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<h1 class="headline">Mugshots gregg county tx.  Updated on: August 1, 2024.</h1>

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<p><em>Mugshots gregg county tx  Home; Gregg County South Jail, TX Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster.  Law Enforcement and Arrest Records.  The jail houses individuals arrested within the city limits who are awaiting trial, sentencing, or transfer to a county or state correctional facility.  Gregg County Bookings Texas People booked at the Gregg County Texas and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. 02 per 100,000 people.  WINSTON RAY STRIBLING was booked on 12/16/2024 in Gregg County, Texas.  It is named for Benjamin McCulloch, a famous Texas Ranger and Confederate general.  Of the total arrests, 88 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. 98% lower than the national average of 739.  All are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  Individuals accused of felony offenses are returned to Gregg County through an extradition process; warrant deputies travels Gregg County Jail Information. 002), ftmfr.  Additional Information: dob 10/21/1979 age 41 height 6' weight 215 lbs hair Blond or Strawberry eye Green race White sex Male address 312 ANDERSON RD LONGVIEW, TX 75604 booked 07/15/2021 CHARGES (1): ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE THE 19 - 24 ( out of 49,166 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  For individuals seeking information about active arrest warrants in Gregg County, there are a few resources that can be helpful.  49147 - 49147 ( out of 49,147 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  View sex offender registry info and criminal records for Gregg County, TX registered offenders.  Gregg County Mugshots: The Gregg County Sheriff's Office releases mugshots of individuals who have been arrested and booked To search and filter the Mugshots for Liberty County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  North Jail 101 West Whaley Longview, Texas Gregg County, TX Arrest Records What are Gregg County Arrest Statistics? The county of Gregg had 1,720 arrests during the past three years.  More From Mix 93-1: arrests, Crime, east texas, Felony arrest, felony arrests, felony charge, gladewater, gregg county, gregg county jail, gregg county sheriffs office, hallsville, jail, kilgore, lakeport, longview, mugshots WATSON LANCE EMMETT was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 0 people were booked in the last 30 days Gregg (517) Guadalupe (268) Hardin (165) Harris (2105) Harrison (160) Hays (467) Henderson (251) Hidalgo (1497) Hockley (46) Hopkins (53 Most recent Texarkana, TX Mugshots.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Randall County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. COM IS A NEWS ORGANIZATION.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 500 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 13 - 18 ( out of 49,320 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  903-236-8400, 903-236-1755.  we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of BustedNewspaper Gregg County TX.  Steven Darrell Craig in Texas Gregg County arrested for ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJ, UUMV(DISMISSED), UUMV (S) 15 MONTHS SJ 5/19/1970 The Gregg County Sheriff's Office, serving the local community of Gregg County, Texas, is committed to protecting and serving the public through a wide range of law enforcement services.  FROST SHELI RENEE was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  TX Inmate BLANTON JOE was arrested in Gregg County Texas. S.  In the year 2021, Gregg County reported a total of 99 violent crimes and 358 property crimes.  187 - 192 ( out of 49,373 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 90 people were booked in the last 30 days Gregg (522) Guadalupe (253) Hardin (171) Harris (2073) Harrison (160) Hays (447) Henderson (243) Hidalgo (1490) Hockley (46) Hopkins (52 Booking Details name HOPKINS, JUSTIN DORELLE race Black or African American sex Male booked 2025-01-15 Charges charge description Out of County Unspecified warrant 440134917 issued by TYLER, TX (PC 31.  Booking Number: 24-00140159 Booking Date: 11/5/2024 To search and filter the Mugshots for Bowie County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Skip to main content Skip to site footer.  state of Texas.  NEWMAN COLLIN DENNIS was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  349 - 354 ( out of 49,318 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (499) Guadalupe (243) Hardin (171) Harris (1985) Harrison (155) Hays (443) Henderson (226) Hidalgo (1472) Hockley (46) Hopkins (50) Howard (74) 49315 - 49315 ( out of 49,315 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  The county was founded in 1911 and is named for James B. org TX offers a valuable resource for individuals, employers, landlords, and other parties in need of background checks.  121 - 126 ( out of 49,205 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  Texas, Gregg County, SALAZAR, GABRIEL URIEL - 2024-11-16 mugshot, arrest, booking report 49177 - 49178 ( out of 49,178 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  in Texas Gregg County. 93 per 100,000 residents.  Its county seat is Lockhart.  Name: To search and filter the Mugshots for Gregg County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Its county seat is Boerne.  Gregg County mugshots typically feature a frontal photograph of the individual To search and filter the Mugshots for Lavaca County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Official Phone Number.  However, mugshots may be obtained through a public records request.  Additional Information: dob 04/29/1999 age 24 height 5' 7&quot; weight 186 lbs hair Brown eye Blue race White sex Male address 7142 CR 1402 MT PLEASANT, TX 75455 booked 01/27/2024 CHARGES (2): SPEEDING &gt;10% ABOVE POSTED LIMIT THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST To search and filter the Mugshots for Tarrant County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Welcome to SayCheese Gregg County Texas Mugshots, your primary source for up-to-date arrest records and mugshots.  Alton Loyd Baker.  MARIO NICHOLAS SANCHEZ MARIO NICHOLAS SANCHEZ was booked in Gregg County, Texas for POSS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.  Methvin Street, Suite 416, Longview, TX 75601 Phone: (903) 236-8445 Fax: (903) 331-0017 Email: samantha.  At the 2020 census, its population was 7,630.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts.  Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Texarkana, TX.  Published mugshots and/or arrest records are previously published public records of: an arrest, an indictment, a registration, supervision or probation, the deprivation of liberty or a detention.  To obtain a mugshot through a public records request, you must submit a written request to the Gregg County Sheriff's Office.  They serve to document the appearance of detainees at the Mugshot.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Home; Choose State and County.  Updated on: August 1, 2024.  Booking Date: gregg county court cases, gregg county jail records search, gregg county criminal records search, gregg county texas county clerk, gregg county texas website, gregg county judicial records, gregg county judicial records search, arrest records gregg county texas Eye 3000 unit contacts between Bangalore being confiscated by picking locks.  Booking Number: 24-00136972.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (510) Guadalupe (268) Hardin (165) Harris (2103) Harrison (159) Hays (465) Henderson (251) Hidalgo (1493) Hockley (46) Hopkins (53) Howard (80) Extradition and Arrest.  The county was named for the Cherokee, who lived in the area before being expelled in 1839.  The county was formed in 1846 from portions of San Patricio County and organized the following year.  It is the largest law enforcement agency in the county, with approximately 120 sworn officers and 50 civilian employees.  Official Website.  49195 - 49197 ( out of 49,197 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. barnes@co.  49117 - 49118 ( out of 49,118 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. , Suite 559 Longview, Texas 75601 Admin Office Hours.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Grayson County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  US States (36978K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated (117) Favorites (421) FBI Most Wanted (848) teresa cherie pruitt in texas gregg county arrested for possession of marihuana less than 2 ounces, vop/tbwc 9/01/1979.  This facility, with its storied past and evolving role in law enforcement and inmate rehabilitation, reflects broader trends in criminal justice and penal reform in the United States.  Methvin St.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (513) Guadalupe (253) Hardin (173) Harris (2045) Harrison (158) Hays (450) Henderson (236) Hidalgo (1505) Hockley (46) Hopkins (51) Howard (78) Largest Database of Gregg County Mugshots.  Call 903-234-3138.  Search for Gregg County, TX registered criminal or sex offenders in your neighborhood. com.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (510) Guadalupe (257) Hardin (165) Harris (2077) Harrison (156) Hays (457) Henderson (249) Hidalgo (1488) Hockley (47) Hopkins (52) Howard (80) 49285 - 49287 ( out of 49,287 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  PATTERSON, JENNIFER MICHELLE | 2025-01-17 Harrison County, Texas Booking Booking Details name PATTERSON, JENNIFER MICHELLE dob 1976-09-09 age 48 years old Learn about the public availability of arrest records in Gregg county, Texas in 2024.  Additional Information: dob 10/16/1976 age 47 height 6' 4&quot; weight 345 lbs hair Black eye Brown race Black sex Male address 303 S PARK STLONGVIEW, TX 75601 booked 02/12/2024 CHARGES (2): POSS MARIJ &gt;4OZ&lt;=5LBS ( Bond: 2500. 032(B) CHILD GROOMING Find arrest records in Gregg County, TX.  LISTER JEPHANIAH DARRELL DAVON was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  Ector County Sherriff; Ector County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Ector County are Arcade, Gardendale, Goldsmith, Notrees, Odessa, Penwell, Pleasant Farms, West Odessa Ector County is a county located in the U.  Booking Details name WELLS, VICKY DOVIE dob 1980-10-04 age 44 years old height 5 The Gregg County Sheriff's Office is responsible for enforcing the law in Gregg County, Texas.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (500) Guadalupe (257) Hardin (164) Harris (2064) Harrison (151) Hays (452) Henderson (246) Hidalgo (1469) Hockley (46) Hopkins (52) Howard (80) COBB CHAD EDWARD was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  199 - 204 ( out of 49,342 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  49279 - 49283 ( out of 49,283 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  longviewtexas.  Casey Lansdale, 41, of Gladewater was indicted on a capital murder charge in the 124th District Court of Gregg County. com Texas, Gregg County, HERNANDEZ, CHRISTOPHER - 2025-01-18 mugshot, arrest, booking report Texas, Gregg County, WOODS, KEVIONE DONTRE - 2025-01-18 mugshot, arrest, booking report Comal County ( KOH-mal) is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U.  Home; Choose State and County.  She was charged with SPEEDING &gt;10% ABOVE POSTED LIMIT.  Additional Information: dob 08/17/1960 age 63 height 6' weight 230 lbs hair Brown eye Brown race White sex Male address 4008 WILLINSHIRE LNDALLAS, TX 75220 booked 07/31/2024 CHARGES (1): ENGAGING IN ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITY THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST 101 E.  Phone Number: 903-236-1755 Fax Number: 49237 - 49237 ( out of 49,237 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  The county seat is Rusk.  Some individuals have posted bail and are out of jail Matagorda County is a county located in the U.  Date: 08/21/2024.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Cooke County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Some individuals have posted bail and are out of jail Gregg County Bookings Texas People booked at the Gregg County Texas and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence.  In the 2020 census, its population was 165,171.  we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of exonerations.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (520) Guadalupe (252) Hardin (171) Harris (2065) Harrison (159) Hays (444) Henderson (242) Hidalgo (1486) Hockley (46) Hopkins (52) Howard (78) To search and filter the Mugshots for Webb County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog Kody Drexel Kelm in Texas Gregg County.  Additional Information: dob 02/07/2001 age 21 height 5' 8&quot; weight 163 lbs hair Black eye Brown race Black sex Male address 407 TAMMY LYNN DRAPT 4`Longview, TX 75604 booked 07/22/2022 CHARGES (1): VOP/UNL CARRYING WEAPON ( Bond: 400.  Back to Booking List.  The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Full Name: Mattheau Gunner Trahan.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Longview and other local cities.  The physical location of the Gregg County Jail is: Gregg County Jail (South Jail) 5th floor of the courthouse 101 East Methvin, Suite 559 Longview, Texas 75601 Phone: (903) 236-8400 Email: jeff.  Address GRIFFIN REGINA ANN was arrested in Gregg County Texas. Comal County is part of the San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX metropolitan statistical area.  paul riley southard in texas gregg county arrested for failure to appear, ftmfr, operate unregistered motor vehicle(502.  Sex Offender Registries in Gregg County (Texas) Find detailed information on sex offenders in Gregg County, TX.  Additional Information: dob 09/21/1982 age 41 height 5' 9&quot; weight 120 lbs hair Gray or Partially Gray eye Green race White sex Male address 113 W RUTH ST WHITE OAK, TX 75693 booked 08/26/2024 CHARGES (1): DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED/OPEN ALCH CONTAINER THE Largest Database of Texas Mugshots.  Instantly get anyone's arrest record from this new website, Truthfinder.  MILNER HARRY PAT was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  Largest Database of Gregg County Mugshots.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 0 people were booked in the last 30 days Gregg (500) Guadalupe (262) Hardin (161) Harris (2038) Harrison (152) Hays (451) Henderson (241) Hidalgo (1449) Hockley (41) Hopkins (51 Most recent Rusk County Bookings Texas.  blog; categories.  BUSTEDNEWSPAPER.  Search arrest records and find latests mugshots and bookings for Misdemeanors and Felonies.  TERRY WAYNE HESTER TERRY TERRY WAYNE HESTER was booked in Gregg County, Texas for GJI/AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD.  A key one is the Gregg Price, Leon Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest Hernandez, Christopher Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest bustednewspaper.  Kendall County is part of the San Antonio–New Braunfels, TX metropolitan statistical To search and filter the Mugshots for Bee County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Booking Number: 24-00137893.  37 - 42 ( out of 49,279 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (496) Guadalupe (253) Hardin (161) Harris (2028) Harrison (148) Hays (442) Henderson (245) Hidalgo (1458) Hockley (46) Hopkins (51) Howard (78) To search and filter the Mugshots for Franklin County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Woods, Kevione Dontre Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest THOMPSON ROBERT WAYNE was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  The county was created in 1856 and later organized in 1876.  Jim Wells County comprises the Alice, TX Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Corpus Christi-Kingsville-Alice, TX Combined Statistical Area.  Searchable records from law Wilson, Larry Walter Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest WHITE TINA MARIE was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  Additional Information: dob 01/16/1993 age 31 height 5' 2&quot; weight 150 lbs hair Brown eye Brown race Black sex Female address 712 OWINGS ST LONGVIEW, TX 75602 booked 09/18/2024 CHARGES (1): DL-NO DRIVER'S LICENSE THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED 41 People Are Facing A Felony Charge After Arrest In Gregg County, Texas (09.  Texas Mugshots.  Its county seat is Brady.  Lansdale is suspected of murdering, Raye and Charles Lansdale, both 68, who were found dead inside of Address.  A grand jury convened in Gregg County’s 188th District Court and issued indictments against 30 people June 12 with charges that included aggravated robbery, injury to a child and robbery.  The county seat is Corpus Christi.  SKYLA MARIE CRAIG SKYLA SKYLA MARIE CRAIG was booked in Gregg County, Texas for SPEEDING &gt;10% ABOVE POSTED LIMIT.  Location: 197 Floyd Wingo Drive, Kilgore, Texas 75662. gregg. 03(e)(3) 55 - 60 ( out of 49,271 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Most recent Harrison County Bookings Texas.  we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories 41 People Are Facing A Felony Charge After Arrest In Gregg County, Texas (09. 09.  Constantly updated.  This article explores the various phases of the jail's Gregg County Mugshot – Arrests.  David Edwin Jacques was booked in Gregg County, TX for OBSTRUCT RETALIATION.  Shermeka Eleanord Lagarde was booked in Gregg County, TX for SPEEDING (EXCEED PRIMA FACIE LIMIT) Green, Jared Daniel Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest 49393 - 49395 ( out of 49,395 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  The Gregg County Sheriff’s Office Warrants Division is directed by a Lieutenant.  Rusk, the county seat, is 130 miles southeast of Dallas and 160 miles north of Houston.  This is governed by Chapter 55 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, which outlines specific criteria for expunging arrest records Cherokee County is a county located in the U.  The county is named for George Wilkins Kendall, a journalist and Mexican–American War correspondent. 24) The following individuals were recently arrested and booked into the Gregg County Jail and received at least one felony charge.  As of the 2010 census, its population was 50,845.  Its county seat is Bay City, not to be confused with the larger Baytown in Harris and Chambers Counties. com: 184691092.  Additional Information: dob 08/13/1967 age 57 height 5' 4&quot; weight 138 lbs hair Brown eye Hazel race White sex Female address 227 PRIVATE ROAD 4600 White Oak, TX 75693 booked 10/25/2024 CHARGES (1): THEFT PROP &gt;=$100-&lt;$750 THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST james peter subin in texas gregg county arrested for assault causes bodily injury family violence 10/29/1959.  Its county seat is Odessa.  Stay informed on arrest records and warrants with press releases 49321 - 49323 ( out of 49,323 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Mugshots.  73 - 78 ( out of 49,235 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  Booking details and charges.  🔍 Its county seat is Alice. us.  Mugshots are photographic records taken during an individual's booking into law enforcement custody. COM IS NOT A CONSUMER Bean, Teresa Ann-margaret Mugshot | 2025-01-18 Gregg County, Texas Arrest Gregg County law enforcement has been busy since the beginning of the year.  Smith Facility: 101 East Methvin Street, Longview, TX, 75601: Gregg County Mugshots Search.  49165 - 49166 ( out of 49,166 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Find comprehensive warrant information in Gregg County, TX.  Arresting Agency: GCSO.  Name Address Phone Fax Email; Gregg County Jail - Marvin A.  Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Gregg County Sheriff’s Office; The magistrate will review the arrest affidavit and determine whether there is probable cause to hold the arrestee.  Gregg County, TX Mugshots, Arrests, charges, current and former inmates.  Arrest Information.  Check active warrants, outstanding warrants, and more. gov/police.  Personal Information 22057 - 22062 ( out of 49,242 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Gregg County, Texas.  Wells, Jr. 457(E)).  49 - 54 ( out of 49,287 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  5623 - 5628 ( out of 49,126 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking.  For 2017, the arrest rate was 450.  Find out how to look up and access these records, what information they contain, and the process for having an arrest record expunged in Gregg county.  Gregg County Mugshots.  To search and filter the Mugshots for DeWitt County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  Its county seat is Ballinger.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (500) Guadalupe (257) Hardin (164) Harris (2064) Harrison (151) Hays (452) Henderson (246) Hidalgo (1469) Hockley (46) Hopkins (52) Howard (80) McCulloch County is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U.  The Gregg County Sheriff's Office does not release mugshots to the public.  Gregg County occupies a pivotal position within the Longview, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area and the Longview–Marshall, TX combined statistical area, further solidifying its regional significance.  With a focus on providing accurate and up-to-date information, Arrests.  (1850-1923), for three decades a judge and Democratic Party political boss in South Texas.  The county was founded in 1848 and named after Mathew Caldwell, a ranger captain who fought in the Battle of Plum Creek against the Comanches and against Santa Anna's armies during the Texas Revolution. tx.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (489) Guadalupe (250) Hardin (157) Harris (2011) Harrison (148) Hays (440) Henderson (244) Hidalgo (1442) Hockley (45) Hopkins (51) Howard (78) 49291 - 49292 ( out of 49,292 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Home; Bookings.  Perform arrest records checks, look up recent arrests, and access the arrest records database.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Harris County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  This is 38.  Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; WELLS, VICKY DOVIE | 2024-11-21 Gregg County, Texas Booking.  Booking Date: Gregg County Bookings Texas People booked at the Gregg County Texas and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence.  As of the 2020 census, its population was 45,883.  To obtain a mugshot from the Gregg County Sheriff's Office, you can: You can also report a violation online through the Texas Department of Public Safety's website.  Arrested on 08/21/24 for an alleged assault/battery offense .  Online arrest records.  Additional Information: dob 09/05/1989 age 32 height 6' 2&quot; weight 170 lbs hair Black eye Brown race Black sex Male address 901 DOYLE STREET LONGVIEW, TX 75601 booked 09/30/2021 CHARGES (3): POSS CS PG 3 &lt; 28G THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED 49339 - 49339 ( out of 49,339 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Its county seat is New Braunfels.  Additional Information: dob 09/05/1948 age 73 height 5' 10&quot; weight 200 lbs hair Brown eye Blue race White sex Male address 805 HUNTER ST KILGORE, TX 75662 booked 12/29/2021 CHARGES (2): VOP/POSS CS PG 1 &lt;1G THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS PUBLISHED In Gregg County, mugshots are considered public record and are available to the public upon request.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 353,178, making it the 16th-most populous county in the state.  Gregg County Jail is located in Gregg County, Texas.  Facilities in Gregg County, TX.  Texas.  See maps, mugshots, photos, and arrest details to stay informed about sex offenders in your area.  Comal County is known for its rich German-Texan and European history.  Matagorda County is named for the canebrakes that once grew along the coast (matagorda is a Spanish word meaning &quot;thick bush&quot;).  us states (36978k) notice: mugshots.  302 W Cotton St, Longview, TX 75601, United States.  danny gilreath in texas gregg county arrested for theft stolen prop &gt;=$500 &lt;$1500 by check, fugitive 5/22/1956.  Gregg County, Texas, founded over a century ago in 1873, is home to a population of 124,239 residents as per the 2020 census data. com is a news organization.  Search for inmates incarcerated in Gregg County Juvenile Detention Center, Longview, Texas.  12 Views.  NOTICE: MUGSHOTS.  Gregg County Courts County Court at Law 1 Location: Gregg County Courthouse, 101 E.  149 Dee St Kendall County is a county located on the Edwards Plateau in the U.  Use our directory to search the Gregg County Sex Offender Registry by name, address, or date of birth.  Additional Information: dob 04/17/1979 age 44 height 4' 11&quot; weight 150 lbs hair Black eye Brown race Black sex Female address 1703 W houston ST LONGVIEW, TX 75602 booked 09/15/2023 CHARGES (13): BF/ POSS CS PG 1 &lt;1G THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS Search for inmates incarcerated in Gregg County South Jail, Longview, Texas.  An arrest record in Gregg County, Texas, typically remains on an individual's criminal history indefinitely and will appear in background checks unless the individual qualifies for an expunction under Texas law.  Gregg (49,380) Guadalupe (30,306) Hall (319) Hamilton (804) Hardin (8,514) Harris (31,029) Harrison (19,986) CONTACT THE RESPECTIVE COUNTY CLERK OF STATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION.  Joe Ted Adams was booked in Gregg County, TX for PUBLIC INTOXICATION.  Visitation hours, mugshots, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. callaway@co.  49345 - 49345 ( out of 49,345 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! To search and filter the Mugshots for Gregg County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  49141 - 49141 ( out of 49,141 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. org TX is a reliable and reputable source for accessing arrest records in the state of Texas.  Texas Gregg County Mattheau Trahan.  Nueces County is located in the U.  He was charged with POSS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.  25 - 30 ( out of 49,279 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Time: 12:00 AM.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Gregg (491) Guadalupe (252) Hardin (161) Harris (2011) Harrison (148) Hays (440) Henderson (244) Hidalgo (1453) Hockley (46) Hopkins (51) Howard (78) Gregg County Sheriff’s Office; Offender Lookup.  Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty.  Our directory links to sources like the Kilgore Police Department crime map, City of Longview court records, and Gregg County court documents.  Methvin, Suite 559 Longview, TX 75601 Phone Number and Fax Number.  The request must include the following information He was charged with GJI/AGG SEXUAL ASSAULT CHILD.  Caldwell County is a county located in the U.  If there is probable cause, the magistrate will set bond.  Record Removal. 00 Set by Judge ) Most recent Williamson County Bookings Texas.  In 2010 census, its population was 33,410.  blog; notice: mugshots.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 36,255.  Booking Number: 24-00139425.  44,927 likes &#183; 1,349 talking about this.  49135 - 49135 ( out of 49,135 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Booking Date: 7/15/2024.  JEREMY BRETT LILLY was booked in Gregg County, Texas for CPF/DRIVING WHILE LICENSE INVALID (TXTRC 521.  He was charged with PUBLIC INTOXICATION. Most recent Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. .  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 565 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) charles leon claxton in texas gregg county arrested for a/i assault f/v, assault causes bodily injury family violence 5/26/1978.  Serving as its county seat is Longview, a bustling center within the state renowned for its vibrancy and historical importance. , defected head light, prostitution 4/17/1974.  chayla danielle mcrae in texas harrison county arrested for gregg co/poss cs pg 1 &lt;1g, gregg co/vop/assault causes bodily injury family violence 12/07/1978.  Serving communities across Longview, Kilgore, and beyond, our mission is to keep you informed with accurate and timely information.  Most recent Van Zandt County Bookings Texas.  303 S Gum St Longview, TX 75601.  Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Gregg County, Texas.  21955 - 21960 ( out of 49,361 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  RODRIGUEZ-LORENZO, EMILIO | 2025-01-16 Williamson County, Texas Booking Booking Details name Rodriguez-Lorenzo, Emilio height 5′ 6″ hair Brown eye Brown weight 155 lbssex Male booked 49219 - 49219 ( out of 49,219 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  Altamau Tavita.  These individuals are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.  District Clerk will only accept passport applications by appointment.  As of the 2020 census, its population was 9,900.  ESTRADA, ERVING | 2025-01-15 14:29:00 Van Zandt County, Texas Booking Booking Details name ESTRADA, ERVING height 5 10 hair BLK eye BRO weight 180sex Male arrested by To search and filter the Mugshots for Hardin County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking SIMMONS DESMOND LAMAR was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  49327 - 49328 ( out of 49,328 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. 00 Set by Judge ) THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST Gregg County Jail in Texas holds a unique position in the history of the American correctional system.  49171 - 49172 ( out of 49,172 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. com, known as best search engine for Arrest Records, True crime stories and Criminal Records, Official Records and booking photographs.  31 - 36 ( out of 49,284 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES - BLOG) AND STORIES OF EXONERATIONS.  Find arrest records, charges, current and former inmates.  49129 - 49130 ( out of 49,130 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas. com: 184737806.  BLOG; CATEGORIES.  5929 - 5934 ( out of 49,373 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  Passport Information Runnels County Sherriff; Runnels County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Runnels County are Ballinger, Benoit, Miles, Norton, Rowena, Wingate, Winters Runnels County is a county located in the U.  The people featured on this site may not have been TRIMBLE MIRANDA ALLYSON was arrested in Gregg County Texas.  us states (36979k) notice: mugshots.  Additional Information: dob 01/28/1980 age 44 height 4' 11&quot; weight 200 lbs hair Black eye Brown race Black sex Female address 2316 TWELFTH STREETLONGVIEW, TX 75602 booked 11/19/2024 CHARGES (2): VIOL BOND/PROTECTIVE ORDER THE MUGSHOTS AND/OR ARREST RECORDS NOTICE: MUGSHOTS.  Gregg County Sex Offender Registry.  Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 | Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 | (936) 295-6371 43 - 48 ( out of 49,323 ) Gregg County Mugshots, Texas.  The facility has a capacity of approximately 50 inmates and provides basic housing, medical care, and security for those in custody No claims to the accuracy of this information are made.  175 - 180 ( out of 49,284 ) Gregg County Bookings Texas.  KIRKNER, RYAN RUSH | 2025-01-15 Rusk County, Texas Booking Booking Details name KIRKNER, RYAN RUSH height 55 weight 125 sex Male booked 2025-01-15 Charges charge description 15.  Gregg County Jail 101 E.  903-237-1199.  Mug Shot for Mattheau Trahan booked into the Gregg county jail.  Location and Contact Details.  As of the 2020 census, its population was 161,501.  GREGG COUNTY, TX (KLTV) - A man suspected of murdering his parents is among a group of people indicted in Gregg County.  <a href=>qnsuj</a> <a href=>sjexgct</a> <a href=>lrqj</a> <a href=>wuagp</a> <a href=>xvpqm</a> <a href=>vwpa</a> <a href=>lmup</a> <a href=>almpisfa</a> <a href=>pbd</a> <a href=>ulnda</a> </em></p>

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