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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Nwi times arrest gallery. Hobart police arrest Lake County Recorder Michael B.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Nwi times arrest gallery Watkins, The Times With her newborn son Odin Witten, Shannon Taylor wears an "I Gave Birth" bracelet from Northwest Health - Porter. "And we say, 'Well, yeah i Girl missing from St. 3 The body of 45-year-old Jamie Vlamos-Jones was discovered Thursday by a private search party in the 2100 block of Clay Street on the border between Gary and Lake Station. Victim shot Thursday drove themselves to police station after shooting, Michigan City cops say Episode of hit HGTV show 'House Hunters' filmed in Northwest Indiana Family issues statement on death of 3 Floyds co-founder Simon Floyd School bus driver allegedly on heroin when arrested for OWI Arrest Date: Jan. Note: All parties are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Tuesday at Munster High School in the presidential and local elections. Valparaiso woman missing since last Wednesday found dead in Lake Station; Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage; Suspect photos released in wake of Munster home burglary PORTAGE — Two men were arrested after a local resident travelling with his family reported shots being fired from a passing vehicle, according to Portage police. Here’s your 219 News Now for January 15, 2025. Offense Description: BATTERY - AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT OR PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIAL; RESISTING - INTERFERING WITH PUBLIC SAFETY. 30 in Schererville; Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage CROWN POINT — A dozen Northwest Indiana attorneys and judges who died in 2024 were honored Tuesday by the legal community who remembered them for their service to the justice system and the HAMMOND — A Chicago cop has been stripped of her police powers following allegations she struck a gaming official at Horseshoe Casino earlier this year. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail Here are recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. State police focused their efforts on I-80/94 and I-65, issuing five felony charges, six drug arrests and nine OWI charges. 27, 2022. Adrian Martinez-De La Cruz, The Times PORTAGE — An employee of a Michigan marijuana dispensary was arrested during a local traffic stop with nearly 11 ounces of marijuana products, which remain illegal in Indiana, according to police. 10, 2024 Arresting Agency: Indiana State Police Offense Description: FRAUD - DECEPTION - IDENTITY; BURGLARY - PROPERTY - RESIDENTIAL ENTRY - BREAKING AND ENTERING; FRAUD - ON A Terri Severin, right, chats with sisters Kimberlie, left, and Betsy Modaff who lost their sister Sandi Modaf in the crash of American Eagle Flight 4184 30 years ago. Here are the recent bookings by the Lake County Sheriff's Department. wilk@nwi. More than 40 dogs were seized by the Lake County Animal Control in May after a 42-year-old Crown Point man was arrested for operating a suspected puppy mill. Age: 30. Nwitimes. The Times of Northwest Indiana - the source for regional crime, business, government, education, sports news, Gallery: Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail. Police say Robert Kampf was northbound on the highway around 6:15 p. 14 to the 5300 block of Tulip Avenue for a report of a man wearing a red hooded sweatshirt who took two packages from outside a home. To stay on top of relevant Region information at an incredible bargain, sign Arrest Date: June 1, 2023. The latest weather, traffic, crime Civil Bureau 219. According to Gary police, officers were called to the airport at approximately 12:43 p. Highest Offense Class: Felonies CEDAR LAKE — Two men were arrested late Friday for allegedly breaking into a home in the 13900 block of Huseman Street, brandishing firearms, GARY — Lake County Sheriff's police are seeking "Johnathan started to tense up and pull away from officers and stated he did not want to go to jail," according to the arrest report. The county seat is the city of La Porte, and the largest city is Michigan City. SNITCHLER, MICHAEL ROBERT | 2025-01-16 21:21:00 Porter County, Indiana Booking Here are the recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. 24 and County Road 700 West. Traffic issues resolved; Wendy's PORTAGE — A 27-year-old local man is charged with assaulting a police officer while insisting he be taken home rather than to jail on allegations of again driving while intoxicated. Police said they were called out Citizens turned up to vote between 6 a. It’s startling but not overly surprising. and 6 p. Highest Offense Arrest Date: June 10, 2023. Detective Bureau 219. Old Lake County Jail Sandy Boyd is president of the Old Sheriff's House Foundation, a nonprofit working to restore the historic Check out the Times' picks for the best images from the past week. 30 in Schererville; Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage Arrest Date: Jan. South Suburban News LAPORTE COUNTY — A 20-year-old man was killed Thursday morning in LaPorte County in a single-car crash when he collided with a concrete structure after he had tried to pass two slower vehicles Arrest Date: Dec. Four months later, the pups are A driver clocked early Monday at 110 mph in a construction zone along Interstate 94 repeatedly tried to escape police and was eventually nabbed with a machine gun, according to Indiana State Police. *Refers to the latest 2 years of nwitimes. Booking Number(s): 1803119 Arrest Date: March 31, 2018. Highest Offense Class: Felony Arrest Date: Nov. Offense Description: Battery on Law Enforcement; Resisting Law Enforcement “People often tell us, ‘That doesn’t happen in Northwest Indiana,’ Griffith police social worker Halie Gonlag said. Read The Times of Northwest Indiana - the source for crime, business, government, education and sports news and information in the Region. 20, cross the center line and twice crash into a CROWN POINT — A 20-year-old man was found guilty Thursday in a 2023 road rage shooting that left a 26-year-old man dead, Lake County prosecutor's office spokeswoman Myrna Maldonado said. state of Indiana. Residence: Chicago, IL Booking Number(s): 2413118 Arrest Date: Dec. com, The Times of Northwest Indiana e-edition, the nwi. PORTAGE — A 22-year-old man remained behind bars Thursday morning after allegedly harassing a customer earlier this week at a local pizza restaurant and then threatening to kill the manager. Duneland School Board OKs bonds for $14M renovation projects Intoxicated motorists don’t get pulled over, tested and arrested until the 80th time of committing such an offense. Cancel anytime. John. Watkins, file, The Times After Sampson made the purchase, Sgiers grabbed the six firearms and the two swiftly left the fairgrounds in a gray Dodge Journey followed closely by a red Chrysler 300 and a gray Toyota Camry. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Porter County Jail Here are the recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Age: 39. 5 important stories you need to know from yesterday: Families share memories of two of the victims in the deadly The Times of Northwest Indiana - the source for crime, business, government, education and sports news and information in the Region. One of the accused was found to have a blood content of 0. Episode of hit HGTV show 'House Hunters' filmed in Northwest Indiana Family issues statement on death of 3 Floyds co-founder Simon Floyd School bus driver allegedly on heroin when arrested for OWI LAPORTE — Twenty two drivers, labeled by county police as "incorrect decision makers," made the December lineup of those picked up on charges of operating while intoxicated. 35, LaPorte County police said. Jonathan Sanchez, 34, of Seymour, led local, county and state police down open county lanes and congested downtown roads in a high-speed chase Saturday. Watkins, The Times IUN's annual Pride Walk Student Sierra Vasquez proudly displays Pride flags Tuesday at the annual Pride Walk at Indiana University Northwest. Narrow your search by Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail. 10, 2024 Arresting Agency: Indiana State Police Offense Description: FRAUD - DECEPTION - IDENTITY; BURGLARY - PROPERTY - RESIDENTIAL ENTRY - BREAKING AND ENTERING; FRAUD - ON A A judge accepted a plea deal Friday resolving a 2019 sexual battery case committed by a man with a violent criminal history in Porter County. Arrest date: Jan. The Times of Northwest Indiana - the source for crime, business, government, education and sports news and information in the Region. Retailer to build world's largest Family Express at high-profile Von Tobel site on U. 5, 2025 Arresting Agency: Michigan City Police Department Offense Description: Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated Resulting in Serious Bodily Injury. Arrest date: Nov. . COVID-19 is real and taking toll on health care system, local doctor says in plea for caution Arrest Date: Jan. The Times of Northwest Indiana nwitimes. Stephen Julius Terrell Morrow II was taken to the LaPorte County Jail The Times of Northwest Indiana S e p s n o t o d r 4 1 3 8 3 8 5 4 a 9 , 5 8 i 0 2 7 u u y 2 t 9 g l g g u r 1 0 u i 4 2 1 l 9 2 J 1 n m 8 4 a f 7 · nwitimes. com: Enjoying this newsletter? Forward it to Read the most recent breaking regional crime and court headlines for Munster, Beckum, Greven, Dulmen, Hammond, Lake County, Porter County courthouse, and Metropolitan area. All reactions: 3. Steel building late at night last Wednesday. Check out these top stories and more in The Times and nwi. ‘Mother of all people’ honored at Guadalupe service Retailer to build world's largest Family Express at high-profile Von Tobel site on U. Gallery: Police respond to To be included in our gallery and map, email your photos, name and address to kale. 30 in Schererville; NWI Business Ins and Outs: Bronko’s, L Squared and Say It with a Cookie open The two-story mall at 288 Orland Square Drive off South LaGrange Road is a popular destination for shoppers from throughout the south suburbs and Northwest Indiana. The Times of Northwest Indiana p n r o t S s o d e g u 5 6 l e 1 g 7 c r 8 7 c 9 g l b h a F 0 t c 5 y 1 4 c 0 i r a 4 i 2 c t t c 6 i 5 g 0 c 4 l i · nwitimes. 3080 Arrest date: Jan. Vikings on Sunday Night Football - Nov. 10, 2024 Arresting Agency: Schererville Police Department Offense Description: LEAVING THE SCENE OF A CRASH - SERIOUS BODILY INJURY CRASH WHILE INTOXICATED - MOTOR VEHICLE Arrest Date: Jan. LaPorte County is a county located in the U. 1 share. Residence: South Bend. S. com stories. Watkins, The Times Two Illinois men have been arrested and charged after they were caught breaking into a U. Here are the recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Repeat drug dealer who sold to NORTH JUDSON — Federal and local police were not about to let the floor of a house stand in their way this week in capturing a 51-year-old wanted man known for eluding officers. Records 219. Orris was transported to the Porter County Jail following her arrest. com. 226%, which is nearly three times the legal limit for drinking and driving, police said. Lake County The White Castle at the corner of 37th Avenue and Hobart Road in Hobart is closed off with tape after police investigated a suspected "one pot" methamphetamine lab inside the restaurant. Most recent Porter County Bookings Indiana. 28, 2024 Arresting Agency: East Chicago Police Department Offense Description: DOMESTIC BATTERY - SIMPLE - PRESENCE OF CHILD < 16 YEARS OLD Here are the recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Watkins, The Times Illiana Christian's Alexa Miedema after a point Saturday, Sept. Dec. due to reports of protesters blocking the entrance on Airport Road. 14, 2025 Age: 34 Residence: Portage, IN Booking Number: 2500202 Charges: Domestic battery, misdemeanor Read breaking news for Munster, Beckum, Greven, Dulmen, Hammond, Lake County, Porter County area of Northwest Indiana news from The Times of Northwest Indiana. HOBART — Police took an employee at a Southlake Mall food court into custody Saturday and seized an AR-15 and other firearms from his home after the man posted a MICHIGAN CITY — A tip led to the arrest of a 29-year-old Michigan City man on child pornography charges, state police say. 3130. Latest News Subscribe. Man charged with dealing meth in Cedar Lake arrest, police say The board realized how important the arts were even during tough times, Valparaiso Mayor Jon Costas said. John located, is safe Gallery: Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail Here are recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Comment. John J. Among their reasons for voting were the economy and public safety. Arresting Agency: Lake County Sheriff's Department. Watkins, The Times Michael Cansler picks out a book during Books, Brushes & Bands for Education's 24th anniversary celebration on Thursday. 9, 2025 Age: 22 Residence: East Chicago, IN Booking Number: 2500124 Charges: OWI, misdemeanor Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail. m. 3 drivers accused of hit-and-run crashes in The Food Bank of Northwest Indiana is providing free groceries at its Mobile Markets, while several locations are hosting free meals before and on Thanksgiving Day. Here are the recent bookings by the Lake County Sheriff's Department Retailer to build world's largest Family Express at high-profile Von Tobel site on U. The Times Media Company; Northwest Indiana Calendar; Online Features; IN Business; Southland; Get Healthy; Crime Subscribe. 8, 2025 Arresting Agency: Michigan City Police Department Offense Description : Felon Carrying a Handgun; Dealing in Methamphetamine; Dealing in a schedule I, II, or III PORTAGE — A 20-year-old Portage man faces a felony charge after allegedly pointing a handgun multiple times at a female driver during a road rage incident along U. Regional Crime Report; The Times Media Company; MICHIGAN CITY — Officials are investigating a fire that broke out early Sunday morning at Gallops Gas Station and Truck Stop, according to a Facebook post from the LaPorte County Sheriff's Office. 10, 2024 Arresting Agency: Schererville Police Department Offense Description: LEAVING THE SCENE OF A CRASH - SERIOUS BODILY INJURY CRASH WHILE INTOXICATED - MOTOR VEHICLE Nearly 800 convicted sex offenders appear on the public sex offender registries spanning Lake and Porter counties. com app and Age: 30. South Shore, CSX reach Arrest Date: Jan. m Prosecutors filed a motion to drop charges of attempted murder, aggravated battery, battery by means of a deadly weapon and battery resulting in serious bodily injury against Daveion Maddox, 24 A warrant for the arrest of Allen Oscar Woods, 39, of Hammond, was issued in connection with the charge, according to court records. Gallery: Recent arrests Search the latest news from all around Northwest Indiana. Utilize the website’s search bar with keywords like “NWI Times arrests” to find specific reports. Hobart police arrest Lake County Recorder Michael B. Form and function: Low-impact, resistance exercises keep the spring in knees, hips, and backs Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage; Episode of hit HGTV show 'House Hunters' filmed in Northwest Indiana; Family issues statement on death of 3 Floyds co-founder Simon Floyd LAPORTE — After receiving numerous complaints that 47-year-old Thomas Anderson was selling drugs around LaPorte, police said they moved in Wednesday and took him into custody on a felony count Northwest Indiana Law Enforcement Academy welcomed its 47th graduating class into a new stage of their lives. Gallery: The Times Photos of the Week Check out the Times' picks for the best images from the past week. Valparaiso K-9 receives donated protective vest from non-profit Portage police said of the Friday murder-suicide: "The 911 caller stated that her father was intoxicated and throwing items inside the house. The Times of Northwest Indiana S r p d o e t n s o a 2 4 0, m t 6 3 i b 6 y 1 l 7 f g F g 0 u 1 u 8 l 3 l 0 8 r 0 5 8 2 e u 5 r 7 t 8 2 0 c a 8 4 · nwitimes. This county is part of the Northwest Indiana and Michiana regions of the Chicago metropolitan area. 14 at Chesterton High School. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail. Subscribe. Lake County A 46-year-old Portage man faces a felony count of repeat drunken driving after police said they watched him loose control of his vehicle along U. Last month he submitted an op-ed column to this newspaper and I recognized his name from one of my A roundup of crime stories from throughout the Region during the past 24 hours. LAPORTE — A former school bus driver was arrested Friday for allegedly endangering the lives of 32 students by driving intoxicated on the job back in September. A man who allegedly aimed his rifle at police officers and caused a SWAT team standoff Thursday now faces nine felony charges, the Schererville Police Department said. Here are the ones currently listed in Dyer, Schererville and St. A driver behind the white 2021 Lexus SUV reportedly told police the driver was swerving, nearly hitting the curb and median, and failed to slow for stopped traffic at Willowcreek Road. Here are recent bookings by the Porter Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Porter County Jail Gallery: Recent arrests booked into the Porter County Jail Here are the recent bookings by the Porter County Sheriff's Department. Check out the Times' picks for the best images from the past week. Jasper County NWI Business Ins and Outs: Avgo, Flako's Tacos, Biggby, Pepe's, Domino's and Loli's Gorditas coming 2 injured in gunfight after alleged pot deal goes bad in downtown Portage UPDATE: Wind knocks Amazon opening new 1-million-square-foot warehouse in Northwest Indiana; UPDATE: Pedestrian hit by 'multiple' cars on US 20, Portage cops say; all lanes still closed GARY — The husband of a sitting Gary councilwoman was among nine people charged Friday in a 19-count federal indictment alleging drug conspiracy and murder, a law enforcement official with The Times of Northwest Indiana - the source for crime, business, government, education and sports news and information in the Region. Kayla Pier, a 38-year-old from Nearly 800 convicted sex offenders appear on the public sex offender registries spanning Lake and Porter counties. Keeping the Region fed: Advertisement: Follow nwitimes. 30 in Schererville; NWI Business Ins and Outs: Bronko’s, L Squared and Say It with a Cookie open The Northwest Indiana Times (NWI Times) is a main media source for networks in and around Northwest Indiana. Facebook. Brown Monday at his home in Lake Station. Northwest Indiana neighbors: Obituaries for May 11: Jobs in the NWI Area. 3155. NWI Business Ins and Outs: Bronko’s, L Squared and Say It with a Cookie open Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage School bus driver allegedly on heroin when arrested for OWI Doug Ross, The Times LaPorte County Courthouse The LaPorte County Courthouse in downtown LaPorte underwent extensive remodeling in 1937 to install a massive fireproof vault for storing records. At the time of the illegal 2021 fentanyl sale in Hammond, Tido Kirby, 44, was on probation stemming from a 2016 arrest for selling heroin to undercover officers. Brown was charged with multiple counts of domestic battery, child neglect and criminal confinement by Arrest Date: Dec. The Porter County Sheriff's Department is investigating the disappearance of 86-year-old William Powers, last seen at 5 a. The caller next reported the male was now armed with a WHITING — Police arrested two 18-year-olds on charges of resisting arrest late Tuesday after they ran from officers investigating a report of two men trying to break into a garage, an official said. Gallery: The Times Photos of the Week: Lifestyles. Sunday to the site in question where the young man's body was found. Watkins, The Times Despite being pressured by Chesterton's Ethan Chasko, Michigan City's Kron Hart pulls down a pass Friday in the Chesterton at Michigan City football game. Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail. 0. 22, 2024 Arresting Agency: Schererville Police Department Offense Description: BATTERY - SIMPLE - AGAINST LAW Arrest Date: Jan. Gary man charged in connection with Motel 6 John J. All information is taken directly from the website VALPARAISO — The second of two men charged with beating and stabbing a 35-year-old Hobart man to death this summer during a sexual encounter arranged on a hookup app is Joe Ruffalo, The Times Temple Israel Pop-Up Hanukkah Shop Kelly Farkas, center, sisterhood president at Temple Israel in Gary, helps make latke, a traditional food of the season, on Wednesday with John J. All information is taken directly from the website. 28, 2024 Arresting Agency: East Chicago Police Department Offense Description: DOMESTIC BATTERY - SIMPLE - PRESENCE OF CHILD < 16 YEARS OLD Officers were reportedly called out shortly after 8 a. All reactions: 2. The woman said she tried to leave the home, at which time the accused grabbed her hair and threw her to the floor, according to police. Wednesday to the crash at the intersection of U. Serial killer on new Amazon Prime show hails from Northwest Indiana Developer who brought Amazon to Merrillville planning massive new 900,000-square-foot business park UPDATE: Gunfight may have A 22-year-old woman faces criminal charges after allegedly dislocating the elbow of a 2-year-old boy while working as a daycare aid at the Valparaiso Family YMCA, record show. Local News | Munster, Indiana. NWI Business Ins and Outs: Bronko’s, L Squared and Say It with a Cookie open Dispensary worker busted with 11 ounces of pot in Portage School bus driver allegedly on heroin when arrested for OWI Newton County police said they responded around 4 p. Offense Description: BATTERY - SIMPLE - AGAINST LAW ENFORCEMENT OR PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIAL. 3 comments. As of 2010, the population was 111,467. Entertainment & Dining Subscribe. Collections & galleries Video Regional Crime Report; The Times Media Company; Northwest Indiana families plead for law enforcement to put more resources into missing persons cases “These people are still deserving of our love and care," said Kara Barnett, family friend of VALPARAISO — Nearly nine months after lying on her 10-year-old foster child resulting in his death, Jennifer Wilson was taken away Friday to begin serving a five-year prison sentence, according Chesterton teen killed by train remembered as smart, loving; 1 million-square-foot Amazon warehouse opens in Merrillville, will become town's largest employer with 1,000 jobs VALPARAISO — A 39-year-old Kouts man was sentenced Monday morning to 10 years behind bars and labeled a sexually violent predator after pleading guilty to allegations of molesting a then-8-year Arrest Date: June 2, 2023 Arresting Agency: Hammond Police Department Offense Description: FAMILY OFFENSE- INVASION OF PRIVACY; BURGLARY - PROPERTY - RESIDENTIAL ENTRY - BREAKING AND ENTERING Check out the Times' picks for the best images from the past week. 30 Sunday morning, according *Refers to the latest 2 years of nwitimes. Pedestrian Still in Critical Condition After Being Struck by a Snow Plow. Fatal crash on US 20 People such as Nate Uldricks who was recognized in 2023 as a NWI Times “20 Under 40” awardee. Like. 477. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. Regina Richardson from the Lake County Auditor's Office sings a closing song. She faces a criminal misdemeanor charge that carries a maximum jail sentence of one year and a fine of up to $10,000 The Times of Northwest Indiana's subscription for classrooms includes one year of complimentary unlimited digital access to nwi. Regional Crime Report; The Times Media Company; The department's initial investigation shows that a pedestrian was hit by multiple vehicles just west of Samuelson Road, Captain Rob Maynard said in an email to the Times. Among its contributions are everyday updates on nearby captures, giving straightforwardness about policing. Share. Glen Fifield shows reporters an IcyBreeze, the same model of cooling device employed by FM K9 during a July 2023 truck ride that ultimately left nine dogs dead of head Over 2,200 students from 32 high schools from across Northwest Indiana took part in the 8th Annual Construction and Skilled Trades Day Tuesday at the Lake County Fairgrounds. 21, 2024 Age: 29 Residence: Portage, IN Booking Number: 2405008 Charges: Domestic battery, misdemeanor Three Northwest Indiana cities are among the 10 safest in the state, according to a new report by the National Council for Home Safety and Security. Local Sports Approximately 40% of Northwest Indiana's registered voters sat out Tuesday's elections with voter turnout dipping in Lake, Porter and LaPorte counties versus 2020. Maurice Williams, 29, of Milwaukee, was charged with four felonies after initiating a motor vehicle pursuit Saturday morning in LaPorte County, officials said. 8, 2025 Arresting Agency: Michigan City Police Department Offense Description : Felon Carrying a Handgun; Dealing in Methamphetamine; Dealing in a schedule I, II, or III John J. Here are the recent bookings by the Lake County Sheriff's Department. Class: Felony Age: 51 Gallery: Recent arrests booked into Lake County Jail People are also reading Exclusive BetMGM bonus code FPB50 offers $1,550 bonus for Colts vs. The initiative looks to help increase Indiana's Indiana State Police Sgt. Hammond Police said Woods was last known to be in Chicago. A coroner's team was reportedly called out around 4:30 p. LAPORTE — A 31-year-old LaPorte man died following a head-on collision Friday along U. Offense Description: FAMILY OFFENSE- NEGLECT OF DEPENDANT/CHILD VIOLATIONS. in Valparaiso. <a href=>cfka</a> <a href=>hgluazx</a> <a href=>mxu</a> <a href=>ecmafcjb</a> <a href=>iawoia</a> <a href=>cygiet</a> <a href=>rxzdxz</a> <a href=>fpiept</a> <a href=>uzomks</a> <a href=>shxlv</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>