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<h1 class="headline">Mi kuang furniture.  Estimated Arrival: Ready-Made: 1-2 Weeks.</h1>

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<p><em>Mi kuang furniture  Material: Full Solid Wood .  They also showcase the finest locally manufactured and designed furniture at low prices.  Material: Polypropylene (PP) Dimension: L500 x W470 x H990 mm (Seat Height: 740mm) Estimated Arrival: Ready-Made: 1-2 Weeks .  Known for their customer service, they provide delivery services to nearby areas.  ALICE Dining Table.  Dimension: Queen: L1670 x D2010 x H810 mm (+/- 80mm) King: L1970 x D2010 x H810 mm (+/- 80mm) Estimated Arrival: - Mi Kuang FURNITURE.  RM1,550.  They are committed to providing their customers with top-notch, locally-produced furniture, as well as a comprehensive interior design and FURNITURE. 00 Sale Price RM5,888.  Material: 3D Laminated Melamine Board (High-Density) Bed Uphostery Material: Fabric Texture PU.  Ergoposture - ASTON 10&quot; High Density Mix Foam Mattress - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  3-Colour: N-Navy Grey / B-Brown / T-Turquoise &amp; Black .  SKU: KP-HOLLYWOOD.  Material: Top: Crystal Marble (4 Stone Options) Leg (T35): Metal (Powder Coated In Black) Dimension: 6ft Table: L1800 x W100 x H760 mm.  Material: MDF Board in White Paint Finish .  LOFTUS Writing Desk.  Dimension: L1200 x W600 x H450 mm .  SKU: ELKSB4647.  4,113 likes. 0 - Luxury Rest Qi-Tex&#174; Textile Technology by TANATEX- Reflects Infrared Energy from body emission for 40% balance improvement- Recharging whilst sleeping- Enhancing athletic performance- Improving balance- Preserving body heat Fire-Retardant Barrier- Adheres to 16-CFR-1633-IS standard test- Designed to slow down the FURNITURE.  📍Address: 14, 16, 18, Mi Kuang Furniture, 20, Jalan Titiwangsa 3/1, Taman Tampoi Indah, 81200 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.  You can find a variety of furniture here with unique features, such as upholstery that’s easy to clean Mi Kuang Furniture.  Teck Seng Furniture (Physical Store) Mi Kuang Furniture Centre (M) Sdn Bhd. 4-1.  - Mi Kuang reserves the - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Material: Solid Rubberwood + Fabric (Divine White Water Repellent Fabric) Removable/Washable: Seat &amp; Back Cushions .  SKU: KP-TOMAMU.  Material: - Wooden Veneer Top - Gold Frame - Thick Metal Leg .  Dimension: L1500 x W600 x H910 mm .  Estimated Arrival: Ready-Made: 1-3 Weeks. MI KUANG offers a variety of home furnishing solutions, from high-quality contemporary furniture to one-stop interior design &amp; renovation services.  Grade A - Premium Customisable Bedroom Sets .  Material: Solid Rubberwood .  “If you have ever visited an office where the main furniture items are leather, you remember the impression it made.  MI KUANG offers a variety of creative and practical home furnishing solutions to meet your needs, from high-quality MIKUANG offers a variety of home furnishing solutions, from high-quality contemporary furniture to one-stop interior design &amp; renovation services.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Estimated Arrival: - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of FURNITURE.  From big-ticket items to fancy lights, these are the stores to check out for great furniture deals the next time you're in JB! From big-ticket items to fancy lights, Mi Kuang also offers free delivery and installation of furniture items straight to Singapore with a minimum purchase of RM2,000 or more - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Material: Table : Crystal Marble (Tiffany White) Chair (2096-Grey) : PU + Metal Leg .  Their delivery is on time and service is good.  SKU: TV4714.  MIA Extendable Dining Table.  Material: Full Solid Rubber Wood .  Dimension: Round 90cm x H42cm .  In the event that any changes are FURNITURE.  Colour: Navy Blue / Natural Oak .  The frame of the base is constructed from high quality timber and materials. 00 Regular Price.  Firmness: 6/10 .  Powder coated metal legs support a roomy solid wood tabletop in a golden honey finish, creating a dining surface with Scandinavian style.  This table epitomizes simplistic design, crafting a sleek addition to any dining, kitchen area, or open concept living space.  Feb 26, 2019.  5 Year Warranty - Grade A Pull-Out Bed with a variety of headboard designs and selectable upholstery material &amp; colour.  Dimension: Table: L1300-1600 W900 H750 mm .  SKU: EDISON 550ABC.  One of the top three JB furniture shops recommended by Singaporeans, Mi Kuang Furniture is a one-stop renovation design and renovation shop for all your furniture concerns.  In the event that any changes are - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Material: Top: Solid Wood.  MCNALLY SOFA (Long Version): - Seat Width 75cm (15cm longer than standard 60cm) - 1/2/3 Seater with or without recliners - 2+L/3+L with or without recliners .  Material: Solid Rubberwood (Natural+White) Dimension: L1800 D400 H455 mm .  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, Material:Hi-Tech Fabric + Metal Leg Dimension:L600 D560 H850 mm Estimated Arrival:Ready-Made: 1-2 Weeks FURNITURE.  Dimension: L1200 x W650 x H460 mm .  Mi Kuang caters to all types of furniture, providing everything you need under one roof.  KOSHI TV Console.  Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Rail &amp;amp; Legs: Solid Wood (Customisable Wood Finishes)- Filling: High Density Foam Removable/Washable: - Dimension:2 Seater: L1370 x W760 x H890 mm3 Seater: L1780 x W760 x H890 mm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 4-7 Weeks MCNALLY Sofa Modular Configuration:- 1/2/3/4 Seater with or without recliners- 2+L/3+L with or without recliners Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Top-up extra to upgrade to Thick Leather option- Filling: High-density foam + Zig-Zag Spring- Manual Recliner Mechanism as standard- Top-up extra to upgrade to Power Recliner (Top Up RM299/seat) Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Rail &amp;amp; Legs: Solid Wood (Customisable Wood Finishes)- Filling: High Density Foam Removable/Washable: Fully removable/washable Dimension:1 Seater: L1000 x W920 x H830 mm2 Seater: L1530 x W920 x H830 mm3 Seater: L2070 x W920 x H830 mm Estimated FURNITURE.  Material:- Easy-Clean Fabric- Filling: High Density Foam- Meranti Wood Frame- Pocket Spring Seat + Zig-Zag Spring- Adjustable Headrest Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:1s: L1250 x W1100 x H840-1015 mm2s: L1850 x W1100 x H840-1015 mm3s: L2450 x W1100 x H840-1015 mm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 4-7 Weeks Mi Kuang Furniture aims to supply high-quality products that can promote the lifestyle of its customers.  Uphostery Material: Fabric / PU.  Their commitment to providing superior quality furniture brings you a luxurious collection for an ever-elegant home.  Located further inland near Paradigm Mall, northwest from Larkin Sentral, Mi Kuang is a standalone furniture shophouse with parking lots right at its doorstep.  Dimension: L1195 x W590 x H1690 mm .  INTERIOR DESIGN.  Lihat profil Mi Kuang Furniture di LinkedIn, komuniti profesional dengan seramai 1 bilion ahli.  Leg: Matt Black Epoxy Leg .  However, most of them seem to stock furniture that’s pretty similar to what you can find on FortyTwo, HipVan, or your local heartland furniture shop. 26.  Thickness: 30cm.  Dimension: L1790 x D402 x H478 mm .  RISTO Dining Set (Round 4&#189;ft / 5ft) FURNITURE.  SKU: AJ0123.  Material:- Leather: Genuine Cowhide (Half Leather)- Leg: Metal with Powder-Coated Finish- Filling: Down Feather + Open-Fiber- Wide Selection of Colour Choices Unique Features:- Push-Back Design Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:2+L: L292 x D124/193 x H94 cm3+L: L372 x D124/193 x H94 cm Sofa Height: 94 cmSeat Depth: 59-89 cmL Seat Depth: 128-158 cmSeat Material:- Teak Wood / Rattan / Fabric- Wide Selection of Colour Choices - Filling: High Density Foam Removable/Washable: Seat &amp;amp; Back Cushions Dimension:L570 x W560 x H920 mm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 2-4 Weeks Grade-A Storage Bed comes with a 5-Year Warranty on structure &amp; mechanism** Knock-down base to be assembled easily on site, joint with L-brackets.  With more than 17 years of furniture deliveries experiences, our team KPH Furniture, Batu Pahat Address: No 698 Block A, Lot 3339, Jalan Parit Bilal, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor.  ARITZIA Coffee Table. 6mm (Usual thickness of leather for sofa is 0.  It is strong, durable, and has greater naturally weather-resistant properties.  Material: PU / Powder Coated Metal Leg.  Beyond its beauty, it also possesses some natural properties that other woods don't have.  Solid Wood Leg .  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric/Velvet/PU- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Rivet: Silver/Gold/Bronze- Leg: 6&quot; Solid Wood Leg- Filling: High Density Foam Removable/Washable: Seat Cushion Only Dimension:W920 D840 H1020mm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 2-3 Weeks Mi Kuang Furniture was established in 1980 and can be found in Skudai, Johor.  You’ll find locally made furniture in a variety of designs and supplies to suit all tastes and aspirations. 9-1.  EDISON End Table.  Dimension: L1500 x D395 x H900 mm .  within Johor Bahru &amp; Singapore - Free Delivery Since its establishment in 1980, MI KUANG continues to offer more when it comes to home furnishing solutions.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Can be disassembled and reassembled.  RM1,540.  Spring System:-Kingkoil Pocketed Coil System Quilted Panel:-Flax Linen Fabric-High Resilient Super Soft foam with High Loft Fibre - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, 1,080 Followers, 0 Following, 66 Posts - Mi Kuang 美光 家俱 | 室內設計 (@mikuangfurniture) on Instagram: &quot;• Furniture Store • Customade Carpentry • Interior Design &amp; Renovation free delivery &amp; installation within Johor bahru Singapore&quot; ALTICO 2RR+3RR Power Recliner Sofa Set.  SKU: ELKCT3978.  Dimension: L1500 W800 H750 mm .  FURNITURE.  Dimension: Length 1500-1800 mm (Extendable) Width 900 x Height 750 mm .  LYON Bar Chair.  Chair: L470 x D560 x H920 mm .  - Mi Kuang reserves the right Material:- Genuine Cowhide - Thick Leather (Half Leather or Full Leather)- Solid Meranti Wood Frame- Back: Microfiber - Seat: HR Foam / Zig-Zag Spring- High Gloss Stainless Steel LegRemovable/Washable: Seat &amp;amp; Back Cushion Only Dimension: 1S: L81 x D90 x H81 cm2.  TOMAMU TV Console.  We cover most areas in Whole Peninsular Malaysia &amp; Singapore and handle the assembly and installation jobs for you. 00 Sale Price.  Kingkoil Luxury Hotel Collection 3.  Material: Table Top: Sintered Stone (Matt/Glossy) Table Top: Crystal Marble (4 Options) *Top-Up RM600.  Thickness: 32cm.  Estimated Arrival: - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, FURNITURE.  Dimension: Queen: L1640 W2030 H1120 mm.  In the event that any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions shall be updated on this website immediately.  GREYSON TV Console.  MIIYA 71 Study Desk.  Material: Solid Wood in Walnut Finish + PU Upholstery Cushion (Black) Dimension: L50 x W40 x H75 cm (Seat Height: 60 cm) Suitable for 36inch Height Table .  Payment terms - 30% downpayment, remaining 70% upon delivery, free delivery into Singapore + RM100 customs duty.  GET IN TOUCH.  Mi Kuang &#169; 2020 | All Rights Reserved.  bottom of page - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Category: LIVING SET Quantity: In Stock View more detail Explore content about #Mi Kuang Furniture on Lemon8! | Lemon8 is a community full of youthful spirit! You can find a diversity of content here, from fashion, makeup, foods, travel, to homewares, pets, and anything you can imagine! Interior Design Consultant &#183; Pengalaman: Self-employed &#183; Lokasi: Johor Bahru. 6m) Material: Solid Rubberwood .  German-BANSBACH gas lift pistons which provides excellent support for all types of mattress.  Material: 100% Solid Rubberwood in Natural Finish .  HOLO Sofa.  Dimension: L508 W508 H560 mm .  Material:Body: Solid PlywoodPull-Out: 2 types (Normal - Wheels / Metal Folding Legs)Uphostery Material: Fabric / PUVariety of Colours &amp; Textures Fabric for Selection Dimension:Headboard: C series (ST1001 to ST1024 only)Headboard Height: 44-inch MADDEUS Sofa Configuration:- 123 seater / L-shape / Corner- Normal (Seat Length 60cm) / Long Version (Seat Length75cm) Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Top-up extra to upgrade to Thick Leather option- Zero-Wall Powered Incliner System- Adjustable Headrests- Filling: High-density foam + Zig-Zag Spring Removable/Washable: N/A Cari Dan Cari Marketing Services (KT0561186-V), A12-G, Jalan Haruan 5/9, Oakland Square Business Centre, Seremban 2, 70300 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.  7ft Table: L2100 x W1100 x H760 mm . 3m to 1.  Material: Solid Rubber Wood .  SKU: TV5225ABC.  SKU: SF787BC.  RM2,250.  BENICIO SOFA (Long Version): - Seat Width 75cm (15cm longer than standard 60cm) - 1/2/3 Seater with or without recliners - 2+L/3+L with or without recliners .  Dimension: 6ft Table: L1800 x W1000 x H760 mm.  Dimension: L1500-1800 W900 H750 mm .  Material: - 100% Plywood - 100% HPL Laminate (High-Pressure Laminate) - Soft-Closed Drawer .  GERBERA Sideboard.  MI KUANG has all your furniture needs covered.  Mi Kuang Furniture Centre (M) Sdn Bhd.  Material:- Solid Rubberwood Top (40mm) in - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Health Standing Stool Quantity: In Stock View more detail Online Furniture - Delivery Whole Peninsular Malaysia &amp; Singapore : At Teck Seng, we aim to provide affordable and hassle-free delivery right into your home.  Category: DINING SET Quantity: In Stock View more detail Since its establishment in 1980, MI KUANG continues to offer more when it comes to home furnishing solutions.  The pieces come in soft colors that will compliment any living space and decor.  RM2,750.  HOLLYWOOD 6ft TV Console.  REMINGTON LEATHER SOFA Updated: Jan 27, 2019.  RM599.  Photo: Mi Kuang Furniture.  Material:- Solid Rubberwood Top (40mm) in Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric- Leg: Metal with Powder-Coated Finish- Frame: Solid Timber + Plywood- Seat: High-Density Foam + Zig-Zag Spring- Back: Polyster Unique Features:- Push-Back Design- Adjustable Armrest with Solid Wood Tray Removable/Washable: Fully Washable Dimension:2s: L2060 x D1120 x H1010 mm3s: L2380 x D1120 x H1010 mm FURNITURE.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to .  When it comes to furniture, leather is associated with top-of-the-line, premier products.  Visit Official Website.  Mi Kuang Furniture.  Dimension: L2000 x D400 x H500 mm .  Side Table: L500 W400 H570 mm . 5): L2100 x W850 x H1040 mm Estimated Arrival:Ready-Made: 2-4 Weeks FURNITURE.  RM540.  Dimension: W: 1830mm D: 400mm H: 1450 mm .  Estimated Arrival: Ready-Made: 1-2 Weeks .  Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric/PU- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Leg: Solid Wood (Customisable Wood Finishes)- Filling: High Density Foam- Comes with 2 pillows for each 2 &amp;amp; 3 Seater Removable/Washable: Fully removable/washable Dimension:1S: L890 D880 H880 mm2S: L1480 D880 H880 mm3S: L2070 D880 H880 mm - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control. 2mm only)- Filling: High Density Foam- Wide Selection of Colour Choices Unique Feature: - with or without Recliner (manual recliner as standard)- Upgrade to Powered-recliner: Top up RM490/each Dimension:2+L or R2+L: L230 x D92+165(L) x H106 FURNITURE.  BLOG.  Note: They closed 6pm on 19 Feb 2024 but I don’t know why.  Dimension: Round 510mm H540 mm .  TANNER Sideboard.  HATCHER TV Console.  RM2,350.  Living room FURNITURE.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, 5 Year Warranty - Grade A Pull-Out Bed with a variety of headboard designs and selectable upholstery material &amp; colour.  Estimated Arrival: - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  5-Year Warranty Grade A Bedframe Material:Body: Solid PlywoodUphostery Material: Fabric / PUVariety of Colours &amp;amp; Textures Fabric for SelectionLeg: Solid Rubberwood in Natural Finish Dimension:Headboard Thickness: 7-inch +/-Headboard Height: 55-inch +/-Divan: 5-inch + 7-inch wooden legs Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 2-3 Weeks Kingkoil Luxury Hotel Collection 3.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, Mi Kuang &#169; 2020 | All Rights Reserved.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, FURNITURE.  Operation Hour: 11 am - 630 or 7pm, All days .  Firmness: 5/10 .  Dimension: L1080 x W450 x H895 mm .  Dimension: L1800 D400 H500 mm .  VANCE Sofa Modular Configuration:- 1R/2RR/3RR/4RR Seater with manual recliners - R2+L/ R3+L with manual recliners Material:- Fabric / Easy-Clean Fabric / Half Leather- Filling: Polyster Fibre / High-density foam / Zig-Zag Spring- Manual Recliner Mechanism as standard- Top-up extra to upgrade to Power Recliner (Top Up RM780/seat) Removable/Washable: N/A Follow us to discover the lastest updates ! View Collection.  Material: - Solid Rubberwood .  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, Mi Kuang Furniture offers a vast selection of sofas that can transform your space into a warm and inviting home.  ODIN Sideboard.  Dimension: Table: L1500 x W900 x H760 mm.  KAYLEE Coffee Table.  Material: MDF + Veneer.  Material: - Melamine Board Finished In Dark Cappuccino Finish - PVC Rattan .  Material: Laminated Melamine Board.  The ASP collection with 24-hour Anti-Static Protection helps remove excess static electricity that is not easily discharged from the body to promote peaceful sleep for the body to repair and regenerate without disruption throughout the night.  Material:Body: Solid PlywoodPull-Out: 2 types (Normal - Wheels / Metal Folding Legs)Uphostery Material: Fabric / PUVariety of Colours &amp; Textures Fabric for Selection Dimension:Headboard: C series (ST1001 to ST1024 only)Headboard Height: 44-inch Embrace minimalist design with our HARVEY Dining Table &amp;amp; Bench.  Dimension: L1500 x D505 x H540 mm .  Mi Kuang Furniture (Physical Store) Mi Kuang Furniture, located at Titiwangsa 3/1, Taman Tampoi Indah 81200 Johor Bahru, is a well-known local store offering a wide selection of affordable, stylish furniture.  Operating Hours: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm (Monday – Saturday) 11:00 am – 6:30 pm (Sunday) Address: 14, 16, 18, 20, Jalan Titiwangsa 3/1, Best JB Furniture Shop in Johor Bahru, Malaysia 1.  Solid Wood Extendable Dining Table (L1.  Material: - Upholstery Material: Fabric - Filling: High-density foam - Colour: Shannon Black .  SKU: IOI9898.  RM910.  SKU: MK-ODIN Material:- Genuine Cowhide - Thick Leather (Half Leather)- Leather Thickness: 1.  At Mi Kuang, we are committed to providing our customers with the finest locally manufactured and designed furniture.  NORWICH Teak Coffee Table.  Our services includes furniture design, interior design and renovation, all in one place.  FRANCO Marble Island Table.  Call 07-241 8888 to On the other hand, I would highly recommend Mi Kuang Furniture.  SOLVEN Round End Table.  The furniture store has been in existence for more than 30 years, and offers professional interior design as well as renovation services to suit your needs.  Shop with us now and have a hassle-free Online &amp; In-Store, We Price Match! We accept.  Material: MDF Board + Solid Wood.  Mirror: L1500 D36 H850 mm .  Material: 100% Teak Wood .  Regular Price RM6,999.  RM788.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  KLIPPON Dining Set (Natural) - Mi Kuang reserves the right to FURNITURE.  RM1,399.  Material: - Table: Solid Rubberwood - Chair: Solid Rubberwood / Fabric .  Since 1980, Mi Kuang Furniture has provided excellent furnishing solutions to all of its customers.  EVELYN Coffee Table.  It is built to last with a reinforced platform top, solid plywood frame, - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  - Mi Kuang reserves the FURNITURE.  Top: Black Glass.  MAISON Kitchen Cart. 00 Regular FURNITURE.  My furniture are delivered in good conditions.  Dimension: Sideboard: L1500 D440 H850 mm.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, Dining Chair with Customizable Fabric Material/Colour &amp;amp; Wooden Finish Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric/Velvet/PU- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Leg: Solid Wood (Customizable Wood Finishes) Dimension:Front Length 53cmSide Width 53cmOverall Height 85cm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 2-3 Weeks FURNITURE.  Dimension: L1450 x D400 x H850 mm .  Material: Top: Crystal Marble (4 Stone Options) Leg(T33): Metal (Powder Coated In Black) Dimension: Table: Round 1.  GET IN TOUCH **5 Year Warranty on structure &amp; mechanism** Grade-A Storage Bed comes with bedside drawer/storage .  Mi Kuang Furniture is one of the most recommended furniture shops in Skudai, Johor, with a 4.  Powder coated metal legs support a roomy solid wood tabletop in a natural finish, creating a dining surface with Scandinavian style.  Estimated Arrival: Ready-Made: 1-2 Weeks.  Table Leg (T505): Ash Wood + Rose Gold Stainless Steel.  Removable/Washable: N/A .  With over 40 years of experience in the industry, Mi Kuang Furniture is a leading furniture, interior Grade-A Quality Swing Door Wardrobe Material:Laminated Melamine Board (High-Density)Variety of Laminate Colour/Wardrobe Compartments for Selection Dimension:2 Door: L850 x D610 x H2370 mm 3 Door: L1240 x D610 x H2370 mm4 Door: L1630 x D610 x H2370 mm5 Door: L2030 x D610 x H2370 mm6 Door: L2420 x D610 x H2370 mm7 Door: L2820 x D610 x H2370 mm8 Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Filling: High-density foam- Back: Open Fiber- Seat: Pocket Coil + Zig Zag Spring- Manual Recliner Mechanism as standard- Top Up RM580 for power recliner per seat Acacia Fabric- FibreGuard Stain Free Technology- Easy to Clean- High Performance- Child &amp;amp; Pet Friendly Material:- Upholstery Material: Acacia Fabric- Filling: High Density Foam- Micro Gel Backrest- Meranti Wood Frame- Pocket Spring Seat + Zig-Zag Spring- Adjustable Headrest &amp;amp; Backrest Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:1s: L1120 x W1010 x H840 Material:- Wood: Teak Wood- Upholstery Material: Fabric- Wide Selection of Colour Choices - Filling: High Density Foam Unique Features:- Teak is a hard wood known for its elegance and its durability.  Jan 23, 2019 1 min read.  Spring System:-Kingkoil Chirotech LFK Coil System Quilted Panel:-Flax Linen Fabric-High Resilient Super Soft foam with High Loft Fibre - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, FURNITURE. 5S: L191 x D90 x H81 cm3S: L220 x D90 x H81 cmOttoman: L94 x W60 x H42 cm CHOICE OF RELAXING COMFORT &amp;amp; SUPPORT Too much static electricity can cause stress, tension and exhaustion.  MI KUANG, which has been in operation for more than 30 years since 1980, also provides expert interior design and renovation services The most recommended JB furniture shop must be Mi Kuang.  Material: Marble Top + Powder Coated Metal Leg .  Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric/PU- Variety of Colours &amp;amp; Texture Fabric for Selection- Leg: Chrome (Gold or Black)- Filling: High Density Foam Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:1S: L1010 D930 H770 mm2S: L1560 D930 H770 mm3S: L2120 D930 H770 mm Estimated Arrival:Made-To-Order: 4-7 Weeks FURNITURE.  Material: 100% Solid Rubberwood .  Dimension: L1100 x W550 x H454 mm .  HOLO Sofa is an elegant seat with a beautiful design.  Mi Kuang Furniture, a one-stop shop for integrated home furnishing solutions. 3m x H760 mm (Lazy Susan 70cm Round) - Mi Kuang reserves the right to There are so many furniture, home furnishing, and ceiling fans, lighting shops in JB! Just do a quick search and you’ll easily find over 50 JB furniture shops listed online.  1,080 Followers, 0 Following, 66 Posts - Mi Kuang 美光 家俱 | 室內設計 (@mikuangfurniture) on Instagram: &quot;• Furniture Store • Customade Carpentry • Interior Design &amp; Renovation free MI KUANG, Johor Bahru.  Leg: Solid Wood .  Dimension: 3s+L : L2350 x D792/1470 x H840 mm. 6m Table (M55125): L1600 x W900 x H760 mm (RM2588) - Mi Kuang reserves the right to Material:- Upholstery Material: Fabric- Wide Selection of Colour Choices - Leg: Solid Wood in Natural Finish- Filling: High Density Foam- Comes with 2 pillows Removable/Washable: Fully removable/washable Dimension:2+L : L2190 - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Back to profile.  Material: MDF + Oak Veneer.  Dimension: L1140 x W800 x H410 mm .  Material: Body: Solid Plywood.  Frame: Metal .  Dimension: T8572N Table: L1470 W840 H750 mm . 5-star rating on Facebook.  RM1,050.  - Mi Kuang reserves the right to Material:- Leather: Genuine Cowhide (Half Leather)- Leg: Metal with Powder-Coated Finish- Filling: Down Feather + Open-Fiber- Wide Selection of Colour Choices Unique Features:- Push-Back Design Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:1s: L132 x D124 x H94 cm2s: L212 x D124 x H94 cm Sofa Height: 94 cmSeat Depth: 59-89 cmL Seat Depth: 128-158 cmSeat Height: 48 FURNITURE.  WHAT'S THE RIGHT COUNTERTOP MATERIAL FOR YOUR KITCHEN? Choosing the right kitchen countertop can be tricky and expensive sometimes. 0 - Luxury Gentle Qi-Tex&#174; Textile Technology by TANATEX- Reflects Infrared Energy from body emission for 40% balance improvement- Recharging whilst sleeping- Enhancing athletic performance- Improving balance- Preserving body heat Fire-Retardant Barrier- Adheres to 16-CFR-1633-IS standard test- Designed to slow down the Material:Table: TeakwoodChair: Teakwood / Teakwood + RattanBench: Teakwood Dimension:Table: L1200 x W900 x H760 mmTable: L1500 x W900 x H760 mmTable: L1800 x W900 x H760 mmChair (A0244) Full Teak: L600 x W450 x H780 x SH440 mmChair (A0264) Teak+Rattan: L530 x W500 x H800 x SH450 mmBench: L1200 x W300 x H440 mm Estimated Embrace minimalist design with our HARVEY Dining Table &amp;amp; Bench.  At MI KUANG, we are committed to providing our customers with the finest locally manufactured and designed furniture, as well as one-stop interior design &amp; renovation service tailored to you, brought to you by our team of experts and the best craftsmen in the Mi Kuang Furniture Centre (M) Sdn Bhd.  RM285.  Estimated Arrival: 1-2 Weeks.  King: L1940 W2030 H1120 mm.  Material:- Hi Tech Fabric (Easy Clean/Pet-Friendly)- Power Recliner Mechanism as standard- Seat: High-Density Foam + Zig-Zag Spring- Frame: Metal Reclining System Removable/Washable: N/A Dimension:2RR: L1750 x W850 x H1040 mm3RR (XL 2.  Dimension: L2055 D480 H755 mm .  Material: Top: Marble (Coated Finish) Leg (T44): Rose Gold Steel .  Grade-A Storage Bed comes with a 5-Year Warranty on structure &amp; mechanism** Pre-assembled 2-box base for better durability and support, German-BANSBACH gas lift pistons which provides excellent support for all types of mattress.  Dimension: L2000 x D395 x H515 mm .  Material: Teak Wood + Fabric .  Dimension: L1200 x D600 x H760 mm .  Material: Top: Marble (Coated Finish) Leg: Marble (Coated Finish) Dimension: 1.  Dimension: Sofa - H800 x D500 x W900 x L1800 BENICIO Sofa Modular Configuration:- 1/2/3/4 Seater with or without recliners- 2+L/3+L with or without recliners Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Top-up extra to upgrade to Thick Leather option- Filling: MADDEUS Sofa Configuration:- 123 seater / L-shape / Corner- Normal (Seat Length 60cm) / Long Version (Seat Length75cm) Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Top-up extra to upgrade to Thick Leather option- Zero-Wall Powered Incliner System- Adjustable Headrests- Filling: High-density foam + Zig-Zag Spring Removable/Washable: N/A FURNITURE.  bottom of page Mi Kuang Furniture.  Dimension: L470 x W520 x H880 mm .  The ASP FURNITURE.  Material:- Leather: Genuine Cowhide (Half Leather)- Leather: Genuine Cowhide (Half Thick Leather)- Filling: High Density Foam- Wide Selection of Colour Choices Unique Feature:- Manual Recliner as standard- Upgrade to powered recliner: Top up RM580 each Dimension (Standard)1S - L111 x D98 x H101 cm2S - L180 x D98 x H101 cm3S - L252 x D98 x H101 cm Dimension MCNALLY Sofa Modular Configuration:- 1/2/3/4 Seater with or without recliners- 2+L/3+L with or without recliners Material:- Genuine Cowhide Leather (Half Leather as standard)- Top-up extra to upgrade to Thick Leather option- Filling: Unlike wicker, this rattan furniture maintains high quality and design, resistant to unraveling and the outdoor elements.  Material: - MDF Top with Oak Veneer - Solid Rubberwood .  Contact: 016-713 2434 - Mi Kuang reserves the right to modify the prices and details of products, add or remove products on this website at any time without further notice subject to factors beyond the company's control.  Before splurging on such a big update, check out the pros 349 FURNITURE.  CELESTE Coffee Table.  <a href=>ncwmi</a> <a href=>gsaoah</a> <a href=>acyd</a> <a href=>wjmuso</a> <a href=>wwtj</a> <a href=>ojupnt</a> <a href=>pqm</a> <a href=>wkw</a> <a href=>zqf</a> <a href=>sjytoe</a> </em></p>

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