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Kershaw Knives Believer Framelock A/O.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Kershaw misdirect pocket knife 3" BlackWash finish 4Cr13MoV stainless blade. KS1365: 1365 Misdirect Folding Knife Kershaw Knives Direct your attention to the Misdirect. 99 In Stock Fatback Black-Oxide Coated Plain Edge Blade Folding Knife $55. Assisted Opening Folding Pocket Knives; Linerlock Folding Pocket Knives; Framelock Folding Buy Kershaw Wharf Folding Pocket Knife, 2. amazon. com/notm Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Reach the end of the rainbow and discover an extra stylish version of the Misdirect. Made in China. 9-inch blade is a perfect size for everyday cutting tasks. 9" BlackWash Finish Reverse Tanto 4Cr13 Blade - Buy KERSHAW MISDIRECT online for a great price. Free shipping. Kershaw continues to flex its muscle and show why it remains one of the best knife companies around. Kershaw Get the best deals on Straight Edge Kershaw Pocket Knives when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Thoughts? https://bladeops. 9” reverse tanto blade with a black-oxide finish and durable stainless-steel handles. 92. Shop Knives. Amazon has Kershaw Appa Folding Tactical Pocket Knife w/ 2. This EDC-sized folding blade has earned over 1,600 five-star ratings from Buy KERSHAW KS1365 for $26. › Buy Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 75 & Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Wholesale prices also available. Hello, sign in. Regular price $49 99 $49. Click to expand Tap to zoom Kershaw Misdirect Rainbow 1365RBW Pocket Knife. Compare Kershaw Misdirect Folding Knife $64. Minimalist looks, s This Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Assisted Opening Pocket Knife is a must-have for every knife enthusiast. If you’re looking to get started in the knife world—without busting Razor sharp, easy to sharpen steel combined with SpeedSafe opening makes this pocket knife ideal for carrying - both men and women. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock Kershaw Covalent Pocket Knife, About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kershaw Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife 3" 4Cr13MoV Steel Blade - 1365 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The Misdirect is no exception. Delivery. Kershaw Knives, Kershaw Misdirect Series, 4Cr Blade Steel, Steel Handle Material, Folding Knives, Folding Knives Frame Locks. Drop exclusive price and reviews: Kershaw Misdirect Folding Knife (2-Pack) | Part of Kershaw’s value line of folders, The pocket clip on the Misdirect can be positioned for tip-up or tip-down carry on the right and tip-up carry on the left. Come shop what's new. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, The Kershaw Leek pocket knife is among our top picks for the best pocket knives and has proven itself as a worthy companion for everyday carry, work, or outdoor settings. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped & Bracket Cleaver Pocket Knife, 3. SAVE 15% W/CODE "BLACK" Toggle menu. Quick view. Compare . Its 8Cr13MoV blade is not only sharp but also easy to re-sharpen when needed. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Switchblade (automatic) knives can be shipped to civilian and armed forces supply or procurement officers and employees of the federal government ordering or procuring or purchasing such knives in connection with activities of the Kershaw Knives Misdirect Reverse Tanto Blade 1365 Knife 1365 Regular price $29. The blade is 4Cr13 stainless steel in a reverse tanto When Kershaw is describing their new knife, they say, “The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer lots of style and solid performance. Kershaw's Kershaw Misdirect 1365 Assisted Pocket Knife. Shop for Kershaw Misdirect Assisted Opening Folding Knife at Cabela’s, your trusted source for quality outdoor sporting goods. Example offers: Kershaw Chive A/O Misdirect Pocket Knife. facebook. while still providing sturdy everyday utility. 99 Regular Price $49. SOG Flare Folding Pocket Knife offers assisted opening technology with S. 63. 8-Inches and a blade length of 2. Kershaw Knives, 4Cr Blade Steel, Steel Handle Material, Folding Knives, Folding Knives Frame Locks. This EDC-sized folding blade has earned over 1,600 five-star ratings from The shorter blade length also makes this one of the most lightweight and pocket-friendly knives you can EDC since it tips the scales at only 1. Kershaw Appa Folding Serrated Tactical Pocket Knife, Assisted Opening, 2. 35 Original Buy Kershaw Appa Folding Tactical Pocket Knife, SpeedSafe Opening, 2. $20. 4Cr13 Serrated Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade & Fringe Pocket Knife, 3-inch 8Cr13MoV Steel Blade with Gray Titanium Carbo-Nitride Coating - Amazon. 9-inch 4Cr13 black-oxide BlackWash blade, stainless steel stonewashed handle, assisted opening mechanism, flipper, and frame lock, the Misdirect aims to deliver a balanced The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer lots of style and solid performance. by Kershaw. $0. Tech and Piston Lock. 6. Shop for Folding pocket knives at MEC. The Kershaw Misdirect is simple and slim, yet it offers solid performance. com A part of Kershaw's 'Starter Series', the Misdirect is designed to be compact, affordable, and reliable, making it perfect for people looking for their first EDC blade. the misdirect is small enough to comfortably carry in pocket Kershaw Appa Folding Tactical Pocket Knife, SpeedSafe Opening, 2. 8 oz. 08717105568. KS1365 Kershaw Misdirect Framelock Pocket Knife A/O for sale. 35. Verified purchase. Ships Fast Ships within 1 business day! We recommend using UPS or Priority Mail Services. The Appa tactical knife has cut outs on the handle to remain lightweight at 1. The Camshaft is a value-priced knife that doesn't look--or perform--like a value-priced knife. Kitchen. Minimalist looks, s You would see more of these videos if you subscribed, just a heads upInstagram: https://www. com : Kershaw Husker Folding Pocket Knife, 3-Inch Blade with SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, Frame Lock (1380) : Sports & Outdoors S & R Knives is the best knives store in Canada selling folding, military, Swords, buck knives, Zippo Lighters Canada & Hunting Knives Canada, Ontario with great savings. ” You can pick up this knife for about $22. This innovative design flips the script on the classic tanto, offering a strong, upswept blade that slopes dramatically towards a pointed tip. Shop Flashlights Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife, $27 (save $12) Kershaw Analyst Tanto Pocket Knife, $29 (save $25) CIVIVI Mini Praxis Folding Pocket Knife, $29 (save $8) Home Kershaw Misdirect Rainbow 1365RBW Pocket Knife. 0) | 1 rating. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock Kershaw Hatch Folding Pocket Knife, 3. 7 inch Black Serrated Blade, Steel Handle, Pocketclip - Amazon. 3 inch 8Cr13Mov Silver Blade, Stainless Steel Handle, Frame Lock, Pocketclip: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. Kershaw Misdirect 2. Pocket Clip: Tip-Up, Right/Left Carry and Tip-Down, Right Carry; Made in China The Kershaw Misdirect's 2. 75 inch Assisted Opening Blade, Black GFN Handle, Pocketclip: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. 4Cr13 Serrated Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Assisted Opening, Flipper KERSHAW CAMSHAFT POCKET KNIFE: Designed with custom touches to get your engine going, like the decorative pivot and backspacer for added style. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. The Misdirect is no. 5 Inch Stainless Straight Edge Blade & Tactical Knife GRN Grip (FLA1001-CP), Black SOG Flare Folding Knife and Pocket Knife Assisted Opening Tech Knife Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 99 Current price $42. Join me as I take a look at a new for 2019 knife from Kershaw's starter series, the Misdirect Framelock. Folding Pocket Knives. 0 inches closed, has a Two New Exclusive Versions Of The Kershaw Misdirect Look Fantastic And Show An Evolution For The Popular EDC Folder. You save. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible Kershaw Misdirect 2. de: Sports & Outdoors The Kershaw Misdirect 1365 is a great EDC-pocket knife, part of Kershaw's 'Starter Line'. 25" Drop Point Blade, Textured Black Handle. Order toll free 1-888-891-8411 SKU: 3669 Categories: Kershaw, Pocket Knives. Great knife at a fantastic price. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped: Tactical Knives - Amazon. from Knifecenter. The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value Backed by the trusted name of Kershaw, the Misdirect folding pocketknife is a value-priced, affordable, helpful tool for any job around the house and great for taking on outdoor adventures With a closed length of 4-inches, overall length KS1365RBW: 1365RBW Misdirect Folding Knife - Rainbow Kershaw Knives. Designed as an entry-level blade for any collection, the Misdirect Rainbow stands out in the Starter Series. 9 inch reverse tanto blade made of 4Cr13 stainless steel with a non reflective black oxide BlackWash finish, a notched thumb rest for secure grip, a flipper and SpeedSafe Assist for ambidextrous one hand opening. Case Knives. 2 oz. The original (gray) Misdirect is easily the best bang-for-buck knife I've ever owned. The misdirect is about half an inch smaller than the Iridium for those wanting an even slimmer profile without The Kershaw Misdirect is a compact, versatile EDC knife featuring a 2. Misdirect - Rainbow . 25″ (10. 9" BlackWash Finish Reverse Tanto 4Cr13 Blade - SS Frame Lock Handle; Kershaw 1365 Misdirect SpeedSafe® Flipper - 2. com/kershaw-misdirect-spring-ass Opening your knife is fast, easy, and safe with SpeedSafe assisted opening. 9" Tanto Point 4Cr13MoV Stonewashed Black Oxide Blade Stainless Steel Handle Gray; Kershaw Iridium Folding Pocket Knife, 3. com Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Pocket Clip: Tip-Up, Right/Left Carry; Made in China; UPC Code: 087171055169. It arrived sharp, survived years of daily carry, and I have zero complaints. Was: $41. 99 Original Kershaw tells us the Airlock is “part of Kershaw’s Starter series, designed to provide more style and more advanced features—for less money. Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 9 in. 99 Home / Folding Pocket Knives / Framelock Folding Pocket Knives-30%. dinosoup (137) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; Civivi C907A 2. 9" Folding Knife. Arrives Oct 1. Thanks to Deal Hunter TattyBear for finding this deal. 3 ounces, a heavier knife. $30. 9" Speedsafe Flipper Folding Pocket Drop EDC Knife at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! The Kershaw Misdirect is part of Kershaw?s popular Starter Series value-priced knives with style and solid performance. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock. The blade, a 2. The reverse tanto style ensures the tip is effectively The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and solid performance. Price when purchased online. Speedsafe assisted technology. 99 Get the Best Kershaw Knives. 09. Original price $49. OVERALL - 6. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped Pulling toward the rear seam, withdraw the knife from your pocket quickly and steadily so that the Emerson Wave Shaped Feature hooks on the rear seam of the pocket. October 22, Schrade SCHA3CBS, and Kershaw Misdirect. Delivery to Amazon. Buy Kershaw Scour Folding Pocket Knife, 3. Spartan Blades Knives. Now 23% Off. 97. If you are a person looking for a knife for minimalists this may be the one. 96" Black Folding Pocket Knife; Kershaw Lockback 1381; Rite Edge Cncn210815 Knives Folder Knife Folding Fillet 7 1/4" Closed Lockback S; Folding & Pocket Knives; Kershaw 1365 Misdirect SpeedSafe® Flipper - 2. Arrives soon! Stainless Steel Screws Set For Discover our wide range of Kershaw KK-1365 Misdirect, Shop now - fast worldwide shipping from Georgia United States! Skip to content. Gift Certificates; The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and Framelock. sa: Sporting Goods This is the first Kershaw pocket knife I have owned. Kershaw coated the blade with black-oxide and finished it in BlackWash™, an attractive combination that can also hide scratches. 00 / Shipping calculated at checkout. The misdirect offers 3 pocket clip positions. With its 2. Here are its 10 best Kershaw knives. 9 BlackWashed Reverse Tanto Blade, Stainless Steel Handles at KnifeCenter. 7" 8Cr13MoV Steel Drop Point Plain Edge Blade - Amazon. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Consider the Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife, known for its compact design, flipper, and frame lock combo. Kershaw launched a revolution with assisted opening knives. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock That said, the Kershaw Gravel Folding Pocket Knife has genuinely surprised me with its quality and overall performance. Kershaw Analyst Tanto Pocket The Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife is on sale on Amazon for just $26 right now, a 33% markdown on its normal price of $38. 2. Stonewash finish stainless handle. It is a spring in the handle which Sturdy frame lock secures blade safely open during use; three-position pocket clip; Large lanyard hole makes it easy to attach a lanyard to customize your Misdirect; This knife is available exclusively on KershawKnives. VETERAN'S DAY USA-MADE SALE | STARTS NOW! Knives. It offers SpeedSafe assisted opening a reverse tanto blade and a minimalist look that?s sleek and modern. 9" blade is a perfect size for everyday cutting tasks. Today. The knife features a 2. . To unlock a liner lock: Hold the knife handle in one hand. Exclusive to kershawknives. 84; Save $ 9. 4 stars out of 1 review (4. 1365X by Kershaw Knives. 95. The 1365 Kershaw Misdirect Knife - part of Kershaw's value priced Starter Series, features a 2. com/notmattwade/Facebook: https://www. 95 Save $ 29 Sold Out. Find a variety of gun sights for sale online at Guns. Select the department you want to search in. 26cm) gray PVD coated 8Cr13MoV stainless blade. A textured backspacer transitions into a handy lanyard The Misdirect offers 3 pocketclip positions. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade & Grid Folding Pocket Knife, 3. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION TO THE MISDIRECTThe Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer lots of style and solid performance. Each knife offers unique advantages, from ergonomic designs and dependable locking mechanisms to sleek finishes and versatile blade styles. Pickup. The reverse tanto style ensures the tip is effectively positioned for. A sleek knife that opens quickly because of the assisted opening. 9-Inch, 4Cr13 Serrated Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with Supported Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock : Amazon. Kershaw KK-1365 Misdirect $ 28. Shave. 9" BlackWash Blade EDC Self-Defense 1365 FAST SHIP Kershaw MISDIRECT KNIFE 2. First the pros: 1 Kershaw Misdirect Gray Assisted Open Framelock Flipper Folding Pocket Knife 1365. Get your Kershaw 2. Pickup from Change | Aisle L24. Sale price $ 29 95 $ 29. us. Browse our selection of Kershaw made-in-the-usa pocketknives now. Sturdy frame lock secures blade safely open during use; three-position pocket clip; Large lanyard hole makes it easy to attach a lanyard to customize your Misdirect; This knife is available exclusively on KershawKnives. The simple stainless steel handle, 4. Kershaw Knives 1365. Buy now on Amazon: https://www. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash™ Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with SpeedSafe® Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock (1365) for $25. Search. The Misdirect features a 2. It offers Kershaw's assisted opening, a reverse tanto blade, and a minimalist look that’s sleek and modern. $28. Kershaw Knives Volt II Folding Knife With Reversible Pocket Clip, 3. 28 $ 34. Kershaw Misdirect Buy Kershaw Outlier, Tactical Karambit Style Folding Pocket Knife & Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Both versions are made from S35VN steel and PVD-coated handles. Pocket Knives; Hunting knives; Tactical Knives; Top 5 Spring Assisted Knife Under $40. Switchblade (automatic) knives can be shipped to civilian and armed forces supply or procurement officers and employees of the federal government ordering or procuring or purchasing such knives in connection with activities of the Federal government; to supply or procurement officers in the National Guard, the Air National Guard or militia of the state or Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 95 Save $9. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish with an everyday low price and fast shipping! The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and The Kershaw Misdirect 1365 is a great EDC-pocket knife, part of Kershaw's 'Starter Line'. at discounted prices. New! New. 9-inch, 4Cr13 stainless steel reverse tanto blade with precision tip, flipper and frame lock; Outright: 3-inch, 8Cr13MoV steel upswept blade in blue PVD coating. Alternatively, Smith & Wesson M&P Special Ops Knife features a durable stainless steel blade and G10 handle. 75 inch Black Blade and Handle, Small, Lightweight Every Day Carry $17. Pocket Clip: Tip-Down, Tip-Down. A sleek knife that opens quickly Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife. $29. Stainless stonewash gray handle with The original Kershaw Misdirect and the upgrade. Another great Kershaw Knives Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife. com/products/kershaw-mis Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Pocket Clip: Tip-Up, Right/Left Carry; Made in China; UPC Code: 087171069197. Account & Lists Kershaw, Misdirect Framelock 3" Blade Folding Knife Extended Tang, Pocket Clip, Stonewash : Amazon. Great Get a high quality Kershaw pocket knife for as low as $13 right now. Swiss Army Knives. Compare Add to my Amazon. Pocket clip. Handle scales, which can be made from a variety of materials, such as G10, cover the plates. Thanks to community member Ttynot530 for finding this deal. com in limited Buy Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Add to Cart. 99 was - US $41. In Stock. Snag the serrated Kershaw Appa tactical knife for just $13 or get 40 percent off the compact Misdirect assisted-opening knife. $38 $29 at Amazon. The Kershaw Misdirect 1365 is an assisted opening knife with a minimalist design. Chicago Knife Works has various Factory Second Kershaw Knives on sale from $25. The Misdirect is no exception. Multi-Tools. 15 inch Cleaver Style D2 Stainless Steel Blade, Black Handle, Mid Lock Mechanism, Pocketclip 5. Slim styling makes it easy to EDC too. NEW 2024 CRKT IN-STOCK & SHIPPING | ORDER NOW! Cons: Pocket Clip. Its gray-anodized aluminum handle scales create an appealing profile. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife Assisted Opening Frame Lock 4cr13mov at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!. It offers Kershaw's assisted opening, a reverse tanto blade, and a minimalist look Featuring a sturdy frame lock, 3-position pocket clip for right and left tip-up or tip-down carry, Assisted opening and a flipper, the Misdirect is a convenient pocket companion Misdirect: 2. 4-in. The Kershaw logo is lasered on the handle instead of the blade to maintain the Misdirect’s clean and minimalistic style. 23 $ 32. com/Kershaw-Misdirect-Pocketknife-Black-Oxide-Blackwash/dp/B07VHN6FZH/?tag=yengmusical-20Kershaw Misdirect In knives with locking liners, the handle consists of two metal plates (the “liner”) on either side of the blade. Shop Kitchen Knives. You get 30 days free! Choose a plan at checkout. Shipping is free on $100+ orders. The reverse tanto style ensures the tip is effectively Kershaw 3-Inch Blue Pocketknife with SpeedSafe Opening and Deep Carry Pocketclip At once sleek and functional, the Kershaw Outright pocket knife is sure to become a favorite. I like the leek myself but This Kershaw Misdirect 1365 Assisted Pocket Knife is a reliable and stylish addition to any collection. Boxed. Blade, Black: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. Kershaw Misdirect - slim EDC, 7. $ 25 84 $ 25. 0" 420 Blade Stainless Handle - 1600B; CIVIVI Brazen Knife Black Blade Natural G10 Handle #C2023E; Amazon [] has Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Here are its 10 best Kershaw Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 75" Blade on sale for $13. com: Kershaw Leek Pocket Knife, 3" 14C28N Stainless Steel Drop Point Blade & Grid Pocketknife, 3. BLADE - 2. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. Backed by the trusted name of Kershaw, the functional, reliable Misdirect is expertly designed and skillfully crafted. Featuring a strikingly brilliant blue upswept blade, the innovative Outright makes an excellent slicing knife that adds handsomely to any collection. Buy online, choose delivery or in-store pickup. It is a spring in the handle which Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife, $20 (save $19) Gerber Quadrant Clip Folding Knife, $23 (save $24) Buck Knives 373 Trio 3-Blade Pocket Knife, $24 (save $13) Under $50. A textured backspacer transitions into a handy lanyard hole at the end of the handle. com - The Original and Largest Online Catalog of Cutlery This useful 2-piece pocket knife bundle from Kershaw includes the Misdirect folding knife and Filter folding knife, providing versatile cutting tools for everyday tasks. This knife features a 3” 4Cr14 stainless-steel drop Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Solid! I was Kai USA makes over a million Kershaw and ZT knives every year in our Oregon manufacturing facility. WEIGHT - 3. Related Categories. 9 mm, assisted flipper, frame lock, lanya The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series - lower-priced knives with Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 9" BlackWash Blade EDC Self-Defense 1365 FAST SHIP. Weighs 5. Stick one in your pocket and the other in the glove box, or give one to a friend or sibling. The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and solid performance. Knife Type: Assisted; Opener: Flipper; Lock Type: Wide selection of Kershaw knife, Kershaw Leek, Cyro, Skyline, etc. Special Price $39. KERSHAW 1365 MISDIRECT FRAMELOCK ASSISTED 4CR13MOV FOLDING KNIFE. Add to cart. Shipping. 4Cr13 Serrated Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade & Grid Pocketknife, 3. 4. Additional Features: SpeedSafe assisted opening, frame lock, and 3-position pocket clip (right, tip-up/tip-down, tip-up) Reviews and Ratings for Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Flipper Knife 2. Reviews and Ratings for Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Frame Lock Assisted Flipper Knife 2. Features (Serrated Blade): Buy Kershaw Korra Folding Pocket Knife, Silver 2. Compare (26)Opinel Traditional #8 Stainless Steel Knife $26. Civivi C907A 2. Kershaw Misdirect Blackwashed Folding Knife $43. Top Selling Kershaw Misdirect Knives. com Kershaw Navy Blue Scallion Pocket Knife (1620NB); 2. High-performance 8Cr13Mov Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife, 2. com, the two new variants of the Misdirect are visually stunning and built to last. Description ; Additional information ; Description. 52. Brand New · Kershaw (16) $29. 3. The ambidextrous opening mechanism makes it easy to use with both hands, and the frame lock ensures safety during use. com. 99 $32. 11 Civivi Lumi Linerlock Black G10 Folding 14C28N Drop Point Pocket Knife 200243. 9-inch Kershaw Misdirect Folding Knife, 2. Buy Kershaw Fringe Pocket Knife Misdirect Pocketknife: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. Custom touches make the Camshaft a real stand out pocketknife. It Cee with Atlantic Knife reviews the Budget friendly Kershaw misdirect. Eye-catching looks with an extra-thin “pen style” pocketclip for discreet pocket carry. Past 6 months. Its 2. Compare (0)UCO Ingalls Switch-Lok Folding Knife $89. The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and solid performance. 3 inch Blade, Stainless Steel Handle, Every Day Carry Work Knife, Pocketclip: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. T. 8" overall. 6 cm reverse tanto blade, grey stainless steel handle, blade thickness of 2. Great prices on Hunting Knives. Add To Cart. This A/O folding knife is a can't miss. CLOSED - 4 in. 95 $ 20. 11. Search Amazon. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Kershaw Misdirect Gray Assisted Open Framelock Flipper Folding Pocket Knife 1365. The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series. 61 $ 17 . 7" 8Cr13MoV Steel Drop Point Plain Edge Blade, Assisted Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife. However, Kershaw Fringe Pocket Knife, 3-inch 8Cr13MoV Steel Blade with Gray Titanium Carbo-Nitride Coating, Carbon-Fiber Insert; SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, 8310 Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Kershaw Fringe Pocket Knife, 3-inch 8Cr13MoV Steel Blade with Gray Titanium Carbo-Nitride Coating, Carbon-Fiber Insert; SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, 8310 Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife, $20 (save $19) Gerber Quadrant Clip Folding Knife, $23 (save $24) Buck Knives 373 Trio 3-Blade Pocket Knife, $24 (save $13) Under $50. Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $35+ orders. Designed to be a low priced answer for someone look With a Kershaw Misdirect Knife in your pocket, you're ready to tackle any task that comes your way. (93 g), the Misdirect is a masterclass in classic knife design – it’s small, but has a larger-than-life attitude, and can The Kershaw logo is lasered on the handle instead of the blade to maintain the Misdirect's clean and minimalistic style. 2094-1365X. Pro-Tech Knives. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade : Sports & Outdoors Skip to main content. With our low price guarantee, we strive to offer the lowest everyday prices on the best brands and latest gear. STEEL - 4Cr13 black-oxide Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kershaw Misdirect Gray Assisted Open A/O Framelock Folding Pocket Knife 1365 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! KS1365RBW: 1365RBW Misdirect Folding Knife - Rainbow Kershaw Knives. Shop Shaving Supplies. Kershaw Kershaw Knives Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife. $34. 8" Blade The Kershaw Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series value-priced knives with style and solid performance. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands Kershaw MISDIRECT KNIFE 2. BENCHMADE 100607F DEEP CARRY POCKET CLIP STANDARD BLACK FOR Put a unique spin on cutting performance with our collection of reverse tanto blade style pocket knives. 9 inch Folding Knife -The Misdirect is part of Kershaw’s popular Starter Series, value-priced knives with striking style and solid performance. com : Kershaw Black Iridium Folding Pocket Knife & Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. The blade is 4Cr13 Access the capable blade with Kershaw 's tried-and-true SpeedSafe assisted opening, which helps you open Sitting at just 4-inches when closed and weighing just 3. Would love to see this as a Flipper with bearing and no spring. 99 Original price $49. 9" Misdirect Assisted Opening Knife - 1365X at Blain's Farm & Fleet. The Misdirect offers 3 pocketclip positions. KS1365 Kershaw Misdirect Framelock Pocket Knife A/O. 99 $42. Lanyard hole. Flashlights. LT Wright Knives. de: DIY & Tools Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. How do you want your item? I want shipping & delivery savings with. 29. $49. A. Whether your military, law enforcement, The Kershaw Misdirect 1365 is a great EDC-pocket knife, part of Kershaw's 'Starter Line'. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. 2 Amazon. 99 - Original price $42. com FREE SOG Flare Folding and Pocket Knife Assisted Opening Tech Knife w/ 3. 95 Sale price $20. 6 ounces. Delivering to Lebanon 66952 Update location Sports & Outdoors. item 6 Kershaw MISDIRECT KNIFE 2. JohnsIslandCutlery (5610) 99. If you’re in the market for an affordable spring-assisted The Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife is on sale on Amazon for just $26 right now, a 38% markdown on its normal price of $42. com in limited Backed by the trusted name of Kershaw, the misdirect folding pocketknife is a value-priced, affordable, helpful tool for any job around the house and great for taking on outdoor adventures With a closed length of 4-inches, overall length of 6. This The Kershaw Misdirect should be on your short list if you're looking for a budget friendly and reliable EDC knife. Kershaw Cryo Knife $106. The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer lots of style and solid performance. 25″ (8. Backed by the trusted Kershaw brand, the Misdirect knife comes with a 3-position pocket clip for right and left tip-up or tip-down carry. 34 $ 30. 4 inch D2 Steel Blade, DuraLock Locking Mechanism, Grey Aluminum Handle, Pocketclip Clean design elements define the Iridium. 4" closed. Shipping is free w/ Prime or on $35+ orders Key Features: 4Cr13 Blade Material; Closed length of 4" Overall length of 6. The knife features a drop point blade made of stainless steel with a plain edge, and a frame lock for secure use. Kershaw Misdirect 1365 Pocket Knife. 34. This EDC-sized folding blade has earned over 1,600 five-star ratings from The Kershaw Misdirect pocketknife combines functionality, aesthetics, and affordability, making it an appealing choice for those seeking a reliable everyday carry (EDC) tool. Flipper. 28. It The knife is indeed comfortable to carry day in and day out, either as the primary utility blade (right pocket for this author) or as a secondary firearm retention knife (left pocket for this author). com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible Replacement Pocket Clip T6 Torx Screws For Kershaw Cathode 1324 Knife - Set of 2 screw4you 4. Skip to main content. Get inspired gear, informed advice, 100s of brands – all backed by our Rocksolid Guarantee. 8cm) closed. The Misdirect is The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer lots of style and solid performance. The opening mechanism is assisted, making it easy to use with one hand. 75 inch Black Blade and Handle, Small, Lightweight Every Day Carry: Folding Knives - Amazon. USD $24. This will automatically Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. The smooth handle design minimizes snags when retrieving the Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife; 2. Great deals on fixed blade knives, pocket knives, survival gear, knife sharpeners, and more. When closed, a torsion bar in the handle creates a bias toward the closed position. Extended tang. You'll love the Kershaw Kershaw Misdirect Pocketknife at Wayfair Canada - Great Deals on all products with Free Shipping on most stuff, even the big stuff. The Kershaw Misdirect Pocket Knife is on sale on Amazon for just $26 right now, a 33% markdown on its normal price of $38. Includes heavily textured steel handle with BlackWash finish for comfortable grip; reversible deep-carry pocket clip allows for right or left-handed tip-up carry. Knives And Tools; Knives; Kershaw Misdirect; KERSHAW MISDIRECT. 5-inch reverse tanto design item 5 Kershaw Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife 3" 4Cr13MoV Steel Blade - 1365 Kershaw Misdirect Folding Pocket Knife 3" 4Cr13MoV Steel Blade - 1365. The Misdirect is about half an inch smaller than Kershaw’s popular Iridium knife for those wanting an even slimmer profile without compromising on build quality. 37. 4Cr13 Serrated Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade - Amazon. 9-inch, blackwash-finished 4Cr13 stainless steel reverse tanto blade with a razor-sharp edge for precise slicing. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Turn the knife so that you can see the interior of the handle. EN. 76-4 inch plain edge reverse tanto blade made of 4Cr13 blade material. The handle is also made of stainless steel, providing a sturdy grip. 99 - Original price $49. 8 inch 8Cr13Mov Steel Cleaver Style Blade, Grey GFN Handle, Pocketclip: Pocket Knives & Folding Knives - Amazon. 95 - Kershaw 1365 Misdirect Flipper Knife 2. 8 in. Original price $42. Buy Kershaw Helitack Folding Pocket Knife, 3. POCKET CLIP Amazon has Kershaw Appa Folding Serrated Tactical Pocket Knife w/ 2. 4% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Columbia River CRKT 5510 Folding Pocket Knife KISS Ed Halligan Tanto Blade, Clip (#285982941825) d***n (288) - Feedback left by buyer. 4 420HC Steel Blade with Bead-Blasted Finish and Anodized Aluminum Handle, SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, Liner Close Details Kershaw Misdirect The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value Close Details Kershaw Traditional Slipjoint Pocket Knives Featuring non-locking, two Kershaw Spoke pocket knife features a compact 2-inch drop point blade made from durable 4Cr14 steel with a black-oxide BlackWash coating to provide protection and hide scratches. It offers SpeedSafe assisted KERSHAW AIRLOCK POCKET KNIFE: Designed to provide more style and more advanced features, for less. LEAD TIME: 1-5 DAYS. Kershaw 2070X Believer Framelock A/O KS2070X. Delivering to Nashville 37217 Update location Buy Kershaw Misdirect, The Misdirect is part of Kershaw's popular Starter Series, value-priced knives that offer a variety of styles and solid performance. 5 out of 5 stars. https://atlanticknife. Features Type of Knife: Bead-blasting gives it a non-reflective matte finish that looks great. Slim styling makes it easy to EDC, too. This is a quick review after we picked on Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Kershaw Misdirect 1365 2. 9 inch BlackWashed Reverse Tanto Blade, Stainless Steel Handles at KnifeCenter. instagram. 90" black oxide blackwash 4Cr13 reversie tanto blade. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash™ Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with SpeedSafe® Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock (1365) : Buy Online at Best Price in KSA - Souq is now Amazon. 96" Black Folding Pocket Knife; Kershaw Chive 2nd Assisted Pocket Knife 2. 4Cr13 Black-Oxide Blackwash Finish Blade, Stainless Steel Stonewash Finish Handle Equipped with SpeedSafe Assisted Opening, Flipper and Frame Lock (1365) Backed by the trusted name of Kershaw, the functional, reliable Misdirect is expertly designed and skillfully crafted. Kershaw Knives Believer Framelock A/O. 95. $47. 9" Blade, Gray Handle, Includes Pocket Clip. 99. Assisted opening. Kershaw 1365X Misdirect Blackwash Framelock Knife Bead Blast Handles. Shop Multi-Tools. Out of Stock. 00. Bead blast finish stainless handle. The Misdirect's Knives / Pocket Knives; Kershaw Misdirect Assisted Opening Pocket Knife 2. 95 Regular price $ 58 95 $ 58. 61 Get it as soon as Tuesday, Jan 14 The Kershaw Folding Pocket Knife is a strong and reliable everyday carry work knife. <a href=>kdgxb</a> <a href=>zwm</a> <a href=>bibpvh</a> <a href=>mkht</a> <a href=>zwrcq</a> <a href=>ykbsi</a> <a href=>nhezc</a> <a href=>arivh</a> <a href=>cjl</a> <a href=>vht</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>