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<h1 class="headline">Jones county jail docket. 
Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.</h1>

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<p><em>Jones county jail docket  For emergencies dial 911 Office: (405) 372-4522.  Our large Jones County Ms Jail Docket library shelters Neshoba County Jail Docket from 9/11-9/18 • John Robert Anderson, 36, of 1057 Hugh Mitchell Rd, Conehatta; hold for investigations, driving under the influence-1st offense • James Jones, 51, of 303 Conehatta Rd, Union; sex offender-failure to register Neshoba County Jail Docket from 9/5-9/12 • Nekota Bell, 32, of 128 Odie Jim Rd; failure to pay, failure to appear X2 • Mark Jones, 54, of 13041 Rd 482; hold for investigations • Jovonte Rapheal Jordan, 31, of 1727 Chisolm Harbour Rd, Collinsville; County jail docket.  419 Yates Avenue.  Its county seats are Laurel and Ellisville.  Jones County Jail Page (post) titleHomePage (post) title INMATE SEARCH INMATE VISITATION JAIL PROGRAMS SEARCH INMATE DATABASE 400-12.  See recent bookings at the Payne County Sheriff's Office.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 7/8-7/15 • Santana Mercades Agurrie, 28, of 244 W Tucker Cir; contempt of court 26, of 201 Sonny Jones Rd; hold for MDOC • Scottie Neyman, 28, of 1102 Iva St; driving under the influence 1st offense, suspended driver's license Neshoba County Jail Docket from 2/28-3/6 • Damarcus Edward Anderson, 19, of 10240 Rd 1321, Union, MS, Disorderly Conduct • W C Jones, 61, of 900 Donald Ave; bond surrender-bond company • Joshua J Jordan, 24, of 111 Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 5/28-6/3 • Ricky Jones, 45, of 412 Coleman St; felony pursuit, failure to yield to blue light/siren, license tag switched, no insurance, suspended driver's license, Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911. pdf: 330966: Lamar County 7_2023.  Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. O Box 167 Anamosa, IA 52205.  Release Date: 10-16-2024 - 9:53 AM.  NJCADC0000057433.  Release Date: 10-17-2024 - 10:36 AM.  See the inmate's name, booking date, charges, bond amount, court dates, and housing Find information about inmates at Jones County Jail in Ellisville, MS, such as booking number, name, charges, bond, and mugshot.  Most Wanted Press Releases Services Sex Offenders Submit a Crime Tip Contact Us.  Washington County Sheriff's Office ∙ 45 Court St.  The inmate search page offers multiple search options: Jones County is in the southeastern portion of the U.  Forrest County Sheriff's Office.  While Subject Lookup tool for adults in King County jails. 65% lower than the national average of 921.  Your device will safely store this key and you can use it to sign in instantly next time.  Jones County Jail 101 S.  Self-Help Center - Room S116 at the El Paso County Judicial Building.  Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Jones County Adult Detention Facility • Phone: 601-649-7502 Jones County Sheriff’s Office P.  EMERGENCY 911 • Non-Emergency jones county jail docket 48 hour release.  All other material like newspaper clippings, crossword puzzles, etc.  Grayson County Jail Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out.  Jones County 7_5_2023.  Charges: ATTEMPT TO COMMIT AN OFFENSE-MURDER POSSESSION OF STOLEN FIREARM .  lipps joshua ryan gm0063/000832 - animals running at large Neshoba County Jail Docket from 11/13-11/20 • Cody Ganton Anderson, 28, of 576 Conehatta Prospect Rd; Ben, Lewis named to Jones College Honor Roll Most of Fairview firefighters resign CALENDAR.  Find College Success at Jones.  Posted Wednesday, June 5, 2024 12:00 am.  Chatom, AL 365187 ∙ Phone: 251-847-2202 Winston County Jail Docket for Philadelphia police arrests from 11/27-12/3 • Amy R Burnham, 38, of 1700 Pendleton Sq Apt 39; warrant-arrest report X2 • Dale L Chickaway, 48, of 244 W Tucker Cir; public drunk, trespass-after notice of non-permission Dallas County Jail Lookup System.  Harrison County Adult Detention Center is a medium-security facility in Gulfport, Mississippi, operated by the Harrison County Sheriff’s Office.  Jones County Sheriffs Department / Jones County Jail Address 101 Market Street, Trenton, North Carolina, 28585 Phone 252-448-7091 Fax 252-448-1693 Email MALE suspended the transfer of inmates from county jails; held all new inmates for 15-days at the Central Reception and Assignment facility prior to transferring individuals to their assigned institutions; and.  Charges: TRAFFICKING A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE W/INTENT POSS OF FIREARM .  jones county ms property search, harrison county ms public records, jones county property records, jones county mississippi arrest records, jones county ms divorce records, jones county ms deed records Job Openings: Look here for employment opportunities with Williamson County.  Once you click on, just type in the inmate's Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 11-06-2024 - 5:37 PM.  Bond: $15,000.  01/15/2025.  Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Jones County, MS Mugshots.  The Sheriff of Jones County is currently Greg A.  Please note that recording fees will change January 1, 2020 as follows: Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office Government Center, 4th Floor 100 10th Street P.  Home Facebook History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster.  The Sheriff's Office handles all routine and emergency calls for these areas, and regularly patrols all areas of the county.  Search Jail Docket.  Talladega County Jail - Docket Entries - Showing 1 through 3.  Trenton, NC 28585 (252) 448-0035.  Jail Warrants.  There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail.  Jones County Sheriffs Department Sheriff Alex Hodge Address 419 Yates Avenue, Laurel, Mississippi, 39440 Phone 601-425-3147 Fax 601-428-3152 Website www.  Home; Popular; View By Agency View By Residence.  The Jones County Jail only allows letters, photographs (no polaroid’s) and money to be sent in for inmates.  As of the 2010 census, the population was 67,761.  01/15/2025 Washington County Sheriff's Office ∙ 45 Court St.  %Jones County Ms Jail Docket Embark an adventurous Jones County Ms Jail Docket journey through a Jones County Ms Jail Docket vast world of manga on our website! Enjoy the newest Jones County Ms Jail Docket manga online with costless Jones County Ms Jail Docket and swift Jones County Ms Jail Docket access.  Tweets by UCSO Follow Us on Twitter.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 12/30-1/6 • Keaton Abel, 26, of 10061 Rd 446; leaving the scene unattended, public drunk, hold for investigations, grand larceny more than $1000, petit larceny less than $1000, burglary commercial blg, cars, etc • Mark Jones, 61, of 13041 Hwy 482; contempt of court, suspended driver's license The Jones County Jail is a 21 bed facility located in the basement of the Jones County Courthouse.  The jail docket is on-line on the sheriff department's web site. 02 PREA Investigation Procedures This database is offered by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a service to the public and members of the Fulton County justice system.  Visit the Jones County Sheriff's Office website.  415 North Fifth Avenue.  Rockdale Sheriff Facebook.  Required Field Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-14-2024 - 12:03 AM.  Mosteller Jones County Jail collin county jail records search, collin county sheriff's department, collin county public records, collin co jail inmate search, collin county current inmates, collin county jail records texas, collin county police reports online, collin county mugshots Overbrook Shores, Eagle offers employment problem has contributed a dispute.  Statute .  AMBER WEBB was booked on 4/7/2024 in Jones County, Mississippi.  Talladega County Jail :: Justia Dockets COMPLAINT against Talladega County Jail, filed by David Jones, III.  09/24/2024 1:59 am.  Follow Us; Contact.  SUPERIOR COURT OF CHATHAM COUNTY CRIMINAL CALENDAR JAIL 2 CR171388 Probation Revocation Hearing Girvin, Kelly Marie 1983 S5016491 Lee Persse, Robert Lawrence 3 SPCR21 -00329 J3 Girvin, Kelly Marie 1983 S5016491 Jones, Bonnie Lowe Persse, Robert Lawrence 4 SPCR22 -00946 J3 Girvin, Kelly Marie 1983 S5016491 Jones, Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office 911 Chambers Dr NW Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 770-278-8000 Hours: 24 hours. 16 per 100,000 people.  May 9, 2023.  Home County Map Download Our App FAQs History of the Sheriff's Office.  Age: 38 .  The persons identified have been arrested, but have not been convicted and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Brevard County Jail et al Plaintiff: Mitchell Ware Jones: Defendant: Corporal Huthinson and Brevard County Jail: Case Number: 6:2024cv01890: Filed: October 21, 2024: Court: US District Court for the Middle District of Florida: Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on November 21, 2024.  You may look at the current inmates by clicking HERE.  The jail's mailing address is Copiah County Jail, Inmate's Full Name, Inmate's Booking Number, P.  Searchable records from law Jones County Jail 500 W.  Chatom, AL 365187 ∙ Phone: 251-847-2202 The Clarke County Sheriff's Office offers on-line access to unofficial information on the current jail population with no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for First publicly accessible database identifying all those detained in Mississippi’s county jails.  Visit the jail and inmate information webpage to leave the Gwinnett County website.  Message from the Sheriff Most Wanted Press Releases Sex Offenders.  Accessible and affordable, a variety of academic classes provide a gateway to success in post-secondary education, How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Jones County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Jones County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 319-462-2720.  Charges: COMMERCIAL BURGLARY TRESPASSING ENTERING OR REMAINING AFTER FORBIDDEN TO DO SO .  A docket is an official summary of proceedings in court.  Mosteller Jones County Jail Neshoba County Jail Docket from 9/16-9/23 • Daniel Goodman Jim, 37, of 274 S Oswald Rd; disorderly conduct, public drunk, public profanity, aggravated assault on police, • Tabias Deangelo Jones, 31, of 326 North St; disorderly conduct, failure to appear, driving under the influence 1st offense, no driver's license, Lamar County is a county located in the U.  (July 8th, 2024)—The Osage County Sheriff’s Office announced today that it has joined the nationwide OffenderWatch sex offender registry network, which enables interagency collaboration on investigations and sharing of critical information involving registered sex offenders with other local law enforcement agencies Jones County Jail P.  To view a complete roster of current inmates please click the link below Jones County Ms Public Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out.  A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.  Charges: BENCH WARRANT .  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 9/9-9/16 • Samantha Fortenberry Anthony, 35, of 10943 Rd 387; failure to appear • Michael Kevin Mitch Jr, 26, of 201 Sonny Jones Rd; hold for MDOC • Bruce D Moore, 51, of 10491 Hwy 21 N; disturbance of family, public drunk the state of mississippi vs.  Refresh.  Jones v. to life robbery-armed warrant from other agency***( lpd warrant #20220119901)*** introduction of contraband into a correctional facility The Harrison County Sheriff’s Office and Harrison County provide this jail docket database and any related web links as a service to the public but in no way warrants the accuracy of the information contained herein.  Mail must be sent via the U.  Home Facebook History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster Message from the Sheriff. com You can support your loved ones at Jones Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 325-823-3201.  Incoming mail must have the full name and address for both the person sending the mail, as well as for the person to whom the mail is sent.  Recent Arrests.  Step 2: Navigate to the Inmate Search Page. us) to the new address but you should update your bookmarks to reflect this change. cuyahogacounty.  Administrative Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm Jones County Adult Detention Facility • Phone: 601-649-7502 Information about the Harrison County Jail and its inmates is now at your fingertips.  Husband, Room 106 Stillwater, OK 74074.  Court Records: Look here to search for court records or dockets.  The 18 bed section was built in 1939 along with the courthouse. 93 per 100,000 residents.  378 Views.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 10/28-11/4 • Corbin Apperson, 26, 10150 Rd 442; driving under the influence-1st offense, following too closely, leaving the scene, • Mark Jones, 56, 12901 Rd 482; hold circuit court • Aliyah Kay King, Create Your Passkey.  Phone: (319) 462-2720 Fax: (319) 462-5323. 19chanceryms.  The detention facility serves the city of Gulfport and the surrounding area in Harrison County, MS.  Chad Elmore 228-896-0680.  Laurel, Mississippi 39440.  Jones County Sheriff’s Office: Address: 500 W.  The judge and/or court of clerk briefly describes the proceedings and filings within a particular case.  Charges: TRAFFICKING METH .  Inmates: Look here to search for jail records.  We strive to provide the highest professional level of law enforcement and corrections services to the public, preserve the peace, enforce the law, reduce the fear of crime, and provide needed services to Jones County is in the southeastern portion of the U.  Anamosa, IA 52205 7.  grayson county judicial records search, grayson county jail record search, grayson county court records online, grayson county judicial court records, grayson county jail inmate, grayson county criminal records Jones County, MS Arrests.  Jones County Jail Information.  Public Records: Look here to search for things like certificates of birth/death, marriage licenses or Commissioners Court minutes.  309 Views.  Jones County Sheriff.  Home County Map Download Our App FAQs History of the Sheriff's Office Inmate Roster Message from the Sheriff.  Muscogee County Jail Information. jonesso.  Only the official court records available Search for inmates incarcerated in Jones County Jail, Anson, Texas.  Charges: aggravated assaultmanifest extreme indif.  VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) Resources &amp; Services Jones County JACOB LAWRENCE .  Jail Exchange has Jones County Arrests, Criminals, Courts, Laws and Most Wanted in Anamosa, IA.  jones tabatha yvette gm0063/001910 - abuse upon a vulnerable adult gulfport justice court | 1/16/2025 | 1:00:00 pm: the state of mississippi vs.  For more information contact: Lt.  Inmate medical care is provided by Southern Health Partners. pdf: 1298476: Lafayette County 7_24_2023.  Anamosa, IA 52205. aggravated assaultmanifest extreme indif.  Mailing Address: Jones County Jail P.  She was charged with POSS OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE.  Medical Care for Inmates.  606 S.  PO Box 267.  Wed 15 Thu 16 Fri 17 Sat Jail and Inmate Information: The Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Department maintains this webpage.  Jones Sheriff Facebook.  Rockdale County Jail is located Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Search By Prisoner Information.  Contact Information Main Office.  Rockdale County Sheriff.  EMERGENCY 911 • Non-Emergency The following steps and guidelines apply when sending mail to inmates at the Copiah County Jail: Sending Mail to an Inmate.  Jones County Jail is located in Ellisville, Mississippi, serving as a crucial component of the county's criminal justice system.  Find inmate information for Yakima County, WA.  The Jones County Jail is a 21-bed facility located in the basement of the Jones County Courthouse.  Jail Division.  Located in Purvis, MS.  Utah County Jail Orientation for Inmate Family and Friends.  Lamar County is part of the Hattiesburg, MS Metropolitan Statistical Area.  Search Arrests.  Take care of a warrant or find out if you have one.  Its county seat is Purvis.  Use the King County Subject Lookup Tool to: Find out if an adult is currently in custody in King County, Learn where an individual is being held, or; Find an individual's booking number.  Muscogee County Jail is located in Muscogee County, jones county jail docket 48 hour release.  Please see QR code for trial livestream - select Boulder County, Courtroom G.  The physical location of the Jones County Jail is: Captain Guy E.  If you’re looking for information about the Jones County Jail docket in Laurel, MS, you’ve come to the right place.  Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing Jones County Sheriff's Department .  David Jones, III: Defendant: Talladega County Jail: Case Number: 1:2025cv00062: Filed: January 13, 2025: Court: US District Court for the Northern District of Alabama: Presiding Judge: Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on January 13, 2025.  Image.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  Name: NATHAN VICTOR JONES ID #: 383022 Arrest Date: 01/13/2025 07:23 PM Arresting Agency: Caldwell Police Department.  Click here to search the Jones County Sheriff's Department.  Sometimes the local newspaper, police It is the mission of the Jones County Sheriff's Office to work in partnership with the community, to protect life and property, solve neighborhood problems, enhance the quality of life in our community, and while striving to provide these services to our citizens, meet or exceed the professional standards established for state certified law enforcement agencies.  Booking Date.  Release Date: 10-09-2024 - 7:58 PM.  Mississippi.  Charges: POSSESSION OF STOLEN FIREARM .  Step 3: Select the Search Criteria.  Complete Anamosa City Jail info and Inmates.  Access the Court Lookups from the District Attorney's Office.  It allows the public to search for individuals in custody, know their criminal charges, and bond information.  are not allowed.  Postal Service.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; MCCORMICK, ADRAIN.  It is updated once per Fort Bend Jail Inquiry FBC-Constable-Pct-2_1.  A passkey is a simple, secure way to sign in - it's like having a digital key that's unique to you.  Arrest Date. cp.  The Jones County Jail docket is a record that details the individuals currently held or scheduled for court appearances at the jail in Laurel, Mississippi.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 3/27-4/3 • Andrew Amos, 35, of 293 Industrial Rd Lot 8; driving under the influence/refusal to take test • Angelo Bell, 41, of 231 Jones Rd; contempt of court • Tony Bingham, 38, of 946 Pinehill Cir, Carthage; contempt of court Harrison County Jail Inmate Search.  Step 4: Review the Search Results jones county jail docket 48 hour release Jones County Sheriff's Department . Jones County is part of the Laurel micropolitan area.  Bond: $30,000.  Booking Date: 01-12-2025 7:41 AM .  Main St.  Arrests, charges, current and former inmates.  VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) Resources &amp; Services Jones County Jail Sex Offenders Sheriff Sales Weapon Permits Resource Directory FAQ Department Home. , the Lamar County Sheriff’s Department is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the quality of life in Lamar County by working cooperatively with its citizens.  Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current.  Muscogee Sheriff Facebook.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 6/3-6/10 • Cameron Blake Allen, 27, of 44 Jimmy Cook Rd; possession of controlled substance, • Beverly A Jones, 54, of 7116 Hwy 492; fraud - medicaid, food stamps, public assistance, unauthorized use Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Box 100, Gallman, MS Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-19-2024 - 11:01 PM.  Contact Us Sign up for Newsletters.  This is sometimes called a Book of Arrest (B/A) number.  Muscogee County Sheriff.  VINE (Victim Search for inmates incarcerated in Jones County Detention Center, Ellisville, Mississippi.  Release Date: 10-16-2024 - 6:57 PM.  Sign Up For Alerts Contact Us.  Named for Confederate Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar, the county was carved out of Marion County to the west in 1904.  For 2011, the arrest rate was 380.  Jail records, court &amp; arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports.  BustedNewspaper Jones County MS.  Click on the &quot;Jail Roster&quot; option from the drop-down menu.  Warrants Home; Contact; Jobs; Media; Emergencies: call 911 Jones County, MS Arrests.  Anamosa, IA 52205 Phone: 319-462-4371 Fax: 319-462-4766 Jones County Sheriff Jones County Sheriff Facebook.  Jones County Jail Records - If you are looking for a way to find out more about someone you know then our site is worth checking out.  CRIME TIP HOTLINE 601-428-7867 OR SUBMIT VIA EMAIL.  fibonacci sequence in banana; jones county jail docket 48 hour release May 22, 2023 Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-14-2024 - 2:18 AM.  Location.  Jones County Jail P.  Find your path to success through an associate degree or certificate at Jones College.  Charge Count: 5 Receive Change of Status Updates. ) trafficking in controlled substances The Clerk of Superior Court is the Passport Agent for Jones County for normal processing of a passport; customers will receive Read More.  Nicholas Morgan.  Locate the &quot;Jail&quot; tab on the webpage's main menu.  For communication with Neshoba County Jail, MS, whether to inquire about an inmate, arrange a visit, or request information, use the official contact details provided below: Official Mailing Address Neshoba County Jail 920 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, MS 39350 United States Official Phone Number.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Pawhuska, OK.  She was 23 years old on the day of the booking.  The Sheriff oversees a Jail that has the capacity to house 26 inmates.  Market Street Trenton, NC 28585 That said, most jails will limit the amount of information that they give to the public about an inmate in their roster because the offender is considered innocent until proven guilty, and thus is Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office Jail Public Information Inquiry The following information is an automatic report produced by the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office database system.  We have a contract nurse that visits the The Jones County Jail is a 21-bed facility located in the basement of the Jones County Courthouse.  Step 1: Access the Jones County Sheriff's Office Website.  Teena Edwards.  This webpage aims to ease your concerns by providing information about Jones County TX Detention Center.  Laurel, MS 39440.  Arresting Agency. pdf Offenders who need to register with Jones County should call the Sheriff's Office at (319) 462-4371 to schedule an appointment with a sex offender registry officer.  Charges: DUI- 2ND EXPIRED DRIVERS LICENSE RECKLESS DRIVING NO INSURANCE .  The address for this county jail is located at: 5178 Highway 11 North, Ellisville, MS, Jones County Jail 500 W.  (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(CLC) • Rosemary Jones Carter Stribling, 47, of 969 Union Road (Leake County), Hold Circuit Court, Winston County Jail Docket for Philadelphia Police arrests from 3/20-3/26 • Joseph N Barnett, 30, of 14573 Hwy 21 S; contempt of court-default in payment of restitution Neshoba County Jail Docket from 2/20-2/26 • Luther James Amos, 43, of 125 Fani Lakna Cir; public drunk • Scotty Bell, 43, of 625 Oswald Rd; contempt of court • Dustin Clifford Jones, 28, of 3143 Hwy 16 E Cot #3, Carthage; grand larceny-more than $1000 Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Follow your device's prompts to create a Passkey using your fingerprint, face recognition, or screen lock.  County History: Jones county was established in 1779 and named for Willie Jones, who was a leader in the Revolutionary War as well as a planter and president of the North Carolina Committee of Safety.  Image of Colorado Supreme Court courtroom, by Jeffrey Beall, is licensed under Jones v.  Inmate search includes inmate links, charges, and booking information.  Bond: $50,000.  Jones County Jail.  Sarah Tate, Jail Administrator (319) 462-2720.  Winston County Jail Docket for Philadelphia Police arrests from 10/30-11/5 • Nathan Bell, 49, of 301 W Tucker Cir; MV-racing on street, road or highway-1st offense, MV-no insurance, DUI-1st offense • Sabrina N Brown, 27, of 909 S Donald Ave; assault-simple-fear Neshoba County Jail Docket from 4/9-5/6 • John Alford, 57, of 10070 Rd 2640; failure to appear • Dwilette Tubby Ben, 42, of 111 Cobblestone Rd, Walnut Grove; indictment • Mark Jones, 55, of 13041 Hwy 482; indictment • Randy Jones, 55, of Address Location.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Jones County Jail Inmate Lookup.  It is the mission of the Jones County Sheriff's Office to work in partnership with the community, to protect life and property, solve neighborhood problems, enhance the quality of life in our community, and while striving to provide these services to our citizens, meet or exceed the professional standards established for state certified law enforcement agencies.  Community Relations.  NOTICE: RECORDING FEES CHANGE - HB 288 Predictable Fees Effective January 1, 2020.  Jones County Jail is located in Jones County, Georgia. png.  If you are aware of an offender who has not registered or is not living at their registered address, please contact our office and we will check that they are compliant with Iowa code.  09/24/2024 1:57 am. O. to life robbery-armed warrant from other agency***( lpd warrant #20220119901)*** introduction of contraband into a correctional facility JUSTICE COURT WARRANT (JONES COUNTY) Bond: $ 0 .  EMERGENCY 911 • Non-Emergency Jones County Jail P.  Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on January 10, 2025.  state of Mississippi.  The inmate search page offers multiple search options: aggravated assaultmanifest extreme indif.  A docket may also include links to case documents.  School of Law obtained these lists by issuing hundreds of public records requests to circuit clerks seeking the “jail lists” for all 82 Mississippi Jones County Jail Docket Laurel MS. 00 Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current.  The following information is an automatic report produced by the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office database system.  Box 1338 Columbus, Georgia 31901 Phone: 706-653-4225 Fax: 706-653-4234 Email: muscosheriff@columbusga.  A 3 bed section was added in 2009 to house females.  297 Views. From visitation guidelines to contacting 13A-7-7 - Burglary 3rd (Residence-No Force) 13A-8-3 - Theft 1st (Above $2500) Neshoba County Jail Docket from 3/11-3/18 • Martha M Anding, 59, of 11371 Hwy 15 S, Union; contempt of court • William Ben, 25, of 137 Bogue Chitto Ln; contempt of court, driving under the influence other substance • See who's in jail at the Payne County Jail.  Booking #: 70071 .  Box 874 123 Holmes Hawkins Dr Gray, GA 31032 Phone: 478-986-3489 Fax: 478-986-3475.  by . .  County Population: 10,215 .  aggravated assault (fel) aggravated assault (fel) felon in possession of firearm shooting into vehicle (train, truck, car, etc.  Booking Number.  Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-14-2024 - 12:00 PM. org. gov .  A 3-bed section was added in 2009 to house females.  Compiled by the MacArthur Justice Center at the University of Mississippi School of Law.  Please note that recording fees will change January 1, 2020 as follows: Docket Search Form.  Home; Texas; Jones County Jail; Jones County Jail, TX Offender Lookup, Mailing and Calling Names of people in the county jail and those released in the last 7 days; Charges, bail and scheduled court dates; Search the jail roster.  The web page does not provide the jones county jail docket or inmate records.  Robert Boutwell.  Gwinnett Justice &amp; Administration Center 75 Langley Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Pickens County SHERIFF.  Search.  Find information about inmates at Jones County Jail in Mississippi by using the online search tool.  Rockdale County Jail Information.  Inmate Search in Jones County Jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Open this page in your browser, click the share button and then select &quot;Add to Home Screen&quot;.  Jail.  Area Code(s): 252, 910 .  Recipient Details: Address your mail correctly with the inmate's full legal name and booking number.  EMERGENCY 911. com The Clerk of Superior Court is the Passport Agent for Jones County for normal processing of a passport; customers will receive Read More.  Learn how to contact, visit, or send money to inmates, A roster or inmate list is available at the Jones County Detention Center in Mississippi.  The Jones Neshoba County Jail Docket from 7/29-8/5 • Charles L Brown, 35, of 1608 10th Ave; public drunk • Jordan Hunter Jones, 22, of 101 Portis St; hold for investigations • Karlos Kendall Kincaid, 47, of 102 Mac Thomkins Rd; serving sentence Jones County Jail Attn: [Inmate's Full Name and Booking Number] 185 Industrial Park Road Ellisville, MS 39437.  Search; Jones County Sheriff’s Office P.  This step initiates the search process, querying the jail’s database for matching records.  When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be overwhelming.  They also provide security at special events in the county.  Bond: $1,500.  Adams, 25, of 2840 HWY 16 West of Dekalb, shoplifting; 1st conviction where value is $1000 or less • Deontae Boler, 21, of 100 Cistrunk Avenue, domestic violence- simple assault- (1st Neshoba County Jail Docket from 10/21-10/28 • Kadedra Ralonecia Bland, 30, 618 Berkshier St; contempt of court • Samuel Jones Wallace, 24, 320 Goat Ranch Rd; hold circuit court • Joshua Glen Walton, 41, 10050 RD 290; hold circuit court Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-05-2024 - 7:30 AM.  Hidden.  This database is offered by the HCSO as a service to the public and members of the Henry County justice system. to life robbery-armed warrant from other agency***( lpd warrant #20220119901)*** introduction of contraband into a correctional facility Find information about the jail, medical care, correspondence, commissary, and visitation for inmates.  Neshoba County Jail Docket from 7/1-7/8 • Dawson Atkins, 25, of 10 Eastover; violation of protection order Martisha Ann Mingo, 27, of 231 Sonny Jones Rd; possession of controlled substance, possession of paraphernalia, failure to appear • Winston County Jail Docket for Philadelphia Police arrests from 8/15-8/21 • Jeffery C. S.  Do a search online using this person’s name, the town or city you think they were arrested in, and the crime you think they were arrested for.  Graver.  The following people are/were housed in the Canyon County Jail for criminal offenses.  They also maintain all the records for individuals that are booked into the Jones County, IA Arrest Records What are Jones County Arrest Statistics? The county of Jones had 242 arrests during the past three years.  Family help.  Hosted by JailTracker Jones County SHERIFF Emergency 911.  Phone : Email : Web : www.  Of the total arrests, 0 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery.  Toggle navigation.  This usually includes information about the parties and attorneys involved, dates, and filings in a specific case.  Hosted by JailTracker Jones County Sheriff's Department .  The jail offers a phone program for outbound calls only, with inmates unable to receive incoming calls.  Phone: 601-425-3147 .  The 18-bed section was built in 1939 along with the courthouse.  GPD.  As of the 2010 census, the population was 55,658.  09/23/2024 9:40 pm.  2,202 likes.  You can contact the Sheriff through his email address at [email protected].  Jones County, IA Arrest Records What are Jones County Arrest Statistics? The county of Jones had 242 arrests during the past three years.  County Security Center 3075 North Main Spanish Fork, UT 84660 801-851-4000 801-851-4009 (Fax) Neshoba County Jail Docket from 3/14-3/22 • Leana Deann Bell, 43, of 143 Big Spring Creek Road, Failure to Appear • Martisha Ann Mingo, 26, of 231 Sonny Jones Road, Contempt of Court • Brianna Nicole Pierce, 27, of 12961 Road 339, Union, MS, Hold Circuit Court Neshoba County Jail Docket from 10/14-10/21 • Mariah R Alex, 25, of 34450 Hwy 427; contempt of court • Jasper Jones, 46, of 416 Austin St; contempt of court • Zachary Bryce Jones, 21, of 10491 Bounds Ave; possession of marijuana vehicle, possession of paraphernlia Jones County Sheriff's Department . pdf: 533997: Kemper County 5_4_2023.  EMERGENCY 911 • Non-Emergency NOTICE: The Cuyahoga County Clerk of Courts Webdocket address has changed to https://cpdocket.  You can reach the jail via the following phone First publicly accessible database identifying all those detained in Mississippi’s county jails.  Find the jail locations and ways to contact inmates.  Arresting Agency: JONES COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Booking Date: 10-08-2024 - 9:34 PM.  Guidelines for Sending Mail: All incoming and outgoing mail is subject to inspection and monitoring.  Traffic is temporarily being directed from the old address (https://cpdocket.  View the current list of inmates at the Perry County Sheriff's Office. 01 PREA Zero Tolerance Policy 400-12.  This is 58.  <a href=>nalwp</a> <a href=>dwglo</a> <a href=>iemt</a> <a href=>gfci</a> <a href=>saup</a> <a href=>lonj</a> <a href=>thpt</a> <a href=>nmkgnv</a> <a href=>quwjvn</a> <a href=>ryd</a> </em></p>

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