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 * - Removed `\` for php5.2 support (does not support namespaces).
 * - Renamed with prefix to avoid naming collisions.
 * - Updated references to the EOS Stack class to reflect name changes.

 * Equation Operating System Classes.
 * This class was created for the safe parsing of mathematical equations
 * in PHP.  There is a need for a way to successfully parse equations
 * in PHP that do NOT require the use of `eval`.  `eval` at its core
 * opens the system using it to so many security vulnerabilities it is oft
 * suggested /never/ to use it, and for good reason.  This class set will
 * successfully take an equation, parse it, and provide solutions to the
 * developer.  It is a safe way to evaluate expressions without putting
 * the system at risk.
 * 2015/07
 * - Added all real number factorial support
 * - Added gamma function to class
 * 2014/08
 * - Added scientific notation support
 * - Added basic factorial support
 * 2013/06 UPDATE:
 * - Added 'abs' (absolute value) support per tjbaron's update.
 * 2013/04 UPDATE:
 * - Moved to native class functions for PHP5
 * - Removed deprecated `eregi` calls to `preg_match`
 * - Updated to PHPDoc comment syntax
 * - Added Exception throwing instead of silent exits
 * - Added additional variable prefix of '$', '&' is still allowed as well
 * - Fixed small implied multiplication problem
 * @author Jon Lawrence <>
 * @copyright Copyright 2005-2015, Jon Lawrence
 * @license LGPL 2.1 License
 * @package EOS
 * @version 2.2.1

require_once 'Stack.php';

 * Equation Operating System (EOS) Parser
 * An EOS that can safely parse equations from unknown sources returning
 * the calculated value of it.  Can also handle solving equations with
 * variables, if the variables are defined (useful for the Graph creation
 * that the second and extended class in this file provides. {@see eqGraph})
 * This class was created for PHP4 in 2005, updated to fully PHP5 in 2013.
 * @author Jon Lawrence <>
 * @copyright Copyright �2005-2013, Jon Lawrence
 * @license LGPL 2.1 License
 * @package Math
 * @subpackage EOS
 * @version 2.2.1
class NF_EOS_Parser {

     * No matching Open/Close pair
    const E_NO_SET = 5500;

     * Division by 0
    const E_DIV_ZERO = 5501;

     * No Equation
    const E_NO_EQ = 5502;

     * No variable replacement available
    const E_NO_VAR = 5503;

     * Not a number
    const E_NAN = 5504;

     * @var bool Activate Debug output.
     * @see __construct()
     * @see solveIF()
    public static $debug = FALSE;

     *Private variables
    private $postFix;
    private $inFix;
     * Protected variables
    //What are opening and closing selectors
    protected $SEP = array('open' => array('(', '['), 'close' => array(')', ']'));
    //Top presedence following operator - not in use
    protected $SGL = array('!');
    //Order of operations arrays follow
    protected $ST = array('^', '!');
    protected $ST1 = array('/', '*', '%');
    protected $ST2 = array('+', '-');
    //Allowed functions
    protected $FNC = array('sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'csc', 'sec', 'cot', 'abs', 'log', 'log10', 'sqrt');
     * Construct method
     * Will initiate the class.  If variable given, will assign to
     * internal variable to solve with this::solveIF() without needing
     * additional input.  Initializing with a variable is not suggested.
     * @see Parser::solveIF()
     * @param String $inFix Standard format equation
    public function __construct($inFix = null) {
        if(defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG) {
            self::$debug = true;
        $this->inFix = (isset($inFix)) ? $inFix : null;
        $this->postFix = array();

     * Check Infix for opening closing pair matches.
     * This function is meant to solely check to make sure every opening
     * statement has a matching closing one, and throws an exception if
     * it doesn't.
     * @param String $infix Equation to check
     * @throws Exception if malformed.
     * @return Bool true if passes - throws an exception if not.
    private function checkInfix($infix) {
        if(trim($infix) == "") {
            throw new Exception("No Equation given", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NO_EQ);
        //Make sure we have the same number of '(' as we do ')'
        // and the same # of '[' as we do ']'
        if(substr_count($infix, '(') != substr_count($infix, ')')) {
            throw new Exception("Mismatched parenthesis in '{$infix}'", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NO_SET);
        } elseif(substr_count($infix, '[') != substr_count($infix, ']')) {
            throw new Exception("Mismatched brackets in '{$infix}'", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NO_SET);
        $this->inFix = $infix;
        return true;

     * Infix to Postfix
     * Converts an infix (standard) equation to postfix (RPN) notation.
     * Sets the internal variable $this->postFix for the Parser::solvePF()
     * function to use.
     * @link Infix Notation
     * @link Reverse Polish Notation
     * @param String $infix A standard notation equation
     * @throws Exception When parenthesis are mismatched.
     * @return Array Fully formed RPN Stack
    public function in2post($infix = null) {
        // if an equation was not passed, use the one that was passed in the constructor
        $infix = (isset($infix)) ? $infix : $this->inFix;

        //check to make sure 'valid' equation
        $pf = array();
        $ops = new NF_EOS_Stack();
        //$vars = new Stack();

        // remove all white-space
        $infix = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $infix);

        // Create postfix array index
        $pfIndex = 0;

        //what was the last character? (useful for decerning between a sign for negation and subtraction)
        $lChar = '';

        //loop through all the characters and start doing stuff ^^
        for($i=0;$i<strlen($infix);$i++) {
            // pull out 1 character from the string
            $chr = substr($infix, $i, 1);

            // if the character is numerical
            if(preg_match('/[0-9.]/i', $chr)) {
                // if the previous character was not a '-' or a number
                if((!preg_match('/[0-9.]/i', $lChar) && ($lChar != "")) && (isset($pf[$pfIndex]) && ($pf[$pfIndex]!="-")))
                    $pfIndex++;	// increase the index so as not to overlap anything
                // Add the number character to the array
                if(isset($pf[$pfIndex])) {
                    $pf[$pfIndex] .= $chr;
                } else {
                    $pf[$pfIndex] = $chr;

            // If the character opens a set e.g. '(' or '['
            elseif(in_array($chr, $this->SEP['open'])) {
                // if the last character was a number, place an assumed '*' on the stack
                if(preg_match('/[0-9.]/i', $lChar))

            // if the character closes a set e.g. ')' or ']'
            elseif(in_array($chr, $this->SEP['close'])) {
                // find what set it was i.e. matches ')' with '(' or ']' with '['
                $key = array_search($chr, $this->SEP['close']);
                // while the operator on the stack isn't the matching pair...pop it off
                while($ops->peek() != $this->SEP['open'][$key]) {
                    $nchr = $ops->pop();
                        $pf[++$pfIndex] = $nchr;
                    else {
                        throw new Exception("Error while searching for '". $this->SEP['open'][$key] ."' in '{$infix}'.", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NO_SET);
            // If a special operator that has precedence over everything else
            elseif(in_array($chr, $this->ST)) {
                while(in_array($ops->peek(), $this->ST))
                    $pf[++$pfIndex] = $ops->pop();
            // Any other operator other than '+' and '-'
            elseif(in_array($chr, $this->ST1)) {
                while(in_array($ops->peek(), $this->ST1) || in_array($ops->peek(), $this->ST))
                    $pf[++$pfIndex] = $ops->pop();

            // if a '+' or '-'
            elseif(in_array($chr, $this->ST2)) {
                // if it is a '-' and the character before it was an operator or nothingness (e.g. it negates a number)
                if((in_array($lChar, array_merge($this->ST1, $this->ST2, $this->ST, $this->SEP['open'])) || $lChar=="") && $chr=="-") {
                    // increase the index because there is no reason that it shouldn't..
                    $pf[$pfIndex] = $chr;
                // Otherwise it will function like a normal operator
                else {
                    while(in_array($ops->peek(), array_merge($this->ST1, $this->ST2, $this->ST)))
                        $pf[++$pfIndex] = $ops->pop();
            // make sure we record this character to be referred to by the next one
            $lChar = $chr;
        // if there is anything on the stack after we are done...add it to the back of the RPN array
        while(($tmp = $ops->pop()) !== false)
            $pf[++$pfIndex] = $tmp;

        // re-index the array at 0
        $pf = array_values($pf);

        // set the private variable for later use if needed
        $this->postFix = $pf;

        // return the RPN array in case developer wants to use it fro some insane reason (bug testing ;]
        return $pf;
    } //end function in2post

     * Solve Postfix (RPN)
     * This function will solve a RPN array. Default action is to solve
     * the RPN array stored in the class from Parser::in2post(), can take
     * an array input to solve as well, though default action is preferred.
     * @link Postix Notation
     * @param Array $pfArray RPN formatted array. Optional.
     * @throws Exception On division by zero.
     * @return Float Result of the operation.
    public function solvePF($pfArray = null) {
        // if no RPN array is passed - use the one stored in the private var
        $pf = (!is_array($pfArray)) ? $this->postFix : $pfArray;

        // create our temporary function variables
        $temp = array();
        //$tot = 0;
        $hold = 0;

        // Loop through each number/operator
        for($i=0;$i<count($pf); $i++) {
            // If the string isn't an operator, add it to the temp var as a holding place
            if(!in_array($pf[$i], array_merge($this->ST, $this->ST1, $this->ST2))) {
                $temp[$hold++] = $pf[$i];
            // ...Otherwise perform the operator on the last two numbers
            else {
                switch ($pf[$i]) {
                    case '+':
                        $temp[$hold-2] = $temp[$hold-2] + $temp[$hold-1];
                    case '-':
                        $temp[$hold-2] = $temp[$hold-2] - $temp[$hold-1];
                    case '*':
                        $temp[$hold-2] = $temp[$hold-2] * $temp[$hold-1];
                    case '/':
                        if($temp[$hold-1] == 0) {
                            throw new Exception("Division by 0 on: '{$temp[$hold-2]} / {$temp[$hold-1]}' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_DIV_ZERO);
                        $temp[$hold-2] = $temp[$hold-2] / $temp[$hold-1];
                    case '^':
                        $temp[$hold-2] = pow($temp[$hold-2], $temp[$hold-1]);
                    case '!':
                        $temp[$hold-1] = $this->factorial($temp[$hold-1]);
                    case '%':
                        if($temp[$hold-1] == 0) {
                            throw new Exception("Division by 0 on: '{$temp[$hold-2]} % {$temp[$hold-1]}' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_DIV_ZERO);
                        $temp[$hold-2] = bcmod($temp[$hold-2], $temp[$hold-1]);
                // Decrease the hold var to one above where the last number is
                $hold = $hold-1;
        // return the last number in the array
        return $temp[$hold-1];

    } //end function solvePF

    public function solve($equation, $values = null) {
        if(is_array($equation)) {
            return $this->solvePF($equation);
        } else {
            return $this->solveIF($equation, $values);

     * Solve Infix (Standard) Notation Equation
     * Will take a standard equation with optional variables and solve it. Variables
     * must begin with '&' or '$'
     * The variable array must be in the format of 'variable' => value. If
     * variable array is scalar (ie 5), all variables will be replaced with it.
     * @param String $infix Standard Equation to solve
     * @param String|Array $vArray Variable replacement
     * @throws Exception On division by zero and on NaN and lack of variable replacement.
     * @return Float Solved equation
    function solveIF($infix, $vArray = null) {
        $infix = ($infix != "") ? $infix : $this->inFix;
        //Check to make sure a 'valid' expression

        //$ops = new Stack();
        //$vars = new Stack();
        $hand = null;

        //remove all white-space
        $infix = preg_replace("/\s/", "", $infix);
        if(NF_EOS_Parser::$debug) {

        //replace scientific notation with normal notation (2e-9 to 2*10^-9)
        $infix = preg_replace('/([\d])([eE])(-?\d)/', '$1*10^$3', $infix);

        if(NF_EOS_Parser::$debug) {
            fwrite($hand, "$infix\n");

        // Finds all the 'functions' within the equation and calculates them
        // NOTE - when using function, only 1 set of parenthesis will be found, instead use brackets for sets within functions!!
        //while((preg_match("/(". implode("|", $this->FNC) . ")\(([^\)\(]*(\([^\)]*\)[^\(\)]*)*[^\)\(]*)\)/", $infix, $match)) != 0) {
        //Nested parenthesis are now a go!
        while((preg_match("/(". implode("|", $this->FNC) . ")\(((?:[^()]|\((?2)\))*+)\)/", $infix, $match)) != 0) {
            $func = $this->solveIF($match[2], $vArray);
            switch($match[1]) {
                case "cos":
                    $ans = cos($func);
                case "sin":
                    $ans = sin($func);
                case "tan":
                    $ans = tan($func);
                case "sec":
                    $tmp = cos($func);
                    if($tmp == 0) {
                        throw new Exception("Division by 0 on: 'sec({$func}) = 1/cos({$func})' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_DIV_ZERO);
                    $ans = 1/$tmp;
                case "csc":
                    $tmp = sin($func);
                    if($tmp == 0) {
                        throw new Exception("Division by 0 on: 'csc({$func}) = 1/sin({$func})' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_DIV_ZERO);
                    $ans = 1/$tmp;
                case "cot":
                    $tmp = tan($func);
                    if($tmp == 0) {
                        throw new Exception("Division by 0 on: 'cot({$func}) = 1/tan({$func})' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_DIV_ZERO);
                    $ans = 1/$tmp;
                case "abs":
                    $ans = abs($func);
                case "log":
                    $ans = log($func);
                    if(is_nan($ans) || is_infinite($ans)) {
                        throw new Exception("Result of 'log({$func}) = {$ans}' is either infinite or a non-number in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NAN);
                case "log10":
                    $ans = log10($func);
                    if(is_nan($ans) || is_infinite($ans)) {
                        throw new Exception("Result of 'log10({$func}) = {$ans}' is either infinite or a non-number in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NAN);
                case "sqrt":
                    if($func < 0) {
                        throw new Exception("Result of 'sqrt({$func}) = i.  We can't handle imaginary numbers", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NAN);
                    $ans = sqrt($func);
                    $ans = 0;
            $infix = str_replace($match[0], "({$ans})", $infix);

        $infix = preg_replace('/[$&]/', "", $infix);
        //Find all the variables that were passed and replaces them
        while((preg_match('/([^a-zA-Z]){0,1}([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]){0,1}/', $infix, $match)) != 0) {

            //remove notices by defining if undefined.
            if(!isset($match[3])) {
                $match[3] = "";

                fwrite($hand, "{$match[1]} || {$match[3]}\n");
            // Ensure that the variable has an operator or something of that sort in front and back - if it doesn't, add an implied '*'
            if((!in_array($match[1], array_merge($this->ST, $this->ST1, $this->ST2, $this->SEP['open'])) && $match[1] != "") || is_numeric($match[1])) //$this->SEP['close'] removed
                $front = "*";
                $front = "";

            if((!in_array($match[3], array_merge($this->ST, $this->ST1, $this->ST2, $this->SEP['close'])) && $match[3] != "") || is_numeric($match[3])) //$this->SEP['open'] removed
                $back = "*";
                $back = "";

            //Make sure that the variable does have a replacement
            //First check for pi and e variables that wll automagically be replaced
            if(in_array(strtolower($match[2]), array('pi', 'e'))) {
                $t = (strtolower($match[2])=='pi') ? pi() : exp(1);
                $infix = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $front. $t. $back . $match[3], $infix);
            } elseif(!isset($vArray[$match[2]]) && (!is_array($vArray != "") && !is_numeric($vArray) && 0 !== $vArray)) {
                throw new Exception("Variable replacement does not exist for '". substr($match[0], 1, 1). $match[2] ."' in {$this->inFix}", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NO_VAR);
            } elseif(!isset($vArray[$match[2]]) && (!is_array($vArray != "") && is_numeric($vArray))) {
                $infix = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $front. $vArray. $back . $match[3], $infix);
            } elseif(isset($vArray[$match[2]])) {
                $infix = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $front. $vArray[$match[2]]. $back . $match[3], $infix);

        return $this->solvePF($this->in2post($infix));

    } //end function solveIF

     * Solve factorial (!)
     * Will take any real positive number and solve for it's factorial. Eg.
     * `5!` will become `1*2*3*4*5` = `120` For integers
     * and
     * 5.2! will become gamma(6.2) for non-integers
     * DONE:
     *    Solve for non-integer factorials  2015/07/02
     * @param Float $num Non-negative real number to get factorial of
     * @throws Exception if number is at or less than 0
     * @return Float Solved factorial
    protected function factorial($num) {
        if($num < 0) {
            throw new Exception("Factorial Error: Factorials don't exist for numbers < 0", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NAN);
        //A non-integer!  Gamma that sucker up!
        if(intval($num) != $num) {
            return $this->gamma($num + 1);

        $tot = 1;
        for($i=1;$i<=$num;$i++) {
            $tot *= $i;
        return $tot;
    } //end function factorial

     * Gamma Function
     * Because we can. This function exists as a catch-all for different
     * numerical approx. of gamma if I decide to add any past Lanczos'.
     * This method is public because a function doesn't currently exist
     * within this parser to use it.  That will change in the future.
     * @param $z Number to compute gamma from
     * @return Float The gamma (hopefully, I'll test it after writing the code)
    public function gamma($z)
        return $this->laGamma($z);

     * Lanczos Approximation
     * The Lanczos Approximation method of finding gamma values
     * @link
     * @link
     * @link
     * @param float $z Number to obtain the gamma of
     * @return float Gamma of inputted number
     * @throws Exception if Number is less than or equal to 0
    protected function laGamma($z)
        //check validity of $z, throw error if not a valid number to be used with gamma
        if($z <= 0) {
            throw new Exception("Gamma cannot be calculated on numbers less than or equal to 0", NF_EOS_Parser::E_NAN);
        // Set up coefficients
        $p = array(
            0 => 1.000000000190015,
            1 => 76.18009172947146,
            2 => -86.50532032941677,
            3 => 24.01409824083091,
            4 => -1.231739572450155,
            5 => 1.208650973866179E-3,
            6 => -5.395239384953E-6
        // ((sqrt(2pi)/z)(p[0]+sum(p[n]/(z+n), 1, 6)))(z+5.5)^(z+0.5)*e^(-(z+5.5))
        // Break it down now...
        $g1 = sqrt(2*pi())/$z;
        //Next comes our summation
        $g2 =0;
        for($n=1;$n<=6;$n++) {
            $g2 += $p[$n]/($z+$n);
        // Don't forget to add p[0] to it...
        $g2 += $p[0];
        $g3 = pow($z+5.5, $z + .5);
        $g4 = exp(-($z+5.5));
        //now just multiply them all together
        $gamma = $g1 * $g2 * $g3 * $g4;
        return $gamma;

} //end class 'Parser'