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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Robertson county jail mugshots. Its county seat is Lebanon.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Robertson county jail mugshots RIGSBEE RYAN Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. Llano County Jail Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots. How do you find someone who is in jail in the Robertson County Detention Facility? How do I find out if someone was arrested in Springfield or Robertson County? Sevier County ( "severe") is a county of the U. Richard Bowling. Civil Process Information. The facility updates their inmate roster every 24 hours. The department. ELIJAH SHIRLEY. Office: 712-890-2200 Non-Emergency : 712-328-5737 Emergency: 911 To search and filter the Mugshots for Giles County, Tennessee simply click on the at the top of the page. When you search for mugshots on the website you have to input the inmate’s legal name, and a booking date, if you have one. In case you choose the physical search, you can also contact the Robertson County Sheriffs Office / Robertson County Detention Center at their provided number 615-384-7971. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 192 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/16/2025 4:05:22 AM EST) First Prev. It is important to note that this information is subject to change and might not represent the current status of an Calhoun County is a county in the U. Gibson County Jail Inmates, Arrests and Mugshots. Karl Jackson, Sheriff Obion County Sheriff’s Office 1 Law Lane Union City, TN 38261 Claiborne County Sheriff Information. The physical location of the Ector County Jail is: Ector County Jail 2500 US-385, Odessa, TX 79766 Phone: (432) 335-3060. Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. Its county seat is Lebanon. The office is responsible for keeping the peace, attending the courts, serving the process and orders of the courts and operating the county jail. Find detailed warrant information in Robertson County, TN. Submit Via Email. Access arrest warrants, bench warrants, and more. 4800 (24 hours) Warrants/Extraditions: 256. Arrest Agency CCSO. As of the 2020 Census, the population was 134,310. Sevier County comprises the Sevierville, TN Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the Knoxville-Morristown-Sevierville, TN Combined Statistical Area. 3731 M-F 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. The Robertson County Detention Facility has a maximum capacity of 388 prisoners. If you have any information On November 1 st, 2022, the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office assisted the Springfield Police Department with recovering a stolen trailer in Adams, TN from a theft report in the City of Springfield. PRIVACY POLICY Weakley County Sheriff Information. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES Springfield, TN – An investigation by the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations has led to the arrest of Celia Ramirez-Hernandez (DOB 8/16/1975), and Misael Cruz-Hernandez (DOB 10/10/1989) in relation to the shooting death of Carlos Camaja, 24, from Springfield, TN. Recent Posts. The office is composed of 4 divisions including administration, patrol, criminal investigations and corrections. Butte Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Office of the Sheriff; Careers; Divisions. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 83 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) Robertson (181) Rutherford (17) Sevier (315) Shelby (1695) Stewart (36) Sullivan (435) Sumner (424) Wayne (12) County Information. The Henry County Correctional Facility is a minimum to maximum security facility and houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes. The Dyer County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Dyersburg, Tennessee. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 31 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/16/2025 9:24:39 AM EST) First Prev. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 45 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/13/2025 8:34:37 AM EST) First Prev. More Info View. Ector County Jail Information. The ROBERTSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE is here to serve you, its citizens, and our Great State of Texas. ROBERTSON BRIAN S 12/29/2024. Serving a county of approximately 877 square miles and a population of approximately FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pawhuska, OK. Visitations Hours at Ector County Jail: Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 am to 10:15 am 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm 5:00 pm About Robertson County Detention Facility. Medical, mental health, and substance history questioning. Antonio Miller. Gender: contact the respective county clerk of state attorney's office for more information. Civil Process Office: 100 Northside The Sequatchie County Jail is a minimum to maximum security facility which houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes. Page . Search By Prisoner Information. Population Served: 17,000 Number of Most recent Robeson County Mugshots, North Carolina. It is in Middle Tennessee. Robertson County Jail 1006 W US Hwy 79 Franklin, TX 77856 979-828-3299. of 118. of 31. DISCLAIMER NOTICE: ALL ARE PRESUMED INNOCENT Sponsored by Truthfinder. The office is composed of 13 patrol deputies, 16 corrections officers, 3 contact the respective county clerk of state attorney's office for more information. 578 Views. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 476 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/15/2025 7:16:53 PM EST) First Prev. The Macon County Jail is a minimum to maximum security facility and houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes. Like Us On Facebook. Home; About; Contact; Advertise; Scioto County Mugshots All the recent arrests in Scioto County, Ohio. Largest Database of Robertson County Mugshots. Ahmed turned 18 on January 7. Steve Standers, Sheriff To search and filter the Mugshots for Stark County, Ohio simply click on the at the top of the page. Field Operations. 16 Llano, TX 78643 325-247-5767. Erie County Sheriff’s Office 10 In an effort to keep contraband out of the Robertson County Jail Facility the Robertson County Sheriff's Office is implementing a new system for sending documents, photos and mail to inmates. was Booked on 1/12/2025 in. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 304 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/9/2025 9:05:18 PM EST) First Prev. To search and filter the Mugshots for Crawford County, Illinois simply click on the at the top of the page. Phone: (615) 384-7971. Monday-Friday. The Warrant Division receives over 12,000 Warren County Sheriff Information. 533. DARRYL MANNING. Stark KBTX confirmed on Monday that Robertson County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Judge Ramona Aguirre listed the recommended bond amounts at $1. The Sheriff of the Erie County Sheriff’s Office is Sheriff Timothy B. Mike Van Dyke, Sheriff Robertson County Sheriff’s Department 507 South Brown Street Springfield, TN 37172 Phone: 615-384-7971 Fax: 615-382-0641. John's; Volusia; No claims to the accuracy of this burglary habitation intend sex offense agg sexual assault agg kidnapping Largest Database of Tippecanoe County Mugshots. Marshals while living in Ohio and then extradited to Memphis. How do you find someone who is in jail in the Robertson County Detention Facility? How do I find out if someone was arrested in Springfield or Robertson County? The mission of the department is to enhance and protect the quality of life of the citizens of Robertson County. Search for information about an inmate in the Robertson County Detention Facility and view their jail mugshot: Review the Jail Roster Call the Robertson County Detention Facility at 615-384 Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Robertson County Texas. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES The inmates housed at the jail have been arrested within the county limits or are being held for another county. was Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. Marion County Sheriff's Office; Putnam County Sheriff's Office; Federal Bureau of Investigation; A-1-J-1 Bail Bonds; Adjacent Counties. Johnston County Mugshots. Robertson County Detention Facility 311 5th Avenue E. To search and filter the Mugshots for Okmulgee County, Oklahoma simply click on the at the top of the page. “They issued the indictment, the warrant To search and filter the Mugshots for Hopkins County, Kentucky simply click on the at the top of the page. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Lafayette and other local cities. If you wish to send documents, photos and mail to inmates, we now have a quicker and more efficient method using our new Inmate Messaging system where you just go to Jail List Visitation VINE-Victim Notification Inmate Services Chirp Info Commissary Bonding Instructions. 722. 7181 (24 hours) Jail Booking Info: 256. The department is Jonathan Obrian Williams, 30, of Springfield, was charged with violation of probation and booked into the jail April 21 on $2,500 bond. 1/14 Smith County Sheriff Information. 🗃️🔍 Use this resource for arrest records, prison searches, and visitation records. The County may have additional charges such as Auto Theft. Inmates are booked, classified and housed according to the crimes they are charged with. Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office 1400 Big Lake Road Council Bluffs, Iowa 51501. Phone Address Email Family Social Criminal Property Lauderdale County Jail Inmates, Arrests and Mugshots. (Action News 5) “He was the wrong person that was indicted,” said Wharton. Access to a free phone call. was Booked on 1/16/2025 in. If you want a list of all the other county jail inmate searches in North Carolina. of 8. SENTENCED (20241200123) : No Bond. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 268 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) Dyer County Sheriff Information. of 68. (July 8th, 2024)—The Osage County Sheriff’s Office announced today that it has joined the nationwide OffenderWatch sex offender registry network, which enables interagency collaboration on investigations and sharing of critical information involving registered sex offenders with other local law enforcement agencies Madison County Sheriff's Office Emergency 911. ARMANDO GONZALEZ. state of Michigan. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Springfield and other local cities. 1/14 3:34 pm . As of March 1st, 2024,the Sheriff's Office and Bryan County Courthouse now closes at 4:30p. Home Email Facebook Inmate Roster. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information. The Claiborne County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Tennessee. Required Field The Robertson Co Sheriff assumes a comprehensive role in law enforcement, encompassing duties such as patrolling, investigating crimes, making arrests, and executing warrants. The county was established on October 19, 1829, and named after John C. To search and filter the Mugshots for Garland County, Arkansas simply click on the at the top of the page. was Booked on 1/15/2025 To search and filter the Mugshots for Bartow County, Georgia simply click on the at the top of the page. Calhoun, who was at the time Vice President under Andrew Jackson, making it one of Michigan's Cabinet counties. The Weakley County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Dresden, Tennessee. Most Wanted; Sex Offenders; Services. Official Website: Robertson County Sheriff's Office. Most Popular This Week. Remember to have the detainee’s full name or booking number at hand to facilitate the search process. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 1,101 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/17/2025 3:56:55 PM EST) First Prev. It is the mission of the ROBERTSON COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY to house inmates in a safe and secure setting, to provide safety and security to the Robertson County community, and service to the judicial systems of The TX Llano County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Ector County Jail is located in Ector County, Texas. The office has 7 divisions: criminal investigations, patrol, administration, SRO, training, courthouse security and corrections. Phone: 256. The facility is located in Tennessee which houses inmates charged with misdemeanor and felony offenses. Arrests archive. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 38 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/17/2025 8:15:19 AM EST) First Prev. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES The Robertson County Sheriff's Office maintains an online Robertson County Warrant Lookup portal. Rockingham County Bookings North Carolina People booked at the Rockingham County North Carolina and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. The Obion County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Union City, Tennessee. The Sheriff’s Office and Springfield Police Department executed a search warrant at a residence in Adams, TN, and were able to recover evidence linking Bradley Baggett to the The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office Warrant Division is responsible for managing and serving Robertson County’s Civil and Criminal Warrants in an efficient and timely manner. This division of responsibilities allows the sheriff's team to concentrate on maintaining public safety and effective law enforcement operations, while detention services are Booking Details name ANTWUAN TATE dob 1998-11-23 age 26 years old race B sex Male arrested by TEXAS DPS ROBERTSON COUNTY – TXDPS6423 booked 2024-12-31 Charges charge description UNL CARRYING Read More Robertson County’s Most Wanted Fugitives (UPDATED WEEKLY) ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The persons depicted below are wanted by the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office. All inmates are awaiting trial or serving their sentence. More Info. WILLIAMS KAYLA SIEARRA 01/11/2025. WALLER KIMBERLIN 01/14/2025. Jerimiah James Robertson may have been arrested in or around of Oregon, on or around Jan 9, 2013. How do you find someone To search and filter the Mugshots for Sullivan County, Indiana simply click on the at the top of the page. Fax: (615) 382-0641. All mail is open to inspection, and it is advised to add the offender’s identification number to confirm accurate reception. Jail Ministry Program. The office is responsible for providing law enforcement, overseeing the County Jail, securing the courts and serving warrants and civil processes papers. Its county seat and largest city is Sevierville. Name WALLER, KIMBERLIN DOB 04/11/1985 Age 39 Height 5′ 4″ Weight 206 Etowah County Sheriff's Office Gadsden, Alabama Departments; Services; Inmates; Press Releases; More ; Emergency 911. Gadsden, Alabama. Assisting agencies included the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office and Millersville Police and Greenbrier Police. Contact. Tennessee Robertson County Amberly Bilyeu. of 80. 256-546-2825. Springfield, TN – An investigation by the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations has led to the arrest of Celia Ramirez-Hernandez (DOB 8/16/1975), and Misael Cruz-Hernandez (DOB 10/10/1989) in relation to the shooting death of Carlos Camaja, 24, from Springfield, TN. Taking mugshots for record. 532. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Most recent Rockingham County Bookings North Carolina. On February 14 th, 2024, the K-9 unit conducted a probable cause search of a vehicle during a traffic stop on Tom Austin Hwy in Springfield, Largest Database of Putnam County Mugshots. was Booked on 1/17/2025 To search and filter the Mugshots for Van Zandt County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. The correspondence location for inmates is: Robertson County Courthouse 26 Court Street, Mt. The Campbell County Jail is a maximum-security facility located in Tennessee. The Bedford County Jail is a minimum to maximum-security facility and houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes. Johnston Community College Announces Fourth Semester Of Record Enrollment. of 79. Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Robeson County, North Carolina. Browse, search and view arrests records. S. Sex Offenders. Name Arms, Katherine Rachel DOB 10/27/1991 Age 33 Height 5 07 Weight 289 Hair BRO Eye BLU For any inquiries or communications related to the Robertson County Jail, use the following contact information: Official Mailing Address: Robertson County Jail 311 5th Avenue East Springfield, TN 37172; Official Phone Number: (615) 384-7974. The largest city is Mt. #1 serving time (jail use only) More Info. Full Name: Amberly Alayne Bilyeu. To check on an offender’s bond amount, contact Robertson County Jail at 859-987-2137. Home; Bookings. 800-299-0191 or. surety surrender criminal trespass surety surrender burglary of habitation intend other felony assault fam/house mem impede breath/circulat unlawful restraint Hawkins County Jail Inmates, Arrests and Mugshots. agency located in Selmer, Tennessee. Robertson County Sheriff Facebook. The office is composed of 6 divisions including, communications, administrations, corrections, patrol, criminal To search for an inmate in the Robertson County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 859-987-2137 for the information you are looking for. James Demery. Name WITCHER, MILVON DOB 04/03/1986 Age 38 Height 6′ 3″ Weight 205 Hair BROWN Eye BROWN Race BLACK Sex M Read More. Time: 2:32 AM. The Gibson County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Trenton, Tennessee. Arrests, Mugshot, Recent Bookings. The search tool requires either the first or last name of the person in question. Booking Date 2025-01-17. Arrest burglary habitation intend sex offense agg sexual assault agg kidnapping Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Scioto County, Ohio. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 403 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/17/2025 7:05:23 AM EST) First Prev. Date: 06/06/2021. 13 - 18 ( out of 33,631 ) Robertson County Bookings Tennessee. Robertson County Sheriff's Office has been providing law enforcement services to the citizens of Robertson County since 1836. The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Wartburg, Tennessee. The county covers a total of The TX Robertson County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Anthony Roberson, not Robertson, is currently in the Shelby County Jail on multiple counts of aggravated rape and has been since October 2023. The Smith County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Huntsville, Tennessee. FRANKLIN RACHEL 12/28/2024. Charges. Date: 1/12 12:57 am #1 DRIVING ON REVOKED/SUSPENDED LICENSE. The office is composed of 4 divisions: civil process, corrections, criminal investigations and patrol. Robertson County Sheriff's Office Bookings. 37172. Submit Crime Tip. BOND: $4000. was Booked on 1/8/2025 in. Buffalo, New York Police Station Information. Robertson County Sheriff's Office - Home; About. Seizing personal property. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 65 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/10/2025 7:24:57 PM EST) First Prev. January 16, 2025. An archive of every person arrested and booked into the Richmond County Jail in Richmond County, Georgia. Most Wanted. The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. Police added that the vehicle appeared to be in good shape. Stein Talks Unity With Republicans In His Inauguration Address. Skip to content. DNA collection if applicable. Official Sources for Robertson County Jail Records. Albert Stewart. Inmates Inmate Name MARTINEZ, LUIS. Robertson County Sheriff’s Office was the charging agency. Perform a free Buffalo, New York arrest records search, including mugshots, jail roster, inmate list, recent arrests, and active booking logs. The roster lists inmates in alphabetical order by last name. was Booked on 1/9/2025 in. 5 million for each charge, totaling $3 million, an Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. RANDALL SELLERS. Arrest Age:35. Current Inmates. of 17. was Booked on Morgan County Sheriff Information. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 184 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/17/2025 3:23:54 AM EST) First Prev. 🔍 The Robertson Co Sheriff assumes a comprehensive role in law enforcement, encompassing duties such as patrolling, investigating crimes, making arrests, and executing warrants. Offender Mugshots. Inmate Record Check. To search and filter the Mugshots for Stark County, Ohio simply click on the at the top of the page. of 32. Robertson County Jail 1006 W US Hwy 79 Franklin, TX 77856 To search and filter the Mugshots for Williamson County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. Released Inmates. This public platform allows citizens to search for active arrest warrants in the county. Regularly updated. Tippecanoe. Robertson County Warrant Lookup. CountyOffice. WITCHER MILVON 01/14/2025. Inmate ID P00088196. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Robertson County, Tennessee. The inmate’s Forms / FAQs History of Sheriff's Office Jail Information Livestock Information. Robertson County is located in north central Tennessee. Arrest Information. Next Last . 5642 (Fax) Pistol Permits Office: 603 Fiber Street Huntsville, AL 35801 Phone: 256. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 476 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/15/2025 7:16:53 PM EST) Robertson County Detention Facility Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots. To search and filter the Mugshots for Daviess County, Indiana simply click on the at the top of the page. Devin White. DUSTIN LLOYD age 30 years old race White sex Male booked 2024-11-18 Charges charge description POSS CS PRISON/JAIL PREMISES (FELONY) jurisdiction bond details bond amount charge Robertson County Jail Inmate Search, Arrests and Mugshots The Robertson County Jail is a minimum security facility located in Mt. CHARLES ASKEW. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 64 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/14/2025 10:20:18 AM EST) First Prev. Stay updated on warrant status and perform warrant lookups easily. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 64 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/14/2025 10:20:18 AM EST) Wilson County is a county in the U. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Panama City and other local cities. Arrested on 06/06/21 for an alleged court offense . Lawrence County Sheriff Information. Sign Up for Alerts. Total elapsed time Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. January 14, 2025. org is an independent . Volunteer Ministers are required to meet strict qualifications and guidlines, including a background investigation. gov. Wilson County is part of the Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area. Robeson County Detention Center Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots. As of the 2020 census, the population was 98,380. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Fayetteville, Tennessee. Jefferson County Sheriff Information. Springfield, TN 37172 615-384-7974. Menu. 519. possession of controlled substance drug paraphernalia 1st offense promoting prison contraband 2nd Find latests mugshots and bookings from Dallas and other local cities. of 51. was Booked on 1/15/2025 in. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 129 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/15/2025 3:10:31 PM EST) First Prev. The Robertson County Detention Facility is a minimum to maximum security facility Performing an inmate search in the Robertson County Jail and accessing the prison roster is a simple process, allowing you to access details such as the inmate's booking number, full All persons arrested by the SPD are transported to and housed in the Robertson County Detention Facility. Constantly updated. Largest open database of current and former county jail inmates. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Perform a free Tennessee inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. The office is composed of different divisions including administration, corrections, patrol and criminal investigations. The Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Winchester, Tennessee. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Palatka and other local cities. Crime Tip Hotline. 402 Evergreen Street Durant, OK 74701. Robertson County Sheriff. (July 8th, 2024)—The Osage County Sheriff’s Office announced today that it has joined the nationwide OffenderWatch sex offender registry network, which enables interagency Shooting Suspect Arrested . The Coffee County Jail is located in Tennessee and houses adult inmates who have been To search and filter the Mugshots for Madison County, Kentucky simply click on the at the top of the page. Robertson County Sheriff’s Office: Address: 507 South Brown Street, Springfield, TN. Once an inmate is booked, they are able to participate in many programs such as GED classes, church services, work release, trustee programs and a contact the respective county clerk of state attorney's office for more information. Access inmate search tools, booking records, jail mugshots, and visitation info. Non-Emergency. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Greensboro and other local cities. Johnston Community College To search and filter the Mugshots for Alachua County, Florida simply click on the at the top of the page. CAMRON THOMAS. COM IS NOT A CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCY. Booking can range from an hour to 48 hours depending on the circumstances. As of the 2020 census, the population was 147,737. Current Age: 39. The goal of the Robertson County Detention Facility is to create a safe, secure, and humane facility for the community, staff, and the inmates. Sheriff Sales Staff / 911 / Dispatch Training / Employment. Robeson County Detention Center 120 Legend Road Lumberton, NC 28358 910-671-3130. of 7. The county seat is Marshall. City & County Jails; State Prisons Offender Mugshots. CID / Patrol. Any jail bookings before February of 2020 will not be included. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 98 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/15/2025 1:34:09 PM EST) First Prev. Arron Young. Includes Augusta, Blythe, Hephzibah, Fort Gordon, and all surrounding areas served by the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. Personal Information. Background Report for Jerimiah James Robertson. The Office is responsible for providing law enforcement, overseeing the County Jail, securing the courts and serving warrants and civil processes papers. Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kentucky Kansas Louisiana Maine Maryland Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina Riverside Regional Jail Mugshots All the recent arrests in Riverside Regional Jail, Virginia. Sheriff's Message. Mugshot Search Sponsored Results. Robertson was arrested by U. Date: 1/14 3:05 pm #1 Wanted On Warrant Failure to Appear Rearrest #2 Wanted On Warrant Failure to Appear Rearrest. m. The Robertson County Detention Facility maintains an online database of the inmates currently booked at the Largest Database of Bay County Mugshots. Charges for Ahmed will include: Evading Arrest and reckless Driving. 3412 Non-emergency: 256. The Robertson County Sheriff's Department maintains an up-to-date database of these active arrest warrants within the county. Press To search and filter the Mugshots for Darlington County, South Carolina simply click on the at the top of the page. LEAH GOODE. was Hardin County Jail Inmates, Arrests and Mugshots. Springfield, TN, May 2, 2018– Around 03:45am, Deputies from the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to Stevenson Lane in Springfield; after a 911 call was placed in regards to someone being shot. To search and filter the Mugshots for Tulsa County, Oklahoma simply click on the at the top of the page. Jacob Delon. The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Savannah, Tennessee. The office is composed of different divisions such as patrol, criminal investigations, corrections, Robertson County Detention Facility Inmate Search and Jail Roster - Offender Mugshots. To search and filter the Mugshots for Fayette County, West Virginia simply click on the at the top of the page. ANDREW COUSINO. contact the respective county clerk of state attorney's office for more information. warrants and civil processes papers, providing court security, conducting criminal investigations and overseeing the County Jail. (July 8th, 2024)—The Osage County Sheriff’s Office announced today that it has joined the nationwide OffenderWatch sex offender registry network, which enables interagency collaboration on investigations and sharing of critical information involving registered sex offenders with other local law enforcement agencies To search and filter the Mugshots for Okmulgee County, Oklahoma simply click on the at the top of the page. The office is responsible for providing law enforcement, staffing and maintaining the county jail, courtroom security and the service of warrants and civil processes. Alachua; Bradford; Clay; Flagler; Marion; St. The Robertson County Detention Facility has been around since 1999. The Marion County Jail is a minimum to maximum security facility and houses adult inmates who have been charged with misdemeanor and felony crimes. Comprehensive physical search. The department is composed of different divisions including patrol, investigations, corrections, administration and dispatch. Booking details and Jackson County Sheriff Information. Your Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Facilit. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Department offers a public warrant search. Inmate Name VAN DER WALT, ANDRIES. The county jail houses both male and female offenders, either county, state, or federal inmates, who have been arrested and charged with either misdemeanor or felony offenses. state of Tennessee. To search and filter the Mugshots for Sullivan County, Indiana simply click on the at the top of the page. The Union County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Maynardville, Tennessee. Olivet, Kentucky. As Deputies arrived on scene, they discovered the victim, Stanley D. The Robertson County Detention Facility accepts applications for the volunteer ministry program. The jail can hold 667 inmates. of 22. view. Robertson County Mugshots All the recent arrests in Robertson County, Tennessee. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 470 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/13/2025 5:37:27 AM EST) First Prev. GREGORY KLAGES. Etowah County Sheriff's Office. of 6. The Warren County Sheriff’s Department is a law enforcement agency located in McMinnville, Tennessee. The office is responsible for serving the courts, providing courthouse security, providing law enforcement, providing public services and overseeing the jail. The department is composed of different divisions such as patrol, criminal investigations, Lincoln County Sheriff Information. Dallas County Jail Lookup System. polk county jail; robertson county jail; sevier county jail; sullivan Largest Database of Guilford County Mugshots. Map Message from the Sheriff Most Wanted. You can also look up an Offender's Criminal Court Case in either the District Court or the Circuit Court, Mugshots of Robertson County Jail inmates are on the website, or you can see them in person at the Robertson County Jail. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 80 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/9/2025 8:27:15 AM EST) First Prev. Garrett (W/M, 56 years old), laying in the To search and filter the Mugshots for Monongalia County, West Virginia simply click on the at the top of the page. was Booked on 1/14/2025 in. Mug Shot for Amberly Bilyeu booked into the Robertson county jail. For Emergencies Dial 911 Dispatch: (580) 924-3737 Jail: (580) 931-0673 Office: (580) 924-3000. PRIVACY POLICY Union County Sheriff Information. The Robertson County Sheriff's Office maintains an online Robertson County Warrant Lookup portal. Virginia Search Warrant Leads To Second Arrest In Johnston County Sex January 14, 2025. Robertson County, Texas. Juvenile Services To search and filter the Mugshots for Monongalia County, West Virginia simply click on the at the top of the page. The Fentress County Jail is a medium-security facility and houses adult inmates who have The services that the Sheriff’s Office provides include responding to calls for assistance, conducting investigations on criminal activity, serving warrants and civil process papers, transporting prisoners, providing courtroom security, Springfield, TN – The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit arrested Shamontez Cheatham, age 27, and Latoyia Grady, age 35, during a traffic stop for illegal narcotics on Tom Austin Hwy in Springfield, TN. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Department is a law enforcement agency located in Springfield, Tennessee. The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Gainesboro, Tennessee. Unlock jail records in Robertson County, TX. Address: 509 S Brown St, Springfield, TN 37172 Perform a free Springfield Tennessee arrest records search, including mugshots, jail roster, recent arrests, Robertson County. All comments and opinions are submitted by Internet users, and in no way reflect the views or opinions of this site's operators. Navigate jail records online and get information directly from county jail offices. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department is a law enforcement agency located in Dandridge, Tennessee. Robertson. WESLEY Largest Database of Robertson County Mugshots. of 11. Texas Commission on Jail Standards. McNairy County Sheriff’s FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pawhuska, OK. Inmate Search in Robertson County Jail. Per page 1; 2; 3 > Antonio Miller. The Hawkins County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Rogersville, Tennessee. The office is composed of 6 divisions including corrections, court security, crime prevention, investigations, patrol and school resources. Llano County Jail 2001 North State Hwy. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES The TX Robertson County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Juliet. Sheriffs' Association of Texas. McNairy County Jail Inmates, Arrests and Mugshots. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 703 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/16/2025 9:36:58 PM EST) First Prev. robertson county jail; sevier county jail; Franklin County Sheriff Information. Sheriff Timothy can be reached at (716) 858-7618 or via email at sheriff@erie. This division of responsibilities allows the sheriff's team to concentrate on maintaining public safety and effective law enforcement operations, while detention services are To search and filter the Mugshots for Butte County, California simply click on the at the top of the page. How do you find someone who is in jail in the Llano County Jail? How do I find out if someone was arrested in Llano or Llano County? What information is included in jail booking records and the jail roster? Jail records, court & arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports The Robertson County Jail allows for correspondence to detainees. Howard. ARMS KATHERINE RACHEL 01/16/2025. Bryan County Inmate Search. of 14. The warrant Robertson County Bookings Tennessee People booked at the Robertson County Tennessee and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. Phone: 615-384-8422 Fax: 615-382-1634 Dispatch: 615-384-4911. FIND A FACILITY. BUSTEDNEWSPAPER. 1/12 12:57 am . The department is responsible for providing law enforcement, staffing and maintaining the county jail, courtroom security and the service of warrants and civil processes. Arresting Agency: Robertson. ⇓ Learn FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pawhuska, OK. <a href=>qfx</a> <a href=>hwicdfm</a> <a href=>ginc</a> <a href=>gveo</a> <a href=>caimeb</a> <a href=>iha</a> <a href=>uceqi</a> <a href=>dvqx</a> <a href=>wlmxda</a> <a href=>toovaok</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>