghtening, which is inferior to a 4. Kid/Law - Luffy/Kaido - Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap; Basics 1. Notes: Also known as Stampede Luffy, an exceptional top tier character. SONG 1: One Piece Gear 4 - SNAKEMAN Theme Epic Cover (HQ)[Styzmask Optc was a very good game i admired for the most of the time. 3x, increase P. Ideal choices: Monkey D. ID Name Type Class HP ATK RCV Cost Slots Stars CL; 001: Monkey D. A lot more work has gone into it and I owe u/Cobertor4 a huge thank you for his help. Micah Martin) [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Monkey D. Story Shells Town. This Tips for New OPTC Players and Roadmap . pinch healing maxed on nami and law luffy h Stage 5: Luffy, Law, Sanji, Oden, Roger special (if you already have 5+ Roger use his first special on stage 4 and the second one on stage 5) I just started optc again after quitting when the About Press Press So these summons were pretty fire but still depressing in a particular way. Thank you XD Luffy/Law Nami/Robin Kaido S Tier: Luffy/Zoro V2 Mihawk Barto/Cavendish QCK <<<<< SS Tier: Luffy/Law Shanks/Crew V3 Aokiji S Tier: O-Soba Mask Barto/Cavendish etc), or you don't. Coming Soon - Farming Notes Farming Locations []. They are NOT They're Luffy and Law, which means you can't run any other Luffy's and Law's. Luffy: STR: Fighter: 134: 68 OPTC Luffy/Law Team VS Wano Raid Law 60 Stamina#OPTC #WanoSubscribe for more OPTC content! IS LUFFY & YAMATO OVER RATED? OPTC 9th Anniversary Super Sugo-Fest Exclusive Showcase!What's going on my broskiis? Official Patreon (For Goodies): https://ww The 12th was chosen because that is the Anniversary date of OPTC, which releases multiple Legends every year. com secure marketplace. 75 Chapter 749 (p. Links: 2880x1800: I need a zoro and luffy one in Remember that this subreddit is for the mobile game and not the series itself. tbh i kinda doubt this direction from oda. New Luffy/Yamato has 2 alternate arts that are available on the banner. Now it seems the Korean version of OPTC is getting something similar. 8 MB. There are many good legends to pull from this, and if you reroll on In particular, Luffy/Law dual is top tier replacing G4 v2 as the top Straw Hat pick but again I am not sure if he is in this free pull. They belong to the Evolver Class. Just like LB & Special Level they Support Abilities can be leveled up or ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. Menu. FN Wanda, Kung fu Luffy. Have 2 Rush Tablet and 1 TND Tablet, IOS only #optc #treasurecruise #trecru OPTC - VER. [OPTC] BEST SUGOFEST EVER (Luffy & Law Sugofest) Ideally: g5 and g5 6+ as friend captain or viceversa, doesn’t really matter. The Plus I loved the crap out of Luffy/Law when they debuted 😆 My optc legend tier list. nakama. Luffy Gum-Gum Pistol - Whiskey Peak - Ch. 6, Updated on January 9th, 2025 - Version: 14. network/teams/19505/details OPTC Accounts for Sale - One Piece Treasure Cruise Law SSF, 4 Nika, Oden SSF, Sanji & Zoro SSF, Mihawk Anniv, Sabo Anniv | 107 Sugo Rare, 16 Super Sugo TC03 Sugo Rare OPTC Luffy Law Team vs Nami 6+ Skull Island - All Variations - 50 STAMINA OPTC Clash Mr. Still waiting for others and their teams! Also known as V4 Law or primarily Halloween Law, Law provides incredible offensive power not just in his base kit, but by also dealing significant damage to enemies based on the damage they dealt to the team beforehand. 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