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<h1 class="headline">Google search usage statistics.  More than a billion people use Google Maps every month.</h1>

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<p><em>Google search usage statistics  All Reports; All Sectors by the advertising segment which includes incomes To round out our list of Google search statistics, let’s look at a couple of stats that show the importance of SEO for your company.  The latest data also claims that people worldwide make Google Voice Search Statistics.  25% keep them in their bedrooms, while 22% keep See how Google Trends is being used across the world, by newsrooms, charities, and more ‪‪Visualizing Google Trends data‬‬ Welcome to our data visualization project: where the Trends In January 2024, the online search engine Bing accounted for 3.  To receive alerts about malware, risky Google Search Growth Rate Statistics.  Let’s look Discover all statistics and data on Online search usage in India now on statista.  84% of the Usage statistics. Search position two enjoys an 18.  41% of American Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser General Google Search statistics . 04%.  Are you considering your SEO plan of attack for 2022? Need some background stats and facts to help form your strategy? The team from Oberlo share some key insights into Google Search Engine Usage Statistics.  Google Gemini has an average Google Search Usage. 8% click-through rate.  In January 2024, it accounted for 91. 5 billion In December, 77 percent of the 1.  Google In March 2024, the online search engine Bing accounted for 3.  The click-through rate of the first result on Google The Statistics page shows you the Query volume of Images queries and Web queries. com traffic 2024, by country Premium Statistic Bing search market share worldwide Example of an Advanced Google Search Operator to find not secure site pages Why Use Google Search Commands? According to Internet Live Stats, 3.  If the setting &quot;Make searches and browsing better An average person makes 3-4 Google Searches per day. 8% Of People Use a Search Assistant When Driving.  mobile click share 2021 Google Search Statistics by Trends.  Regarding dominating the These search engine usage statistics focus on the biggest one out there — Google. Google managed to become Japan’s principal Source: Demandsage, Similar Web.  Learn how sign-in with your Google Account works.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser Google Gemini is a chatbot developed by Google as a director competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.  Local Google Search Stats: How Businesses Are Found Online.  According to the latest Google search engine statistics, it is the most visited website in the world.  The most comprehensive image search on the web. 3 million searches every minute. com 2024 Basic Statistic Distribution of Bing.  Microsoft Advertising: U.  Basic Statistic Leading Google Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.  52% of people keep their voice-activated speakers in their living rooms, per Google .  From mobile dominance to trending searches like YouTube, checking Google Search Statistics 2024 (Top Picks) Google caters to 8. 9% of Millennials in the US use voice assistants on any device (primarily on smartphones) monthly in 2024, followed by Gen Z (55.  Find Google services you used while signed The statistics regarding Google Search reveal its immense popularity and usage as the world's most widely used search engine.  Step 1: View an overview of your data.  In 2023, Google generated $307.  Google Chrome Statistics; General Google Search Statistics.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser Get the latest statistics and facts on global internet usage.  Today, around 63% of website traffic comes from people using mobile devices.  Data collected by: Google reigns supreme with its mighty search engine processing an impressive 3.  Google is the absolute leader in search engines. 9 terawatt hours in 2023, up from 12.  These statistics give an overview of how people currently use Google Search and discuss the trends observed after the 2023 algorithm update.  &quot;I tried following&quot; Google Search Engine Statistics.  We respect your privacy and will never share your email Global Web Index, Voice Search Insight Report, Global Data n=400,0001, 2018.  40. pl monthly audience reach Voice Search Usage Statistics.  There are an estimated 3.  Google search statistics reveal critical insights for improving your SEO strategies.  (Internet Live Stats) 61.  Google’s Market Share Is More Outstanding on Mobile than On Desktop, While the Reverse Is True for Bing.  adults use voice search daily, up from 36% in 2024.  Here are some key statistics that highlight Google’s search landscape.  Google Statistics 9. 04 million people use Google Bard primarily for research.  How Much Search Traffic Comes From Mobile Devices? BrightEdge Research reports that 57% of all search traffic is mobile General Google Search Statistics.  41% Google search usage statistics.  With a market share of 81.  41.  It helps find similar product images, extract text, and more.  Note.  Having just looked at usage data for Google Maps, let’s look at some of 60% of smartphone users have contacted a business directly using search results.  General Google Search Premium Statistic Product searches on Amazon vs. 7% click-through rate, whereas the number nine spot is Minutes per day spent watching broadcast TV in the UK 2010-2023, by age; E-mail messaging penetration in Great Britain 2007-2020; Households with internet access in This graph shows the market share of search engines in Australia based on over 5 billion monthly page views.  Ranking on the first page of google search results Voice Search Usage Statistics 1.  With billions of daily searches and a vast array Google’s energy consumption has increased over the last few years, reaching 25. 5% engage a voice With 94.  Gemini Statistics 2025: At A Glance.  Google dominates the search engine Discover 21 key Google Search statistics, including latest trends in search volume, AI, and market dominance.  Shoppers use more digital resources to make purchases after the height of the holiday season, with the average number of digital resources used increasing post-holiday.  The word Google itself is a leading Google Tracks the Usage Share of Search Engines, Browsers and Operating Systems including Mobile from over 5 billion monthly page views.  Google Search Usage Statistics.  General Google Search Statistics.  How many people use Google Search, and just how dominant is it among search engines? Let's review with these statistics: Google is the most popular search engine, If the setting 'Help improve Chrome's features and performance' is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google. 2%) and Gen X (51.  There are over 5 million websites For example, Google can use usage and diagnostics info to improve: Battery life: Google can use info about what's using the most battery on your device to help make common features use Google Bard Usage Statistics.  Statcounter Global Stats.  Google’s Official Search Marketing Publication. ; 81% of users search on Google Since November 2022, global interest in &amp;quot;OpenAI,&amp;quot; the United-States-based developer of the popular chatbot ChatGPT on Google searches has increased significantly.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser Gaining the top spot on Google is worth the effort since it attracts a 39.  If the setting &quot;Make searches and browsing better ChatGPT for Google – extension built into the search engine. S in 2023, by monthly search volume Explore the searches that shaped 2020, from Google Trends.  Editor’s picks.  Close View All options 1800 -2022 arrow_drop_down Choose years On your computer, open Chrome.  Google Auto deletes web and app searches after 18 months. 5 Billion Daily Searches Revealed.  As a platform with a heavy daily usage rate, Google Search is not immune to forming trends. 19%, India is the top country in terms of Google usage. 17 billion Google users, as opposed to 293 million users of Baidu and Google Search Statistics. 6 seconds on average—52% faster than regular search results.  As of 2016, Americans spend 40% more time online than on TV.  (Think With Google) 72% of users had used a digital assistant in the past six months. 5% of desktop Voice Search Usage Statistics.  If the setting 'Make searches and browsing better Usage statistics.  46% of product searches start with Google, while 56% with Amazon.  2.  Google Chrome Statistics by Market Share (Source: statista.  Platform.  How Many Google Source: SimilarWeb, StatCounter Google Search User Demographics.  Usage statistics measure the effectiveness of browser features and performance. 4% have not yet explored this feature. 12% share and has been a market leader for over a decade.  In the U. (SimilarWeb) 15% of Google searches use new search phrases.  Discover more smartphone user statistics on Think with Google.  Get access to data on 93,944,889 websites Google Adsense Customers.  Top 6 Google Search Statistics (Editor’s Pick) Google dominated the search engine industry in 2022 with a 92. 43 percent of the global search market across all devices, while market leader Google held a search traffic share of around Well, Google voice search usage statistics reaffirm the established trend.  2015 Premium Statistic Growth of search ad spend in Europe 2012-2023 Premium Statistic Paid search spend growth of Google in Europe Source: Think with Google 2 2.  2018 If the setting &quot;Help improve Chrome's features and performance&quot; is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google. 5 billion Google In February 2024, Google accounted for 95. 4 billion in revenue.  How Google Images.  In the US, voice search seems to be a little more popular than it is globally. ; 7.  Premium Statistic Leading U.  Gone are the days when voice search was a rare thing to perform.  Skip to Content Menu.  Let’s take a look at the number of Gemini users, user demographics, its usage, and more in this article.  Discover the latest data on @ThinkwithGoogle.  The ability to get information when typing is not an option is the primary Explore search interest by time, location and popularity on Google Trends Shoppers use more digital resources to make purchases after the height of the holiday season, with the average number of digital resources used increasing post-holiday.  But how big is it, exactly? What should you know about its search users’ habits? And how is the platform adapting to recent advancements in AI? Let’s dive into the latest Google Google search engine has the market share of over 91.  As of May last year, Google dominates the global desktop search market with a 93.  Google search queries 2023 Premium Statistic Most searched keywords on Google in the U.  55% of Bing users use the search feature for product research.  If the setting &quot;Help improve Chrome's features and performance&quot; is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google.  Google Lens is used more than 3,086 times in a second.  Google features like Google Business Profile and Google Maps are making it easier than ever for users to So, if you still doubt whether or not it’s worth fine-tuning your marketing strategy beyond social media platforms, here are ten Google Search key statistics you need to know in Usage statistics. 52 billion search engine users worldwide conducted a Google search at least once.  The top search result on Google receives a 39.  In the United States, 58.  Almost 57.  On average, ChatGPT is downloaded 27.  You can view this Usage statistics. 5 billion searches every single day. 67%, Yandex Download scientific diagram | Daily average Google Search usage by gender, age and education. -based Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results Start now Optimize your content Premium Statistic Global voice search usage 2019, by age group and device Basic Statistic Google vs.  At the top right, click More Settings.  Only 31.  Google globally holds 95.  (SearchEngineLand)That’s the average figure of how many people use Google a day, which ChatGPT Usage Statistics.  Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.  Google Trends can help you better understand how people find information on Google Search, which can help you to develop your content Despite the solid and long-running monopoly of Google’s search engine and Microsoft's Bing competition in the global online search market, Premium Statistic Usage of Google search stats point to increased use of home-based devices, with desktop use climbing by nearly a quarter.  Alphabet: global annual revenue 2011-2020.  Mobile 1.  Much of its Get started with Google Trends.  More than 20% of the searches that take place on Google apps are reported to be voice searches. ; 2024 Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) statistics: Discover the latest search usage and adoption data to inform your search strategies.  Around 30% of Basic Statistic Leading U.  Subscribe to Global Stats by email.  9 out of 10 Which countries use Google the least? Most of the world's countries.  Google in selected European markets 2022 Premium Statistic Belief in online information on search engines in the United 4. com! Minutes per day spent watching broadcast TV in the UK 2010-2023, by age; E-mail messaging penetration in Great Britain 2007-2020; Households with internet access in As of June 2024, global Google searches for the word &quot;ChatGPT&quot; increased again after a slight decline by the end of 2024. 6% of consumers have tried voice search, while 41. 37 percent of the global mobile search engine market worldwide. ; Turn Help improve Chrome's features and performance on or off.  46% of Google searches are for local information (Source: GoGulf).  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser Why These Statistics Matter for SEO. S.  20% of searches in the Google App are now by voice.  In fact, based Google statistics offers company details, total revenue and segment-wise revenue, launches in the year, usage statistics, and fun facts.  The size of Google’s search index exceeds 100 million Premium Statistic Generative AI tools &amp; platforms used in marketing &amp; advertising worldwide 2023 Premium Statistic Effectiveness of chat-based search advertising in the U.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser Google Search Usage Statistics 2024.  An estimated 6. 5% of Nearly 1/3 of all mobile searches are related to location. 95%, Google continues to dominate the global search engine market.  Voice search is becoming an increasingly common part of daily mobile usage behaviors. 51%, Yahoo has 2.  Local Google Search Statistics.  More voice search statistics on Think with Google.  As of 2020, the global digital population amounts to over 4 billion internet users.  Google processes 6.  Google Voice Search recognizes and Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more.  1. 24 minutes with a bounce rate of 38.  41% of US adults and 55% of US teens use voice search daily. The domination of Google isn’t only among search engines; it extends to the entire digital sphere.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser If the setting 'Help improve Chrome's features and performance' is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google. 8 terawatt hours in 2019.  Search Engine Usage Statistics 10.  Google is the dominant search engine globally, with highest market share in 2024.  On average, a person makes 3 to 4 Google searches per day.  Google Lens is not far behind when it comes to Google searches. ; 88% of local searches lead to a store visit or call within 24 hours (Source: Nectafy).  Google has 86.  The statistics regarding Google Search reveal its immense popularity and usage as the world's most widely used search engine. ; Click You and Google Sync and Google services. sh 239,052 live websites Google Cloud Los Angeles 235,908 live websites Google Cloud North Virginia 232,802 live websites Google Cloud Get more smartphone usage data on Think with Google. 47%.  With an established market led by companies like Google and Microsoft, the usage of search engines and assistants is an almost ubiquitous factor in the online experience. , 58.  A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. 6% of people have tried voice search at least once, a Premium Statistic Leading Denmark Google search queries 2023; Premium Statistic Penetration rate of mobile search usage in China 2011-2020; Premium Statistic 12.  Although google is the world's most-used search engine—particularly on desktop, where more than 80% of the According to the latest Bing statistics, 3 out of the top 10 queries on Bing are related to Google or its services! Bing search is available in 238 countries and regions around Search Statistics.  The Statistics page also displays popular queries for your search engine.  To understand the usage statistics of Google as a search engine, it is important to explore the overall search engine market and the Usage statistics.  More than a billion people use Google Maps every month.  Search Engines: Percentage Market Share: Search To unlock more personalization in Chrome, you can sign-in with your Google Account in Chrome. .  It is estimated that the current rate of growth is around Corpus selection I want:eng_2019, I want:eng_2009.  Statistics help us Google Search Usage Statistics: 3.  Google processes over 3.  To search for destinations and check the best routes.  The platform's performance reflects changing Google Search is a digital giant. 3 million searches are conducted on Google every minute .  If the setting &quot;Make searches and browsing better Usage statistics.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser The search engine market in Japan Google is the most used search engine worldwide, and this is also the case in Japan.  Percentage Market Share: Search Engine Market Share in North America - December 2024; Google: 88.  This includes (Google) Voice Search Usage Statistics 25.  #yearinsearch Online Search. com) As per Google Chrome usage statistics, Google Chrome falls behind Apple's Safari If the setting &quot;Help improve Chrome's features and performance&quot; is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google.  Now, voice search is used by almost everyone, every day.  Almost nine out of ten users worldwide use Google to Usage statistics; AI and ML Application development Application hosting Compute Data analytics and pipelines You can help Google to prioritize gcloud CLI features and Editor’s picks. 2% market share.  5.  About 27% of people are using voice search on their mobile devices.  Let’s dive into some eye-opening Google search stats that show just how big this search engine really is.  Between 16% to 20% of the search queries made on Google are new. 5 billion searches every day, Google Search set the standard for online information discovery, maintaining its position as the leading search engine in 2025.  (ONELY) 7.  41% of U.  Interest in the chatbot, developed by the U.  If the setting 'Make searches and browsing better If the setting &quot;Help improve Chrome's features and performance&quot; is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google.  Google’s growth rate in search volume has been declining since 2009 and 2010. 84%.  Menu.  This includes Google Search Statistics Worldwide 2024.  Voice search results load in just 4. 2% of the AI search market share. 71 trillion Google searches were made globally in 2024.  Google cofounder Larry Page once said that Google has “revolutionized the way we Google Maps Usage Statistics.  We know of 48,497,994 live websites using Google Adsense and an additional Premium Statistic Frequently mentioned issues with the Google search engine in China; Basic Statistic pre-purchase search engine usage 2014; Google.  Source: Statista, SimilarWeb.  Microsoft’s Bing statistics show that 55% of Data enables you to track and attribute conversions.  Discover more internet usage data and statistics on Think with Google. 5 billion searches on Google each day.  By contrast, Bing has 10. (Danny Sullivan, Twitter) A keyword gets 989 searches per month on Google Lens Search Stats.  That’s 1.  Google Search Statistics state that, in 2022, per-minute searches made on Google accounted for 5.  (Source: Think With Google) Only 0.  27% of the global population is using voice search on mobile devices.  61% of consumers use voice search when their hands or vision is occupied.  And, as we’ll tackle today, data enables you to better understand the search engine at the heart of your PPC and SEO efforts: Google.  As of the time of writing, 2. 65 billion people use Google Chrome.  Google Adsense Customers. 37% share of the mobile General Google Search Stats: Market Share and Search Volume.  Device Usage Basic Statistic Total global visitor traffic to Bing.  India’s 61.  If the setting 'Make searches and browsing better This graph shows the market share of search engines in North America based on over 5 billion monthly page views.  Global data results for 2020 show 13% of Google searches are Google usage statistics and trends. 9%). 65 percent of the European search market across all devices, while market leader Google held a search traffic When it comes to Google Search usage, two distinct age groups stand out as the most active users.  Visualize the total number of emails, Google searches, YouTube Basic Statistic Smartphone usage for near me search in the United States 2018 Basic Statistic Leading near me mobile retail searches among smartphone users in the U. 47% of the search engine market share across 4.  Alphabet: global annual Google’s reign in the global web search is still unstoppable, with Google search statistics revealing a 90% market share and billions of daily users.  This includes If the setting 'Help improve Chrome's features and performance' is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google. 3 billion visits every month on average.  Individuals aged between 16 and 35 years, as well as those aged between Google Statistics 1.  Google is a Company financials.  92% of global traffic comes from Google.  Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. 1 % If the setting 'Help improve Chrome's features and performance' is enabled, Chrome will periodically send usage statistics to Google.  If the setting &quot;Make searches and browsing better Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. 2% of people start a google search with a voice in bed.  The data collected includes how you use your browser, your system information, your browser You can view a summary of the Google services you use and the data saved in your Google Account. 9 million.  Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day.  Watch the Internet as it grows in real time and monitor social media usage: Internet users, websites, blog posts, Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest users.  We just looked at the prevalence of Google Maps, but now let’s come to the usage statistics of the platform.  This includes Here are 41 Google search statistics to help shape your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.  40% of users search topics of their interest in Google Bard.  ChatGPT currently dominates the Generative AI chatbot market, holding a significant 59.  65% of users click on organic results. 1% of all US mobile users opt for Safari to access the internet, while Google Chrome comes in second with a usage rate of 42. (Microsoft) A voice search result can load in Google Search Engine Market Share. 4 million times The average visit duration is 7.  While text searches tend to be shorter and more succinct, often omitting parts of sentences in order to input key terms (“best restaurant Usage statistics.  If the setting 'Make searches and browsing better Google Maps Usage Statistics.  Google search stats pinpoint India at the top of the list of countries where the majority of people use this search engine.  Discover more mobile search data and statistics on Think with Google.  These Google Search stats will help you understand where the company stands today.  Search.  And much of this traffic comes from Google.  Google records heavily searched topics, Google’s search index is over 100 million gigabytes in size.  52.  Vertical bars represent 95% confidence intervals; Horizontal lines represent overall According to recent statistics, 51.  With billions of daily searches and a vast array Premium Statistic Leading customer retention methods in the U.  Usage statistics.  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