Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
<?php // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } class LAE_Admin_Ajax { // Instance of this class. protected $plugin_slug = 'livemesh_el_addons'; protected $ajax_data; protected $ajax_msg; public function __construct() { // retrieve all ajax string to localize $this->localize_strings(); $this->init_hooks(); } public function init_hooks() { // Register backend ajax action add_action('wp_ajax_lae_admin_ajax', array($this, 'lae_admin_ajax')); // Load admin ajax js script add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_admin_scripts')); } public function ajax_response($success = true, $message = null, $content = null) { $response = array( 'success' => $success, 'message' => $message, 'content' => $content ); return $response; } public function lae_check_nonce() { // retrieve nonce $nonce = (isset($_POST['nonce'])) ? $_POST['nonce'] : $_GET['nonce']; // nonce action for the grid $action = 'lae_admin_nonce'; // check ajax nounce if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $action)) { // build response $response = $this->ajax_response(false, __('Sorry, an error occurred. Please refresh the page.', 'livemesh-el-addons')); // die and send json error response wp_send_json($response); } } public function lae_admin_ajax() { // check the nonce $this->lae_check_nonce(); // retrieve data $this->ajax_data = (isset($_POST)) ? $_POST : $_GET; // retrieve function $func = $this->ajax_data['func']; switch ($func) { case 'lae_save_settings': $response = $this->save_settings_callback(); break; case 'lae_reset_settings': $response = $this->save_settings_callback(); break; default: $response = ajax_response(false, __('Sorry, an unknown error occurred...', 'livemesh-el-addons'), null); break; } // send json response and die wp_send_json($response); } public function save_settings_callback() { // retrieve data from jquery $setting_data = $this->ajax_data['setting_data']; lae_update_options($setting_data); $template = false; // get new restore global settings panel if ($this->ajax_data['reset']) { ob_start(); require_once('views/settings.php'); $template = ob_get_clean(); } $response = $this->ajax_response(true, $this->ajax_data['reset'], $template); return $response; } public function localize_strings() { $this->ajax_msg = array( 'box_icons' => array( 'before' => '<i class="lae-info-box-icon dashicons dashicons-admin-generic"></i>', 'success' => '<i class="lae-info-box-icon dashicons dashicons-yes"></i>', 'error' => '<i class="lae-info-box-icon dashicons dashicons-no-alt"></i>' ), 'box_messages' => array( 'lae_save_settings' => array( 'before' => __('Saving plugin settings', 'livemesh-el-addons'), 'success' => __('Plugin settings Saved', 'livemesh-el-addons'), 'error' => __('Sorry, an error occurs while saving settings...', 'livemesh-el-addons') ), 'lae_reset_settings' => array( 'before' => __('Resetting plugin settings', 'livemesh-el-addons'), 'success' => __('Plugin settings resetted', 'livemesh-el-addons'), 'error' => __('Sorry, an error occurred while resetting settings', 'livemesh-el-addons') ), ) ); } public function admin_nonce() { return array( 'url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('lae_admin_nonce') ); } public function enqueue_admin_scripts() { $screen = get_current_screen(); // enqueue only in grid panel if (strpos($screen->id, $this->plugin_slug) !== false) { // merge nonce to translatable strings $strings = array_merge($this->admin_nonce(), $this->ajax_msg); // Use minified libraries if LAE_SCRIPT_DEBUG is turned off $suffix = (defined('LAE_SCRIPT_DEBUG') && LAE_SCRIPT_DEBUG) ? '' : '.min'; // register and localize script for ajax methods wp_register_script('lae-admin-ajax-scripts', LAE_PLUGIN_URL . 'admin/assets/js/lae-admin-ajax' . $suffix . '.js', array(), LAE_VERSION, true); wp_enqueue_script('lae-admin-ajax-scripts'); wp_localize_script('lae-admin-ajax-scripts', 'lae_admin_global_var', $strings); } } } new LAE_Admin_Ajax;