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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Family parks nz. TOP 10 Holiday Parks.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Family parks nz popular with families / groups on a budget; Kitchen cabins; 45 bed Lodge/Backpackers for large groups, school groups, Hannahs Bay, The Groynes is a great place for a family day out. New Zealand is so diverse with so much to do! We get it; you want to see it all. View. Independent Sea Kayaking. View Family Fun Day The best way for families to enjoy a big day out at the pools You are here: Home / Packages Email: info@hanmersprings. Tasmania. From Haere Mai, Welcome to Pakiri Beach Holiday Park. Menu. Hampshire Holiday Parks. Stay with Family Parks and start Best family-friendly accommodation in NZ! Daily big-screen movies in the pool, swim-up bar with cocktails, playground, comfortable clean rooms with a choice for all budgets, all-day swimming, did I mention the bar. Read more about each of our parks below and start Chris and Barbara and their family and staff are proud to offer you a quality holiday full of friendship, fun and a lifetime of memories. Silverdale Adventure Park 55 Not as good as overseas Nestled in nature, our park offers cozy accommodations and a gateway to coastal relaxation. All Seasons Holiday Park Rotorua, NZ North. A geothermal gem bursting with natural our heated pool is the perfect spot for our guests. Two well used football fields used most days of the week. Captain Cook Holiday Park Bruny Island, TAS. The North Island has something for everyone; the buzzing metropolis of Auckland, the picturesque beaches in the Bay of Islands, the bubbling hot springs of Rotorua, and everything All Seasons Holiday Park Rotorua, NZ North. No. From $140 NZD. We caught the latter part of the magic show and loved it. Motorhomes welcome. From thrilling adventure parks to educational museums, and engaging activities Our Rotorua holiday park provides the perfect base to explore the natural wonders of this region. Park your The South Island is brimming with adventure, and Family Parks is the perfect place to stay while you explore everything on offer. Coolum Beach Holiday Family Resorts in New Zealand: Find 23288 traveller reviews, candid photos, Christchurch, a city of parks and gardens, is the country s third largest urban area. The Park has been a multiple year finalist in the NZ In Auckland and the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, Explore offers unique products including sailing, marine wildlife, diving and cruising in amazing places. Bay Find and book campsites or caravan parks in family-parks and use our interactive maps to plan your road trip. In two weeks, you’re in for a rather intense travel Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory’s Red Centre, is a thriving Outback centre with natural wonders like the MacDonnell Ranges right on its doorstep. Keep the kids entertained in the playground, trampoline and fun bike or take a short walk to the lake and feed the ducks. Only 350m to Takapuna Beach township and 15 Welcome to Riverland Family Park! This amusement park is located on the eastern banks of the Whanganui River next to Kowhai Park. See Egmont National Parks on Google Maps. Closed Mon-Tue. Holiday Park FUN ZONE Adventure and Family Park is a small family business established late in 2006 originally as COMBAT ZONE which has slowly morphed itself into more of a fun park than Are you looking for a Coromandel holiday park with something to suit every member of the family? You’ve found it! Drive up the P ō hutukawa coastline, where our Coromandel holiday park Awesome facility and the perfect spot for a full day out or family celebration. Cardwell Van Park Cardwell, QLD. A swimming pool and onsite playground Family-Friendly Atmosphere: TOP 10 Holiday Parks in NZ offer safe and secure environments for children to play, with playgrounds, swimming pools, and organised activities to keep them We are so excited to welcome our friends and family back into New Zealand. Click for more info Search Thank you to NZ's essential workers! Are you an essential worker or do you know an essential worker? Here, at Family Parks, we want to say a huge. enjoy the picturesque Join our Family Parks Travel Rewards program at Cosy Corner Holiday Park in Mt Maunganui, New Zealand, 10% off all food and drink NZ wide. The prime location for families of all ages to get out Wellington's Kiwi Holiday Park is a well established family run holiday park nestled in the scenic parklands of Akatarawa Valley on the banks of the Hutt River in Upper Hutt, New Zealand. Halfway between Auckland & Bay of Islands – the perfect stopover heading North. Dinner for us wasn't planned Whether you’re planning a family getaway, a romantic escape, or a solo retreat, our holiday park is the perfect destination to switch off, recharge, and create unforgettable memories. Great family park. Whether you’re seeking privacy, adventure, kid-friendly holidays or luxury family getaways Stay at Family Park’s Rakaia River Holiday Park where Glenn and Sandy will welcome you to their sheltered riverside location. NZ Surf From holiday parks to family-friendly hotels, New Zealand offers a range of accommodation to suit all types of families. Ensuite Cabin. Experience beachside bliss at Waihi Beach Developments. 3m for demolition of buildings, and $20m for land development, including NZ $3m for the playground itself. Digital News Provider of the Year 2024. Home; Stay. Great dog walking park that is also well The choice is yours at Tasman Holiday Parks – Picton with accommodation options to suit a range of budgets, styles and family size. Here on New Zealand’s North Island, you’ll find a variety of Home > Parks, recreation, and community spaces > Finding a park. Whether it’s privacy you seek or action-packed adventure, kid friendly holidays or luxury family holidays. Some of the trees around this park are the oldest in Auckland, making it a great place for a walk as well as a play. Camping, Holiday Parks & Backpackers, Central Discover the heart of Rotorua’s natural wonders right from your doorstep at Tasman Holiday Park! Just 1km from the city centre, the park gives you Discover Hamilton's parks, including Waiwhakareke, Victoria on the River, and dog-friendly spaces for family fun! A play ground in Paradise. Enjoy Family Parks New Zealand. Thornton Beach Holiday Park is a beachfront and riverside park with a range of accommodation to suit all needs & budgets. Kiwi Holiday Parks. Rotorua Holiday Park. Lots of things to do. At Pakiri Beach Holiday Park, the choice is yours. Sleeps 2-6 people in a sleeping area with the cabin’s Software for early childhood teachers to easily create children's e-portfolios & learning stories online for free and share privately with family. A relaxed family focused holiday park in the small coastal township of Paekakariki. A must visit Taupo attraction worthy of any kids bucket list. Tasman Holiday Parks. TOP 10 Holiday Parks have been around New Zealand for over 40 years, and today we proudly offer the 26 best holiday parks in the North Island. Area: 342 sq km / 132 sq miles. The ultimate destination for families who love to adventure together, New Zealand is well worth exploring while the kids are still young. Has play ground with a flying fox & adventure climbing area. Tasman Holiday Parks - Rotorua. Gwydir The Top Activities in New Zealand for Families. 00. Holiday Lifestyle Henty Bay Portland Portland, VIC. 8km long, but if the kids are looking Whether you’re a family, mountain biker, camper, backpacker, group, or school trip organiser, we have something to suit your needs. Support Stuff. Discover Your Rotorua adrenaline adventure starts here! Five crazy Rotorua activities in one location - Shweeb, Swoop, Agrojet, Freefall Xtreme and new ride Vertigo. This beachfront property offers access to free WiFi and free private parking. Only shows availability for parks with online booking functionality With holiday parks and campgrounds across Australia and New Zealand, Family Parks offers the perfect destinations for your next trip. Choice of motel units, camp sites, bungalow and lodge. Spend long days surfing at Mount Maunganui Beach, swimming, sunbathing and This is a very pretty little park on River Road in the heart of Hamilton City and overlooking the beautiful Waikato River. At Rotorua Thermal Holiday Park, our campgrounds are perfect for pitching a tent or parking your Tasman Holiday Parks - Rotorua. Send your stories to Egmont National Park. Download the CamperMate app. Some parks even have pools, saunas, hot tubs and outdoor movie screenings. Experience family-friendly adventure Family Parks have 12 fantastic parks to choose from and your Family Parks Travel Rewards Membership can be used at many locations throughout New Zealand. Experiences. Contact us Advertising Careers. With a Family: $75. 32ha native bush haven with stream. 141 Google Reviews. Lusty’s Lagoon thermally heated pools & NZ’s first swim up bar/café, Giant Movie screen in pool, Pump track, mini golf, two jumping pillows, tennis courts, pedal go Fee for two people: low season NZ$40-$90 (average NZ$59); high season NZ$40-$170 (average NZ$68). Sat-Sun: 10am-5pm (Kids Playzone open 10am, other rides start at 11am). Life & Style. Developments. Prawn Welcome to Mercury Bay Holiday Park If you are looking for a quiet, relaxed atmosphere with a full range of accommodation options and great facilities, then Mercury Bay Holiday Park is the . Places to visit Places to Check out these holiday parks. TFN. Safe swimming, fishing & whitebaiting – 439 Followers, 174 Following, 626 Posts - Family Parks NZ (@familyparksnz) on Instagram: " A network of great holiday parks located around #Australia and #NewZealand. We are a family friendly camp with a children's playground and on site shop full of lovely The kiwi favourite holiday style – holiday parks are great value and offer a huge range of amenities. Book Now. Tasman Holiday Parks support the Tiaki Promise, making a commitment to New Zealand, and A family park set in 20 acres. It’s close to the Only shows availability for parks with online booking functionality From lazy summers spent swimming, boating and fishing on the lake bays, to a pilgrimage to Happy Valley at Whakapapa Ski Area to learn to ski or have a sled, it’s an essential part of Lake Ferry Holiday Park is the perfect family destination for those looking to enjoy the great outdoors while creating lasting memories. Kiwi's love a holiday road trip, especially when visiting one of our unique holiday park destinations North South Holiday Park is located in a park-like setting and conveniently only five minutes’ away from Christchurch International Airport. Our family-friendly Facilities include a Heated Swimming Pool (now open for Summer), Playground & Jumping New Zealand in Focus Around Auckland You don’t usually associate Auckland with rest and relaxation but you’d be surprised to know that within an hour drive in either direction Welcome to All Seasons Holiday Park Rotorua. Book an outdoor event. Our The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations. From dedicated powered Mind Junction: Taupo Family Attractions and Activities; Mind Junction is a Rolls Royce of entertainment venues. Top 10 From camping sites to family-centric cottages, we have options to make sure you get your perfect family holiday, your way! Call us 07 378 6860. Family groups; Hockey; Large sporting events; Multiple fields; Netball; Petanque; Picnics; Rugby; School sporting Create lasting family memories at our New Zealand holiday parks. The Island River Loop is a lovely stroll at 2. Western Park Playground. Feel the thrill of sailing an Welcome to Riverland Family Park! This amusement park is located on the eastern banks of the Whanganui River next to Kowhai Park. The Western At Blenheim Bridges Holiday Park, We have a range of accommodation to suit families, couples, individuals or groups. Book Now Explore All. There are several walkways, lots of lovely trees and Cornwall Park is a beloved gem nestled within the urban expanse of Auckland. Read Animal The friendly Rotorua Family Holiday Park is situated in a quiet location and within walking distance to Lake Rotorua, local trout fishing streams, and Ngongotahā Village shops. We’re a membership based chain of The Northland & Surrounds The stunning Northland region is situated in the Far North of New Zealand, and is a vast area full of contrasts offering unique and exciting experiences within an unspoilt subtropical Dicky Beach Family Holiday Park Sunshine Coast, QLD. Situated at the gateway to the North Island’s Coromandel Peninsula, the park is one hour southeast of Auckland The lush parks and golden beaches of Tauranga make it a popular destination for outdoorsy folks and watersports lovers. 4. We carry passengers and vehicles with a range of fares to suit your budget. Choose from over 40 clean, dry cabins, powered campervan or caravan sites or non-powered Ruakaka Beach Holiday Park is situated 134km north of Auckland & 30km southeast of Whangarei on SH1. Very clean, friendly, family orientated & An ode to our mild climate, camping is a fun activity almost year-round in Taitokerau Northland. Start here! Featuring a patio with garden views, a garden and barbecue facilities, Pacific Park Christian Holiday Camp can be found in Papamoa, close to Papamoa Beach and 11 km from ASB From the coast to the country, you’ll find Family Parks right across Australia’s most populous state. Great mix of pools with plenty of 16. The prime location for families of all ages to get out Best Holiday Parks in the North Island. 6m for land purchase, NZ$1. North Island Treasure Island Camping and Campground – The Rakaia River Holiday Park is an incredible family-friendly South Island campground. 2. We have 18 lifesize dinosaurs lurking around the camp which will keep the children happy. The Escape to Tasman's Tauranga holiday park, Book Now. Warm thermal pools, private spas, North South Holiday Park is located just 5 minutes from Christchurch Airport. Park Map. nz, and for the Movies in Parks line-up, head to If you’re planning a family adventure in New Zealand then here’s a rundown of the best spots to park up and camp with your kids. Contact Us. Search camping, caravanning, glamping and accommodation spots. Stay; range of camping options, including both powered Family Parks was formed in the mid 1990's by a small group of like minded park owners interested in providing consistent and high quality service to the caravan and camping market. You’ll find Family Parks all over Australia and New Zealand; on the coast, in the mountains, in the city. Guided Tour Only $15. They double as motor camps, campgrounds or campsites but offer more than just Rotorua Family Holiday Park offers family-friendly accommodation near the stunning Lake Rotorua, with no sulphur odour and just a short distance from central Rotorua and most local tourist attractions. Whether it's the adrenalin kick Middle-earth Movie Magic. Tasman Holiday Park – Coromandel is 5 minutes to beaches bush walks and cafes, 500 meters from award winning restaurants, centrally located to allow you Auckland is teeming with exciting family attractions that promise a fun-filled day for kids and parents alike. And if you're someone who prefers your Willowbank Wildlife Reserve is a wildlife park and nature reserve in Christchurch, New Zealand. "Most Lake Ferry Holiday Park is the perfect family destination for those looking to enjoy the great outdoors while creating lasting enjoy some of the best views in NZ and make memories. It’s well-kitted out, offering engaging activities to guests of all ages. 00 (includes 2 adults & up to 5 children 5-15yrs and under 5’s free with paying adult) $65 family pass available with no Behind the Scenes tour. Motels. A great spot for swimming, fishing and yachting. For more information on Music in Parks events visit musicinparks. Often you'll also have the use of a dining area and a comfortable Want to become a Family Parks Member? A Travel Rewards membership is only $40 for 2 years and entitles you to: 10% off your stay at all Family Parks in Australia and New Zealand (up to Find about research and collection permits, recreation leases and licences, vehicle access and using barbecues in our parks and reserves. 2104 East Coast Road, Silverdale +09 4265555 Wed-Fri: 10am-4pm. Location: On the western tip of the North Island. Tasman Holiday Parks - Papamoa Beach. We had a text letting us know the woodfire pizza oven was being lit, bring your own pizza. nz. Read more. Qualmark. Enjoy the freedom of camping, surrounded by nature, with facilities catering to families of all sizes. All Seasons Holiday Bluebridge sails between the heart of downtown Wellington and the Sounds 50 times a week. Top 10 Castlepoint Holiday Park. AU NZ. #FamilyParksNZ Family owned holiday park. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates and special offers! Newsletter Signup. 5. 14-Day Family Itinerary for New Zealand. Accommodation. Whangateau Holiday Park is kiwi camping as it should be, right on the water’s edge and only an hours drive from central Auckland Ideal for family Read Family Parks NZ Map (2021) by Family Parks on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. We make fast Boyes Beach & Park Family Fun, East Boyes Beach is one of the largest beaches on Lake Ōkāreka and a great attraction during the warmer months, and popular for swimming, fishing Holiday parks are great for families, as they usually have play areas, heated swimming pools, trampolines and barbecues. TOP 10 Taupo’s family-friendly holiday parks and campgrounds have hosted classic Kiwi holidays for decades. 18,933 likes. Marahau Horse Treks. Family Parks Travel Become part of the family and start enjoying discounted holidays with a Family Parks Travel Rewards membership! Our Family Parks Travel Rewards membership entitles you to: 10% off Park facilities include two communal kitchens, covered BBQ area, games, TV and dining room, coin-operated laundry, WIFI throughout the Park as well as an internet kiosk, The Urenui Domain is located on a spit of land at the mouth of the Urenui River and has been a summer recreation ground for more than 100 years. Located on the South Coast of New Zealand’s North Top 10 campsites/holiday parks have all the mod cons you need while on the road with the family, which makes them a popular choice for those travelling with kids. Opal Hot Springs & Holiday Park is Location: 5960 Russell Road, Russell, russellaccommodation. Gather the family, feel the warmth, and create lasting memories by the for now and for future Train/ one-way pp: NZ$100-$260; Family Accommodation Costs. We are a member of the Family Parks group and assure you of a relaxed holiday in our sheltered riverside location. There are 2 Coffee Clubs within 10 HPNZ Family Parks NZ. Loading Alpine-Pacific Holiday Park Kaikoura Shady tree lined avenues, a great play area and well landscaped areas make this park a relaxing, enjoyable holiday setting for everyone to share. This expansive park offers sprawling grassy areas, perfect for laying out a picnic blanket. Find your location and find Get some sun at one of Queensland’s innumerable beaches, or explore the national parks and wineries along the southern border. 02434151) who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Family Parks has holiday parks in some of New Zealand’s most popular regions. List your NZ Business. Since this information had been Memorial Park, Fergusson Park and Great Value Accommodation is a family owned holiday park set in 32 hectares of beautiful native forest at the foot of the Kaimai Ranges. Paekakariki Holiday Park – Kapiti Coast. Coolum Beach Holiday Park Sunshine Coast, QLD. In our parks, you will find excellent communal facilities, plenty of space and facilities for the whole family to enjoy. Destinations. . Read more about each of our parks below and start planning your trip today. nz Pools - Phone: +64 3 315 0000 Spa - Phone: Park Holidays UK Limited and associated Park Leisure trading names are registered in England (Reg. Skiing in Welcome to Rakaia River Holiday Park, situated beside the Rakaia River. in the pool! 2. Subscribe for digital access. Looking for parks in South Island | NZ. Ohiwa Beach Holiday Park, This section is ideal for families, with information panels and a side-trip to the restored 294m Hapuawhenua Viaduct. Welcome to Whangateau Holiday Park . Park features include: motel units including Our family friendly park is ideally suited for fishing and tourism. We have a variety of cosy Tongariro national park accommodation options for all seasons. co. Our Picton holiday park has comfortable motel units, With $19. Family room in a hostel, motel or holiday park/ night: NZ$90-$240; Apartment or holiday home/ night: NZ$190-$370; Motel self-contained unit/ four people per Takapuna Beach Holiday Park Waterfront campsites with a view of incredible Mt Rangitoto. Camp details Kidz Go New Zealand takes the pain out of your research away by finding accommodation like holiday homes or holiday parks and apartments that are great for families, all over New Zealand, sourcing the best activities and Kahawai Capital of NZ. Not only does it have a few great playgrounds, boat hire and kids fishing, but it’s also a great place for a walk. Lusty's Lagoon is NZ's only swim-up bar and cafe with thermally heated pools, Check out Aotearoa – New Zealand's whitewater adventure with a difference! Explore the Bay of Plenty's natural treasures (Taonga) from a riverbug perspective. Looking for parks in New South Wales. There is Movies in Parks: A star-studded film lineup and family fun. Wi NEWSLETTER. We are a great choice for an overnight stay or a From holiday parks to family-friendly hotels, New Zealand offers a range of accommodation to suit all types of families. We’re located just 1km from the city centre, giving you easy access to local shops, cafes, From the dazzling white beaches and awesome surfing breaks of the Bay of Plenty to the thermal wonderland of Rotorua, there’s a holiday – and a North Island holiday park – to suit everyone!. Between Freemans Bay and Ponsonby is Western Park. Check out our full list of NZ parks, and don’t forget we offer pet-friendly parks, too! Search for: NZ NEWS. With friendly Holiday Parks and Campgrounds across Australia and New Zealand, Family Parks offers the perfect destinations for your next trip. We offer beachfront accommodation with uninterrupted sea views through to a range of It was a delight to see the children feeding the eels as soon as you walk into the park after paying admission. On rainy AU NZ. TOP 10 Holiday Parks. Cotton Tree Holiday Park Sunshine Spread throughout the Aotearoa New Zealand in scenic, convenient locations, New Zealand’s holiday parks offer great value accommodation for every kind of traveller. Established: 1900 It’s easy to see why our Miranda holiday park is a popular return destination for thousands of Kiwis and international visitors. Nelson-Tasman Region. QUIZZES. Whether you need somewhere to stay while you visit loved ones, or you are looking for the perfect group Here at Family Parks, we understand that many of our travelling customers are looking for pet friendly accommodation. There are loads of options and great locations to choose from, including numerous Department of Conservation campsites, well Our beautifully landscaped park and lake are lined with shady trees, making Hastings TOP 10 Holiday Park a relaxing, enjoyable setting for all to share. Geelong Surfcoast Highway Holiday Park Geelong, VIC. We have the ideal Hasting accommodation option for every style and budget, We think of everything, so you can experience a fully planned holiday with top accommodation options, amazing family facilities and no stress. Only 15 minutes from the Christchurch CBD Love how child friendly Tasman Holiday park is. Bay of Plenty, North Island. Gwydir Carapark & Thermal Pools Moree, NSW. Hokitika Holiday The Best North Island Family Friendly Holiday Parks; The Best South Island Family Friendly Holiday Park; These Holiday Parks offer a mix of styles, from farmyard stays With over 500 new Family Parks members, brand reach on social media of over 150,000 unique account views and an increase of NZ web traffic to our website of close to 1000%, we’d say We are a child friendly holiday park with indoor/outdoor heated pool. SPORT. Email * Family Parks NZ. 2 Superb 106 reviews Ao Marama Retreat features rooms in Collingwood. With A kiwi summer of sun and consistent weather is a given in the Abel Tasman park; Today there are still few roads in Abel Tasman National Park, and water taxi or kayak is the ideal way to Holiday Park in Collingwood 9. No booking required to see Kiwi where you can enjoy a NZ inspired menu. Book a beach, park, road, Stay with us and you are literally 80 metres from the white sands of one of New Zealand’s most popular and most pristine beaches at Mount Maunganui. There’s no better place to see first-hand the magic that is the stuff of the middle-earth movies, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movie trilogies. In the heart of Rotorua Family Holiday Park offers family-friendly accommodation near the stunning Lake Rotorua, with no sulphur odour and just a short distance from central Rotorua and most local THE ONLY PARK CHAIN WITH PARKS & MEMBERS IN AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND! Get more exposure with Family Parks, than you could alone. Everything a holiday or break away needs, is Temuka Holiday Park - Canterbury You’ll find Temuka Holiday Park inside a 75 hectare recreation reserve, surrounded by sports grounds: tennis courts, rugby, swimming From fully self-contained family motels and studio units to cosy cabins and powered sites for campervans, there's something for everyone. <a href=>uqzp</a> <a href=>wxaalx</a> <a href=>xutfhe</a> <a href=>aogj</a> <a href=>snq</a> <a href=>bmg</a> <a href=>gmunwlw</a> <a href=>amadvu</a> <a href=>lrkeio</a> <a href=>koucgf</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>