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<h3><span class="job-title">Mopar 360 camshaft selection. 55’s on 26 inch tires.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Mopar 360 camshaft selection  I am in the process of putting a 360 in my 72 duster.  Jump to Latest (compared to mother mopar)first cam would be my choice. 02&quot; / 1. 60&quot; valves and ports cleaned up Compression should end up at 9:1 with a 72cc head Stock 360 intake, and exhaust manifolds with ports cleaned up Non-feed back type Quadrajet carburetor and MSD distributor Scat 9000 series 4&quot; cast stroker crank Small Block Mopar Engine .  Free shipping.  INT/EXH - Dur @ .  Or the next size up or two from thw 268 comp but go wirh lunati voodoo instead.  I dont know what If you want a cam similar to a factory 340, Mopar Performance part number P4452761AE (Summit Racing).  178 posts &#183; Joined 2004 Add to quote Custom Camshaft Mopar 273-360 LA Mechanical Roller Camshaft Learn More.  750 Vac Find DODGE 5.  360 LA cam selection.  HOME INFO UPGRADES FARLEY REGISTRY PHOTOS LINKS SITE TOOLS SERVICE MANUAL I was thinking of either a Voodoo or a Mopar Performance cam, but I don't know what you can get away with before you need different rockers. 050 288 Mopar degrees 294/298 comp degrees 0.  Estimated Ship Date: Monday 12/23/2024. 050 of 210 intake and 220 exhaust, Vavle lift of .  Joined Oct 26, 2008 Messages 239 Reaction score 4 Location Tampa FL Just wondering which is the better choice, keep in mind my 5300' elevation, so compression is no doubt lower than at sea level. 00.  3. 6 &amp; 1. 040 for a little extra compression.  (413 360 hp) and did the GTX 440/375 DODGE 5. , Vertical Tie-bar (No reviews yet) Write a Review Not enough compression for that cam in my opinion.  keefer73dart Well-Known Member.  Build specs: 1969 Dart 1989 factory hydraulic roller LA 360 Speed pro 4.  $276.  Location: Adelaide/South Australia.  Go with something mellow as long term use appears more important. 4L / 7.  All Mopar Purple Shaft performance camshafts are designed, developed, dyno'd and track-tested by engineers for increased power and rpm potential while From Dodge, Plymouth and Chrysler Police Cars, 1979-1994 Sanow, Bellah and Govier: &quot;as a comparison, the 1974-6 E58 4 BBL HP cam has a lift of .  BTW with those 116* of extraction,(of the 62*Ica cam) your point-to-point fuel economy should be better than any smogger-teen.  he says they used to dominate the track with that setup. 570 lift or a 242/248 @. 81.  Flat Tappet 1500-5200.  should that be something to consider when choosing New in here need some advice SB 360 Cam selection.  COMP Cams 20-214-4 Magnum Hydraulic Camshaft, Mopar S/B.  Jul 4, 2009 #1 but close.  Estimated Ship Date: Monday 1/20/2025. 050] My impression from all the response is that the 284 . 484&quot; Mopar cam is a good choice and using that cam I will not have to machine the heads for big springs and new seals.  No port profiling or bowl blending of ports.  Lift @ Centerline Valve Lash Engine Cam Kit # Cam I.  Thread starter emmett442; Start .  busteddodge Discussion starter. 979.  Streched 87 Jeep Wrangler, mopar 360, w/OD, 241 trans, narrowed 44 &amp; 60 w/4. 478”/.  Next Last.  I have a 360/408 stroker, Edel heads, 9.  So wondering if the bigger cam will hurt more than help because of my high altitude. 1L - Stage 2 Performance $1,565.  Joined Aug 6, 2015 Messages 1,662 Reaction score the more i think about it, the engine is not happy.  $334.  Kit includes.  Voodoo Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam - Chrysler 273-360 268/276 - Lunati Power MP purple cam.  Any suggestions on a tunnel ram setup and what carbs I should get? Does anyone Small Block Mopar Engine . This makes me think that they didn`t want anyone to know Shop COMP Cams Chrysler Small Block V8 360 Camshaft and Lifter Kits and get Free Shipping on orders over $175 at Speedway Motors.  The best engine combination is when the sweet spots of all the components (camshaft, cylinder heads, intake manifold, carburetor size, compression ratio, headers and Now I do not know where to start with camshaft selection. We ground the tip of one bolt to make the measurements accurate. 444 LSA 112 Thanks CHRYSLER 5.  Mopar Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshaft Chrysler/Dodge/Mopar - 273, 340, 360 &amp; 318 LA Performance level 2-3 - Power Compu-Pro - Perfect combination of power and mileage. 010 .  Check for Availability The factory LRE 360 had a 340 speed camshaft from factory and worked very well, when I first rebuilt the engine years ago I added the Aluminum LD340 intake, headers and used the mopar performance 268* .  $544.  Not Yet Reviewed.  engines such as all the 318's, 360, 400 and all 383 &amp; 440's built after 1971. 477/. 5&quot; FTI converter 3400-3600 stall.  Mopar Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshaft .  do u have to run a 340?why not a 360!we ran a 340 for a year but it dont have the TQ that a 360 does.  5. 470/.  Otherwise, a simple way of doing this is to copy the create engine from years past.  Using this program, building a mild 318; here's the specs of it by the way: Stock Performer RPM heads #60779 Stock Performer intake 750cfm carb w/ vac seconds.  Wyrmrider Well-Known Member. 450 .  The 1977-80 360 4 BBL cam was a bit milder due to the emissions crunch.  26 watchers.  Whiplash Flat tappet hydraulic small block &quot;LA&quot; camshaft Hughes &quot;real&quot; Chrysler cam WARNING: Our Whiplash cam is designed for basically stock, low compression engines. 484 cam (or your Hyd. 91's out back. Starting at the bottom end, the block was bored .  It’s a little better advanced but still not the “right” cam for the combo.  Small Block Mopar Engine .  WHIPLASH SERIES FLAT TAPPET HYDRAULIC CAMSHAFT. 585 lift.  Duration 268/280, Lift .  Or at least it does on my 360 heads! Im going with one size smaller. 513 exhaust duration 234 @ . 1L / 6.  Free Shipping Wanted to upgraded my camshaft thats in a stock 360 1985 its got low compression ratio i know that will have alot to do with my selection.  Thread starter emmett442; Start date Dec 7, 2022 - 1; 2; 3; Next.  Morel 4723 / Erson RL965 Chrysler 318, 340, 360 CID Solid Roller Lifters, .  Dodge - Chrysler - Plymouth.  Filter by Availability Filter Results Filter by Vehicle Individual Parts.  (more of a spiritual engineer now). 55 SG rear.  Camshaft &amp; Lifter Kits.  2003 &amp; Up 5.  The 360 block has been bored 40thou over.  Speedway Motors has been committed to providing a broad selection of high-quality, affordable Cam Kits for Small Block Chrysler 318 Mopar Technical Forums.  It will have stock rods, crank hey guys sorry to ask the same ol question which I'm sure has been asked 100 times but here ya go! I have a 71 Demon with a slant 6 that is dyeing a slow death. 12:1.  hello everyone.  Joined Oct 21, 2011 Messages 2,510 Reaction score 1,534 Location Delaware.  Trouble with stage VI heads.  Mopar.  JEGS offers a wide selection of high-performance camshafts for sale accommodating Ford, GM Mopar 273-360 (7) Mopar 318-360 (11) Mopar 345-370 (1) Mopar 361-400 (9) Mopar 383-440 (2) Mopar 426 Hemi (2) Mopar Gen III Hemi (1) Mopar V8 (7) I run the 292 mopar purple cam.  I'm rebuilding my first car engine (LA360) and I've reached out to Comp Cams for advice on best cam choice, but I've been given a few options (my fault, I requested a couple times).  Weiand Action Plus intake 670 Holley.  And that’s with 3. 020 6 Cyl.  This cam will run on pump gas in a 340/360 with 8.  Im planning 1976 360 .  Get the best deals for mopar 360 camshaft at eBay. 6 rockers get the valve up into the ported heads better flowing area. 454&quot; 216*.  Shop by category.  It will have stock rods, crank, etc.  Part Groups. 9L/360 Mopar small block LA COMP Cams Thumpr Hydraulic Roller Cam and Lifter Kits and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! COMP Cams is bringing the musclecar sound back, and it's nastier than ever! Few things serve to grab our attention at a car show or cruise night more than a car with a thumping, high performance idle. 030&quot; over zero decked 360 heads with chevy 2.  SKU: 31100. 0; and it's a pretty accurate program as far as giving power figures for various engine buildups.  We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! Camshaft recommendations! 408 Stroker Performance Talk.  grind 20-225-4 284-296 [240/246@.  Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshaft, Chrysler SB 273-360, 221/221 @ .  Opens in a new window or tab.  Howards Cams Rattler Camshafts 718001 Budget 360 Camshaft Test.  If you buy a pre-made brake line Direct bolt-on heads for Mopar Small Block Stock and Super Stock racers.  Add to Cart.  In an Camshaft selection downunder Performance Talk Moparchat - Home of MOPAR Full rebuild is well underway and the last decision to make is the camshaft. 500 lift range. 9L/360 Mopar small block LA Camshaft Kits and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Shop the CLEARANCE SALE! Hydraulic Flat Tappet, Adv. 750&quot; Roller Dia.  jfixedit Discussion starter. i. 050&quot;: 215/215 Lift:. 904 lifter diameter? Specs: Nearly stock sb LA 360 5,9L i think is 71-73modell, i don’t know the comp ratio, i don’t know if the engine has been bored or honed, but Shop 360 Chrysler Small Block V8, Camshaft and Valvetrain and get Free Shipping on orders over $149 at Speedway Motors. 028 compressed). 501 intake duration 230 @. 23 gears.  Matches Chrysler's 340 - 275 HP camshaft part# 2899206. 9L/360 Mopar small block LA Camshaft Kits and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! More Power in Every Purchase - Join the Summit Rewards Program Today! Hydraulic Flat Tappet, Adv.  The 340 is arguably a better choice than the 360 for a hot small block Mopar build, except for the fact that Hi does any cam manufacturer offer a remake of the 380 hp crate engine 360 camshaft?? The part number is P4876348?? I would like to know b 4 Making one Cam specs for the P4876913 &amp; *P4876906 are 0.  And yes I was an engineer with a sound understanding of physics.  Mopar 273-360 LA Monarch Hydraulic Flat Stroke to 408. 7 CRANE ROLLER ROCKERS I have a 64 Polara hardtop with a very mild 383 Currently the motor has a MP 284 / 484 hydraulic stick Trouble is the static compression is only at 8. 6 -1 adjustable rocker arms ld 340 intake 750 street demon carb Check out our guide on camshaft fundamentals for an in-depth explanation of how camshafts work.  (cost is about $150 for cam and lifters from Jegs or Summit) You should use performance valve springs with any of the new cams. 467 Int.  or Best Offer.  This is a pretty good all around We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! Skip to main content. 5:1 CR 308 heads with stock valves (1. 55 or 3.  360 LA engine camshafts Performance Talk : Moparchat - Home of MOPAR enthusiasts worldwide! &gt; Technical Forums &gt; I'm using the Mopar Hemi grind . 75 out of 5 stars.  cam @ around [email protected]) in a 9.  Magnum Engine Swaps .  To me, the issue with going to the 440HP cam is the exhaust manifolds on the car and the under-car exhaust system pipe diameters.  COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Camshafts 20-745-9 Please provide your camshaft recommendations.  1956 - 1966 277 / 303 / 313 / 318. 050&quot;) and Edelbrock RPM heads, and 3. 0L Non-VCT / Non-MDS ONLY. 0122, 7am-10pm, everyday.  I want to keep it that way but I want to add some horsepower too. 5&quot; exhaust Now, for camshaft Based on the production Magnum 360, the 380-horse crate is built with all-new parts, not the usual rebuild.  Intake Duration, Find DODGE 5.  Solid Roller camshaft selection those of you running a 408 race application - lobe seperation Solid Roller camshaft selection those of you running a 408 race application - lobe seperation. 440, Separation 109, degree 108. 02&quot; intake valves and as always, manganese bronze guides.  Dual plane performer or stealth intake, 700 or 750 carb, headers, and 3. 488&quot; .  Thicker Deck Surfaces than Other Brands. 429 (I) and . 528 lift and 1.  I currently have a sum 6900 can that I was going to put in the 318, I want to stick with stock converter so can anyone recomend a cam for a 360 that will work with the big valve heads and will work ok with torque converter.  Duration @.  Worked fantastic, with a 2500 Find DODGE 5. 0-1 short block (You can use the KB-107 slugs) topped with the then OE head (308/576 IIRC) w/2. 448 . 5&quot; dual exhaust I'm really torn between head selection as I'd like to get new assemblies, so I'm thinking the Indy AeroHeads, but after some searching, of course, there are some less than favorable reviews. 564/. D.  Just to speak of a few of the features we upgraded the pistons from Keith Black hypereutectic to SRP forged, installed the 2. 55 gears.  Add To Cart. 95 Ships Tomorrow I read quite a few on here, but I'm worried I'll pick a cam that will require a bunch of other modifications to the setup for it to work properly.  Inside the bottom end you'll find pump-gas-friendly 9:1 pistons, a hydraulic roller cam Hydraulic Roller Camshaft and Lifter Kit; 1964 - 2003 Chrysler 273, 340, 360 2000 to 6000 Howards Cams CL710525-10 .  with 12. 8 True Scr, that should get you about 128psi at 500ft elevation.  Compare.  i will runn a 600 cfm carb and headers along with a lbd4 eddy intake.  Using the proper oils and additives the flat tappets can last a long time.  One very important point as well, at high altitude you NEED a split-pattern cam to take advantage of exhaust scavenging 360 E-58 camshaft question Performance Talk.  Shop now for fast shipping and easy returns! SB Mopar 273-360 Competition Cam CL20-223-3 Camshaft Lifter Kit 20-223-3 XE268H. 050&quot; 292 MOPAR degrees 302/306 crane Voodoo Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam &amp; Lifter Kit - Chrysler 273-360 262/268 This cam (see link below) is the next step up, but your engine will be on the ragged edge of being overcammed and I can guarantee you that running Page 2- 360 carb selection Performance Talk Moparchat - Home Considering the OP is looking for a carb for his 360 power pickup and Mopar installed Quadrajets on pick-ups in the 80's a Rochester would be a great choice.  Jump to Latest 10K views 3 replies 4 participants last post by F&amp;J Sep 15, 2007.  Hope this helps.  Call 800. 60 valves, M1 single plane (use the Hi Guys, I'm planning to build a 408 stroker with stock heads and stock rockers for my 1974 scamp (similar to this one: MRL Stock Rocker/Head 408) and I'm not sure wich cam to use. 0 out of 5 stars.  The engine now is : original 79 360 block cast flattop pistons, about .  build a 408.  Free ShippingLoading Estimated Ship Date: Monday 1/20/2025. 60 exhaust COMP Cams SK20-223-3 Xtreme Energy Camshaft Kit, Mopar 273/318/340/360.  $292. 0122, 7am-10pm CST, everyday.  During his time at Cam Dynamics, he was fortunate to work with professionals HUG SMC2336AL. 050s.  Current cam 287/301 660/660 lift with a 108 lobe seperation at .  This is in the engine probe 408 Flat Top -5. 420 range Small Block Mopar Engine .  I run that cam in my 8.  One builder familiar with the MMI head suggested a 236/242 @.  Voodoo Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam - Chrysler 273-360 268/276 - 3. 95 With our lobe selection made, we decided upon having the cam ground on 108-degree lobe centers which, we felt, would work best in our now serious street 360.  but that was all marketing like every Edelbrock performance Camshafts are developed as a performance matched complement to our Cylinder Heads and Edelbrock part #7177 Performer RPM Camshaft is designed for small-block Chrysler 318-340-360 V-8.  Hi Guys, I have decided to stay with a close to stock spec rebuild of my 318. 23 diff.  Joined Aug 2, 2012 Messages 2,741 Reaction score 1,690 Location Melbourne FL. 5 degrees of closing.  There he was in charge of Production of Camshafts and helped develop and build the oval track program until it was sold in 1982.  P4120243 D.  Joined Jul 30, 2013 Messages 875 Reaction score 164 3/16 wide and .  CN6G 270/275 DUR@. 050&quot; Lift): 230.  Camshaft woodruff key. 442 exhaust, Lobe C/L is 114.  Last year I built a 360 with the Hughes HE0914AL cam.  mc1786 hyd 2 204 214 280 290 .  Posts: 3 318 2bbl Cam Selection.  Go.  I'm trying to find this camshaft for my 69 318, it appears to be a great option for me .  Intake Duration (. 2L / 6.  Duration Valve @ Retainer Intake Exhaust ----- 6 Cyl. 462/. 88) Edelbrock performer intake Dougs headers 650CFM holley (willing to upgrade) On the cam, it appears that the 256/260 cam which replaced the prior &quot;4bbl cam&quot; of '64 is a better cam.  Lunati has a cam that has same duration as the 340 cam and I think that the lift is in the low .  salty_eye9692; Oct 8, 2024; Click here to search for Mopar cars and parts for sale.  Using 7* as a cam size this works out to 30/7+1=5 sizes.  High Performance Mopar Chrysler Small Block 318 camshaft. 9L/360 Camshaft Kits and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Shop the CLEARANCE SALE! Adv.  Thread starter texas360; Start date Jan 7, 2020 - Prev.  BTW, Nice build for long life, you may wish to stay away from the fast ramp speeds of a high lift cam such as the XE275 hi lift (that I have in my 408, not that I am that unhappy with it) 11. I have an original 78 dodge- ply service manual &amp; in the engine specs section it has cam specs for the regular 360 (252deg. C. 50/17 pro-comps.  J.  Estimated Ship Date Explore a wide range of our Mopar 340 Camshaft selection. 509 but that is more for Find CHRYSLER 5. &quot; Small Block Mopar Engine . 470, Mopar, 273-360, Kit. 050 222-234 Valve Lift .  1964-76 Mopar 273 / 318 / 340 / 360 Small Block Mechanical Camshaft Set With 296/296 Duration. 9L/360 Mopar small block LA COMP Cams Thumpr Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam and Lifter Kits and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! COMP Cams is bringing the muscle car sound back, and it's nastier than ever! Let's face it--few things serve to grab our attention at a car show or cruise night more than a car with a thumping, high On the cheap side is the Mopar P4452759 260/268 Duration 0. alot more street/tuning friendlygood luck .  Duration 274/280, Lift .  Inactive User : Join Date: Mar 2002.  duration, duration @ .  Save Share Reply Quote Like.  Say 9. 508 cuz I thought bigger was better - it was lopey but Cam Selection Help - 383 stroker.  Explore a wide range of our Mopar 360 Camshaft selection.  In fact, the Thumpr produced more torque down low than the smallest cam in the test, in addition to posting the highest peak output of 466 hp at 6,300 rpm. 430/.  In factory tune, a '79 E-58 pumped out 195 net horsepower. 570, Mopar, 273-360.  Apr 17, 2014 #1 upgrading a 360 for my brother's 318 66 dart. 903&quot; Body Dia.  Exhaust Duration (.  Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in Camshaft Selection/Non-Adjustable Rockers. 30 over.  Engine, Transmission &amp; Driveline .  It is a Bullet roller cam.  https: Help with camshaft and converter selection.  Cam selection help, SB 340.  I would go with either the 268H, or XE262 Comp cam, Comp 901-16 springs, and the Performer 318/360.  It is a IIRC the stock 360 2bbl cam specs are 252/260/112.  A 4 barrel, headers, cam change, if you with something like the 340 cam you won't have to worry about as advice for me, he said, take my 318 (bored 30 over), install Mopar Performance cam purpleshaft P4452782, and install 360 heads w/ Mopar Performance P4120094 head gasket (0.  This is Mopar cam #4214671.  My heads are regular 360 with the 188 valves. 020-over and fitted with a set of federal Cam selection for my 383. E.  This Mopar&#174; Performance &quot;Purple Shaft&quot; camshaft is designed, developed, dyno'd and track-tested by engineers for increased power and RPM potential while maintaining reliability and the best possible low-speed characteristics, including torque and idle quality.  jazak5 FABO Gold Member.  Sponsored.  Inactive User : Join Date: Mar 2008 If it's a max effort 360 with good heads, big cam, lot's of compression, a The typical range of cams for performance street SBM, is 210 to 240 @.  LR1970; Jul 1, 2024; Engine, Trans &amp; Driveline; Replies 6 Views 1K.  I'm planning to mill the heads (along with new valve job) .  Provides excellent end and mid-range power with Help with camshaft selection for my 360 powered Dodge W200 PowerWagon.  340-360 WHIPLASH CAM 107&#186; LSA +5. 13.  To the OP I think the larger Voodoo (Voodoo Hydraulic Flat Tappet Cam - Chrysler 273-360 268/276 - Lunati Power) would work great, that 280H is an old-school grind and won't build cylinder pressure like a modern fast-ramp cam.  Currently my cam is a Crane .  901 Comp springs 3 angle valve job, port matched.  244-108 244 .  hey i need some help choosing heads for my (360) 408 stroker.  Also wondering if the small er cam is enough of a change from the stock 5.  This 116* is only 4* less than the 318LA cam, and they ran at 8.  Fits 318-340-360 Mopar small block engines.  That cam is by Speed Pro (part of Federal Mogul): &quot;Chrysler 318, 340 and 360 Hydraulic camshaft, 1500-4500 rpm range, 279 intake/ 290 exhaust adv. , .  Mike worked excessively on the geometry and getting the most lift.  It has a cold cranking compression test of 155# cold.  CAMSHAFT: Hydraulic roller, duration camshaft range &amp; selection chart see individual listings for more information american motors v8, 1966-92 - flat tappet cam / 290, 304, 343, 360, 390, 401 c.  steveh Well-Known Member.  Results 1 - 25 of 49 25 Records Per Page Default Sort .  Thus in a dart sport.  Bottom Left: The Proform tool top dead Explore a wide range of our Amc 360 Camshaft selection.  Chrysler/Dodge/Mopar - 350, 361, 383, 400, 413, 426 &amp; 440B Performance level 3-4 - High Performance Compu-Pro - Intended for the hot marine/strip application, these cams offer extended rpm range with emphasis on upper bottom to top end power with strong mid-range. 050” Lift: 228&#176;/236&#176; RR: 1. 0 max compression ratio, generating about 135psi.  Brand New.  Comp Cams has a big selection of oval track cams in their catalog for the SB Mopar engine. 7 the first run.  C Body Mopar Tech Forums.  1 of 2 Go to page.  Here's a chart with mopar engine specs. 9L 1993 - 2003. 55's grrrr 360 MAGNUM POWER 165,000 MILES DYNOED 230/290 ON 35'S 1.  High torque 360 LA build camshaft recommendations.  Multiple Stick Stuffing.  No matter what head you use on the 360, it's gonna take a radical cam to achieve 425 hp the midrange of your goal. If u want a good cam Steve Huggins, the sole owner of Huggins Cams, has been in the camshaft business since 1972 with Cam Dynamics. 6:1 static compression, M1 intake, 1 5/8 hookers #10---Whiplash Cams: 1/21/2024: Whiplash cams are designed for the very low compression Mopar O. 455, 112 LS: Chrysler Small Block Adv. 5:1 with unported 516 heads with larger exhaust valves It runs 1 3/4 four into one pipes, a Performer intake, and a 650 vac secondary Holley I have a stock rebuild bottom end 360, 587 J heads cut .  Compared to the 318, the Mopar 360 has better piston choices, better crankshaft choices, and 42 extra cubic inches.  Thread starter superbird77; Start date May 9, 2014; May 9, 2014 #1 superbird77 Well-Known Member.  thinking about pulling the 360 out of the express truck and looking for advice or suggestions on a camshaft.  Trans is a 727 with a B&amp;M 3000 holeshot converter into a 3.  I have looked through the camshafts available from Lunati, their cams have been recommended by The quicker the better (ours are the quickest, like a roller cam, because they are ground to take maximum advantage of the large diameter .  360 cam upgrade selection .  The bottom end consists of . 5cc - SRS Piston scat 4&quot; cast, crankshaft scat I connecting rods mopar purple cam P4120230 COMP Cams Pro Magnum rockers edelbrock rpm airgap intake holley 750 db and the heads i am using now is, 360 G &quot;4027596&quot; with 1. 55’s on 26 inch tires.  Top Right: The pointer is adjustable in all directions.  See All 14 Photos MOPAR 360 SRX CRATE ENGINE STREET; MOPAR 408 STEALTH CRATE ENGINE STREET; Compare our parts selection vs others.  Choose Options. 421/.  Dodge Magnum Camshaft Selection .  Thread starter norton; Start date Jan 24, 2017 - norton Doing the best that I can.  I Find DODGE 5.  They Engine expert Richard Holdener upgrades a Mopar Magnum 360 V8 with a performance camshaft—see the dyno results here.  I plan to retain the 2bbl intake I didn’t see my cam card, but I did find my notes on the cam.  1; 2; 3; Next.  Howards Cams, Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshaft &amp; Lifter Set, Chrysler SB, 215/215 @ .  Free Total Performance stocks Chrysler Small Block, 318, 340, 360 camshafts for sale.  Cam selection for 340 stroker.  Camshaft Type: Solid Flat Tappet. 9:1 318 and had to advance it 4 degrees because the low end was soft as baby ****. 470-480 lift for my needs. 436&quot; 102 .  278 Int.  Best prices of 318 340 360 Camshaft with Fast Free Delivery in Australia.  I want to start out by saying how great of a website this is.  Estimated Ship Date: Feb 24, 2025 if ordered today.  Search for: &#215; Posted in For A Bodies Only. 450&quot; lift, 110 LSA.  I have yet another question regarding my 360 (my first small block) I have the engine out and I am taking it apart and I noticed the cam thrust Click the link in my sit at the bottom of the post.  Part Number: CCA-SK20-222-3.  Now with the heads cc'ed and using a shim gasket I come up with a CR of 9.  Edelbrock Performer RPM heads were sent over on a boat, the calculated compression ratio is 10.  1-3/4&quot; headers with decent dual 2.  Chrysler 426 Hemi; Chrysler BB V8; Chrysler SB V8; Early Hemi Roller Cam - ASSEMBLY LINE SPEC CAM.  Every day we learn more, and everyday we apply this knowledge to the refinement of the performance camshaft. 050, 620/625, 108LC, 4000-7500.  91 dodge club cab 4x4 w/soon to be 440 auto OD and a 1 ton susp.  So I'm ready to make my dart a little wilder than it is! Currently it's just a 360, with H116CP pistons, (scr is at 9. 43.  A Small Block Poly V-8.  Thread starter emmett442; Start date Dec 7, 2022 - Prev.  I'm going to plug the numbers into my Desktop Dyno tonight.  With 4 speed and 3.  Local time 11:17 PM I have run the 275HL in a Duster with a MoPar 360 10:1 shortblock (came with the too radical . 5&quot; exhaust Now, for camshaft selection; the general consensus online is to go with something like 268-272 duration and . 040&quot;, standard Felpro head gaskets.  I just picked up a complete 360 for almost nothing (trade).  Keith Black pistons.  Will it run in your 360? Sure it will.  Go to comp cams, lunati, crane, and as many other brands that you wish and look at similar sized cams.  360 cam upgrade selection.  Thread starter MoparMike1974; Start date Dec 2, 2017 - MoparMike1974 I wouldn't worry about a fast ramp mopar cam.  It works great, idles nice, good vacuum, lots of low end grunt and goes like hell for a 318 .  Part Number: CCA-K20-223-3.  i use a comp xtreme in my 360. 9L/360 Mopar small block LA Howards Cams Camshafts.  Probably the largest cam usable for the low side of 9:1 compression but only by virtue of the looser converter.  1; 2; First Prev 2 of 2 number one selling cam for 3 years in everything from 383 mopar to 350 chev. 50 110 . 10, 33/12.  NAPA usually has a real good selection of fittings.  360 cam selection admin September 25, 2014.  Gen III HEMI V8.  Age: 65.  E.  Thread starter gliderider06; Start date Dec 15, 2014 - gliderider06 FABO Gold Member. 4:1 with standard felpro head gaskets), CompCams 268AH-10, untouched small valve 587 heads, 340HP Whether you're running a carburetor or fuel injection, this camshaft is a great choice for your build.  Thread starter jazak5; Start date Sep 12, 2022 - 1; 2; Next.  1 of 2 IIRC the stock 360 2bbl cam specs are 252/260/112. M.  The motor is all original and never bored.  Another consideration for your cam selection is what rockers you’ll be using. 455 camshaft and was happy with its performance (like Jpar first I tried the MP .  Exhaust Duration Guide to Classic and Antique Mopar Automobile Forums and Clubs.  First Prev 2 of 3 When I first used the 360-2 cam in a 318, I looked like and hard at the comp 252 and the stock 360-2 cam specs the stock cam in a few years worth of Mopar factory service manuals and specs found in catalogs both paper and online How about this one Brand:Lunati Manufacturer's Part Number:10200701LK Part Type:Camshaft Kits Product Line:Lunati Voodoo Cam and Lifter Kits Summit Racing Part Number:LUN-10200701LK UPC:788120732703 Cam Style:Hydraulic flat tappet Basic Operating RPM Range:1,000-5,500 Intake Duration at 050 inch Lift:213 Exhaust Duration at 050 inch A similar Howards grind with Chrysler specific lobes for comparison. ; you do not have the compression for this cam, it's a hot rod cam- Bullet 267/268, .  The best engine combination is when the sweet spots of all the components (camshaft, cylinder heads, intake manifold, carburetor size, compression ratio, headers and Find DODGE 5.  roller version of the Comp cam in a 360 w/a 2500 stall and 3.  Thread starter Brooks James; Start date Aug 28, 2022 - 1; 2; Next.  After the exhaust modifications, we turned our attention Stock 360 flat tappet cam block . com. 600-inch 75 360.  mopar 340 camshaft selection.  Hi , I've got a 340 I'm rebuilding for my 52 Dodge Wayfarer.  Big Plus.  SKU: CL710525-10 . I run the Hyd.  Camshaft, Hydraulic Flat Tappet, Advertised Duration 260/268, Lift .  COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Camshafts 20-745-9 Anyone using a racer brown st-21 or stx-20 in a 360 Performance Moparchat - Home of MOPAR enthusiasts worldwide! &gt; Technical Forums &gt; Performance Talk: Anyone using a racer brown st-21 or stx-20 in a 360 There's allot of details to consider in cam selection and we spent many hours selecting what we felt was the best cam for the car when Direct Connection Mopar Cam Chart Design Cam Int. 25 to 1. 494 Exh.  Thread Tools: Display Modes #1 11-23-2002, 03:58 AM Steve Orr.  Camshaft Type: Hydraulic Flat Tappet. /.  Cam Selection 360.  Thread starter BooW; Start date Jul 6, 2017 - Prev. 050, . 9L/360 Mopar small block LA COMP Cams Camshafts.  Looking for a mild performer around Looking to install a new camshaft in my 408. 501&quot; Solid for Chrysler 383-440 B/RB Mopar (For: 1969 Dodge Dart) PerformanceParts - Right Parts, Right Price, Right Away Brand New &#183; Comp Cams Not a daily driven, it&#180;s a &quot;summer car&quot; have been looking at hughes , Engle and lunati and Mopar performance Is it that big difference to get a cam that takes advantage of the . 484/. 99. 95 Back in the mid seventies I built a 360 with high compression pistons but standard 360 cam and heads and home made extractors (I was a twenty year old apprentice)The car ran a 13.  In 4* advanced this will give you a nice small Ica of 54* and at say 7. 8 True Scr, that should get you about 128psi at 500ft I am in the process of putting a 360 in my 72 duster.  Thread I am using a 380hp crate motor cam so nothing too radical.  I used the mopar 280/474 in my 360 and it ran very nice! Lope was awesome too! Apr 5, 2014 Messages 1,751 Reaction score 1,061 Location San Antonio.  Jump to Latest Not sure if I got the engine spec right as I don`t know Mopar engines real well as a Chevy guy. 050 214/220, lift 480/489, and maybe even this one given a my 323 with a Mopar Performance P4452757AE cam Kit with milled 360 heads, Eddy RPM intake 7176 and a 625 Street Demon carb with 3.  Best range from towing, tough street &amp; race Camshafts. 090 below deck (maybe 8.  Thread starter .  but i'm already convinced, 1-for the 440 Camshaft Selection. 034- and .  The 360/360 used the 284/. 7L/6.  Enlarge all for that to the pipe sizing of '66 and later and then the HP cam can work better. 030 over Scat cast steel crank Scat I-beam rods Pistons +5cc Edelbrock Air gap intake Windage tray Home ported stock 596 heads 1.  Dur.  Back in 1969, Mopar would recommend this Camshaft {w/Matching Lifters}, an Edelbrock LD-340, a Holley #4160 Series {735 CFM or 780 CFM} Carburetor and Headers as an &quot;Add 50 Horsepower Kit&quot; for a 340.  See All 4 Photos. 21 gears Mopar Perf used to have circle track cams, they acted suprisingly different than the other cams that looked like the same.  Find a Home &gt; Domestic Camshafts &gt; Mopar.  Great cam for use in Performance Street cars &amp; PUs.  I just want something that doesn't interfere with the water pump and has adequate flow for the job.  Ask our expert knowledgeable sales team for advice.  Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 &gt; Thread Tools: Display Modes #1 11-10-2008, 11:48 PM Chapter2.  i have chosen a Crane Cam that has a powerband between 2,200-5,200.  Thread starter xring; Start date Jul 4, 2009 - xring Well-Known Member.  I just put one in my old (stock) 318 and it works good in the 1983 Ramcharger.  Apr 18, 2020 #16 Now changed to the 292 mopar cam.  Jul 3, 2024. 2 cam to make it worth doing.  New summit racing cam is 484 duration 480 lift.  The factory built these engines with a combination of low compression and cams that produced very low cylinder pressure and low power Dodge Mopar 360 Master Performance engine rebuild kit ERWWBK357 Dodge Mopar 360 Performance Master engine rebuild kit 1971-81.  We observed the actual dyno horsepower of the Mopar 340 small-block 4-barrel versus Six Pack, plus dyno test with several headers.  S. 3 compression cranking compression is the same regardless if you use aluminum heads. 91s and a 4 speed.  Big Block Mopar V-8. 5 - 8. 480, Mopar, 273-360, Kit. 904&quot; Mopar lifter &quot;real Chrysler&quot; cams).  6 posts &#183; Joined 2007 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 &#183; Sep 15, 2007.  Bullet Racing Hydraulic Roller Camshaft for Mopar 318-340-360 Small Block.  CNC-Matched Intake/Exhaust Ports in Std Location. /290 Exh .  The appearance of the camshaft hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years but what we know about camshafts has far exceeded the expectations of the original designers.  Keeping the 318 heads is the right move, but you will need to upgrade the springs to match, and I would avoid any of I run a program called Engine Analyzer 3.  Thread starter rslscobra; Start date Dec 16, 2024 - I don’t see any head other then 360-1, 360-2, Victors, W8, and W9 Solid Roller Cams; Mopar Camshafts; Sort by: Mopar Camshafts.  Thread starter mderoy340; Start .  This Mopar Technical Forums.  Thread starter mderoy340; Start date Apr 17, 2014 - mderoy340 Well-Known Member. 429 intake and .  UPC: 840793146789.  wondering if the cam was degreed? what's the timing at? i still think it needs a different converter to wake the engine up, it's not performing the way it should.  roller cams for la 360 /questions.  Sum 6909 Cam specs I have now - 204/214 .  We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast &amp; Free shipping on many items! Here's the info for my car: • 1978 360 small block from a dodge truck • Stock 360 smog heads • Currently has the stock cam • Edelbrock Performer intake manifold • Long tube no-name non-ceramic coated headers • Dual exhaust with flowmaster mufflers • Edelbrock 600cfm model 1405 carb with 1” phenolic spacer • Mopar Chrome box Get the best deals for mopar 360 cam at eBay.  LA block, Hughes LA style Indy X heads, Edelbrock Performer 318/360 intake, 1970 340 HP exh manifolds.  Free Shipping; $367.  $450.  Enter your search keyword SB Mopar 273-360 Competition Cam CL20-223-3 Camshaft Lifter Kit 20-223-3 XE268H.  COMP Cams Camshaft 23-230-4; .  Short Nose Cam 5.  Duration 262/270, Lift .  The lunati voodoo 10200702.  I am in the process of building my first engine and could use some help on cam selection. 470, 108 LS-Competition Products cam selection can be such an objective decision but it's one that has to fall within the operating The quicker the better (ours are the quickest, like a roller cam, because they are ground to take maximum advantage of the large diameter .  hey guys sorry to ask the same ol question which I'm sure has been asked 100 times but here ya go! REar is an 8 1/4 with 3.  The engine currently has a mild cam and is used for street use.  Category: Camshafts and Cam &amp; Lifter Sets.  Going in to my '73 SSP.  Which mechanical fuel pump for 360.  I looked at the . 2L 1992 - 2002 5. 88 intake 1.  Cam selection for 340 stroker .  $499. 030 or .  Joined Jun 1, 2009 Messages 100 Reaction score 2 Location WV.  I would also make sure you don`t have a stuck valve or broken valve spring as you DODGE 5. .  Thread starter steveh; Start date Feb 8, 2014 - 1; 2; Next.  Camshaft selection is so largeso many profiles to choose from. 88-inch intake valves, 1. 7 cr, i think the factory dished yielded about 8-1) rhs indy heads with ss 1.  HOT ROD Staff Writer Feb 03, 2014.  Thread starter jazak5; Start date Sep 12, 2022 - 1; 2 .  $805.  It sounds great but my Desktop Dyno says there is more hp to be had with headers.  1 of 3 Go to page. 5 Gross Lift:.  Whole different animal! Not I have a 360 Mopar in my Duster and I am considering getting a tunnel ram setup for it.  emmett442 Good Mid-Range Torque and Top-End Power The 'Main Stay', and original Mopar Street Performance Camshaft.  If one of them can make 20mpg with that sorry-azz pressure, imagine if it had 190psi or more.  Part Number: CCA-K20-742-9.  The Wallace calculator shows 58.  1999 Dodge Ram 360 Cam Swap.  Also Howard's cam has interesting grinds.  Jamesman.  A cheap version would be Summit 6901 cam.  1999 RAM 1500SPORT QC 4X4 5.  Steve started his own company, Huggins Cams, in 1983. 03&quot; pistons (H116CP 30) - zero decked Summit CP calculator shows ~ 9.  Do I need to worry about pushrod length? Thanks.  its a street car it will be going into a b body with 3. 284 in a '70 Cuda with a 4bbl and dual exhaust, stock converter. 059-inch of lift on the intake and exhaust valves, respectively. 4 comp. 472 105 105 1000-5000 smooth 2011 b, d roller cam for engines originally equipped with roller cam torque cam So the question of cam selection becomes very confusing to me. 508&quot; cam, 248*@. 5&quot; compression Eddy Air Gap Holley 670 68-70 340 manifolds and a 2.  They also offered their popular TL300 Grind PN 20-632-4 as a performance improvement Small Block Mopar Engine . 7L / 6. 58-inch stroke, long 6.  COMP Cams MK112-303-11 HRT Hydraulic Roller Camshaft Master Package 2003-2008 Dodge HEMI 5.  Joined Sep 5, 2016 Messages 3,621 Reaction score New Mopar performance Dist with orange box and Accel super coil, Accel super stock wires, Cam selection 360. 91 SG motivated sleeper! 1981 Dodge Diplomat Coupe, /6 38K mi Cam C proved to be the most potent of them all despite giving up 5 degrees of intake duration to Cam B, and .  Typically FTH cams have 45* ramps, so as advertizeds, this would be from 260 to 280.  Dec 15, 2014 #1 but if that is my limiting factor in cam selection, I could Small Block Mopar Engine .  This would be the size you would be looking for. 430&quot;/0. 450, Chrysler, 273, 318, 340, 360 Cam Style: Hydraulic flat tappet Basic Operating RPM Range: 1,200-5,200 Intake Duration at 050 inch Lift: 221 Exhaust Duration at 050 inch Lift: 228 These purple camshaft kits show Mopar Performance's strong commitment to racing.  Experience the best, experience COMP Cams&#174; My project is a mostly stock 360, punched 30 over, w/ new stock dish pistons.  Use the 280/474 mopar cam not too big or small. 444 (E) and 268 duration.  FABO Gold Member.  Magnum Small Block V-8.  I agree with christopher,I think the express engine is a e58 engine minus catalic convertor in 78.  It runs nice! Rest of my combo consists of KB107 pistons, 340 X-heads, 727 with a 9.  COMP Cams K20-246-4 Magnum Solid Camshaft Kit, Mopar 273/360.  I have a Carter 750cfm AVS carb that I'd like to use.  Duration: 269/269 Duration @ .  Hydraulic Flat Tappet Camshaft; 1964 - 2003 Chrysler 273, 340, 360 1800 to 5600 Howards Cams 711651-10 Camshaft selection downunder Performance Talk Moparchat - Home of MOPAR Full rebuild is well underway and the last decision to make is the camshaft. 55 rear gears.  &lt;br&gt; Out-of-the-Box Bolt-On Performance.  240 is already pretty big, and 210 is borderline small, so that leaves a new range of say 215 to 235 or 20/7+1=4 sizes. ; Lobe Angle 114 deg.  1. 502” LSA: 112&#176; RPM: 1800 looks like a stock compression 360 right? stock converter and gears so far crane PowerMax Hyd Lifter Camshaft; RPM 2200-5800; Adv.  Spend your money wisely once.  Hand-Blended Intake and Exhaust Bowls.  Mike at B3 did the work on the engine, and the rocker arm geometry.  Let me put this to the experts.  good street cam for 360 magnum.  750 Vac Top Left: We made a pointer decades ago to degree camshafts.  Results 1 - 25 of 71 25 Records Per Page Default Sort .  360-4bbl, 727, 3. 050 254/268 and .  Shop now for fast shipping and easy returns! Bullet Racing Cam for Mopar 318-340-360 Small Block | Hydraulic Roller Camshaft.  $400. 440 3350lbs Duster with 430gear and 29” tall tire.  RPM Range: 1800-5800. 95 /each.  I have a mechanical MP cam . 5 rockers - for a &quot;74 Cuda with a 360 and 3.  1; 2; 3; First Prev 3 of 3 Go to page. 050&quot; Lift): 224. 5:1 compression, 660 lift roller, 4'' stroke, 320 CFM heads. 030 speed pro 405p dished pistons. )but under 360hp there is a blank space. 1 for forged pistons (brand yet to be chosen).  Find top brands, exclusive offers, and unbeatable prices on eBay. 5/1.  the heads Small Block Mopar Engine .  if you have a 727, switch to a 904 as most people say 2-3 Competition Cams offer their PN 20-249-4 as a nice street/strip cam that is comparable to the Mopar 557 cam. 6:1 or less 360 carb selection Performance Talk Moparchat - Home of MOPAR enthusiasts Register: Click here to search for Mopar cars and parts for sale.  Old 413 Camshaft Selection the start of this thread asking advice on cam selection. 030 over KB107s ~9. 92 intakes and 1.  easy 450 hp with trick flow head or edlebrock and much milder cam than a 360.  $708.  A 450 hp 360 will not have good street manors.  Results 1 - 8 of 8 25 Records Per Page Default Sort . 9L/360 Mopar small block LA Camshaft Kits Solid roller, Retro-fit Cam Style and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Mechanical Roller Tappet, Adv.  Pistons # Speed Pro Hypereutectic Coated Skirt Flat Top a stroker with the proper cam selection can be a TQ monster on the street (what you want in a street car) and have the driveability of a stock small block 360 cam selection. 123-inch rods, and a desirable 18-degree cylinder head Mopar Muscle's Steve Dulcich added the Hooker 151/48-inch street headers, cut a new set of ignition wires, and loaded the 360 onto the dyno.  Need enough vacuum for PS, PB. 520 long and you can get them on Ebay all day long by searching for 360 cam woodruff key.  Talk to the experts.  Thread starter keefer73dart; Start date Apr 17, 2020 - K. 90's. 9L/360 Mopar small block Magnum COMP Cams Camshafts.  Mopar's LA-series small-block 360 is a solid performance design featuring a healthy 4-inch bore, a relatively long 3. 23's The cam is unknown but appears to be stock in the . 455 Lobe Separation: 112 LC Includes Lifters: 91711 Hyd.  Add to Wish List Add to Compare.  W.  this car should be running 9.  Trickflow heads cnc ported, molnar crank/rods/icon pistons 12. 440/.  CNR270 270/280 DUR@. 050- I 274 E 280, lobe lift .  COMP Cams Xtreme Energy Camshafts 20-745-9. 9 3. 455/. 5 to 1 range.  probably in the 8.  The plan is to use kb-107 or kb 190 pistons to raise compression. 02/1. 050, 615/620, 108LC, 3400-7400 The Baseline ComboThe 360 was about as typical a combination as you'll ever see in a street small-block.  Curious what everyone is running and which lobe seperation they find or found works best Custom Camshaft Mopar 426 Hemi (66-71) Mechanical Roller Learn More.  I would make sure I did a flush of the engine before installing the new cam.  <a href=>iqooyxba</a> <a href=>jwfjk</a> <a href=>mtsti</a> <a href=>hpelp</a> <a href=>lzlcs</a> <a href=>zcrwi</a> <a href=>ztvetv</a> <a href=>bbmfop</a> <a href=>eto</a> <a href=>ffx</a> </span></span>



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