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=== CPO Companion ===
Contributors: machothemes
Tags: cpo companion, shortcodes, author widget, instagram widget, flickr widget, twitter widget, custom post types, clients, sliders, team members, services, portfolios
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 6.1
Stable tag: 1.1.0
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI:

This plugin adds support for special content types in your website, such as a portfolio, features, and slides. It also contains a shortcode pack with over 30+ shortcodes and 5 useful widgets.

== Description ==

**NOTE: This plugin is meant for use with the WordPress themes developed by [CPOThemes]( themes, which take advantage of it to add richer content areas and designs. Check them out!** 

This plugin include 3 major components :
* Content Types
* Shortcodes
* Widgets

= Content Types =

This plugin will add seven custom post types to your site: slides, features, portfolios, services, team members, testimonials and clients. You can still use CPO Companion for any WordPress theme, although you will have to create your own page templates.


* Only the content types supported by the current WordPress theme will be shown, to avoid crowding your admin menu. You can still override this and show any content types if you want.
* This plugin is perfectly compatible with any theme: you will be able to manage your content just fine. However, there are no templates included and it is up to the theme to handle them.
* The portfolio post type included here is different from other portfolio plugins, and can be used in conjunction with them. For instance, you can still use JetPack portfolios at the same time.

= Shortcodes =

By installing this plugin, you will be able to embed all sorts of interactive elements onto your pages: **buttons, accordions, slideshows, and even pricing tables**. By using these elements, you can make your content way more appealing and boost your conversions.

This plugin is designed to give you as much freedom as possible by making each shortcode as flexible as possible. Every one of these design pieces can be configured in many different ways, allowing you to pick any size, color or shape.

**Included Shortcodes** 

* Accordions
* Animation areas
* Buttons
* Dropcaps
* Focus boxes
* Google Maps
* Icon Boxes
* Item lists
* Leading paragraphs
* Notifications
* Number Counters
* Optin Forms (Mailchimp)
* Progress Bars
* Separators
* Tabbed content
* Testimonials
* Team Members
* Sections
* Separators
* Spacers

**Advanced Shortcodes**

CPO Shortcodes also includes an number of more advanced shortcodes that let you create highly refined pages:

* **Column Layouts** - Lay out your content in up to 6 columns at a time, including multiple combinations.
* **Post Listings** - Create lists of any kind of post anywhere, either as a list or in grid format. You can create your own portfolio listing this way.
* **Pricing Tables** - Display your prices with a beautifully-designed pricing table, flexible enough that you can tweak it to maximize conversions.
* **Content Slideshows** - Create slideshows with virtually anything in them, including images, text, and even other shortcodes too.
* **Registration & Login Forms** - Create and embed beautiful registration forms to create a vibrant community around your website.

= Widgets =

**Recent Posts** - A more powerful version of the default recent posts widget provided by WordPress. This widget allows you to display a thumbnail of each post and also to choose which post type to display.
**Ad Space** - Easily insert images without having to resort to writing HTML in a text widget. You can also link the image or add your own advertising code.
**Social Profiles** - Add links to your preferred social profiles, being able to choose from a long list of available social networks.
**Recent Tweets** - Display your latest tweets from any Twitter account. This widgets provides support for the **Twitter API 1.1**.
**Flickr Images** - Show your latest images from a Flickr account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Flickr gallery.
**Instagram Images** - Show your latest images from a Instagram account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Instagram account.
**Author Badge** - Display the profile of a specific user, showing the name, image, and profile description.

> This plugin is maintained and supported by Macho Themes. 
> Check out some of the other <a href="//" rel="nofollow">WordPress plugins</a> we've developed. 
> Check out some of the other <a href="//" rel="nofollow">free WordPress themes</a> we've developed.

== Installation ==

= Installing Through The WordPress Admin =

1. Download the ZIP file
2. In your WordPress admin area, go to Plugins > Add Plugin, and select Upload Plugin
3. Upload the ZIP file and installation will commence
4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
5. Make sure to check the **Settings > CPO Settings** page before using it right away!

= Installing Through FTP =

1. Download the ZIP file and unpack it
2. Upload the entire **cpo-companion** to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory
3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
4. Make sure to check the **Settings > CPO Settings** page before using it right away!

== Screenshots ==

1. Manage post types from the admin panel.
2. Quick Insert button for immediate markup
3. Multiple button sizes and colors. Choose from a predefined palette or a custom HEX color
4. Add message boxes, notifications, and highlighted boxes with custom background colors
5. Create testimonials, team members, or inline features
6. Add custom-colored pricing tables to your pages
7. Display your most recent posts with a more stylish design
8. Insert images into your sidebars without having to code HTML
9. Add your latest tweets without cumbersome setting pages
10. Show the latest Flickr photos from a Flirck account
11. Display a list of links to your social profiles

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.0 =
* Fixed vulnerability report, sanitizations and escapes.

= 1.0.4 =
* Added option for changing Team Member URL
* Fixed Post List Shortcode

= 1.0.3 =
* Added demo content for lite themes

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixed Flickr Widget
* Fixed Ad Space Widget
* Fixed Author Widget
* Added Instragram Widget
* Added an option to import theme settings
* Added more hooks.
* Fixed Google maps shortcode

= 1.0.0 =
* Plugin release, yay!