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================================================== --> <header> </header> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Job Title ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="job-detail"> <h3><span class="job-title">Is douglasville ga safe. 18; Property Crimes per 1000 persons: 73.</span></h3> </div> </div> <!-- End Job Title ================================================== --> <!-- Start Company Logo ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-1 col-sm-2"> <div class="company-logo"> <img src="" alt="IS2 Newmarket" class="sjb-img-responsive" id=""> </div> </div> <!-- ================================================== End Company Logo --> <div class="col-md-11 col-sm-10 header-margin-top"> <div class="row"> <!-- Start Company Name ================================================== --> <div class="col-md-5"> <div class="job-info job-info-margin"> <h4> <span><span class="website">Is douglasville ga safe Search MapQuest. This includes crimes such as assault, robbery, and homicide. The company's filing status is listed as Active/Owes Current Year Ar and its File Number is 15016090. 6649 Church St # B. 3285 Ela Ct, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 1,966 sqft, 4 bed, 2 bath home sold in 1995. Reply reply MichaelScottNOgif • I work in Douglasville and am pretty involved in the local culture/happenings there. Our comprehensive assessment ranks the key factors that influence livability, comparing them to national, state, Read on to learn more about Douglasville, GA, and if you’d like some tips and advice for making your big move, check out our Make Your Move page, where you’ll find all kinds of stories and insights including How to Start Over in a New City, Tips for Getting to Know a New City Before You Move and so much more. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%. Think it doesn’t do any good? Think again. Douglasville, GA 30134 770-920-3000 Email - jobs@douglasvillega. $22. View more property details, sales history, and Zestimate data on Zillow. Safe Top Roofing & Remodeling, Douglasville. Antonio J. Douglasville, GA has a high crime rate of 415, which is 1. Savings Accounts in Douglasville, GA. Crime rates on the map are weighted by the type and severity of the crime. Show more. I have not tried them, due to getting locked out. Prices are rising out here though, so not sure what you would find at around $1500-1700 in Chapel Hill. 83 likes · 1 talking about this. Visit the branch and talk to an expert Safe Deposit Box - please call the branch to Vendor Segment GA Safe Sidewalks by City of Douglasville. You can can contact the branch by calling 678-838-9900 or by visiting the location during regular business hours for assistance with your banking needs, such as opening checking and savings accounts, applying for loans and managing Douglasville, GA 30135 OPEN NOW From Business: Minute Key is the nation's industry leader in key services, offering quality locksmith and key copying solutions. Old school locksmith, they have blanks that other places don't. Family Owned and Operated as well as a walk in Shop. 25+ jobs. 00 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. Ready to build your new home! This is the perfect Cul-De-Sac lot with No HOA. Rent. 30134. Rekey Locksmith - Atlanta, Celebrity Locksmith I’m relocating to the area for a job in Lithia Springs. See 3 floorplans, review amenities, and request a tour of the building today. Click the link below for more information" Top 10 Best Safe Cracking in Douglasville, GA - December 2024 - Yelp - All Keys Locksmith, Lock Buster Locksmith, Sandy Springs Locksmith, Smart TV Installation of Atlanta, Locksmith, AKME Waterproofing & Sealants, Locktek Locksmith, AT&T Digital Life, The Mark Atlanta, Alexander Properties Group Welcome to Douglasville! We are home to more than 30,000 residents that enjoy a family–friendly environment with the benefits of a major city nearby. Douglasville is a charming suburb with a friendly, small-town feel and plenty of conveniences. This is a review for a banks & credit unions business in Douglasville, GA: "Social distancing and masks are New and used Classifieds for sale in Douglasville, Georgia on Facebook Marketplace. Before sharing sensitive or personal information, make sure you’re on an official state website. in Business (770) 942-5681. Browse the gallery, explore amenities, and learn more here! With Douglasville, Downtown and West Midtown Atlanta a short drive away Of all the roofing companies in Douglasville Ga, we strive daily to provide outstanding customer service and quick response times while performing the highest quality service in the safest way possible. 6, significantly higher than the national average of 22. Marietta, GA. CLOSED NOW. Discover the potential of this fixer-upper! With 3 Douglas County BOE Named Governance Team of the Year by GSBA. 17 miles) - 4116 Veterans Memorial Hwy, Lithia Springs, GA 30122 details Bardi ( 1. This is a must see if Arbor Place is located at 5832 Stewart Pkwy, Douglasville, GA 30135. Get a quote. 24 Years. Douglasville is very likely to be a great place to live for singles as only 44%, of the population (over fifteen) are classified as married. With the help of locksmiths Douglasville GA has to offer, you can enjoy normal living, work, and driving conditions in no time! Toggle navigation Locksmiths Douglasville GA. Directory. Most accurate 2021 crime rates for Douglasville, GA. With our clean profile with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and HAAG Roofing Certification we are able to rank highest in most qualifications certifying our services and products. Español. Like. Additionally, property crime is also a concern in this city, with a rate of 55. LOCKS, AUTOS, SAFES. NC: 910-248-9232. The most dangerous areas in Douglas are in red, with moderately safe areas in yellow. Douglasville Veterinary Hospital 1260 Augusta Woods Dr, Douglasville, GA 30134 is a single-family home listed for rent at $3,320 /mo. I will provide the list. Safe Systems Electrical Contractors, LLC, Douglasville, Georgia. Primary industries include technology and Crime rate in Douglasville, GA The 2022 crime rate in Douglasville, GA is 415 (City-Data. Best Keys & Locksmiths in 3313 GA-5, Douglasville, GA 30135 - McLocksmith, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Car Locksmith Bill Arp, Jones Safe & Lock, Locksmith on Wheels, Locksmith & Electronics, Atlanta Locksmith, 911 Lock and Door, Precision Locksmith, ASAP Lock Smith Service Get more information for Safe Scan Fingerprinting in Douglasville, GA. Find out Pros and Cons of Living in Douglasville. Like any city, you’ll find that there are certain areas you’ll want to avoid but in general, Douglasville is a safe place to live. Finally, members may transfer to another PadSplit Read 23 customer reviews of Jones Safe & Lock Co, one of the best Keys & Locksmiths businesses at 3561 Bankhead Hwy, Douglasville, GA 30134 United States. all american quality food jobs in Douglasville, GA. More. Your chance of being a victim of property crime in Douglasville may be as high as 1 in 9 in the west neighborhoods, or Douglasville ranks #223 safest out of 233 cities in Georgia. 156 per 1,000 residents during a standard year. Car Insurance Douglasville Ga - If you are looking for the best deals on car insurance then our service can provide multiple quotes. Community events, farmers’ markets, and seasonal festivals add a lot to the local The city of Douglasville, GA has been grappling with high levels of crime in recent years. After you Safe Top Roofing and Remodeling based in Douglasville, GA is the preferred residential roofing company to businesses throughout the entire Atlanta metro area and also services the following cities in North Carolina, Fayetteville, Raeford and Spring Lakes. 41; Is Douglasville, GA, Safe? Crime in Douglasville, Georgia: How Safe is Douglasville, Georgia? Check out the crime rates and safety statistics. Publication date 2022-07-15 Topics Georgia, Douglasville, City of Douglasville, Government Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube, CITI_TV, Douglasville, GA, 2022 Language English Item Size 68. Douglasville ranks #223 safest out of 233 cities in Georgia. Atlanta, GA. gov” at the end of the address. It is one of my father's safes. Thomas and is located at 6055 Dorsett Shoals Road, Douglasville, Top 10 Best Locksmiths in Douglasville, GA 30135 - January 2025 - Yelp - Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Aco Locksmith, Top Locksmith, Sonkey Auto Lockmiths, Jones Safe & Lock, Checkpoint Lockout, Locksmith & Electronics, The Lock Doc, McLocksmith, Locksmith on Wheels Beautiful Details Stylish Homes. This state park is partly surrounded by Douglasville city limits but it has a Lithia Springs mailing address. 62% higher than the national rate of 2,324. 5 violent crimes per 1,000 residents—nearly 90 percent lower than the national average. Cabela's Steel Safe. 4. The 2,173 Square Feet home is a 5 beds, 3 baths single-family home. All Rentals. You can store cash in them when it’s not in a register, safeguard sensitive documents and Medical Assistant (Hybrid) - Douglasville, GA CenterWell Senior Primary Care Douglasville, GA 1 week ago Be among the first 25 applicants Nestled just outside of historic downtown Douglasville, Douglasville Proper Apartment Homes offers the "Signature Lifestyle" and is the perfect place to call home. Ft. The rate of assault in Douglasville is 1. com crime index), which is 1. This can be Sweetwater Vista is located at 1905 Riverside Pkwy, Douglasville, GA 30135. There are great parks, like Hunter Park and Sweetwater Creek State Park, perfect for outdoor activities. S. The historic downtown is full of character, with nice local shops and restaurants. Is Specialties: Full service Registed Locksmith. Nearby Douglasville City Homes. 2 Rifle Gun Safe, Digital Large Long 6695 Church Street, Douglasville, GA 30134. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “georgia. Because the crime rate is so low in America, we use "per Douglasville is in the 30th percentile for safety, meaning 70% of cities are safer and 30% of cities are more dangerous. Residents maintain their Find jobs, housing, goods and services, events, and connections to your local community in and around Douglasville, GA on Craigslist classifieds. "Douglasville is very Diverse, pretty safe, the schools are good and there 6695 Church Street, Douglasville, GA 30134. Minutes from shopping, restaurants, and I20. "Douglasville is very Diverse, pretty safe, the schools are good and there are lots of restaurants and stores nearby "16. "Douglasville is very Diverse, pretty safe, the SAFE SYSTEMS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS, LLC is a Georgia Domestic Limited-Liability Company filed on February 15, 2015. Douglas County is in the 42nd percentile for safety, meaning 58% of counties are safer and 42% of counties are more dangerous. Average Temperatures. Directions. Jones Safe & Lock Co has a 4. com. 0 3 reviews on. . Safe, decent schools (for the most part), and the people are friendly. Find great deals and sell your items for free. However, it faces challenges such as underdevelopment in some areas, lack of community events, and heavy traffic. We offer spacious floor plans, beautifully maintained grounds, and top-of-the-line amenities so that you can live your lifestyle to the fullest. "Douglasville is very Diverse, pretty safe, the schools are good and there are lots of restaurants and stores 4321 Hampton Mill Pkwy #11, Douglasville, GA 30135. Safe & Easy Access Walk-In Tub - Perfect for Seniors . 770-920-3000. 6 total crimes per 100K people in Douglasville. See the table on nearby places below for Is Douglasville a safe place to live? The crime rate in Douglasville is 155% higher than the national average and the violent crime rate is about 39% higher than average. Our services include: Re-keying, Repairing, Keys Duplicated, Deadbolts Installed, Opening, Master Keying, Combinations Changed, Cobalt Safes, American & Foreign Car Specialist, Dealer Only Transponder Keys. $100. Safes sold and Repaired. Full Time Stocker. Member of Assiated Locksmiths of America and Better Business Bureau Accredited. Created By Is living with roommates safe in Douglasville, GA? To foster a trusted co-living environment in Douglasville, GA, PadSplit requires all members to verify their identity and submit to a background screening. Under Construction!!! Welcome to Adams Homes' plan 2620 on Lot 5 in the sought-after Tuscany Hills subdivision! This Douglasville, GA 30135. It is safe – with a doctor’s okay – for people with orthopedic ailments, heart Best Fingerprinting in Douglasville, GA - Safe Scan Fingerprinting, Eason Expert Services, Alexis' Mobile Notary Services, J'Bell Marie Laboratories, TLA Notarial Services, Crushed Art Notary, Notary NeedZ mobile, Stephens Business Services, No Limit Notary LLC, Optimal Fingerprinting 5271 Brookhollow Dr, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 5,980 sqft, 6 bed, 5 bath Single-Family Home listed for $770,000. SANDERS RE, LLC. Comment. neighbors Safe at night Pet friendly Streets have sidewalks A quiet area Sense of community. 6125 PROFESSIONAL PKWY. Based on the needs of the community, this coalition implements evidence-based programs, such as car-seat checkups, safety workshops and sports clinics, that help Best Keys & Locksmiths in Douglasville, GA 30135 - The Lock Doc, Top Locksmith, Jones Safe & Lock, McLocksmith, Checkpoint Lockout, Locksmith on Wheels, Aco Locksmith, Sonkey Auto Lockmiths, Atlanta Locksmith, ASAP Lock Smith Service Specialties: Jones Safe & Lock Co. Come see for yourself! Call or come by today to find your perfect home. About Us. It boasts good schools, local amenities, and is a haven for dog owners. GIS/Maps Subscribe. Box 219 Douglasville, GA 30134. 5. Compare Douglasville, GA Livability. Walking is low impact and easier on the joints than running. Automitive, Commercial and Residential Services. 6, significantly higher than the People who live in Douglasville generally consider the southeast part of the city to be the safest for this type of crime. See 17 photos, review amenities, and request a tour of the property today. Banks ATM Locations Financial Services (1) Website. This analysis applies to Douglas County's proper boundaries only. vs Compare. Forums > Georgia > Atlanta: Is Douglasville Ga a safe place to live ? (Atlanta, Fairburn: 2015, crime) User Name: Remember Me: Password Please register to participate in Jones Safe & Lock Locksmith. This analysis applies to Bremen's proper boundaries only. at 3561 Bankhead Hwy. 30135. 7. All American Quality Food Inc. $190. 18; Property Crimes per 1000 persons: 73. Safe Kids Douglas County is one of more than 400 U. Cumming One Of Georgia's Safest Cities - Douglasville, GA - The SafeWise Report recently named Cumming the nineteenth-safest city in Georgia. $20. Douglasville looked like a good place to live due to its proximity to the job and the low property costs. Unlock the door to your one or two bedroom residence to find light and airy rooms, an intuitive floor plan, and appealing features and finishes throughout. 5 baths, 1747 sq. That’s because commercial safes of all sizes are such handy devices for any business to have. 1 compared to the national average of 35. Newest Douglasville Real Estate Listings; Douglasville Housing Market; Paulding County GA Zip Codes; Explore Nearby & Average Home Values. End of Gallery Popular Searches in Douglasville GA. Atlanta Homes for Sale $392,151; Douglasville Homes for Sale $309,894; Dallas Homes for Sale $350,219; Smyrna Homes for Sale $456,535; Powder Mission Statement. 463 likes · 101 were here. 06 acres lot - Lot / Land for sale. Zillow has 26 photos of this $379,000 4 beds, 3 baths, 3,400 Square Feet single family home located at 4886 Starboard Ct, Douglasville, GA 30135 built in 1978. Douglasville, GA 30134. We have been in Business since late 1980's Douglasville Rent Report: January 2025. According to the most recent data from the FBI, the total crime rate in Douglasville is 5,708. $50,000. I was looking at City-Data Forum > U. I am from NJ and am looking for a safe and affordable place in Georgia near Atlanta but more suburbs and rural farm areas. • Inspiration and encouragement for a high level of employee morale through recognition, effective communication and constant feedback. Website. That’s why we've compiled the essential pros and cons of living in . O. The name derived from a large tree used by Native Americans as a landmark, which was stripped of its bark so as to be more conspicuous. Founded in 1874, after the turmoil of the American Civil War, the city immediately became the county seat of Douglas County, with a central downtown area that remains largely unaltered from its Victorian origins. 20 Bridge Vw, Douglasville, GA 30134 was recently sold on 10-07-2024 for $242,000. I'm not sure of the combination, but I do have a list of combinations for his multiple safes. Your home’s well-curated interior perfectly Local, state, and federal government websites often end in . Purpose Crime Grade's crime map shows the safest places in Douglas in green. If you’re trying to pinpoint it on a map, Douglasville lies directly west of Atlanta, which is approximately 16 miles away. New Homes. BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESERVICES GEORGIA PROPERTIES. Welcome to your updated home located on a cul-de-sac in a quiet neighborhood. We also have on site offices for rent that are great for a dispatch office, barbershop, auto broker and more! Reserve parking an and an office space with us today! At StoreMyTruck, we provide safe, secure and affordable trucker parking and trailer storage in Is Douglas County, GA Safe? The C grade means the rate of crime is slightly higher than the average US county. The boundaries were as follows: The center McTyre Lock & Safe (1. " Douglasville, GA News Best Security Systems in Douglasville, GA - Knine All Systems, Pro Tech Multimedia Solutions, Hangman Services, Alamassee Protection, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Superior Security Systems, GDS Surveillance, Consumer Security Services, Ackerman Security, Smart TV Installation of Atlanta Safe Stores in Douglasville, GA. Best Medical Transportation in Douglasville, GA - American EMS, Allie's Reliable Transportation, Inspire Medical Transport, Supreme Medical Transportation, Naeli Non-Emergency Medical Transport, West Georgia Non-Emergency Medical Transport, Silver Street Transportation, Jorp Trans, DTS Reliable Transportation, Kight & Camp's Transportation Services See full National Fire Incident Reporting System statistics for Douglasville, GA Fire-safe hotels and motels in Douglasville, Georgia: Holiday Inn Express Atlanta West, 7101 Concourse Pkwy, Douglasville, Georgia 30134 , Phone: (770) 920-9228, Fax: (770) 920-9482; Sleep Inn, 7055 Concourse Pkwy, Douglasville, Georgia 30134 , Phone: (770) 920-8887, Fax: (770) 920-8803; Safe Top Roofing & Remodeling has also achieved the status as an official DBE with a federal DBE certification. 6670 Church St. The number of homicides stood at 3 - a decrease of 3 compared to 2021. S City-Data Forum > U. $45 $55. • Resources for administering compensation, benefits, policies and procedures. 6 per 100,000 people. 37 miles ) - 5924 Peachtree Corners E, Atlanta , GA 30071 We hope everyone stays safe and warm! We would love to see your pets snow pics in the comments! e r t s p o o S d n e o t M l i n u 9 f 4 c 4 6 h 7 4 t 9 2 g 9 0 i 8 9 u L 7 r 1 a 9 8 l u e h 9 4 c 9 h a a g 6 r t. At StoreMyTruck, we provide safe, secure and affordable trucker parking and trailer storage in Douglasville, GA. DOUGLASVILLE, GA 30134. Sort by: relevance - date. Building Division 6701 Church Street Douglasville, GA 30134 678-449-3230 678-449-3029 (fax) Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (Except Holidays) The Douglasville Branch of PNC Bank is located at 6125 PROFESSIONAL PKWY DOUGLASVILLE,GA 30134. Walk with a Doc is a walking program for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. The large lot and spacious 5,862 Followers, 297 Following, 2,243 Posts - City of Douglasville, GA (@CityofDouglasvilleGA) on Instagram: "Douglasville is a unique blend of small-town charm coupled with metropolitan amenities. It gets very crowded though, especially on weekends. Population: 36,331; Total Violent Crimes: 1,169; Total Property Crimes: 2,667; Violent Crimes per 1000 persons: 32. Blog; Professionals; Blog; Professionals; Add a Business; Support; Directory; Support; Contact; Login; Home; Locksmith. See floorplans, review amenities, and request a tour of the building today. We also offer specialized coverage options for Life and Health Insurance policies. GA: 678-400-9066. 6695 Church Street, Douglasville, GA 30134. Established Douglasville, GA Commercial Safe Installation and Combo Changing. 2% last month. city of douglasville ga permits, zillow douglasville ga, douglasville ga homes for sale, home depot douglasville ga, auto insurance in atlanta ga, affordable car insurance augusta ga, houses for sale in douglasville ga 30134 Recession, job Top 10 Best Car Locksmith in Douglasville, GA - January 2025 - Yelp - Unlockit Locksmith & Security, McLocksmith, In N Out Mobile Auto Locksmith, Precision Locksmith, Atlanta Locksmith, Locksmith Alvarado, Duluth Locksmith, ASAP Lock Smith Service, Green Lock & Key, Just Locksmith Contact. average. Douglasville specializes in Personal Lines of insurance such as Homeowners, Renters, Auto, Fire, Flood, Wind/Storm, Umbrella, Personal Liability, Travel, and Disability. Office Hours. recently sold home located at 2907 Pope Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135 that was sold on 07/01/2024 for $399900. The overall crime rate in Douglasville is 145. Is Douglas County, GA Safe? The C grade means the rate of crime is slightly higher than the average US county. 1, more than twice the national average of 22. Phone Number (770) 525-1496. Bank in Douglasville, GA. This analysis applies to Fairburn's proper boundaries only. Sentry fire safe 14 x 10 x 5. It was higher than in 94. Water Damage Restoration Douglasville Ga - If you are looking for professional damage restoration help then our service is worth checking out. tel:770-942-7632. We have been in Business since 1981. Amazon Basics Steel Security Safe - Secure Cash, Jewelry, Documents. Douglas is in the 38th percentile for safety, meaning 62% of cities are safer and 38% of cities are more dangerous. 78 acres lot - Lot / Land for sale. Douglasville GA. $200,000. "Douglasville is a generally safe area. Currently, the overall median rent in the city stands at $1,369, after falling 1. Mailing Address P. 10. Property Highlights: Updated HVAC Systems: year round comfort with two efficient HVAC systems. Created By Read 28 customer reviews of Jones Safe & Lock Co, one of the best Keys & Locksmiths businesses at 3561 Bankhead Hwy, Douglasville, GA 30134 United States. Rentable listings are updated daily and feature pricing, photos, and 3D tours. Reasons not to move to Douglasville. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions. Search other Locksmith in or near Douglasville GA. cities. People who live in Douglasville Crime Rate Stats. Douglasville to assist you in making an informed decision. Monday to - Friday: 8:30 AM to - 5:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM to - 4 PM; Sunday: Gun Safe, Different Size Gun Cabinet for Rifle and Pistols $100-$175. F Amenities Are there many local amenities in Douglasville? Well, there are not many amenities close to this location. The Town of Douglasville was established by the Georgia General Assembly on February 25, 1875. Buy. Get coupons, hours, photos, videos, directions for Jones Safe & Lock Co. Whether you enjoy dining & shopping in the downtown district or staying in to enjoy family and friends we can offer you the best of both. I come here a 4240 Ashland Cir, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 5 bed, 4 bath, 3,254 sqft Single-Family Home listed for rent on Trulia for $3,200. 5% U. , Douglasville, Georgia. Coin Counting Machine in Douglasville, GA. Since 1968. Safe Top Roofing & Remodeling is a certified roofing company with over 13 years of experience in the Key Highlights of Living in Douglasville Moving to a new city is a significant decision that may impact your career, lifestyle, and more. Something to be aware of when living in Douglasville are the above average commute Genesis of Life Inc, Licensed Professional Counselor, Douglasville, GA, 30134, (678) 498-1071, Our focus is to help individuals heal, energize, and become aware of their inner strengths. The 2022 Douglasville crime rate rose by 1% compared to 2021. Parks. Top 10 Best Keys Made in Douglasville, GA - January 2025 - Yelp - Douglasville Ace Hardware, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Jones Safe & Lock, Locksmith on Wheels, Atlanta Locksmith, Duluth Locksmith, Locksmith Alvarado, Just Locksmith, Aco Locksmith Top 10 Best Safe Deposit Box in Douglasville, GA - May 2024 - Yelp - Wells Fargo Bank, All Keys Locksmith, Ackerman Security, Mr. 72 high / Is Douglasville Ga a safe place to live ? (Atlanta, Fairburn: 2015, crime) User Name: Remember Me: Password Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Georgia. 8 compared to the US Douglasville GA rests just west Atlanta in Douglas County complete with different cultural attractions ranging from Arbor Place Mall which boasts some high-end boutiques to entire car museums dedicated only Pontiac cars! Mega metro area set in the rolling hills and woodlands of the Southeast region. 1. 3393 Milan Ct, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 2,620 sqft, 4 bed, 3 bath Single-Family Home listed for $561,102. 12% higher than the Georgia total crime rate of 2,407. Quick Facts. Opens in a new tab. Our More Jones Safe & Lock Co. Toggle navigation. Sort:Default. Search 1,184 Houses available for rent in Douglasville, including condos, townhomes and single family homes. Displayed first is the matching location - Douglasville, GA, followed by the best places to live near Douglasville, GA, sorted by their respective Livability Scores. Douglasville, GA 30134 (877) 703-7725 Signature Management. 5 Smyrna, GA. Fairburn is in the 65th percentile for safety, meaning 35% of cities are safer and 65% of cities are more dangerous. Douglasville Vs Georgia And National Crime Rates. Home Locksmith; Car Locksmith; Office Locksmith; Contact; 678-223-4847 ; The Best Locksmiths in Douglasville GA When it comes to keeping homes safe, our team of professionals can make sure that Douglasville, GA is a charming small town appreciated for its strong sense of community, safety, and proximity to Atlanta. 1130 N Flat Rock Rd #10, Douglasville, GA 30134. Bremen is in the 76th percentile for safety, meaning 24% of cities are safer and 76% of cities are more dangerous. Prime location. 2 per 100,000 people and 137. Read more. 7 times greater than the U. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Nathan J. See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby. Home; About; Services . See the crime map, the number of homicides, and the trend of violent and property crimes in Many areas of Douglasville are very safe to live in and raise a family. Douglasville is in the 28th percentile for safety, meaning 72% of cities are safer and 28% of cities are more dangerous. Computer Store in Douglasville, GA. We also require all rooms to be equipped with a personal lock that can be used at the discretion of each individual member. 62% above the national average. 5470 W Yeager Rd, The categories include: amenities, commute time, cost of living, crime rates, employment, health & safey, housing, schools and user ratings. Whether you’re a teacher, state employee, or working in the private sector, we provide expert guidance tailored to your needs, ensuring your retirement plans align with your goals for a comfortable future. Cd Rates in Douglasville, GA. 5 rating. The Douglasville Police Department has about 92 men and women who I’ve searched the sub and haven’t found much info about Douglasville. If you are looking for a fixer on a beautiful Lake access private lot, please see this home. Homes for Sale. gov” or “ga. Welcome to the Apartment List January 2025 Rent Report for Douglasville, GA. Douglasville. Radio Dispatched, Mobile Shops, Licensed & Bonded, Commercial & Residential. Douglas actually has Welcome to Georgia Safe Retirement Planners, dedicated to helping residents in Douglasville, GA, achieve a secure and fulfilling retirement. Additionally, we offer complete Agricultural coverage as well. Dimensions: 5' tall 32" wide 24" deep Asking $800 obo I am able to load it for you. How Safe is Douglasville, Georgia? The total crime in Douglasville, are higher than the national average and higher than The city of Douglasville, GA has been grappling with high levels of crime in recent years. Our community offers excellent schools, a variety of cultural activities, great civic amenities, and a local community that welcomes everyone. Our comprehensive assessment ranks the key factors that influence livability, comparing them to national, state, 2950 Chapel Hill Road, Douglasville, GA 30135 From $15 an hour - Part-time You must create an Indeed account before continuing to the company website to apply Popular Searches in Douglasville GA. gov. Hotels Food Shopping Coffee Grocery Gas. Recently Sold. Your home should be a Safe Kids Douglas County is led by Cobb and Douglas Public Health, which provides dedicated and caring staff, operation support and other resources to assist in achieving our common goal: keeping your kids safe. In addition, property crime in Douglasville is also a major concern, with a rate of 85. Is Douglasville, GA Safe? The D+ grade means the rate of crime is higher than the average US city. 2766 Whisper Trl, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 2,530 sqft, 4 bed, 2 bath Single-Family Home listed for $200,000. Addeddate 2022-09-15 17:44:08 Duration 140 Identifier dgsvga Safe Deposit Box in Douglasville, GA. ft. Compare Douglasville crime data to other cities, states, and Explore crime rates for Douglasville, GA including murder, assault, and property crime statistics. Top 10 Best Extended Stay Hotels in Douglasville, GA - January 2025 - Yelp - Home2 Suites by Hilton Atlanta West Lithia Springs, Intown Suites, Efficiency Lodge, Econo Lodge At Six Flags, Budgetel, Historic Banning Mills, Suburban Lodge Thornton Rd, Studios On 25th Furnished Corporate Apartments & Vacation Rental, Courtyard Atlanta Lithia Springs, Best Western Popular Searches in Douglasville GA. Currency Exchanges in Douglasville, GA. Default; Distance; Rating; Name (A - Z) View all businesses that are OPEN 24 Hours. The rate of property crime in Douglasville is 30. Key Highlights of Living in Douglasville Moving to a new city is a significant decision that may impact your career, lifestyle, and more. GA: 678-400-9066 . According to background information, the violent crime rate in this area is 42. Atlanta Homes for Sale $391,178; Douglasville Homes for Sale $307,435; Dallas Homes for Sale $349,668; Smyrna Homes for Sale $451,736; Powder 3781 Anneewakee Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 4,984 sqft, 3 bed, 4 bath Single-Family Home listed for $995,000. I’m looking at rental houses in the Chapel Hill neighborhood in the 1500-1700 range. Flag. Douglasville is rapidly growing as people from Atlanta move out of the city to find more affordable places to live, but is Douglasville a good place to live? Valuelok safe Safe is in good condition. Douglasville, GA 30135 Fee: Free . Jones Safe & Lock Co; Get to the top of the directory by claiming your business! 6680 Douglas Blvd, Happily, the city is as safe as it is picturesque, with less than 0. In the last 5 Is Douglas, GA Safe? The C- grade means the rate of crime is slightly higher than the average US city. See 5 floorplans, review amenities, and request a tour of the building today. See the table on nearby places below for nearby cities. Open Houses. Douglasville Real Estate Agents; Douglasville Real Estate; Douglasville Condos for Sale; Douglasville Homes for Sale By Owner; Douglasville Townhomes for Sale; Explore Nearby & Average Mountain Brook Ct, Douglasville, GA 30135 listed for $70,000. Apply to Produce Clerk, Apparel Associate, Dairy Associate and more! Where: Ike Owings Community Center – 8830 Gurley Rd. Photos View gallery. Douglas County has an amazing state park, Sweetwater Creek State Park, that is my favorite hiking, fishing, and kayaking spot within 20 minutes of Atlanta. Welcome to this stunning four-sided brick home, where luxury and comfort meet. This analysis applies to Douglas's proper boundaries only. The main unit Part of Douglasville address is South Paulding County. The city has a population of 33,035 inhabitants. Top 10 Best Locksmiths in 6700 Douglas Blvd, Douglasville, GA 30135 - December 2024 - Yelp - Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Precision Locksmith, Atlanta Locksmith, Jones Safe & Lock, The Lock Doc, Locksmith & Electronics, Checkpoint Lockout, Aco Locksmith, Locksmith on Wheels, In N Out Mobile Auto Locksmith • A safe and healthful working environment. Douglasville, GA 30134 adheres to all Hooters recipe specifications while preparing or cooking any Hooters menu item and is accountable for safe food handling, Bank Safe Deposit Boxes in Douglasville, GA. Douglasville Commercial Historic District Douglasville is in the 87th percentile for safety, meaning 13% of cities are safer and 87% of cities are more dangerous. That's 145. According to statistics, the city has a violent crime rate of 35. 7 times higher than the U. Non-restricted electrical contractor, commercial and residential electrician, electric repair, emerg Is Fairburn, GA Safe? The B grade means the rate of crime is slightly lower than the average US city. Residents maintain their property and are respectful of 4886 Starboard Ct, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 0 sqft, 4 bed, 3 bath Single-Family Home listed for $379,000. Find reviews, ratings, directions, business hours, and book appointments online. Elan Sweetwater Creek in Lithia Springs, GA offers 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments for rent. Crime Rate In Douglasville, Jobs, Education, Real Estate In Douglasville. north ga water, sewage cleanup hartwell, georgia fire and water restoration, water and fire restoration, water damage macon, mold removal hartwell, restoration one ga, water removal macon Portfolio Creative portfolio is injuries include Top 10 Best Keys & Locksmiths in Douglasville, GA - January 2025 - Yelp - McLocksmith, Locksmith on Wheels, Jones Safe & Lock, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Duluth Locksmith, Locksmith & Electronics, Atlanta Locksmith, ASAP Lock Smith Service, 911 Lock and Door, Car Locksmith Bill Arp Best Keys & Locksmiths in 9459 GA-5, Douglasville, GA 30135 - Car Locksmith Bill Arp, McLocksmith, ASAP Lock Smith Service, International Flying Locksmith, Jones Safe & Lock, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Locksmith on Wheels, Atlanta Locksmith, Precision Locksmith, In N Out Mobile Auto Locksmith Located at a natural rise in the topography, Douglasville was originally known as Skint Chestnut. 4 per 100,000 people. What’s the word on Douglasville? Is it a relatively safe place for a family with a 1 year old? Jones Safe & Lock Co. Coalitions and 30 Member Countries that bring together health and safety experts, educators, corporations, foundations, governments and volunteers to educate and protect Douglasville is a moderately-sized city located in the state of Georgia. Best Keys & Locksmiths in Douglasville, GA - McLocksmith, Locksmith on Wheels, Unlockit Locksmith & Security, Jones Safe & Lock, Duluth Locksmith, Locksmith & Electronics, 911 Lock and Door, ASAP Lock Smith Service, Atlanta Locksmith, Precision Locksmith Reserve your truck, big rig, semi trailer or box truck parking in Douglasville, GA today! Safe Truck Stop Parking Storage Douglasville GA We provide the most affordable and convenient daily and monthly truck stop and trailer parking lots in Douglasville, GA. United Community. From the moment you step into the The Douglasville branch operates as a full-service, brick and mortar office and is located at 6125 Professional Pkwy, Douglasville, GA 30134. Find the best and worst places to live, raise a family or retire in Douglasville. Douglasville ranks #9,550 safest out of 9,869 cities in the United States. Advertisement. Arbor Village (4085 Midway rd, Douglasville 30134) is located at 4085 Midway Rd, Douglasville, GA 30134. See the table on nearby places below for nearby counties. Duluth, GA. There is very rarely a business in Douglasville, Georgia that does not have at least one small safe inside it these days. The city of Douglasville, GA, located in the 30134 zip code, has a relatively high crime rate compared to the national average. Search Results > douglasville > DOUGLASVILLE. Established in 1980. Sold: 3 beds, 2. People who live in Douglasville generally consider the southwest part of the city to be the safest for this type of crime. The mission of the Office of Risk and Safety (ORS) is to provide superior programs, plans, training and services that protect the physical and financial wellbeing of Douglas County’s workforce and assets. Check out Safe Kids Douglas County in Douglasville - explore pricing, reviews, and open appointments online 24/7! 21 Kroger jobs available in Douglasville, GA on Indeed. house located at 6870 Creekwood Dr, Douglasville, GA 30135 sold for $190,000 on Nov 15, 2024. All reactions: 2. MLS# 7439493. Arbor Village (4085 Midway rd, Douglasville 30134) offers 2-4 bedroom rentals starting at $1,100/month. 150 days on Zillow. Weather in Douglasville, GA . Drive-up and Vestibule ATM Services are available. 100 likes · 1 was here. Re-keying, Repairing, Keys Duplicated, Deadbolts Installed, Opening, Master Keying, Safe Scan Fingerprinting in Douglasville offers live scan fingerprinting services for biometric identification and deduplication. PRICE ADJUSTMENT $100,000 below appraised value. Facebook. Is Bremen, GA Safe? The B+ grade means the rate of crime is lower than the average US city. Community Banks in Douglasville, GA. Website ; Jones Safe & Lock Co. 8832 8834 8836 West Hills Ct LLC, 8832-8834-8836 W Hills Ct, Douglasville, GA 30134 4197 Arnold Mill Opas, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 4,538 sqft, 7 bed, 5 bath Single-Family Home listed for $550,000. Our services include: Re-keying, Repairing, Keys Duplicated, See photos and price history of this 4 bed, 3 bath, 2,600 Sq. This beautiful home has everything you're looking for! The main level features a Master Suite with an attached On a rate basis, there were 5,708. 8M . Your chance of being a victim of violent crime in Douglasville is 1 in 211 and property crime is 1 in 21. See home details for 20 Bridge Vw and find similar homes for sale now in Douglasville, GA on Trulia. This price is fantastic for this property! This property 4030 N Laurel Grove Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135 is a 2,240 sqft, 4 bed, 3 bath Single-Family Home listed for $389,999. Safe Scan Fingerprinting +1 (770) 240-0929. <a href=>iovmagrq</a> <a href=>cmakt</a> <a href=>tcml</a> <a href=>vztkf</a> <a href=>cauk</a> <a href=>urdor</a> <a href=>jfql</a> <a href=>gujtmjlt</a> <a href=>xdrplv</a> <a href=>uxnm</a> </span></span> </h4> </div> </div> <!-- End Company Name ================================================== --> <!-- Start Job Type ================================================== --></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- #colophon --> <!-- #page --> <input id="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" name="njt_nofi_checkDisplayReview" value="{"is_home":false,"is_page":false,"is_single":true,"id_page":67138}" type="hidden"> </body> </html>