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id="content-social"> <ul> <li><span class="rss-but"></span></li> </ul> </div> <!--content-social--> </div> <!--main-top--> <div id="content-inner"> <div id="main"> <div class="breadcrumb"> <div id="crumbs"><br> <span class="current"></span></div> </div> <!--breadcrumb--> <h1 class="headline">Richmond sheriff inmate search. Example of the information you can find.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Richmond sheriff inmate search About Us Search for inmates incarcerated in Henrico County Regional Jail East, Barhamsville, Virginia. General Information: (803) 642-1761. The inmate's last name (full or partial). Henrico County is continuing to monitor operations at the city of Richmond’s water treatment plant due to the water di The Richmond County Sheriff's Office, a diverse organization of professional men and women, is the largest full-service Sheriff's Office in Georgia Richmond County Sheriff's Office Phone: Page (post) titleHomePage (post) title INMATE SEARCH INMATE VISITATION JAIL PROGRAMS SEARCH INMATE DATABASE 400-12. History & Mission To find out about older arrests, you may do an online Public Records Search using the instructions on this page. Patrol Division The Incarcerated Lookup allows users to search for information on individuals incarcerated within the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision. It serves cities and towns in Richmond County, accommodating Fort Bend County Jail Inmate Lookup. The Henrico sheriff’s department has a free, online tool to Ray County Jail Inmate Lookup. If known, provide the Once employment with the Henrico Sheriff’s Office is confirmed, pre-certified applicants attend a modified academy or in-service training to become familiar with the Henrico County Sheriff’s office operations and Race/Sex/Age. We would like to have at least 30 days advance notice. Fort Bend County Jail is located in Richmond, Texas, and serves as a county-level detention facility. If you discover any discrepancies regarding these records, please notify the Sheriff’s Office immediately. A third party posts a bond. Inmate Search. Inmate Search Tools. The county has approximately 2 jail facilities. Harlan Ave Evansville, IN 47711 . Family members and friends looking to locate an individual within the Richmond County Jail can use the Richmond County Sheriffs Office individual Using Online Inmate Search Tools. The City of Augusta and the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office provide access to current inmate information as a service to the general public. Crime and The Henrico County Sheriff's Department manages a most wanted list. Fort Bend County When engaging in an inmate search within Richmond County, New York, numerous details about individuals either incarcerated or freshly released can be found. To perform a search, enter one or both of the following information and click on the Search button. BU Sheriff. To search quickly, click on the button 'Filter Inmate List', enter an inmate's last name and submit. – 5:00 p. This is typically available on the main menu or under a tab labeled "Inmate Services" or similar. If not, feel free to call Aarrow Bail Bonds at 804-833-2785 for assistance. Visiting hours for Richmond Jail are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone. The Richmond County Sheriffs Department provides an online lookup tool that allows loved ones to locate detainees in the Richmond County Jail. As the site notes: The information that is viewable through this Online Inmate Inquiry application is made available for the convenience of the public. To Report a Non-Emergency: (803) 648-6811 (800) 922-9709 To find an inmate housed in the Wake County jail, use Wake County inmate search online. Henrico Sheriff **Please note: As per Sheriff's Office policy and practice, booking information will be available 24 hours AFTER a person has been booked** Searching on a name will search all inmates, past and present in the last two years. Google Maps Apple Maps (812) 421-6203. Step 2: Access Inmate Search Tool. They work with several By entering a few simple details, such as name or inmate number, you’ll be able to access accurate and up-to-date information on the incarcerated individual’s current location, charges, and more. 'W' is used for all female inmates. and 6:00 p. Henrico County is located in Virginia. This service has always been available. Richmond City Justice Center Inmate Search. Therefore, the Sheriff’s Office will not be held liable for any claims or damages arising from the public’s use of or To find inmates housed in North Carolina state prisons, use North Carolina Department of Public Safety inmate search online. com, a national inmate tracking resource. For more information, visit the Richmond County Sheriff's Office Website. CLOSE. About 147 corrections officers and staff members are also in charge of the jail’s daily operations and providing inmate safety Visitation is a privilege that is granted to the inmates housed in the Richmond County Jail. Housing Facility. Almost all county jails in America are staffed and managed by the county sheriff’s The Henrico County Department of Outreach & Engagement and partners will host a Winter policies, procedures, and laws governing inmate visitation are strictly enforced during all visits. Circuit Court (Felony) To search for an inmate in the Richmond County Webster Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the The Richmond City Sheriffs Office / Richmond City Jail maintains an updated online roster of detainees currently housed at the Henrico County Regional Jail West. Enter an inmate's last or first name in the search form and submit. com app and “Visit Now” feature Inmate’s Name and ID# Henrico County Jail East 17320 New Kent Highway Barhamsville, VA 23011 Money orders and certified checks are to be addressed to Henrico Sheriff’s Office Inmate Funds followed by the inmate’s commitment name (to include one of the following: middle name, prisoner identification number, social security number, or © 2023 • 114 E. Accessing the Inmate Search Tool. The West County Detention Facility, located in Richmond, California, is a medium-security jail managed by the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office. This repository, accessible at Richmond County VA Jail Tracker, allows users to seek currently held inmates at the site. The Wayne County Sheriff's Office is committed to serve and protect the Wayne County community, its citizens and their pursuit of a better, safer, place for all of us to live and raise our families. search by last name: choose starting letter: Disclaimer: Information contained on this website should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. 114 W. Search. Search by Name Richmond County Sheriff’s Office; Inmate Search Tool: Navigate to the "Inmate Lookup" section. Every effort is made to keep the information Call the Richmond Sheriff’s Office at (804) 646-4464. This can be done by visiting the Henrico County Inmate Search Page. Enter 420 Hampton Ave, NE. For inquiries, you can reach the Richmond County Jail via phone at 718 815-8407. Then click on the offender number of a result to obtain inmate details like status, current location, offense and projected release date. Navigate to Inmate Search: Find and click on the 'Inmate Search' or 'Jail' section. Inmates who are not under VADOC custody will not appear in the search results. 340 Campbell Ave SW, Roanoke, VA 24016 (540) 853-2941 Office Hours: 8:00AM-4:30PM. Use this website for informational purposes only. 2. County Administration Building 1 South Main St. CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members. The second section features the InmateAid Inmate Search tool, providing a user-generated database of inmates. 586-469-5100. Richmond County Jail Inmate Roster Search. 'A' and 'R' denote male inmates, with the vast majority of male inmates using 'A' prefix. The Richmond City Sheriffs Office / Richmond City Jail maintains an updated online roster of detainees currently housed at the Henrico County Regional Jail East. Hours. - OR - Option 2: You can search the inmate database by selecting an identifier from the drop down list, or entering a value in the field provided. The Ray County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate lookup service for the public to access information about incarcerated individuals. This facility primarily houses pre-trial detainees and inmates serving short sentences, providing essential services to those in Information provided in this section is related to Richmond County Jail detainee’s criminal charges and bond information. To visit an inmate at this facility, you will need to get in touch with the Sheriff’s Office at (910) 895-3232. If you require information concerning an inmate’s specific charge, court case or bond type, you must contact the court of jurisdiction for the most up to date information. To begin an inmate search, visit the Richmond City Sheriff's Office website. Rockingham, NC 28379. We will accomplish this through a unified effort providing the best practices in all of our law enforcement responsibilities and To utilize the Inmate Search page on InmateAid, begin by selecting the relevant prison facility in Virginia. The Sheriff is not liable for any loss, cost, damage or expense arising directly or indirectly from reliance on the Click here to learn about the ways the Sheriff's Office interacts with the community. Step 1: Access the Inmate Search Page. The website will search the database and provide results for your search. Wayne County Sheriff Inmate Search. Posting Bonds. Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff | 1850 Muir Road, Martinez, CA 94553 | Office: (925) 655-0000 | Dispatch: (925) 646-2441 | TTY: 711 He has served in the Richmond County Jail as a detention officer/supervisor, patrol division as a patrol deputy, dayshift and night-shift patrol supervisor, Chief Deputy Sheriff, which consisted of managing the day-to-day operations and budget for the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office and Detention Center for the last ten years until the Jail West serves as the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office headquarters, holding the administrative offices for the Sheriff’s Office which include the Sheriff and his command staff. To conduct an inmate search, visit the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office’s official website and click The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for operating and managing the Richmond County Jail. Access inmate records, booking details, and custody status updates from Richmond correctional facilities. Booking Number. No recording devices of ANY kind are permitted in the Richmond County Detention Center without prior approval by the Jail Administrator. The following information is an automatic report produced by the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office database system. Richmond City Jail is the main arresting and processing jail for all of Richmond City and is operated by the local sheriff. Some systems may also allow searches using other Richmond City Sheriff's Office City of Richmond. Search Tools: Last Name: First Name: Gender: DOB (yyyy) Search Results Occupant Details The Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office cannot guarantee that the information on the site is accurate. Booking # First Name Middle Name Last Name Date Inmate Search for Richmond - Jails in Virginia. The system will provide their Click here to learn about the ways the Sheriff's Office interacts with the community. - OR - Option 2: You can search the inmate database by selecting an Most jails in Richmond have online inmate locator tools on their official websites. To search for a detainee: Ray County Jail Attn: Inmate Name and Booking Number 301 East Richmond Street Richmond, MO 64085. The Fort Bend County Jail in Richmond, Texas, is a medium-security detention center operated by the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office. Irving to attend your event to speak or to be a guest please fill out the event form and state what your requests are. The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) operates all If you face difficulties or need further assistance, contact a law enforcement officer at the Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office at 804-748-1476 for guidance. Go. Navigating to the ‘inmate search’ section. The staff can provide additional help and clarify any issues related to the inmate search Search. Richmond Inmate search tool available 7/16/2018, 10 a. 5555 Giant Hwy, Richmond, CA 94806, United States. City & County Visit the official website of the Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office. VINELink. Search inmates in AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY Jail. Case dispositions or charge information may be researched by contacting the charging agency or the Clerk of the appropriate court. Jail Inmate Search This page provides access to our inmate search tool, allowing you to find current inmates in our facility. state of South Carolina. Information on how to locate an inmate. Franklin Street, Suite 105 Rockingham, NC 28379 • Questions? (910) 895-3232 Powered by revize. Webster Detention Center, is a medium-security correctional facility operated by the Richmond County Sheriff's Office in Augusta, Georgia. , the Government Website Experts Login Powered by Sheriff Eugene Brantley. A Henrico County inmate search can provide a requestor with physical descriptive information, as well as incarceration details, trial information, and sentencing details about an inmate. The facility houses Male Offenders who are convicted for crimes which come under Virginia state and federal laws. The Henrico County Sheriff's Office does not warrant the accuracy or correctness of the information or data contained on this website. 3. You can search by date of booking. If you would like Sheriff Antionette V. The tool offers comprehensive details, including the current whereabouts of For general custody related questions and help with inmate location, call: (213) 473-6100 For Healthcare Concerns which require immediate assistance, please call the medical command center at: (213) 893-5544 Inmate Lookup. , 10/25/1980) Gender: The Richmond County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate lookup tool, which is the most direct way to find information about inmates. For example, a visitor may “loan” an ink pen so an inmate can sign a document but may not “give” it to the inmate and MUST retrieve the ink pen or other item from the inmate prior to ending the visit. Richmond County New York Sheriff’s Departments and Jails. Henrico County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO Inmate Search) 4317 E Parham Rd, Henrico, VA 23228 Phone: (804) 501-4581 Website Inmate Search Jail Info. To initiate an inmate search, navigate to the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office official website. Richmond jail staffing shortage blamed for rise in injured deputies, inmates; Richmond sheriff blames staffing challenges for city jail’s violence; Federal lawsuit filed over tear-gassing of inmates at Richmond Justice Center; Search for inmate population in Durham County and access public information provided by the Durham County Sheriff's Office. The inmate's first name Enter an inmate's name or arrest date in the search form and submit to lookup quickly. Locate the inmate record and click on word View to the right of the record. Esta aplicación no sustituye su derecho de obtener una traducción profesional provista por la Ciudad de Richmond como parte del Plan de Acceso a Lenguaje. The Henrico County Sheriff's Office does not provide case dispositions or charge information. More information about their programs can be found on the Richmond County Sheriffs Office website. For accurate matches, please search by only one field at a time. This tool is specifically tailored for individuals detained Search for inmates in Richmond, VA. Late arrival may constitute the cancellation of your reservation. Webster Detention Center at 1941 Phinizy Road. The first step in the process is to access the official Henrico County Sheriff’s Office inmate search tool. Informal & Formal Richmond City Council Meetings - January 13, 2025 at 4:00 p. Website by Searches by Number should be used if the offender number is known. The Office uses the “GettingOut” application. Richard Roundtree, Sheriff Richmond County Sheriff’s Office 400 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30901 Phone: 706-821-1000 Fax: 706-821-1064 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a. Call the jail at 706-821-1110 Inmate Search. Richmond, Va. By utilizing the link provided, you are leaving the Alachua County Sheriff's Office website. To find out about possible arrests within the past 12 hours, you may To search for an inmate in the Northern Neck Regional Jail - Richmond, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail INMATE SEARCH This search feature for inmates at the Alachua County Sheriff's Office Department of the Jail is hosted on another website. Mount Clemens, MI 48043. Inmate Video Visitation Information is provided to assist detainees and family members of individuals detained at the Richmond County Jail to communicate with each other more effectively. Print Records Search. Showing 301 to 400 of 2115 Name In Custody Multiple Bookings Henrico County Jail Inmate Information Search Options Please search by last name: The Henrico County Sheriff's Office does not warrant the accuracy or correctness of the information or data contained on this website. Clicking on any of the Richmond or city facilities below will direct you to an information page with Inmate Search, Visitation, Mail, Phone, Email, Court cases, Most Wanted, Recent Arrests, Bail/Bond and more. Records Per Page: All defendants are presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law. Richmond County Jail, officially called Charles B. Free listing of inmates in county jails in Augusta, Georgia. The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office provides an online tool to search for active arrest warrants. Call the jail at 706-798-5572 A Richmond sheriff’s deputy has been charged with misdemeanor assault of an inmate at the City Jail. You can search by or inmate ID number. Chesterfield County Sheriff Att: Visiting the Richmond County Sheriffs Department website website or reaching out to them via 910-997-8283. 02 PREA Investigation Procedures This database is offered by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a service to the public and members of the Fulton County justice system. Gaston County Sheriff’s Office 425 Dr. To retrieve inmate records locally, contact the New York City Department of Correction, which handles data for all NYC boroughs Meet the Sheriff Command Staff Divisions Our Mission Organization Chart Grants. To find an inmate in Fort Bend County jail, use Fort Bend County inmate search. Please note that all offender numbers are 6 digits, no spaces or hyphens. The Richmond City Sheriff’s Office administers the Richmond City Justice Center and offers an online inmate discovery utility. Utilizing the provided search options to find the jailed individual by their name. Go to the Richmond County Sheriff's Office website. Glenn Detention Center is an essential part of the Criminal Justice System in Richland County, South Carolina. Address: 1701 Fairfield Way. The jail is operated by the Henrico County Sheriff's Office. Ray County Jail, located in Richmond, Missouri, is a medium-level correctional facility managed by the Ray County Sheriff's Department. You can search for arrests and warrants here. Madison County Jail Inmate Lookup. © 2023 • 114 E. Obtaining detainee data at the Henrico County facility can be done through multiple avenues, both online and offline. Sheriff's Office. Para solicitar una traducción llame al centro de servicio Learn about Chesterfield County VA Jail (804-748-1476): bail info, inmate communication, phone services, and sending magazines or books. FIND A FACILITY. The VA Northern Neck Regional Jail - Richmond inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. The Henrico County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate search tool that allows the public to search for incarcerated individuals. Fax: (910) 997-8387 To obtain an inmate's id number please look at the current inmate list by logging onto the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office website, Find jail inmates in Richmond, KY with our inmate search tool. Close. Access the Official Inmate Search Tool. Safeguarding life and property is our highest priority. Name. You can search for The Alvin S. Then select a result to get inmate details like mugshot, arrest date, charge, bail type and amount. The Process of Inmate Search The inmate search at the Richmond County Jail is facilitated through an online system provided by the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. © 2017 Marion County Sheriff's Office • Physical Address: 692 NW 30th Ave • Ocala, FL 34475 • (352) 732-8181 • Mailing Address: PO Box 1987, Ocala, FL 34478 • Perform a free Richmond County, New York inmate records search, including jail rosters, persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshot lookups, and active booking logs. Wayne County Sheriff’s Office (313) 833-0864 ; 5301 Russell Street Detroit, MI 48211 ; Wayne County Sheriff Connect Wayne County Jail Inmate Search. Search results include incarcerated person’s name, CDCR number, age, current location, commitment counties, admission date, Board of Parole Hearing dates and outcomes. Website Accessibility Info. This list includes individuals who have outstanding warrants and are considered a priority due to the severity of their alleged crimes. Franklin Street, Suite 105. To email an inmate: 1) Enter the First and Last name only OR Booking number only; 2) select the SEARCH button; 3)Scroll down and verify inmate information found is correct; Contra Costa Sheriff, CA Home Menu. The When inmates are incarcerated, we provide them with services that correspond with the Sheriff's goal to provide a safe and humane environment for those entrusted to our care and for the staff who admi. Richmond County Arrest Warrants Search Active Arrest Warrants Sheriff's Office; Social Services; Voter Registration and Elections; Henrico County is continuing its efforts to support operations at the city of Richmond’s water treatment facility whil ] Continue reading Henrico crews flush lines in eastern areas of county, maintain presence at Richmond plant This data search tool will help you Ray County Jail Inmate Lookup. The website will search the database It will allow the public to search by the individual’s last name, first name, and inmate identification number to check if an individual is in our custody. The Richmond County Sheriff’s Office West County Jail Inmate Lookup. A county sheriff’s office or court clerk will be able to give access to them. Any and all information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not a determination of guilt or innocence. Henrico County Arrest Warrants Search. SHERIFF’S COMMENTS – BOS Agenda Item 16 on 11/10/2020 Sheriff Alex Villanueva briefly discusses several accomplishments, to correct misinformation that is being shared related to the Board of Supervisors Meeting- Richmond County Sheriff’s Office Information. Circuit Court (Felony) 804-646-6505 400 N 9th St Richmond, VA 23219 Almost all jurisdictions consider jail logs to be public records. The VA Richmond City Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. --> Last Name : (mandatory) First Name: Date of Birth : (Ex. It is updated once per The Richmond County NY Sheriff's Office is responsible for law enforcement duties, managed by deputies and administrative staff. This The VA Chesterfield County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. Visitation hours, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. Contact us. This may be accomplished through friends, family or bonding companies. To search for an inmate in the Henrico County Jail East, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 804-501-4581 The Solano County’s Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) has provided this inmate locator as a public service to promote public safety and welfare while providing access to selected offender information. In addition to our inmate search tool, we offer a wealth of resources to help you navigate the complex world of the Virginia correctional system. Richmond City Sheriff's Office City of Richmond. Look them up on vinelink. Richmond City Jail: Visit the Richmond The City of Augusta and the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office provide access to current inmate information as a service to the general public. Sheriff's Headquarters & General Information. Wayne County Jail Address: 200 E Main Street, Richmond, Indiana 47374 Phone: (765) 973-9397 West County Detention Facility (WCDF), located in Richmond, is a direct supervision jail designed to operate as a co-educational, program-oriented facility. The website hosts an inmate search database that allows users to search by the individual’s first name, last name, This new service allows the public to search an inmate’s last name, first name or ID number to verify if an individual is in custody. These tools allow you to search for inmates by name or ID number. Locate and click on the ‘Inmate Search’ or Richmond County Sheriff's Office, 400 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30901. Racine Inmate Locator. A prefix, 'A', 'R', or 'W', must be used to search by offender number. Every effort is made to keep the information provided through this Online Inmate Inquiry application accurate and up-to-date. More information Please click on the link below to use the JailTracker program to look up an inmate. Parks. Way, Gastonia, NC 28052 CALL 704-869-6800 Richmond Police Department (RPD Inmate Search) (804) 646-5100 200 West Grace Street Richmond, VA 23220 Website Inmate Search. Enter the inmate's full name or a partial name in the designated field. Select a row to obtain inmate details like arrest date, next Hopefully, the inmate search sites listed on this page will prove useful to you. To facilitate a search for inmate records, however, a requestor must provide details that help record custodians find the right records. You can access this resource to utilize This site will provide the public with search options and information for each inmate Richmond, Va. Required Information: Input the inmate’s first name, last name, or booking number if available. ©2024 Clayton County Government 112 Smith Street| Jonesboro, GA 30236 Chesterfield County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Chesterfield County are Angelus, Cash, Cheraw, Chesterfield, Jefferson, Marlboro County, McBee, Middendorf, Minden, Mount Croghan, Pageland, Patrick, Ruby Chesterfield County is a county located in the U. PREA addresses both inmate-to-inmate The California Incarcerated Records & Information Search (CIRIS) is an online tool to lookup individuals in CDCR custody. S. (7/10/18) – The Richmond City Sheriff’s Office has launched an inmate search database on the Richmond City Sheriff’s Office website. Monday - Friday Fort Bend County Jail Inmate Roster Search. This portal provides access to various services and information related to the county jail. Contact Us Contact Us. pet adoption. The Madison County Detention Center, located at 107 West Irvine Street in Richmond, Kentucky, is a medium-security facility operated by the Madison County Sheriff's Office. Option 1: You can search the inmate database by entering the first and last name in the text boxes provided. Aiken SC 29801 Dial 9-1-1 For Emergencies. Start your search now. Phone: (706) 821-1000 Fax: (706) 821-1064. The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office has several special units, including: SWAT team; K-9 unit; Marine patrol unit; Honor guard unit; Mounted patrol unit; Henrico County Arrest Warrants Search. Visit the Website: Go to the Richmond County Sheriff's Office website. About Us Biography Message Request-Event Inmate Search. Submitted by Click here to learn more about careers with the Sheriff's Department. Enter an inmate's last & first name in the search form below and submit. To schedule an appointment to see the Sheriff or any other Inmates are housed at the Charles B. Main: (910) 895-3232. Accessing the Inmate Inquiry Tool This tool allows users to search for inmates currently held in the Henrico County Jail by entering specific details. The Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate lookup service that allows the public to search for information on incarcerated individuals. Every effort is made to keep information provided over the internet accurate and up-to-date. All persons charged with a criminal offense, and detained in the Richmond County Jail, are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Richmond County Sheriff’s Office. If you cannot find the inmate, please contact Wayne County jail to help you. Henrico County Jail Inmate Lookup. Look them up on the official jail inmate roster. The Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office protects the life and property of Chesterfield County citizens in South Carolina. You can reach the jail by calling 804-646-4464. This strategy ensures that one can get up-to-date information about the location of the inmate. To use this Web Part, you must use a browser that supports this element, such as Internet Kern County Sheriff's Office. Elections. The search is achievable by the inmate’s name Search for an inmate's location and release date if they are incarcerated and under the custody of the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC). Care Packages. Richmond, VA 23223 USA Email: Ask The Sheriff Fax: (804)646-4291. Will Hall 07/17/2018 at 6:49 PM. To search for an inmate, you will need their full legal name, birthdate, or inmate ID number. These jails serve a range of purposes, including detention of individuals awaiting trial, incarceration of those serving short-term sentences, and housing of those serving longer sentences for more serious criminal offenses. Law Enforcement Center 400 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30901. 01 PREA Zero Tolerance Policy 400-12. You can search inmates that are currently County Jail Inmate Information. Locate an inmate. To view inmate visiting instructions, click HERE. Law Enforcement Training Center Records & ID Volunteer Services CCW Sitemap Contact Us Webmaster ADA Accessibility. For inmate housing details, use our inmate locator to find their location within the state, as inmates are typically not held at this office. Get support and assistance today. The website is provided as an informational service only and does not constitute and should not be relied upon as an official record of the SCSO. The page allows you to see if a person is currently an inmate in the Alachua County Jail. This allows you to view the current list of inmates housed at Richmond County VA Jail. The inmate roster displays inmates currently incarcerated at the Wake County jail facility. Henrico County Sheriff’s Office; Virginia Inmate Lookup; Richmond County Inmate Search: Click Here: 804-333-3611: PO Box 115, Warsaw, VA, 22572: Roanoke County Inmate Search: Click Here: 540-283-3145: 401 East Main Street, Salem, VA, 24153: Roanoke Independent City County Inmate Search: The Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office protects the life and property of Chesterfield County citizens in South Carolina. Do NOT take any official action based on this data without first contacting the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office The Henrico County Sheriff’s Office offers virtual visitation for those wishing to visit with an inmate. Booking To Date. In Custody. Locate the "Inmate Search" link in the "Services" section of the homepage. Which includes arrest reports, court dockets, and jail custody logs working with direct tools. Deputy Jermaine Dove, 37, was arrested Monday and released on his own recognizance. The CBWDC, a pod-style detention center, opened in 1997 and was originally designed to alleviate the Bond Out Inmate Visitor Info Jail Facilities Attorney Info The current browser does not support Web pages that contain the IFRAME element. The facility houses up to 1,096 inmates within the confines of five separate housing units; four for males, one for females. m. The jail is operated by the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office, providing incarceration for individuals awaiting trial or serving short-term sentences. Please reach out to 804-674-3000, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to The Richmond County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate search tool to help you find an inmate currently housed in the Richmond County Jail. Henrico County Sheriff’s Locations. Search Search Inmate To speed the search process, enter as much information as possible. Footer menu Inmate Search. Jail Inquiry. You can get inmate information like mugshot, arrest date, charge, bond type and amount. Conducting the The Richmond County Sheriff's Office, a diverse organization of professional men and women, is the largest full-service Sheriff's Office in Georgia Richmond County Sheriff's Office Phone: How do I find an inmate that is in the Richmond County Webster Detention Center? There are seven ways to find an inmate in Richmond County or the Richmond County Webster Detention Center: 1. Your already scheduled reservation will be affected in such a case of relocation or other Click here to learn about the ways the Sheriff's Office interacts with the community. Record of an arrest is NOT an indication of guilt. Booking From Date. Utilize the Inmate Search Tool: Click on the "Inmate Search" link to access the inmate search page. If you need help searching for inmates, please contact Fort Bend County jail. This system is designed to offer up-to-date and accurate information about inmates housed at the facility. » Staff » Links. Wayne County Sheriff Inmate Inquiry. The facility houses a diverse population, including Richmond County Sheriff’s Office; North Carolina Inmate Lookup; Alamance County Inmate Search: Click Here: 336-570-6317: 109 South Maple Street, Graham, NC, 27253: Albemarle County Inmate Search: Click Here: 252-335-4844, 252-335-0063: 210 Executive Drive, Elizabeth City, NC, 27909: Inmate ID: 000505873: Full Name: ERIN ELIZABETH ANN STROTMAN : Booking Date: 1/3/2025 1:14:00 AM: Projected Release Date: Facility: JAIL WEST: Next Court Date: The Henrico County Sheriff's Office does not warrant the accuracy or correctness of the information or data contained on this website. Local Inmate Records: Police or Sheriff Sources. Patrick Clayton, Chief Deputy Richmond County Sheriff’s Office 400 Walton Way Richmond County VA Jail is a Medium security level County Jail located in the city of Warsaw, Virginia. The Sheriff's Department maintains an online Henrico County Warrant lookup system. Martin Luther King Jr. Official Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff | 1850 Muir Road, Martinez, CA 94553 | Office: (925) 655-0000 | Dispatch: (925) 646-2441 | TTY: 711 Sheriff; About us; Jail services; Locate an inmate Locate an inmate. , the Government Website Experts Login Obtain inmate records and particulars in Henrico County, Virginia. Roanoke City Adult Detention Center Detention Center (R) Roanoke City Jail Inmate Search. To find out about possible arrests within the past 12 hours, you may Searching for an inmate in Georgia? Look no further! This detailed Richmond County inmate search directory will allow you to find the incarcerated individual you are searching for. Example of the information you can find. Arrest Date. Sheriff. Here's a detailed guide on how to use the inmate For questions regarding an inmate's bond status, call 804-748-1476. The information provided by this search tool is not intended for official law enforcement or criminal justice use. For those who How do I find an inmate that is in the Richmond County Correctional Institution? There are seven ways to find an inmate in Richmond County or the Richmond County Correctional Institution: 1. Subject Number. The system will provide information on an individual’s charges, booking date, bond The Richmond City Justice Center maintains its inmate lookup system, accessible through the Richmond City Sheriff’s Office website. Using the Gettingout. RELEVANT SEARCHES: Redistricting. 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