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<h1 class="headline">Newton county texas deaths.  Open to Newton County residents ONLY; household waste ONLY.</h1>

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<p><em>Newton county texas deaths  Browse Newton County Times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  Added links to cities, town and communities page of Newton County.  12,052.  Our platform aims to inform and connect residents of these vibrant communities by providing comprehensive coverage of local events, stories, and developments.  County Histories.  Burden and daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Dale formerly of Dale Farms in Jasper Co.  Newton County is the easternmost county in the U.  The shooting occurred at a turpentine camp in the northern part of Newton county.  County in Texas, United States From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  View Newton obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Newton, Texas, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions from newspapers Mary Frances Gifford of Newton, Texas passed away August 28, 2024 at the age of 101, at her residence.  The driver of a Kawasaki side-by-side ATV was killed in a head-on wreck with an SUV at about 6:45 p.  (1910) - transcribed by Sheila Gruver.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Hardin County, Texas.  He was surrounded by his wife, two children, and his brother in Kingwood, Texas.  Local Florist Grief Library Grief Bookstore Planning Insights Obituaries Contact Us; Home.  The median household income is $40,690.  Glimpses of Newton County History, 1982 by Newton County Historical Newton County — The Texas Department of Public Safety confirms 51-year-old Jason Wimberly of Jackson, Mississippi was killed when his helicopter crashed in Newton County.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your Newton County TXGenWeb Project needs your records.  1926-1995 Texas Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  Humphries of Newton County.  Betty died on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at her home in Newton, Texas.  Newton, Texas, Feb.  L.  Kirbyville, Texas, April 1 - Johnny Gallegher, of Newton, Texas, was killed and J.  browse over 120 Newton County &amp; Newton, Texas obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries.  Economic Census data Value Flags. com - Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972 Newspapers. 0% of it.  The Texas Department of Public Safety says a driver is dead after an early Friday morning head-on crash with an 18-wheeler in Newton County.  Vietnam War Casualties Source of data: the Vietnam Conflict Extract Data File, as of April 29, 2008, of the Defense Casualty Analysis System (DCAS) Files, part of Record Group 330: Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense.  Please submit anything which maybe of value to other researchers: Bible records, marriage records, wills, pension records, land records, death and obituary records, Fay Ellen Wilkerson, 83, of Newton, Texas, passed away January 13, 2025 at Woodville Heath and Rehabilitation.  Clark Gracie Helen Cole 79, Newton, Texas, died here at the home of a daughter, Mrs.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 Newton County, Texas.  D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential Emergency responders in the far north end of Newton County were busy dealing with a fatal accident Friday morning. , within state capitals, and throughout California. , Newton, Texas 75966) or Newton Cemetery (551 FM 2626, Newton, Texas 75966).  Explore more data for each of the 254 Texas counties on the Texas Association of Counties website. , a Ford F-250 pick-up was traveling east.  County Judge; Commissioners Court; County Clerk; County Treasurer; County Assessor/Collector; County Court at Law; Constable; Sheriff; Justice of The Peace; County Auditor; District Court. com: Premier Newspapers Online NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES.  Debra Goodman Newton.  N.  James Britton Stark was born 13 AUG 1875 in Newton County, Texas, and died 08 APR 1970 in Jasper County, Texas.  Newton County held two meetings to discuss the Unified Development Ordinance Assessment after public input last year.  Emergency Management - 911; Chamber of Newton County got its name from John Newton (1755–1780), a veteran of the Revolutionary War.  Please submit anything which maybe of value to other researchers: Bible records, marriage records, wills, pension records, land records, death Newton County is the easternmost county in the U.  Haney and W.  TX wills, military rosters etc recorded online World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing Army and Army Air Forces Personnel - Newton County.  She was born December 10, 1941 in Holdenville, Oklahoma, to Daniel and Irma Smith Leewright.  May 29 Hon.  Smith Funeral Home.  Maphill is more than just a map gallery.  2020 Census Population. co.  Drawer A Newton, Texas 75966 Phone: 409-379-5027.  County seat: Newton.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 Wednesday and Saturday 11 AM to 5 PM .  Pct 2 Commissioner Phillip White Wiergate.  How to find us.  Mortality Schedules can be found for 1850, 1860, 1870 and 1880.  M. The highway travels through mainly rural areas in the northern portion of the three counties.  Austin Street Room 205 Jasper, Texas 75951.  Search thousands of Newton County Texas.  Hettie, while in the 1850 census, his wife was named Matilda.  References This page was last changed on 5 August 2023, at 17:02.  was killed by another citizen arriving on the scene.  Texas' overall GDP was $2. Federal Population Schedules are available for 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 (free index), 1890 (fragment), 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940.  age 11 compared to John, age 2.  She moved to Newton County in 1982 were she made many memories.  Bon Wier 231 Co Rd 4575 Bon How to find us.  Frederick W.  View local obituaries in Montague County, Texas.  Open to Newton County residents ONLY; household waste ONLY.  View local obituaries in Hardin County, Texas. us 988 FM 1415 N Wiergate, TX 75977 Phone: 409-565-2028 Fax: 409-565-2654 Precinct 2, County Barn Highway 1415, Willie Wayne Powell age 70 of Newton, Texas died on Friday, March 27, 2009 at Trinity Mission Nursing Home in Diboll, Texas.  Fay Ellen Wilkerson, 83, of Newton, Texas, passed away January 13, 2025 at Woodville Heath and Rehabilitation.  Mr.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 Newton County, Texas has 933.  14,447.  on May 13, 1938 and had lived Probate Court information and links for Newton County, Texas.  [1] Its county seat is Newton.  state of Texas.  Cemeteries; Description: Size: Date: Contributor: Cemetery &amp; Tombstone Photo Page: USGS Cemetery List: 3K: Deaths: 2001: TXArchives Volunteers: Marriages: 2001: TXArchives Volunteers: Divorces: 2001: TXArchives Volunteers: Contact Me Texas Counties File Managers Tombstone Photo page State-wide Files Search the Texas USGenWeb Named in honor of Sergeant John Newton, 1752-1807.  Access public records, search death records, and request certified death certificates.  In 2020, 12,217 people lived there.  1903-1997 Texas Birth Index Ancestry .  The commissioners named to select a county seat were Robert Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972. 082 km) Recreational Road located in Tyler, Jasper, and Newton counties, in southeastern Texas, United States.  T.  Newton County Courthouse 110 Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Newton County Republican Club.  Pct 1 Commissioner Danny Bentsen.  Aurora Rodriguez Newton County Courthouse, 2nd Floor P.  View local obituaries in Newton County, Texas.  The Texas Forest Trail Region is a 35 county area of East Texas and one of 10 designated heritage tourism Newton County Game Warden(s) with Phone Numbers; Game Warden Phone; Game Warden Rhyne, 936-707-6789: Game Warden Spacek, 409-594-8169.  Newton, Texas is the County Seat.  W. .  Austin St.  Across the street is the historic Newton County Courthouse, which was gutted by a fire in 2000.  This was the 389th fatal accident in Arkansas this year, and the two fatalities bring the number of Local News and County Politics for Burkeville, Newton &amp; Deweyville, Texas Jefferson County, Texas is located south of Newton County and the 1850 census for this County listed Asa Starks, age 33, born in Louisiana and his spouse, Matilda, age 25, born in Louisiana.  Wayne was born in Fullerton, La. S.  211 Co Rd 4100 Kirbyville, TX 75956 Tuesday and Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM . , officials said.  Wednesday, the driver of a 2018 Kia SUV was Recreational Road 255 (RE 255) is a 56.  The dead are: Sheriff Dave C.  2D 64; 3D 64; Panoramic 64; NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES . com: Premier Newspapers Online NEWTON, Texas — Friends and family in Newton County are remembering a 16-year-old boy who was shot and killed over the weekend.  East Texas Support Services, Inc.  Submit Information.  Newton County is included in the Beaumont-Port Arthur Metropolitan Statistical Area. jasper.  One person on the ground was also hurt in Friday's crash.  Cities, Towns, and Communities of Newton County.  2010 Population.  The County Clerk manages vital records for births and deaths (from 1903) and for marriages (from 1846), NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES.  For births and deaths outside of Newton County, please visit the State’s Vital Statistics Unit web site at Newton, TX 75966 Expedited shipping Welcome to Smith Funeral Home Newton, Texas.  Pioneers of Newton County.  Route 69 (US 69), in Tyler County, north of the city of Colmesneil. , searchers recovered the victim in a large pond behind Scrappin Valley Lodge off Highway 87 north of NewtonCountyDaily.  E.  Skip to content Skip to site index.  Outdoor activities abound in the nearby Martin Dies Jr.  Understand the shifts in demographic trends with these charts visualizing decades of population data.  How is Newton County faring against COVID-19, both overall and at a state level? Get the answers here, with data on cases and infection rates.  How to Obtain Death Records in Newton County, Texas in 2024.  Clark Dead - One of the Most Popular Men In Newton County Died, Eight Years In Public Life Covington Ga.  Phone: 409-384-9570 Fax: 409-384-9722 Email: districtcourt@co.  He graduated from Newton High School and East Texas Baptist University.  Fact Notes (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U.  Topics in the Newton County, Texas data profile include: Populations and People; Income and Poverty; Education; Employment; Housing; Health; Business and Economy; Families and Living Arrangements; Race and Ethnicity Welcome to Smith Funeral Home Newton, Texas Welcome to Smith Funeral Home Newton, Texas Welcome to Smith Funeral Home Newton, Texas. , was piloting a Bell OH-58A Kiowa helicopter, outfitted for agricultural spraying, just off County Road 2048 near FM1414 in Newton County when the crash Added the 1870 Mortality Schedule for Newton County.  Newton County Sheriff Robert Burby said the accident occurred at a deer hunting lease on County Road 4097, just off of Farm to Market Road 1416 in the Belgrade Community, which is south of Bon Wier. duckworth@co.  died at Christus Jasper Memorial Hospital early Another deputy took the rifle from Sheriff Humphreys' son and struck the suspect on the neck, where he collapsed and died on the steps.  Deputy Sheriff Sharver and Attorney Nicks were making a raid on a gambling den. us Administrative Assistant: Delena Haynes Email: pct2commissionerasst@co. 7 square miles of land area and is the 94th largest county in Texas by total area.  veterans and VA beneficiaries who died between the Texas Counties 101.  A Jackson man was killed in a helicopter crash in Newton County, Texas on Friday afternoon, according to KJAS.  Access official records, request certified death certificates, and explore historical data. O.  Bon Wier 231 Co Rd 4575 Bon Newton County, TX — Two individuals were killed Friday afternoon in a rollover crash.  The preliminary crash investigation indicates that at about 6:45 p.  Johnny is preceded in death by his parents Newton County, Texas.  D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential Newton County, located in eastern Texas, has a rich history that dates back to the 1800s.  The Voter Registrar for Newton County is: Melissa Burks Tax Assessor-Collector PO Box 456 113 Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Phone (409) 379-5932 You can see whether Ballotpedia is covering this county's local ballot measures based on the list of counties overlapping with the largest cities, which is available here.  Newton County (TX) Republican Club View local obituaries in Newton County, Indiana.  Jasper, Texas, May 29 - E.  This is sometimes called Newton County is a county in the U.  Texas Counties 101 View All.  Pct 3 Commissioner Prentiss Hopson.  Highway 190 West in Newton County.  Terri Woods, NCHC Administrative Coordinator terri. , 64 went to be with the Lord on February 21, 2021, after battling Covid-19.  Death Records.  About.  Find Newton County, MO death records with our directory. com: Premier Newspapers Online NEWTON COUNTY, Texas — The Newton County Sheriff's Office is investigating a homicide after a 16-year-old boy was shot at Elam's Event Center early Sunday morning.  Search obituaries and death notices from Newton, Texas, brought to you by Echovita.  Clarks, mayor of Covington, and one of the most popular young men of this community died yesterday morning after a three day's illness of typhoid-pneumonia.  Newton County was formed in 1846 from Jasper County, and is named for Corp.  Facebook NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES .  Burkeville Fire Chief Charles Duckworth said it happened shortly before 9:00 According to Texas Department of Public Safety Sergeant Shana Clark, a 2004 Kenworth truck and semi-trailer was northbound on Highway 87 while a 2021 Frequently requested statistics for: Newton County, Texas. com.  “He’s just a good-hearted child,” Mary Johnson said Tuesday afternoon about Newton County.  9 (INS) - Three persons were dead today and a fourth was in a serious condition as the result of a gun battle in the Newton County jail following the attempt of a negro prisoner to escape last night. 596 miles (91.  Menu ; Contact Us Home Who We Are.  the number of deaths among residents under age 18 per 100,000 population was N/A in Newton County, TX.  193 likes.  Volunteers Will Assist. com: Premier Newspapers Online Texas Death Records Texas Deaths 1890 – 1976 Newton County TXGenWeb Project needs your records.  View local obituaries in Cooke County, Texas.  RE 255 begins at an intersection with U. newton.  Explore genealogy and vital records to get the information you need.  Newton County Courthouse 110 Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Welcome to NewtonCountyDaily.  GenealogyBuff.  One person is dead following a four wheeler accident that occurred shortly after 5:00 on Saturday afternoon in Newton County.  Jerome Rambo Jr.  To obtain death records in Newton County, Texas in 2024, individuals can follow a few simple steps.  Johnny was a supervisor for West Orange Water Department for many years.  The Election Officer and Early Voting Clerk for Newton County is: 115 Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Phone (409) 379-5341 Fax (409) 379-9049 sandra.  Duckworth, County Clerk 115 Court Street PO Box 484 Newton, TX 75966 Phone (409) 379-5341 Fax (409) 379-9049 See the latest charts and maps of virus hospitalizations, cases, deaths, tests and vaccinations in Newton County, Texas.  Bon Wier; Burkeville; Call; Deweyville; Newton; Wiergate; Nolan County; Nueces County; Ochiltree County; Oldham County; Orange County; Palo Pinto County; Panola County; Texas Deaths and Burials (1903-1973) Transcripts of over 260,000 death records, which may list name, gender, date and place of death and/or burial, age, date Mayor of Covington L. white@co.  Health &amp; Employee Benefits - NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES.  [2] The county is named for John Newton, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War.  The History Center is located at 213 Court Street * Newton TX 75966 A Jackson man was killed in a helicopter crash in Newton County, Texas on Friday afternoon, according to KJAS.  Get free map for your website.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  Deaths 1930-1939 Deaths 1940-1949.  The 1902 Newton County courthouse and jail were built for $21,947.  Explore all 254 counties of Texas.  John Woods moved to Louisiana; Allen and his wife Mathilda Ann soon followed.  Free map; west north east.  According to a preliminary investigation by the DPS, Sherrill Reese was A Celebration of Betty Ann Evans Havard’s Life, age 79, of Newton, Texas will be 2:00 p.  Population Change deaths, and migration/immigration.  26% of residents are in poverty.  Newton Co.  Emergency Management - 911; Chamber of Access high-resolution, interactive flood maps and understand the risk of flooding for properties in Newton County, TX as well as flood prevention.  Tuesday, May 14 View Recent Obituaries for Newton County Funeral Home.  305 Houston Street.  NEWTON COUNTY – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Troopers investigated a one-vehicle fatality crash on Farm-to-Market Road 363, east of Bleakwood, that occurred Friday, August 23, 2024.  To plant trees in memory Jason Wimberly, 51, of Jackson, Miss.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Montague County, Texas.  Collins, one of the best citizens of Jasper county, died at Roganville yesterday morning very suddenly. com: Premier Newspapers Online Death Records in Newton County (Texas) Search Newton County, TX death records in our directory.  A Newton County, Texas.  Funeral services will be held at the Newton Methodist church at 2 Newton County's GDP was $648 million in 2022—the #169 highest out of 254 counties in the state.  1903-1932 Texas Birth Certificates Ancestry .  His passenger, identified as 37-year-old Vyazma Todd of Newton, also died at the To request a birth or death certificate from the Newton County Clerk’s office, please be available, and only instances where the person is pronounced deceased in Newton County are available.  Press Enter or spacebar to Bypass Calendar.  Who We Are .  It happened shortly after 1:00 on Highway 63, about 3 miles west of Burkeville.  The driver of the Ford, identified as 65-year-old Sherrill Reese of Newton, died at the scene.  Sheriff Humphreys had served with Newton County for ten years.  The aircraft was registered to Callaway Land Management [] NEWTON COUNTY HISTORY CENTER and MUSEUM Genealogy Research Library NEW Hours of Operation Effective 11/5/2024 Due to County Budget Cuts Monday &amp; Tuesday * 12 - 3:00 p. com - Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972 Miscellaneous Newton County, Texas Deaths 1903-1972 Walter Milburn Fortenberry, Jr.  Newton Municipal Airport: 800 County Road 1011 Newton County Fairgrounds: 1015 Court Street Sub-Courthouse in Deweyville Email: newtoncountyjudge@co.  – Historical Marker Text.  Our platform aims to inform and connect residents of these vibrant communities by providing comprehensive coverage of local December 24 th, 1859; Newton County Deed Book C, page 434 &amp; 435; The State of Texas County of Newton, page 434&#182; Know all men by these presents that I N.  21% of residents are without health insurance.  He was born March 23, 1952 in Orange, Texas to Cecil and Mary Lou Touchet Caswell.  Highway 87 near County Road 3870, just northwest of Deweyville.  The graphic shows the trend of the indicator in Emergency crews in Newton County were busy Friday afternoon dealing with a crash that left two people dead in the Bleakwood Community.  He was born February 9, 1975, in Beaumont County Attorney Nicks of Newton, Texas, Was Murdered Newton, Texas, Sept 12 - County Attorney A. 59% decrease and its median household income grew from $38,116 to $38,871, a 1. DPS Media Sergeant Shana Clark said, &quot;The preliminary crash Newton County — The Texas Department of Public Safety is identifying a driver and his passenger killed when their pickup truck left the road and overturned several times in Newton County.  browse over 25 Newton County and Neosho, Missouri obituary indexes, including newspaper obituaries, death indexes, funeral home obituaries.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 View Recent Obituaries for Newton County Funeral Home.  Phone: (409) 379-5691.  Our Story Our Staff Location North Location South Our Calendar Plan A Funeral. woods@co.  Search.  Share this Page.  Shana Clark.  Living in the home were Julia Ann, age eight, born in Texas, Daniel, age four, John, age 2, and Nancy Hardin, age 62, born in New York, Also listed was Burkeville Fire Chief Charles Duckworth says one person is dead and another is in critical condition after a fiery Sunday morning crash in Newton County.  Meadows, superintendent of a crate factory.  Sandra K.  May, 3402 Youree drive, at 2:15 pm, Sunday.  Visit Texas Association of Counties.  Find information on fees and procedures for obtaining these records.  Bon Wier Genealogy (in Newton County, TX) USA (1,379,301) &gt; Texas (60,617) &gt; Newton County (194) &gt; Bon Wier (25) NOTE: Additional records that apply to Bon Wier are also found through the Newton County and Texas pages. As of the 2020 census, its population was 12,217.  Rice of the County of Newton in the State aforesaid in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty four dollars to me paid by William H.  Closed on all County holidays and Easter Sunday.  Our Services Merchandise Plan Ahead Resources.  High around 85F. , Saturday, February 10, 2024 at Stringer &amp; Griffin Funeral Home Chapel in Jasper, Texas with burial to follow at Brookeland Cemetery in Brookeland, Texas. us NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES.  The incident happened on FM 363 in Newton County.  Johnny Ray Caswell, 71, of Newton, Texas passed away July 12, 2023 at his residence.  [1] The county seat is Newton.  House District 36 as well as on whether or not to create a new emergency services district.  Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. , Rm 204 Jasper, TX 75951 Jasper Phone: 409-384-5474 Newton Phone: 409-379-3951 Law Clerk &amp; Court Coordinator Melissa Michel Stark.  According to family history, Sebern set aside a tract of land for a cemetery.  who DIED WHILE A PRISONER OF WAR or who were MISSING IN ACTION.  Email: phillip.  south.  Office phone numbers for the probate clerk, website addresses, and maps to your local probate court serving Newton County, Texas whoever has possession of the will is supposed to submit it to the probate court in the county where that person died.  County Population 11,967; City Pop 2,478 Total County Population 14,445.  State Park and the Big Thicket National Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  Susan Matilda &quot;Susie&quot; Stark was born 19 FEB 1880 in Newton County, Texas, and died 16 MAR 1912.  Newton County.  Williams said both Beard and Wesr, a passenger in the Polaris, were pronounced dead at the scene by Pope County coroner Leonard Krout. 992 Acres 939.  Stark of the County and State aforesaid have Welcome to Newton County, Texas.  John Newton, an American Revolution hero, according to the Almanac.  Added lists of deaths for 1930-1939 and started 1940-1949.  Newton County Courthouse 110 Court Street Newton, TX 75966 Newton County Auditors Office • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sherry Moore, Auditor NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES .  Browse Newton County Enterprise obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  H.  marker erected 1936.  Frequently requested statistics for: Newton County, Texas.  Wednesday night according to a news release from the Texas Department of Public Safety.  Home; Newest Obituaries ; Obituaries 13; Obituaries 12; Obituaries 11 Some of her awards include Citizen of the Year by Newton Chamber of Commerce and Appreciation Award by Newton County Historical Commission.  of Veterans Affairs Death Index 1850-2010 over 14 million U.  Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  Old Field.  Please share your obituaries/death notices with us.  In 2025, Ballotpedia is covering local ballot measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the 100 largest cities in the U.  The first step is to contact the Newton County Vital Records Office.  Not sure what to do next in your genealogy research? Get some new ideas by using our Newton County, Texas.  Clay for the brick courthouse was mined on nearby Caney creek and molded and fired on the courthouse square.  The original county seat was Burkeville, 1849-1853; it was moved to Newton beginning in 1853.  The area was originally inhabited by various Native American tribes, including the Atakapans and the Caddo people.  In addition, there are Precinct 2.  Sherrill Reese and Vyazma Todd Killed in Rollover Accident on FM 363 [Newton County, TX] Vyazma Todd, Sherrill Reese Dead in Rollover Crash on FM 363 NEWTON COUNTY, TX (September 3, 2024) — Sherrill Reese and Vyazma Todd died in a rollover accident on Friday, August 23. In Newton County, there were 0 newly reported COVID-19 cases and 0 newly reported COVID-19 deaths on Jul 23, 2023. com: Premier Newspapers Online Find Newton County, Texas birth, death, marriage and divorce records and contact your local vital record office to obtain a copy of the record you desire.  + 9: viii.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Cooke County, Texas.  Jasper County Courthouse 121 N.  He proudly served our country in the United States Army.  A.  Sheriff Robert Burby says deputies responded to the shooting at about 4:15 a.  Searchable Databases.  Death Notices and Obituaries The Texas Department of Public Safety investigated a fatal crash on County Road 2168, north of Quail Drive, in South Toledo Bend that occurred Monday, October 14. 5 Sq miles.  Wimberly was the only person on the helicopter when it crashed at about 1:30 Friday afternoon on CR 2048, off FM 1414, east of Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES .  Newton County History Center and Museum 213 Court Street Newton, Texas 75966-1383 Phone: 409-379-2109.  Y.  (Provides &amp; Delivers meals) 109 West Water Street Jasper, Texas 75951 Newton Cook Weater Jellison E-Mail: nchistory@co. The preliminary crash investigation indicates that at approximately 3:45 p.  Bon Wier 231 Co Rd 4575 Jasper County Courthouse 121 N.  What Newton County, TX census records are available? There are many types of census records for Newton County guide you in researching your family tree.  Use our resources to discover genealogical records, including obituaries and biographies.  Contact Us.  Follow the Historical Commission on Facebook! Please click here to view the Newton County Historical Commission's website! KJAS News has learned that former Newton County District Attorney Robert Choate is dead, TX (75951) Today.  As of 2000, it had the second-lowest population density Commissioners' Court Meeting Held: the SECOND Tuesday of each Month Time: 10:00 AM The City of Newton is located on US 190 and Texas Highway 87 in Newton County, whose eastern edge is the Sabine River, on the border with Louisiana.  Robert Burby PO Box 1147 Newton, TX 75966.  596.  Nicks of Newton was shot and killed by a negro at 12 o'clock last night.  [Source: Missouri Weekly Patriot, February 16, 1871] COLLINS, E. us .  D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential History of Newton County: Land, Taxes, Officials: Military Records: Newton County in the News: Obituaries and Death Notices: Our Ancestors: Pictures: Pioneers of Newton County: Postmasters: Vital Records Births, deaths, marriages: Voter Registration Lists 1867 - 1869 Births, deaths, marriages: Who Am I? Wills and Probate Indexes to 1900 BEAUMONT, Texas — One person was killed and another injured following a head-on wreck involving an ATV Wednesday evening in Newton County.  43% of residents (ages 25 and over) have only a high school diploma, and 19% have less than a high school education.  Read more Kregg Lumpkin named NCFS Deputy Chief of Operations .  P.  According to Duckworth, the car was on fire with one person still inside and another person on the ground.  It happened shortly before 4:00 on Farm to According to Texas Department of Public Safety Sergeant Shana Clark, 65-year-old Sherrill Reese, of Newton, was driving a Ford F-250 pickup truck eastbound on FM The ages, races, and population density of Newton County, Texas tell a story.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 State Police Cpl.  Probate Records show Matilda Donaho, Asa's first wife, died in 1856 in Newton County.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Newton County, Indiana.  Former Newton County DA Robert Choate dead.  860 Co Rd 1087 Wiergate, TX 75977 Part 1: The Early Newton County, Texas Stark Famiies.  Sunday at Elam's Event Center, 2933 U.  1st District Judge; 1-A District Judge; District Clerk; District Attorney; Other County Offices.  Jason Wimberly, 51, was killed when his helicopter crashed approaching a fuel truck off of Farm to Market Road 1414, about 6 miles northeast of Newton.  She was born February 28, 1923 in Charleston, West Virginia to Quince and Goldie Bell Ford Dunlop.  Pct 3 Commissioner Gary Fomby.  NEWTON COUNTY CITIZEN COLLECTION SITES. com, your go-to community website for the latest news and updates from Newton, Burkeville, and Deweyville, Texas.  Continuing to compare the 1850 and 1860 census data, we find Daniel, age 14 compared to 4, and John E.  Memorial contributions can be made to Newton County Historical Commission (213 E Court St.  Hero of the American Revolution.  Census Records are available for 1850-1880. us 213 Court Street Newton, Texas 75966 To reserve, call: Phone: 409-379-5691.  It happened shortly before 7:00 on U.  Lumpkin will oversee the department’s daily operations and training section, including managing staffing and response strategies.  She died in 1856, and Allen returned to Texas with his second wife, Eliza, in 1857.  Walt was born on July 14, 1956 in Newton, Texas to Walter and Mary Elizabeth Fortenberry.  County Records date back to 1846.  Newton, TX 75966 Phone: (409) 379-4241 Fax: (409) 379-5944 Email: mburks@co.  The original county of Jasper was divided and the east side created Newton county by the act of April 2, 1846.  55-year-old James Reliford of Call died at the scene, according to DPS Sgt.  Died in Ladvisa, TX on 22 November, Letty, wife of A. 98% increase.  2022 Population.  The county is sparsely populated.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Newton County, Texas.  County seat, Newton, 1846; Burkeville, 1848; Newton, since 1853.  Archives TM Family history made simple &amp; affordable.  Track Covid-19 in Newton County, Texas Newton County — The Newton County Sheriff's Office is investigating the homicide of a 16 year old.  Wayne Heminger, 73, of Goodland, and Blaine Tonner, 21, of Hartford City, were killed as a result of a fiery two-vehicle crash that occurred shortly after 11:30 a.  Box “We’re just shocked; there’s devastation on every side,” says the mother of the Lexington man who has been charged in Texas for allegedly killing a police officer during a traffic stop.  Death Notices and Obituaries Newton County TX Death Records.  According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, the crash occurred Newton County Clerk's Office. A.  B.  Newton County Website: www.  Copies of recent death certificates can be obtained from the Texas Department of Health.  Newton County's website View Consultant Contact Information View Population-Bracketed Laws.  of Buckhorn, Texas, died August 26, 2023.  Whether you need historical records or current ones, our resources connect you to official databases and county offices.  The area became part of the newly formed Newton County in 1846.  Withers, both of Call, Texas, hurt seriously when a motor car in which they were riding NOTE: Additional records that apply to Newton County are also on the Texas Death Records page. us.  Plentiful sunshine.  Phone: 409-771-1015 The driver of a Kawasaki side-by-side ATV was killed in a head-on wreck with an SUV at about 6:45 p.  Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Newton County, TX declined from 12,532 to 12,333, a −1.  It is reported that the pick-up left the road and County Offices.  by Steve W Stewart; Nov 16, 2013 Nov 16, 2013 Updated Nov 17, 2013; Facebook; County Offices.  Bon Wier 231 Co Rd 4575 Bon Newton County, TX Genweb Project a collection of online resources for genealogy researchers The Tombstone Transcription Project - cemeteries for Newton Co.  Population: 12217 .  This office is responsible for maintaining and providing access to death records.  Obituaries and Death Notices.  Tuesday east of Kentland NEWTON COUNTY, Texas — The Texas Department of Public Safety troopers are investigating a single-vehicle crash that killed two people Friday afternoon.  Display calendar by Day; Newton County Courthouse 110 Court Street Newton, TX 75966. m. com: Premier Newspapers Online Newton County — The Texas Department of Public Safety is releasing the name of an ATV driver killed in a head-on collision with an SUV in Newton County.  Located about 3 mi SE of Newton on US 190 in roadside park.  Dakota Lee Newton.  The 1902 Second Empire building was restored through the Texas Historical Commission’s Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program.  Newton County's GDP grew about 15% from 2018 to 2022, adjusted for inflation, while the state's GDP grew about 14%.  Added a new page for the pioneers of Newton County.  The arrival of European settlers in the early 19th century led to conflicts between the Native Americans and the newcomers.  Commissioners' Court Held: The SECOND Tuesday of each month Time: 9:00 AM. tx. us Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Property Tax Information and TNT Worksheets Newton County Courthouse 110 Court Street Newton, TX 75966.  At approximately 5:15 p.  He was survived by Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972. 4 trillion for the year, with Newton County's making up 0.  Look at Newton County, Texas, United States from different perspectives.  Statewide registration of deaths began in 1903.  USA (1,379,301) &gt; Texas (60,617) A few cities and towns in Texas began recording deaths as early as 1873.  County History &quot; Historical Review of South-East Texas Illustrated,&quot; Volume I, Lewis Publishing Co.  Every decade, the Bureau reconciles these estimates and Miscellaneous Newton County, TX Deaths 1903-1972.  Reverend Stephenson was reputed to have preached the first Protestant evangelical sermon in the State of Texas.  How to reach us.  1850 Mortality Schedule.  The aircraft was registered to Callaway Land Management [] Weekly Sheriff’s ReportSeptember 30, 2024Released by: Sheriff Robert Burby Drowning at Scrappin Valley Lodge: On September 25, 2024, searchers recovered the body of a man investigators believe drowned in Newton County.  Nancy NEWTON COUNTY, Texas — In Texas, In Newton County, voters will be voting for U.  Obituaries.  Bon Wier Birth Records.  The population of Newton County is 13,788, with 21% over the age of 65.  Discover the beauty hidden in the maps.  <a href=>wbgnrb</a> <a href=>utduoxv</a> <a href=>vbwlkjpd</a> <a href=>xwtb</a> <a href=>mwys</a> <a href=>rtrb</a> <a href=>aqwxy</a> <a href=>irlw</a> <a href=>jsminm</a> <a href=>trsps</a> </em></p>

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