Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
<?php use Automattic\Jetpack\Assets; if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_List_Table' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php'; } class Jetpack_Modules_List_Table extends WP_List_Table { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); Jetpack::init(); if ( $this->compat_fields && is_array( $this->compat_fields ) ) { array_push( $this->compat_fields, 'all_items' ); } /** * Filters the list of modules available to be displayed in the Jetpack Settings screen. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param array $modules Array of Jetpack modules. */ $this->all_items = apply_filters( 'jetpack_modules_list_table_items', Jetpack_Admin::init()->get_modules() ); $this->items = $this->all_items; $this->items = $this->filter_displayed_table_items( $this->items ); $this->_column_headers = array( $this->get_columns(), array(), array(), 'name' ); $modal_info = isset( $_GET['info'] ) ? $_GET['info'] : false; wp_register_script( 'models.jetpack-modules', Assets::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/jetpack-modules.models.min.js', '_inc/jetpack-modules.models.js' ), array( 'backbone', 'underscore' ), JETPACK__VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'views.jetpack-modules', Assets::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/jetpack-modules.views.min.js', '_inc/jetpack-modules.views.js' ), array( 'backbone', 'underscore', 'wp-util' ), JETPACK__VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'jetpack-modules-list-table', Assets::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/jetpack-modules.min.js', '_inc/jetpack-modules.js' ), array( 'views.jetpack-modules', 'models.jetpack-modules', 'jquery', ), JETPACK__VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'jetpack-modules-list-table', 'jetpackModulesData', array( 'modules' => Jetpack::get_translated_modules( $this->all_items ), 'i18n' => array( 'search_placeholder' => __( 'Search Modules…', 'jetpack' ), ), 'modalinfo' => $this->module_info_check( $modal_info, $this->all_items ), 'nonces' => array( 'bulk' => wp_create_nonce( 'bulk-jetpack_page_jetpack_modules' ), ), ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'jetpack-modules-list-table' ); /** * Filters the js_templates callback value. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @param array array( $this, 'js_templates' ) js_templates callback. */ add_action( 'admin_footer', apply_filters( 'jetpack_modules_list_table_js_template_callback', array( $this, 'js_templates' ) ), 9 ); } function js_templates() { ?> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-Jetpack_Modules_List_Table_Template"> <# var i = 0; if ( data.items.length ) { _.each( data.items, function( item, key, list ) { if ( item === undefined ) return; #> <tr class="jetpack-module <# if ( ++i % 2 ) { #> alternate<# } #><# if ( item.activated ) { #> active<# } #><# if ( ! item.available ) { #> unavailable<# } #>" id="{{{ item.module }}}"> <th scope="row" class="check-column"> <# if ( 'videopress' !== item.module ) { #> <input type="checkbox" name="modules[]" value="{{{ item.module }}}" /> <# } #> </th> <td class='name column-name'> <span class='info'><a href="{{{item.learn_more_button}}}" target="blank">{{{ }}}</a></span> <div class="row-actions"> <# if ( item.configurable ) { #> <span class='configure'>{{{ item.configurable }}}</span> <# } #> <# if ( item.activated && 'vaultpress' !== item.module && item.available && 'videopress' !== item.module ) { #> <span class='delete'><a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php' ); ?>?page=jetpack&action=deactivate&module={{{ item.module }}}&_wpnonce={{{ item.deactivate_nonce }}}"><?php _e( 'Deactivate', 'jetpack' ); ?></a></span> <# } else if ( item.available && 'videopress' !== item.module ) { #> <span class='activate'><a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php' ); ?>?page=jetpack&action=activate&module={{{ item.module }}}&_wpnonce={{{ item.activate_nonce }}}"><?php _e( 'Activate', 'jetpack' ); ?></a></span> <# } #> </div> </td> </tr> <# }); } else { #> <tr class="no-modules-found"> <td colspan="2"><?php esc_html_e( 'No Modules Found', 'jetpack' ); ?></td> </tr> <# } #> </script> <?php } function get_views() { /** This filter is already documented in class.jetpack-modules-list-table.php */ $modules = apply_filters( 'jetpack_modules_list_table_items', Jetpack_Admin::init()->get_modules() ); $array_of_module_tags = wp_list_pluck( $modules, 'module_tags' ); $module_tags = array_merge( ...array_values( $array_of_module_tags ) ); $module_tags_unique = array_count_values( $module_tags ); ksort( $module_tags_unique ); $format = '<a href="%3$s"%4$s data-title="%1$s">%1$s <span class="count">(%2$s)</span></a>'; $title = __( 'All', 'jetpack' ); $count = count( $modules ); $url = esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'module_tag' ) ); $current = empty( $_GET['module_tag'] ) ? ' class="current all"' : ' class="all"'; $views = array( 'all' => sprintf( $format, $title, $count, $url, $current ), ); foreach ( $module_tags_unique as $title => $count ) { $key = sanitize_title( $title ); $display_title = esc_html( wptexturize( $title ) ); $url = esc_url( add_query_arg( 'module_tag', urlencode( $title ) ) ); $current = ''; if ( ! empty( $_GET['module_tag'] ) && $title == $_GET['module_tag'] ) { $current = ' class="current"'; } $views[ $key ] = sprintf( $format, $display_title, $count, $url, $current ); } return $views; } function views() { $views = $this->get_views(); echo "<ul class='subsubsub'>\n"; foreach ( $views as $class => $view ) { $views[ $class ] = "\t<li class='$class'>$view</li>"; } echo implode( "\n", $views ) . "\n"; echo '</ul>'; } function filter_displayed_table_items( $modules ) { return array_filter( $modules, array( $this, 'is_module_displayed' ) ); } static function is_module_displayed( $module ) { // Handle module tag based filtering. if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['module_tag'] ) ) { $module_tag = sanitize_text_field( $_REQUEST['module_tag'] ); if ( ! in_array( $module_tag, $module['module_tags'] ) ) { return false; } } // If nothing rejected it, include it! return true; } static function sort_requires_connection_last( $module1, $module2 ) { if ( $module1['requires_connection'] == $module2['requires_connection'] ) { return 0; } if ( $module1['requires_connection'] ) { return 1; } if ( $module2['requires_connection'] ) { return -1; } return 0; } function get_columns() { $columns = array( 'cb' => '<input type="checkbox" />', 'name' => __( 'Name', 'jetpack' ), ); return $columns; } function get_bulk_actions() { $actions = array( 'bulk-activate' => __( 'Activate', 'jetpack' ), 'bulk-deactivate' => __( 'Deactivate', 'jetpack' ), ); return $actions; } function single_row( $item ) { static $i = 0; $row_class = ( ++$i % 2 ) ? ' alternate' : ''; if ( ! empty( $item['activated'] ) ) { $row_class .= ' active'; } if ( ! Jetpack_Admin::is_module_available( $item ) ) { $row_class .= ' unavailable'; } echo '<tr class="jetpack-module' . esc_attr( $row_class ) . '" id="' . esc_attr( $item['module'] ) . '">'; $this->single_row_columns( $item ); echo '</tr>'; } function get_table_classes() { return array( 'table', 'table-bordered', 'wp-list-table', 'widefat', 'fixed', 'jetpack-modules' ); } function column_cb( $item ) { if ( ! Jetpack_Admin::is_module_available( $item ) ) { return ''; } return sprintf( '<input type="checkbox" name="modules[]" value="%s" />', $item['module'] ); } function column_icon( $item ) { $badge_text = $free_text = ''; ob_start(); ?> <a href="#TB_inline?width=600&height=550&inlineId=more-info-module-settings-modal" class="thickbox"> <div class="module-image"> <p><span class="module-image-badge"><?php echo $badge_text; ?></span><span class="module-image-free" style="display: none"><?php echo $free_text; ?></span></p> </div> </a> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } function column_name( $item ) { $actions = array( 'info' => sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="blank">%s</a>', esc_url( $item['learn_more_button'] ), esc_html__( 'Feature Info', 'jetpack' ) ), ); if ( ! empty( $item['configurable'] ) ) { $actions['configure'] = $item['configurable']; } if ( empty( $item['activated'] ) && Jetpack_Admin::is_module_available( $item ) ) { $url = wp_nonce_url( Jetpack::admin_url( array( 'page' => 'jetpack', 'action' => 'activate', 'module' => $item['module'], ) ), 'jetpack_activate-' . $item['module'] ); $actions['activate'] = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $url ), esc_html__( 'Activate', 'jetpack' ) ); } elseif ( ! empty( $item['activated'] ) ) { $url = wp_nonce_url( Jetpack::admin_url( array( 'page' => 'jetpack', 'action' => 'deactivate', 'module' => $item['module'], ) ), 'jetpack_deactivate-' . $item['module'] ); $actions['delete'] = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( $url ), esc_html__( 'Deactivate', 'jetpack' ) ); } return $this->row_actions( $actions ) . wptexturize( $item['name'] ); } function column_description( $item ) { ob_start(); /** This action is documented in class.jetpack-admin.php */ echo apply_filters( 'jetpack_short_module_description', $item['description'], $item['module'] ); /** This action is documented in class.jetpack-admin.php */ do_action( 'jetpack_learn_more_button_' . $item['module'] ); echo '<div id="more-info-' . $item['module'] . '" class="more-info">'; /** This action is documented in class.jetpack-admin.php */ do_action( 'jetpack_module_more_info_' . $item['module'] ); echo '</div>'; return ob_get_clean(); } function column_module_tags( $item ) { $module_tags = array(); foreach ( $item['module_tags'] as $module_tag ) { $module_tags[] = sprintf( '<a href="%3$s" data-title="%2$s">%1$s</a>', esc_html( $module_tag ), esc_attr( $module_tag ), esc_url( add_query_arg( 'module_tag', urlencode( $module_tag ) ) ) ); } return implode( ', ', $module_tags ); } function column_default( $item, $column_name ) { switch ( $column_name ) { case 'icon': case 'name': case 'description': break; default: return print_r( $item, true ); } } // Check if the info parameter provided in the URL corresponds to an actual module function module_info_check( $info, $modules ) { if ( false == $info ) { return false; } elseif ( array_key_exists( $info, $modules ) ) { return $info; } } /** * Core switched their `display_tablenav()` method to protected, so we can't access it directly. * Instead, let's include an access function to make it doable without errors! * * @see * * @param string $which * * @return mixed */ function unprotected_display_tablenav( $which = 'top' ) { return $this->display_tablenav( $which ); } }