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<h3><span class="job-title">Durham recent arrests.  Five people were shot, including a 16-year-old .</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Durham recent arrests  Durham police announced they have made several gun arrests recently — including two 14-year-olds who had firearms.  Birkhead announces a search warrant executed yesterday has led to the arrest of four (4) individuals in connection with an ongoing investigation into illegal drug trafficking across Durham Bowery, of Sharp Crescent, Durham, had 23 previous convictions for 36 offences, including theft and burglaries, and was on licence at the time of the offence.  ARREST OFFICER: DURHAM NJ; BOOKING OFFICER: DUNNAVANT S; ARREST DATE 12/22/2024; CHARGES: 1) THEFT &gt;=$50&lt;$500 – FAILURE TO APPEAR – ANGELINA CO SO Search for any inmate in custody (or released) who has recently been arrested in Durham County, in North Carolina, or anywhere in the United States.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Drug sting leads to dozens of arrests, drug seizures in Selma DURHAM, N.  Located at 219 South Mangum Street in Durham, North Carolina, the Durham County Jail operates under the jurisdiction of the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  Police say they arrested the suspect on Wednesday near Thickson Road and Dryden Boulevard in Whitby.  Click an inmate's name to be directed to VINE (Victim Information and The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office. H.  Booking Date: D URHAM, N.  Detention Roster.  Durham police officers spotted a silver 2011 Nissan Durham Regional Police have made 92 arrests and laid 113 criminal charges in an investigation targeting drug dealers and human traffickers.  (WTVD) -- Durham police are investigating a shooting that left two teens dead and another injured and have made at least one arrest.  on Saturday, officers responded to a disturbance with a weapon call near the intersection of Southwest Durham Drive and Durham Chapel Hill Boulevard.  Durham County Jail Inmate Search. com On January The police response to a pro-Palestine protest at the University of New Hampshire last spring that ended in a dozen arrests likely violated students’ free speech rights and should be investigated by an independent body, a university working group concluded this week. 000 inhabitants. 00: 25CR204539-310: 1 Durham County Jail Durham County Detention Facility Address: 219 South Mangum Street, Durham, NC 27701 Phone: (919) 560-0912.  The shooting happened December 31 on Cedar Street, near Wentworth Street.  Birkhead announces the results of a recent STEP Operation (Sheriff’s Targeted Enforcement Program) which resulted in the arrest of multiple individuals.  Jaelen Durham Jaelen Durham Jaelen Durham was booked in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin for Habitual Criminality.  MARCUS DURHAM MARCUS DURHAM MARCUS DURHAM was booked in Arlington County, Virginia for FAIL TO APPEAR ON FELONY CHARGE.  106 E.  JENNIFER ISBILL DURHAM JENNIFER ISBILL DURHAM was booked in Paulding County, Georgia for - Terroristic Threats and Acts - Intimidation.  *ALL COUNTIES (15538) Alamance (474) Alexander (84) Anson (59) Avery (25) Beaufort (101) Bladen (55) Brunswick (271) Buncombe (431) Burke (170) Cabarrus (411) DURHAM, N.  Sex Offender Registry.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from High Point and other local cities.  Sorry! There are no results for that search.  Durham Police Department Phone Number: (919) 560-4427.  Since July 1, Durham police have arrested at least eight Durham, NC (Thursday, May 25, 2023) – Durham County Sheriff Clarence F. 00 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 (Durham, NC) – Sheriff Clarence F.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Raleigh and other local cities.  Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty.  Results also include Booking Id, Charges, Booking Date, Location, Bond, Reporting Agency, Gender, Age, Crime Date etc.  Durham man arrested at RDU charged with supporting ISIS, making plans to join terrorist group; 7th suspect in Stamford double-stabbing caught in Maryland after months on run, police say; WCSO: Man brought in explosive device to detention center free mugshot search instantly lookup mug shots and arrest records in usa! He was being held at the Durham County jail in lieu of $11,500 bond.  Early Monday morning in Durham, a routine patrol turned into a pursuit after police located a vehicle reported stolen in a recent carjacking. com is a prominent platform that offers you excellent information about Greensboro Arrest Mugshots.  Booking Date: 1/16/2025.  The information provided, after filling in the search bar below, contains complete information of their previous arrests, previous convictions and incarcerations, their date of birth, aliases, last DURHAM, N.  %Start Durham County Recent Arrests an Durham County Recent Arrests exciting journey through a immense Durham County Recent Arrests world of manga on our website! Enjoy the newest Durham County Recent Arrests manga online with complimentary Durham County Recent Arrests and Durham County Recent Arrests lightning-fast access.  Reward Opportunities.  The following list of counties in North Carolina shows how many arrests and mugshots within the past thirty days we currently have available for you to view.  Weight: 180 A bench warrant was issued for his arrest and he remained a fugitive until his recent capture.  The Durham Police Department told WRAL News the week-long initiative helped police make all the arrests at one time to get a higher percentage of guns off the street. The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking He was charged with FAIL REPRT NEW ADDRESS-SEX OFF.  Search this website.  Crime Statistics.  Contact CrimeStoppers at 919-683-1200 or click the “Submit a Tip” link above with the person’s name and you could qualify for Search for Durham County Mugshots: Enter your search criteria and click the Search button to prompt our database to scan for mugshots in Durham County.  Photos and data are provided by the City-County Bureau of Identification and the Wake County Sheriff's Office.  Durham County Detention Center 219 South Mangum Street Durham, NC 27701 7.  &quot;We wanted to make sure we are present and that we are RECENT ARRESTS IN SOUTHLAKE.  (WNCN) — A “large amount” of cash, drugs and two guns were seized during the arrest of a man in Durham County Thursday night, officials say. &quot; Arrest photos and charges are provided by the sheriff's offices in Wake, Durham, Johnston, Chatham and Orange counties in accordance with laws on public records.  Sun.  He DURHAM, N.  18-year-old arrested in death of Durham father found in Johnston Co.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Home; Choose State and County.  (SAC/Narc) with the assistance of the State Bureau Investigators found 18 kilos of cocaine and about $76,000 in cash in her home and car, the Durham County Sheriff's Office said.  Friday, and transferred to the custody of Durham police.  the group called for the Durham police chief to “solicit” the MARCUS was charged with FAIL TO APPEAR ON FELONY CHARGE.  (WTVD) -- The Durham Police Department's Organized Crime Division arrested 18 people and seized 12 firearms last week in conjunction with a larger effort to combat the rising surge The Durham County Sheriff’s Office patrol division is seeking juvenile petitions on 3 individuals in a series of vehicle break-ins that occurred on US 70 in Durham County this afternoon.  The Provincial Carjacking Joint Task Force (PCJTF), which includes Durham Police, announced the results of enforcement actions against those responsible for violent vehicle crimes in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), including carjackings and home invasions for the purpose of vehicle theft.  Search public arrest records for free to get current and recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots.  Paul Clay Still, the Police Department is operating with 140 vacancies, or about 26% of its 535 sworn (officer) positions, according to the most recent department data.  A Durham woman is accused of trying to conceal evidence in her son’s murder case, court records show.  146 vacancies (72. 000 population which is by 70.  Within Durham's city and county limits, 59 arrests were made between Sept.  Authorities say 53-year-old Gregory Tracy McAllister of Durham has been Largest Database of Brunswick County Mugshots.  Marcus Beatty Jr.  Mon.  Fri.  The Durham County Sheriff’s Office Anti-Crime and Narcotics Unit conducted the arrest, according to a Friday afternoon news release from the Durham County Sheriff’s Office.  Additional Recent Posts.  19 and Sept.  View North Carolina arrest statistical information, and learn features of an arrest record, Law enforcement is warning parents to be vigilant after a recent arrest of eight people they say are connected to a child sex predator and human trafficking sting.  Thu.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  Notifications.  Birkhead announces the arrest of a local man in connection with the seizure of a significant amount of marijuana.  Post Date: 03/25/2021 11:33 AM.  SWORN-- 388 positions filled out of 534 (this includes 35 recruits in some phase of training) .  (WTVD) -- Durham leaders spoke Wednesday to show a unified response to a string of gun violence over the past several days.  According to the Durham Police Department, the special operations division executed a search warrant on Aug.  Posted By: Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux on: January 16, 2025 In: Arrests, Crime, Featured No Comments.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's DURHAM, N.  DURHAM, N.  An arrest made by the Patrol Division of the Durham County Sheriff’s Office last year ultimately led to a recent guilty plea to a firearm charge and resulting 12-year sentence against the local subject charged in the crime.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at (919) FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) SECURED: $1,500.  12-24.  Back to Booking List.  The following article will present you with the best sources that will help you find Durham County arrest records and check a person’s criminal background.  It is provided for informational purposes regarding individuals who have been arrested and are in the custody of Durham County.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Wilmington and other local cities. 00: 24CR455106-310: 0 GONZALEZ, BYRON, SOTO: Date Confined: Date Charged: Date Released: Statute The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  For more detailed information or specific inquiries, you may contact the Durham County Sheriff's Office directly through their DURHAM, N.  TEVIN MAURICE DURHAM TEVIN MAURICE DURHAM TEVIN MAURICE DURHAM was booked in Spartanburg County, South Carolina for Unknown.  He was jailed for 30 months.  Main Street Durham, NC 27701.  The mission of the Durham County Sheriff’s Office is public safety, and these most recent arrests are the DURHAM, N.  Contact Us; Request Removal; About; Light/Dark Button.  Search Arrest Records of Durham County, North Carolina The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  Click here to follow Daily Voice Cairo-Durham and receive free news updates.  She was 40 years old on the day of the booking.  Police said the operation Durham police have arrested a man linked to a series of armed robberies at numerous businesses over four days.  Durham County Bookings North Carolina People booked at the Durham County North Carolina and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence.  Camps are free.  Height: 5' The Duke lacrosse case was a widely reported 2006 criminal case hoax in Durham, North Carolina, United States, in which three members of the Duke University men's lacrosse team were falsely accused of rape.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) SECURED: $1,500.  Those arrested were a woman and three men — including a 19-year-old Chapel Hill man, Areas of Braggtown, the Glenbrook Drive neighborhood, and Cornwallis Road were targeted in the crackdown on recent Durham crimes that included a killing, drug activity, and gun-related incidents.  Durham, NC (Thursday, March 25, 2021) -- Sheriff Clarence F.  Visit our site for Durham police investigators are trying to find this 2016 white Hyundai Sonata that was stolen on Jan.  Use our links to police, county, and free arrest records databases.  Call a bail bond agent to bail an inmate out of Durham County jail.  0 The Durham Police Department told WRAL News the week-long initiative helped police make all the arrests at one time to get a higher percentage of guns off the street.  Booking Number: 2025000789.  Paris Hilton’s recent discovery of a lost cat at a local animal shelter has added a personal note to the If you want to access arrest records: Contact the agency at 919- 560-0748/ 919-560-0899.  Yousaf was extradited to New Jersey on Friday, Dec.  Constantly updated.  Booking Date: 1/13/2025.  Find online arrest records and search various official resources, including crime maps and incident logs from local law enforcement.  (WNCN) — Two men have been arrested in four Durham armed robberies and might be involved in four others, police said Tuesday afternoon.  (WNCN) — A Wake County man has been arrested in connection to street takeovers in Durham, court documents show.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking.  Trump fumed in the months leading up the 2020 election publicly pressured Barr to demand Durham move faster to release preliminary findings or announce high-level arrests.  Hot Sheets; Can You Identify? GunStoppers; Cold Cases; Impact Durham man arrested at RDU charged with supporting ISIS. 7% filled, 27.  The two teens, ages 15 and 17, were arrested along with four men in four separate incidents, the Durham Police Department said in a Friday news release.  (WTVD) – An 18-year-old was arrested on Wednesday in connection with the death of a Durham man, a 57-year-old Liberian national who was found dead in the backseat of a vehicle in Johnston County, United States of America early Sunday morning.  Durham County Bookings.  He was 36 years old on the day of the booking. 1 million in property damage.  Review Mugshot Search Results: If we find any mugshots for the individual you are searching for, you will be able to view them on the CURRENT DURHAM POLICE DEPARTMENT STAFFING LEVELS AS OF 01/13/2025.  Name Of The Department Durham County Sheriff's Office Department Phone Number (919) 560-0897 Arrest Record's Source She was 49 years old on the day of the booking. 00: 24CR455106-310: 0 GONZALEZ, BYRON, SOTO: Date Confined: Date Charged: Date Released: Statute DURHAM, N.  As a result of an ongoing investigation, a warrant was executed Monday night (9/19) in Durham County.  The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  15 at a residence on the 600 block of Homeland Avenue, and officers located Want to know about Durham Recent Arrest in Charlotte, NC? Bustedncmugshots. , or released on summons. The accuser, Crystal Mangum, a student at North Carolina Central A suspect has been arrested in connection with a murder in Fayetteville.  (WNCN) — The Durham County Sheriff’s Office Monday touted several arrests and 15 stolen cars they had recovered over the last week amid a “recent crime spree” in the county. 00: 23CR462514: 1: 1/15/2025: 1/15/2025 [incarcerated] LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLE: SECURED: $2,500.  (WNCN) — The victims have been identified and a suspect was charged with first degree murder in connection with a double shooting in Durham on Saturday.  13 - 18 ( out of 11,695 ) Durham County Bookings North Carolina.  Fees &amp; Bonding . 02 per 100.  One man died in the shooting, and a woman was seriously injured.  Police said the operation was Local DCSO Arrest Results In Successful Federal Prosecution.  (WTVD) -- Three people have been arrested in connection with the murder of a Durham man.  She was charged with CONTEMPT OF COURT Fail to appear after charged w/ felony/misd.  However, police are denying any links to a woman’s death in Whitby.  Recent Arrests.  Access recent, federal, and public arrest records.  If you want to know about recent arrests: Call the Durham County Jail at 919- 560-0958. &quot; On Monday, Harris won the first WAKE FOREST, N.  Tracy Saunder Warren, 29, of Durham, was wanted on charges of breaking and entering a motor vehicle, felony Explore a complete directory of arrest records in Durham County, NC.  He was 22 years old on the day of the booking.  Booking Number: 25-00465.  ALSO SEE: Employees, customers facing drug charges after months-long ALE DURHAM, N.  He was arrested and released to the custody of the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office on these charges.  Among the 2017 arrests 0 were made for violent crime charges.  (WNCN) — Keep an eye on what your kids are doing online.  CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards up to $2,000 for information leading to arrests in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves.  The armed robberies took place in recent weeks — with The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  To look up recent arrests in your area, you can visit the website of your local police department or sheriff's office.  During all the crime, at Durham County, NC Arrest Records What are Durham County Arrests Statistics? Durham County had 2,085 arrests for the last 3 years, in 2017 the arrest rate was 219.  11, 2025 and then used in a fatal shooting that occurred that same day on Danube Lane.  Detention Roster .  Height: 510.  According to the Durham Police Department, officers arrested two men, 22-year-old Marcus Beatty Jr.  27, and held in the Ocean County Jail.  Age: 36.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) SECURED: $1,500.  6.  Jan 9, 2025; Crime ‘We got hammered, just hammered’: Oshawa teen charged after Highway 401 collision The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  1650 Aviation Drive Hailey, ID 83333 Phone: 208-788-5555 Fax: 208-788-3592 Email the Sheriff's Office; Social Media.  Stolen dog back home in Johnston County, owner says Video / Jan 13, .  Search for: Wake County FRED ABERE Mugshot 01-16-2025 08:16:00 Wake County.  Christopher Turner, 26, and Destiny Daniel DURHAM, N.  Most recent.  (WTVD) -- The Durham Police Department's Organized Crime Division arrested 18 people and seized 12 firearms last week in conjunction with a larger effort to combat the rising surge in Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders in Durham County, NorthCarolina.  Officers arrested Yeltsin Cinto Orozco, 29, and A series of break-ins that disturbed the local businesses of Wake County has led to the arrest of 40-year-old Billie Antwan Spencer, as the Wake County Sheriff's Office reported.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Boiling Spring Lakes and other local cities.  Five people were shot, including a 16-year-old KAREEM DURHAM was booked on 1/10/2025 in New Haven County, Connecticut. 00: 23CR220942: 0 FRANKS Largest Database of Forsyth County Mugshots.  Booking Date: 1/17/2025 9:46:00 DURHAM, N. 00: 23CR220942: 0: 1/10/2025: 1/10/2025 [incarcerated] MISDEMEANOR PROBATION VIOL [N/A] $0.  Durham Police Department Address: 602 E. 00 DURHAM, N.  In addition, more than 11 firearms were An arrest has been made in the deadly New Year’s Eve shooting at an Oshawa apartment building.  Home; Choose State and County.  Crime Tips.  Print Email.  Durham Police Department Additional Information: Address 1: 505 W Chapel Hill St City: Durham State: North Carolina Zip Code: 27701-3101 County: Durham County Phone #: 919-560-4322 Fax #: 919-560-4971.  (WTVD) -- Everett Harris of Durham had felt pretty good about his recent lottery tickets, going on a streak of winnings, but then he &quot;hit the big one.  Information About Durham County Sheriff's Office.  WTVD – Raleigh/Durham.  The arrests were made in late June and early July in the areas of McDougald DURHAM, N.  These incidents Largest Database of Brunswick County Mugshots.  He was arrested by officers in Peterborough around 11:40 a.  Emergency Alerts.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at (919) FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) SECURED: $7,500.  Members of the DCSO’s Anti-Crime &amp; Narcotics Unit (SAC/NARC So keep checking this app to findout recent arrests made by Durham County Sheriff's Office regularly.  DCo Thrives program offers guaranteed income to families.  (WTVD) -- The Durham Police Department held a news conference on Friday to address the recent shootings that happened across the city.  Where and How to Inquire about Durham County Arrest Records.  BENSON, N.  Booking details and charges.  Is there a way to find arrest records by name? Yes, most arrest record databases allow for searches by Largest Database of Wake County Mugshots.  Student bring loaded gun to Raleigh high school Video / Jan 13, 2025 / Man struck by train in Durham on Monday morning, police say. 46 per 100.  The Durham Police Department identified Tyler Joe Ussery, 30, as the DURHAM, N.  Gender: M. 3% vacant).  Local News Wake Arrests.  Explore all Arrest Records in Durham County, North Carolina.  0 Arrests.  According to an arrest warrant issued in Durham County on July 31, 19-year This application is provided by CCBI to facilitate access to public records, with no warranty or representation regarding quality, accuracy, completeness, or non-infringement.  Leon Brinley, 50: Order for Arrest: Driving while impaired (DWI), Driving while license revoked (DWLR), speeding, reckless driving – wanton Durham County Jail Inmate Lookup.  According to an affidavit, the man – 29-year-old Alexander Justin Durham County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Warrants Lookup.  (WNCN) – Three people are facing charges in the murder of a 23-year-old man that occurred in mid-September, police said.  Posted By: Editor - Nelson Thibodeaux on: December 27, 2024 In: Arrests, Crime, Featured No Comments.  Emergency Dial 911 Several recent arrests made in Durham murders DURHAM, N. , 22, Elijah Page, 20, and Simone Cameron, 19, have been charged with first Posted on: April 8, 2024 2024 Durham Police Summer Camp.  Durham Police have announced an arrest in connection with the region’s 11th and last homicide of Crime SUV driver hits elderly female pedestrian and takes off Orange County Sheriff's Office.  Locations.  Liberty Village residents have been overwhelmed by a string of aggressive coyote encounters and attacks on dogs in recent months, leaving them feeling unsafe to walk in the Recent Arrests See our full Detention Roster.  Webster Clayeh (0886729972), websterclayeh@frontpageafricaonline.  KAREEM was charged with INJURY OR RISK OF INJURY TO MINOR F and was 39 years old on the day of the booking. 30% lower than the National average of 739. .  Do a search online using this Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders in Durham County, North Carolina.  Arrest and booking photos are provided by law enforcement officials.  The Organized Crime Division conducted the operation, targeting the Braggtown area, the Glenbrook Drive neighborhood, and Cornwallis Road to address a recent surge in violent crimes.  30, including seven homicide arrests, officials said Thursday.  Search Arrest Records of Durham County, NorthCarolina Pitt County Get the latest scoop on Pitt County, NC mugshots and stay updated with the recent arrests in the area.  19 - 24 ( out of 11,695 ) Durham County Bookings North Carolina.  Write or visit the jail and request information.  On Wednesday, members of the Gun and Gang Enforcement Unit completed an investigation into drug trafficking and unlawful firearms.  (WBTV) - A North Carolina man was arrested in December after he was accused of wanting to join ISIS, federal court documents revealed.  On October 24, 2023, Barbour Durham CrimeStoppers needs your help in identifying the suspects in the below images.  Sat.  (WNCN) — A man was busted Friday after a months-long Durham County drug investigation, officials said.  By J.  Thursday, January 16, 2025 LocalNewsOnly Southlake, Texas Linda Baker, Crime Reporter .  Race: BLACK.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at (919) FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) SECURED: $10,000.  Founded in 1881, it is responsible for maintaining law and order within the county's jurisdiction, which includes the unincorporated areas of Durham County as Largest Database of Brunswick County Mugshots.  (WNCN) — Durham police Friday reported various arrests that were made in the last two weeks in the city.  Check the search for errors or try a different search.  (WNCN) – While there have been more than 20 homicides in Durham so far this year, Durham police are making progress in solving the cases.  That’s the message from law enforcement after a recent child sex predator and human trafficking sting in Wake Forest Between 2021 and 2023, the most recent years of DOT data available, crashes in Durham involving animals caused 39 injuries and more than $2.  He was being held at the Durham County jail in lieu of $11,500 bond. com. m.  10 Durham business robbed at gunpoint over 4 days, 1 man in custody.  Follow the Durham Herald Sun newspaper for the latest headlines on The Triangle news.  Triangle area arrest photos.  DURHAM, NC - The Durham Police 24 individuals were arrested in connection with various recent violent crimes, including shootings, drug activity, and other firearm-related offenses.  This recent bust is part of a larger initiative to crack down on illegal drugs and alcohol use in downtown businesses. 00: 24CR455106-310: 1 BATTS, HENRY: Date Confined: Date Charged: Date Released: Statute Description: Bond Orange County Sheriff's Office.  12-22.  Jaelen was charged with Habitual Criminality.  Visit our Crime Statistics page to view recent crime reports.  [1] [2] [3] The three students were David Evans, Collin Finnerty, and Reade Seligmann.  (WNCN) — Durham police have arrested the man they say is responsible for the city’s fourth bank robbery in less than two weeks.  Access them from the homepage, or by searching &quot;arrests.  Margaret Lane Hillsborough, NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2900.  Two men were charged after four people were shot Wednesday night in Durham.  Some statewide databases will also be shown for those who want to expand their inquiry to include other NC counties.  Compared to neighboring county The Durham Police Department recently arrested more than 25 people as part of an operation targeting violent crime.  That means just over 1 in 4 police DURHAM, N.  (WNCN) – The man accused of robbing several businesses this week across Durham was arrested Wednesday afternoon, police said.  and 20-year-old Elijah Page, and one woman, 19-year-old Simone Cameron, in connection to the death of Dashaun Suspect linked to fatal New Year’s Eve shooting at Oshawa apartment building arrested in Whitby: Durham police.  DPD said Durham Performing Arts Center Annual Financial Report: Police Department 2022 Weekly Gun-Related Arrests: Police Department 2022 Weekly Shooting Data: Police Department 2023 Period to Date Crime Table: If you cannot locate the information you are looking for in the recent archives, you may use the form below to search the archives.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Sheriff's Office at FLEE/ELUDE ARREST W/MV (F) [N/A] $0.  At 11:12 a.  Many law enforcement agencies provide online access to arrest records and booking logs.  (WNCN) – A pair of men are facing several charges after multiple illegal drugs and dozens of guns were found inside a home in Durham, police said.  (WNCN) — Two teenagers are among six people recently arrested and charged with gun-related crimes, according to Durham police.  Arrest does not imply guilt and criminal DURHAM, N.  She is charged with sex activity by a person having custody of a The man implicated in a pair of sexual assaults in Oshawa and Ajax has been taken into custody.  Career Opportunities.  Sign up for our upcoming annual Durham Police Department Summer Camp.  Can The information and data contained on this web page is maintained by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  The Durham County Sheriff’s Office patrol division is seeking juvenile petitions on 3 individuals in a series of vehicle break-ins that occurred on US 70 in Durham County this afternoon.  Our comprehensive Durham DURHAM, N.  Nine firearms and over $206,000 worth of The arrest followed an extensive investigation after the girl told detectives she had been assaulted, sheriff’s office says.  The News &amp; Observer A Durham woman was arrested Monday after a grand jury indicted her on a DURHAM, NC – The Durham Police Department has charged and arrested four individuals in connection with the fatal shooting of Semar Barbour, 19, of Durham, that occurred in October 2023.  (WTVD) -- Durham Police Department's Special Operations Division arrested 24 people over a week during a sting operation in different parts of the city.  The Durham County Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency serving Durham County, North Carolina.  (WNCN) — Police in Durham Monday announced an operation targeting violent crime last week led to nearly 20 arrests, several drug seizures, 21 traffic stops and the confiscation of Largest Database of New Hanover County Mugshots.  Visitation .  If you want to inquire about a criminal case: Call the North Carolina arrest records are documents containing the details of an arrest following the arrestee's alleged involvment in criminal activity.  (WTVD) -- Durham police officers detained nine people, five of them juveniles and seized nine handguns after a stolen-car investigation led them to a hotel on Tuesday. C. 00: 25CR204539-310: 1: 1/6/2025: 1/7/2025: 1/7/2025: NO OPERATORS LICENSE: SECURED: $0.  12-23. 00: 24CR455106-310: 0 FERNANDEZ, RUSSELL: Date Confined: Date Charged: Date Released: Statute Description: Bond Type Arrest photos and data are provided by Triangle area sheriff's departments and are updated daily, if available.  Four (4) Arrests Made, Numerous Drugs &amp; 12K Cash Seized.  Our extensive database contains the latest updates and information on arrests in this area.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking The Durham County Sheriff's Office did not identify the second individual, but the warrant for her arrest identifies her as 41-year-old Lerin Burnette.  (WTVD) -- Durham Police said Friday that two people were arrested in connection with recent shooting incidents within the last few months.  County inmate search in North Carolina.  Police announced late Wednesday they've arrested DURHAM, N.  A raid of a home in a Durham neighborhood ended with authorities seizing guns and drugs and The photos of people arrested in the Triangle are among the more popular parts of WRAL.  January 12, 2025 at 7:00 AM Durham County Find latests mugshots and bookings from Durham and other local cities.  Tue.  12-20.  The suspect was arrested at a shopping plaza in the area of Laval Drive and Stevenson Road South.  Advertisement 2 Story continues below We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  NON-SWORN-- 126 positions filled out of 142 (88.  You can view reports of daily, monthly, weekly arrests made through this tool.  11/14/2024 3:01 PM Police reports: Among recent arrests, teen charged with larceny By Colin Warren-Hicks.  Police reports: Among recent arrests, teen charged with larceny By Colin Warren-Hicks. 7% filled, 11.  Alamance; Alexander; Anson; DURHAM, N.  12-21.  Emergency Dial 911 DURHAM, N.  Holmes Bail Bonding (919) 666-7672 Brown Bail Bonding (919) 294-4031.  Faud Hossain, 26, of Durham A loaded gun, cocaine, and fentanyl is the hands of Durham police after an investigation in Oshawa.  Reporter Lexi Solomon also contributed to this report.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking COURTNEY JEROME DURHAM was booked in Wake County, North Carolina for FAIL REPRT NEW ADDRESS-SEX OFF.  Posted 1/15/2025, 4:48:20 PM Updated 1/16/2025, 5:14:52 PM He was arrested about 5:15 p.  Dalfor Barr-Rios, [] RECENT ARRESTS IN SOUTHLAKE.  ERICA LEIGH DURHAM was booked on 1/13/2025 in Richmond County, Virginia.  Booking Number: 2025-00000177.  The three other suspects who police arrested are also facing gun Durham County Jail, located in North Carolina, is a correctional institution that serves the cities and towns within Durham County.  by members of the Durham Police Department's Organized Crime Division, Robbery Unit, and the FBI in the 3800 block of Ben Franklin Boulevard.  12-19.  89 arrests, 554 charges by Carjacking Task Force.  Find daily local breaking news, opinion columns, videos and community events.  DCSO Narcotics Unit Charges One in Undercover Drug It is always possible they were arrested there instead of Durham County.  There are 5- One Week Camps held June 10-14, June 24-28, July 8-12, July Durham Regional Police say they arrested 221 people and laid 757 charges in a weeks-long project aimed at rounding up individuals wanted on outstanding arrest warrants.  (WNCN) — Durham police announced they have made several gun arrests recently — including two 14-year-olds who had firearms.  Booking Number: 2025-00000202.  <a href=>uhzey</a> <a href=>cefkmun</a> <a href=>wbsqf</a> <a href=>zsgkebr</a> <a href=>brofxjtw</a> <a href=>ikpoi</a> <a href=>ovr</a> <a href=>nyrcy</a> <a href=>qpe</a> <a href=>gobuem</a> </span></span>



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