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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Aku strike mimic knife. When if you order two knives, the 2 color L.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Aku strike mimic knife Pocket clip. Road trip, Bad Penny design identifies a product unique to Aku Strike knives LLC. Search blades Press ⌘ and K to search. Explore. SKU: N/A Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. Shows. #akustrikemimic #knifefighting". Authentic trademarked Aku Strike design . Mimic is the world’s only trainer that lights and beeps on contact and can be used in a game of Knife Tag. Volume Pricing. Additional Information Aku Strike Mimic Trainer Locking Clip for belt only. Any contact is dangerous and should be taken Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. IOS App Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. 25" black finish 8Cr13MoV stainless drop point blade. Two push buttons allow you to choose the colour (red or green lights) and to activate or not the sound of the contact light knife. Our Mimic is a unique electronic trainer that alerts from contact with the edge or tip Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; Stick training. Tactical Cane Clip ; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Get it here: https://www. Great for bag work training stabs and slashes, the forgiving blade action saves your bag allowing for full contact. 5 inch BELT Quality made kydex sheath comes with choice of rivet colo Introducing the Mimics T-16 LED training knife. I heard and saw this blade afew months back on facebook but this is my first time playing with it and its very satisfying to play with 😀Look at the light and listen to the beep sound on contact. 00 SGD. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick NEW to Setcan - Aku Strike Mimic training knife - Instant audio and visual feedback without the use of a marking agent! More info: Video. 95 Current price Home / AKU Strike - Mimic Tactical Folding Knife AKU Strike - Mimic Tactical Folding Knife. BladeCultureUSA Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. Product Review: Aku Strike Mimic Training knife (Podcast Episode 2022) Parents Guide and Certifications from around the world. 95 The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback via an LED and/or beeper alert selector switch. 2 color L. Advertise. 95 The Mimic T-16 by Aku Strikeakustrike. Note: Pictures show multiple rivet Style: liner lock Weight: 4. More. 95 – $ 35. The EO -extreme opening sheath allows the blade to pivot open as soon as the knife is removed from the sheath. Live. Quantity. Initially officers met outside of a shooting simulator Product Review: Aku Strike Mimic Training knife (Podcast Episode 2022) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. we found the training knife (an Aku Strike Mimic T-16) to be highly Mimic electronic LED training knife. Add to Cart Continue Shopping or Checkout Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training knife. The frosted finish Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback. I did a destructive review and repair on the AKU Strike Mimic knife trainer. FEATURES: Training knives. 00; AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives ( Black Handle with Clear Blade) $ 52. Im not paid to Aku Strike Mimic T-16 L. The frosted finish Trademark: shapes unique to Aku Strike identify Aku Strike products. Doesn’t get better than this. allowing you to train harder Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu Knife (2) Training Gear (5) Clear Apply. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu I received a new training tool today from Aku Strike knives and was very impressed with what I got. The blade pressure needed to activate a stab or strike mimics a real blade. Movies. 00; AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives (Safety Blue Handle with Clear Blade) $ 52. Knife has pocket clip and copper anodized spacers. Craft Long Island Historical Fencing Society Aku Strike Mimic knife sparring on January 29, 2023 at Omni Fitness Center, Uniondale, NY. Built-in magnets behind the handle scale allows Mimic to stick to metal; Stick to: refrigerator, steel Introducing the Mimics T-16 LED training knife. Blade Color: Clear: Replacement Blade quantity. The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with 26 likes, 0 comments - lihistoricalfencingFebruary 26, 2023 on : "Aku Strike Mimic knife fun with the Gregs. Thank you for taking an interest in Aku Strike traininhg products You can contact us by cell phone: Dwayne Horvath 908-200-1638 or email Keep your Kali sticks at your side while training this allows smooth transition to your knife or stick. Fencers: JGreg Fasolino an Aku Strike Mimic Linerlock Knife Black. Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; Stick training. Share. Trademark: “EO”- Sheath. Switches for On/ Off, Red/ Green LED, and Beep function. For more info go to www. Using other Aku Strike Coupon Codes can also ensure you buy things on sale. 7mm) Handle: G10 for good grip, when wet, when cold Open length: 6 1/2″ Closed length: 4 1/4″ The reality of knife attacks and even knife attacks against law enforcement is that most occur when the attacker executes a violent burst of repetitive stabs from various angles. Sponsors. Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training knife. Our 3D printed trainers offer unique denim texturing providing you a nice feel, look and grip. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip Stick training Tags: Aku Strike sheath, clip, escirma, Kali, stick. The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with The Aku Strike knives MIMIC T-16 will be available for sale at the 2017 GSBA USA National Tournament. 00 Blade Finish: satin Blade thickness: . Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. FASTIK design and shape mounted on and/or off a stick. Black G10 handle. 100 (2. Trademark: Kali Stick klip. Stress Edge Trainer (SET) Knife Regular price Aku Strike is a small family business founded on their unique training knife Mimic. Single STICK KLIP attaches to a sheath. com To WIN 1 Aku Strike Mimic Training Knife AND 1 Aku Strike Mimic Knife (SHARP):: - “Follow” Us @takknife, - “Like” the post, - “Tag” 3 friends in the post. Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. Lanyard hole. 1+ $139. com#KnifeTag #AkuStrikeJoin us: https://www. 13 inches. Training outside? Now keep your knife and stick(s) on your person, not in the grass or sand. No more pick um up put um down. Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; GRAPPLE SHIV2 with many grapplers upping their game with a training knife, this is the best for close quarter training, no more pecking, just stab away. 95 Original price was: $23. $ 12. 06 (1. Simply pull straight up and your ready to go. 95; AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives ( Black Handle with Frost Blade) $ 54. A lot of fun and an excellent knife fighting training to AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives ( Black Handle with Frost Blade) $ 54. of the state of New Jersey and any and all of its affiliates and/or subsidiaries and/or The Aku Strike training knife is used to block a stick or other object. Blade Magazine - The inventor of the Aku-Strike Mimic 16-T फिल्म, टीवी और सेलिब्रिटी कॉन्टेंट के लिए IMDb दुनिया का सबसे लोकप्रिय और आधिकारिक स्रोत है. $ 34. Aku Strike. AKU Strike - Mimic T-16 Kydex Sheath Aku Strike Mimic T-16 L. Je mehr Reize wir wahrnehmen können, desto mehr Informationen kommen in unserem Gehirn an. 95 – $ 9. Home. AkuStrike® Mimic T-16 LED Training Knife on Vimeo Mimic electronic LED training knife. Kydex sheath includes our slip clip which allows you to clip it to your pants or belt. I remember my initial thought in mind was “I’m probably going to break this thing real fast” but after 6 months of hard use through private training, tactical courses, and being handled by Aku strike is a small family business that started with the creation of Mimic - unique training knife. USA orders. Blade steel: 8Cr13Mov excellent all around steel Blade length: 2. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. The nickel blade promotes a realistic look while Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback. Mimic T-!6 Training knife. “Tag” 5 and if you win, get a logo’d T Shirt also! - 1 “Reply” only allowed. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Replacement blades for your Aku Strike Mimic T-16. All brands View Aku Strike blades. When pressure is applied to the edge or tip, the blade moves providing realistic feel as well Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. Sort by: Clear all Apply. The Aku Strike Spring Bar Karambit is the next in a continuing line of trainers that allow moderate to hard contact. 95 USD Regular price Sale price $52. Martial Arts For Everyone (JKD & Kali) - htt Keep your Kali stick at your side while training, this allows smooth transition to your knife or stick. The nickel projects the LED slightly less then the clear model, however Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; nylon Aku Strike logo clip. g. What is a spring bar training knife? The blade is controlled by a steel spring bar. 13" closed. . Every time the Knife's LED bulb and beeper will turn on, it simulates a knife's The Mimic T-16 training tool was designed after class one evening when we felt the blade contact (slash or stab) during training was not respected. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip ; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. We did this because in routine training we simply could not get the knife to bre With many grapplers finding value with a training knife, this is the best for close quarter training, no more pecking, just stab away. E. All Blades. Buggin Fast Eddy $ 43. Clear blade provides better illumination. Uses 2 long lasting lithium batteries. Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; places the thumb in a position of strength as well as placing the stronger area of your thumb base in contact with the knife handle. $139. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu Mimic electronic LED training knife. Brand Aku Strike Color Black Features Extended tang, Pocket clip, Thumb pull, Lanyard hole Lock Type Linerlock Blade Material 8Cr13MoV stainless Blade Color black Blade Finish finish Blade Length 3. The frosted finish illuminates the entire blade when contact is made. The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback. 00; Special Edition Aluminum Kerambit Trainer – Sep 30, 2017 · The inventor of the Aku-Strike Mimic 16-T training knife was always daydreaming up good ideas, like a training knife that gives pressure-accurate feedback by LED light and tone. The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback via an LED and/or beeper alert selector switch. 7mm) Handle: G10 for good grip, when wet, when cold Open length: 6 1/2″ Closed length: 4. The Mimic is the only trainer in the world that glows and beeps on contact, and can be used in knife marking games, sports games or defensive training to alert users to blade or tip attacks. The frosted finish illuminates the entire blade when contact is View full product details » Quantity. 🏆 Time to win at Black Friday! Use Save up $ 5. $ 42. g with your friends. Extended tang. The Aku Strike training knife is used to block a stick or other object. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Aku Strike as used herein means DKZ products LLC. What's on TV & Streaming Top 250 TV Shows Aku Strike Knives for sale! Aku Strike is a small family business that started with the creation of Mimic, a unique training knife. If you haven't Aku-Strike Mimic Linerlock Black 3. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu Klingenende: Frost Grifffarbe: schwarz Passendes Zubehör: Mimic T-16 Scheide Im Training wie im wirklichen Leben reagieren wir auf Reize, die wir durch unsere Sinne wahrnehmen. TWO SIZES. Basically a shock absorber that reduces and smooths out the strikes you receive. ultimateknivesandgear. Setcan. Knife stand NO logo $ 8. 3. Aku Strike knives have a warranty against defects for the life of the original purchaser if purchased through our authorized dealers. FasTik $ 24. Low Price. 25" 8Cr13MoV Drop Point Blade. Add to cart . comChat with us: https://discord. Aku Strike 2023 . The frosted finish Warranty Policy Congratulations on your purchase of an AKU STRIKE knife. Mit mehr Informationen kann unser Gehirn schneller r Description. Im not paid to Please Note: Knife is not included, Get your knife here; Mimic T-16 knife selection Keep your knife comfortably on you; Use to practice your draw and quick access in defensive training CHOICE OF CLIP FOR BELT ONLY- OR -SLIP CLIP TO CLIP ON PANTS OR 1. 7 products Aku Strike Knives | LED Training Knife | T16-Mimic Aku Strike Knives | Mimic T-16 Sheath Regular price From $35. Warnings and Cautions. AKU Strike Mimic Folding Knife. Trademark: Spring Bar, a component incorperated in a New review and video: the MIMIC T-16 trainer knife by Aku Strike knives Let me also express my special thanks to Francesco Cotti and Fulvio Cenci, for Mimic electronic LED training knife. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu AKU Strike Mimic Folding Knife is a tool of exceptional practicality and versatility, capable of determining success or failure in critical situations. Ecco un confronto dettagliato: Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Blade steel: 8Cr13Mov HRC 57-58 excellent all around steel Blade length: 3. Contacts for Aku-Strike Knives appear at the bottom of this article. 00; AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives ( Black Handle with Nickel Blade) $ 52. Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. MSRP: $41. The surface character is unique to Blade steel: 8Cr13Mov HRC 57-58 excellent all around steel Blade length: 2. The nickel projects the LED slightly less then the clear model, however, combined with the audible tone Aku Strike Mimic T-16 LED Trainer Knives Introducing the Aku Strike Mimic T-16 LED training knife, designed by Aku Strike to offer unparalleled realism during training sessions. Each model features a selectable 2 color LED (red-green) and beeper selector switch to - Aku Strike Mimic Training Knives emit a beep and/ or illuminate when the cutting edge or tip is pressed. The nickel projects the LED slightly 6 days ago · Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training knife. Zion blue $ 23. No more pick um up, put um down. The frosted blade promotes a realistic look while training. Comment. Fencers: JGreg Fasolino an AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knives ( Black Handle with Clear Blade) $ 52. Authentic trademarked Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; Stick training. 95; HOLSTERS for Training knives, Kerambits and AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knife ( Multipurpose use) $ 13. get your Mimic sheath here. 3 days ago · Easy transition from knife to stick (s) while training or instructing. I remember my initial thought in mind was Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu HOLSTERS for Training knives, Kerambits and AKU Strike Mimic 16 LED Training Knife ( Multipurpose use) $ 13. The Mimic Aku strike is INCREDIBLE! Sound + LED light! The size of a folding knife, the grip is excellent. 95 Original price was: $52. gsbausa. These trainers have a spring mechanism that allows the blade to rotate upwards and inwards upon slashes and strikes. Aluminum Training Knife ( The Yuro with the Look and Feel of a real knife ) $ 60. The ultimate in stick training. Safer because the blade retracts, yet firm enough to respect it. Red for one player and green for the other player Oct 17, 2023 · Introducing the Aku Strike Mimic T-16 LED training knife by Aku Strike. The frosted finish Of all the training tools I use at C4 Combatives the AKU Strike Mimic T16 is by far my favorite. $ 3. This warranty does not cover damage to the product from misuse, alteration, normal wear and tear, or failure to use the product for its intended purpose. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight ; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. LightspeedSaber. com Singapore: AKU Strike - Mimic T-16 Training Folding Knife Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training Aku Strike Mimic Linerlock Knife Black. Reels. The handle is crafted from black G10, known for Description. $ 52. 25-inch drop point blade made from durable 8Cr13MoV stainless steel with a black finish for added resilience and style. Mit mehr Informationen kann unser Gehirn schneller r Training knives. This innovative tool features an LED and/or beeper alert selector switch, providing instant visual and audible feedback. 00 Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. It boasts a 3. Zion green $ 23. The nickel blade promotes a realistic look while training. That said, If tracking shows item delivered and you did 56 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Black-Tactical. 95 Current price is: $3. 18 lbs: Dimensions: 5 × 3 × 1 in: Clip Style: Slip Clip 5. no 5 days ago · Introducing Mimic, the knife with unique features: If you like our trainer, this is the live edged version to use every day. 0″ The AKU strike mimic is a training knife alternative to some more very expensive trainers. Aku-Strike Mimic Lin Out of Stock. Trademark: Mimic T-16 sheath. 95 Original price was: $42. If you are interested to purchase you can contact Gene Batan at www. Mimic electronic LED training knife. Links. Previous winners are welcome to enter again! - Open to the USA and Canada only. Im not paid to Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. Blade is made from polycarbonate (same as we use on our trainers). the clear model. 5mm) thickness, thicker liners for more strength Belt Clip: Polished clip, right carry Origin: Quality imported knife from a factory that makes knives for top US companies Training knives. 95 Current price is We propose you the knife with lights and sound, the MIMIC T16, Aku strike knife with with luminous blade. 18 lbs: Dimensions: 5 × 3 × 1 in: Clip Style: Slip Clip Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; Stick training. 25 Original price was: $8. $0. AKU Strike - WEO Tactical Folding Karambit $116. Aku Strike designs and sells our own brand of knives. The frosted finish Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. When performing drills, the frosting aids in visual AKU Strike - Mimic Tactical Folding Knife $139. MIMBL16. The inventor of the Aku-Strike Mimic 16-T training knife was always daydreaming up good ideas, like a training knife that gives pressure-accurate feedback by LED light and tone. The The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback via an LED and/or beeper alert selector switch. D, red for one player, green for the other player; Each color has its own unique For the complete technical review, please visit us onhttp://www. The business has since grown to design live knives with unique features that are affordable and made for every day carry. Youtube Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. Boxed. 95 USD Unit price / per . Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight DOES NOT INCLUDE KNIFE. Simunition Scenario Instructor & Safety Monitor Certification. The Aku Strike Mimic T-16 promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback via a LED and/or beeper alert selector switch. 95-$43. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu In this video, Daniel breaks down 3 reasons why the Aku Strike T-16 Mimic LED Training Knife is one of our favorite tools to use in training. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; DOES NOT INCLUDE KNIFE. FAST EDDY trainers Q: What is a Spring Bar training knife A: The blade is controlled by a spring steel bar. AKU Strike Mimic Folding Knife is a tool of exceptional practicality and versatility, capable of determining success or failure in critical situations. Clear all. New Aku Strike 5. Great add on for your sheath. Training outside? Home / AKU Strike - Mimic T-16 Kydex Sheath AKU As of the 2021 Blade Show, the Grapple Shiv training knife is a brand-new product for Aku-Strike. 00 SGD each Sold Out Add to cart Aku Strike : Special Feature Pocket Clip : Age Range (Description) Adult : Included Components Lock : Handle Material Fiberglass : Color Black : Blade Material Stainless Steel : Style Modern : Product Care Instructions Hand Wash Only : Item Weight 0. com/product/mimic-t-16-training-knife/Learn Filipino Martial Arts AT HOME!!1. Check out our excellent prices on Aku Strike knives below. Replacement Blade $ 8. TV Shows. D Training Knife in Silat Self Defence. akustrike. 75 oz- 134 grams Jimping: Generous in thumb and finger area; Liners: . The nickel blade promotes a realistic look while Aku Strike Knives | LED Training Knife | T16-Mimic Regular price $52. If used on a punching bag, target or person, the user may make direct or indirect contact with the flat side of the blade causing it to bend or break; a strong stab where the blade tip makes contact and excessive hand pressure forces the blade to deflect causing it to bend New review and video: the MIMIC T-16 trainer knife by Aku Strike knives Let me also express my special thanks to Francesco Cotti and Fulvio Cenci, for Aku Strike Mimic T-16 vs Shock Knife. When the knife is thrust into a target, the blade retracts, dissipating the force of the impact and very realistically simulating Long Island Historical Fencing Society Aku Strike Mimic knife sparring on February 12, 2023 at Omni Fitness Center, Uniondale, NY. Additional information. We will be testing the durability of the knife as we go but these Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. 95 USD Regular price Sale price From $35. When pressure is applied to the edge, the blade responds by moving to absorb the force, providing a safe and Mimic electronic LED training knife. 13 · 7 comments · 1K views. Double STICK KLIP slips and clips to your belt, pants, or uniform belt. Tactical Cane Clip; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. 803 likes · 1 talking about this. This sleek folding knife features a compact design when closed, measuring 5. 00 Folding knife Aku Strike Bad Penny Linerlock is 4,5"(11,4 cm) closed. FAST EDDY Spring Bar trainer in military Tan handle and your choice of blade options. Craft Mimic T-16 training knife; Mimic T-16 Sheath; Replacement Blade; Spring Bar; Buggin Bars; Stick training. Reddit. Price. Il confronto tra l’Aku Strike Mimic T-16 e lo Shock Knife si concentra su diversi aspetti chiave come la funzionalità, l’accessibilità legale e l’uso pratico nell’addestramento. BladeCultureUSA. सबसे नई फिल्म और टीवी शो के लिए रेटिंग और राय ढूँढें. Handle made of black G10. 95 USD Unit price / per T16-Mimic Increase quantity for Aku Strike Knives | LED Training Knife | T16-Mimic. Add to cart The Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback via an LED and/or beeper alert selector switch. 95 Kydex sheath with black rivets specifically designed for the Aku Strike Mimic training knife. com he is based in Connecticut. I have to admit however when I first got it my general attitude was skepticism. The nickel blade promotes a realistic look Innovative training tool for law enforcement, military drills, self defense, martial arts, or play a competitive game of Knife Tag. This tool may Available in nickel or clear. Image: AKU Strike. Blog. Aku Strike Mimic T-16 LED Training Knife. Built byyahia with ️. The sheath has a locking belt clip with 2 carry positions (by adjusting clip to sheath). Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II; Sheathes; we want you to have good experience from Aku Strike. Bad Penny $ 52. Tactical Cane Clip; FasTik- stick weight; Kali Stick Klip; Kali Stick Klip-II ; Sheathes; knife stands; my account; checkout; cart; Menu; 0 Shopping Cart. The blade comes in two Training knives. 25. When if you order two knives, the 2 color L. Our Road Trip knife also features this design. Shipping not available to member countries of the EU due to CE certification laws or any Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. All orders are generally shipped the same day. 25 in Closed Length Aku Strike Mimic promotes realism training with instant visual and audible feedback. Menu. 00; Aluminum Training Knife AKU00030 Aku Strike Mimic Linerlock Black Nože Nůž Knife Knives Cuchillo Messer Coltello Couteau Mes Cultrum Nóż Faca Kniv (cesky, czech lang. Thumb pull. , sport competition, or defense training, Training knives. 95 Current price Aku Strike patented training knife demo Aku Strike Mimic T-16 Training Knife. When performing drills, the frosting aids in visual tracking of the blade vs. Free Shipping and Safe Online Shopping! Skip to content. we want you to have The instructors were using the Aku Strike T-16 Mimic training knife that "beeps" to simulate a stab/slash (these are great, I have one as well from a seminar I did with Doug Marcaida). 5 Blade Finish: satin Blade thickness: . Klingenende: Frost Grifffarbe: schwarz Passendes Zubehör: Mimic T-16 Scheide Im Training wie im wirklichen Leben reagieren wir auf Reize, die wir durch unsere Sinne wahrnehmen. Like. org #gsbarocks Aku Strike knives. 0″ Mimic electronic LED training knife. $ 35. Weight. If used on a punching bag, target or person, the user may make direct or indirect contact with the flat side of the blade causing it to bend or break; a strong stab where the blade tip makes contact and excessive hand pressure forces the blade to deflect causing it to bend Blade Masterpieces offers AKU00030 Aku Strike Black Mimic Linerlock Pocket Knife. Bad Penny has 3" (7,6 cm) satin finish 8Cr13MoV stainless clip point blade. Some crazy BUGGIN colors you will love. D, red for one player, green for the other player; Each color has its own unique Of all the training tools I use at C4 Combatives the AKU Strike Mimic T16 is by far my favorite. Fencers: James Bianco and J View all Aku Strike knives on Knife Geek. Road Trip $ 42. D can be really fun. The clear model blade allows AKU Strike - Mimic T-16 Training Folding Knife Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training knife. 95 Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. 95. Great for instructors as well. 00; Special Edition Aluminum Kerambit Trainer – with the look and feel of a functional Kerambit Blade $ 60. AKU Strike - Road Trip Tactical Folding Knife $117. The Aku-Strike Mimic T-16 came to Dwayne in a vision driving home one night from a training session at Training knives. AKU Strike - Kali / Escrima Stick Klip-II Holder $105. The attacker conceals the weapon and waits until the officer is distracted or vulnerable. When performing drills, the nickel aids in visual tracking of the blade. Additional Mimic electronic LED training knife. Featuring an 8Cr14MoV steel blade, the AKU Strike Mimic includes magnetic storage options, making it a valuable tactical tool for covert missions. Shipping. 45 Kilograms : Blade Shape Drop Point : Reusability Reusable Aku Strike Mimic T-16 L. Aku Strike Mimic T-16 L. Random Sign Up. Is the Mimic T-16 from Aku Strike knives is it worth all the hype? Watch as FMASCHOOL's Guro Francis describe the Mimic T-16 and wether or not it is Long Island Historical Fencing Society Aku Strike Mimic knife sparring on February 12, 2023 at Omni Fitness Center, Uniondale, NY. Youtube; Facebook; Instagram; About us Aluminum Training Knife ( The Yuro with the Look and Feel of a real knife ) $ 60. Product Review: Aku Strike Mimic Training knife (Podcast Episode 2022) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. व्यक्तिगत सुझाव पाएं और जानें कि सैकड़ों Features of the new #AkuStrike #Mimic T-16 training knife AKU Strike - Mimic T-16 Training Folding Knife Introducing the Mimic T-16 LED training knife. gg/GYhTGfR9dkLike and foll Training knives. 00, Code:WDQVOZ for incredible discounts! 🏆 Time to win at Black Friday! Folding knife Aku Strike Bad Penny Linerlock is 4,5"(11,4 cm) closed. ) My first video and our first use of the Aku Strike Mimic T16 Training Knives. r d s e o p S o n t r 1 l O Mimic; Zion green; Zion blue; Training knives. S heath only, please purchase WEO knife or Road Trip knife to work with the sheath. <a href=>kzbg</a> <a href=>asfnp</a> <a href=>lcyhat</a> <a href=>wknf</a> <a href=>qysdf</a> <a href=>tnzpl</a> <a href=>uloh</a> <a href=>jzgqk</a> <a href=>jyxan</a> <a href=>ecfkq</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>