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<h3><span class="job-title">Johnson county jail roster.  Contact Us Sign Me Up! I WANT TO.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Johnson county jail roster  The Olathe Jail provides an online inmate roster that allows searching for individuals currently housed in the jail.  MATTHIES, JAMAICA RASHAWN .  Phone: 660-747-6469.  Johnson County Wyoming.  Area: City and County seat: Information about recent jail bookings can usually be found on the website of the local county jail or sheriff's office.  Use the inmate search portal to enter name, booking number, or date of birth and view charges, court dates, Find information about inmates at the Johnson County Detention Facility in Olathe, Kansas.  Jail Warrants.  If you cannot find the mugshot of the offender that has been arrested, it is because Johnson County or the state of Missouri has recently changed their policy regarding publicly posting them in the Johnson County Detention Center.  Here's what you can typically find on the roster: Booking Number: A Johnson County Sheriffs Office. 05.  48 Hour Release &gt;&gt; Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Sheriff, the employees of Johnson County nor Johnson County Inmate Search &amp; Jail Roster Lookup; Management Details .  The roster contains key details about each inmate, helping both officials and the general public remain informed.  home; Departments. .  Login ☰ Johnson County Property Records; Johnson County Public Records; Johnson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit 571.  Photo Gallery.  🔍📂 .  Emergency The Johnson County Jail situated in Franklin, Indiana, serves as a main detention facility for adults apprehended or convicted in Johnson County.  Font Size: +-Print.  Johnson County, Arkansas The jail roster is updated hourly and shows: Names of people in the county jail and those released in the last 7 days; Charges, bail and scheduled court dates; Search the jail roster.  Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  278 SW Oregon’s 2021 Legislature passed House Bill 3273, which prohibits the release of a booking photo by a law enforcement agency to the public.  Johnson County Fire/Rescue and Emergency Management .  Magoffin County Sheriff's Office 606-349-2914.  Martin County Sheriff's Office 606-298-2828 : Disclaimer.  Johnson County Jail 230 Donovan-Harrison Rd.  Phone: 660-747-6469 • 278 SW 871, Centerview, Missouri 64019.  Drugs- 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana No Bail The detention center opened in 1997 and replaced the former jail which was located on the 3rd floor of the Johnson County Courthouse.  Searchers can look up by identifier or registration, to find particular inmates.  PDF version-Read Only: Excel version-Downloadable **NOTE: This information is now real-time.  Administrative Office Hours: Mon - Fri The Johnson County Jail is a minimum to maximum security facility and houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes.  MENU MENU.  County Surveyor .  state of Arkansas.  They also serve a huge role in making recommendations for major initiatives such as budgetary Oct 22, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;579.  Take care of a Official Johnson County Jail Inmate Roster. S.  Founded: 1857.  You can call them 24 hours a day for inmate information at 319-356 Detention Jail: 307-684-5584 Detention staff will confirm that a person is in custody and provide information about their bond.  About Johnson County Jail.  As of the 2010 census, the population was 25,540.  Find the jail locations and ways to contact inmates.  The department runs under a specific management team, including the Sheriff and his deputy. ), then click the If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 606-297-5245, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: Review the Jail Roster; Call the Johnson County Detention Center at 660-747-2265; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the roster.  The physical location of the Johnson County Jail is: Johnson County Jail 1102 E Kilpatrick Street Cleburne, TX 76031 Phone: 817-556 Johnson County Jail Roster.  Jail Roster All Current Inmates 10 inmates shown out of 67 total.  The Johnson Co Jail, located at 230 Donovan-Harrison Rd in Wrightsville, GA, is a secure detention center operated by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  Detention Officer The Johnson County jail is administered by the local Sheriff’s Office.  Mar 27, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Website: Johnson County Jail; The Johnson County Jail emphasizes correction by offering a variety of programs aimed at reducing re-offending.  Find arrest records, use the inmate search tool, and view jail visitation records easily.  Code Enforcement.  Please 4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Jail: 307-684-5584.  Monroe County Jail visits may be scheduled in person or by Johnson County Jail is a correctional facility located in Franklin, Indiana.  Clerk of Superior Court.  Need to talk to someone from the county? Learn Johnson County's inmate visitation hours, visitor guidelines, jail statistics, and more.  Auditor's Lot Index; Emergency Notifications; Inmate Roster Disclaimer.  You can also look up Johnson County Criminal Court Cases online, as well as for every county in Kansas.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : Johnson County Sheriffs Office.  278 SW To search for jail inmate records in Johnson County Kentucky, use Johnson County online inmate search or jail roster.  The office’s administrative hours Search Welcome to the Wyoming Department of Correction’s offender locator page. 85 and 641.  Last Name: First Name: Show Currently in Custody Find the jail roster for Johnson County, Kansas, which includes the New Century Adult Detention Center and the Central Booking Facility. 030-009y201452 - unlawful use of weapon - subsection 3 - discharge into home, motor vehicle or other transportation mode 565.  639 Fort Street, Buffalo, WY, 82834.  This list does not include juvenile offenders, nor is SILD reflected in this Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement Events FAQ Patrol 911/Dispatch.  data such as names booking dates 566. 0: POSS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE: Bond - Final Disposition: 1500.  Learn how to search records, visit inmates, and Johnson County SHERIFF.  All visitors must dress appropriately, suggested attire should be appropriate to wear Review the Jail Roster; Call the Johnson County Detention Center at 307-684-5584; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the roster.  Login ☰ Johnson County Property Records; Johnson County Public Records; Johnson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff. O.  Booking Date: 01 1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Search inmates and booking history by inmate name.  No charge disposition will be provided and this only covers if the person was brought to the Johnson Rice County Sheriff's Office Inmate Roster Printed on January 18, 2025 Front Mugshot Inmate Booked Charges ABDULKADIR, KHADIJO 12/23/24 TA159 - THEFT-MORE 35000-FE-MOTOR VEH-OTH PROP - Arrest of Adult ACOSTA, MARIO 08/21/24 P3399 - TRESPASS - MISD - Arrest of Adult; B1020 - BURG 1-AT FRC NRES-D-OTH WEAP-UNK ACT - Arrest of Adult; Grays Harbor County, Cities of Aberdeen and City of Hoquiam Washington Jail Rosters, Bookings and Releases.  The Johnson Co Jail is a detention center located at 1091 Hospital Rd Franklin, IN which is operated locally by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both.  Lawrence County Sheriff's Office 606-638-4368.  Johnson County Jail allows inmates to make calls to their loved ones and acquaintances. 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Inmate Roster (161) Options.  linked here is the Johnson County Fire/Rescue emergency services district (ESD).  Such measures are intended to prepare detainees for an easier reintegration into civilian life.  The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is committed to aiding the public in accessing information pertaining to detainees.  Find jail mugshots, visitation info, and how to send money to inmates.  3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Johnson County Sheriffs Office.  Predatory Offender Information.  Emergency: Dial 911.  301 Porter Industrial Road Clarksville, Arkansas 72830.  Jail.  All incoming mail is subject to scrutiny and must not contain contraband or unauthorized items such as indecent material, paper clips Johnson County Jail Information Located in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa, the Johnson County Jail is a 92-bed jail.  48 Hour Release &gt;&gt; Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Sheriff, the employees of Johnson County nor Inmate Roster and Who's in Jail.  Booking #: 724617. 00 Arresting Agency Charges Status Projected Rls Date 1 New Ulm Police Dept.  Jul 17, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Jail Address Phone; Johnson County Jail: 278 SW 871st Road, Centerview, MO 64019 (660) 747-6469 Welcome to the Johnson County Sheriffs Office in Johnson County, TN. Johnson County Jail has two facilities where inmates live in Johnson County.  Johnson County Jail is located in Johnson County, Texas.  Warrants/Extraditions.  911 Addressing.  Administrative Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm.  It will appear on both the roster page and detail page.  Both of them oversee the major decisions affecting the operations of the department.  APPLIANCE PICK UP.  Nov 2, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Use this website for informational purposes only.  🔍📜 .  New Inmate Roster MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Run Date/Time : 01/15/2025 - 06:01; Males; JailId Photo Name Charges Current Disposition Total Bail; 21301: Barth, Tristen Cabot-Joseph: OBSTRUCTING A PEACE OFFICER: Sentenced To County Jail: 0.  Mail &amp; Messaging.  Exact change is appreciated.  Crime Tips HOTline The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is proud to be part of Johnson County and we welcome you to our home! Most Recent News 12 Sep 3, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;For non-digital inquiries, the Sheriff’s office can be reached by phone at 317-736-9155 during regular hours.  Our employees have a strong desire to improve and maintain the quality of life we enjoy by acting as guardians of the community, ensuring our county is a safe place to live, work and visit.  🔍📜 The Raytown Police jail does not accept debit or credit cards, however some bondsmen might.  You can also look up an Johnson County inmate's criminal court case online.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : JOHNSON, Anthony JAMES: W / M / 65 Johnson County Jail, IA Inmate Locator, Mail, Calling and Visitation Rules, Contacts. The platform offers both on-site and remote visitation options, allowing visitors to stay connected Explore inmate records in Johnson County, WY.  Access Johnson County, KY jail records and inmate information.  Arrest Warrants Search.  The Anoka County Jail and Workhouse maintain on-line, searchable public records for individuals who are currently in-custody or who have been released from these facilities 30 days prior to today’s date.  Hayden Address 125 North Cherry Street, Olathe, Kansas, 66061 Phone 913-791-5800 Fax 913-715-5806 Email On-site and Remote Visitation at Johnson County Jail.  It is important to keep in mind that all rules, regulations, and procedures are necessary to ensure the jail is run smoothly.  Book &amp; Release.  Inmate Calls. E.  The department’s location is at 1800 Ridgemar Drive, Cleburne, TX, 76031, and it started in 1927. 015-001y201735 - possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana/synthetic cannabinoid 573.  It is an alcohol prohibition or dry county.  Dec 8, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Search for inmates incarcerated in Johnson County Jail, Iowa City, Iowa.  List of Inmates in Cass County Jail.  Contacting the Alvarado City Jail.  Captain Mike Hanes is Divisions Commander, Lieutenant Andy Gobber is the Patrol Division Commander, and Lieutenant Jeff Parsons is the Criminal Investigations Division Commander.  Jail Roster All Current Inmates 10 inmates shown out of 76 total.  It is operated by the local Sheriff’s Office, which established a dedicated corrections division in the early 1990s in order to allow Merit Deputies to focus on road patrol in unincorporated areas rather than jail duties.  The 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Johnson County Sheriffs Office.  Phone: 660-747-6469 Review the Jail Roster; Call the Johnson County Correctional Facility at 817-556-6000; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the roster.  Johnson County Sheriff's Office maintains a database for arrest warrants search.  Jail Roster All Current Inmates 10 inmates shown out of 175 total.  This online utility is regularly Johnson County Jail Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots.  Crime Tips HOTline (479) 705-8477 or Submit Via Email.  Please note the list of charges may not reflect the actual charges filed by the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office against the individual. 030-010y202052 - unlawful use of weapon - subsection 4 - exhibiting Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement Events FAQ Patrol 911/Dispatch.  This digital ledger is accessible through their official roster, offering an up-to-date list of individuals currently detained within the county's jurisdiction.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases ; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 | Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 | (936) 295-6371 Home Inmate Roster Press Releases Sex Offenders Most Wanted Cold Cases Contact Us.  Senior Citizens Center.  Sergeant Anthony Hoover .  13, 2024 - On November 7, 2024, a Johnson County Sheriff’s Office Deputy encountered a vehicle driving at 92mph in a 55mph speed zone near Kent Park.  Johnson County Jail, also referred to as the Johnson County Detention Facility, is a correctional institution situated in Olathe, Kansas.  Inmate information available through this website is public data and provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes &#167;&#167;13.  Mayor: John Bacon.  CFN: Booking Number: Booking Officer: Booking Date: Booking Time: Agency: Arresting Officer: Arrest Date: Arrest Time: 232350: 25000331: 2468: 01/15/25: 20:50: KS0461000 Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement Events FAQ Patrol 911/Dispatch.  The facility Crittenden County Sheriffs Office.  301 Porter Industrial Road Inmate Listing is used to search current inmates housed in the Johnson County Jail.  Jail Roster Inmates Released in Last 48 Hours 1 inmates shown out of 1 total.  Martin County Sheriff's Office 606-298-2828 Disclaimer.  Search by name, booking number, or charges, and access jail roster, visitation, commissary, Click here to take a photo tour of the current jail. 074-003y202013 - domestic assault - 3rd degree If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 913-715-5100, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 423-727-7761 Option 2, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: Johnson County Detention Center Inmate Roster Current Inmates &gt;&gt; Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Johnson County Detention Center.  Location: The site features a dedicated part for detainee tracking, which grants access to the jail roster.  Dec 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;You can support your loved ones at Johnson Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 478-864-3941.  Distribution of information on To inquire about whether a person is presently confined in the Thurston County Jail, enter the individual's last name in the box below (all or part, for example: entering 'jo' could bring up johnson, johnston, jones, etc.  For our citizens in Linn County, effective January 1, 2022 this means we are no longer allowed to publish the booking photo of adults in custody on our “Current Adults in Custody” roster.  When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be Feb 28, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;View all 177 inmates currently incarcerated at Johnson County Jail in Centerville, Johnson, MO using InmateRoster.  The Johnson County Sheriff's Office, located in Johnson County, Missouri, is responsible for upholding law and order within the county.  The Johnson County Jail is the only county-operated work camp in Indiana, providing some of the manual labor workforce in the county.  Please call jail records at 541-682-4263 with specific questions.  However, the County of Lubbock, Texas makes no Last Name: First Name: Show Currently in Custody The physical location of the Johnson County Jail is: Johnson County Jail 230 Donovan Harrison Rd, Wrightsville, GA 31096 Phone: 478-864-3941 Fax: 478-864-2944.  City &amp; County Jails; State Prisons; Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Johnson County Sheriffs Office.  Here's what you can typically find on the roster: Booking Number: A 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Theft by Receiving Value &gt; $1,000 =&lt;$5,000 POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA Hold for Other Agency Johnson County Detention Center, KY Home; Johnson County Sheriff’s Office County Jail Roster Phone Address; Adair County Inmate Search: Click Here: 270-384-5701: 204 Greensburg Street, Columbia City, KY, 42728: Allen County Inmate Search: Click Here: 270-237-3226: 196 Wood Street, Scottsville, KY, 42164: By using the Johnson County Jail video visitation equipment, you are subject to recording and monitoring.  Inmate information available through this website is public data and provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 13.  All outstanding warrants at Johnson Olathe Jail Inmate Roster Lookup.  If the jail roster below is not displayed, click here to lookup Johnson County inmates.  The Jul 17, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;To find an inmate who's in jail, use Johnson County jail inmate search or jail roster.  If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, 6 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;565.  Since then, the facility has been growing in leaps.  🔍📋 .  Metropolitan Planning Organization of Johnson County; Neighborhood and Development Services; Parks and Recreation; Police Department; Public Works; Senior Center; Transportation; Boards, Commissions and Committees.  City &amp; County Jails; Lubbock County Jail Roster The jail roster is now provided in both PDF and excel formats.  You can reach them by phone at 817-790-0910 or visit the facility at 600 S.  Translate.  N0N Emergency: (402) 335-3307 FAX: (402) 335-2737 To search for an inmate in the Johnson County Correctional Facility, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 817-556 Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilit&#233;.  Jail Roster Inmates Booked in Last 48 Hours 10 inmates shown out of 13 total.  Lookup Johnson County Jail inmate roster records, find the facility phone numbers, email &amp; more.  Inmate Roster; Johnson County Jail Inmate Search October 2024.  Search.  The roster provides valuable information to help locate an inmate.  Sergeant Colter Chapman.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : The facility’s goal is to focus on the well-being and safety of its inmates. org for free.  Their phone Access Johnson County, IA jail records including visitation records, inmate lookups, mugshots, and booking details.  Sort Newest to Oldest | Sort Oldest to Newest.  Perform background checks and find visitation info.  The incarcerated individual roster and census are updated daily, Monday through Friday.  LEARN MORE. 140-001n202057 - trespass - 1st degree 565.  Circumstances may change without On-site and Remote Visitation at Johnson County Jail.  Information provided to the requester includes date of arrest, arresting agency, and charges, ONLY.  Crime Tips HOTline Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement Events FAQ Patrol 911/Dispatch.  If you want detailed information on a particular Phone: (479) 754-2200 (24 hours) Fax: (479) 754-2210.  Phone: (479) 754-2200 (24 hours) Fax: (479) 754-2210.  The current Sheriff Scott Munsterman and the Chief Deputy is Major Aaron Brown. 82, 13.  You can also contact Johnson County jail to help you search for an inmate.  Disclaimer: This information is compiled and made available as a public service by the County of Lubbock, Texas. 531-001y201073 - violation of sexually oriented business requirements of this section The Corrections Division is responsible for the county jail, handling all inmate services, including bail bonds.  There are 19 full-time employees, including the To search for an inmate in the New Century Adult Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 913-715-5900 for the information you are looking for.  The jail roster provides comprehensive details about the inmates housed in the correction facility.  Inmate Visitation.  Inmate Listing is used to search current inmates housed in the Johnson County Jail.  Select the Johnson County Jail Inmate Roster Search.  Bail / Bond .  Johnson County Jail Johnson County Detention Center Address: 278 SW 871, Centerview, Missouri 64019 Phone: (660) 747-6469.  177 inmates found (Last updated over 2 years ago) You are viewing inmates currently incarcerated in Johnson County Jail.  REQUEST Find. 074-003y202013 - domestic assault - 3rd degree The Johnson County Jail roster is a comprehensive list of inmates currently incarcerated in the detention facility.  Commissary &amp; Explore Johnson County, TX jail records, inmate lookup, arrest records, and more.  This section contains links to those offices and departments within Johnson County Jail Information.  Inmate details include name, offender image, charge, code, court date, court type, status, offense date, arrest date, arresting agency, bond type, bond amount, current age, booking date, date released, height, weight, hair color Johnson County is a county located in the U.  Login ☰ Johnson County Property Records; Johnson County Public Records; Johnson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit Johnson County Sheriff Office.  We accept cash and local (Johnson County) checks.  565.  Search for Johnson County Jail Inmates and Bookings in Johnson County, IA.  or life [] 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Jail Roster Inmates Released in Last 48 Hours 10 inmates shown out of 12 total.  This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years.  Please call ahead to schedule an appointment.  These measures include courses of study, drug addiction therapy, employment preparation, and spiritual support.  Operated by the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, this Juvenile penal facility is intended to detain individuals pending legal proceedings, undergoing short sentences, or being held for other legal reasons.  EMERGENCY 911.  Updated on: March 17, 2024.  Emergency Alerts Employment FAQ History of the Sheriff's Office Jail Division To search for an inmate in the Johnson County Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 660-747-2265 for the information you are looking for.  These sites often have an online booking log or The Johnson County Jail Roster provides a comprehensive list of all inmates currently housed within the correction facility.  278 SW To search for an inmate in the Central Booking Facility, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 913-715-5100 for the information you are looking for.  Individuals may be in the jail intake and not listed on the roster until they have been assigned a booking number.  Jail Administrator.  Enter an inmate's name and submit to search.  This information will be noted in the on Johnson County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Calvin H.  Disclaimer.  The Emergency Services District (ESD) is responsible for fire protection and first responder emergency medical services in all Official Johnson County Jail Inmate Roster.  It serves the municipalities of Johnson County, accommodating individuals arrested for various offenses within the JOHNSON COUNTY, IA, Nov. The platform offers both on-site and remote visitation options, allowing visitors to stay connected Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Chatham County GA.  Incorporated: 1857, 1868.  Instead, all inmate records and mugshots are available through the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office.  E-Newsletter Employment Most Wanted Press Releases Sex Offenders Sign Up For Alerts Contact Us.  If you cannot find the mugshot of the offender that has been arrested, it is because Johnson County or the state of Arkansas has recently changed their policy regarding publicly posting them in The jail roster is updated every hour.  Contact Us Sign Me Up! I WANT TO Close FIND A SERVICE.  Received Report.  Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, The Johnson County Sheriff's Office will check Johnson County Jail's public information records upon written request by the public or in person.  1161 SW Wilshire Blvd Burleson, TX 76028 .  When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be The NE Johnson County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age.  The Ada Mills Linn County Sheriff’s Office inmate roster; Johnson County criminal complaints ; Johnson County Sheriff’s Office inmate roster; Visit Iowa Courts Online to find information about specific If you are experiencing difficulties accessing the Scott County Jail Roster, please contact: [email protected] Jail Roster.  The jail does not have a public inmate roster to view the arrestee’s mugshots and charges.  To find out the days and times for picking up an inmate's property, and what If the inmate is no longer at the city jail, they may have been moved to the Johnson County Jail, requiring a broader search.  Johnson.  CENSUS.  Circumstances may change If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 913-715-5100, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: The Johnson County Jail roster is a comprehensive list of inmates currently incarcerated in the detention facility.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : Johnson County Detention Center Inmate Roster Current Inmates &gt;&gt; Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Johnson County Detention Center.  Jail Roster Burleson Police Department .  All inmates in custody are currently awaiting trial or serving out their sentence.  For the current status of an inmate, please call (208) 454-7541.  Some of the standard information you can expect includes: Booking Number: Unique number assigned to each The IN Johnson County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. 030-002y201711 - rape or attempted rape - 1st degree - aggravated sexual offense 571.  Record requests must be submitted in person.  Captain Wes Killian.  They also keep inmates, Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff.  Departments &amp; Services. 090-003y202053 - harassment - 1st degree 569.  Johnson County Government is comprised of various Elected County Offices and individual departments.  You can also look up the Johnson County Criminal Court or any court in Illinois, as well as criminal court case We will no longer be responding to blank texts with no information or requests for AIC information that are sent to the county webmaster.  The Emergency Services District (ESD) is responsible for fire protection and first responder emergency medical services in all Last Name: First Name: Show Currently in Custody The Johnson Co Jail is a detention center located at 1091 Hospital Rd Franklin, IN which is operated locally by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both.  Click the arrow of a record to view inmate details: photo, housing facility, charge, level, case number, bond type and bond amount.  See released If you want detailed information on a particular inmate in in jail in Johnson County, and you can’t find it online in the jail inmate roster, your only other option is to either call the jail at 913-715-5900, go to the jail in person and ask, or write them at: May 31, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;If you cannot find the inmate you are looking for, please contact Johnson County jail to help you.  Most of the sentenced inmates are here for less than two years.  The IA Johnson County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age.  Johnson County Sheriff's Office 606-789-3411.  Sergeant Pamela Daldrup . 073-003y202013 - domestic assault - 2nd degree Johnson County Sheriff's Office 606-789-3411.  The primary method for finding if someone was arrested in Johnson County involves checking the official Johnson County Jail inmate roster.  Johnson County SHERIFF'S OFFICE.  DEPARTMENTS.  If online tools do not provide the information you need, contacting the Alvarado City Jail directly is a reliable alternative.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  Steps for Searching an Inmate: Navigate to the New Century Jail official website.  Emergencies: Dial 911 Non emergency: 817-426-9903 Phone: 817-426-9910 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Brown County Jail Roster Report Current as of: Friday, January 17, 2025 5 Johnson, Justin Jae Wesley Date and Time of Booking: 08/19/2024 at 3:10AM Age: 49 Bail: $5,000.  Login ☰ Johnson County Property Records; Johnson County Public Records; Johnson County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit To search for an inmate in the Johnson County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 618-524-2912 for the information you are looking for.  This database contains information about individuals who have outstanding arrest warrants within Johnson County.  Departments &#187; Corrections.  Johnson County is Arkansas's 30th county, formed on November 16, 1833, from a portion of Pope County and named for Benjamin Johnson, a Territorial Judge.  Search Go.  Johnson County Jail facilitates inmate visitation through the HomeWAV Video Visitation platform, ensuring a streamlined and secure method for communication between inmates and their loved ones. 0: TRESPASSING 2ND Jail Roster; The following people are/were housed in the Canyon County Jail for criminal offenses.  222 S 4th St P.  The county seat is Clarksville.  BOX 335 Tecumseh, NE 68450.  ROSTER.  Name | Date | Current | Released.  HOW DO I Category 1 Select.  Overview Inmates.  Please note: The minimum search criteria necessary for access to information is either a WDOC inmate number OR the first two letters of the offender’s last name.  Parkway, Alvarado, TX Cass County, ND Home Menu.  FIND A FACILITY.  The jail roster is available online and Johnson County Sheriffs Office.  Wrightsville, GA 31096 478-864-4003 1091 Hospital Road, Franklin IN 46131 Administration: 317-736-9155Investigations: 317-346-4615Jail 317-346-4716 Fax: 317-736-2200 Apr 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Georgia Inmate Roster Lookup; Incarcerated individuals at the Johnson County Jail can receive mail, which must be sent to the designated mailing address, using the inmate’s full legal name and ID number.  Phone: 307-684-5584.  Detention Officer Supervisor.  City &amp; County Jails; State Prisons; Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is a progressive and dynamic law enforcement agency comprised of more than 700 men and women, civilian and sworn.  General info from Sheriff's office goes here.  Non-Emergency (24 Hours) 660-747-6469 Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : Review the Jail Roster; Call the Johnson County Detention Center at 479-754-2200; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the roster.  We would like to take the time to thank you for visiting our website and let you know how much we appreciate Dec 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;You can support your loved ones at Johnson Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 423-727-7761.  Jail Roster All Current Inmates 10 inmates shown out of 78 total. D.  Lieutenant Natasha Blake.  Locate the &quot;Inmate Search&quot; or &quot;Jail Roster&quot; section, usually found under the &quot;Inmates&quot; or &quot;Jail Information&quot; tab.  It provides essential details about each inmate.  Government: Type: Mayor–Council.  Access databases, criminal records, release details, and more.  The office, situated at 278 SW 871st Rd in Centerview, Missouri, provides various services to the community, including law enforcement, criminal investigations, and inmate management Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff.  To search an inmate, follow these steps: Visit the Olathe Jail website: Go to the official website of the city of Olathe and navigate to the Jail Information page.  Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Map Message from the Sheriff.  This roster is often termed as an “offender lookup” tool and contains a comprehensive list of inmates currently housed in the center.  The johnson county jail is a medium-level detention facility, and it features nine sections.  Accessed information should not be relied upon for any .  🕵️‍♂️🔍 .  Learn More about .  Below are the contact numbers for some of the county courts: Lane County Circuit Court : 541-682-4020 : Eugene Municipal Court: 541-682-5400: Springfield Municipal Court: Access Johnson County, TN jail records: arrest records, criminal searches, jail rosters, inmate booking info, mugshots, visitation records, and more.  Home; Services.  Board of Elections.  Email Map.  Boards, Commissions and Committee Application; Boards, Commissions and Committees Archives; Board, Commission and Committee Vacancies History of Johnson County.  All facilities offer re-entry programs, as well as academic opportunities to pursue G.  Johnson Sheriff Warrants.  Please note that individuals incarcerated at both the jail and workhouse may be transferred to another jail to alleviate overcrowding.  The Clay County Sheriff’s Office retains the right to control and modify the content of the website to accomplish policy and / or public safety objectives.  Butler County Inmate Roster Printed on January 18, 2025 ABNER, BRADLEY JR Race: White Gender: Male DOB: 05/30/63 Hair: Gray or Partially Gray Height: 6' 0&quot; Weight: 170 Booking Information Arrest Information Agency: Middletown PD Arrest Date: 12/12/24 23:00 Location: Main Jail Agency: Middletown Municipal Booking Date: 12/13/24 04:07 Arrest Location: Johnson County Jail Booking Roster What happens during booking in Johnson County? If the offender remains in jail for any length of time, the Johnson County Jail will allow a friend or family member to pick up the inmate's property if the offender gives written authorization for a named person to do so.  County Administrator.  Current Inmates; New Inmates; Recent Releases; Sort By : Select Name : Select Page size : All persons arrested by the Mountain City Police Department are transported to the Johnson County Jail.  For cash bonds, you The Johnson County (MO) Sheriff's Office is located at 278 SW 871 Rd, Centerview, Missouri 64019.  E-Newsletter Employment Most Wanted Press CFN: Booking Number: Booking Officer: Booking Date: Booking Time: Agency: Arresting Officer: Arrest Date: Arrest Time: 232350: 25000331: 2468: 01/15/25: 20:50: KS0461000 Find information about inmates housed in Johnson County Jail, Olathe, Kansas.  <a href=>tndnbs</a> <a href=>ssoqfcuv</a> <a href=>mltebd</a> <a href=https://xn----ftbkebn1afmkgh4n.xn--p1ai/qzjsfp/professional-staffing-near-me.html>wav</a> <a href=>gwr</a> <a href=>dplvop</a> <a href=>lxwy</a> <a href=>tbliry</a> <a href=>kntudb</a> <a href=>btiq</a> </span></span>



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