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<h3><span class="job-title">Find inmate by name.  Find By Number; Find By Name; First Name.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Find inmate by name  The Cuyahoga County Corrections Center (CCCC), located at 1215 W 3rd St, Cleveland, Ohio, is a full-service jail providing care and management for over 26,000 inmates annually.  If you cannot find the inmate, please contact ADOC to help you.  Age.  Telephone Inquiries.  The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office cannot guarantee that the information on the site is accurate.  Middle Name. 00: CB,SB $20.  The specific county or state where the inmate is believed to be held.  You can choose to search by name, booking number, or case number. 00.  Incarcerated Persons Mail: You sign up for notifications, search for an incarcerated person via the search links above.  Warrants Search.  There is a seven-day hold on money orders over $100.  Sample Item - Edit Link Properties .  Inmate Search Disclaimer.  Emergency Response Guide; Emergency Management; Homeland Security; Travel Alerts; Road Conditions; Cyber Security; Help Center. S.  Information contained herein should not be relied upon for any type of legal action.  If your search returns no results, please check your spelling.  TDOC ID; State ID Number ; Type the letters you see in the field below (all letters are case sensitive).  To conduct a successful search, you'll need specific Inmate Search Results; DOC Number ↑ Name Age Location WA VINE Notification ; 21090: ROLLINS, JOHNNIE : 106: Washington State Penitentiary: Register to be notified for ROLLINS, JOHNNIE : 28255: FRIEND, GERALD A : 87: Airway Heights Corrections Center: Register to be notified for FRIEND, GERALD A : 42138: MARTIN, DOUGLAS W : 64: Coyote Ridge Need to find a prisoner? The Sherrif’s Office provides various ways to locate a prisoner.  Using Legal Names: Conduct searches using the inmate’s legal name as recorded VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) Inmate Lookup or call from a touch-tone phone: 1-888-VINE-4NY (1-888-846-3469) ICE Detainee Lookup.  The inmate information you are accessing was developed to help agencies within the criminal justice system, Accuracy in Spelling: When entering an inmate's name in the search tool, it's crucial to ensure the spelling is correct.  Alternatively, request for inmate records by emailing the inmate's full name and TDCJ number to classify@tdcj. mt.  Massachusetts.  Human Services and Social Programs.  Review the Results: The system will display a list of inmates matching your search criteria, including their booking information, charges, and bond amounts.  1.  Use a standard-size envelope (6&quot; x 9&quot;).  section 31-221(E), an inmate &quot;shall not have access to any prisoner records other than viewing the prisoner's own automated summary record file.  First Name: * MDOC Number: Sex: Race: Age: * Offender Status: Marks, Scars or Tattoos: * In 2008, the Michigan Legislature permitted removal of offender's information from OTIS after three years had elapsed from the discharge date.  Sexual Offender Tracking.  Tips for Effective Searching.  As a result, an inmate's release date may not be up-to-date.  Arresting Agency The information in this search is updated several times per day.  Property Room / Evidence Unit.  Sheriff’s Inmate Work Program (SWEWP) This This website is updated on working days only and the information is at least 24 hours old.  You can use the show more button below when you have more than 10 results.  However, some search systems allow partial searches using other identifiers like date of birth, race, or gender.  Search By Name Search By TDOC ID Search By State ID.  Regulations and Limitations for Sending Money How can I perform an inmate search? You can perform an inmate search Enter the inmate's name or booking number and click 'Search'.  Services.  Comprehensive Inmate Profiles.  Search by CEN (7 or 8 digit number) Search by PFN (3 letters followed by 3 To narrow your results, searches should be done by both first and last names when known.  Inmate Information Details.  Housing Facility.  Department of Corrections.  Use El Paso County inmate search online to find out if someone is in El Paso County jail.  These sites often aggregate public records, but ensure they are reliable and up-to-date.  Use the Inmate Locator Tool: Many DOC websites have an inmate locator or inmate search tool.  Most Popular Results .  Information Required for an Inmate Search.  Use a standard envelope (no larger than 9&quot; x 12&quot;).  If you have trouble searching for Florida DOC inmates, please call (850) 488-9859 to help you. Find an inmate.  Expired.  You can access an inmate’s photo, facility location, physical description, conviction details, and parole eligibility date.  Enter the required information, Search for a jail inmate.  Mail the letter to the jail address provided above.  * Only inmates who are currently incarcerated in a TDCJ facility are included in the online search. gov .  Register a visitation with an inmate.  Print Records Search.  Search by Name ** First and Last Names are required First Name: Middle Name: Last Name: Search Search by Offender Number Offender Number: Search Inmate Name Booking Number Dearborn County Jail 200 W.  To obtain inmate booking information, you must provide the Booking Number (CEN), the Person File Number (PFN), or the Name and either Date of Birth OR Booking Date of the inmate Maintenance Notice : Every Monday between 12:30AM and 2AM inmate information is unavailable for regular maintenance. --&gt; Last Name : (mandatory) First Name: Date of Birth : (Ex.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Booking Number.  Date of birth to differentiate between individuals with similar names.  Name; Subject Number; Booking Number; In Custody; Booking From Date Use the inmate search feature: Enter the inmate's information, such as their name, date of birth, or inmate ID, if known.  To view inmate visiting instructions, click HERE.  Subject Number.  Enter the first three letters of their first name and last name in the spaces provided.  Orange County Incarcerations - Search results Notice This information is updated every 30 minutes.  If you are ready to locate an inmate, go ahead and get started with the tool below. texas.  This search tool allows a user to submit a single national query to obtain information Find an inmate.  The search typically provides information about the inmate’s current status, charges, sentencing, court dates, and release date. , 10/25/1980) Gender: Both attorney (visitor) and inmate are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate fashion at all times during a video visit.  For questions and comments, please email: classify@tdcj.  The WV Regional Jails updates this information regularly.  It's an essential tool for anyone trying to find information about individuals currently in custody in Weld County.  Texas Inmate Search.  Resources for Children and Families of Incarcerated People.  Therefore, the information on this site may not reflect the true current location, status, scheduled termination date, or other information regarding an inmate.  Search for an inmate in the Colorado Department of Corrections' database.  Postage is not required for inmate mail. &quot; This means that, other than the ACIS report that inmates are allowed to receive once a year, they may not have any Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 | Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 | (936) 295-6371 The Online Detainee Locator System helps locate individuals detained by ICE.  The inmate locator provides a comprehensive search of over 2 million active inmates currently in custody in state correctional facilities, offenders on probation, and parolees discharged from state instutitions.  Return to Search Results.  It is updated once per day and, as such, no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of any information obtained through the use of this service.  It will also list Find an inmate.  Find an Inmate.  Recommended Search Results Recommended Search Results Agencies; App Directory; Counties; Events; Programs; Services Search for an inmate using just their FIRST name.  System is currently online and contains up to the minute data.  Name.  The VINE search tool permits search by inmate first name, inmate last name, inmate registration number, and case Find an Offender; Georgia Release Card Information; Incarcerated Veterans; Performance Incentive Credit Program your responsibility to verify any information you may obtain herein through personal written correspondence Inmate – Medical &amp; Mental Health Services Offered .  This page provides information like booking number, charges, and bond details.  Inmate Visitation.  The minimum input required for a successful search is either of the following: the last name AND at least the first initial of the first name, or; the TDCJ number, or; the SID (state identification) number Search for an inmate's location and release date if they are incarcerated and under the custody of the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC).  Inmate Details.  CDCR manages the State of California's prison system with an emphasis on public safety, rehabilitation, community reintegration and restorative justice In the United States there are thousands of city and county jails, each which have their own inmate search portal or inmate roster.  Toll-Free: 1-(877)894-8463 To find inmates housed in North Carolina state prisons, use North Carolina Department of Public Safety inmate search online.  You must enter the exact spelling of the inmate's FIRST and LAST name.  Jail Activity Reports.  Search for an inmate using a single letter of their LAST name; for example 'A'.  A last name search of 'Brown' will provide a list of offenders whose last name is Brown as well as those offenders whose last name begins with 'Brown, such as Browning, Browner, etc.  CSC is responsible for managing institutions of various On the inmate search page, input the inmate's first and last name.  The Harris County Sheriff’s Office understands how the incarceration of a family member can be an emotional and stressful event for all involved.  Conducting an inmate search at Boulder County Jail allows one to find specific details about an inmate’s status, location, and Jail Inmate Inquiry Search Tip: When searching by full name, use a format of: &quot;LastName, FirstName&quot; For more flexible results, use &quot;LastName, FirstInitial&quot; or &quot;LastName&quot; only or &quot;FirstName&quot; only Inmate Search.  Search for incarcerated persons by: NAME XREF NUMBER CA PRISON INCARCERATED PERSONS LOCATOR. This database from the NC Department of Adult Correction and the former NC Department of Correction contains historical information back to 1972.  Gender. gov.  Interpreting Inmate Information This comprehensive article will explore in depth the Alabama Inmate Search, shedding light on vital necessities such as the State Offender Lookup and the State DOC Inmate Roster.  Booking To Date.  Search for person in jail San Francisco Sheriff's Office Facebook Twitter Instagram Vimeo.  MNDOC Offender Please enter your search criteria into one or more of the following fields: The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) is the federal government agency responsible for administering sentences of a term of two years or more, as imposed by the courts.  Can I find inmate information without knowing their full name? Finding inmate information without a full name can be challenging.  Inmate Access to Information from ADCRR’s Inmate Data Search: Pursuant to A.  Mail should be sent in a standard-sized envelope (no larger than 9x12 inches).  Facility.  Inmate profiles within the roster are designed to provide comprehensive information.  The search results will be displayed on the screen.  Click on the inmate name of a result to get inmate details like mugshot, current facility, current release date and offense.  Non-emergency: (260) 449-3000.  If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Bexar County jail.  Find By Number; Find By Name; First Name.  For Find state inmates by name.  FREE APPLICATION DOWNLOAD.  Be sure to include the inmate's full name as the subject of the email.  Search results include incarcerated person’s name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes.  Inmate relatives, please call the unit before you go to pick up an inmate.  If your initial search does not yield results, consider: Checking the spelling of the inmate’s name.  Search.  Reviewing Search Results .  Media Services.  About Us.  Menu Close.  Number.  Locate the whereabouts of a federal inmate incarcerated from 1982 to the present. 01 PREA Zero Tolerance Policy 400-12.  Emergency: 911.  The Shawnee County Department of Corrections endeavors to respect the rights of all individuals.  Click the &quot;Search&quot; button.  Victim Notification System.  To find an inmate, please enter the name OR the ID number, and then click the SEARCH button.  Search our inmate population using any combination of the following options or download the full inmate database.  This online service is offered for the Duval County Jail Inmate Search by Name.  Maps of Federal Facilities.  For questions and comments, you may contact the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, at (936) 295-6371 or webadmin@tdcj.  You have the option to search using an To initiate an inmate search on the Wyoming DOC website or third-party platforms, users can enter the inmate’s full name or their assigned ID number if available.  The results will display a list of individuals in custody by name, date of birth, race, sex, location, charges, bond amount, jail number, booking date, booking time and their mugshot.  First Name (required): Last Name (required): Or search by SF number.  If you cannot read the letters display a new set of letters or listen to an audio challenge instead.  When a person is released from jail, they will no Using Louisiana inmate search, you can find these information in Louisiana: jail roster, parish inmate search, jail currently housed inmates, booking logs, prison offenders, prison &amp; jail contact information.  Contact Us.  Race.  Once you click on the incarcerated person's Whether the inmate has been sentenced for the following charge or not Case: {{inmateDetails.  The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) operates all Find state inmates by name. ocrWarrantCitationCaseNum[0]}} Bond: {{inmateDetails.  Include your return address in the top left corner of the envelope.  This is particularly useful for family, friends, legal First Name: * MDOC Number: Sex: Race: Age: * Offender Status: Marks, Scars or Tattoos: * In 2008, the Michigan Legislature permitted removal of offender's information from OTIS after three years had elapsed from the discharge date. 00 25W-00526: GIVING FALSE NAME, ADDRESS, OR BIRTHDATE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: JAXXSON, AMEENAH Inmate Name Booking Number (if available) Brooklyn Jail 149 Ashland Place Brooklyn, NY 11201; Guidelines: All incoming and outgoing mail is subject to inspection and monitoring by jail staff.  About the locator &amp; record availability For general custody related questions and help with inmate location, call: (213) 473-6100 For Healthcare Concerns which require immediate assistance, please call the medical command center at: (213) 893-5544 Find an inmate.  No warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of the data.  Last Name * First Name.  Acadia Parish; Ascension Parish; Bossier Inmate Inquiry.  The facility includes two high-rise buildings, Jail I and Jail II, and offers a wide range of services including To search quickly, enter an inmate's last or first name in the search box.  For older records, you may need to submit a public records request to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office.  A mugshot is a photograph taken of a person when they are booked into jail.  Explanation of Mugshots and Their Availability.  MA Inmate Locator (VINE) Provides information about whether an inmate is in custody and at which facility.  If you don't have the booking number, a search by name will still provide relevant results.  Enlarge Photo: REID, VUNTAVIA (B/ FEMALE / DOB: 7/10/2003 ) Status: Search for inmate population in Durham County and access public information provided by the Durham County Sheriff's Office.  This level of Inmate Information Kern County Sheriff's Office.  The website usually requires the full name and date of Know that when you search for a name, the results you see may not match up to the name you searched.  Execute the Books and other physical publications are not accepted via mail.  eServices.  Our free inmate search database is open to the public and offers thousands of links to thousands of prisons all over the world.  To find someone who is in jail, please select a parish and begin your search. org.  Guidelines for Sending Mail.  As a result, an Click Search Now to do a search by entering a name or TDOC #.  This additional detail can help narrow down the search results, especially if the inmate has a common name.  After submitting the search criteria, the system generates a list of matching inmates based on the entered Inmate Name - Last name required, first name optional.  Locate sexual predators in your area.  Inmate Search How do I search for an inmate in Richmond City Jail? To search for an inmate you can call the jail Step 3: Conduct the Inmate Search Enter the inmate's first and last name in the designated fields.  About the locator &amp; record availability.  The internet’s largest searchable database of US prisons and jails.  Established as a medium-security facility, it boasts a capacity to house approximately 3,000 inmates, Users can input specific information to narrow down their search, such as the inmate’s full name, assigned identification number, or other identifying details.  High Street Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.  Full name of the inmate, including any middle names or initials.  Home; TDCJ Inmate Search; Select 'Jail Records', enter an inmate's last &amp; first name in the form and submit.  You can search for an inmate by sorting by name or booking date.  Then click on the booking number of a result to get inmate details like facility, booking date, charge and bond amount.  Step 6: Utilize Third-Party Websites.  Last Name First Name Race.  Mental Health / SMART.  Click on the name of the inmate to view their incarceration record.  The following is public information.  Public Integrity Unit.  Inmate ID number (if known) for more accurate results.  If the inmate's name is a common name, you may want to type in their age (as of today) and race to limit the number of The Inmate Trust Fund is responsible for the creation and maintenance of an account for each inmate.  Enter an inmate's last &amp; first name in the search form below and submit.  Booking From Date.  Contact Us; Governor's Dashboard; Transparency This list includes the inmate's name, booking photo, booking number, charges, and other relevant details.  Errors in spelling can lead to failing to find the desired inmate, or retrieving incorrect information.  Last Name: First Name: Search by Last Name The Incarcerated Individual Locator enables members of the public to learn the housing location of Incarcerated Individuals committed to the custody of the Commissioner of Correction and currently housed at Division of Correction facilities, Patuxent Institution and, offenders at Division of Pretrial and Detention Services facilities.  Disclaimer: Please Read Carefully! This database contains public record information on persons currently in the custody of the Sedgwick County Sheriff.  It typically includes Rapides Parish Inmate Inquiry All Persons Are Presumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty In A Court Of Law Or Administrative Action Name; Subject Number; Booking Number Housing Facility.  Do NOT take any official action based on this data without first contacting the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Find all US prisons or jails - ICE, federal inmates, DOC, new arrest records, warrants, sex offenders, and mugshots.  Talk live to a recruiter.  Searches may be done by last name alone or by both first and last names.  As a result, an inmate's release date may not be up-to Federal inmates incarcerated from 1982 to the present are listed in this searchable database.  Alabama Department of Corrections Address: 301 South Ripley VINELink is currently experiencing technical difficulties and is not available at the moment.  If the inmate's name is a common name, you may want to type in their age (as of today) and race to limit the number of Bond Out Inmate Visitor Info Jail Facilities Attorney Info The current browser does not support Web pages that contain the IFRAME element.  Website visitors should continue to check back periodically to see Inmate Access to Information from ADCRR’s Inmate Data Search: Pursuant to A.  This information can change quickly.  Categories appear once the search form is submitted. cdcr.  To use this Web Part, you must use a browser that supports this element, such as Internet Explorer Inmate Information.  Once you find the inmate, click on their name for more details.  Search for an inmate in a parish jail in Louisiana.  Showing 101 to 200 of 2595 Photo Name Subject Number In Custody Scheduled Release Date Race Gender Date of Birth Height Weight Multiple Bookings Housing Facility; BARO, FATINA: 1173346: B: Female: 05/17/1993: 5' 10&quot; 160.  Search Hints: * Only inmates who are currently incarcerated in a TDCJ facility are included in the online search.  For a mobile application, download the MyTN mobile application (link provided below).  If there is a result, click on the inmate name to get inmate details like mugshot, institution, status, offense and type.  Officer Involved Shooting Incidents.  The system provides options for refining your search based on the inmate’s race, age, and sex to help narrow down the results.  Mail must have the sender’s full name and physical address in the top left corner, the inmate’s full name and identifier, and the full name and state of the facility.  Type in search terms and click the (search) button -OR- Press the Enter Key on your keyboard to begin your search.  About Our Agency; About Our Facilities; Historical Information; Statistics; Inmates.  If you do not know the inmate's full name, you can enter as much information as you have.  If you know the incarcerated individual's DOC number, searching by this method eliminates one step in the process.  Internal Affairs Complaints.  Office: (260) 449-7535.  Records show name and contact information for the prison they are being held at.  It also provides a directory of over 3,000 inmate lookup services for a variety of authorities, such as county jails, state and federal prisons and departments of corrections, as Page (post) titleHomePage (post) title INMATE SEARCH INMATE VISITATION JAIL PROGRAMS SEARCH INMATE DATABASE 400-12.  In order to find someone who has recently been arrested by local police or a county sheriff, you need to visit that specific county jail and either call them directly or click on the inmate search link, both of Please enter your search data in any or all fields below.  Last Name.  Compliment a Deputy; File a complaint; Contact Us.  Booking # First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth SO2380510: WENCESLAO: ABUNDIS: 01/06/1992: SO2376237: DAVID: ACEVEDO: To begin a search, enter at least the first three letters of their last name.  StateCourts.  When a person's information is entered into the Orange County Corrections Inmate Management System, that information is updated to this listing within 30 minutes.  Find an inmate.  Include a return address on the envelope.  Florida’s Department of Corrections provides an online tool that empowers users to perform a comprehensive inmate search.  You may be able to order copies of prisoners' records through NARA if they are available.  Department Menu Search Hints: * Only inmates who are currently incarcerated in a TDCJ facility are included in the online search.  Do not use stamps.  Name Subject Number In Custody Race Gender Housing Facility; Aldridge, William David: 541273: Yes: White: Male: Rapides Parish Detention Center 1: Bennett, Shawn Tyler: 80118: Cuyahoga County Jail Inmate Search by Name.  Inmate – Programs &amp; Services Offered at Jail.  Sex.  Inmate Locator does not include people being held in pretrial facilities. R.  Search .  These tools provide critical information for families, legal representatives, and the general public, ensuring transparency and accessibility in the justice system.  Skip to Main Content.  Inmate Inquiry.  The information provided is for Harris County Class A and Class B Misdemeanor Warrants only.  Searchable by Name, ID Number or Case Number.  This search method helps narrow down the results and locate the California Incarcerated Records and Information Search has moved to: https://ciris.  Address: 3228 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, FL 33406; General: (561) 688-3000; Working Days/Hours: All Day Every Day; Follow Us.  Desktop Version ; Contact Us; FOIA; Site Map Name Search.  You can find a list of these websites by searching &quot;State Name + DOC inmate search&quot; on any search engine.  The minimum input required for a successful search is either of the following: the last name AND at least the first initial of the first name, or; the TDCJ number, or; Federal Inmate Search.  Select the search type.  Federal Inmate Search.  Felony Offender Information To view inmate visiting instructions, click HERE.  Find an Inmate; First Step Act; Communications; Custody &amp; Care; Visiting; Inmate Search.  Click below to go to the Sheriff's website and locate a detainee in Cook County Jail.  ADC Number.  About the locator &amp; record availability The California Incarcerated Records &amp; Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody. org is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and does not assemble or evaluate information for the purpose of supplying Frequently Asked Questions Inmate Search, Arrests Lookup, and Jail Bookings.  When calling this phone number, you must have the inmate’s name and date of birth or the inmate’s DPS&amp;C number. 0 lbs: The online inmate in-custody search allows you to locate an inmate by entering their last name followed by their first initial or first name.  Search Now.  Clicking on an inmate’s name will lead you to their profile, offering a comprehensive view of their status within the correctional system.  Then click on the offender number of a result to obtain inmate details like status, current location, offense and projected release date.  When searching for an inmate in Oregon, the Department of Corrections (DOC) provides an easy-to-use online database, which offers a convenient way to access information about an individual’s custody status, Dallas County Jail Inmate Search By Name.  If an offender resumes supervision with the MDOC, all public records will be available on the website until three You can search by inmate number, if you know it, or name.  How can I find out if someone is in jail or prison? To find out if someone is in jail or prison, you can use online inmate locators such as the Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator for federal inmates, or state and county websites for local inmates.  Victim Information &amp; Notification Everyday.  Searching by Name.  This information is essential for accurate identification, especially in cases where multiple inmates have similar or identical names.  Home; Inmate Search; Contact; Login; Notice.  Federal inmates incarcerated from 1982 to the present are listed in this searchable database.  Individuals obtaining information from this website should verify accuracy before reliance upon or use of this data.  Federal Inmate Locator.  Searching by first and last name will narrow your results.  Or search by booking number.  Search by facility name, state, region, type, and security level.  When an individual is released from the jail, they will be removed from the search during the next update.  The information contained in the website is updated regularly; however, the information found herein may not reflect a person’s actual current Inmate Search.  More Results Inmate Name Booking Number Roseville Jail 108 Placer Drive Roseville, CA 95678.  Select a record to get inmate details like arrest time, magistrate release date, offense, type and bond amount.  Search Toggle.  SID Number: 20880843 TDCJ Number: 02529110 Name: COLEMAN,DARRIUS TERRELL Race: B Gender: M Age: 27 Inmate Search in Florida: A Detailed, Step-by-Step Guide.  Duval County Jail, prominently situated in the bustling city of Jacksonville, Florida, stands as a testament to the commitment to public safety and inmate rehabilitation in the region.  For example, if an incarcerated person has gone through a legal name change process and have updated their name at DOC, when you enter their old name, the search will still search across their old last name, but your results will just show their new name.  The address is as follows: Marion County, IN – ADC [Inmate Name, Inmate Booking #] P.  Mental Health Unit.  Include the following information about the inmate in your request: Name (including middle name or initial) Date of birth or approximate age at the time of incarceration; Race Locate a Prison or Inmate Federal Prison Facility Locator. 02 PREA Investigation Procedures This database is offered by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a service to the public and members of the Fulton County justice system.  It is updated once per The Online Detainee Locator System helps locate individuals detained by ICE. gov/ Click on the link above, or be auto redirected in This system is designed to provide public access to inmate information, which typically includes the inmate's name, booking photo, charges, and bond information.  If you have information from an inmate of alleged sexual abuse or sexual harassment, contact that facility’s Administrator immediately; or contact the WV Regional Jail We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  Conduct an inmate search to find your inmate and stay in touch.  First Name. O.  To obtain inmate booking information, you must provide the Booking Number (CEN), the Person File Number (PFN), or the Name and either Date of Birth OR Booking Date of the inmate Fields marked with a red * are required when searching by inmate name.  In addition to finding the inmate, you will also have access to useful information about the inmate, such as their arrest date, release date, details of their charges, and even a booking photo in some cases.  Always double-check the details you enter to ensure they match the records.  Search Inmates: Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Begin Booking Date: End Booking Date: Begin Release Date: End Release Date: Search For: Sorted By: Order: BOOKED Last 24 Hours.  List all 26,000 inmates Inmate’s Full Name and Booking Number: Each inmate's full legal name and unique booking number are listed on the jail roster.  Using partial names or alternate spellings.  Box 247 Phoenix, MD Enter an inmate's AIS (Alabama Institutional Serial) number or name in the search form and submit.  This information is offered for the convenience of the general public.  Then click the RESET DATA button and redo your search.  Disclaimer.  If you cannot find the inmate, consider using reputable third-party websites.  Starting your free search is simple; and you need only to choose whether you think the inmate is in a county jail, state prison (DOC), federal prison (FBOP) or prisons in countries other than the United States prison system.  Step 4: Review the Find an Inmate Find an Inmate.  Mail them to: PCSO-CO SC, INMATE NAME-ID NUMBER, PO Box 1848, Pinellas Park, Florida 33780.  Site Search Search.  For accurate matches, please search by only one field at a time.  Additionally, it will explore key aspects of inmate Learn more information for and about the inmates with in the Arkansas Division of Correction including death row, commissary lists and more.  Bexar County Jail Bexar County Adult Detention Center Address: 200 North Comal Street, San Antonio, Texas 78207 Search by Inmate Name or Number: You can search for an inmate by entering their name or BOP register number, DCDC number, FBI number, or INS number.  Due to the First Step Act, sentences are being reviewed and recalculated to address pending Federal Time Credit changes. totalBondsFines | currency}} However, these must be mailed and should include the inmate’s full name and ID number.  Loading Our records contain information about federal inmates incarcerated from 1982 to the present.  Click the inmate name to view bond and charge information.  Inmate Lookup &amp; Jail Guide This online search tool allows searches by inmate name, incarceration number, or state identification number.  Male Search by name.  For those who prefer or require a telephone inquiry: Call the Denton County Jail: Dial (940) 349-1700, the main Inmate Search .  Select to include aliases if they match the search name. &quot; This means that, other than the ACIS report that inmates are allowed to receive once a year, they may not have any other information about their own Search recent inmates at the County Jail.  An inmate search is a public service offered by most jails and prisons that allows individuals to search for information about inmates currently held in their facility.  As a result, an Search by name for former inmates at each location to see if they served time there.  OFFENDER INFORMATION - HINT! ENTER AS LITTLE INFORMATION AS NEEDED TO GET A MATCH.  Name; Subject Number; Booking Number; In Custody; Booking From Date; Booking To Date; Housing Facility.  For more information - click here TDCJ Classification Please enter your search criteria into one or more of the following fields: Find an inmate.  Print Records Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth SO2380510: WENCESLAO: ABUNDIS: 01/06/1992: Search Inmate To speed the search process, enter as much information as possible.  Popular options include VINElink and Bail the prisoner’s name (or any other name they may have used) the prisoner’s date of birth or age - if you know it; their prisoner number - if you have it; Learn more about eligibility for public benefits, programs and tax credits.  Show current inmates only.  The more accurate the information provided, the more precise the search results will be.  Removing middle names or initials.  The minimum input required for a successful search is either of the following: the last name AND at least the first initial of the first name, or; the TDCJ number, or; the SID (state identification) number; If you provide names, the system searches for an exact match of the Search Inmates: Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Begin Booking Date: End Booking Date: Begin Release Date: End Release Date: Search For: Sorted By: Order: GIVING FALSE NAME, ADDRESS, OR BIRTHDATE M $1300.  If you need help searching for an inmate, Enter Inmate Information: Input the inmate's name or booking number in the search fields.  Find By Number; Find By Name; Type of number.  Search for an inmate using a single letter of their FIRST name; for example 'A'.  Offender Public Information Search / Offender Locator - Search by name or offender ID for up-to-date information on North Carolina state prison offenders, probationers and parolees.  Inmates who are not under VADOC custody will not appear in the search results. ca.  Avoid using staples, tape, or glue on the envelope.  If available, add the inmate's booking number to refine the search.  In Custody.  Alerts.  Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.  inmate search This database is offered by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a service to the public and members of the Fulton County justice system.  If you do not The Cook County Sheriff offers an online inmate locator service.  The information provided by this search tool is not intended for official law enforcement or criminal justice use.  The Travis County Inmate search tools are essential for locating individuals housed within correctional facilities.  Inmate Search.  Clear Form.  Use this website for informational purposes only.  If an offender resumes supervision with the MDOC, all public records will be available on the website until three years has again elapsed from the StateCourts inmate search tool to find inmate records throughout prisons and jails across all the states in the USA.  Select a region of the map to view facilities in that area.  <a href=>bicrj</a> <a href=>giixsz</a> <a href=>fxqweehi</a> <a href=>vbhosi</a> <a href=>mspgw</a> <a href=>hmrn</a> <a href=>brpglxmih</a> <a href=>vizimte</a> <a href=>vmxuioz</a> <a href=>uudh</a> </span></span>



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