Your IP :

Current Path : /home/church/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/church/www/


Plugin Name: FooBox Image Lightbox
Plugin URI:
Description: The best responsive lightbox for WordPress.
Version: 2.7.16
Author: FooPlugins
Author URI:
License: GPL2
Text Domain: foobox-image-lightbox
Domain Path: /languages

if ( function_exists( 'foobox_fs' ) ) {
    foobox_fs()->set_basename( false, __FILE__ );
} else {
    if ( !class_exists( 'FooBox' ) ) {
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_FILE', __FILE__ );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_SLUG', 'foobox-image-lightbox' );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_PAGE_SLUG_OPTIN', 'foobox-image-lightbox-optin' );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_PAGE_SLUG_SETTINGS', 'foobox-settings' );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_ACTIVATION_REDIRECT_TRANSIENT_KEY', '_foobox_activation_redirect' );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
        define( 'FOOBOX_BASE_VERSION', '2.7.16' );
        // Create a helper function for easy SDK access.
        function foobox_fs()
            global  $foobox_fs ;
            if ( !isset( $foobox_fs ) ) {
                // Include Freemius SDK.
                require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/freemius/start.php';
                $foobox_fs = fs_dynamic_init( array(
                    'id'             => '374',
                    'slug'           => 'foobox-image-lightbox',
                    'type'           => 'plugin',
                    'public_key'     => 'pk_7a17ec700c89fe71a25605589e0b9',
                    'is_premium'     => false,
                    'has_addons'     => false,
                    'has_paid_plans' => true,
                    'menu'           => array(
                    'slug'       => FOOBOX_BASE_SLUG,
                    'first-path' => 'admin.php?page=' . FOOBOX_BASE_SLUG,
                    'contact'    => false,
                    'trial'          => array(
                    'days'               => 7,
                    'is_require_payment' => false,
                    'is_live'        => true,
                ) );
            return $foobox_fs;
        // Init Freemius.
        class FooBox
            private static  $instance ;
            public static function get_instance()
                if ( !isset( self::$instance ) && !self::$instance instanceof FooBox ) {
                    self::$instance = new FooBox();
                return self::$instance;
             * Initialize the plugin!!!
            private function __construct()
                //include all the things!
                if ( is_admin() ) {
                    new FooBox_Admin_Menu();
                    add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'check_for_activation_redirect' ) );
                    add_action( FOOBOX_ACTION_ADMIN_MENU_RENDER_GETTING_STARTED, array( $this, 'render_page_getting_started' ) );
                    foobox_fs()->add_filter( 'support_forum_submenu', array( $this, 'override_support_menu_text' ) );
                    foobox_fs()->add_filter( 'support_forum_url', array( $this, 'override_support_forum_url' ) );
                    foobox_fs()->add_filter( 'connect_url', array( $this, 'override_connect_url' ) );
                    add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'remove_admin_menu_items_on_mobile' ), WP_FS__LOWEST_PRIORITY + 1 );
                    foobox_fs()->add_action( 'after_premium_version_activation', array( 'FooBox', 'activate' ) );
                    add_action( 'admin_page_access_denied', array( $this, 'check_for_access_denies_after_account_deletion' ) );
                //register activation hook for free
                register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( 'FooBox', 'activate' ) );
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'free/foobox-free.php';
            public function override_connect_url( $url )
                if ( is_object( foobox_fs()->get_site() ) ) {
                    return 'admin.php?page=' . FOOBOX_BASE_PAGE_SLUG_OPTIN;
                return $url;
            public function override_support_menu_text( $text )
                return __( 'Support', 'foobox-image-lightbox' );
            public function override_support_forum_url( $url )
                return $url;
            public function check_for_access_denies_after_account_deletion()
                global  $plugin_page ;
                if ( FOOBOX_BASE_PAGE_SLUG_OPTIN === $plugin_page ) {
                    if ( !is_object( foobox_fs()->get_site() ) ) {
                        fs_redirect( 'admin.php?page=' . FOOBOX_BASE_SLUG );
             * Include all the files needed
            public function includes()
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'includes/functions.php';
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'includes/actions.php';
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'includes/filters.php';
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'includes/admin/menu.php';
             * Fired when the plugin is activated.
             * @since    1.1.0
             * @param    boolean $network_wide       True if WPMU superadmin uses
             *                                       "Network Activate" action, false if
             *                                       WPMU is disabled or plugin is
             *                                       activated on an individual blog.
            public static function activate( $network_wide )
                if ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite() ) {
                    //do nothing for multisite!
                } else {
                    //Make sure we redirect to the welcome page
                    set_transient( FOOBOX_BASE_ACTIVATION_REDIRECT_TRANSIENT_KEY, true, 30 );
             * On admin_init check that the plugin was activated and redirect to the getting started page
            public function check_for_activation_redirect()
                // Bail if no activation redirect
                if ( !get_transient( FOOBOX_BASE_ACTIVATION_REDIRECT_TRANSIENT_KEY ) ) {
                // Delete the redirect transient
                delete_transient( FOOBOX_BASE_ACTIVATION_REDIRECT_TRANSIENT_KEY );
                // Bail if activating from network, or bulk
                if ( is_network_admin() || isset( $_GET['activate-multi'] ) ) {
                $url = admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . FOOBOX_BASE_SLUG );
                wp_safe_redirect( $url );
            public function render_page_getting_started()
                require_once FOOBOX_BASE_PATH . 'includes/admin/view-getting-started.php';
            public function remove_admin_menu_items_on_mobile()
                if ( foobox_hide_pricing_menu() ) {
                    //we only want to hide menu items if we are on mobile!
                    remove_submenu_page( 'foobox-image-lightbox', 'foobox-image-lightbox-pricing' );
                    remove_submenu_page( 'foobox-image-lightbox', 'foobox-image-lightbox-account' );
                    remove_submenu_page( 'foobox-image-lightbox', 'foobox-image-lightbox-contact' );
    } else {