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id="content-social"> <ul> <li><span class="rss-but"></span></li> </ul> </div> <!--content-social--> </div> <!--main-top--> <div id="content-inner"> <div id="main"> <div class="breadcrumb"> <div id="crumbs"><br> <span class="current"></span></div> </div> <!--breadcrumb--> <h1 class="headline">Local news in harrisonburg. 2,814 likes · 5 talking about this.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Local news in harrisonburg The parcel is nearly 10 acres and northwest of the corner of Acorn Drive and North Liberty Street in Harrisonburg. Aug 28, 2024 · Harrisonburg City Council unanimously approved an amendment to the city’s Community Development Block Grant Action Plan at a meeting Tuesday evening. Local. A reliable internet connection is essential for managing customer scheduling, maintaining inventory, and coordinating employee schedules to ensure they can fulfill their mission of fun and entertainment to Jan 11, 2025 · The Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office in cooperation with multiple local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, has arrested three people and seized over 26 pounds of drugs and thousands May 2, 2022 · Keep your pulse on the news with breaking news alerts from The AP. The ceremony also featured the unveiling of a community-focused mural and the donation of $30,000 to the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank, and $3,500 in grants to local charities, including Big Brothers Big Sisters of Harrisonburg-Rockingham County and Mercy House. , directly after the weekly Levitt AMP concert at Turner Pavilion, according to a Monday press release. “We need housing across all the tiers,” Fleming said. Friday morning. We started making wine and fell in love with that whole process, and just really 11/10/22. Dec 5, 2024 · In addition, Riddle said the temporary shelter’s centralized location in downtown Harrisonburg made it easy to access for individuals who require its services due in no small part to its proximity to a bus stop serviced by the Harrisonburg Apr 9, 2024 · Following the lead of its recently-launched local online news sites in Clarksville, TN, Asheville, NC, and Jonesboro, AR, Saga Communications' cluster in Harrisonburg, VA adds its own “Rocktown Now” digital news service, as Feb 15, 2024 · “I’ve wanted to have a wine bar in downtown Harrisonburg for over a decade,” Hartman said with a smile. — A 20-year-old man has been arrested for allegedly firing into a crowd and injuring eight people in Harrisonburg not far from the James Madison University campus early Sunday 2 days ago · Within 24 hours, both Augusta Water and the City of Harrisonburg had reported water main breaks, interrupting water service in parts of the area. including but not limited to 6 days ago · Some of Rockingham County’s families will save money on child care because local Rotary clubs donated to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham chapter of United Way. At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. Buying from a locally owned business contributes to the overall health of our community. Find out if The Harrisonburg Citizen is biased and reliable and if their media bias is left, center, or right. Aug 25, 2024 · Several local businesses sponsored the awards event: Country Roads Audiology, F&M Bank, Mr. Oct 11, 2024 · A suspect is in custody and faces five charges, including murder, after a shooting and stabbing incident at a residence at 313 West North Street in Woodstock, according to the Woodstock Police 1 day ago · Get the latest Harrisonburg, Virginia news, events, weather, sports, & WSVA radio updates from Rocktown Now. Apr 19, 2024 · A little more than $1 million in federal funding that Congress approved this March will go toward creating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math hubs across Virginia — but the effort that got the Commonwealth there came from an Aug 26, 2024 · Today we once again focus on buying local. The Spanish Lab and Learning Center 3 days ago · RCPS high school musicals will be in February and middle school musicals will be in March. Dec 19, 2024 · Several local organizations, including Mercy House, Strength in Peers, and the Suitcase Clinic, will provide on-site services, along with over seven other partners rotating through the facility. Pricing. Local Updated : Dec. Partly cloudy early followed by cloudy skies overnight. Harrisonburg Police Department’s accident reconstruction team and Harrisonburg Fire Department are collaborating to investigate a fatal crash around 3 a. 6, 2021. Earlier this month, it took home 10 individual Virginia Press Association awards, and garnered the 2022 News Sweepstakes award for Apr 17, 2023 · HARRISONBURG, Va. 1 day ago by Jacquelynn Dobrin. Learn how to stream WHSV ABC 3 with an over-the-antenna or with a live streaming service. You can watch local news, daytime shows, primetime shows, late night programming on WHSV without cable of satellite. Stay updated with the latest Harrisonburg, LA local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. A Lyft driver has been acquitted in connection with a shooting in Harrisonburg nearly two years ago. 48 minutes ago by Frank Wilt. Top weather news for Friday, Jan. Apr 15, 2021 · The Daily News-Record is another paper in Harrisonburg’s local press. It’s just nice having a place that is local and still relatively in town. Rocktown Games, located in the Garbers Crossing shopping center in south Harrisonburg, was opened by brothers Josh and Eric Mitri in 2022. According to online records, Tyreaf Isaiah Fleming pleaded guilty to four charges including attempted first-degree murder, during a hearing Monday morning in Rockingham County Circuit Court. “I’ve loved downtown since high school. Dec 14, 2023 · The Harrisonburg Police Foundation funds the event and HPD is very thankful for their support to families in Harrisonburg, said Hancock. 10, 2025: A significant Dec 8, 2024 · The parade began at 7 p. Nov 8, 2023 · Residents of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County came to the polls on Tuesday to vote in the election for Virginia’s 33rd, 34th, and 35th House of Delegates districts, and state Senate district 2. to 5 p. Nov 21, 2024 · A Harrisonburg business is celebrating two years of bringing digital worlds, new and old, to the local community. ” John Missal, 49, of Harrisonburg, said he hoped to be able to support the gaming community at Watchtower. Harrisonburg, VA Local - News Break. Parents Eddie and Carolina Castro and their three sons, Christopher, 8, Donovan, 7, and Johnathan, 5, visited Five Below and Rack Room Shoes with Officer Reynolds, with Eddie carrying bags loaded with toys as they moved from one store to the next. and Pear St. The Spanish Lab and Learning Center 6 days ago · 2024 was a year full of highs and lows in an expanding economy in Harrisonburg, according to Old Dominion University’s 2024 State of the Commonwealth Report. Many local newspapers are owned by companies like Ogden, whereas the ownership of The Citizen stems directly from the Harrisonburg community. Tim Kaine said the 3 days ago · Just before school let out on Friday, Keister Elementary School students in Harrisonburg had the chance to draw something larger-than-life. Buying local r Apr 2, 2024 · Protests continued in Harrisonburg last week as community members continued calling for an end to violence in Gaza. , the City of Harrisonburg announced that a suspect — identified as 20-year-old Tyreaf Isaiah Fleming of Harrisonburg — had been arrested in connection to the incident. Updated: Jan. Its unparalleled commitment to relevance coupled with its compilation of news from 50 local sources, positions it as the unrivaled source of information for residents. Year in Review: WHSV’s Oct 16, 2022 · None of the victims are current JMU students, according to officials with the university. Rotary presented a symbolic gigantic check for $77,184 to United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham, to be given to five local childcare facilities, on Tuesday. This will be Reed’s fourth term as mayor after taking the position in 2017. Dog licenses are Mar 3, 2023 · Harrisonburg Latest Headlines: Snow Chances Grow For Thursday, Weekend In VA: Latest Forecast; Tysons Casino Tramples Neighborhoods, Ignores Residents: Opponents; 3 days ago · Unrivaled Local News in the Shenandoah Valley In the digital age, staying informed about local events and news is crucial, and ShenValleyNews. While Ogden is a different company, they share similar values to the Byrd’s. She said she and the rest of the council hope to make strides toward solving the city’s housing 3 days ago · Listen to News/Talk WSVA Radio HARRISONBURG, VA (Rocktown Now) – Harrisonburg City School Superintendent Dr. Kenny Lee was unanimously elected as Waynesboro’s first 2 days ago · The International Monetary Fund expects the world economy to grow a little faster and inflation to keep falling this year. "As well as the national story. Public radio station licensed in Harrisonburg and an NPR member station. Jun 5, 2023 · HARRISONBURG, Va. Other Government Services Dec 14, 2024 · Media Local Virginia teachers no longer forced to use students' preferred pronouns after settlement Harrisonburg City Public Schools granted the teachers religious accommodations Jul 1, 2024 · Local nonprofit Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance is preparing for its annual Independence Day celebration. Jan 6, 2021 · WASHINGTON (CBS19 NEWS) -- A man from Harrisonburg is going to prison in connection with the Jan. 3 hours ago. SLI helped mentor her in academics and personal development. Nov 6, 2024 · Two incumbent candidates have been reelected, and one new candidate has been elected to the Harrisonburg City Council. Dec 13, 2024 · Officer Carmen Reynolds, meanwhile, was with the Castro family. Sunday. The Friendly City’s cultural district hosted Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance’s annual Skeleton Festival, which included usual draws such as trick-or-treating at local businesses along Main Street and Liberty Street, as well as a Halloween costume contest. Ben Cline’s office March 26. Home. The shop features a Apr 21, 2018 · Ogden owns 43 daily newspapers, including The Northern Virginia Daily, The Winchester Star and the Frederick News-Post in Maryland. At the dedication, he recalled a conversation he and Kauffman had where the latter compared it to the restaurant’s interior. Oct 20, 2024 · Downtown Harrisonburg became a haven for skeletons, superheroes, fairies, and more on Saturday afternoon. Jan 11, 2025 · Within 24 hours, both Augusta Water and the City of Harrisonburg had reported water main breaks, interrupting water service in parts of the area. 17, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. via the LiveSafe app, officials said. ” Brown was one of 43 people who gathered around the Westover Park pool Wednesday morning to participate in the third annual “Shiver Me Timbers Pirate Plunge Oct 22, 2024 · The third, a 16-year-old male from Rockingham County, was arrested and charged with simple assault, according to Lt. Harrisonburg, VA local news, weather, breaking news, events and more Jan 12, 2025 · This year, three local greenhouses helped to make the holiday season a little brighter for patients at Sentara RMH Medical Center in Harrisonburg by donating poinsettias to patients. Keep updated w/ the most interesting stories around Harrisonburg, VA picked by @NewsBreakNow Harrisonburg, VA Local - News Break Aug 30, 2024 · As of 6 p. Discover the weather conditions in Harrisonburg & see if there is a chance of rain, snow, or sunshine. (JMU Athletics) – James Madison overcame a 13-point first-half deficit to upend Arkansas State, 67-62, on Saturday afternoon 2 days ago in College , JMU Women’s Basketball cruises to an 81-60 victory at Texas State 5 days ago · A Washington D. Have the latest local news delivered every afternoon so you don't miss out on updates. Nov 14, 2024 · HARRISONBURG, Va. While the grounds are open to the public throughout the week, BMHC sees the most visitors on Thursdays when schools throughout Harrisonburg city, Rockingham, Augusta and Shenandoah counties travel to its historic buildings for field trips. (ROCKTOWN NOW) – Harrisonburg City Police have issued a traffic alert Wednesday afternoon for anyone travelling south of downtown. 2 days ago · 2024 was a year full of highs and lows in an expanding economy in Harrisonburg, according to Old Dominion University’s 2024 State of the Commonwealth Report. JOURNALISTS DATABASE. Aug 9, 2024 · HARRISONBURG, VA (Rocktown Now) -- As our area continues to see heavy rain from the overnight hours, portions of roads in the City of Harrisonburg are closed due to flooding. The organization will host its annual fireworks display Friday. In a release, Director of Communications for the city, Mike Parks says the following roads are all currently experiencing major flooding Country Club Road at Feb 23, 2023 · In addition to being a dependable supplier of essentials for their customers’ lifestyles, the Harrisonburg Tractor Supply values community engagement and is delighted to have the opportunity to support youth education like area 4-H clubs and FFA chapters, along with local animal shelters and veterans. By Mary Ann Zehr Reading in the Burg is a monthly column in 2025 by a local teacher and reader about connecting with books and taking in Harrisonburg’s literary scene Stay updated with the latest Harrisonburg, LA local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. Jul 19, 2023 · A new mural is brightening up the west side of the Texas Inn building in Downtown Harrisonburg thanks to local artist Gemma Amendola and generous community donations. Local, independent news coverage of issues, politics and community life in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Sen. including but 1 day ago · Local 3 News is Chattanooga’s first choice for breaking news, accurate weather, severe weather alerts and more local news throughout the TN Valley. Sunday, December 15, 2024 Over 1,000 students receive degrees at Oct 28, 2024 · A heritage family-owned business known for bringing its goods across the Shenandoah Valley recently put down roots in Harrisonburg. Read More. The class of 2024 had the highest graduation rate, with the largest number of graduates in HHS history. Jun 16, 2024 · Music and cheers echoed through downtown Harrisonburg on Saturday as community members gathered to celebrate the start of summer. Attendees also participated in a silent auction and were able to donate $235 to the finalists in the nonprofit category: the local SCPA, Gift and Thrift, and New Creation. are shut down between S. However, it’s not an independent news outlet and is instead owned by the media conglomerate Ogden Newspapers. While the storm was projected to bring approximately three inches of snow in the days leading up to its arrival in the area, Harrisonburg and Rockingham County were instead visited by freezing rain that lasted most of Saturday. judge sentenced a Harrisonburg man on Friday to 15 months in prison for his involvement during the breach of the U. The event will begin at 9 p. Dec 22, 2023 · Stacker compiled a list of the best restaurants for 11 cuisines in Harrisonburg using data from Yelp. Monahan said Harrisonburg Police received a call about an assault in progress at 6:23 p. J’s Bagels and Deli, Atwell Chiropractic and Moyers Termite and Pest Control. 2 days ago · Harrisonburg, VA (22801) Today. 5 Oct 25, 2024 Local Man's Trial Set for Child Abuse After Child Tests Positive for Meth Oct 24, 2024 Feb 4, 2023 · Virginia State Police is currently assisting the Harrisonburg Police Department in finding a missing 13-year-old girl believed to be in danger. She graduated from Virginia Tech in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in human development and minors in chemistry and Spanish. Monday, December 16, 2024 Peers fondly remember longtime Elkton supervisor Michael Breeden Oct 11, 2024 · Students and staff at Harrisonburg High School have been getting used to a new school year after a drastic change over the summer. Main St. Escapism, an escape room center on West Water Street in the Friendly City’s historic downtown, has been working to offer visitors an interactive experience since opening in 2022, according to co-owners and fiancés Sam Lambert and Suzanne Dupuis. Capitol on Jan. BMC Bakes celebrated the grand opening of its new shop on North Main Street in downtown Harrisonburg on Friday. Harrisonburg City Council reallocates $10K to Homeless Services Center | Harrisonburg | dnronline. 26, representatives from Bushrod and Birchwood said the companies are now May 9, 2024 · A historic boarding house in Harrisonburg recently won a grant to aid in its preservation. No arrests have been made. But it warned that the outlook is clouded by President-elect Donald Trump’s promises to slash U. Nov 28, 2024 · After hearing arguments from applicants and community members Tuesday evening, Harrisonburg City Council unanimously approved several requests to pave the way for the proposed Quarry Heights development. Heck, if I can help this store get off its feet and stay around for a while, I’m going to help it. , the road has been cleared, HPD said. Like the Byrd’s, Ogden believes in strong local news. Aug 28, 2024 · Stacker compiled a list of the highest-rated fine dining restaurants in Harrisonburg using data from Yelp. write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. Aug 7, 2024 · Stacker compiled a list of recently opened restaurants in Harrisonburg using data from Yelp. The Citizen "Local, independent news coverage of issues, politics, and community life in Harrisonburg Aug 2, 2024 · ShenValleyNews. Restaurants in certain lower-cost categories (like "diners," "buffets," and Mar 31, 2024 · A woman was shot on the sidewalk along North Main Street in Harrisonburg early Sunday morning. S. WMRA's Randi B. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Online court records showed that a jury found Ryan Liskey not guilty this afternoon in Rockingham County Circuit Court. 17 hours ago · Local news for Charlottesville, Albemarle, Greene, Madison, Fluvanna, Nelson, Augusta, and Orange counties. Dukes rally past Arkansas State, 67-62, for third straight win . BOB Local News from WMPT FOX43 serving Central Pennsylvania Aug 28, 2024 · HARRISONBURG, Va. Also, in an effort to highlight independent businesses and local chains, those with five or more locations nationally (based on Yelp data) were not included. Buying local r Jan 7, 2025 · HARRISONBURG, Va. Low 22F. Capitol. WSET ABC 13 covers news, sports and weather in the Heart of Virginia: Lynchburg, Danville and Roanoke and nearby communities including Amherst, Lexington, Cave Spring 2 days ago · Powering Local Harrisonburg Businesses with Reliable Fiber Internet Ruby’s Arcade relies on Glo Fiber as their internet service provider. Mar 3, 2023 · Harrisonburg Latest Headlines: Snow Chances Grow For Thursday, Weekend In VA: Latest Forecast; Tysons Casino Tramples Neighborhoods, Ignores Residents: Opponents; 🌱 Join Harrisonburg's Oct 16, 2022 · At around 4:30 p. Hagi reports. ” While the mural may seem nonsensical to some, Ludwig said reception has generally been positive. City of Harrisonburg launches new program to help early-stage business owners. Sunday morning brunches at a favorite local diner, or Friday night pies at a neighborhood pizza place. WMRA. Harrisonburg releases trash schedule for MLK Jr. Aug 18, 2024 · I think Harrisonburg is showing the right kind of approach to get some art. Nov 12, 2020 · The field where Dominion Energy will build a solar farm stands empty on Wednesday. Weekend. All lanes of Erickson Ave. on Saturday. The bakery is owned by Sarah Baker-McEvilly, who previously operated the business out of her home and sold her gluten-free, and later dairy-free and vegan Oct 16, 2022 · HARRISONBURG, Va. Officers were dispatched to Best 5 days ago · Some of Rockingham County’s families will save money on child care because local Rotary clubs donated to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham chapter of United Way. 1 day ago · News and weather from WWBT/NBC12, Central Virginia No. Health care coverage deadline draws nears-Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace is reminding Virginians that next Tuesday is the last day to apply for health care coverage. Of course, we all have our favorite dishes: a juicy cheeseburger from a local pub, a savory bowl of tempura udon at a beloved Japanese restaurant, or some chicken tikka masala from your nearby Indian spot. Jan 8, 2025 · Get the latest Harrisonburg news, sports, business, opinion, analysis, reviews much more by following top Harrisonburg News sites. The U. Jan 2, 2024 · The funds were distributed to six local nonprofits last Summer for projects including Strength in Peers’ Back on Track Recovery Program and Boys and Girls Club of Harrisonburg and Rockingham’s Advancing Mental Health Equity through Out-of-School Time Programming project. Jan 2, 2025 · Deanna Reed was reelected as mayor of Harrisonburg at the city’s bi-annual reorganization meeting Thursday morning. Born in Harrisonburg on November 6, 1942, she was the daughter of the late Willard Eston and Mamie Jane Grogg Hill. "What we're looking to do is carve out of the Waterman district and move it to Bluestone," said Dr. America is trying to fix its maternal mortality crisis with federal, state and local programs; Europe offers clues for solving America's maternal mortality crisis; HARRISONBURG, Va. 1 News TV Station. Oct 22, 2023 · The center sits on top of a hill overlooking Harrisonburg High School. due to a traffic crash. Latest news, weather & sports headlines serving Harrisburg, York, Lancaster and Lebanon, Pennsylvania. 17 hours ago · Harrisonburg, VA. One is repaired. 1 day ago · Read today's Waynesboro, VA, headlines. The Harrisonburg Police Department is investigating. Ever, which began in 2021, is a family-friendly free event, Jan 1, 2025 · Harrisonburg resident Elizabeth Brown described jumping into freezing cold water at 9 a. Harrisonburg city council adds restrictions to data center development. Mayor Deanna Reed (D) and Vice Mayor Laura Dent (D) were reelected to the city council. Visit Pennsylvania Susquehanna Valley's most reliable source for breaking news. We do this to support our neighbors, community, and local economy. 13, 2024, in front of the Rockingham County Administration Center in Harrisonburg. HARRISONBURG, Va. And, this is the last year HHS will graduate as the only high school in Harrisonburg City Public Schools. com remains one of the best site for local news in the Shenandoah Valley, including Harrisonburg, VA. Locally handcrafted products provide unique gifts and support local creatives. 8News is your source for local news and weather in Richmond and Apr 15, 2023 · Harrisonburg, VA (22801) Today. The shop, Oct 17, 2020 · The Harrisonburg Fire Department said they are on the scene of a large fire in the area of Miller Circle at South Main Street. Rep. The trio accused in the shooting death of a 38-year-old man last month will remain in custody, at least for the time being. Dec 18, 2024 · Open Doors expects to operate the drop-in center Monday to Friday, except for major holidays, from 8 a. Nov 13, 2024 · Kellyn Rivera was born and raised in Harrisonburg and is a 2018 graduate of Harrisonburg High School. on New Year’s Day in one word — “Shocking. May 30, 2022 · Today we once again focus on buying local. Harrisonburg Police Department responded shortly before 2 a. 5 days ago · Phyllis Jean McDonaldson, 82, of Harrisonburg, Virginia, passed away at her home on January 7, 2025. Fast Break Friday. Dec 11, 2024 · Harrisonburg school board members say they plan to address overcrowding at Waterman Elementary School by moving some of its students to nearby Bluestone Elementary. Journalism is changing, and that's why The Citizen is here. WHSV is a ABC local network affiliate in Harrisonburg, VA. taxes, 3 days ago · Local Colleges. HARRISONBURG, Va – It is 15 years in prison for the man charged in connection with a shooting in Harrisonburg back in 2022. Michael Richards, the Superintendent of Harrisonburg City Public Schools. FEEDSPOT READER. With the opening of the new Rocktown High School, half of Harrisonburg High’s students and teachers moved to the new school. 2,814 likes · 5 talking about this. 6, 2021, riot at the U. Aug 20, 2024 · Harrisonburg, VA (22801) Today. C. (WRIC) — Two were killed in a shooting Friday night in Rockingham County near the campus of James Madison University, though neither were students there. Religion Local residents flock Read the latest breaking news from The Harrisonburg Citizen. Nov 15, 2024 · Harrisonburg and Rockingham County residents rally for a countywide transit system before a county board of supervisors meeting, Wednesday, Nov. Dec 20, 2024 · A driver was killed and a passenger injured in a motor vehicle accident early Friday morning. current. A Gray Local Media Station Feb 2, 2024 · CoCs are partnerships between nonprofit homeless service providers, local governments, businesses, schools and other institutions working together to address homelessness. Day is Monday, January 20. . According to online records, arraignment hearings for 35-year-old Lewis Bailey, 20-year-old Jornileyah (JOR-nuh-LAY-yuh) McCornell and 18-year-old Genesis McCornell were continued until January 24 th of next year in Harrisonburg General District Court. Seasonal affective disorder is a Dec 17, 2024 · These news organizations report on events and issues affecting Harrisonburg and JMU. (WHSV) - One person is in custody following an apparent attack that left another person injured in Harrisonburg on Wednesday afternoon. Jun 9, 2024 · Harrisonburg High School’s graduation this year was historic in more ways than one. WHSV-TV. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph. Police are urging drivers to avoid the area as crews work to clear the Jan 7, 2025 · 3 days ago. 2. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that CoCs nationwide all conduct a count of unhoused people at the end of each January. May 19, 2023 · 🌱 Local News Outlet Awarded + Harrisonburg Fire Stations Secure Grant - Harrisonburg, VA - The quickest way to get caught up on the most important things happening today in Harrisonburg. May 31, 2023 · “When we discovered that local chapter of the story, that really kind of is what led us to get involved into trying to tell a local story," Dickenson said. NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns. WGAL News 8 is your source for the latest local headlines and live alerts. Harrisonburg newspaper from 1825 onward. The "Green Book" was a travel guide published from 1936 to 1967 that helped Black tourists find hotels, taverns, restaurants, and other amenities on the road during segregation. Dec 11, 2024 · “I don’t have to drive too far to get a game. Stay informed on local weather updates for Harrisonburg, VA. (JMU Athletics) – James Madison overcame a 13-point first-half deficit to upend Arkansas State, 67-62, on Saturday afternoon Harrisonburg Latest Headlines: 🌱 New fire station to boost response times; 🌱 Harrisonburg crash claims local man's life; 🌱 Harrisonburg's Asbury Church rings in the holidays Dec 8, 2023 · A new bakery is bringing more gluten-free and allergy-friendly options to the Friendly City. More than 150 Mennonites gathered outside U. With a focus on local events, weather updates, and community impact stories, WHSV keeps viewers informed and engaged with the latest happenings in the area. Jan 7, 2024 · The Shenandoah Valley was blanketed in ice by a winter storm that swept across the eastern U. The victims ranged in age from 18 to 27. Strite’s Donuts, known for selling hand-made donuts from a trailer that would move through the valley from Winchester to Waynesboro for over a decade, opened its first brick-and-mortar location on Oct. Virginia State Police unveil new safety inspection sticker The sticker includes several changes from previous iterations. Jones' 10-year tenure includes a term as mayor from 2015 to 2016. The market also hosts kiosks for other small businesses based in the city, including OASIS Fine Art and Craft, Hott Apiary, and withSimplicity. MLK Jr. Dec 18, 2024 · Some of Rockingham County’s families will save money on child care because local Rotary clubs donated to the Harrisonburg-Rockingham chapter of United Way. Cory Allen Custer is wanted for three counts of Circuit Court Capias. m. Oct 16, 2022 · HARRISONBURG — Eight people suffered non life-threatening injuries early Sunday morning following a shooting during a gathering in Harrisonburg, according to authorities. and included marching bands from James Madison University, Harrisonburg High School and Rocktown High School, vehicles and crew from Harrisonburg Fire Department and Harrisonburg’s utilities like Harrisonburg Electric Commission and the Department of Public Works, several local businesses, and, as always, Santa May 18, 2023 · Local news outlet The Harrisonburg Citizen will mark its fifth anniversary this fall. The Harrisonburg Police Foundation’s website states that “we are a community-based, all volunteer 501 c3 organization focused on helping make our community a safer and better environment for the citizens WHSV is a local news station based in Harrisonburg, VA, providing a wide range of news, weather, sports, and community information to residents in the Shenandoah Valley region. The school sent a shelter in place notice around 3 a. Best. Day. 6 days ago · The Salvation Army of Harrisonburg-Rockingham distributed 1,212 bags of toys to families in the Harrisonburg-Rockingham area. Open Doors will partner with other local agencies, including Sentara RMH, the Suitcase Clinic for the Homeless, Strength in Peers, Mercy House, First Step and the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Community Services Board, to provide on Nov 13, 2023 · Now, the market is open, hosting both new and established businesses in Harrisonburg’s downtown. to a report of shots fired in the area of North Main Street and Wolfe Street, HPD 5 days ago · After Harrisonburg City Council unanimously approved several rezoning requests to pave the way for the project at a meeting on Nov. Get the latest Harrisonburg, Virginia news, events, weather, sports, & WSVA radio updates from Rocktown Now. If you’re planning a wedding, not only can Rachal Paxson-Dellinger coordinate 1 day ago · Get the latest Harrisonburg, Virginia news, events, weather, sports, & WSVA radio updates from Rocktown Now. Get breaking news, events and information for Virginia sports, crime, politics and education. Plan your activities, travel, or work with confidence by checking out our detailed hourly forecast for Harrisonburg. High 28F. edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. Oct 25, 2024 · Harrisonburg Police Launch Program to Enhance Mental Health Crisis Response Oct 28, 2024 Key Information for Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. Sep 29, 2023 · A ceremony commemorated the reopening, with colors presented by American Legion Post 188. " What they found was a story of resilience 9/15/21. Chris Monahan, commander of Harrisonburg Police Department’s criminal investigations unit. Get our expert short-term forecast, summary of the weather details and news of any severe weather. 3 days ago · To address this, the City of Harrisonburg has announced a new entrepreneur development initiative aimed at helping early-stage businesses thrive. Daily News Record. (AP) — Graduate transfer Todd Centeio threw six touchdown passes to tie James Madison 4 days ago · In Harrisonburg, home-grown mind-bending puzzles are closer than you might think. com Dec 16, 2024 · Harrisonburg councilman Chris Jones, seen during a forum at Court Square Theater in 2022, attended his last council meeting on Tuesday night. — Virginia State Police have identified the man fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy at a Virginia Walmart on Sunday night in the City of Harrisonburg. com stands out as the 1 day ago · Harrisonburg Senator Mark Obenshain against new homeschool bill that eliminates religious exemption The bill would strip away the religious exemption for homeschooling. Stay updated with the latest Harrisonburg, VA local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic & transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food & drink, arts & culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. 16, 2024 at 5:46 PM EST Jan 29, 2024 · Harrisonburg City Councilman Dany Fleming, who served as chair of the Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority before joining the council, said that while there is a strong need for affordable housing, the city’s needs don’t end there. Local Weather. Michael Richards told the [] Local. 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