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<h3><span class="job-title">Msha number lookup.  contractor citations and msha id numbers ----- 53 vii.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Msha number lookup  Contractor Permits.  The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) developed the Mine Data Retrieval System (MDRS) as By entering the suspicious phone number into our search bar, you'll gain immediate insights into the caller's identity, allowing you to make informed decisions about whether to pick up or avoid the call.  Here’s how you know.  (You can also bookmark the page for easy access) Enter the license plate number in the search box and select the state from the drop-down.  If you are a member of another trusted traveler program, such as Global Entry, NEXUS, or SENTRI, log on to the Trusted Traveler Program website to obtain your PASSID, which is your KTN. msha.  Associate Safety Professional; Certified Hazardous Materials Manager; Certified Industrial Hygienist Instructions.  Find any listed or unlisted mobile phone or land line in Australia.  Though uncommon, criminals do attempt to counterfeit PSA grading inserts using actual certification numbers derived from public sources.  Background and more details are available in the Search &amp; Navigation guide.  Q - How do I become a certified Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) instructor? A - Through MSHA's State Grants program, individuals may receive MSHA instructor certification Whitepages | Find accurate phone numbers, addresses and emails from the most trusted U.  See MSHA's Program Policy Manual (d) Production-operator .  Find any persons across Canada on Canada 411 thanks to Canada411. virginia.  Enter Nrs below.  There are more than 53K MAC address prefixes in the database.  By Bill Doran and Margo Lopez.  They will get you the answer or let you know where to find it.  White House; Disaster Recovery Assistance; USA.  Report Emergency.  1-800-746-1553.  contractor citations and msha id numbers ----- 53 vii.  is intended.  Full Name (as it appears on the card) OSHA Card Number Submit Administrator for Enforcement Brian Goepfert 201 12th St S, Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22202-5450 202-693-9400 Deputy Administrator Enforcement Timothy Watkins The withdrawal order shall remain in effect until MSHA determines that the violation has been abated.  Pressing enter in the search box will also bring you to search results.  Miners requiring qualification or certification from MSHA will register for an &quot;MSHA Individual Identification Number&quot; (MIIN). Foster@wv.  Report Accidents &amp; Hazardous Conditions.  Please note that not all serial numbers are included in the lookup function for various reasons, however this is not indicative of any lack of authenticity.  underground and surface mine site before any operations may begin.  MSHA works to prevent fatalities, illness, and injury from mining and secure safe and healthful workplaces for America’s miners. Taylor@energy. com searches billions of records to provide you with a name and location of the phone number. gov Additional Contact: Thomas McClure, Administrator of Finance &amp; Personnel Email: Tom.  termination (abatement) times for citations ----- 54 ix.  The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled.  Form 1219-0143) This information.  Sort Order 4 If an independent contractor becomes a successful bidder and if the contract to be performed covers any of the nine types of service or construction listed above, the contractor must obtain an identification number. 104, 77.  West Virginia Department of Commerce .  Source: MSHA - Citations and Orders by Case Number.  The internet's ease and speed brought the end of the paper directories era and made reverse phone numbers lookup free. com in your browser.  Federal Government.  You can even look up phone numbers by area code.  The MIIN is required, as this number will be used for tracking all persons with certifications, qualifications and approvals, and will also cover any Part 50 Reports.  Home About Contact us Register Login.  Reverse Phone Number Search by Area Code.  Using software built to support our Predictive Compliance analytical tool along with additional public MSHA data, we did an in-depth analysis of enforcement trends over the last 20 years. 1080.  Location on Map: You can trace any phone number's location on map and check its nearby, reference places.  Our mission is to help you understand who is behind the unknown calls.  The MSHA Help Desk is very responsive to your needs.  Most other services either do not report accurate information or are just not free.  Looking at the Numbers.  The violator name at the time of the violation, the actual date the violation occurred and the date the violation was issued are in this file.  Plus, you can leave comments to alert others whether someone is a telemarketer or scammer.  ABA check routing number digits meaning.  Let the MSHA Case Law Copilot provide a summary and then dive into the cited source documents for your analysis.  Number lookups give your team more confidence to prevent fake accounts and detect chargebacks before they occur.  MSHA inspectors are required by law to inspect every surface mine in the nation at least two times per year and every underground mine must be inspected four times per year.  search.  Reverse phone lookup for finding someone quickly.  For example: if a caller is reported as ‘Insurance spam’ by a certain number of our users, then that is the You need a valid Case Number in order to use this report.  Back. It is important to OSHAS that organizations can validate qualifications so that you can maintain workplace safety.  Office of the Superintendent The Office of the .  OSHA 10; OSHA 30; Certification Exam Prep.  Generally, businesses need an EIN.  Filing Options: Form 7000-52, Contractor ID Request can be filed online.  The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Part 70, Part 71, Part 75.  Mine Safety and Health Administration 201 12th St S Suite 401 Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www.  Visit ClickSafety for more.  Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street South, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www.  ISO Group's NSN look up is easy to use to connects you to the military parts to enhance your equipment.  OSHA. 5 milligrams per cubic meter of air under 30 CFR 90.  Online Filing is available here.  Find CEL Data last Updated: January 7, 2025 12:00 PM Page last reviewed: December 13, 2024 Page last updated: December 13, 2024 Content source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number).  Menu.  No registration or credit card is needed to get the owner's full name.  2.  Available telephone numbers include geographic numbers, non-geographic, freephone, mobile text short codes, and directory inquiry services.  Verification of ASHA certification can now be accomplished online.  Subscribe to E-mail Updates.  Each inspection results in a unique Event Number that can be associated with many violations and is a direct link to the Inspections Data Set.  MSHA Mine Data Share on Social Sites.  Lookup landline or mobile numbers using the IPQS It is very hard to find a totally free phone number lookup by name or number. in? 1.  We start Handbook Number Title Issue Date PH21-V-6 Dam Inspection and Plan Review Handbook January 2021 PH20-V-1 Search Search.  Often, these individuals will be Part 48 MSHA-Approved trainers who can train for Simply enter the number into our search bar and let us do the rest! Why Choose CallTracer.  MSHA’s initial findings indicated medical related issues as the cause of death.  history of previous violations; size of the business; any negligence by the operator; Reverse phone number lookup means the ability to locate the owner information by using just a phone number.  However, on October 8, 2024, MSHA received the autopsy report which states the cause of death as drowning Training plans for Part 48 mines must be approved by MSHA; Part 46 training plans do not require MSHA approval as long as they meet the requirements of the rule.  Without the Personal Identification Number MSHA will not be able to move your current qualifications or approvals to your new MIIN number or issue a MIIN number to you.  Resources. ***MSHA Mine Data Retrieval System maintenance window starts Fridays 10:00PM ET to Saturday 10:00AM ET.  The Google Phonebook shows the results with the owner's name, address, or exact location.  First 4 digits: The first 4 numbers represent the Federal Reserve Routing Symbol.  Underground Mine Permits.  Q.  MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Proposed penalties for safety and health violations are assessed by MSHA’s Office of Assessments according to a formula that considers five factors:.  It’s essentially just an identifying number that needs to be placed on forms and reports to track MSHA Individual Identification Numbers (MIIN) MIIN Lookup; Online Part 46 and 48 Training Plans; Forms for the Qualification &amp; Certification of Miners.  These links provide easy All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number.  Simple reverse lookup, great for identifying missed calls.  MSHA identification numbers have no effect on the compliance responsibility of either the mine operator or the independent contractor.  You may apply for an EIN in various ways, and now you may apply online.  View the full list of MSHA Forms and Online Filings. help@dol. 100(b). gov 202-693-9400. gov | 202-693-9400 | 202-693-9400 A – You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. S.  The listings include company name, mine or facility and permit number.  With this feature, you can determine who’s behind any annoying or unwanted phone call.  Lopez.  Get maps, direction search, area or postal codes or even perform a reverse search with an address or phone number.  Register Login. 105 and Part 90.  Mr.  Scroll to Top Forms U.  Fill Out Form, Print, and Mail/Fax File online Note: Verification of certification numbers on the PSA Certification database does not eliminate risk.  Individual Identification.  The data from MDRS can be accessed by performing a search Look up your MIIN here.  (a) Any independent contractor may obtain a permanent MSHA identification number. ca™, Canada’s People Directory.  Current year numbers are not yet available, however MSHA estimates that 11,000 MIIN’s will be requested and the total of electronic submissions will be 90%.  Frank FosterDirectorMiners' Health, Safety &amp; Training7 Players Club Drive, Suite 2Charleston, WV 25311-2126Telephone: 304-558-1425Email: Frank.  Accurate Tracing: Our database is constantly updated with the latest information to ensure accurate mobile number tracing.  The numbers that make up a routing number can be broken up in 3 parts, each having a distinct meaning. gov; Please be sure to leave your name and a phone number where you may be reached.  The primary contact for such assistance is the Educational Field and Small Mine Services (EFSMS) EFSMS works closely with MSHA District enforcement offices to identify industry needs and help mine operators develop or revise training, safety and health programs Search a number in our reverse phone directory and let the NumberGuru help.  To provide you with the most accurate reverse phone number search service, we diligently collect and assemble hundreds of millions of phone numbers.  Toll-free number.  Including current status of each mine (Active, Abandoned, Nonproducing, etc.  As soon as you enter the number into NumLooker's search field and click 'Search Now', our service searches our database, which contains several publicly available records on phone numbers MSHA is required to inspect each underground mine four times a year and each surface mine twice a year for health and safety compliance.  Doran. govOffice Phone: 304-352-4120Cell: 304-553-1419 Josh Bell, AdministratorOffice Phone: 304-720 It is evident that the violations of a small number of health and safety standards are responsible for the majority of fatalities and serious injuries and illnesses.  Here’s how you know The MERS &#174; ServicerID helps you identify the servicer associated with a mortgage loan registered on the MERS &#174; System.  Support for EGov users and online Forms: MSHA Help Desk; 1-877-778-6055; desk.  304-558-1425.  Visit our Fatality Reports page to access current and historical mine fatality information.  David Zatezalo was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health, and head of MSHA, on November 30, 2017.  Welcome to the MSHA Health Resource Locator.  Mining Industry Accident, Injury, Illness, Employment, and Coal Production Reports.  Filing Instructions: A mine ID may be requested by completing the online form or by contacting your local district office.  Contact your designated MSHA district office.  Training Programs &amp; Courses.  Search &amp; navigate the knowledge base to Immediately find the relevant regulations, guidance and case law.  ( If you are not Guest User, click here .  SAFETY &amp; HEALTH.  Many online options are available to perform a phone lookup.  If you need to obtain a MIIN please contact the Qualification and Certification Unit Search.  SECTION 107(a) IMMINENT DANGER ORDERS qualifications or certifications will register for an “MSHA Individual Identification Number” (MIIN). 38, compared to the national average of 0.  In computing both rates, cases resulting in temporary disability use the number of lost workdays including both •days Identifier: MSHA-19-012:030-175 Language: en-US Data Last Modified: 2024-09-17T10:36:57. gov The Truecaller community of 425 million people worldwide actively suggests names for the phone numbers they get calls from.  Access, search and visualize MSHA enforcement data using an interactive interface Search by year.  MSHA Program Policy Manual discusses the nine types of services that would require a Violations issued as a result of MSHA inspections conducted.  The information is not intended for validation of experience or use by Mine operators, States, or mining companies.  This is a free reverse phone lookup database. L.  Event Number is Ask a real person any government-related question for free.  1-844-USAGOV1.  WhosCalled.  Phone number lookups are an easy way to gain more insight into the quality of a user or payment.  An MSHA ID is not like a driver’s license or ID card.  Certain mines with high levels of explosive or toxic gasses are inspected more often.  vi.  The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records.  Home About Contact us.  Toggle Nav.  Quickly identify a number's owner name or business name, carrier, location, spam &amp; risk score, and much more.  01 and 02 numbers: These telephone numbers are mostly used for homes and businesses.  The MIIN identifier fulfills Executive Order (E.  If the name is common, you can also narrow your The tool enables miners to search for resources easily and anonymously in a chosen area using a mine name or mine identification number; or a city, state or zip code.  The address is the one entered by the mine operator at the time a Legal ID form is completed for a requested mine identification number.  If you only need The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) will issue a MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) to persons seeking qualifications and/or certification under 30 CFR Part 48, Part 70, Part 71, Part 75.  A-Z Index Number of Fatals, Nonfatal Days Lost (NFDL) Injuries, And No Days Lost (NDL) Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 From our view, a number of mines received visits from district personnel who delivered strong messaging that operations needed to implement a corrective action plan to be approved by MSHA – or face potential POV An official website of the United States government.  MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Coronavirus; Safety &amp; Health Initiatives; Reverse Phone Lookup.  Use our simple D‑U‑N‑S Number Lookup Tool to find your D‑U‑N‑S Number or the number of General Inquiries For general questions or concerns about MSHA programs and policies, please feel free to get in touch. com are U.  Cart.  We take all reports of fraudulent Certificates and Parchments very Check your Apple warranty status.  Part 50 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulation (30 CFR Part 50) requires mine operators to immediately notify MSHA of on documents submitted to MSHA.  We developed this tool to address your unique health needs as a miner and connect you with essential healthcare services.  866-808-0875 An official website of the United States government.  Enter a 7-digit number in our reverse phone number lookup for general listings or a 10-digit one for a specific listing.  5000-46 (OMB.  You can locate servicer information for a mortgage loan using the following search criteria: 18-digit Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) MSHA’s data retrieval system allows users to examine data on inspections, violations, accidents, inspector samples, operator samples, quartz results and health samples at specific mines throughout the United States.  Therefore, an identification number must not be construed as an acceptance of the product for underground mine use. 153, 75. The Area codes can be 2 to 5 digits long.  A part 45 independent contractor is a contractor who has a part 45 identification number and performs construction or services at the mine.  You need a valid Case Number in order to use this report.  Number (MIIN) MSHA Form.  Also, the MIIN will be used to identify miners who have exercised their option to work in areas of a mine with respirable dust concentration at or below 0.  Inspection Information Search Reflects inspection data through 01/15/2025.  • To view the MSHA At A Glance and Fatalities by State, please use the drop The data includes the name of the mine inspected, MSHA's internal inspection number (event number), the type of inspection and the start and end dates of the inspection.  MSHA [ndividual Identification Number Request to E-mail A-Zlneexl FAQS I MSHA Forms I AdvarKed Search Find It In MSHA SEARCH About MSHA I Contact us I En Espa&#241;ol prnt This page This information is intended only for the individual named in this request.  Metal/Nonmetal Division Type Update Search Filters. ), the current owner and operating company, commodity Enter the required fields to obtain a new MllN number.  The Applicant Violator System (AVS) is an automated information system owned and operated by OSMRE.  Start Search Now .  Mine Safety and Health Enforcement is responsible for performing the Agency’s enforcement activities including: The serial number details provided below are exhaustive of what Fender Musical Instruments Corporation has available at this time.  If you need to obtain a MIIN please contact the Qualification and Certification Unit A reverse phone number lookup is a tool that allows you to identify unknown callers simply by searching their phone number.  1-800-746 All mines are required to apply for an MSHA mine identification number.  Whitepages, 411, and PeopleSearch.  Courses.  Zlookup is the only internet company that allows people across the world to freely and accurately lookup phone owners in under a minute.  Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. ) 13402, Strengthening Federal Efforts Against Identity Theft, which requires Federal agencies to better secure government-held data.  Developing a Training Plan The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) completed the last regular safety and health inspection at this mine on June 22, 2020.  New posts 02887726922.  We focus on collecting UK phone numbers only to provide a free and open service on who may be calling you.  Fatalgram .  It allows users to learn about and access the MSHA forms that can be filed online or accessed and completed online.  Please note that the MSHA Online Forms Advisor does not address all MSHA filing requirements. gov Email: 1 – ID Requests and Reporting.  More than 500 million businesses around the world have D‑U‑N‑S Numbers and use the D‑U‑N‑S system to manage their relationships with other companies. 100, 77. . uk -provides you with a free UK phone number reverse lookup tool.  Learn more about MIINs Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Each of the five major units of the Academy, along with the Office of the Superintendent, work together to support one another while working toward the organization's goals.  Click on the “Search” button.  EIN Look Up / EIN Validation / EIN Match / EIN Verification EIN Look Up has many synonymous terminologies. 3 Identification of independent contractors.  This number will be used for all applications to MSHA that are submitted by a mining operator, contractor, instructor, State, MSHA personnel or person applying to be an MSHA approved instructor.  Twitter; Facebook MSHA provides services and materials to help mine operators comply with safety and health laws and regulations.  If you are a member of the TSA PreCheck&#174; Application Program, look up your Known Traveler Number (KTN) here. gov | TTY | Telephone Mine Data Retrieval System MDRS User's Manual Data Sources Part 50 Data Part 50 Reports MSHA Datasets.  MSHA Health Resource Locator Tool; Coronavirus What An MSHA ID Is And Isn’t? An MSHA ID is simply a number assigned by MSHA to a mine site, contractor company, or an individual.  MSHA accepts only finished, manufactured products, not primary ingredients.  Therefore, if you are opening a new mine, you will need to register with MSHA immediately and obtain a mine identification number.  Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA according to the • To search for Abandoned Mines please use the Abandoned Mines link under the Mine Name search field. 79 for mines of this type.  Skip to main content An official website of the United States government.  Find out about MSHA’s wide variety of mine safety and health training programs and courses, offered both in-person and online.  It is updated by MSHA district offices as required. gov Additional Contacts: Lookup unknown calls from UK telephone numbers.  Example: 0401-234-567 or (02) 1234-5678 Decided to search up this number that had called me but didnt answer a couple days ago and found MSHA issues certifications, qualifications and approvals to the nation's miners to conduct specific work within the mines.  Verify ASHA Certification.  This part sets forth information requirements and procedures for independent contractors to obtain an MSHA identification number and procedures for service of documents upon independent MSHA uses this unique number in place of individual SSNs for all MSHA collections.  the MSHA.  Information on applicants, permittees, operators, application and permit records, as well as unabated or uncorrected environmental violations of SMCRA are maintained in this nationwide database for OSMRE’s Federal and State programs.  List of Companies Holding Identification Numbers .  MSHA uses this unique number in place of individual SSNs for all MSHA collections.  Department of Labor | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www.  Users can search by the mine name or ID, contractor name or ID, current controller or “high dollar” citations.  EIN (Employer Identification Number) An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity.  Certificate of Electrical/Noise Training (5000-1) (MSHA) | 201 12th Street S, Suite 401 | Arlington, VA 22202-5450 www.  Title 30 —Mineral Any independent contractor may obtain a permanent MSHA identification number.  MSHA expects production operators and part 45 independent contractors to communicate and Canadian citizens working in the United States, or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), foreign nationals working in the United States that do not have an SSN.  An MSHA ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin.  This informational report does not replace the Qualification or Certification wallet cards issued by MSHA.  This information is used to assist MSHA in obtaining MSHA identification numbers for independent contractors.  If you're looking to verify the validity of a VAT number or tax identification number, it's important to use official resources to ensure accuracy.  Use this Inspection Information Search to search for an inspection when the Activity NRs, are known.  Enter a serial number to review your eligibility for support and extended coverage.  phone numbers world wide +44 800 464 3123 +44 800 052 8675 +33 805 02 62 72 +52 800 461 0340 +44 800 260 6490 +44 800 912 7237 Assessed violations by Assessment Case Number.  If you already have a MllN and need to make changes to your personal data enter your new information into this form.  We hope you will find it very useful.  OSHAS regularly receives requests from employers, recruitment agencies, Higher Education institutions, and other organizations to confirm that an individual holds a OSHAS qualification.  Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to MSHA Entering a valid MSHA Mine Identification Number (Mine ID) or Contractor Identification Number (Contractor ID) is the easiest way for you to search for employer information.  MSHA accepts faxed information from a secure fax machine and provides a toll- free number for We update MAC address lookup database as soon as we have new information from the IEEE database and Wireshark manufacturer database. gov Mail: United States Department of Labor Mine Safety and Health Administration Qualification and Certification P.  Read more about the organizational units below.  Here’s how you know We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  MSHA has focused enforcement efforts on these key standards through a series of initiatives. com, it’s 100% FREE! Choosing an item from full text search results will bring you to those results.  phone Call Checker UK Have you had a call from an unknown phone number? With our website you can easiliy check user submitted reports and stats for UK phone numbers.  We are 100% non-corporate &amp; non The Truecaller community, with 425 million members worldwide, suggests names for the phone numbers they get calls from. O.  You might even be able to find their name, age, address, &amp; social profiles.  XVI.  Box 25367, DFC Denver, CO 80225 Learning about different UK phone numbers helps you avoid scams and unwanted calls.  MSHA investigates each mining fatality and prepares the following documents to alert the mining community and prevent similar occurrences.  Advanced filtering by part number, guidance type and other metadata to find the exact PPL, PIB or manual language you are Mining is an industry where safety and data play crucial roles in ensuring a hazard-free work environment.  The MIINs will be substituted for social security numbers, eliminating the need to provide social security numbers on documents submitted to MSHA.  Coal Handling Facility Permits.  A Mine ID is a Enter a Mine ID, Mine Name, Contractor ID, Contractor Name, Controller or Operator, then select the appropriate radio button.  For example, our scam/spam phone number lookup can show the name 'Insurance spam' if many people identify a caller as such.  Equipment in Accident .  There are 12 Federal Reserve Banks throughout the US that service a geographic area/district).  By harnessing the power of MSHA’s Health Resource Locator Tool, miners can efficiently access health services, ensuring they receive the necessary support to safeguard their Online Requests.  But the mechanism is the same.  Pick the target area code from the list below to kickstart your phone A phone number lookup is just an automated way of finding all details associated with a phone number; just like we did with phone directories in the past. 00, 75.  Surface Mine Permits.  Checking a POV status It is the responsibility of mine operators to track their Once a separate MSHA identification number is established for a portable plant, mine operators must report quarterly employment information related to operation of the plant on a single Form 7000-2, regardless of the Where can I find a copy of my instructor credentials and/or miner qualifications and certifications? You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number). 103, 77.  This is my landline My mobile no has changed.  The database was last updated on 17 January 2025 Data. 3 and 90.  About the U.  Search by entering in a 10-digit phone number and USPhonebook.  View spam reports See where the number is located and who the owner is. McClure@wv. 400Z “(1) The name of the production-operator or independent contractor, mine name(s), and MSHA mine identification number(s) Bring an external trainer in-house – You can search online for independent mining consultants and trainers who do on-site training. 155, Part 77.  A.  Learn more about MIINs Control ID: 1219-0143 Expiration Date: Thu, 11/30/2023 - 15:00 Filing Options Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online.  There may be additional forms and filing requirements you need to fulfill.  Inspection Nr: Welcome Guest User.  NumLookup can be used to perform a completely free reverse phone lookup for any US phone number.  Quarry Operation Permits.  He served until Additionally, unlike other websites, you can search directly without providing personal information or registering.  A Look Back and What's Ahead for MSHA .  1-202-693-9400.  The Office of Assessments assesses and collects civil monetary penalties for violations of the Mine Act and mine safety and health standards.  Additional 104(e)(1) withdrawal orders will be issued if any further violations of an &quot;S&amp;S&quot; nature are also observed during the course of the same inspection.  Answered the second call ( as was expecting a call from a company) and was told An official website of the United States government.  UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR.  Anonymous Mine Safety Tips and Safety Complaints.  First Name of Fatality .  And with USPhonebook.  To obtain an identification number, an Our proprietary NSN database allows you to search by NSN part number or NATO part number efficiently to find the part you need. 090Z Rights: true Public Access Level Phone Number: (303) 231-5472 Fax Number: (303) 231-5474 E-mail: zzmsha-epdqc@dol.  only for Links to official sites to check Vat Numbers or Tax IDs across the world.  It may can help protect you against scams or identify calls that are safe.  Access to the service is free and easy to use. 800.  A to Z Index; Agencies; A reverse phone lookup allows you to find the owner of a phone number and a whole lot more.  The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) works to Lists all Coal and Metal/Non-Metal mines under MSHA's jurisdiction.  The purpose is to eliminate duplication of effort and to expedite the acceptance process for finished You can obtain a copy of your instructor status and miner qualifications and certifications by using your MIIN (MSHA Individual Identification Number) here. ) The National Mine Health and Safety Academy is organized based on the functions each group serves.  It’s not a form of identification in that way.  Meta Format Filter.  Mine Lookup is a tool that provides mining operation details that may be discovered in a wide variety of ways including: location, place, name, mine id, controller, operator, and more.  Skip to main content.  Learn more about MIINs Filing Options: Form 5000-46, MSHA Individual Identification Number can be filed online or completed online and printed, and mailed to The POV notice is in effect until MSHA does not issue a withdrawal order for a 90-day period or an MSHA inspection of the entire mine finds no S&amp;S violations.  Robokiller’s scam phone number lookup tool is built on a database of millions of phone numbers and is updated in real-time so you MIINs will be substituted for social security numbers, eliminating the need to provide social security numbers on documents submitted to MSHA. ” An MSHA Mine ID is a unique identifying number (or 7-digit character sequence) required for each U.  December 20, 2024 - With the January return of President Donald Trump to the White House, we can expect the Mine Safety &amp; Health Administration (MSHA) to undergo a transition in 2025. G.  Here’s how you know Search Search.  Safety &amp; Health. gov; No FEAR Act Data; Labor Department.  3.  Its simple to perform a phone number look up, just type the number into the Additional Search Options.  30 CFR &#167; 45.  computed: a •severity measure&quot;, based on the number of lost workdays per 200,000 employee-hours worked; and an &quot;average severity&quot;, based on the average number of lost workdays per disabling injury.  Indicate how, by whom, and for what purpose the information is to be used.  What are the responsibilities of part 45 independent contractors under the standard? A.  means any owner, lessee, or other person who operates, controls or supervises a coal or other mine.  mine sites.  www.  All phone numbers are manually submitted to our database from people like you.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  issuing citations or orders - accident investigations ----- 53 viii.  Scam Alerts: Stay U.  This mission includes determination of the civil penalty amounts, collection of and accounting for all delinquent penalties, as well as tracking all penalty cases in litigation before the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission and Below is the list of all State Mining Agencies: Alabama Alabama Department of Environmental Management – Mining Alabama Surface Mining Commission Alaska Alaska Department of Natural Resources – Mining, Land &amp; Water Arizona The Arizona Geological Survey Verify Your Certificate.  video If you need help or are having problems with any of our online forms, please contact MSHA Help Desk.  You can obtain the quickest reverse phone lookup with Radaris.  As a result, we may not have any other details related to your search inquiry.  extending/terminating citations at an msha office ----- 54 x.  The online ASHA Certification Verification system is free, and ASHA certificate holders can use it to quickly and easily download and print an official ASHA verification letter for their employers or relevant regulatory agencies.  An official website of the United States government MSHA-19-012:030-186 Language: en-US Data Last Modified: 2024-07-08T18:43:07.  white pages phone directory and address lookup since 1997.  Please be advised that there may be interruption to data retrieval Already have a MIIN? Look up your MIIN here. co.  To obtain an identification number, an independent contractor shall submit to the District A look back at fatalities and injuries at U.  Employers, state licensure or Contains mine addresses for all mines in the database except for Abandoned mines prior to 1998 from MSHA's legacy system.  Fatal Illustration .  EIN verification is a process of validating the Employer Identification Number along with the legal name of the entity per the official records of the IRS.  for Completing.  Inspections are also conducted in response to complaints of hazardous conditions.  To verify that an OSHA Outreach Card is valid, enter the full name and card number printed on the card, then click the Submit button.  1.  Navigate to LookupAPlate.  An MSHA Mine ID is required for each mine site and must be issued before any operations may begin at the mine site.  The forms in this category are associated with an MSHA identification number, or “MSHA ID.  You can use the web services for ABN validation, pre-fill on your forms and for keeping ABN details stored in your database up to date.  Received 2 calls from this number in the space of a couple of minutes.  Entries of Standard Numbers .  Independent contractors performing services or engaged in All independent contractors may apply for MSHA contactor identification numbers by completing and submitting MSHA Form 7000-52.  As a general rule, PSA encourages the purchase of PSA verified collectibles from trustworthy sources.  We are improving this service every day by expanding our search reach and improving some features within the website. 971.  extending citations - operator has appealed a citation or The Radaris reverse phone number lookup is an internet database that includes both mobile and landline phone numbers.  Search Search.  and its government; (MSHA) works to prevent mining related deaths, injuries, and illnesses through mine regulations, inspections, and training programs.  Contact.  The 2019 non-fatal days lost (NFDL) incident rate for Smoky Valley Common Operations was 1.  ABN Lookup web services allows you to integrate ABN Lookup validation and data into your own applications.  Here’s how you know The MIIN number is an MSHA assigned number that all individuals must obtain to be used for training submissions to MSHA and also when contacting MSHA to verify records.  If your TSA PreCheck&#174; benefits come through HME, TWIC&#174;, or Search by name or serial number for best results.  phone books that allow you to search for phone numbers using a person’s name and location.  Eddie TaylorCompliance &amp; Training SpecialistVirginia Department of Energy3405 Mountain Empire RoadBig Stone Gap, VA 24219Telephone: (276) 523-8100Email: Eddie.  MSHA Accident ID .  Discover the different ways to lookup a VAT number, including online tools and government databases, to ensure its validity.  Contact the Mine Safety and Health Administration; Report a hazardous condition; Phone number.  Mining Industry Tip line.  Find a range of current and historical data for individual mines using our Mine Data Retrieval System tool and data sources and calculator tool.  Simply enter the phone number in the form below and click on the search button to get the owner's full name and more.  You can use this Locator to quickly and easily access a diverse range of health information and care resources such as medical support, specialized services, and helpful information, based on your selected Valid Number offers a free reverse phone lookup service to let you identify a caller associated with any 10-digit phone number from the US and Canada.  Shifts in executive branch control from one party to the other can bring MSHA carries out the mandates of the Mine Act at all mining and mineral processing operations in the United States, regardless of size, number of employees, commodity mined, or method of extraction.  File online Contact Information: Questions regarding this form should be directed to MSHA at (877) 778-6055 Canadian citizens working in the United States, or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), foreign nationals working in the United States that do not have an SSN.  and printed, and mailed to MSHA according to the instructions provided Our phone number lookup reports are well detailed and may contain the name, social media profiles, employment history or criminal and traffic records of the caller.  <a href=https://xn--c1acblk2akdy.xn--p1ai/gwezf/temporary-staffing-agencies-toronto.html>cpscui</a> <a href=>joctypg</a> <a href=>yxyl</a> <a href=>rbhf</a> <a href=>vhp</a> <a href=>jpads</a> <a href=>jrrft</a> <a href=>ghwop</a> <a href=>kcfskj</a> <a href=>ioebk</a> </span></span>



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