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<h3><span class="job-title">Tpso jail roster.  He said that escape initially wasn’t .</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Tpso jail roster  Mail &amp; Messaging.  However, the County of Lubbock, Texas makes no warranty as to the accuracy To lookup inmates faster, you can search by name, the search form is under the roster.  Scheduled Release: 2025-01-19 This is a listing of current inmates in the Eau Claire County Jail.  Click Here If you have trouble searching inmates, please call the county jail at (541) 966-3600 to help you.  The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) operates all These prisons house about 28,000 prisoners. 021.  Information displayed below is live data of all individuals currently in custody.  If you believe a youth (under age 18) is in custody, call 206-263-9595 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).  Click current inmates to view inmates currently at the Washington Parish Detention Center.  Hammond City Jail East Thomas Street, Hammond, LA - His arrest comes days after a Fox 8 report in which TPSO Chief Deputy Jimmy Travis said Guidry had escaped the jail -- and then broke back in -- on Feb.  Disclaimer.  Inmate Information Available NEWS RELEASEAugust 12, 2024Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet announced the arrest of a Chauvin man, in connection with an incident being investigated by the SVU Division.  Persons may use false information.  The detention facility offers a systemized process for those wishing to locate inmates currently housed within its walls.  Le Sueur County Government Center 88 South Park Avenue Le Center, MN 56057. 82, 13.  Please note that individuals incarcerated at both the jail and workhouse may be transferred to another jail to alleviate overcrowding.  In addition, Tennessee has 112 jails in 95 countries that house about 32,000 inmates.  The jail is managed by the Oklahoma County Criminal Justice Authority.  Terrebonne Parish Sheriffs Office: www.  El Paso County Jail is located in El Paso County, Texas.  Name; Subject Number; Booking Number; In Custody; Booking From Date Jail roster; Booking Report This report lists the names and basic case information of individuals booked into the Skagit County Jail during the last 26 hour report cycle.  Sort by. , DeRidder, LA We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Suffix: Age: Race: Gender: Date Confined: Name Number: WINTER: DEREK: Information Available on the Jail Roster.  CENSUS.  It's beneficial to understand the difference between bail and bond. 2 miles.  thank a deputy.  The data below depicts individuals who have been booked within the last 72 hours and features high-resolution photos for media purposes.  PDF version-Read Only: Excel version-Downloadable **NOTE: This information is now real-time.  If you are the defendant in a domestic violence case and have a court order to surrender your firearms, please review the document and form below Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status.  32nd District Court (Felony, Misdemeanor) Visit the sheriff’s office and request a copy of the Terrebonne Parish jail roster.  Thurston County Corrections Facility 3491 Ferguson St SW Tumwater, WA 98512 360-709-5900.  48 Hour Release.  Jail Warrants.  Get App. org TANGIPAHOA PARISH JAIL NEW VISITATION DATES AND TIMES Visitors must arrive 15 minutes prior to visitation time.  Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.  For more Local News from WAFB: https://ww JAIL ROSTER Printed on January 16, 2025 Front Mugshot Last, First Middle Name Booking Date Hold Reasons ALTON, MICHAEL RALPH 12/17/24 Probable Cause: 152.  Montana El Paso Inmate Roster Message from the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Services.  Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana.  Brown County Jail Roster Report Current as of: Saturday, January 18, 2025 1 Bettelyoun, Christian Cole Date and Time of Booking: 11/09/2024 at 3:42PM Age: 35 Bail: $100,000.  Orleans Parish Sheriff's Office Inmate Master Search Provided by the Sheriff Susan Hutson Louisiana Department of Public Safety &amp; Corrections Providing public safety for the state of Louisiana through corrections, reinvestment, and rehabilitation.  Click below to go to the Sheriff's website and locate a detainee in Cook County Jail.  Access active warrants, inmate rosters, offender records, and more.  225.  Jail Roster If you are experiencing difficulties accessing the Scott County Jail Roster, please contact: letgsupport@co.  Main Jail Address: 910 Tacoma Avenue S.  TPSO Jail/Medical Staff: Case Number: 2:2024cv02704: Filed: November 18, 2024: Court: US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana: Presiding Judge: Eldon E Fallon: Referring Judge: Karen Wells Roby: Nature of Suit: Prisoner Petitions (Prison Condition) Cause of Action: 42 U.  Employees.  Call: 985-876-2500. 8300.  Booking Date: 2025-01-16. 00, one of the highest starting Grays Harbor County Jail Roster.  Click the thumbnails below to zoom.  828 South Irma Blvd.  Top tasks.  Multnomah County Jail Inmate Roster Search, Portland, Oregon.  Administration Mon-Fri 8:00 am-4:00 pm Phone: 504-363-5500 Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office (TPSO) is an integral part of Terrebonne Parish and plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of its residents. m. vineapps.  TPSO | Tangipahoa Parish Sheriffs Office and Sheriff's Department websites often provide inmate rosters, arrests and bookings reports, or more comprehensive inmate search databases accessible to Montgomery County Jail Current Inmate List w/ Details, sorted by Date Confined Report Run on 01/18/25 at 10:00:01 Total = 1247 click on 'Last Name' column to sort by last name.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana simply click on the at the top of the page.  Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .  Individuals may be in the jail intake and not listed on the roster until they have been assigned a booking number.  Click the “Jail Roster” button and you’ll be forwarded to the Gallatin County Detention center jail roster listing of current inmates.  The information can be crucial for family members, legal representatives, and interested parties.  Bail / Bond.  Search jail inmates, detainees, and arrest records.  Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office (TPSO Inmate Search) 15475 W Club Deluxe Rd, Hammond, LA 70403 Phone: (985) 345-6150 Jail Information Criminal Records Division.  Contact the Jail Pierce County Jail - Pierce County Sheriff's Department Corrections Bureau The jail is made of two facilities, main jail and new jail.  Jail Services.  Official Website: Navigate to the official website of To search for an inmate in the Tangipahoa Parish Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 985-748-8147 Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office (TPSO Inmate Search) 7856 W Main St #121, Houma, LA 70360 Phone: (985) 876-2500 Inmate Services Jail Inmate and Warrants.  GONZALES.  Sheriff Sales.  CLICK THE LINK BELOW FOR Access the Inmate Roster for information on current inmates, released inmates, charges, and relevant details regarding incarceration.  When searching for an inmate, the following details are typically available on the jail roster: Booking Number: A unique identification number assigned to each inmate upon booking into the detention facility.  Departments.  Free listing of inmates in county jails in Tangipahoa Parish, Louisiana.  This information is provided to the public with regard to inmates in the Cascade County Detention Center in the interest of public safety.  This agency is providing this roster of incarcerated offenders to The mission of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office is to prevent crime and maintain order while affording dignity and respect to all individuals; to protect lives and property while safeguarding constitutional guarantees, committed to the delivery of police and detention services in the most efficient, fairest responsive and ethical manner po TERREBONNE PARISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE.  Goodhue County Sheriff's Office cannot represent that the information is current, accurate or complete.  Search Here: https://vinelink.  Built in 1984, the Tangipahoa Parish Jail houses mostly pre-trial detainees and offers work programs for inmates.  Find-a-court-date.  Serving cities and towns within Multnomah County, this detention facility is designed to Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.  Bail can be posted at the police department or the detention facility directly.  Look on the Minnesota Department of Corrections website for their offender locator.  St Helena Sheriff Office South 1st Street, Greensburg, LA - 11.  This platform allows individuals to view details the inmate's booking number, release and transfer dates, charges, bond amounts, and status.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana simply click on the at the top of the page.  Disclaimer: This information is compiled and made available as a public service by the County of Lubbock, Texas.  Multnomah County Jail, located in Oregon, is a correctional institution that plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order in the region.  until 12:15 p.  Tangipahoa Parish Jail VISITOR INFORMATION GUIDE 101 Campo Lane • Amite, Louisiana 70422 (985) 748-8147 (p) • (985) 748-4661 (f) www.  The Chief Executive Officer is Brandi Garner, and the Chief Operating Officer is Tony Towery.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  DONALDSONVILLE. gov” or “ga.  Chief Jimmy Travis of the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office hosts media conference to provide updates on the 4 inmates that escaped parish jail – 2 still at large.  Phone: 337-639-4353 (24 hours) • Another way to search for adults in custody is by using the jails' phone system: 206-296-1234.  Tangipahoa Parish Prison Campo Lane, Amite City, LA - 0.  Gonzales, LA 70737.  If you don’t see the inmate you’re looking for, chances are that defendant has been released.  Predatory Offender Information.  Jail Management Current Inmate Charges - Detail Report Author: Application Data Systems, Inc.  WARRANTS/JAIL.  P.  Livingston Parish Sheriff's Detention Center Jail Roster : Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status.  View Roster.  Jail Roster Inmate Roster.  🕵️‍♂️🔍 January 17, 2025 Jail Roster: View Download 01-16-25: January 16, 2025 Jail Roster: View Download 05-6-22: May 6, 2022 Jail Roster Release: View Download Subscribe to the LASO jail roster Find information about individuals currently in custody at Kandiyohi County Jail, including booking dates, charges, and bail details.  Inmate Name Booked Scheduled Release Location; BRADSHAW, IMELDA CANTU: January 18, 2025 10:51AM: In Custody: TERRILL, JASON ANDREW: January 17, 2025 08:55PM Jail Roster. org.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office Criminal Patrol Division is comprised of a group of men and women who are the faces you see on the streets of Terrebonne Parish everyday.  Fax 985-857-0274 Terrebonne Parish Criminal Justice Complex El Paso County Jail Information.  First Name: The first name of the inmate.  All name searches are partial searches.  Umatilla County Jail &amp; Sheriff Office The Cascade County Inmate Roster provides public criminal justice information pursuant to MCA Section 44-5-103 and 44-5-301.  While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up-to-date, the Tom Green County Detention Center cannot certify the accuracy and/or authenticity of any information Consider a career in law enforcement with one of Louisiana’s most progressive Sheriff’s Offices. 85 and 641. O. com/search/LA.  The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office is the primary law enforcement agency in Terrebonne Someone you know arrested in Gallatin County, and you need to find out if they are still in jail? Use this simple tool to find an inmate. 00: ACEBAL-LOPEZ, JOSE IVAN **Due to the threat of winter weather, TPSO offices will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025** Emergency 911 Hammond: 985-345-6150 Amite: 985-748-8147.  Walla Walla Inmate Search.  Use these resources to search jail records, request them online, and access official websites for inmate information, visitation rules, and sending money to inmates.  Access the Inmate Roster for information on current inmates, released inmates, charges, and relevant details Phone: 337-463-3281 or 833-404-1371 (24 Hours) • Jail Phone: 337-460-5520 • Email • Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Civil Address: 120 South Stewart St.  Inmate Care.  Jail Roster Phone Address; Acadia Parish County Inmate Search: Click Here: 337-788-8740: 1061 Capital Avenue, Crowley, LA, 70526: Allen Parish County Inmate Search: Click Here: 337-639-4353: 427 Court Street PO Box 278, Oberlin, LA, 70655: Ascension Parish County Inmate Search: Click Here: 225-473-8674: Other Jails &amp; Prisons Nearby.  Distribution of information on City Of Aberdeen Jail Roster.  CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO VIEW: CURRENT INCARCERATIONS // OUTSTANDING WARRANTS // ATTORNEY CASE VIEW.  Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office Jail Roster : Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status.  CITY &amp; COUNTY JAILS Inmate Search for Terrebonne Parish - Jails in Louisiana.  Walla Walla Inmate Inquiry.  Home.  Book &amp; SSL Certificates.  Jail Roster.  Box 1990.  Received Report.  Contact Information.  This section will provide a step-by-step guide on conducting an inmate search and will detail the information available on the prison roster.  Jail.  Created Date: 1/19/2025 5:35:24 AM The Missoula County Jail Roster is updated in real time. , Tacoma, WA 98402, Phone: (253) 798-4590 Inmate Name Book Number Status** Bondable* Total Bond; ABRAM, AVONTE T 240014846: Spokane County Jail Inmate: YES: $5,000.  Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office Jail Roster : Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status.  The roster does NOT include Federal inmates per Federal law.  Pay bail.  Use resources from the Hammond Police Department and Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office to stay updated on inmate statuses and visitation policies. 05 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  and from 1:30 p.  View guidelines, information, and frequently asked questions.  Jail Records in Tangipahoa Parish (Louisiana) Find complete jail records for Tangipahoa Parish, LA.  Phone: 507-357-2251 Monday through Thursday 8 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8 am to 4 pm Closed Weekends &amp; Holidays The incarcerated individual roster and census are updated daily, Monday through Friday.  Under the leadership of Sheriff Craig Webre, we are Nationally Accredited through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies and the American Correctional Association.  Access the Washington Parish Inmate Roster for information on current inmates, released inmates, charges, and relevant details regarding incarceration.  Information presented on this website is collected from public sources, maintained, and provided for the convenience of the site visitor/reader.  Booking Type: JAIL SANCTION.  Rows highlighted in green depict individuals who have been booked within the last 24 hours.  UPDATE: NEWS RELEASEFebruary 9, 2024 Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet has confirmed that the TPSO have arrested a suspect in the recent double homicide investigation that occurred in the 300 block of Willowdale Jail Roster.  Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office.  Theft of a Motor Vehicle Bail Set 2 New Ulm Police Dept.  The jail has an inmate capacity of 1000.  The Tangipahoa Parish Prison is the Adult facility located at 15475 Club Deluxe Road, Hammond, LA, 70403, run by the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriffs Substation.  Jail Roster Online Jail Roster Overview.  Interactive booking report Inmate and Jail Roster Search.  The Cook County Sheriff offers an online inmate locator service.  This information is updated Monday thru Friday between 8:00am and 10:00 am.  Information on inmate visitation.  1233 Westbank Expressway Harvey, LA 70058.  tax notices To search for an inmate in the Terrebonne Parish Criminal Justice Complex, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 985-876-2500 for the information you are looking for.  The Terrebonne County Jail is the Juvenile facility located at PO Drawer 1670, , 856 Main Street, Houma, LA, 70360, run by the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office.  crime scene/evidence custodian supervisor. The inmates are listed alphabetically, so just click on the appropriate letter for an inmate's last name.  Please wait.  The Calcasieu Parish Jail inmate search and prison roster provide public access to specific details about inmates currently held in the detention facility.  County hours The jail roster is updated hourly and shows: Names of people in the county jail and those released in the last 7 days; Charges, bail and scheduled court dates; Search the jail roster.  Lamar Fort Worth, TX 76196 817-884-3000.  Report Fraud Sex Offenders Sexual Harassment Policies &amp; Procedures Sign Up For Alerts Submit a Crime Tip Contact Us.  A proud Tangipahoa native from Bedico, Sheriff Sticker is deeply committed to the safety and well-being of our Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office Jail Roster : Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status. net 985-876-2500 P. us.  Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.  47,114 likes &#183; 177 talking about this &#183; 507 were here.  Last Name: A-Z First Name Get information on inmate lookups, visitation records, jail rosters, and sending money to inmates.  If you have any questions regarding information provided on this page, please refer to the contact page, and refer to the appropriate agency.  A snapshot of people in jail can be seen via a jail roster, which includes each inmate’s name, criminal charges, and bond information.  click a row to show or hide details.  Overview; Jail facilities and staff; Inmate information.  Search for finding a person in jail.  When you choose a law enforcement career with the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Office, you earn $40,200.  Overland El Paso, TX 79901 Phone: 915-546-2228 (Admin), 915-546-2212 (Inmate Info) El Paso County Jail Annex 12501 E.  Our website uses Enterprise SSL Certificates.  Visitation time is 15 minutes per offender.  years for which one could have The Snoqualmie jail roster might also provide details on the bail amount set for the inmate.  The Oklahoma County Detention Center is located in Oklahoma City and has the capacity for nearly 3,000 inmates.  Incorrect information? Suggest an edit! Suggest Edit &#215; Name Address City County State Postal Code Phone Fax Email Inmate Mail Address Website Visitation hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Holiday Facility type Security level Offender gender Population (capacity) Employees Tangipahoa Parish Sheriffs Substation Sheriff Daniel H. 621.  MONEY ORDERS TO BE MADE OUT TO THE INMATE.  Steps for Searching an Inmate in Tangipahoa Sheriff Gerald Sticker took office in July 2024 with a mission to enhance our parish and the Sheriff’s department. 1(1) - 152.  To voice a Quality of Life concern, please click on the link and be prepared to provide as much information as possible.  For the current status of an inmate, please call (208) 454-7541.  Visit the post for more.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Lafourche Parish, Louisiana simply click on the at the top of the page.  Inmate Visitation.  Inmate Roster. , DeRidder, LA 2024 New Year Holiday December 30, 2024 Terrebonne Parish Sheriff Tim Soignet, and the entire staff of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s Contact us at 1-866-277-7477 if you need immediate help locating an offender, registering for notifications, or accessing victim services in your area. 8671.  The jail roster is now provided in both PDF and excel formats.  The .  Charles Eckert is the Executive Chief of the detention center.  Current Inmates.  Edwards Address 15475 West Club Deluxe Road, Hammond, Louisiana, 70403 Phone 985-902-2050 Website Like virtually every community in this country, Terrebonne Parish is infected with the destructive influence of illegal drugs.  &#167; 1983 Prisoner Civil Rights: Jury Demanded By: None ** Search for Inmate by Name (First Name and Last Name or First Name Only or Last Name Only) or CCN.  Please click on the to register in LAVNS And be notified when an offender's custody status changes.  We are available 24/7/365 with live operator support in over 200 languages.  This information will be noted in the on-line record.  Forms History of the Sheriff Hot Cases Inmate Roster Map Message From the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases.  Visitation is done through video.  until 3:00 p.  By understanding how to navigate this roster, one can efficiently access details of inmates and gain insight into recent police activities.  Billy Ray McLin, 54, was arrested for charges of Molestation of a juvenile under 13 years of age (2 counts) and First-Degree Rape, for his involvement in the investigation.  Details include: Booking Number: Unique number This section will provide a step-by-step guide on conducting an inmate search and will detail the information available on the prison roster.  FIRST TUESDAY &#168; FIRST THURSDAY &#168; DORM TIME Sheriff Timothy Soignet, born in Houma and is the youngest of five children of Magdelene and Raoul Soignet.  Jail Information.  He said that escape initially wasn’t Contact us at 1-866-277-7477 if you need immediate help locating an offender, registering for notifications, or accessing victim services in your area.  Gray, LA 70359 Physical Address 3441 West Park Ave.  Loading Expand All Collapse All.  Inmates (tap for detail) Name Booking Date Facility Floor Cell Montgomery County Jail Current Inmate List w/ Details, sorted by Last name Report Run on 01/19/25 at 01:00:01 Total = 1237 click on 'Date Confined' column to sort by date confined.  You can find information on the Tennessee Department of Correction by contacting Rachel Jackson Building, Inmate Roster and Who's in Jail.  It is also possible to enter a partial name when searching.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Arrest Date Arresting Agency Court Billing Agency Bond Type Bond Amount Warrant/Citation# Description; 10:38:13 01/16/2025: ISS: IQM: ISS: Cash or Bond: $100,000 On Monday, April 1st, the TPSO Narcotics Division, the TPSO Intelligence Unit, and the HPD Narcotics Unit completed a search warrant at a home in the 1100 block of Honduras Street, in response to information of alleged drug activity in the home. S.  What information is included in jail booking records and the jail roster? Jail booking records, also known as the jail roster, typically include the following information: • Full name of the inmate • Inmate's physical characteristics (age, sex, height, weight, etc.  Currently, the onsite kiosks are unavailable, so each inmate is allowed 60 minutes of remote visitation for free each week.  Sex Offenders Submit a Crime Tip Contact Us.  Information is Generated daily at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM Central Time and Uploaded to the website by 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM Central Time.  Find Someone in Jail.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! To search for an inmate in the Tangipahoa Parish Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 985-748-8147 TERREBONNE PARISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE.  Please note the list of charges may not reflect the actual charges filed by the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office against the individual.  St.  Tarrant County Corrections Center 100 N. .  Helena Parish Jail Sitman, Greensburg, LA - 11.  Whatcom County Jail Roster.  The TPSO’s Criminal Records Division maintains arrest reports, attends court proceedings, and fulfills public requests for background checks and reports. gov.  Monroe County Jail visits may be scheduled in person or by calling 585-753-4000 beginning at 9:00 a.  Correctional Center. com that touched on a multitude of topics, including crime, TPSO’s participation on a task force with the Hammond Police Department targeting internet crimes against children, a recent spike in the murder rate, his declaring war on human Mailing Address.  Court and Case Information.  Find Out More.  Data is sorted alphabetically by last name.  Office Hours: M-F- 8AM-4PM.  Dispatch 985-876-2500.  The roster of inmates might also be available on the Inmate Search and Prison Roster.  Gray, LA 70359.  After graduating from H.  Search FAQs. C.  Policies and procedures for inmates; Inmate release information; Inmate property release; Mail; Jail Roster. 473.  Terrebonne Parish Criminal Justice Complex Inmate Search If you need a copy of a crash report or an incident report, or need to request a criminal history record, please fill out a request form HERE, contact our Criminal Records Office at 985-345-6150 or email your request to criminalrecords@tpso.  Fleeing a Peace Officer in a Motor View and access Salt Lake County Jail dockets and rosters.  True identity can only be confirmed through fingerprint comparison. L.  Any new incarcerations and releases occurring after this time, will not be reflected on this report.  Get inmate booking details, visitation records, and lookup services. 1(1) - Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 17 Grams or More-Cocaine or Meth w/in 90-Day Period (Arrest of Adult) BELGARDE, TANYA RAE Jail Inmate Roster - Recently Booked - Stutsman County.  Inmate Search.  The Montgomery County Jail maintains an online jail roster, which is a real-time list of individuals currently held at the facility.  This list is accessible to the public and provides basic information about each inmate, including their booking number, name, and criminal charges.  Inmate information available through this web site is public data and provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes &#167;&#167;13.  This is a list of the current inmate roster at the Sweetwater County Detention Center sorted by booking date.  This is a low priority task for the dispatch center as that is who generates the jail roster and some days it may not be available.  Distribution of information on juveniles A guard has been arrested after allegedly having an inappropriate conversation with an inmate, authorities said.  The Jail Roster is a list of people currently held in custody by Whatcom County.  Find the jail locations and ways to contact inmates.  Take care of a Use this website for informational purposes only.  The roster at the detention facility provides comprehensive data about each inmate.  Phone: 337-463-3281 or 833-404-1371 (24 Hours) • Jail Phone: 337-460-5520 • Email • Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm Civil Address: 120 South Stewart St.  Sheriff Office Phone (24-Hours): 601-425-3147 A guard has been arrested after allegedly having an inappropriate conversation with an inmate, authorities said.  (Prison Rape Elimination Act) at Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office.  View Current Inmates.  bottom of page Click on the relevant inmate to get more details.  The jail roster is updated every hour.  Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Suffix: Age: Race: Gender: Date Confined: Name Number: WINTER: DEREK: Use this website for informational purposes only.  701 N San Jacinto St Houston, TX 77002 (346) 286-2840.  300 Houmas St.  This list does not contain juvenile inmates.  Phone Number P: (330)-364-8811.  Search Inmates in Washington Parish Jail.  Sheriff Sales; Main Site; Main Site.  Last Name: The surname of the inmate.  Photo Name Subject Number In Custody Scheduled Release Date Race Gender Date of Birth Height Weight Multiple Bookings Housing Facility; Butt, Alexander R: 251525 Check Umatilla County Jail Roster Online By checking the Umatilla County jail inmate roster, you can lookup inmates in Umatilla County correctional facility in Oregon easily.  Send money.  Drawer 1670 Houma, LA 70361 JERRY LARPENTER, SHERIFF Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office, Gray, Louisiana.  Clicking on any of the Terrebonne Parish or city facilities below will direct you to an information page with Inmate Search, Visitation, Mail, Phone, Email, Court cases, The TPSO also maintains an online jail Roster that provides information on current and recently released inmates.  The rank structure and managing supervisors of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office. , DeRidder, LA 70634 • Criminal Division/Jail Address: 412 Bolivar Bishop Dr.  Steps for Searching an Inmate in the Detention Facility The mission of the Terrebonne Parish Sheriff's Office is to prevent crime and maintain order while affording dignity and respect to all individuals; to protect lives and property while safeguarding constitutional guarantees, committed to the New Philadelphia, OH 44663. gov means it’s official. tpso. ) • Inmate’s mugshot(s) • Booking number, Inmate ID#, Jacket #, etc.  Terrebonne's close proximity to larger cities, as well as its location on the Gulf of Mexico, contribute to the drug problem. 00 Arresting Agency Charges Status Projected Rls Date 1 New Ulm Police Dept. Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office Jail Roster Click to register anonymously to be notified upon any changes in this offender's custody status.  For emergencies, please dial 911 Jail Inmate Roster.  ROSTER.  View 48 hour Release “I will say it is as bad as I thought, which is not very encouraging,” Sticker said in a wide-ranging interview with AN17.  While bail refers to the amount to be paid for release, a bond is a guarantee that the inmate will appear Name Subject Number In Custody Race Gender Housing Facility; Adlock, Derrick michael: 552843: Yes: White: Male: Rapides Parish Detention Center 1: Armstead, Krystal Renee Tangipahoa Parish Jail is located at 101 Campo Lane in Amite City, Louisiana, its ZIP code is 70422, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (985) 345-6150.  You can search by the name or the MNDOC Offender number.  Jail Inmate Roster – Recently Booked.  Information contained herein should not be relied upon for any type of legal action.  Jail Rosters County Wide; Grays Harbor Co; Aberdeen; Hoquiam; Jail Roster; Bookings; Releases; Name Number Facility Booking Date Released Notify on Release; AGUILAR, JOSHUA MICHAEL: 163882: GHCJ: 08:30:00 09/05/2024: Register Arrest Date Arresting Agency Court Warrant/Citation# From visitation guidelines to general prison policies, DPS&amp;C strives to provide the most up-to-date information to people in prison or under community supervision and their families.  or until all appointments are filled.  Inmate Search and Prison Roster.  E.  The report is generated daily by 7:00 a.  Search results include incarcerated person’s name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes. gov” at the end of the address.  Inmate information available through this website is public data and provided in accordance with Minnesota Statutes &#167;&#167;13.  Inmates are allowed one 30-minute visit per day, with a maximum of 3 visits per week.  CURRENT INCARCERATIONS // OUTSTANDING WARRANTS // SHERIFF'S SALE.  22.  Use the search tool on the right (or bottom of this page on a mobile device) to narrow the results.  711 N San Jacinto St The California Incarcerated Records &amp; Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody.  All visits are scheduled one Find inmate information for Yakima County, WA. tpsopay. scott.  Donaldsonville, LA 70346.  Bremerton Jail Roster is an essential tool that provides the public with information regarding the individuals currently housed in the detention facility.  Victim notification. mn.  Jail Rosters County Wide; Grays Harbor Co; Aberdeen; Hoquiam; Jail Roster; Bookings; Releases; Name Number Facility Booking Date Released Notify on Release; AULTMAN, NICHOLAS LEE: 7570: APD: 01:47:00 01/17/2025: Arrest Date Arresting Agency Court Warrant/Citation# Description Disposition Having an account with our office will save you the effort of entering your name, address, and other information every time you want to request a service. 05.  bottom of page Find a wide range of helpful resources from TPSO to support your needs, including request forms, how to articles, service information, policies, and more.  Jail: 985-857 Montgomery County Jail Current Inmate List w/ Details, sorted by Date Confined Report Run on 01/18/25 at 11:00:01 Total = 1249 click on 'Last Name' column to sort by last name.  On June 30th, 2024, the Charge Description Offense Date Arresting Agency Court Warrant/Citation # Billing Agency Bond Type Bond Amount; TAKING VEH W/O PERM 2ND DEG: 2024-08-15 18:39:38: KEPD: COWLITZ COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT: 2410060008 Based on the current system, the jail roster only allows for it to be generated that day.  If you are interested or have any questions about employment opportunities, please contact Human Resources by calling 985-876-2500 or by E-Mail.  12/13/2024: G5D: ROBBERY-2: 248107: ADAIR, PATRICK Harris County Joint Processing Center 700 N San Jacinto St Houston, TX 77002 (713) 755-5300.  The physical location of the El Paso County Jail is: El Paso County Jail 601.  Records Search.  SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) / TLS (Transport Layer Security) - the easily implemented standard protocol for transaction security - is a 256 bit encrypted link between our Server and your Customer's browser.  Filter records by Book Date: CFN Name Book Date Location Release Date Charges; 163164: ABERLE, MICHAEL ALLAN .  The following individuals are currently housed in the Canyon County Jail or Canyon County Work Release Center.  TERREBONNE PARISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE.  Bourgeois High School in 1985, he proudly enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and was sent to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California.  State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “georgia.  Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Suffix: Age: Race: Gender: Date Confined: Name Number: ABBOTT: ZACHARY: ATOM: 34: W: M: BSB jail roster for Thursday, January 16, 2025 Thursday, 16 January 2025 16:17 BSB police report for Thursday, January 16, 2025 Thursday, 16 January 2025 16:12 MOD_LNPD_MORE_CAT City Desk Jail Roster Police Report Search for an offender currently in a GDC facility.  Click on inmate to see more detail.  2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Find and search police records in Tangipahoa Parish, LA.  Tangipahoa Parish Jail.  The office is entrusted with a range of responsibilities, from patrolling and crime prevention to arrest warrant execution and overseeing the sex offender registry.  <a href=>uhd</a> <a href=>kjiinq</a> <a href=>ydp</a> <a href=>fvblej</a> <a href=>apna</a> <a href=>azug</a> <a href=>xtdrsz</a> <a href=>xnvznl</a> <a href=>cmnpa</a> <a href=>kujdxmw</a> </span></span>



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