Your IP :
class WPCF7_ConfigValidator {
const error = 100;
const error_maybe_empty = 101;
const error_invalid_mailbox_syntax = 102;
const error_email_not_in_site_domain = 103;
const error_html_in_message = 104;
const error_multiple_controls_in_label = 105;
const error_file_not_found = 106;
const error_unavailable_names = 107;
const error_invalid_mail_header = 108;
const error_deprecated_settings = 109;
const error_file_not_in_content_dir = 110;
const error_unavailable_html_elements = 111;
const error_attachments_overweight = 112;
public static function get_doc_link( $error_code = '' ) {
$url = __( '',
'contact-form-7' );
if ( '' !== $error_code ) {
$error_code = strtr( $error_code, '_', '-' );
$url = sprintf( '%s/%s', untrailingslashit( $url ), $error_code );
return esc_url( $url );
private $contact_form;
private $errors = array();
public function __construct( WPCF7_ContactForm $contact_form ) {
$this->contact_form = $contact_form;
public function contact_form() {
return $this->contact_form;
public function is_valid() {
return ! $this->count_errors();
public function count_errors( $args = '' ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'section' => '',
'code' => '',
) );
$count = 0;
foreach ( $this->errors as $key => $errors ) {
if ( preg_match( '/^mail_[0-9]+\.(.*)$/', $key, $matches ) ) {
$key = sprintf( 'mail.%s', $matches[1] );
if ( $args['section']
and $key != $args['section']
and preg_replace( '/\..*$/', '', $key, 1 ) != $args['section'] ) {
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
if ( empty( $error ) ) {
if ( $args['code'] and $error['code'] != $args['code'] ) {
$count += 1;
return $count;
public function collect_error_messages() {
$error_messages = array();
foreach ( $this->errors as $section => $errors ) {
$error_messages[$section] = array();
foreach ( $errors as $error ) {
if ( empty( $error['args']['message'] ) ) {
$message = $this->get_default_message( $error['code'] );
} elseif ( empty( $error['args']['params'] ) ) {
$message = $error['args']['message'];
} else {
$message = $this->build_message(
$error['args']['params'] );
$link = '';
if ( ! empty( $error['args']['link'] ) ) {
$link = $error['args']['link'];
$error_messages[$section][] = array(
'message' => $message,
'link' => esc_url( $link ),
return $error_messages;
public function build_message( $message, $params = '' ) {
$params = wp_parse_args( $params, array() );
foreach ( $params as $key => $val ) {
if ( ! preg_match( '/^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/', $key ) ) { // invalid key
$placeholder = '%' . $key . '%';
if ( false !== stripos( $message, $placeholder ) ) {
$message = str_ireplace( $placeholder, $val, $message );
return $message;
public function get_default_message( $code ) {
switch ( $code ) {
case self::error_maybe_empty:
return __( "There is a possible empty field.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_invalid_mailbox_syntax:
return __( "Invalid mailbox syntax is used.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_email_not_in_site_domain:
return __( "Sender email address does not belong to the site domain.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_html_in_message:
return __( "HTML tags are used in a message.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_multiple_controls_in_label:
return __( "Multiple form controls are in a single label element.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_invalid_mail_header:
return __( "There are invalid mail header fields.", 'contact-form-7' );
case self::error_deprecated_settings:
return __( "Deprecated settings are used.", 'contact-form-7' );
return '';
public function add_error( $section, $code, $args = '' ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'message' => '',
'params' => array(),
) );
if ( ! isset( $this->errors[$section] ) ) {
$this->errors[$section] = array();
$this->errors[$section][] = array( 'code' => $code, 'args' => $args );
return true;
public function remove_error( $section, $code ) {
if ( empty( $this->errors[$section] ) ) {
foreach ( (array) $this->errors[$section] as $key => $error ) {
if ( isset( $error['code'] )
and $error['code'] == $code ) {
unset( $this->errors[$section][$key] );
if ( empty( $this->errors[$section] ) ) {
unset( $this->errors[$section] );
public function validate() {
$this->errors = array();
$this->validate_mail( 'mail' );
$this->validate_mail( 'mail_2' );
do_action( 'wpcf7_config_validator_validate', $this );
return $this->is_valid();
public function save() {
if ( $this->contact_form->initial() ) {
delete_post_meta( $this->contact_form->id(), '_config_errors' );
if ( $this->errors ) {
update_post_meta( $this->contact_form->id(), '_config_errors',
$this->errors );
public function restore() {
$config_errors = get_post_meta(
$this->contact_form->id(), '_config_errors', true );
foreach ( (array) $config_errors as $section => $errors ) {
if ( empty( $errors ) ) {
if ( ! is_array( $errors ) ) { // for back-compat
$code = $errors;
$this->add_error( $section, $code );
} else {
foreach ( (array) $errors as $error ) {
if ( ! empty( $error['code'] ) ) {
$code = $error['code'];
$args = isset( $error['args'] ) ? $error['args'] : '';
$this->add_error( $section, $code, $args );
public function replace_mail_tags_with_minimum_input( $matches ) {
// allow [[foo]] syntax for escaping a tag
if ( $matches[1] == '[' && $matches[4] == ']' ) {
return substr( $matches[0], 1, -1 );
$tag = $matches[0];
$tagname = $matches[2];
$values = $matches[3];
$mail_tag = new WPCF7_MailTag( $tag, $tagname, $values );
$field_name = $mail_tag->field_name();
$example_email = '';
$example_text = 'example';
$example_blank = '';
$form_tags = $this->contact_form->scan_form_tags(
array( 'name' => $field_name ) );
if ( $form_tags ) {
$form_tag = new WPCF7_FormTag( $form_tags[0] );
$is_required = ( $form_tag->is_required() || 'radio' == $form_tag->type );
if ( ! $is_required ) {
return $example_blank;
if ( wpcf7_form_tag_supports( $form_tag->type, 'selectable-values' ) ) {
if ( $form_tag->pipes instanceof WPCF7_Pipes ) {
if ( $mail_tag->get_option( 'do_not_heat' ) ) {
$before_pipes = $form_tag->pipes->collect_befores();
$last_item = array_pop( $before_pipes );
} else {
$after_pipes = $form_tag->pipes->collect_afters();
$last_item = array_pop( $after_pipes );
} else {
$last_item = array_pop( $form_tag->values );
if ( $last_item and wpcf7_is_mailbox_list( $last_item ) ) {
return $example_email;
} else {
return $example_text;
if ( 'email' == $form_tag->basetype ) {
return $example_email;
} else {
return $example_text;
} else { // maybe special mail tag
// for back-compat
$field_name = preg_replace( '/^wpcf7\./', '_', $field_name );
if ( '_site_admin_email' == $field_name ) {
return get_bloginfo( 'admin_email', 'raw' );
} elseif ( '_user_agent' == $field_name ) {
return $example_text;
} elseif ( '_user_email' == $field_name ) {
return $this->contact_form->is_true( 'subscribers_only' )
? $example_email
: $example_blank;
} elseif ( '_user_' == substr( $field_name, 0, 6 ) ) {
return $this->contact_form->is_true( 'subscribers_only' )
? $example_text
: $example_blank;
} elseif ( '_' == substr( $field_name, 0, 1 ) ) {
return '_email' == substr( $field_name, -6 )
? $example_email
: $example_text;
return $tag;
public function validate_form() {
$section = 'form.body';
$form = $this->contact_form->prop( 'form' );
$this->detect_multiple_controls_in_label( $section, $form );
$this->detect_unavailable_names( $section, $form );
$this->detect_unavailable_html_elements( $section, $form );
public function detect_multiple_controls_in_label( $section, $content ) {
$pattern = '%<label(?:[ \t\n]+.*?)?>(.+?)</label>%s';
if ( preg_match_all( $pattern, $content, $matches ) ) {
$form_tags_manager = WPCF7_FormTagsManager::get_instance();
foreach ( $matches[1] as $insidelabel ) {
$tags = $form_tags_manager->scan( $insidelabel );
$fields_count = 0;
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$is_multiple_controls_container = wpcf7_form_tag_supports(
$tag->type, 'multiple-controls-container' );
$is_zero_controls_container = wpcf7_form_tag_supports(
$tag->type, 'zero-controls-container' );
if ( $is_multiple_controls_container ) {
$fields_count += count( $tag->values );
if ( $tag->has_option( 'free_text' ) ) {
$fields_count += 1;
} elseif ( $is_zero_controls_container ) {
$fields_count += 0;
} elseif ( ! empty( $tag->name ) ) {
$fields_count += 1;
if ( 1 < $fields_count ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
self::error_multiple_controls_in_label, array(
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'multiple_controls_in_label' ),
return false;
public function detect_unavailable_names( $section, $content ) {
$public_query_vars = array( 'm', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat',
'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence',
'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order',
'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second',
'name', 'category_name', 'tag', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static',
'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'attachment', 'attachment_id',
'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'preview', 'robots', 'taxonomy', 'term',
'cpage', 'post_type', 'embed' );
$form_tags_manager = WPCF7_FormTagsManager::get_instance();
$ng_named_tags = $form_tags_manager->filter( $content,
array( 'name' => $public_query_vars ) );
$ng_names = array();
foreach ( $ng_named_tags as $tag ) {
$ng_names[] = sprintf( '"%s"', $tag->name );
if ( $ng_names ) {
$ng_names = array_unique( $ng_names );
return $this->add_error( $section,
'message' =>
/* translators: %names%: a list of form control names */
__( "Unavailable names (%names%) are used for form controls.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'params' => array( 'names' => implode( ', ', $ng_names ) ),
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'unavailable_names' ),
return false;
public function detect_unavailable_html_elements( $section, $content ) {
$pattern = '%(?:<form[\s\t>]|</form>)%i';
if ( preg_match( $pattern, $content ) ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
'message' => __( "Unavailable HTML elements are used in the form template.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'unavailable_html_elements' ),
return false;
public function validate_mail( $template = 'mail' ) {
$components = (array) $this->contact_form->prop( $template );
if ( ! $components ) {
if ( 'mail' != $template
and empty( $components['active'] ) ) {
$components = wp_parse_args( $components, array(
'subject' => '',
'sender' => '',
'recipient' => '',
'additional_headers' => '',
'body' => '',
'attachments' => '',
) );
$callback = array( $this, 'replace_mail_tags_with_minimum_input' );
$subject = $components['subject'];
$subject = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText( $subject,
array( 'callback' => $callback ) );
$subject = $subject->replace_tags();
$subject = wpcf7_strip_newline( $subject );
$this->detect_maybe_empty( sprintf( '%s.subject', $template ), $subject );
$sender = $components['sender'];
$sender = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText( $sender,
array( 'callback' => $callback ) );
$sender = $sender->replace_tags();
$sender = wpcf7_strip_newline( $sender );
if ( ! $this->detect_invalid_mailbox_syntax( sprintf( '%s.sender', $template ), $sender )
and ! wpcf7_is_email_in_site_domain( $sender ) ) {
$this->add_error( sprintf( '%s.sender', $template ),
self::error_email_not_in_site_domain, array(
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'email_not_in_site_domain' ),
$recipient = $components['recipient'];
$recipient = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText( $recipient,
array( 'callback' => $callback ) );
$recipient = $recipient->replace_tags();
$recipient = wpcf7_strip_newline( $recipient );
sprintf( '%s.recipient', $template ), $recipient );
$additional_headers = $components['additional_headers'];
$additional_headers = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText( $additional_headers,
array( 'callback' => $callback ) );
$additional_headers = $additional_headers->replace_tags();
$additional_headers = explode( "\n", $additional_headers );
$mailbox_header_types = array( 'reply-to', 'cc', 'bcc' );
$invalid_mail_header_exists = false;
foreach ( $additional_headers as $header ) {
$header = trim( $header );
if ( '' === $header ) {
if ( ! preg_match( '/^([0-9A-Za-z-]+):(.*)$/', $header, $matches ) ) {
$invalid_mail_header_exists = true;
} else {
$header_name = $matches[1];
$header_value = trim( $matches[2] );
if ( in_array( strtolower( $header_name ), $mailbox_header_types ) ) {
sprintf( '%s.additional_headers', $template ),
$header_value, array(
'message' =>
__( "Invalid mailbox syntax is used in the %name% field.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'params' => array( 'name' => $header_name ) ) );
} elseif ( empty( $header_value ) ) {
$invalid_mail_header_exists = true;
if ( $invalid_mail_header_exists ) {
$this->add_error( sprintf( '%s.additional_headers', $template ),
self::error_invalid_mail_header, array(
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'invalid_mail_header' ),
$body = $components['body'];
$body = new WPCF7_MailTaggedText( $body,
array( 'callback' => $callback ) );
$body = $body->replace_tags();
$this->detect_maybe_empty( sprintf( '%s.body', $template ), $body );
if ( '' !== $components['attachments'] ) {
$attachables = array();
$tags = $this->contact_form->scan_form_tags(
array( 'type' => array( 'file', 'file*' ) )
foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
$name = $tag->name;
if ( false === strpos( $components['attachments'], "[{$name}]" ) ) {
$limit = (int) $tag->get_limit_option();
if ( empty( $attachables[$name] )
or $attachables[$name] < $limit ) {
$attachables[$name] = $limit;
$total_size = array_sum( $attachables );
$has_file_not_found = false;
$has_file_not_in_content_dir = false;
foreach ( explode( "\n", $components['attachments'] ) as $line ) {
$line = trim( $line );
if ( '' === $line
or '[' == substr( $line, 0, 1 ) ) {
$has_file_not_found = $this->detect_file_not_found(
sprintf( '%s.attachments', $template ), $line
if ( ! $has_file_not_found
and ! $has_file_not_in_content_dir ) {
$has_file_not_in_content_dir = $this->detect_file_not_in_content_dir(
sprintf( '%s.attachments', $template ), $line
if ( ! $has_file_not_found ) {
$path = path_join( WP_CONTENT_DIR, $line );
$total_size += (int) @filesize( $path );
$max = 25 * MB_IN_BYTES; // 25 MB
if ( $max < $total_size ) {
$this->add_error( sprintf( '%s.attachments', $template ),
'message' => __( "The total size of attachment files is too large.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'attachments_overweight' ),
public function detect_invalid_mailbox_syntax( $section, $content, $args = '' ) {
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'invalid_mailbox_syntax' ),
'message' => '',
'params' => array(),
) );
if ( ! wpcf7_is_mailbox_list( $content ) ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
self::error_invalid_mailbox_syntax, $args );
return false;
public function detect_maybe_empty( $section, $content ) {
if ( '' === $content ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
self::error_maybe_empty, array(
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'maybe_empty' ),
return false;
public function detect_file_not_found( $section, $content ) {
$path = path_join( WP_CONTENT_DIR, $content );
if ( ! is_readable( $path )
or ! is_file( $path ) ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
'message' =>
__( "Attachment file does not exist at %path%.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'params' => array( 'path' => $content ),
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'file_not_found' ),
return false;
public function detect_file_not_in_content_dir( $section, $content ) {
$path = path_join( WP_CONTENT_DIR, $content );
if ( ! wpcf7_is_file_path_in_content_dir( $path ) ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
'message' =>
__( "It is not allowed to use files outside the wp-content directory.", 'contact-form-7' ),
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'file_not_in_content_dir' ),
return false;
public function validate_messages() {
$messages = (array) $this->contact_form->prop( 'messages' );
if ( ! $messages ) {
if ( isset( $messages['captcha_not_match'] )
and ! wpcf7_use_really_simple_captcha() ) {
unset( $messages['captcha_not_match'] );
foreach ( $messages as $key => $message ) {
$section = sprintf( 'messages.%s', $key );
$this->detect_html_in_message( $section, $message );
public function detect_html_in_message( $section, $content ) {
$stripped = wp_strip_all_tags( $content );
if ( $stripped != $content ) {
return $this->add_error( $section,
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'html_in_message' ),
return false;
public function validate_additional_settings() {
$deprecated_settings_used =
$this->contact_form->additional_setting( 'on_sent_ok' ) ||
$this->contact_form->additional_setting( 'on_submit' );
if ( $deprecated_settings_used ) {
return $this->add_error( 'additional_settings.body',
'link' => self::get_doc_link( 'deprecated_settings' ),