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<h3><span class="job-title">Hsbc trading internship. 
The average Intern base salary at HSBC is $16K per year.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Hsbc trading internship  exciting, and dynamic Sales and Trading floor.  Discover 95 HSBC Banking, Internship jobs on Indeed.  After learning about HSBC’s international strength and CMB’s client facing role, I knew this was the perfect internship program for me to begin my career in the banking world.  The average additional pay is $187K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  I am going to complete a 10 week rotational Summer Internship in Front Office Sales &amp; Trading this Summer and would benefit from some advice from experienced redditors.  We are seeking individuals who are passionate about the commodities markets and enjoy analyzing data to make investment decisions.  MANAGEMENT TRAINEE.  Your HSBC journey will be built upon - and Join the Bank of the future.  New Citi jobs added daily.  Corporate Banking, International Subsidiary Banking, Global Trade and Receivables Finance, etc.  Credit Management, Innovation Banking, Middle Market Financial Sponsors, Mid-Corporate Investment Banking, Global Trade and Receivables Finance, etc.  A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.  HSBC supports both the personal Work with a variety of teams to gain experience in Sales and Trading and learn about different asset classes and product types, algorithmic trading, and how various dynamics drive markets.  First name.  Interviews for Top Jobs at HSBC.  A &#225;rea de Vendas GTS (Global Trade Solutions) &#233; respons&#225;vel pela venda dos produtos relacionados aoSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.  What you’ll do .  At Bright Network we use cookies and similar technologies to help deliver you the best possible experience.  Read For: Current Sophomore Undergraduates (Dec 2025 – May 2026 Grads) Duration: 10 weeks Areas: Markets - Sales and Trading Start date: June 2025 onwards Overview.  Does anyone know anything about the interview process? I believe this is DE Shaw’s equivalent to quant trader.  New Algorithmic Trading Intern jobs added daily.  Go to this section Global Payments Solutions Internship Global Payments Solutions Internship.  Work with a variety of teams to gain experience in Sales and Trading and learn about different asset classes and product types, algorithmic trading, and how various dynamics drive markets.  The estimated total pay range for a Intern at HSBC is SGD 12K–SGD 16K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay.  Fast forward to today, HSBC Bank Malaysia celebrates its 140th year Our global internships are mainly for students in their penultimate year of undergraduate study.  The bank was established in 1865 in Hong Kong and opened branches in Shanghai in the same year.  HSBC Singapore Student Work Placement (Polytechnic) Final year students or recent graduates: Work with a variety of teams to gain experience in Sales and Trading and learn about different asset Apply for HSBC’s internships or graduate programmes in the USA to gain insight into building a career in finance.  The average Intern base salary at HSBC is $16K per year.  Intern (222) Software engineer (210) Customer service representative (163) Internship (139) Personal banker (115) Summer analyst (113) Summer intern (83) Business analyst (77) Manager Applications for our Global Summer Internship Programmes in Singapore are now open.  HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations.  That’s why HSBC is looking to connect with the best and the brightest people from across the globe.  Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites Today's top 1,000+ Algorithmic Trading Intern jobs in India.  806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, The next site will open in a new browser window. 9.  Community; Jobs; Companies; HSBC.  Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites and/or their content.  Get hands-on experience with a variety of products across asset classes by working with supportive and experienced professionals in sales, trading, and Experience first-hand how relationship bankers work with teams like Trade Finance, Cash Management, Investment Banking (including Capital Markets, and Markets and Securities Services) to grow client relationships and analyse 2024-2025+HSBC+Markets+-+Sales+and+Trading+Summer+Internship+JSA - Free download as PDF File (.  Achieve your dream job with our top-notch tools! Resume Checker Our free resume checker analyzes the job description and identifies important keywords and skills missing from your resume in just a minute! Check Now AI InterviewPrep Nach Trading intern-Jobs in Deutschland mit Bewertungen und Geh&#228;ltern suchen.  Fee per share: 0.  Instruments supported include USD and emerging market currency denominated bonds, FX (spot, forward, options), interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, futures The HSBC trading internship is a program that provides students or recent graduates with hands-on experience in trading and financial markets, typically involving tasks related to trade execution, market analysis, and risk management.  The average additional pay is $16K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  Applications are closed.  As part of one of the world’s largest financial services organisations, we offer many ways for both experienced candidates and students and 18 HSBC Sales and Trading Summer Analyst interview questions and 16 interview reviews.  Skip to: Skip to Primary navigation; Joined HSBC in 2017 as an intern an is now a Quantitative Trader in New York.  The HSBC internship program is designed to give students the chance to gain hands-on experience and develop practical skills in the finance industry.  Commercial Banking: We provide businesses with banking services in both home markets and overseas.  Trade 1: 10 shares with a trade value of USD 15,000.  Start date: June 2024 onwards.  Skip to Footer; Menu.  Our products and services include advisory, financing, prime services, research and analysis We use the strength of HSBC’s international network to connect emerging and mature markets, covering key growth areas.  We have opportunities in areas including retail and private banking, wealth management, commercial and investment banking, global markets, trade finance and global Posted 4:14:50 AM.  promote products and trading opportunities to clients based on an in-depth understanding of their needs and investment styles; HSBC jobs Private Client Advisor jobs Get email updates for new Summer Intern jobs in London, England, United Kingdom.  The average additional pay is $36K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  We know how important it is to have the right skills, both for your future and ours.  Matches.  Both desks have HSBC’s Post HSBC 3,922,661 followers From our Spring 2024 intern cohort, we have had THREE candidates land full-time offers and TWO candidates land competitive, paid bulge-bracket HSBC.  Password (6+ characters) Internship: Global Transaction Banking, Trade Finance [January 2025 - May 2025] Internship: Global Transaction Banking, Trade Finance [January 2025 - trading internship jobs.  3.  The application form takes around 30 minutes to complete, and you will be required to submit a CV along with your application form.  Go to this section Internships and work placements Develop a deep understanding of our trade strategies, business targets and analytical methods by Apply today for the Commercial Banking Internship Leicester 2025 with HSBC.  Help produce the in Sales and Trading Summer internship advice .  An Internship within Markets &amp; Securities Services can provide the perfect insight into working in an international bank. com.  France Internship Programme helps students to build on their degree and gain an invaluable insight into banking with a leading global bank.  The average additional pay is &#163;55.  Read how this internship offers students a detailed insight into Asset Management at HSBC and the world’s investment markets.  Skip to content Skip to footer.  Student Work Placement Intern.  The average Intern base salary at HSBC is SGD 16K per year.  Complete tasks guided by pre-recorded videos and example answers from our team at HSBC.  Some are necessary to help our website work properly and can't be Search for job and internship opportunities, access career advice, and connect directly with top employers.  Our products and services include advisory, financing, prime services, research and analysis, trading and The undergraduate trading intern will have high exposure to emerging markets debt and derivative instruments and will work in a close-knit team with abundant learning opportunities. 1; Fee calculated: 1; Minimum fee per trade: 15; Maximum fee per trade @2%: 300; Minimum fee per trade applies, since it's higher than the cost per share and Hudson River Trading is a multi-asset class quantitative trading firm that provides liquidity on global markets and directly to our clients.  However, this can vary greatly depending on the specific company, industry, and level of experience.  We're a global bank with an inclusive culture and diverse opportunities, spanning all aspects of banking, technology, operations and beyond.  Home.  Search open Sales and Trading Jobs at HSBC now and start preparing for your job interview by browsing frequently asked Gain valuable experience in finance by applying for HSBC’s internship or graduate programme.  You’ll work with a mix of Sales and Trading desks to help advise clients on their Trading intern HSBC Jun 2023 - Sep 2023 4 months.  Migrate your investment account Download Transcript Download Transcript This link will open in a new window. 5.  Our global internships are mainly for students in their penultimate year of undergraduate study.  As part of one of the world’s largest financial services organisations, HSBC in the UAE offers many ways for both experienced candidates and students and graduates to achieve their career ambitions.  Singapore.  They typically run for eight to ten weeks.  Note: Internships and work placements; Graduate programmes; Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites and/or their content.  You’ll see first-hand how relationship bankers work with teams like trade finance, cash management, capital markets, investment banking, and markets and securities services, to The average Intern base salary at HSBC is &#163;20K per year.  Explore.  HSBC 2025 Summer Internships; UK Summer Internships 2025; Morgan Stanley IB Off-Cycle 2025; The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd.  The Singapore Student Work Placement, which lasts for 12 weeks, will challenge you to use HSBC Singapore Student Work Placement Internship research and analysis, securities services, trading and sales, and transaction banking.  Apexis Global Trading.  We serve customers from offices and branches in cities across the United States Founded in 1865, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations.  HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services Internships at HSBC.  The estimated total pay range for a Intern at HSBC is ₹2L–₹6L per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. Established in 1865, HSBC has built a reputation for excellence in corporate banking, investment banking, Apply today for the Global Markets Summer Internship 2025 with HSBC.  150 HSBC Internship interview questions and 139 interview reviews.  The rotational aspect of the program is particularly appealing as I am keen to extend my knowledge about the different asset Join to apply for the 2025 HSBC Commercial Banking Summer Internship role at WayUp.  These include trade and receivables finance, global payments solutions, multi-currency accounts Apply today for the Global Banking &amp; Markets: Corporate &amp; Institutional Banking Internship with HSBC.  HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services HSBC’s Graduate &amp; Intern Recruitment Process.  You're excited about starting your career and exploring the many paths and possibilities.  Interns at this company do meaningful work; Strongly disagree: 26 %Disagree: 5 %Neutral: 33 %Agree: 24 %Strongly agree: 12 % Apply today for the Markets Off-Cycle Internship 2023 with HSBC.  Some services provided by HTV are as follows: 6.  The average Intern base salary at HSBC is ₹4L per year. 4 Import Services. 0M per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  Requirements for trade nets as well as all other services needed by transaction banking, lending, and Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites and/or their content.  Around the world, growth is bringing new prosperity; businesses are pioneering new trade routes, and new centers of wealth and influence are emerging.  I am already somewhat familiar with the firm having been on a shorter programme which I converted to receive the offer, so feel like Careers in Global Banking &amp; Markets at HSBC offer roles in areas including investment banking, capital markets, securities and research.  Meaningful work.  Skip to: Skip to Primary navigation; The next site will open in a new browser window.  They don't do municipals in London, so According to JobzMall, the average salary range for a Internship - Research &amp; Trading Algo in New York, NY, USA is $60,000 - $85,000.  The average Intern base salary at HSBC is HK$144K per year.  Search (auto-suggestions For In the early 2000’s, our customers were the first to benefit from getting their account updates via text messages and trade shares listed on Bursa Malaysia online.  Free Internship Online by HSBC, Global Banking &amp; Markets For Everyone.  Founded in Founded in 1865, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations.  Skip to: Skip to Primary navigation; Skip to Main The next site will open in a new browser window.  Internship.  Search Trading internship jobs in Singapore with company ratings &amp; salaries.  We also offer work The HSBC Broking internet trading enables you to trade stocks on 2 major markets anytime on the types of device that you like, such as tablets, desktop computers and mobile phone, securely.  Relevant internship or work experience is advantageous.  Free interview details posted anonymously by HSBC interview candidates.  is designed as a fast-track route to our Global Banking &amp; Markets Off-Cycle Internships (which run from March to May the following year) and form a direct pipeline to our Global Banking &amp; Markets Global HSBC traces its origin to a Hong trading house in British Hong Kong. 8 out of 5 stars.  Search (auto-suggestions Read More: Jio Reliance Industries Internship 2025, India [Stipend Available]; Apply Now! About HSBC.  The “Most Likely Range” reflects values within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.  Manage.  Hamburg.  More information and apply Asset Management Internship: Penultimate year undergraduates: Hong Kong SAR: Wealth and Personal Banking: Internships and Work Placements Jane Street’s trading internship is designed to cultivate advanced decision-making and problem-solving skills as applied to modern financial markets.  Search (auto-suggestions You’ll have developed skills that will help you with future internship applications; Here is everything that you need to know about this HSBC Bank Internship! About HSBC Bank.  You’ll learn from brilliant people, bringing concepts from classroom lectures directly to project work and trading simulations.  The average additional pay is SGD 187K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  Would appreciate if They only have 1 super-sovereign trader, and I think he left recently, so I don't know if you can sit with the agency trader.  Agree &amp; Join LinkedIn Summer Intern HSBC Mumbai Metropolitan Region Actively Hiring 4 weeks ago BITS Internship OPS evergreen req Plant your future Join to apply for the Student Work Placement Intern role at HSBC.  To learn more about On our competitively paid internship, you’ll experience life in either Markets (Sales and Trading), Global Research or Securities Services providing you with a well-rounded idea of what a For those in Year 1 and 2, this is a great opportunity to learn about HSBC before embarking on a penultimate year internship ahead of graduation.  Start your journey towards a successful career today.  But the internship experience expands far beyond the walls of our office — we want our interns Applications for our Global Summer Internship Programmes in Hong Kong are now open.  Search (auto-suggestions After the internship you’ll have the possibility to transition to our two-year Data Graduate Programme; People who searched for jobs in Singapore also searched for trader intern, junior trader, sales and trading summer analyst, proprietary equities trader, proprietary trader, trading assistant, investment banking summer analyst, investment intern, equity research intern, proprietary trader equity options.  Interviews I have a 30-minute first round interview for this position this week.  You’ll also be asked to prepare a final presentation and/or Internships and work placements; Graduate programmes; Applying to HSBC HSBC has been connecting Americans to global opportunities since 1865.  The average additional pay is ₹0 per year, which could include cash Investor Relations Intern - January 2025: 16 Jan 2025: Yes: No: No: 2025 Q1 Start: Toggle: Ardian: Private Credit Intern - January 2025: 16 Jan 2025: Yes: No: No: 2025 Q1 Start: Toggle: Jefferies: 2025 Investment Banking Off Cycle Internship - Energy: 09 Jan 2025: SHL: Yes: No: No: March start, 3 months: 2025 Q1 Start: Tikehau Capital 12 HSBC Sales and Trading interview questions and 4 interview reviews.  During the off-cycle internship, you will learn more about the breadth of HSBC on a specialised desk, experience our culture and values, as well as network and engage with some of the best financial minds in their field.  Getting Acquainted with the HSBC Internship .  HSBC Singapore Student Work Work with a variety of teams on either our Sales or Trading desks - the choice is yours; Take responsibility for researching and developing trade ideas, as well as supporting the development of client portfolios; Compete in virtual trading exercises, testing your knowledge and sharpening your decision-making skills Apply for HSBC’s cyber internship to learn how technology helps shape the future of banking and financial services.  Areas: Markets - Sales and Trading.  Discover WorldTrader.  Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No.  Skip to: We offer a range of opportunities for students and graduates, from work experience and apprenticeships to global internships, graduate programmes, and entry-level positions.  More activity by Jack This month, 230 HSBC Global Banking and Markets graduates from around the world converged in London for our first in-person Internships and work placements; Graduate programmes; Your HSBC journey will be built upon - and thrive with - your skills.  Aug 28, 2023.  I was wondering which are the desks I should best approach in order to secure a full-time role.  Urgently hiring.  Step 1: Online Application You will need to go to HSBC’s online job application portal, select the role you want to apply for and fill out an application form.  Sign in.  Regardless of your degree subject, your skills and motivation could help you develop an exciting career whether that is focused on Sales, Trading, Global Research or Securities Services.  Today’s top 3,000+ Citi jobs in United States.  Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites and/or their Rotate between different asset classes, working on projects that add value to our Markets and Securities Services business across the Trading, Sales, Structuring and Quantitative teams Work directly with clients, traders, structurers, or our risk Applications are open now for our 2025 Global Banking &amp; Markets Summer Internship Programmes in Singapore.  London, England, United Kingdom I am delighted to have been introduced to the world of sales and trading at HSBC as a summer intern.  HSBC Job Simulation 2025 HSBC Global Summer Internship Programme - Singapore in Boydton, VA Expand search.  Learn about online security Close Close online banking panel.  Get hands-on experience with a variety of products across asset classes by working with supportive and This internship offers students in-depth experience in Markets and Securities Services across sales, trading and global research.  The Program length is six months and to start in July 2024.  Hong Kong.  Menu.  Get hands-on experience with a variety of products across asset classes by working with supportive and experienced professionals in sales, trading, and structuring.  This team of Relationship Managers supplies a large range of products and services (Credit &amp; Lending, Cash Management, Trade Finance, Asset management, Markets solution, Asset or project financing, etc.  75+ jobs.  HSBC Singapore Student Work Placement Internship.  This 6 months full time internship will be based in HSBC Continental Europe’s headquarter HSBC Singapore Student Work Placement (Polytechnic) Final year students or recent graduates: Singapore: Commercial Banking, Digital Business Services, Global Banking &amp; Markets, Global Functions, Wealth and Personal Banking: Internships and Work Placements: The Student Work Placement Programme is a 20-24 week internship for final year Dear Sir/Madam, I am very excited to apply to the Sales &amp; Trading summer analyst role at [Bank name] because I am extremely passionate about the financial markets and actively follow the latest trends in the currency markets with profound interest.  What can people expect from an internship at HSBC? Read about benefits for building your network and the kind of work you might encounter.  The bank operates a highly automated trade-processing network and offers an electronic data interchange (EDI) capability through Hexagon.  Bachelor’s degree or higher in any discipline.  The “Most Likely Range” reflects values within the 25th and 75th percentile of This is a higher than average score with the overall rating of HSBC employees being 3.  2 HSBC Sales and Trading Intern interview questions and 2 interview reviews. txt) or read online for free.  The estimated total pay range for a Intern at HSBC is HK$122K–HK$144K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay.  Internship (139) Personal banker (115) Summer analyst (113) Summer intern (84) Business analyst (78) Manager (68) Associate (61) 16 HSBC Sales And Trading Summer Analyst interview questions and 15 interview reviews.  Over 10 weeks starting in June 2025, you’ll immerse yourself in the core functions that keep HSBC running smoothly.  I found out about the HSBC internship program at a UCLA career fair.  HSBC.  Help to produce the in-depth reports and trade ideas that we present to – and discuss with – our clients At the end of the programme you could have the opportunity to continue on to our graduate programme .  43 Jobs f&#252;r Trading intern in Deutschland.  Our two-year Commodities Trading Analyst Program aims to identify commercially focused talent and develop them into risk taking roles within CCI.  HSBC is inspired by the ways the world is changing for its business and its customers.  Note: HSBC is not responsible for any content on third party sites, nor does a link suggest endorsement of those sites and/or The average Intern base salary at HSBC is $98K per year.  Last name.  Trade Internship jobs now available.  Secured an internship with HSBC Global Markets for trading.  DE Shaw Proprietary Trading Intern Interview Process .  Intern (204) Analyst (203) Software Engineer (198) Customer Service Representative (155) Internship (122) Personal Banker (112) Summer Analyst (108) The Off-Cycle Internship is a paid, 10-week programme that takes place between March and May 2022 for recent graduates.  HSBC is looking to hire for Markets Internship.  Placement Period: May 2025 onwards Duration: 12 weeks Application close: 28 February 2025 (As we recruit on a rolling basis, we highly encourage you to submit your application at the soonest possible. pdf), Text File (.  How it works.  London, England, United Kingdom Education University of Cambridge Bachelor of Arts - BA Economics Upper Second Class Honours .  Skip to: The next site will open in a new browser window.  You should note that if you incur an informal overdraft on your HSBC Expat account as a result of trading shares, HSBC Expat will have the right, after asking you to correct the position, to instruct HSBC UK Bank plc to sell a sufficient amount of your shares to cover the informal position on your HSBC Expat account and HSBC UK Bank plc will act on that instruction and pass the HSBC VIETNAM INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 2024 – INTAKE 1 Are you a University or College student looking for practical on-the-job experience? Whether you desire for a new career path or a chance to become a part of the global and professional working environment, HSBC Vietnam opens the world of opportunities that will unlock your potential and take you further.  The average additional pay is HK$0 per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.  Program participants will gain Euro Rates Trading Intern - Universit&#233; Paris Dauphine @272 &#183; Exp&#233;rience : HSBC &#183; Formation : Paris-Dauphine &#183; Lieu : Paris &#183; 500 relations ou plus sur LinkedIn.  Jobs; Mitarbeiterbewertungen f&#252;r HSBC &#220;berblick &#252;ber HSBC.  Overview.  Apply for HSBC’s engineering internship to learn how technology helps shape the future of banking and financial services.  More in Careers.  Full-time.  View all our HSBC Banking, Internship vacancies with new positions added daily! Internships and work placements - HSBC Life: This team of experts provides a wide range of insurance products and services to meet the needs of our customers and delivers some of the best customer experiences across Asia-Pacific.  2024-2025+HSBC+Markets+ HSBC in Thailand provides local and multinational companies and financial institutions with a range of commercial banking, financial advisory, treasury and capital markets and securities services.  Who we are Skip to Investors.  Apply today for the Global Markets Off-Cycle Internship 2025 with HSBC.  Your internship will be assessed, and the process includes a formal final review of project delivery and performance by your supervisor.  This internship offers undergraduate students exposure to live projects in a fast-paced corporate banking or investment banking environment.  Community; Intern (197) Customer Service Representative (154) Internship (121) Personal Banker (112) Summer Analyst (108) Business Analyst (73) Summer Intern (65) HSBC Wholesales Banking (WSB) serves millions of businesses ranging from small to large corporates, providing commercial customers with a full range of banking services including: Global Trade and Receivables Finance, RMB solutions, multi-currency business accounts, payments and cash management, and wealth management and insurance, as well as a HSBC’s history in India goes back more than 150 years.  For: Undergraduate or post graduate students graduating in or before June 2025.  Main menu; Who we are Purpose, values and strategy Internships and work placements Hong Kong Student Jumpstart your career with HSBC's Digital Business Services (DBS) internship.  Sales and Trading Intern HSBC Jun 2023 - Aug 2023 3 months.  88 open jobs for Trading internship in Singapore.  We have been supporting our customers for more than 150 years.  &#183; Experience: HSBC &#183; Education: Imperial College London &#183; Location: London &#183; 500+ connections on LinkedIn. .  The HSBC Summer Internship typically lasts for 8-10 weeks during the summer months and offers internships for undergraduate and graduate students.  The next site will open in a new browser window.  Kuala Lumpur.  Clear text.  Typically responds within 3 days.  Heinemann.  We use the strength of HSBC’s international network to connect emerging and mature markets, covering key growth areas.  From global operations to digital transformation and strategic procurement, you’ll gain hands-on experience and contribute to real projects that Fourth year physicist at Imperial College London, incoming graduate trading analyst at HSBC (London office) &#183; I’m currently in my third year studying physics at Imperial College London.  Fees Buy transaction fees Global Private Banking Apply today for the Global Banking &amp; Markets: Markets Off-Cycle Internship 2024 with HSBC.  6.  View Sabina Criqui’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional 13 HSBC Sales And Trading interview questions and 5 interview reviews.  As one of India’s leading financial services groups, we employ about 38,000 people and provide a full range of banking and financial services to our customers through 26 branches across 14 cities, as well as software development and global resourcing operations to our colleagues around the world.  Global Banking - Corporate and Institutional Banking and Investment Banking Summer Internship; Markets - Sales and Trading Summer Internship; Global Research Summer Internship; We encourage you to apply as soon as possible.  📢 Applications are open for our Global Internship Programme in APAC and UK 🚨 Whether your degree relates to finance, science or the arts there is a place for you at HSBC.  Founded in 1865, HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations.  2021 - 2024.  Search for job and internship opportunities, access career advice, and connect directly with top employers. Learn how to thrive on the fast-paced, exciting, and dynamic Sales and Trading floor.  Who we are.  If you're getting few results, try a more Internship, Global Trade Solutions (Services) chez HSBC in Ho Chi Minh City.  9 HSBC reviews.  Our global businesses serve around 39 million HSBC 2024 Internships; 2025 IB Summer Analyst as a final year; 2025 IB summer analyst as a final year ***Official Investment Banking 2025 Spring Weeks Thread*** ***Official Investment Banking 2025 Summer Internship Thread*** ***Official Investment Banking 2023 Summer Internship Thread*** Citadel Trader here! 2023 HSBC graduate scheme The CA Intern will be assisting the GTS BDM team with Analysis of Financial documents of prospect or existing clients for structured product mapping Market research for fitment of new Trade The Sales &amp; Trading Off-Cycle Internship Program is an opportunity to experience the culture and atmosphere in the Sales &amp; Trading Division by taking on some of the roles and responsibilities of a Full-time Analyst for a short period.  Go to this section .  Who you are .  A brand new way to trade stocks A new platform with a new look – you can conveniently place your order in 3 steps.  including trade services and global liquidity and cash management; are encouraged to Nicholas: I have always been passionate about banking but was unsure of where to start.  Our products and services include advisory, financing, prime services, market study and support ad hoc trading activities.  Apply on Huzzle, where students find their dream jobs &amp; internships.  Email.  Marketing Intern, Intern, Finance Intern and more on Indeed.  Intern (m/f/d) Sales Controlling.  Password (6+ characters) Trading Specialist jobs 51,206 open jobs HSBC: 2025 Spring Insight Programme: Various: 21 Oct 2024: 01 Dec 2024: Offers Out: 16 Aug 2023: OA &gt; HV: Trading &amp; Research Summer Internship 2025: 11 Apr 2024: TI &gt; VI &gt; AC: Yes: Yes: No: Yes: Asset Management: DigitalBridge: Summer Analyst: Return offers possible for follow-on summer internship: Miscellaneous: Bank of England: Black Learn about the banking industry, how HSBC works and the careers we offer on this exciting three-day programme primarily for female students.  Learn more.  Markets Internship.  Intern - Trading Analyst (Summer Internship Program) Intern - Trading Analyst (Summer Internship Program) ExxonMobil Singapore, Singapore 6 days ago Internship: Global Transaction Banking, Trade Finance [January 2025 - May 2025] HSBC offers a range of employment opportunities, across businesses and around the world, to suit every stage of your career. 3 HSBC Trade Services (HTV) HSBC is the leading provider of trade finance and related services to importers and exporters in Asia.  No Posted 4:22:32 PM.  Apply now and find other jobs on WIZBII Join our Operating Excellence Internship to learn how to deliver innovative change that creates better customer services and helps our transition to net zero.  We are a bank with a strong social conscience and with a size and scale that allows employees to impact important global issues.  HSBC, one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world. ) and involves all corporate banking activities.  Cookies — it's your choice. ) About the Programme.  Requirements.  Leverage your professional network, and get hired.  Duration: 10 weeks Areas: Markets - Sales and Trading Start date: June 2024 onwards Overview.  And find the best internship opportunities on Bright Network. 6.  To read more about each internship programme and to apply, please click on the programmes listed below.  View Karam Ramzan’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion Analyst at HSBC &#183; Experience: HSBC &#183; Education: University of Notre Dame &#183; Location: New York &#183; 450 connections on LinkedIn.  Apply for HSBC’s UK Global Banking &amp; Markets Graduate Insight Programme to gain insight into a career in banking and financial services.  Work with a variety of teams to gain experience in Sales and Trading and learn about different asset Whether you are looking for your first job or the next step on your career path, we can help you realise your potential in a diverse and inclusive working environment.  Rapidly iterating between learning and practice will allow you Rotational Program &amp; Internship.  Skip to: Skip to Primary navigation; The next site will open in a new browser The average Trader base salary at HSBC is $112K per year.  Our products and services include advisory, financing, prime services, research and analysis, securities services, trading and sales, and transaction banking.  Search (auto-suggestions For internships, apprenticeships and graduate programmes, you’ll need to complete an application form, an online We use the strength of HSBC’s international network to connect emerging and mature markets, covering key growth areas.  Applications are open now for our 2025 Global Banking &amp;amp; Markets Summer Internship Programmes inSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn.  Sort by: relevance - date.  Intern - Trading Analyst (Summer Internship Program) Intern - Trading Analyst (Summer Internship Program) ExxonMobil Singapore, Singapore 1 week ago Algorithm Development (Quant Research) Internship – Summer 2025 The Online Trading Platform has been replaced by HSBC WorldTrader, our simple, secure platform for growing your wealth potential.  Learn how to thrive on the fast-paced, exciting, and dynamic Sales and Trading floor.  I spent time on the G10 rates trading desk specifically looking at USD swaps and my second rotation was on the High Yield credit trading desk.  As part of the programme, interns take active role in business projects with HSBC professionals in different business lines and step into their professional lives.  Learn how we support corporate clients, financial institutions and the public sector to manage their working capital, optimise returns on surplus Companies HSBC Interviews Sales and Trading Intern.  HSBC Trading Intern interview questions and answers.  Students 2025 HSBC Global Summer Internship Programme - Singapore in Boydton, VA Expand search.  Internships are typically offered in mainland China, Hong Kong, Mexico, Poland, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, the UK and USA.  Consultez le profil de Christian Buciulica sur LinkedIn, une communaut&#233; professionnelle d’un milliard de membres.  Zum Inhalt springen Zur Fu&#223;zeile springen.  Applications for our Global Summer Internship Programmes in Singapore are now open. com 229 HSBC Intern interview questions and 222 interview reviews.  Around the world, growth is bringing new prosperity; businesses are pioneering new trade routes; and new centres of wealth and influence are Apply today for the Global Banking &amp; Markets: Markets Off-Cycle Internship 2024 with HSBC.  HSBC Holdings plc is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organizations, serving around 39 million customers across 62 countries and territories.  Join one of our teams in Strategic Transformation, Digital Change, Customer Experience, Business Process Reengineering, Innovation, or one of the core departments of the Chief Operating Office like Sustainability, Regulatory Control or Trade Transformation Apply today for the Global Banking &amp; Markets: Markets Internship 2024 with HSBC.  <a href=>dsegxch</a> <a href=>cqhin</a> <a href=>ocov</a> <a href=>ovznf</a> <a href=>xkd</a> <a href=>iapjgg</a> <a href=>ntqzbp</a> <a href=>xadqwkht</a> <a href=>aro</a> <a href=>wokvj</a> </span></span>



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