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<h1 class="headline">The original platters members.  Born : August 07, 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri.</h1>

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<p><em>The original platters members  In 1990, the Platters were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.  Aug 5, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Savvy promoters often hired a single elderly member in an attempt to make audience members feel they were seeing one original.  His manager says Reed died M Jun 5, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Reed was the only member of the group to appear on all of their nearly 400 recordings.  Sit back and relax as you Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  Feb 16, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The World Famous Platters members now consists of Lawrence &quot;Rooster&quot; Lockard, Eddie Stovall, Willie Nash and Rico Johnson.  May 25, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This article provides an in-depth look at the legendary vocal group, The Platters, exploring their bio, career trajectory, lasting impact on music, and more.  and Turner was made an official member of The Platters. Today, The Platters&#174; are still highly relevant to popular music culture, with timeless melodies loved by millions of The Platters.  He led a new incarnation of the group until health problems gradually reduced his role within the group, finally forcing him off the road a couple of years back.  Zola Taylor died in Riverside, California at age 69, from pneumonia, following a series of strokes.  Their distinctive sound bridges the pre-rock Tin Pan Alley tradition and the new burgeoning genre.  Formed in January 1953, the original line-up showed several early changes, with cab driver David Lynch replacing Joe Jefferson, Herb Reed (from Jan 2, 1981&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;LONG BEACH, Calif. Today, The Platters&#174; are still highly relevant to popular music culture, with timeless melodies loved by millions of fans across the globe and streams on Spotify alone surpassing three million every month.  The Original Members formed in 1952 consisted of: Herbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul RobiHerbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul Robi The Platters formed in Los Angeles in 1951 [1] and were initially managed by Federal Records A&amp;R man Ralph Bass.  Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters, seeking to create a vocal group with more elegance and sophistication than the average R&amp;B act recruited Zola.  Oct 30, 2020&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Have you ever asked, Who are the &quot;Original&quot; members of The Platters? Are The Platters still alive today? Are The Platters performing today? The answers to these questions will surprise you! Join Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Following the replacement of original band members, he was the only singer to appear on all 400 recordings.  [2] In 1990, Taylor was elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of The Platters.  Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Welcome to The Platters Music Website.  The act has gone through multiple line-ups over the years, earning it the branding See more One of the leading R&amp;B vocal groups of the 50s, they were the first black group to be accepted as a major chart act and, for a short time, were the most successful vocal group in the world.  Herb Reed was 84; he died after a short illness in a hospital near his home in Massachusetts.  The Platters .  The Platters finally had the perfect harmonic combination to complete their lush, ethereal sound.  Formed in Los Angeles in 1953, the original line-up of The Platters Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb Reed, an original member of the Platters, one of the first pop groups to break the color barrier in the 1950s, and the last surviving member who sang on the group’s crossover hits like Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Original Members.  We have recently obtained information on, and contacted, many more artists performing as the Platters Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Singer Herb Reed, the last surviving member of early R&amp;B and rock 'n' roll stalwarts the Platters, died in Boston on Monday after a period of failing health.  The original female member of the immortal Platters, Zola Taylor contributed lead and backing vocals to some of the most influential and enduring recordings in R&amp;B history, lending glamour and romance to her colleagues' rich harmonies.  Dawn left in 1969 and was replaced by Regina Koco who stayed The Platters' original lineup on the Federal label had included Gaynel Hodge, who co-wrote 'Earth Angel', and Cornell Gunter, later a member of the Coasters.  Group Members.  Formed in 1952 in Los Angeles Aug 15, 1992&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tony Williams, the original lead singer of the Platters whose renditions of &quot;Only You&quot; and &quot;The Great Pretender&quot; propelled the R&amp;B group to stardom in the 1950s, died yesterday at age 64.  Robi’s daughter, Franchesca, said her father was 57 The Platters, an American vocal group formed in 1952, became one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era.  powered by Triple Scoop Music’s library of original audio content, which includes music, sound effects, and royalty-free tracks.  1 of 1 member(s) found this review The soulful vocal group that linked doo-wop and R&amp;B.  Tony was working as parking lot attendant. Ralph Bass replaced Cornell Gunter with Tony Williams, and Herb Reed joined the group in 1953 after his discharge from the Army in Jan 11, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The best they could do was &quot;I'll Never Smile Again&quot;, which reached #25. The original group consisted of teenagers Alex Hodge, his brother Gaynel, Curtis Williams, Joe Jefferson and Cornell Gunter.  They had a unique sound Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herbert Reed was born in Kansas City, Missouri August 7th 1928.  Lynch eventually moved to Los Angeles California.  The principal members were Tony Williams (byname of Samuel Anthony Williams; Formed in Los Angeles in 1953, the original line-up of The Platters consisted of Tony Williams (lead vocals), David Lynch (tenor), Alex Hodge (1935-1982, baritone) and Herb Reed (bass).  In 1955, the vocal group debuted on the national music charts with “Only You (And The Original Platters: 20 Classic Hits, a Compilation of songs by The Platters.  Both his parents died when he was only 10 years old.  In the early 50s he moved to Los Angeles California with his wife Margie at the advice of his sister Linda Hayse who at the time was a recording artist.  Another billed as the Original Platters had Paul Robi, David Lynch, and Zola Taylor.  He was 51.  “People think the original Platters was Zola Taylor, Tony Williams — but they all were with the group for very finite periods of time,” Balboni said.  In the early fifties Reed was working as a cab driver.  Titles B1 and B2 ⓟ 1955, B3 to B7 ⓟ 1956, B8 to B10 ⓟ 1957 Jan 26, 2016&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Part of the burgeoning Los Angeles rhythm &amp; blues scene of the early 1950’s, the original Platters group consisted of Cornell Gunter, brothers Gaynel and Alex Hodge, Joe Jefferson and Curtis Williams.  video Addeddate 2021-11-14 20:03:19 Identifier the-platters-the-great May 1, 2007&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;LOS ANGELES Zola Taylor, who broke gender barriers in the 1950s as a member of The Platters, harmonizing with her male colleagues on hits like The Great Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan Alley tradition and the burgeoning new genre.  Later members included Zola Taylor The Platters were founded Los Angeles, California in 1953, the same year original members Tony Williams, David Lynch, Alex Hodge, and Herb Reed were signed by manager Buck Ram to Federal Records.  Dubbed &quot;the Dish,&quot; her physical allure was no doubt a major reason the group was a Hollywood fixture, appearing in a series of films including “Rock Around the Dec 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This Compilation ℗ 1978 Phonogram Inc.  in '56 with members of the group owning shares and not allowed Jan 3, 1981&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;David Lynch, one of the original members of the Platters singing group formed in the 1950's, died today of cancer at the Veterans Administration Hospital here.  He was the only member of Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;David Lynch was born on July 3, 1929 in St.  The original group was the first black group in history to have a #1 Pop Record and the first black group to have a music video. S.  a distinct tenor voice added to The Platters unique style. 9M .  Herb Reed died in June 2012 at 83.  Band formation and early years.  tracks featuring groups were recorded using as many of the original group members as possible.  The Platters were inducted into Dec 18, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters were a vocal group from the early days of American music, often associated with the doo-wop style and one of the first singing groups.  Five years later he accepted a lift to Los Angeles from a family friend.  At age fifteen Reed moved to Los Angeles.  Ferguson was with a group called the &quot;original Platters&quot; during the 70s and 80s, and now has his own group.  By the time the group debuted on the national music charts in 1955 the group with “Only You (and You Alone)” the original members had been replaced by Tony Williams, Paul Robi, David Lynch, and Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  In 1953 the original members Tony Williams, David Lynch, Alex Hodge and Herb Reed were signed by music entrepreneur, manager and songwriter Buck Ram to Federal Records.  He is the only member of The Platters still alive today and can be heard on the hundreds of recordings and hit records that made The Platters Jun 5, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb Reed, the last surviving original member of 1950s doo wop group The Platters, has died.  Preeminent vocal group of the late 50s and early 60s, hugely successful in the U.  The act went through several personnel changes, with the most successful incarnation comprising lead tenor Tony Williams, David Lynch, Paul Robi, Herb Apr 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Reed was the only original member to do so, and after a legal battle, was the sole owner of the group name, which is now operated by producer and manager Frederick J. Yhtye teki kuusi single&#228; King-levymerkille ennen Mercury Recordsille tehtyj&#228; menestyslevyj&#228;.  2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;In fact, over the years, the original Platters have enjoyed 40 number one hits and 16 gold records! Live in Branson, these impersonators perform incredible renditions of the Platters' famous hits.  TONY WILLIAMS was the original lead singer of The Platters, the most successful black rhythm-and May 6, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;THE PLATTERS (By Steve Walker) Tony Williams (lead tenor) (born 15 April, 1928, Elizabeth, New Jersey; died 14 August, 1992, Manhattan, New York City) David Lynch (second tenor) (born 3 July, 1929; died 2 January, 1981) Zola Taylor (contralto) (born 17 March, 1934 (some sources say 1938), died 30 April, 2007, Los Angeles, California) Paul Robi (baritone) Aug 6, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;When original singer Lou Gramm left the band for a second time in 2003, Jones was the last original member left.  Discover music.  被誉为美国国宝级组合的五黑宝(The Platters)是50年代最顶尖的美声团体之一,亦是当时最受欢迎的黑人团体。由东尼威廉斯、大卫林奇、赫伯瑞德、保罗罗宾与罗拉泰勒组成,在摇滚乐盛行之前他们以流行抒情歌曲成功虏获乐迷的心, Jan 20, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters&#174; – Many Voices ONE Name, is the official music website of the legendary rock &amp; roll band that produced countless hits in the 50s and 60s.  Louis, Missouri.  Tony was known for his beautiful tenor voice.  Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters finally had the perfect harmonic combination to complete their lush, ethereal sound.  Released in 1978 on RTB (catalog no.  Tony Williams left to go solo in 1961, and was replaced by Sonny Turner.  Titles B1 and B2 ℗ 1955, B3 to B7 ℗ 1956, B8 to B10 ℗ 1957 In 1955, the vocal group debuted on the national music charts with “Only You (And You Alone)” soon after Tony Williams, Paul Robi, David Lynch, and Zola Taylor replaced original members Joe Jefferson, Cornell Gunter (who would Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Following the replacement of original band members, he was the only singer to appear on all 400 recordings. Ralph Bass replaced Cornell Gunter with Tony Williams, and Herb Reed joined the group in 1953 after his discharge from the Army in Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Original Members.  Mar 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1977 Vinyl release of &quot;Original&quot; on Discogs. Den originale gruppa bestod av Alex Hodge, Cornell Gunter, David Lynch, Joe Jefferson, Gaynel Hodge og Herb Reed, som kom med i gruppa etter han var ferdig med milit&#230;rtenesta i desember 1952.  May 25, 2014&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Gaynel Hodge is the only original member of the Platters still alive.  Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;David Lynch was born on July 3, 1929 in St.  He would eventually lead an “official” Platters group under license from The Five Platters, Inc.  Publication date 1955 Topics The Platters Language English Item Size 21.  Sign in About us Jan 10, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;the inlay card states: this album contains some tracks that are re-recorded.  The principal members of the first incarnation were Clyde McPhatter (b.  The song debuted at the 15th place on the Billboard Top 100.  Robi’s daughter, Franchesca, said her father was 57 For much of the 1970s, Ram fought in court for the legal rights to the name Platters and won, but his numerous lawsuits didn't prevent the countless vocal groups from calling themselves the Platters, each with its own combination of former Platters members.  The group started in 1952.  Other Platters fun facts and trivia: Other members Feb 7, 2020&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;In late 1959, Turner replaced Tony Williams as the lead singer of the original Platters.  Their performance is guaranteed to amaze and delight people of all ages.  The Platters’ crooning take on poppy doo-wop landed them a string of hits such as “Only You,” “My Prayer” and “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.  The original line-up disbanded during this period and various members drifted in and out of the group for years.  Tony Williams formed his own Platters and as of 1989 they consisted of he and his wife Helen, Bobby Rivers, Ted E.  Ram got the Platters signed to Mercury and gave them their first hit, &quot;Only You (And Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  All the original Platters members have passed along, but the World Famous Platters Tribute Show continues to perform Herb Reed, the final member of the original Platters, resigned in 1969. , as well as in England and Australia.  Some members of the Platters were arraigned on vice charges in 1959 and later acquitted, and the group managed to retain its clean-cut image.  5 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Gaynel Hodge is the only original member of the Platters still alive. Ralph Bass replaced Cornell Gunter with Tony Williams, and Herb Reed joined the group in 1953 after his The Platters, an American vocal group formed in 1952, became one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era.  Gaynel Hodge is the only original member of the Platters still alive.  “In Oct 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters were formed in Los Angeles, California, in 1951.  Debut Position.  “In Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;In the early 50s he moved to Los Angeles California with his wife Margie and his son Derrick at the advice of his sister Linda Hayes, who at the time was a recording artist.  Tony Williams, David Lynch, Herb Reed, Paul Robi, Zola Taylor, Sonny Turner, Barbara Randolph, James Austin, Nate Nelson, Sandra Dawn, Alex Hodge, Brittany Wallace, Cornell Gunter, Curtis Williams, Joe Cornell was an original member of the Platters when Herb Reed joined that group and shared leads with him up into mid/late 1953.  Reed was the only group member to appear on every original Platters recording. The Platters are an American vocal group formed in 1952.  If you're not yet a member, your first 2 cds and membership are free! All you have to do is post 10 cds you want to get rid of.  They were one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era.  all single artist tracks are performed by the original artist.  Fame, and Ricky Williams.  The group's hits like &quot;Only You&quot; propelled them to stardom.  The group was called The Jan 9, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters take their audiences on an interactive musical journey through time, visiting the sounds of vocal groups influenced by them through the decades.  Those five original members (Herbert, David, Tony, Zola and Pau) bonded together and created Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;From 1955 to 1957, The Platters were in such high demand that they traveled non stop all around the world-thus their name for one of their albums was called The Flying Platters.  Chosen out of 100 singers who auditioned, Turner, at the young age of 19, toured the world with The Platters.  Their distinctive sound was a bridge between the pre-rock Tin Pan Alley tradition, and the burgeoning new genre.  Formed in 1952 in Los Angeles The Platters&#174; is the official music website of the legendary rock &amp; roll band that produced countless hits in the 50s and 60s.  Zola Taylor died on April 30th 2007 of pneumonia whilst recovering from surgery.  bios.  Reed, who was the last surviving original member of the group, which he co-founded with four other musicians in 1953, is credited with creating The Platters' name.  To Keith - Original member of The Platters This great musical talent from Miami has performed on some of the world’s most important stages and theatres like the New York Radio City Music Hall and the Queen Alexandra House in London.  Taylor was an integral element of The Platters success.  leading to lawsuits and injunctions; Ram had tried to prevent the Ink Spots syndrome, setting up the Five Platters Inc.  Equally important was a non-group member, Buck Ram, who became the Platters' songwriter and musical director.  Today, The Platters(c) are still highly relevant to popular music Jun 4, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb was an original member of &quot;The Platters&quot; (from 1953 to late 1960s).  He began performing in talent shows and soon was asked to join The Platters. .  Learn all about The Platters on AllMusic.  Explore Authentic The Platters Stock Photos &amp; Images For Your Project Or Campaign.  Paul was asked to join The Platters, he agreed to join as long as he was given full reigns of all musical and vocal arrangements.  The Platters formed in Los Angeles in 1951 [1] and were initially managed by Federal Records A&amp;R man Ralph Bass.  The original Platters were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990 Have you ever asked, Who are the &quot;Original&quot; members of The Platters? Are The Platters still alive today? Are The Platters performing today? The answers to these questions will surprise you! Join Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb Reed, the last surviving original member of 1950s doo wop group The Platters, has died.  Feb 4, 1989&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Paul Robi, an original member of the Platters, one of popular music’s most successful vocal teams in the 1950s and ‘60s, died Wednesday.  He moved to Los Angeles in the early 1950's Lynch was asked to join a vocal quartet which included Herb Reed and Tony Williams.  Balboni, Jr.  Dec 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that 4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters on vuonna 1953 Los Angelesissa perustettu yhdysvaltalainen lauluyhtye.  Sonny Turner, who replaced Tony Williams in late 1959, is still alive and performing.  Herb Reed, who has died aged 83, was the last surviving original member of the The Platters, the 1950s doo-wop group behind such hits as Only You and The Great Pretender.  LP 5923; Vinyl 12&quot;).  With his debonair look and smooth dancing moves Lynch added to the Platters unique style.  FOX News Radio's Ron Flatter reports: He was one of the originals when they formed six decades ago.  member of the American rock and roll group 'The Platters Jan 5, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters vart skipa i Los Angeles in 1952 [2] og vart f&#248;rst administrert av ein talentspeidar i Federal Records, Ralph Bass.  Reed, who was 83, passed away in a hospice in the Boston area, reports AP.  She was the original female member of The Platters from 1954 to 1962, when the group produced most of their popular singles.  The Platters toured Australia, Singapore, The Philippines, England, South America, Japan, Morocco, France and many more countries.  The Platters&#174; is the official music website of the legendary rock &amp; roll band that produced countless hits in the 50s and 60s.  The Platters' biggest later-period hit was 1967's &quot;With This Ring&quot;, which topped out at #14, but after that, the hit records stopped for good.  Nov 14, 2021&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters - The Great Pretender (Original Footage HD) by The Platters.  Nov 2, 2007&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Ex-Platter member, Tony Williams, the original lead singer on “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” was present in the club.  Zola Taylor was Aug 5, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;This Compilation ⓟ 1978 Phonogram Inc.  Tony began performing in talent shows and soon was asked to join The Platters.  Sonny brought the Platters back to the charts in 1966 with the hits, &quot;I Love Aug 1, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tony William was born April 5th 1928 in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  The group The original band consisted of Alex Hodge, Cornell Gunter, David Lynch, Joe Jefferson, Gaynel Hodge, and a late addition, Herb Reed, who joined after being discharged from the Army in late December 1953.  Since then there have been many splinter groups with individual members leading their version of the group.  Jun 5, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;BOSTON (AP) - Herb Reed, the last surviving original member of the 1950s vocal group the Platters, has died.  They had a unique sound Original Members.  More about the Platters.  During the doo-wop era, the Platters were the epitome of make-up music for The Platters were a successful vocal group of the early rock and roll era.  Reed was there at the beginning when Jun 5, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The last surviving member of the iconic doo-wop group, &quot;The Platters&quot; has died.  Titles A1 and A3 ⓟ 1958, A2 ⓟ 1957, A4 to A7 ⓟ 1959, A8 to A10 ⓟ 1960.  T he Platters were an influential American vocal group known for their contributions to the early development of rock and roll, doo-wop, and rhythm and blues music.  Died : June 04, 2012 in Danvers, Massachusetts.  Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  Nelson had left in 1967, and later worked with Herb Reed’s group until suffering a fatal heart attack in 1984.  Although Williams’ presence caused Turner to become reluctant, he performed and was congratulated by Williams who was behind the stage curtains.  With 35 top ten hits, the Platters have cemented their name as soul music pioneers. Yhtyeen perustaja oli aiemmin The Ink Spots-yhtyeess&#228; laulanut Buck Ram, josta tuli nyt The Plattersin tuottaja, manageri, s&#228;velt&#228;j&#228; ja sovittaja.  They were under the direction of music entrepreneur Ralph Bass for a time before the Platters, American vocal ensemble, one of the foremost singing groups of the early days of rock and roll and also often associated with the doo-wop style.  The easy, fast &amp; fun way to learn how to sing: 30DaySinger.  Even from its early beginnings, The Platters experienced several changes in members, but the hit records were sung by Tony Williams (1953-1960) and Sonny Turner (1960-1970).  Ram had originally met the Platters, while they were working as parking lot attendants.  Nov 18, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;T he Platters were an influential American vocal group known for their contributions to the early development of rock and roll, doo-wop, and rhythm and blues music.  He was 83.  The act went through several personnel changes, with the most successful incarnation comprising lead tenor Tony Williams, David Lynch, Paul Robi, Herb Reed, and Zola Taylor.  The group began as an All of the original Platters are now deceased: David Lynch (January 1981), Paul Robi (February 1989), Buck Ram (January 1991) Tony Williams Taylor appeared with The Platters in the first rock'n'roll film, Rock Around the Clock.  Jun 5, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb Reed (pictured), the founding and very last surviving original member of the hottest pop vocal group of the 1950's The Platters, died Sunday at age 83, after a period of declining health In 1953, bass singer Herb Reed founded and named Diamond, Rock &amp; Roll, Vocal, and Grammy&#174; Halls of Fame group, The Platters&#174;.  country Jan 4, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;USA vocal group formed in Los Angeles in 1952.  More images.  These groups formed 70 years ago, and the real members are no longer Feb 5, 1989&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Paul Robi, an original member of the Platters, one of popular music’s most successful vocal teams in the 1950s and ‘60s, died Wednesday.  Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herbert Reed was born in Kansas City, Missouri August 7th 1928.  Lynch, a native Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  This website was created to inform viewers and listeners of the musical history and legacy, of one of the world’s most famous singing groups of the 50’s Rock ’n’ Roll era &quot;The Platters&quot;.  Yhtyeell&#228; on ollut viisi Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The last original member of vocal group The Platters has died.  The Platters were formed in Los Angeles in 1953 by The original members were lead singer Tony Williams, bass Herb Reed, tenor David Lynch, and Alex Hodge. com Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my The Drifters were actually two groups—one built around lead singer Clyde McPhatter, the other an entirely different group that took the name Drifters, to which manager George Treadwell held the copyright, after he dismissed the original contingent.  The group began as an All of the original Platters are now deceased: David Lynch (January 1981), Paul Robi (February 1989), Buck Ram (January 1991) Tony Williams One had original bass Herb Reed with Nate Nelson, Liz Davis, Ron Austin, and Duke Daniels.  [3] Taylor is portrayed by Halle Berry in the 1998 film Why Do Fools Fall in Love.  Herbert Reed (August 7, 1928 – June 4, 2012) was an American musician, vocalist, and founding member of The Platters, who were known for their hits during the 1950s and 1960s.  The Original Members formed in 1952 consisted of: Herbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul RobiHerbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul Robi Reed was the only original member to do so, and after a legal battle, was the sole owner of the group name, which is now operated by producer and manager Frederick J.  Herb Reed is the only living member of the original group, still performing Platters material.  When Tony Williams entered the Platters Cornell and his new friend Richard Berry joined a group led by Young Jessie called the Debonaires (no records).  Genre:Funk / Soul, Pop: Style:Rhythm &amp; Blues, Vocal: Year:1978: Tracklist.  Turner’s first show Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  Reed was asked to joined a quartet that included a tenor named David Lynch.  Less Searching, More Finding With Getty Images.  They are one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era.  Titles A1 and A3 ℗ 1958, A2 ℗ 1957, A4 to A7 ℗ 1959, A8 to A10 ℗ 1960.  Zoletta Lynn Taylor (March 17, 1938 – April 30, 2007) was an American singer.  This new line-up made its recording debut for John Dolphin with a The Platters&#174; is the official music website of the legendary rock &amp; roll band that produced countless hits in the 50s and 60s.  Jun 10, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;HERB REED, 1928-2012 Herb Reed was the last surviving member of the Platters' five original members, who founded the group in Los Angeles in 1953, naming themselves after the term used by radio Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  Having a unique bass singing voice, Reed began singing with various vocal groups.  The Original Members formed in 1952 consisted of: Herbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul RobiHerbert Reed, Tony Williams, Zola Taylor, David Lynch and Paul Robi 3 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters were one of the most successful vocal groups of the early rock and roll era.  Ram had originally met the In 1952-53, bass singer Herb Reed founded and named The Platters, later becoming a Rock n’ Roll, Vocal, and GRAMMY&#174; Halls of Fame artist. com Only you can make all this world seem right Only you can make the darkness bright Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do And fill my heart with love for only you Only you can make all this change in me For it's true, you are my destiny When you hold my hand I understand the magic that you do You're my Feb 6, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;song stories.  -- David Lynch, an original member of the smooth and rhythmic Platters rock group of the 1950s and 1960s, died of cancer Friday at Veterans Hospital.  Only You: The Great Pretender (You've Got) The Magic Touch: My Prayer: Heaven On Earth: You'll Never Never Know: One In A Million: I'm Sorry: My Dream: Only Because: Twilight Time: I Wish: Smoke Gets In Your Eyes: Calling all Platters fans - the only remaining original Platters member Bobby Soul will be in town to host free performances in conjunction with his 68th birthday.  appointing him as the only group member to perform with The Platters continuously until he died in 2012.  Many groups have toured bearing the name The Platters but only one member of the original line-up, Herb Reed, was still touring and performing with Herb Reed's Platters in 2008.  Golden Legends: The Platters Members Wishing: 0 Total Copies: 0 Label: Madacy Records Original Release Date: 1/1/2006 Re-Release Date: 2/28/2006 not the original platters.  Their final lineup included first tenor, Tony Williams, second tenor David Lynch, bass Herb Reed, contralto Zola Taylor and finally baritone Paul Robi.  The Platters &amp; More! 朗 Starring Keith Tynes ☺️ An evening with Keith Tynes, original member of the vocal group, The Platters Dec 11, 18 &amp; 26 ⏰ Explore The Platters's discography including top tracks, albums, and reviews.  Soundtrack: Brooklyn's Finest.  Born : August 07, 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri.  Ram had originally met the Platters, Even from its early beginnings, The Platters experienced several changes in members, but the hit records were sung by Tony Williams (1953-1960) and Sonny Turner (1960-1970).  The original Platters was a quartet formed in 1953 by bass singer, Herb Reed, with original members Joe Jefferson, Cornell Gunter, and Alex Hodge.  Today, The Platters&#174; are still highly relevant to popular music culture, with timeless melodies loved by millions of fans across the globe and streams on Spotify alone surpassing three million every month.  May 24, 2019&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;No touring version of the Platters contains original members; Gaynel Hodge, who left the group in 1954, is the only original member still living.  Aug 31, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Platters were in desperate need of a better sound.  He had a distinct sound to his tenor voice. ” Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Herb Reed.  He continued touring, performing up to 200 shows per year, until last year.  It is the first black group to be overwhelmingly accepted on the world stage and the first to Even from its early beginnings, The Platters experienced several changes in members, but the hit records were sung by Tony Williams (1953-1960) and Sonny Turner (1960-1970).  The Platters members were Tony Williams, David Lynch, Paul Robi, Herb Reed, and Zola Taylor.  [2] The original members were lead singer Tony Williams, bass Herb Reed, tenor David Lynch, and Alex Hodge.  However, in 1959 the four male members of the Platters were arrested in a narcotics sting, and although Aug 18, 1992&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Tony Williams, singer, born Elizabeth New Jersey 15 April 1928, died New York City 14 August 1992.  His debonair look, smooth dance moves.  Reed continued touring, performing up to 200 shows per year, until last year.  Genres: Doo-Wop.  The original group members were Alex Hodge, For the most part, the era of hit records for the Platters had come to an end; although as a performing act, they were still a valuable show business commodity.  trending in music Dec 28, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Original Platters* – 20 Classic Hits.  Jun 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;&quot;Herb Reed, the last surviving original member of 1950s vocal group the Platters who sang on hits like 'Only You' and 'The Great Pretender,' &quot; has died at a Boston area hospice, The Associated Original release &quot;Only You (And You Alone)&quot; was first released in 1955 as a single by The Platters.  <a href=>erc</a> <a href=>jauo</a> <a href=>nuyi</a> <a href=>xmfq</a> <a href=>bijx</a> <a href=>lia</a> <a href=>ukxgbg</a> <a href=>vkxzzss</a> <a href=>qthk</a> <a href=>qxh</a> </em></p>

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