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<?php /** * @author ThemePunch <> * @link * @copyright 2019 ThemePunch */ if(!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class RevSliderWooCommerce extends RevSliderFunctions { const META_SKU = '_sku'; //can be 'instock' or 'outofstock' const META_STOCK = '_stock'; //can be 'instock' or 'outofstock' /** * return true / false if the woo commerce exists * @before RevSliderWooCommerce::isWooCommerceExists(); */ public static function woo_exists(){ return (class_exists('Woocommerce')) ? true : false; } /** * compare wc current version to given version */ public static function version_check($version = '1.0') { if(self::woo_exists()){ global $woocommerce; if(version_compare($woocommerce->version, $version, '>=')){ return true; } } return false; } /** * get wc post types */ public static function getCustomPostTypes(){ $arr = array( 'product' => __('Product', 'revslider'), 'product_variation' => __('Product Variation', 'revslider') ); return $arr; } /** * get price query * @before: RevSliderWooCommerce::getPriceQuery() */ private static function get_price_query($from, $to, $meta_tag){ $from = (empty($from)) ? 0 : $from; $to = (empty($to)) ? 9999999999 : $to; $query = array( 'key' => $meta_tag, 'value' => array($from, $to), 'type' => 'numeric', 'compare' => 'BETWEEN' ); return $query; } /** * get meta query for filtering woocommerce posts. * before: RevSliderWooCommerce::getMetaQuery(); */ public static function get_meta_query($args){ $f = new RevSliderFunctions(); $reg_price_from = $f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'regPriceFrom')); $reg_price_to = $f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'regPriceTo')); $sale_price_from = $f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'salePriceFrom')); $sale_price_to = $f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'salePriceTo')); $query = array(); $meta_query = array(); $tax_query = array(); //get regular price array if(!empty($reg_price_from) || !empty($reg_price_to)){ $meta_query[] = self::get_price_query($reg_price_from, $reg_price_to, '_regular_price'); } //get sale price array if(!empty($sale_price_from) || !empty($sale_price_to)){ $meta_query[] = self::get_price_query($sale_price_from, $sale_price_to, '_sale_price'); } if($f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'inStockOnly')) == true){ $meta_query[] = array( 'key' => '_stock_status', 'value' => 'instock', 'compare' => '=' ); } if($f->get_val($args, array('source', 'woo', 'featuredOnly')) == true){ $tax_query[] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_visibility', 'field' => 'name', 'terms' => 'featured', ); } if(!empty($meta_query)){ $query['meta_query'] = $meta_query; } if(!empty($tax_query)){ $query['tax_query'] = $tax_query; } return $query; } /** * get sortby function including standart wp sortby array */ public static function getArrSortBy(){ $sort_by = array( 'meta_num__regular_price' => __('Regular Price', 'revslider'), 'meta_num__sale_price' => __('Sale Price', 'revslider'), 'meta_num_total_sales' => __('Number Of Sales', 'revslider'), //'meta__featured' => __('Featured Products', 'revslider'), 'meta__sku' => __('SKU', 'revslider'), 'meta_num_stock' => __('Stock Quantity', 'revslider') ); return $sort_by; } } //end of the class ?>