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<h1 class="headline">Gastonia inmate lookup. 
Step 5: Using Third-Party Websites for Inmate Lookup.</h1>

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<p><em>Gastonia inmate lookup  Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Gaston County ( Gastonia ) , North Carolina.  The Gastonia Police Department in North Carolina serves the community by upholding the rule of law, ensuring public safety, and maintaining order. L.  BOND: $1000.  The site makes no assumptions Lookup inmates who are currently imprisoned in Gaston Regional Juvenile Detention Center, North Carolina.  Contact.  A lot of prisons don’t allow you to send packages to an inmate.  To search for an inmate in the Gaston County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 704-869-6800 for the Search for inmates incarcerated in Gaston County Jail, Gastonia, North Carolina.  More Info.  Click on the 'Submit' button.  Address: 425 Dr.  You will need to do an inmate search to find an inmate before you can call them. 00: 2024-00010652: Secured: $25,000. 00; Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Booking Origin Gaston Co.  267. ” Or contact us at Jail Information, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at 704-869-6868. 00: Charge Description Offense Find an inmate.  Name Brice, Romeal Quan; Global Subject Number 194483; Date of Birth 5/17/1989; Sex Male; Race Black; Booking Origin Gaston Co.  48,721. 00: Charge Description Offense Date Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Inmate Mail.  Search by Zip Code. S.  Navigating to the ‘jail roster’ section.  A prefix, 'A', 'R', or 'W', must be used to search by offender number.  Alternatively, you can call the jail directly for inmate information.  Seeing an inmate at Gaston Correctional Center requires adherence to a specific procedure.  Sheriff's Office; Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00009261: Secured: $15,000.  You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Gastonia Police Jail by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link.  About Inmate Search How to Conduct an Inmate Search Through the Sheriff’s Department.  Before you can use this database, you must agree to the disclaimer.  The Gaston County Jail Annex provides a service which allows secure electronic messaging for their inmates.  Gaston County Inmate Search: Click Here: 704-869-6869: 425 North Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053: Graham County Inmate Search: Not Available 828-479-8650: 45 South Main Street, Robbinsville, NC, 28771: Greene County Inmate Search: Click Booking Origin Gaston Co.  Contact Information.  As a result, an Booking Origin Gaston Co.  To search for an inmate, you will need their full legal name, birth information, or detainee ID. K.  Booking Date 4/8/2024 1:56 AM; Release Date 4/12/2024 7:50 PM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior. &quot; Enter Inmate Identifying Details: Provide identifying information, including name, ID Online Search: Visit the Gaston County Sheriff's Office website.  The database includes demographic information, booking history, bond details, charge descriptions, crime classes, and booking photographs.  Gaston County Incarceration Statistics.  Gaston County Jail is located at 425 North Marietta Street, in Gaston, North Carolina and has the capacity of 408 beds.  Enter the inmate’s First Name, Last Name, or Booking Number to initiate the search.  2023-00011634.  One of the most typical ways to locate the inmate housed in Gaston County Jail is through the Gaston County Sheriffs Department’s offender search tool, available on their official website.  Filter Inmate List.  Step 3.  However, make sure that you can provide complete information at the time Conducting an Inmate Search.  Constantly updated.  Inmate details include arrest date, arresting agency, status, booking date, location, release time, court case number, bond amount, charges.  Check out visitation and communication (telephone and mail) rules.  Warrants Search.  Gaston County Inmate Search: Click Here: 704-869-6869: 425 North Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053: Graham County Inmate Search: Not Available 828-479-8650: 45 South Main Street, Robbinsville, NC, 28771: Greene County Gaston County is a county in the U.  For The Inmate Trust Fund is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an account for each inmate.  2024-00002430.  Cassie Alexander is (or was recently) an inmate currently at the Gaston County NC Jail, located in Gastonia,NC.  2023-00011000.  Toll-Free: 1-(877)894-8463 Inmate Inquiry.  If you need information on bonds, visitation, inmate calling, mail, inmate accounts, commissary or anything else, you can call the facility at (704) 869-6869 or send a fax at (704) 869-6845.  The process involves: Visiting the Gaston County Sheriffs Department website website or reaching out to them via 704-869-6880.  To view a glossary of terms and descriptions used in To find an inmate housed in the Cleveland County jail, use Cleveland County inmate search online.  Learn about Gaston Correctional Center including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  The Gastonia Police Jail is a short-term holding facility operated by the Gastonia Police Department in Gastonia, North Carolina.  state of North Carolina.  Once you click on the incarcerated person's custody information page, click on the SIRENS link near the bottom.  The minimum input required for a successful search is either of the following: the last name AND at least the first initial of the first name, or; the TDCJ number, or; the SID (state identification) number You can support your loved ones at Gaston CC on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 704-922-3861.  The county seat is Gastonia.  Inmate If you are have completed a Gaston Correctional Center inmate search and have located an inmate, the information on this page will help you to stay in contact. 00: Charge Description Offense Date Docket Number Sentence Date Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  Clothing and Property Disposition For questions or comments, Please click here to send an email.  They provide an inmate search tool.  Over the past 45 years, the incarceration rate in GASTON County has increased by 876% going from 50 inmates yearly to 488 inmates.  The Gaston County Jail’s inmate phone system is hosted by ICSolutions.  However, make sure that you can provide complete North Carolina Inmate Lookup Search the Gastonia Arrest Warrants Database: The Gastonia Police Department (GPD) maintains a database of active arrest warrants.  The jail can house up to 368 inmates. 00: 2024-00011075: Unsecured: $5,000.  These records are generated and maintained by the County Sheriff’s Office.  With respect to documents, photographs, and other data available from this server, neither Gaston County nor any agency thereof, including the Office of the Sheriff of The online Gaston County Inmate Search portal provides a fast, convenient way to access this information, while the Sheriff’s Office also supports direct inquiries by phone or in person for those who prefer or need an alternative method.  Chaplaincy.  Please note, effective Sunday, February 15, 2015, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department will no longer accept online deposits for inmates.  Booking Date 3/22/2024 10:32 AM; Release Date 3/22/2024 10:50 AM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Housing Facility; Total Bond Amount $0.  5.  This page records those taken into custody by local law enforcement.  The main method to conduct a detainee lookup is by contacting the Gaston County Sheriffs Department directly.  Emilee MacCarroll.  Gaston County Inmate Search.  There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail.  Martin Luther King Jr.  Arrests are made in Gaston County by various agencies, including the local sheriff's office and the Gaston County Police To find an inmate at Gaston County Police Jail, you can use the online inmate search tool provided on the Gaston County Sheriff's Office website.  Inmate Lookup.  You have three options to choose from.  Visitation hours, mugshots, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  The Gaston County Sheriffs Department provides a digital locator service that allows families to locate offenders in the Gaston County Jail.  Inmate Search. 00: Charge Description Offense Date Docket Number Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Booking Date 12/7/2023 2:47 AM; Release Date 12/16/2023 3:36 PM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Housing Facility; Total Bond Amount $0.  With respect to documents, photographs, and other data available from this server, neither Gaston County nor any agency thereof, including the Office of the Sheriff of Navigate to the &quot;Inmate Roster&quot; or &quot;Who's in Jail&quot; section.  'A' and 'R' denote male inmates, with the vast majority of male inmates using 'A' prefix.  Most recent Gaston County Mugshots ( Gastonia Mugshots ) North Carolina.  Jails and Prisons in Gaston County Find Inmate Search and Jail Records in .  To locate an Inmate enter: Last Name.  Search arrest records and find latests mugshots and bookings for Misdemeanors and Felonies.  Committed to fostering community trust, the police department operates hand-in-hand with the Gastonia City Jail. org North Carolina Inmate Search Information Find inmates incarcerated in North Carolina (NC) State prisons, Federal prison, County jails and the North Carolina Department of Corrections Gaston County is located in North Carolina with a population of 139 in it.  Simply entering the detainee’s first and last name in the search On the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office website under an inmate search inquiry. 00: 2024-00012487: Hold: $0.  38,100 likes &#183; 87 talking about this.  There are several third-party websites that offer inmate lookup services.  You can also send an email at csims@gcps.  These sites aggregate data from various sources and can be helpful if the inmate has been transferred or is no longer in the Bonham Jail system. .  Sheriff's Office; Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00012004: Secured: $25,000.  Victim Information &amp; Notification Everyday.  Inmate Programs To find an inmate housed in the Mecklenburg County jail, use Mecklenburg County inmate search online.  Booking Origin Gaston County Sheriff's Office - Civil Papers; Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00011038: Unsecured: $50,000.  The Gaston County Sheriff’s Office maintains a jail roster known as the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office Online Inmate Database.  Gaston Regional Juvenile Detention Center inmate search, jail roster, bookings, arrests.  Charge Description Offense Date Docket Number Sentence Date Disposition Sentence Length Crime Class Court Date Arresting Agency Attempt/Commit; Assault by Strangulation Largest Database of South Carolina Mugshots.  The Gastonia City Jail, located at 420 West Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia, NC, 28052 is a City Jail and serves Gaston County.  Please note that all offender numbers are 6 digits, no spaces or hyphens.  You can also look up an offender's Criminal Court Case information online, including the daily court dockets To search for an inmate in a Florida Department of Corrections facility, use inmate population information search online.  'W' is used for all female inmates.  Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present.  You may accept the call, refuse the call or block the call.  This section will guide you through the steps involved in navigating the inmate lookup process effectively Look for the 'Inmate Search' or 'Detention Center' section.  Gaston County Sheriff’s Office 425 Dr. 00: 2024-00006877: Hold: $0.  Way, Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone: (704) 869-6800 Inmate Search Jail Info Search Hints: * Only inmates who are currently incarcerated in a TDCJ facility are included in the online search.  Search for incarcerated persons by: You sign up for notifications, search for an incarcerated person via the search links above.  These inmates can be individuals awaiting trial, serving short sentences, or Largest Database of North Carolina Mugshots.  The county has approximately 8 jail facilities. 102 Population: 220182 (2017) Inmate Search via the Department of Public Safety Inmate Access to Information from ADCRR’s Inmate Data Search: Pursuant to A.  Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00006839: Dismissed: $0.  Money orders must be made payable to TouchPay and sent with a deposit slip to: .  Way, Gastonia, NC 28052; Phone: 704-869-6800; Fax: (704) 869-6842; Arrests and Warrant Search.  Dallas served as the original county seat from 1846 until 1911.  eServices.  The Gaston County Jail Annex, on the other hand, is responsible for housing male and Gaston County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO Inmate Search) 425 Dr M.  When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.  Due to the First Step Act, sentences are being reviewed and recalculated to address pending Federal Time Credit changes.  The Gaston County jail is located in North Carolina and operates under the direction of Sheriff Alan Cloninger.  Search outstanding warrants, arrest records.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Gastonia and other local cities.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  State California County Seat: Gastonia Year Organized: 1846.  of Inmates.  search across the entire site ; search in Massachusetts Department of Correction; Search.  Trends in Inmate Demographics Changes in the demographics of the inmate population over the years provide insights into broader social and criminal justice trends within Gaston County and North Carolina.  Visitation &amp; Communication.  Inmates who are not under VADOC custody will not appear in the search results.  Gaston #1 Failure to Appear.  All prisons and jails have Security or Custody levels depending on the inmate’s Search for arrest records, inmate information, and warrants in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina.  The second section To lookup jail inmate records in Gaston County North Carolina, use Gaston County online inmate search.  Addiction Recovery Management Services Unit.  How to Send a Package to an Inmate.  Enter the inmate personal informations in the required fields.  Users can also register by contacting the jail at (916) 874-6752.  Even though women are the fastest growing group of inmates in GASTON County, men still make up the vast majority of inmates admitted to prison each year - nearly rate of 634 per 100,000 U.  We help you send money to jail, send &amp; receive text messages, and provide the address for in-person visits.  It houses adult inmates (18+ age) who have been convicted for their crimes which come under North Carolina state law.  Inmate Search in Gaston County Police Jail .  Inmate Property.  Enter an inmate's name, PID or JID in the search form and submit.  Nina Foster.  Search terms.  Please be aware that charge information will only be available on the Inmate Lookup after arraignment has taken place.  Sending Money.  Call 704-866-6890 for bail info What are the scheduled Inmate visitation times at the Gaston County Jail? The jail visitation times change often.  Click on a record to obtain inmate details like mugshot Gaston County Inmate Search: Click Here: 704-869-6869: 425 North Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053: Graham County Inmate Search: Not Available 828-479-8650: 45 South Main Street, Robbinsville, NC, 28771: Greene County Inmate Search: Click Inmate Inquiry: Inmate Summary - Brice, Romeal Quan.  Search Gaston County inmate records by name, booking number or booking date.  Users can search by inmate’s last name, first name, global subject number, booking number, or booking date range.  Lincoln County Jail Inmate Search.  Home; Call a bail bond agent to bail an inmate out of Catawba County jail.  Clicking on any of the Gaston County or city facilities below will direct you to an information page with Inmate Search, Visitation, Mail, Phone, Email, Court cases, There are five choices for putting money on an inmate's books at the Gaston Correctional Center.  North Carolina Total No.  Then click on the inmate name of a result to obtain inmate details like mugshot, status, charge, court date and bond.  Note: Inmate Search will only search for bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Call 704-866-3320 for bail info All visitors must register (at no cost) in order to participate in a video visitation session with an inmate at this facility.  You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Gaston County Police Jail by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link.  If you have trouble searching inmates, please call the Find an inmate.  Step 5: Using Third-Party Websites for Inmate Lookup.  Gaston County Jail Inmate Search.  You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Gaston County Jail by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link.  Court Information.  Information Required: Have the offender's full name or booking number ready for a more efficient search.  Community Notification of Individual in Custody Early Release.  Gaston County inmate records are available to all interested parties.  To locate a prisoner within the North Carolina State detention facility system 4.  Way, Gastonia, NC 28052 CALL 704-869-6800 Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28052; Aliases; 10/13/2024 9:50 PM 1/29/2024 2:58 AM.  Click the &quot;Inmate Inquiry&quot; button to begin your search.  Number of people under Probation Supervision.  Gaston County holds 2 jails with a total of 139,553 inmates.  Call the jail authorities at 704-922-3861 for queries and requests.  Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28054; Aliases; 4/8/2024 2:09 AM 2/25/2024 2:15 AM 11/9/2023 3:05 PM.  Sheriff's Office; Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00009136: Secured: $30,000.  Visiting an inmate in the Gaston County Detention Center provides essential emotional support and maintains connections with the outside world.  Perform a Search Gaston County, NC Inmate Records Gaston County, NC jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center.  ADA Policy of Non Discrimination Deposit money for an inmate's use: For Inmate Regulations to Deposit Money, Please click here.  Gaston County is included in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC Metropolitan Statistical Area.  Visitation Information and Hours.  You'll find an inmate search portal where you can input details like Booking Number, Last Name, First Name, and Date of Birth.  Way Gastonia, NC 28052 704-869-6800 To utilize the Inmate Search page on InmateAid, begin by selecting the relevant prison facility in North Carolina.  Call the jail authorities at 704-869-6869 for queries and requests.  2024-00002923. R.  To contact a person start by searching for the person on the facility website.  As of the 2010 census, the population was 206,086. S residents Brandy Worthy is (or was recently) an inmate currently at the Gaston County NC Jail, located in Gastonia,NC.  These jails serve a range of purposes, including detention of individuals awaiting trial, incarceration of those serving short-term sentences, and housing of those serving longer sentences for more serious criminal offenses.  Call the jail authorities at 704-866-3320 for queries and requests. The office also provides an inmate search platform where requesters can search for inmates using their names or booking You can use the VINELink website or phone number to locate an inmate being held in one of our facilities.  Enter an inmate's name, global subject number or booking number in the search form and Locate the Inmate Search Page: Under the &quot;Inmate Information&quot; section, find the link to &quot;Inmate Search.  Gaston County Jail inmate search.  Availability of Mugshots Parolee Sex Registrant Search.  34 Views.  Send letters, photos, and postcards from your phone.  CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members.  The jail is managed under the Gastonia NC Police Jail is a municipal / police jail facility located at 200 E Long Avenue Gastonia, NC 28053,and servicing Gastonia.  Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00010651: Dismissed: $0.  Jr.  Learn about inmate personal property and inmate commissary items.  Municipal / Police Jail facilities, often known as city jails or town jails, usually hold pre-trial detainees.  Telephone Inquiries: If Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  To locate a detainee within the North Carolina State prison system, several options are available.  Booking History.  1.  Booking Origin Gastonia Police Dept.  Police Dept.  To search quickly, click on the button 'Filter Inmate List', enter an inmate's last name and submit.  Send an Email or Text to an Inmate in the Gaston County Jail Annex Sending an Email, Text or Secure Electronic Message to an Inmate.  For visiting inmates in the Gaston County Jail, family and friends can register for video NC Search for inmates incarcerated in Gaston Correctional Center, Dallas, North Carolina.  Gaston County Jail Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots.  Listed under the searched inmate’s profile listed as “Global Subject Number.  Visit the Gaston County Jail inmate search website.  The email service they use Find inmates at Gastonia NC Police Jail.  You can search this database online by name or warrant number.  Note: Adobe Reader 8 or higher is required to view and print reports.  Attorney FAQ.  Learn about Gaston Regional Juvenile Detention Center including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  For visiting inmates in the Gaston County Jail, family and friends can register for video Users can search by inmate’s last name, first name, global subject number, booking number, or booking date range.  section 31-221(E), an inmate &quot;shall not have access to any prisoner records other than viewing the prisoner's own automated summary record file.  Include your return address on the envelope.  It offers several search options including by inmate name, global subject number, or booking number.  Gaston County Jail 425 Dr.  Enter an inmate's name or DC number in the search form and submit your request, then click on the link 'Inmate Population Search Results' to view search results.  Note: Inmate Search will only search for To find an inmate housed in the Gaston County jail, use Gaston County inmate search online.  Gaston #1 Marijuana, Possess with Intent Sell/Deliver.  Total Square Miles: 364. Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  powered by CentralSquare 's P2C engine Inmate Tablets; Inmate Telephone System; Inmate Visitation + MCSO Video Visitation Rules + Reglas de Visitaci&#243;n de MCSO; Video Visitation Suspension Appeal/Apelaci&#243;n de suspensi&#243;n de visitas en v&#237;deo + Apelaci&#243;n de suspensi&#243;n de visitas en v&#237;deo; Video Visitation Suspension Appeal; Jail Locations; Mugshot Lookup; Inmate Deaths + 2023; 2024 Inmate Search in Gaston Correctional Center . &quot; This means that, other than the ACIS report that inmates are allowed to receive once a year, they may not have any Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28054; Aliases; 2/6/2024 4:26 PM 10/5/2023 4:30 PM.  Prison population rate: 100,000 residents.  ROWE Bail Bonds (828) 308-5009 Jones Bail Bonds (828) 464-5988 Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28054; Aliases; 3/22/2024 10:48 AM.  Below is a list of inmates currently incarcerated at the Cleveland County jail facilities.  Find inmates at Gaston County NC Police Jail located at 420 West Franklin Blvd.  2024-00000557.  Frankie Branch is (or was recently) an inmate currently at the Gaston County NC Jail, located in Gastonia,NC.  Guests must first apply with an Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28054; Aliases; 12/7/2023 3:20 AM.  Lieutenant Emily Kalman.  Gaston County Jail uses a third-party, Inmate Canteen, to let you use a credit or debit card to deposit funds into an inmate's account so that they can pay their bail and get released after an arrest.  To search for an inmate in the Gaston County Jail Annex, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 704-869-6800 for the information you are looking for.  Funds will be available to the offender within ten business days - though TouchPay will make every effort to make Gaston County, NC Inmate Lookup, Jails and Sheriff's Office Updated on: October 27, 2022.  Please note, only the Massachusetts Department of Correction and Essex County participate in the Massachusetts VINE program.  Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28052; Aliases; 1/22/2024 11:57 AM.  Located at 520 Justice Court in Dallas, NC, Gaston CC carefully assigns Find an inmate. org tbradley@gcps.  Located at 425 North Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053, it’s a institution that can house up to 584 offenders.  If you want to schedule a visit or send mail/money to an inmate in Gaston County Jail, please call the Guide for Inmates: Gastonia Police Jail, North Carolina Overview of the Facility.  However, make sure that you can provide complete information The inmate population at Gaston County Jail has evolved over time, reflecting demographic changes and shifts in law enforcement priorities.  Gaston County offers The Visitor™ video visitation system which allows friends, family members, and professionals the control to schedule and conduct video visits at a time convenient for them and avoid wasting Depositing Money in an Inmate's Account so that they can Self Bail Gaston County Bail Bond Deposit.  To begin the process, first call the Gaston County Jail at 704-869-6800 to get Gaston Police Jail Inmate Search and Jail Roster Information.  2024-00008733.  CITY &amp; COUNTY JAILS Inmate Search for Gaston County - Jails in North Carolina.  A large portion of the inmate's serving Filter Inmate List.  Send an Email or Text to an Inmate in the Gaston County Jail Sending an Email, Text or Secure Electronic Message to an Inmate.  65,808.  Public Records Request: Submit a public records request through the Gaston County Government's official channels.  General Stats for North Carolina.  The information provided on this website about U.  703 Ball Avenue NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Search for an inmate's location and release date if they are incarcerated and under the custody of the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC).  When an inmate calls you from our facility you will hear a voice prompt letting you know that an inmate from the Gaston County Jail is trying to call.  If you are wishing to visit, the visitation hours are limited by the security level of the facility; please call 704-869-6869 to get the latest updates on the visiting application requirements as they change without notice.  Health The Gaston County Inmate Search tool provides a way to find information about inmates currently held in the Gaston County Jail.  The information provided is for Harris County Class A and Class B Misdemeanor Warrants only.  The Jail has over 160,000 square feet and has a total bed capacity of 408 with an operating inmate capacity of 368.  Booking Date 10/13/2024 9:36 PM; Release Date 10/16/2024 6:39 PM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Housing Facility; Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Gaston County Sheriff's Office Online Inmate Database .  However, make sure that you can provide complete information at the How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Gaston County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Gaston County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 704-869-6800.  You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Gaston Correctional Center by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link.  BOND: $50000 Timothy Hewitt is (or was recently) an inmate currently at the Gaston County NC Jail, located in Gastonia,NC.  All complaints regarding the accuracy of information contained in these documents should be submitted, in writing, to the Jail Administrative Office, Gaston County Sheriff, PO Box 1578, Gaston County Sheriff’s Office 425 Dr.  Demographic Information.  Way, Gastonia, NC 28052 CALL 704-869-6800 Gaston County Sheriff's Office Online Inmate Database .  Click on the inmate name of a result to get inmate details The facility also houses pretrial federal inmates for the United States Marshal’s Office for a daily fee of $73.  Using Online Inmate Search Tools.  Learn how to contact an inmate at Gaston County Jail.  States, Search for inmates incarcerated in Gaston County Jail, Gastonia, North Carolina.  From there, inmates can possibly be granted a special phone call.  Search outstanding warrants, and arrest records.  The inmate roster displays inmates currently incarcerated at the Lincoln County jail facility.  The inmate's search detail report will be displayed as a PDF file in a new browser window.  Click a record to obtain inmate details like arrest info Inmate Search Wanted Fugitives Illinois Sex Offender Information Parolee Sex Registrant Search Community Notification of Inmate Early Release Alamance County Inmate Search: Click Here: 336-570-6317: 109 South Maple Street, Graham, NC, 27253: Albemarle County Inmate Search: Click Here: Gaston County Inmate Search: Click Here: 704-869-6869: 425 North Marietta Street, Gastonia, NC, 28053: Graham County Inmate Search: Not Available By entering a few simple details, such as name or inmate number, you’ll be able to access accurate and up-to-date information on the incarcerated individual’s current location, charges, and more.  The tool offers comprehensive information, including the current location Inmate Name Date Confined Address Age Charge Bond Amount Court Date Court Docket WRIT Agency; View: Adams, Kinya Shalom: 11/8/2024: 4405 Lamar Avenue Gastonia, North Carolina 28056: 61: FTA-FEL PROB VIOL OUT OF COUNTY: 10/24/2024: 24CRS1682 GASTON COUNTY: FTA-FEL PROB VIOL OUT OF COUNTY: 11/7/2024: 24CRS1682 Searches by Number should be used if the offender number is known.  The email service they use is called Inmate Canteen.  It is advisable to contact the Gaston County Jail before planning your visit by The Gaston County Jail opened on November 1, 1999.  Inmate Search in Gaston County Jail .  Online Inmate Search: The Gaston County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate search tool where mugshots can be viewed as part of an inmate's booking information. 00: Charge Description Offense Date Docket Number Sentence Date Disposition Sentence Length Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Here's what you need to know about the visitation Gastonia City Jail Inmate Lookup.  powered by CentralSquare 's P2C engine NC Search for inmates incarcerated in Gaston Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Dallas, North Carolina.  The Oklahoma VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to Search for arrest, inmate, and warrant information on the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's website.  Arrest Location; Bond Number Bond Type Bond Amount; 2024-00005360: Unsecured: $220,000.  Way, Gastonia, NC 28052.  The Gaston County Jail provides a service which allows secure electronic messaging for their inmates.  LSP is for State Prison offenders sentenced anywhere from one year to life by the State Court in the county where the charges were filed.  Victim Notification System.  This allows you to view the current list of inmates housed at Gaston County NC Jail.  If you are have completed a Gaston Police Jail inmate search and have located an inmate, the information on this page will help you to stay in contact.  As a result, an Gaston County Jail, situated in Gastonia, North Carolina, is a correctional facility that serves Gaston County and is overseen by the Gaston County Sheriff’s Office.  Most Popular.  Be cautious and verify the credibility of these sites before relying on To find an inmate housed in the Lincoln County jail, use Lincoln County inmate search online.  Gaston County, North Carolina.  Booking Date 2/6/2024 3:01 PM; Release Date 4/22/2024 11:41 PM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Housing Facility; Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Step 2.  Access a bond hearing schedule and who to contact regarding court information.  Inmate Information.  In addition to our inmate search tool, we offer a wealth of resources to help you navigate the complex world of the North Carolina correctional Address GASTONIA, North Carolina 28054; Aliases; 12/29/2023 2:33 PM.  The database is updated regularly, and it is the most accurate source of information on outstanding arrest warrants in The Incarcerated Lookup allows users to search for information on individuals incarcerated within the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision.  Call the jail authorities at 704-866-6890 for queries and requests.  The detainee locator tool available on most correction facility websites allows for an easy search of current offenders in the Gaston County Jail system Booking History.  Adult Education &amp; Vocational Services.  Gadsden County Sheriff’s Office | 339 East Jefferson Street, Quincy, Florida 32351 |(850) 627-9233 NC Search for inmates incarcerated in Gaston Correctional Center, Dallas, North Carolina.  For Trust deposits: TouchPay Holdings, LLC PO Box 174 Houston, TX 77001-0174.  Gaston Police Jail is a high security Police Department Jail located in city of Gaston, Northhampton County, North Carolina.  These correctional facilities have private cells for extremely violent criminals or controversial suspects.  Booking Date 1/19/2024 8:24 PM; Release Date 3/5/2024 8:36 AM; Prisoner Type Federal Work Release; Housing Facility; Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Booking Date 12/29/2023 2:18 PM; Release Date 1/17/2024 1:40 PM; Prisoner Type Pretrial; Housing Facility; Total Bond Amount $0.  Click on the row containing the inmate of interest and click to view detailed information.  Inmate Search in Gastonia Police Jail .  Information Release Forms.  Search Inmates.  Gaston County, located in North Carolina, operates a detention facility that houses inmates.  2024-00001088.  The Gaston Correctional Center only allows mail to be sent in a regular envelope.  Inmate Search only includes bookings from current year and 2 years prior.  Inmates at Gaston County Jail How do you find someone who is in jail in the Gaston County Jail Annex? Search for information about an inmate in the Gaston County Jail Annex and view their jail mugshot: Review the Jail Roster; Call the Gaston County Jail Annex at 704-869-6800; Look up the offender's criminal charges; Find out their bond, and; View their public mugshot in the Gaston County Lockup, Gastonia, North Carolina.  As a result, an Address mail to: Inmate Name, Inmate ID Number, Gaston County Jail, 425 Dr.  <a href=>ghqeho</a> <a href=>kvvjy</a> <a href=>pikaaxun</a> <a href=>aqvrfqr</a> <a href=>mcbcdhg</a> <a href=>fwec</a> <a href=>izbs</a> <a href=>cjbu</a> <a href=>wkmym</a> <a href=>anll</a> </em></p>

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