Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
<?php namespace ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce; use Elementor\Core\Documents_Manager; use Elementor\Settings; use ElementorPro\Base\Module_Base; use ElementorPro\Modules\ThemeBuilder\Classes\Conditions_Manager; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Conditions\Woocommerce; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product_Post; use ElementorPro\Modules\Woocommerce\Documents\Product_Archive; use ElementorPro\Plugin; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Module extends Module_Base { const WOOCOMMERCE_GROUP = 'woocommerce'; const TEMPLATE_MINI_CART = 'cart/mini-cart.php'; const OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART = 'use_mini_cart_template'; protected $docs_types = []; protected $use_mini_cart_template; public static function is_active() { return class_exists( 'woocommerce' ); } public static function is_product_search() { return is_search() && 'product' === get_query_var( 'post_type' ); } public function get_name() { return 'woocommerce'; } public function get_widgets() { return [ 'Archive_Products', 'Archive_Products_Deprecated', 'Archive_Description', 'Products', 'Products_Deprecated', 'Breadcrumb', 'Add_To_Cart', 'Elements', 'Single_Elements', 'Categories', 'Menu_Cart', 'Product_Title', 'Product_Images', 'Product_Price', 'Product_Add_To_Cart', 'Product_Rating', 'Product_Stock', 'Product_Meta', 'Product_Short_Description', 'Product_Content', 'Product_Data_Tabs', 'Product_Additional_Information', 'Product_Related', 'Product_Upsell', ]; } public function add_product_post_class( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'product'; return $classes; } public function add_products_post_class_filter() { add_filter( 'post_class', [ $this, 'add_product_post_class' ] ); } public function remove_products_post_class_filter() { remove_filter( 'post_class', [ $this, 'add_product_post_class' ] ); } public function register_tags() { $tags = [ 'Product_Gallery', 'Product_Image', 'Product_Price', 'Product_Rating', 'Product_Sale', 'Product_Short_Description', 'Product_SKU', 'Product_Stock', 'Product_Terms', 'Product_Title', 'Category_Image', ]; /** @var \Elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Manager $module */ $module = Plugin::elementor()->dynamic_tags; $module->register_group( self::WOOCOMMERCE_GROUP, [ 'title' => __( 'WooCommerce', 'elementor-pro' ), ] ); foreach ( $tags as $tag ) { $module->register_tag( 'ElementorPro\\Modules\\Woocommerce\\tags\\' . $tag ); } } public function register_wc_hooks() { wc()->frontend_includes(); } /** * @param Conditions_Manager $conditions_manager */ public function register_conditions( $conditions_manager ) { $woocommerce_condition = new Woocommerce(); $conditions_manager->get_condition( 'general' )->register_sub_condition( $woocommerce_condition ); } /** * @param Documents_Manager $documents_manager */ public function register_documents( $documents_manager ) { $this->docs_types = [ 'product-post' => Product_Post::get_class_full_name(), 'product' => Product::get_class_full_name(), 'product-archive' => Product_Archive::get_class_full_name(), ]; foreach ( $this->docs_types as $type => $class_name ) { $documents_manager->register_document_type( $type, $class_name ); } } public static function render_menu_cart_toggle_button() { if ( null === WC()->cart ) { return; } $product_count = WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count(); $sub_total = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal(); $counter_attr = 'data-counter="' . $product_count . '"'; ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__toggle elementor-button-wrapper"> <a id="elementor-menu-cart__toggle_button" href="#" class="elementor-button elementor-size-sm"> <span class="elementor-button-text"><?php echo $sub_total; ?></span> <span class="elementor-button-icon" <?php echo $counter_attr; ?>> <i class="eicon" aria-hidden="true"></i> <span class="elementor-screen-only"><?php esc_html_e( 'Cart', 'elementor-pro' ); ?></span> </span> </a> </div> <?php } /** * Render menu cart markup. * The `widget_shopping_cart_content` div will be populated by woocommerce js. */ public static function render_menu_cart() { if ( null === WC()->cart ) { return; } $widget_cart_is_hidden = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_is_hidden', false ); ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__wrapper"> <?php if ( ! $widget_cart_is_hidden ) : ?> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__container elementor-lightbox" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__main" aria-expanded="false"> <div class="elementor-menu-cart__close-button"></div> <div class="widget_shopping_cart_content"></div> </div> </div> <?php self::render_menu_cart_toggle_button(); ?> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!-- close elementor-menu-cart__wrapper --> <?php } /** * Refresh the Menu Cart button and items counter. * The mini-cart itself will be rendered by WC functions. * * @param $fragments * * @return array */ public function menu_cart_fragments( $fragments ) { $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( ! $has_cart || ! $this->use_mini_cart_template ) { return $fragments; } ob_start(); self::render_menu_cart_toggle_button(); $menu_cart_toggle_button_html = ob_get_clean(); if ( ! empty( $menu_cart_toggle_button_html ) ) { $fragments['body:not(.elementor-editor-active) div.elementor-element.elementor-widget.elementor-widget-woocommerce-menu-cart div.elementor-menu-cart__toggle.elementor-button-wrapper'] = $menu_cart_toggle_button_html; } return $fragments; } public function maybe_init_cart() { $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( ! $has_cart ) { $session_class = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_session_handler', 'WC_Session_Handler' ); WC()->session = new $session_class(); WC()->session->init(); WC()->cart = new \WC_Cart(); WC()->customer = new \WC_Customer( get_current_user_id(), true ); } } public function localized_settings_frontend( $settings ) { $has_cart = is_a( WC()->cart, 'WC_Cart' ); if ( $has_cart ) { $settings['menu_cart'] = [ 'cart_page_url' => wc_get_cart_url(), 'checkout_page_url' => wc_get_checkout_url(), ]; } return $settings; } public function theme_template_include( $need_override_location, $location ) { if ( is_product() && 'single' === $location ) { $need_override_location = true; } return $need_override_location; } /** * Add plugin path to wc template search path. * Based on: * @param $template * @param $template_name * @param $template_path * * @return string */ public function woocommerce_locate_template( $template, $template_name, $template_path ) { if ( self::TEMPLATE_MINI_CART !== $template_name ) { return $template; } if ( ! $this->use_mini_cart_template ) { return $template; } $plugin_path = plugin_dir_path( __DIR__ ) . 'woocommerce/wc-templates/'; if ( file_exists( $plugin_path . $template_name ) ) { $template = $plugin_path . $template_name; } return $template; } /** * WooCommerce/WordPress widget(s), some of the widgets have css classes that used by final selectors. * before this filter, all those widgets were warped by `.elementor-widget-container` without chain original widget * classes, now they will be warped by div with the original css classes. * * @param array $default_widget_args * @param \Elementor\Widget_WordPress $widget * * @return array $default_widget_args */ public function woocommerce_wordpress_widget_css_class( $default_widget_args, $widget ) { $widget_instance = $widget->get_widget_instance(); if ( ! empty( $widget_instance->widget_cssclass ) ) { $default_widget_args['before_widget'] .= '<div class="' . $widget_instance->widget_cssclass . '">'; $default_widget_args['after_widget'] .= '</div>'; } return $default_widget_args; } public function register_admin_fields( Settings $settings ) { $settings->add_section( Settings::TAB_INTEGRATIONS, 'woocommerce', [ 'callback' => function() { echo '<hr><h2>' . esc_html__( 'WooCommerce', 'elementor-pro' ) . '</h2>'; }, 'fields' => [ self::OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART => [ 'label' => __( 'Mini Cart Template', 'elementor-pro' ), 'field_args' => [ 'type' => 'select', 'std' => 'initial', 'options' => [ 'initial' => '', // Relevant until either menu-cart widget is used or option is explicitly set to 'no'. 'no' => __( 'Disable', 'elementor-pro' ), 'yes' => __( 'Enable', 'elementor-pro' ), ], 'desc' => __( 'Set to `Disable` in order to use your Theme\'s or WooCommerce\'s mini-cart template instead of Elementor\'s.', 'elementor-pro' ), ], ], ], ] ); } public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->use_mini_cart_template = 'yes' === get_option( 'elementor_' . self::OPTION_NAME_USE_MINI_CART, 'no' ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'elementor/admin/after_create_settings/' . Settings::PAGE_ID, [ $this, 'register_admin_fields' ], 15 ); } add_action( 'elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'maybe_init_cart' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/dynamic_tags/register_tags', [ $this, 'register_tags' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/documents/register', [ $this, 'register_documents' ] ); add_action( 'elementor/theme/register_conditions', [ $this, 'register_conditions' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/theme/need_override_location', [ $this, 'theme_template_include' ], 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'elementor_pro/frontend/localize_settings', [ $this, 'localized_settings_frontend' ] ); // On Editor - Register WooCommerce frontend hooks before the Editor init. // Priority = 5, in order to allow plugins remove/add their wc hooks on init. if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && 'elementor' === $_REQUEST['action'] && is_admin() ) { add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'register_wc_hooks' ], 5 ); } if ( $this->use_mini_cart_template ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', [ $this, 'menu_cart_fragments' ] ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_locate_template', [ $this, 'woocommerce_locate_template' ], 10, 3 ); } add_filter( 'elementor/widgets/wordpress/widget_args', [ $this, 'woocommerce_wordpress_widget_css_class' ], 10, 2 ); } }