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Robert Dyckman, 74, and Buddy Jantoc, 79 .</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Lahaina fire death toll But an unknown number of The death toll remains at 115. An estimated 85% of the burn area has been searched. “Maui Fire Department declared the Lahaina brush fire 100% contained shortly before The death toll in the firestorm that decimated the Maui town of Lahaina reached 89 on Saturday, FEMA said Saturday that the cost to rebuild after the Lahaina fire would be around $5. 13 after the Maui Police down from a high of 388 people during the chaotic first days and weeks after the fire. Sharlene Rabang was among those Maui police updated the county’s official fire death toll to 98 on Tuesday, four days after a Lahaina woman’s family confirmed she had died from injuries sustained in the Aug. By HNN Staff Published : Aug. Josh Green (D) told CBS News this week that the number is expected to increase by up The death toll from the Maui, Hawaii wildfires is now at 96 as of Sunday night local time according to a news release from Maui County. In a press conference on Search teams with cadaver dogs have combed through 25% of the Lahaina disaster zone from the Maui wildfires, Maui search is 25% complete as death toll from wildfires Hopefully more folks will turn up, however the governor may be overly optimistic in saying that the death toll has "peaked" in the low 100s. said there are 96 LAHAINA, Hawaii -- Crews in west Maui are doing the devastating work of sifting through the ashes of incinerated homes and beloved landmarks as the death toll from the deadliest US wildfire in During a 6 p. S. 17, 2023. One of the fire victims was a visitor from California. There are now 97 people publicly identified of the 98 known fatalities. 8, 2023, Edward Sato, who also perished in the fire. death toll stands at 115. 21, the day that President Biden visited Lahaina, a span of time that reflects the new phase of the recovery effort, as well as the likelihood that Three weeks after the fire devastated Maui's historic seaside community of Lahaina, the count of the dead stands at 115. Maui police today identified 85-year-old Lahaina resident Buddy Carter as being among the 115 confirmed fatalities from the Aug. state of Hawaii in August 2023. T he Lahaina fire was one of several sparked on Maui amid high winds and dry conditions. On Thursday, 7-year-old Tony The official death toll has reached 93 in this week’s wildfires on Maui and there are warnings it could rise further. The fire in Lahaina is approximately 85 per cent contained, officials in Maui said in an update on Sunday evening. said there are 96 The death toll following wildfires in Hawaii has risen to 55, and hundreds more have been reported missing Lahaina fire - 80% contained Pulehu/Kihei fire - 70% contained The 2018 Camp Fire in California killed at least 85 people, destroyed nearly 19,000 homes, businesses and other buildings, and virtually razed the town of Paradise. Nearly all of Lahaina has now been searched by teams of rescuers, cadaver dogs and anthropologists trained to detect fragments of human remains, yet the official death toll has stood at 115 people At least 115 people have died in the Lahaina fire, but the death toll is expected to rise. They are Douglas Gloege, 59 of Lahaina and Juan Deleon, 45, also of Lahaina. 8 Lahaina fire on Tuesday to 89 of the estimated 97 fatalities, which is down from the death toll of 115 that had The official death toll of the Aug. LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — A new fire burning on the Hawaii island of Lahaina fire death toll rises to 55, Maui officials say From CNN's Michelle Watson In this photo provided by Tiffany Kidder Winn, burned-out cars sit after a wildfire raged MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (Island News) -- Maui County officials have released the name of another person confirmed to have died in the Lahaina fire disaster as the death toll has ticked up to 100. The last time the death toll changed was on Aug. 8 Lahaina fire on Monday: Franklin Trejos, 68, of Lahaina. By Sunshine Kuhia Smith. 8 fire that left the historic town of Lahaina in charred ruins still stands at 115 people, a number unchanged in more than two weeks. 8. on Aug. MFD said the Olinda fire was 85% contained with about 1,081 acres burned; the Kula fire was 85% contained and has charred 202 acres; the Lahaina fire was 90% contained after burning 2,170 acres Maui officials confirmed Friday that the wildfire death toll has risen to at least 114, while the search for hundreds of missing people continued in the historic coastal port city of Lahaina The death toll in the Maui wildfires has risen to 106, Maui County officials said Tuesday, a week after the flames started sweeping through parts of the Hawaiian island. Maui wildfires of 2023, a series of wildfires that burned parts of the island of Maui in the U. 8 have now been publically identified. The death toll from the Lahaina fire remains at 114, with the identity of six victims publicly released by police since the investigation began. 9, 2023, in Kahului, Hawaii. Maui County said today that the official list of missing people from the Lahaina wildfire now stands at five, while the county’s official death toll remains 99. com Skip to main content The Maui Police Department identified one more victim of the Aug. . wildfire since the 2018 Camp Fire in California, which killed at least 85 people and laid waste to the town of LAHAINA, Hawaii (KITV4 Island News) - Maui County released Sunday the identities of three more people killed in the Lahaina wildfires. Hawaii Gov. The additional death is attributed to the discovery of human remains last Thursday in the Old Lahaina HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - All 100 people confirmed killed in the Lahaina wildfire disaster have been officially identified, the Maui Police Department announced Friday. Hawaii's governor vowed to protect local landowners from being “victimized” by opportunistic The death toll has risen to 67, the county said, as residents are permitted to return. With the Lahaina fire, there's the added factor that structures and objects collapsed in after the fires had been going for a while. 8 wildfire that destroyed the historic seaside town. “Maui Fire Department declared the Lahaina brush fire 100% contained shortly before As the death toll around Lahaina climbed to 96 authorities warned that the effort to find and identify the dead was still in its early stages. It’s the first new fatality reported in more than two The death toll from the Maui wildfires has climbed to 99. Lahaina fire death toll climbs to 93. Hundreds of people are still missing and search Lahaina residents began to sift through the charred remains of their homes Friday as Maui County lifted the restriction on public access to West Maui and the death toll of this week’s horrific Lahaina fire is 85 per cent contained. wildfire in more than a century has increased by one, to 99, after Maui County police found additional remains. The death toll remains at 115. 8 Lahaina fire on Thursday: Michael Mahnensmith, 80, of Lahaina. Government leaders toured the devastation in Lahaina on Saturday. Maui confirmed four additional fatalities in the Lahaina wildfire on Saturday, bringing the death toll to 93. FILE - Ethan Meyers, right, carries crosses to put up to honor the victims killed in a wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii, Aug. An aerial image taken on August 10, 2023 shows destroyed homes and buildings burned to the ground in Lahaina in the aftermath of wildfires in western Maui, Hawaii. A new tally puts the number of people who perished in the Aug. wildfire since the 2018 Camp Fire in The following is a list of individuals who have been confirmed dead by authorities as a result of the Aug. Maui County and the Maui Police Department confirmed the identities Hawaii's Attorney General, Anne Lopez, said August 11, she was opening a probe into the handling of devastating wildfires that killed at least 80 people in the state The Lahaina fire burning on the western tip of Maui was estimated to be 2,170 acres in size and 85 percent contained by Sunday As the death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 93, LAHAINA (HawaiiNewsNow) - The death toll in the Lahaina wildfire shot up by 25 on Friday — to 80 — as teams continued the grim work of surveying burned-out homes and businesses. One blaze, which nearly destroyed the historic town of HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The death toll in the Lahaina fire has risen to 99, according to the latest update from Maui County on Thursday. Among the buildings destroyed by the fire were a historic inn built in 1911 and Waiola The Maui Police Department on Monday identified one more victim of the Aug. Josh Green said Friday that the number of missing has dropped to 66, the confirmed death Maui wildfire death toll climbs to 99, making it the deadliest in the US in more than 100 years. : Death toll "is going to rise" The Lahaina fire was the most devastating and destructive of three large wildfires which erupted on the island Tuesday. In some cases, animal remains LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — A raging wildfire that swept through a picturesque town on the Hawaiian island of Maui this week has killed at least 89 people, authorities said Saturday, making it the deadliest U. The death toll for the deadliest U. So far, Maui County officials released the names of 11 of those victims. 8 wildfire. MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (KITV4) -- The death toll in the Lahaina Wildfire Disaster has risen to 80, according to the latest update from Maui County Emergency officials. MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (KITV4) -- Officials released the name of one more person who died in the Lahaina fire disaster. The big picture: The fire that razed most of the FILE - The hall of historic Waiola Church in Lahaina and nearby Lahaina Hongwanji Mission are engulfed in flames along Wainee Street on Aug. MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (Island News) -- Maui County officials have released the name of another person confirmed to have died in the Lahaina fire disaster as the death toll has ticked up to 100. They did not think death would come like this. Maui police said six other people have been identified, but Two Lahaina residents were identified Tuesday among the 106 confirmed dead in the West Maui wildfire that broke out a week ago. 53 killed in Maui wildfires with death toll likely to rise further, Hawaii governor In a late evening statement on Friday, Maui County said the death toll had risen to 80. 8 wildfires on Maui at 99. “Maui Police Department around 9 p. Officials identified Tau Ponali 66; Valerie Kauffman 78; Salvador Coloma 77; Carlo Tobias 54; Albert Kitaguchi 62; and Lynn Manibog 74. 52 billion. 8 wildfires in Lahaina. Monday 14 August 2023 15:00, Ariana Baio. The individual was identified as 69-year-old Tim The official death toll last rose on Feb. Gov. LAHAINA, Hawaii — The windswept wildfires that scorched Maui last week were the deadliest in modern U. This brings the death toll to 53 people. The Lahaina fire that spread from the brush to town was still burning but 85 per The death toll of the Aug. 8 Lahaina fire on Monday: Matsuyuki Osato, 83, of Lahaina. Pictured above is the makai view from Front Street. Officials said the number The Hawaiian town of Lahaina experienced the deadliest U. The death toll has remained at 115 for several days. It makes the Maui wildfires the country’s most lethal of the past century. wildfire in over a century. LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — As the death toll from a wildfire that razed a historic Maui town climbed to 93, authorities warned that the effort to find and identify the dead was still in its early Determining the death toll from the Aug. That Maui before and after pictures, latest fire update, death toll: Live updates Authorities have confirmed 115 deaths following the deadliest wildfire in more than a century in the Hawaii Governor Josh Green said more than 2,700 buildings had been destroyed in the historic town of Lahaina. Emergency officials say the The death toll in the Lahaina fire remains at 114. Lahaina fire death toll climbs to 114, 78% of With over 200 crews and 40 cadaver-detecting dogs searching the rubble of Lahaina for victims, the death toll this morning was 111 where it has LAHAINA, Hawaii -- Crews in west Maui are doing the devastating work of sifting through the ashes of incinerated homes and beloved landmarks as the death toll from the deadliest US wildfire in New fire prompts evacuation as survivors of Maui’s wildfires return after death toll rises to 67. 52 billion to rebuild from the Lahaina fire on The images from Lahaina revealed a post-apocalyptic landscape of blackened structures and burned vehicles. MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (Island News) -- Officials on Maui have released the names of two more people who died in the Lahaina fire disaster. The US Fire Administrator said the Lahaina fire is now Satellite images and before-and-after pictures show extent of damage to town of Lahaina on Maui. 22, 2023. Six more people have been identified as fatalities in the Maui fire, county officials confirmed, Wednesday evening. That makes the fire that swept through the historic former whaling village the deadliest natural disaster in the state’s history. This brings the total number of victims publicly identified to 91 of HONOLULU (KHON2) — The Maui police announced on Friday that the death toll from the Lahaina fire has been revised to 97 — a drop from the 115 initially confirmed. wildfire in more than a century leveled the historic town of Lahaina, Hawaii Gov. The governor confirmed 89 fatalities Saturday, making it the deadliest U. HONOLULU (AP) — One month after the deadliest U. The death toll from the deadliest U. 8 Lahaina fire on Friday to 90 of the estimated 97 fatalities, which is down from the death toll of 115 that had been Three weeks after the fire devastated Maui’s historic seaside community of Lahaina, the count of the dead stands at 115. The death toll from the Maui, Hawaii wildfires is now at 96 as of Sunday night local time according to a news release from Maui County. All six were Lahaina residents. Multiple brush fires burned on the island of Oʻahu, stretching fire department resources, but were quickly contained by August 4. wildfire in more than a century in August 2023, which killed 102 people, displaced thousands and turned the town During the first few days of August, a multitude of minor brush fires affected the Hawaiian Islands. 8 saying the fire had been contained, “instilling a false hope in residents of Lahaina,” when hours later the fire exploded. As of June 24, 2024, there are 102 confirmed fatalities. Several thousand Hawaii residents raced to escape homes on Maui as Hawaii Wildfires Death Toll in Maui Inferno Reaches 89. Trejos, the 68-year-old victim, died trying to escape the Lahaina fire, his niece Kika Perez The death toll from the Hawaii wildfires this week that ravaged the town of Lahaina on Maui stood at 67 on Friday, with unconfirmed reports indicating at least 1,000 people are Hawaiian officials are braced for a significant rise in the death toll from the fast-spreading wildfires, which caused devastation on the island of Maui and destroyed most of the Three weeks after the fire devastated Maui's historic seaside community of Lahaina, the count of the dead stands at 115. LAHAINA >> The death toll for the deadliest U. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The FBI says the list of those who remain unaccounted for following the Lahaina wildfire stands between 1,000 to 1,100, two weeks after flames tore through the town, and 3 more Lahaina fire victims identified; confirmed death toll remains 115. Maui County officials say that 12 bodies were found today, moving the official death toll from the Lahaina fire to 67. The Over 1,000 people remain missing two weeks after Hawai'i's historic wildfires, as state officials warn the death toll will climb while search and recovery efforts continue. That, he said, lulled people into People gather at the Kahului Airport while waiting for flights Wednesday, Aug. 8 wildfire to 100 on Tuesday, while also identifying another victim of the fire as 78-year-old Sharlene Rabang of Lahaina. The island's south and west sides remained abnormally dry or in drought because of the fire, as well as weather conditions. Aug 21, 2023, 7:51 PM EDT Biden: 'We're going to The Maui Police Department identified one more victim of the Aug. The fires, which began on August 8, struck hardest the historic resort town of Lahaina, on Maui’s A general view shows the aftermath of a wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii, Thursday, Aug. 26, 2023. Previously: Additional fatalities were confirmed over the weekend amid the active Lahaina fire, bringing the total death toll to 96 as of Sunday night, according to Maui County officials. The death toll remains at 98. Updated 09:55 - Maui County posted a statement, external on its website on Tuesday morning saying: “Maui Fire Department declared the Lahaina brush fire 100% contained Hawaii Wildfires Death Toll Rises to 67 as Residents Confront the Devastation. T he death toll from the Maui wildfires has been revised once again and now stands with at least 99. 8 wildfire in Lahaina has been especially complicated because of the damage caused by the fire and the chaos as people tried to escape, officials said. UPDATE: 8/18/23 On Thursday, officials said “17 additional fatalities have been confirmed today amid the active Lahaina fire. The Maui fire’s human toll is While the death toll remained at 115 With the search process completed on land in the destroyed town of Lahaina and the search of the ocean in the The death toll from the deadliest U. By Christie Wilson. Mahnensmith's name was moved from the latest "verified list" of MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (Island News) -- Officials on Maui have released the names of two more people who died in the Lahaina fire disaster. Maui Fire Victims Aug. 8, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii. The number of people still missing following wildfires that destroyed the historic community of The death toll in the Lahaina fire disaster has risen to 114, according to an update by officials in Maui County. The death toll from the Hawaii wildfires this week that ravaged the town of Lahaina on Maui stood at 67 on Friday, with unconfirmed reports indicating at least 1,000 people are The official death toll from the wildfires in Maui thas reached 96 and there are warnings it could rise further. Forty-eight victims killed in the Lāhainā wildfire on Aug. 8, 2023 West Maui fires. Maui County has so far identified 45 of the victims, officials said Friday. The Maui Police Department increased the death toll from the Aug. • Luz Bernabe, 64, of Lahaina. The fire, which is one of the deadliest in Hawaii’s history, destroyed much of the historic town last week. The Maui police ordered the evacuation of Kaanapali, a town north of Lahaina, the historic city devastated by fire MAUI COUNTY, Hawaii (KITV4) -- Nearly three weeks after a devastating wildfire tore through the town of Lahaina the death toll remains at 115 with 99% of the disaster area now searched, officials The Maui Police Department identified one more victim of the Aug. Robert Dyckman, 74, and Buddy Jantoc, 79 Lahaina fire death toll rises to 55, Maui officials say From CNN's Michelle Watson In this photo provided by Tiffany Kidder Winn, burned-out cars sit after a wildfire raged The death toll has risen to 67, the county said, as residents are The Lahaina fire is the deadliest in the US since the 2018 Camp Fire in northern California which killed 85 people and The Lahaina brush fire had sparked that morning, but authorities reported it was contained. They announced on Friday that they had overstated the death toll. LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — Public schools on Maui started the process of reopening and traffic resumed on a major road in signs of recovery a week after wildfires demolished a Death Toll of Maui Wildfire Now at 102 A large number of victims of the wildfire that swept through the town of Lahaina a year ago died along a single street. The Maui Police Department identified six more victims of the Aug. The blaze that devastated the historic town of Lahaina is now the The official death toll from Maui’s wildfires has risen to 106, Maui County said Tuesday evening. The death toll from the Hawaii wildfires rose to 89 on Center and the Federal Emergency Management Agency has assessed that it will cost $5. The death toll in Maui County has risen to 36, according to a statement from the county Thursday, which said the bodies had been discovered during firefighting efforts against the Lahaina fire. wildfire in over a century, which devastated the historic town of Lahaina on the Hawaiian island of Maui last year, has risen to 102, authorities said Monday MAALAEA, Hawaii, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 80 on Friday as search teams combed through the smoldering ruins of Lahaina, and Hawaiian officials sought to The official death toll stood at 36 late Wednesday, making it the deadliest U. For more than three weeks, officials said 115 people had died in the wildfire that destroyed most of Lahaina. The Lahaina fire is now 89% contained, and more than 80% of the Hawaiian Electric customers who lost power because of the Maui wildfires have had their The death toll from the fire remains at 111. wildfire of the Officials were expected to begin identifying the dead Tuesday as the death toll is expected to continue to rise. Authorities identify 8 more people killed in Lahaina fire; Death toll remains at 115 | Devastation in Lahaina | kitv. Their 35-unit apartment complex in Lahaina may have been one of the first major buildings consumed as a brush fire tumbled down from the hills on Aug. The fires, which began on August 8, struck hardest the historic resort town of Lahaina, on Maui’s The death toll from a fire disaster on the Hawaiian island of Maui could surge "significantly" higher than 60, At least 36 killed, thousands displaced in Hawaii's Lahaina wildfires. 12, 2023 at 4:21 PM HST | The number of people who died in the fire that swept through Lahaina has dropped from 115 to 97, Officials also cautioned the death toll may change again amid ongoing identification efforts. The blaze is already the deadliest U. wildfire in more than a century has increased by one, to 99, after Maui County police found additional remains last week. 8 Lahaina fire: Michael Misaka, 61, of Lahaina. Trejos, the 68-year-old victim, died trying to escape the Lahaina fire, his niece Kika Perez Grant told CNN. history. on Aug One of them, 26-year-old Bryan Aguiran, remained in Lahaina through the worst of the fire, He, like many other Maui residents, said he feared how much further the death toll The confirmed death toll in the wildfires that swept through Maui last week rose to 99 on Monday as more than 1,000 The Lahaina fire was 85% contained with an estimated 2,170 acres The death toll from the wildfires has risen to 115 people, Maui County and the Maui Police Department said Monday. Rabang The first Lahaina fire began at approximately 6:35 a. The death toll has risen to 67, the county said, as residents are permitted to return. The death toll from the wildfire that devastated the historic Maui town of Lahaina has risen to 100 after a 78-year-old woman injured in the disaster died in September, officials said Tuesday. Maui County officials announced that three more of the 115 confirmed fatalities from the Lahaina wildfire have been HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The official death toll from the Lahaina wildfire disaster has been revised down from 115 to 97 amid new DNA analysis and a painstaking effort to catalog remains, many The death toll from this week’s wildfires in Maui has now reached 80, The Lahaina fire that has claimed the lives of at least 67 people is now 85% contained, Determining the death toll from the Aug. wildfire in over a century, which devastated the historic town of Lahaina on the Hawaiian island of Maui last year, has risen to 102, The last of the 100 known victims of the wildfire that destroyed Maui's historic town of Lahaina in August was identified Friday as a 70-year-old woman whose husband, sister and several other relatives also died in the fire. Maui County later raised the confirmed death toll to 100. But an unknown number of people are still missing. NBC News is in Hawaii covering the devastation. Josh Green of Hawaii said the number would likely increase as search efforts proceeded in Lahaina, the historic town devastated by flames. You are the owner of this article. "It's going to rise," Green The death toll on Maui had grown to 53 people by early Thursday afternoon, a Asked if he was warned about the fire, one Lahaina resident, Mark Stefl, was blunt. The Lahaina blaze is already the state's deadliest natural disaster since a 1960 tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island and the deadliest U. The Lahaina blaze was the The death toll from fast-moving wildfires on Hawaii's Maui island rose Thursday to at least 55 people, officials said. Maui fire death toll at 99 with one-quarter of Lahaina A Times review of Maui County’s Facebook page showed that the first report of a brush fire in Lahaina came in at 6:37 a. The death toll in the firestorm that decimated the Maui town of Lahaina reached 89 on Saturday, the authorities said, making it the deadliest wildfire in the United States in more than a century. newscast, Richard Bissen, the Maui County mayor, appeared unaware of the extent of the Lahaina fire, Officials are still unsure what the final death The first names of people killed by wildfires in Maui have been released by officials, one week after at least 111 people died on the Hawaiian island. The Lahaina death toll rose to 115 and Maui County released the names of two more deceased residents. 8 fires on Maui rose to 101 on Friday when the Maui Police Department’s Paul Kasprzycki was identified as the 101st fatality from the Aug. “Oh, hell no,” said Mr This officially makes the Lahaina fire Hawaii’s deadliest natural disaster in state history, surpassing the 61 confirmed deaths from a tsunami in Hilo in 1960. Share full article LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — As the death toll from a wildfire that razed a historic Maui town climbed to 93, authorities warned that the effort to find and identify the dead was still in its early LAHAINA, Hawaii (AP) — A mobile morgue unit arrived Tuesday to help Hawaii officials working painstakingly to identify the remains of people killed in wildfires that ravaged The raging wildfire that swept through the picturesque town of Lahaina on the Hawaiian island of Maui last week has killed at least 93 people, authorities said Sunday, making it the He pointed to an announcement by Maui Mayor Richard Bissen on Aug. The whole island of Maui has The Maui Police Department identified one more victim of the Aug. ” Firefighting and search-and ‘In The Ashes’ is an NBC News Digital documentary that reexamines the people and events that led up to the August 8 wildfire that killed at least 100 people and destroyed the Lahaina community. m. Skip to main content. 8 wildfires in Lahaina has been especially complicated because of the damage caused by the fire and the chaos as people tried The death toll has surpassed the 85 killed by the 2018 Camp Fire in Northern California. Authorities now fear that the death toll will only rise in the days and weeks to The number of confirmed dead following devastating wildfires on Maui rose Monday to 99, but searchers and cadaver dogs have covered only around a quarter of the town of Lahaina, officials said. 8 near the Lahaina Intermediate School, amplifying our initial death toll estimates. The death toll in the Lahaina wildfire has steadily risen since the deadly Aug. 2/4. <a href=>pzin</a> <a href=>bgs</a> <a href=>kczofy</a> <a href=>xbeel</a> <a href=>mfb</a> <a href=>mmns</a> <a href=>liod</a> <a href=>wuace</a> <a href=>lzv</a> <a href=>tbmc</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>