Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
/** * Handles the activation of a Jetpack feature, dismissing the card, and replacing the bottom row * of the card with customized content. */ /* global jetpackPluginSearch, JSON, jpTracksAJAX */ var JetpackPSH = {}; ( function ( $, jpsh ) { JetpackPSH = { $pluginFilter: $( '#plugin-filter' ), /** * Get parent search hint element. * @returns {Element | null} */ getCard: function () { return document.querySelector( '.plugin-card-jetpack-plugin-search' ); }, /** * Track user event such as a click on a button or a link. * * @param {string} eventName Event identifier. * @param {object} feature Identifier of feature involved in the event. * @param {object} target Object where action was performed. */ trackEvent: function ( eventName, feature, target ) { jpTracksAJAX .record_ajax_event( eventName, 'click', { feature: feature } ) .always( function () { if ( 'undefined' !== typeof target && !! target.getAttribute( 'href' ) ) { // If it has an href, follow it. window.location = target.getAttribute( 'href' ); } } ); }, /** * Update title of the card to add a mention that the result is from the Jetpack plugin. */ updateCardTitle: function () { var hint = JetpackPSH.getCard(); if ( 'object' === typeof hint && null !== hint ) { var title = hint.querySelector( '.column-name h3' ); title.outerHTML = title.outerHTML + '<strong>' + jetpackPluginSearch.poweredBy + '</strong>'; } }, /** * Move action links below description. */ moveActionLinks: function () { var hint = JetpackPSH.getCard(); if ( 'object' === typeof hint && null !== hint ) { var descriptionContainer = hint.querySelector( '.column-description' ); // Keep only the first paragraph. The second is the plugin author. var descriptionText = descriptionContainer.querySelector( 'p:first-child' ); var actionLinks = hint.querySelector( '.action-links' ); // Change the contents of the description, to keep the description text and the action links. descriptionContainer.innerHTML = descriptionText.outerHTML + actionLinks.outerHTML; // Remove the action links from their default location. actionLinks.parentNode.removeChild( actionLinks ); } }, /** * Replace bottom row of the card to insert logo, text and link to dismiss the card. */ replaceCardBottom: function () { var hint = JetpackPSH.getCard(); if ( 'object' === typeof hint && null !== hint ) { hint.querySelector( '.plugin-card-bottom' ).outerHTML = '<div class="jetpack-plugin-search__bottom"><img src="' + jetpackPluginSearch.logo + '" width="32" />' + '<p class="jetpack-plugin-search__text">' + jetpackPluginSearch.legend + ' <a class="jetpack-plugin-search__support_link" href="' + jetpackPluginSearch.supportLink + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-track="support_link" >' + jetpackPluginSearch.supportText + '</a>' + '</p>' + '</div>'; // Remove link and parent li from action links and move it to bottom row var dismissLink = document.querySelector( '.jetpack-plugin-search__dismiss' ); dismissLink.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild( dismissLink.parentNode ); document.querySelector( '.jetpack-plugin-search__bottom' ).appendChild( dismissLink ); } }, /** * Check if plugin card list nodes changed. If there's a Jetpack PSH card, replace the title and the bottom row. * @param {array} mutationsList */ replaceOnNewResults: function ( mutationsList ) { mutationsList.forEach( function ( mutation ) { if ( 'childList' === mutation.type && 1 === document.querySelectorAll( '.plugin-card-jetpack-plugin-search' ).length ) { JetpackPSH.updateCardTitle(); JetpackPSH.moveActionLinks(); JetpackPSH.replaceCardBottom(); } } ); }, dismiss: function ( moduleName ) { document.getElementById( 'the-list' ).removeChild( JetpackPSH.getCard() ); $.ajax( { url: jpsh.base_rest_url + '/hints', method: 'post', beforeSend: function ( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', jpsh.nonce ); }, data: JSON.stringify( { hint: moduleName, } ), contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', } ).done( function () { JetpackPSH.trackEvent( 'wpa_plugin_search_dismiss', moduleName ); } ); }, ajaxActivateModule: function ( moduleName ) { var $moduleBtn = JetpackPSH.$pluginFilter.find( '#plugin-select-activate' ); $moduleBtn.toggleClass( 'install-now updating-message' ); $moduleBtn.prop( 'disabled', true ); $moduleBtn.text( jpsh.activating ); var data = {}; data[ moduleName ] = true; $.ajax( { url: jpsh.base_rest_url + '/settings', method: 'post', beforeSend: function ( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', jpsh.nonce ); }, data: JSON.stringify( data ), contentType: 'application/json', dataType: 'json', } ) .done( function () { JetpackPSH.updateButton( moduleName ); JetpackPSH.trackEvent( 'wpa_plugin_search_activate', moduleName ); } ) .error( function () { $moduleBtn.toggleClass( 'install-now updating-message' ); } ); }, // Remove onclick handler, disable loading spinner, update button to redirect to module settings. updateButton: function ( moduleName ) { $.ajax( { url: jpsh.base_rest_url + '/module/' + moduleName, method: 'get', beforeSend: function ( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', jpsh.nonce ); }, dataType: 'json', } ).done( function ( response ) { var $moduleBtn = JetpackPSH.$pluginFilter.find( '#plugin-select-activate' ); $moduleBtn.prop( 'onclick', null ).off( 'click' ); $moduleBtn.toggleClass( 'install-now updating-message' ); $moduleBtn.text( jpsh.activated ); setTimeout( function () { var url = '' + moduleName, label = jpsh.getStarted, classes = 'jetpack-plugin-search__primary button', track = 'configure'; // If the feature has options in Jetpack admin UI, link to them. if ( response.options && 0 < Object.keys( response.options ).length ) { url = $ 'configure-url' ); label = jpsh.manageSettings; classes += ' jetpack-plugin-search__configure'; } else { // If it has no options, the Get started button will be displayed so remove the Learn more link if it's there. var learnMore = document.querySelector( '.jetpack-plugin-search__learn-more' ); learnMore.parentNode.removeChild( learnMore ); classes += ' jetpack-plugin-search__get-started'; track = 'get_started'; } $moduleBtn.replaceWith( '<a id="plugin-select-settings" class="' + classes + '" href="' + url + '" data-module="' + moduleName + '" data-track="' + track + '">' + label + '</a>' ); }, 1000 ); } ); }, /** * Start suggesting. */ init: function () { if ( JetpackPSH.$pluginFilter.length < 1 ) { return; } // Update title to show that the suggestion is from Jetpack. JetpackPSH.updateCardTitle(); // Update the description and action links. JetpackPSH.moveActionLinks(); // Replace PSH bottom row on page load JetpackPSH.replaceCardBottom(); // Listen for changes in plugin search results var resultsObserver = new MutationObserver( JetpackPSH.replaceOnNewResults ); resultsObserver.observe( document.getElementById( 'plugin-filter' ), { childList: true } ); JetpackPSH.$pluginFilter .on( 'click', '.jetpack-plugin-search__dismiss', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); JetpackPSH.dismiss( $( this ).data( 'module' ) ); } ) .on( 'click', 'button#plugin-select-activate', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); JetpackPSH.ajaxActivateModule( $( this ).data( 'module' ) ); } ) .on( 'click', '.jetpack-plugin-search__primary', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); if ( $ 'track' ) ) { // This catches Purchase, Configure, and Get started. Feature activation is tracked when it ends successfully, in its callback. JetpackPSH.trackEvent( 'wpa_plugin_search_' + $ 'track' ), $ 'module' ), $this.get( 0 ) ); } } ) .on( 'click', '.jetpack-plugin-search__learn-more', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); JetpackPSH.trackEvent( 'wpa_plugin_search_learn_more', $ 'module' ), $this.get( 0 ) ); } ) .on( 'click', '.jetpack-plugin-search__support_link', function ( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $( this ); JetpackPSH.trackEvent( 'wpa_plugin_search_support_link', $ 'module' ), $this.get( 0 ) ); } ); }, }; JetpackPSH.init(); } )( jQuery, jetpackPluginSearch );