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Location and Contact Details Official Address.</h1> <div id="post-info-wrapper"> <ul class="post-info"> </ul> </div> <!--post-info-wrapper--> <div id="post-area" class="post-83834 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-featured-coverage-of-local-high-school-sports-east-alabama category-east-alabama-local-high-school-sports category-east-alabama-high-school-volleyball tag-news-ticker"> <div id="content-area"> <p><em>Levelland sheriff department Maurice Turner. - HOCKLEY COUNTY. Home New Members Photos. 7 miles Established in 1957, South Plains College is a public community college offering over 100 programs, virtual classes, and affordable tuition, preparing students for the job market with state-of-the-art facilities. Job Opportunities. PO Box 1628, Levelland, TX Hockley County Jail Information Hockley County Jail is a 64-bed jail based in Levelland, Hockley County, Texas. The office is located at 1310 Avenue H, Levelland Texas 79336 and comprises one head Sheriff Ray Scifres and assistants. LEVELLAND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. According to a Facebook post, crews are responding to an “aggressive grass fire” near 303 FM Rd and West Houston. The Blue and You was established in 2020 to improve relationships between the community and the police department and provide a funding source to host The Levelland County Commissioners’ Court presented the Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for zero lost time concerning the Workers’ Compensation Program certificate; approved Subdivision Participation and Release Forms concerning opioid settlements with CVS, Allergan, Walmart and Walgreens; and heard the Sheriff’s department According to Levelland Police Captain Mateo Lopez, multiple law enforcement agencies engaged in a police pursuit that lasted roughly 55 minutes. 5 miles The department is responsible for protecting the community, enforcing laws, and investigating crimes. You can reach them anytime for inmate information at 806-894-9334. The Levelland Fire Department received a call of an unknown fire at N. He pleaded guilty in November 2009 to a misprision of a felony. Levelland Fire Department 502 Avenue F, Levelland, TX The Levelland Fire Department in Levelland, Texas, provides fire suppression services, responds to emergencies, and engages in fire prevention initiatives. This page is not monitored 24 hours a day. : (1) real property situated at 109 Cactus Drive in Levelland; (2) real property situated at 111 Cactus Drive in Levelland; (3) a 2003 Chevy truck; (4) a 2000 Harley Davidson motorcycle; and (5) $900,000 in U. Barton Lane and Alaska Road. 1310 Avenue H Levelland TX 79336 (806) 894-3126 (806) 897-0750; Visit Website; Levelland Area Chamber of Commerce 1101 Hockley County Sheriffs Department is an official law enforcement agency for the Hockley Texas community. Full-time. Cummings to his role in a methamphetamine trafficking conspiracy, announced U. Hockley County Sheriff's Office; 1310 Avenue H, Levelland, TX 79336; 806-894-3126; Hockley County Sheriff's Office. Sheriff 1310 Avenue H Levelland, TX 79336 Phone: (806) 894-3126 Fax: (806) 897-0750. Hockley County Sheriffs Department / Hockley County Jail Avenue H, Levelland, TX - 37. Box 1010 Levelland, TX 79336 Ph. Contact Information Name Hockley County Probation Department Address 802 Houston Street Levelland, Texas, 79336 Phone 806-894-4128 Fax Police Departments; Sheriff Departments; All Levelland Government Offices; Probation Departments in Nearby Counties. Are you sure you want to flag Hockley County Sheriff's Office as incorrect? Yes No. Phone: (806) 894-3121 Fax: (806) 894-7957 Levelland Police Department 1310 Avenue H Levelland, TX 79336 Phone: (806) 894-6164 Fax: (806) 894-4094 The Hockley County Sheriff’s Office is also responsible for the public safety of the City of Levelland, Texas. Highway 385 in reference to a deceased person. Hockley County Sheriff Department. Location: 1310 Avenue H Levelland, TX 79336; Phone Number:806-894-3126; Tweet. There will be members of public safety and law enforcement from throughout the community and county in attendance, including Levelland fire and EMS and the Hockley County Sheriff’s Department. This is 62. It is managed by the Hockley County Sheriffs Department. Gordon Bohannon took the witness stand in the trial to remove Sheriff David Kinney from office. Communications Supervisor Margaret Golightly has the task of maintaining the division and the dispatchers whether it be in-service training, endless paperwork, or responding to an emergency situation. · Experience: Danos · Education: Brownfield · Location: Sundown · 123 Dispatch with the Levelland Police Department advised HCSO deputies to the 800 block of N. 6y. Dispatch with Levelland Police Department requested deputy response to the 3100 block of Sparrow Road in reference to a theft that already occurred. View Address. If you have any questions regarding anything, please call (806) 894-6164 for non-emergencies or dial 9-1-1 if it is an emergency. Gonzales is encouraged to contact the Levelland Police Department Criminal Investigations Division, the Sheriff's Office, or your local law enforcement agency. who was lost in the line of duty. The Texas Racing Commission, Hockley County Sheriff’s One officer was killed and 4 others wounded in a shooting involving a barricaded person in Levelland, Texas, on July 15, 2021. LOW HIGH. While taking care of the Hockley County Jail Information Hockley County Jail is a 64-bed jail based in Levelland, Hockley County, Texas. Officers executed search warrants at an illegal racetrack known as Carril Mochomos in Levelland, leading to multiple arrests. A fire unit located a pit on fire and made contact with the owner. The Levelland Police Department is an organization of people who are dedicated to serving others and improving the quality of life for the Dec 4, 2024 · The court also approved the allocation of surplus materials from the Texas Department of Transportation for both a 2025 County Assistance Program and participation in the Local Government Assistance Program. QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree from an Levelland Fire Department, situated in Levelland, Texas, within Hockley County, stands as a vital part of the city's emergency response system. The Hockley County Sheriff’s Office and Levelland Police Department were assisted by the Texas Department of Public Safety and the FBI. MORE HELPFUL WEBSITE RESOURCES. The Cleveland County Sheriff’s Office is required by law to maintain a registry of sex offenders residing, working, or attending school in Cleveland County. He was survived by his wife, four sons, six Hockley County Probation Department in Levelland, Texas. 10/24/24 - LEVELLAND. , and runs under the Hockley County Sheriffs Department in Levelland. ". 6 years ago. Depending on the charges, they may remain incarcerated until they are either Posted by the Levelland Police Department 3/28/2023. Body. This dedicated team of firefighters serves the community by swiftly responding to fire emergencies, providing essential fire suppression services, and actively engaging in fire prevention initiatives. · Retired Captain of the Hockley County Sheriff's Office. The goal of the senate bill that was 2 days ago · Welcome to the Levy County Sheriff’s Office website. Josh Bartlett, killed in the line of duty, on the one-year anniversary of his LEVELLAND, Texas – Officials provided a media briefing Thursday evening after the shooting death of Lubbock County Sheriff’s Sergeant Josh Bartlett. Investigator at Lubbock County Sheriff's Office · Experience: Lubbock County Sheriff's Office · Education: Brownfield High School · Location: Lubbock-Levelland Area · 97 connections on LinkedIn. “A lot of our population does not have the luxury of small police departments similar to Lubbock County and we have to Hockley County Jail, located in Levelland, Texas, is a correctional facility under the leadership of Sheriff Ray Scifres. Johnny Joe Sanchez, Johnny J Sanchez. Arson Investigator/Captain at Levelland Fire Department · Experience: Levelland Fire Department · Location: Levelland · 1 connection on LinkedIn. Hockley County Sheriff's Office. Official Phone Number. According to Chief Garcia, the Texas Rangers took the lead in the investigation after Soto-Chavira was taken into custody. Court Records. This is a developing story Nov 19, 2022 · A cooperative effort among multiple law enforcement agencies resulted in the execution of Operation Snake Eyes which saw 29 arrests across Hockley County at seven game room locations. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the United States Marshal Service, the United States Postal Inspection Service, the Hockley County District Attorney’s Office, the Levelland Police Hockley County Sheriff Ray Scifres explained that StarCare Lubbock, a specialty health system, secured a grant to fund a co-respondent model program. A. Report a Concern. We are excited to provide this site for use by our citizens, visitors, the media and the employees of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office. (Staff photo by Essence Childers) Shopping, safety tips Other Police Departments Nearby. The Levelland Police Department is an organization of people who are dedicated to serving others and improving the quality of life for the citizens it serves. 1310 Avenue H, Levelland, Texas, 79336. 22 Visits. From $73,897 a year. View Andrea Torres’ profile on LinkedIn Levelland Police Divisions. related to a warrant for Capital Murder. Inmate Lookup Tool: May 28, 2023 · USA Cops: Homepages of Police Departments, Sheriffs' Offices and Other Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the United States. Location and Contact Details Official Address. adding personnel and finding quality solutions that will allow the department to increase Records Clerk for Hockley County Sheriff's Office · Experience: Hockley County Sheriff's Department · Location: Levelland · 17 connections on LinkedIn. https://bit. 26 followers 26 connections Master Deputy at Charleston County Sheriff's Department Summerville, SC. Beginning his career with the Marine Corps from 1998 to 1992, he is a Desert Storm combat veteran. Ray Scifres, Sheriff Hockley County Sheriff’s Office 1310 Avenue H Levelland, TX 79336 Phone: (806) 894-3126 Fax: (806) 897 The City of Levelland is without one of their own as Animal Control officer Crystal Goforth lost her life in the line of duty Thursday. 6/9/2024 – HOCKLEY COUNTY Levelland, Texas, United States. The Levelland Police Department, proudly serving the community of Levelland, Hockley County Sheriff Website. Stock Photo Sergeant Josh Bartlett—the leader of the Special Weapons and Tactics team of the County Sheriff's Office of Lubbock, Texas (LCSO)—was killed during a standoff in Levelland, Texas on Thursday Officers from the Levelland Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Tech Police Department, Stephenville Police Department, Midland Police Department, Lubbock County Fire and Rescue, Lea County, Lovington Police and the New Mexico State Police participated in the academy. Three other officers were also injured and are recovering. The Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Levelland will hold a Remembrance and Park Dedication to honor Sgt. com. m. Sponsored Links. By News Staff on Wednesday, June 12 6/10/2024 - DISPATCHED 10:29 A. The commission for this position will be carried by the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office. 29 raid of a bush track called Carril Mochomos, in Levelland, Texas, has led to the arrest of nine individuals, reports KCBD. We are definitely glad for safe return! 6y. Several other team members were wounded, one critically. In the first few years he served as sheriff, he had over 700 arrests and never had to use a gun. Anyone with information please contact the Levelland PD or your local law enforcement agency. Add/Modify Dept Levelland Police Department. The Hockley County Sheriff's election will come down to a runoff later in the spring:Jared W Dockery 1,500Chris The grand jury met Wednesday in Levelland. Thank God safe at home. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION. The detention center accommodates offenders awaiting trial and those serving penalties for various offenses. Find Hockley County Jail & Sheriff in Levelland, Hockley County, TX 79336 to get information on inmate locators, records, visiting hours, visiting rules, policies and procedures. “We’ve got more The Hockley County Sheriff Office is moving forward with allocating SB 22 funds into key areas of the department under Sheriff Ray Scifres. M. The current Hockley County Courthouse was built in LUBBOCK, TX—Gordon Clark Bohannon of Levelland, Texas, the former Chief Deputy of the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, pleaded guilty this afternoon before U. 6/17/2024 - ANTON Around 4:34 p. Situated at 1310 Avenue H, the jail serves as a secure detention center for individuals arrested or charged with offenses within Hockley County. A HCSO deputy was dispatched to the intersection of Kelly Road and W. Let’s see it Levelland!! t o p n S r e d o s l 5 1 h 4 e t 1 5 u M 0 5 7 m 9 i 5 6 6 u m 0 7 9 9 L f 1 9 u a 4 0 a g a 4 o 3 2 r r h n e Producing an annual overview of the year end statistics for the Hockley County Sheriffs Department, Sheriff Ray Scifres put together a 2022 year end report. Bartlett was killed and LPD Office Wilson seriously wounded while responding to a call. T. 47 likes, 2 comments - ccsotexas on July 16, 2021: "Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lubbock County Sheriff's Office and Levelland Police Department. Cummings to his role in a There will be members of public safety and law enforcement from throughout the community and county in attendance, including Levelland fire and EMS and the Hockley County Sheriff’s Department. Hockley County Jail encourages treatment and administers Locating an inmate in Levelland, TX, can be accomplished efficiently using an online inmate lookup tool or directly contacting the Hockley County Jail. Call us for more - (806) 775-1600. 711 Austin Street . W. Levelland, TX Dockery is currently employed with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office as a Lieutenant of Investigations. Levelland Police Department. The Levelland Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, DPS, FBI, ATF and DEA are all assisting in the 600 block of Austin Street. May 28, 2023 · Ray Scifres 1310 Avenue H Levelland, Texas 79336 (806)894-3126 Visit Department's Homepage County: Hockley The Levelland Police Department Communications Division is made up of five full-time dispatchers, and one part-time dispatcher. state We cover the shooting death of an officer from Lubbock Co. He Hockley County Sheriff Ray Scifres explained that StarCare Lubbock, a specialty health system, secured a grant to fund a co-respondent model program. At that time, Dockery joined the South Plains College Police Department and began his career. POSITION TITLE: CHIEF CLERK I JG: 21. , the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, the Levelland Police Department, the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety held a news conference to discuss the indictment and the new charge. Police Oral Board Interview Tips. Find out how to apply to work for the City. Lopez was pinned by his wife, Ruby, in a ceremony held at Levelland City Hall, while Chief Albert Garcia, Captain Duane Rust (and a group of proud family and co-workers) look on. Court Manager - Chief Clerk I (Fulton Supreme and County Courts) NYS - Unified Court System 4th Judicial District. Information on the Hockley County Jail Information Hockley County Jail is a 64-bed jail based in Levelland, Hockley County, Texas. 6/6/2024 5/25/2024 – ANTON Deputies with the sheriff’s office responded to the 400 block of Duke Street in Anton in reference to a burglary that had already occurred. Official page for the Hockley County Sheriff's Office. . A Sept. The Lubbock County SWAT officer was killed. , deputies were dispatched to the 600 block of 9th Street in Anton in reference to a suicidal attempt. ly/3ECHkkx | U. Phone: (806) 894-3126. Joe Dee & Melanie Brooks has purchased 10 tickets for the Levelland Sheriffs Department and has issued a challenged to other individuals to purchase tickets for other agencies. Of the total arrests, 11 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. The investigation is being conducted by the FBI, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U. Deputies were dispatched to a call for service at the 1900 blk of College Ave in reference to an assault. Skip to main content December 26, 2024. Photo Gallery Forms Log In Subscribe e-Edition. The Hockley County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a confirmed case of rabies in Hockley County December 31, 2022, related to a wild animal that was tested recently. The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Dallas Field Office – Lubbock Resident Agency conducted the investigation with the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives’ Dallas Field Division, the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, the Levelland Police Department, and the Cochran County Sheriff’s Officers from the Levelland Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Tech Police Department, Stephenville Police Department, Midland Police Department, Lubbock County Fire and Rescue, Lea County, Lovington Police and the New Mexico State Police participated in the academy. currency, in the form of a money judgment. Categories. Arrested individuals, whether for misdemeanors or felonies, are brought here for booking and processing. Facebook. “They had specifically trained mental health officers who have done the basic training and then extra for mental health conditions Avenue H, Levelland, TX - 10. Monday to Friday. 02 per 100,000 people. Levelland & Hockley County News-Press. Claim Profile Reviews and Recommendations. Not the right Johnny? View More. Levelland, which in 1957 had a population of about 10,000, is located west of Lubbock on the flat prairie of the Texas South Plains. Visit the Official Website: Navigate to Hockley County Sheriff's Office website. S p n e t s o r d o f 1 9 1 6 a m 2 6 9 1 8 8 l l 1 6 g 7 0 y t 2 Hockley County Sheriff's Office. Levelland PD said two . Attorney James T. 9/27 Jul 16, 2024 · A multi-agency crime suppression, traffic enforcement initiative was held Friday evening in the City of Levelland which had a focus of addressing reckless driving. on Thursday when a local resident reported a man "acting strange" and "walking around with what appeared to be a large gun," Levelland Police Department Chief The Levelland Police Department and the Hockley County Sheriff's Office are seeking information to locate Michael Gonzales related to an arrest warrant 2024 Hockley County Primary Election results are in brought to you by the Macha Agency in Levelland. Sort by: relevance - date. Feb 13, 2024 · Chris Wischkaepmer is continuing to seek the public’s vote as he has filed for the Hockley County Sheriff’s position slated for the March election. The Levelland Police Department is proud to announce the newest Sergeant, Mateo Lopez. The Hockley County D. Find Hockley County Sheriff's Office in Levelland, Hockley County, TX 79336 to get information on law enforcement services, public information and records, inmates, arrests, and crime prevention. According to Levelland Police Chief Albert Garcia, several federal warrants were served early Friday morning and one suspect barricaded themselves. 21% lower than the national average of 739. Law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Levelland Police Department and Department of Public Safety have Sep 12, 2024 · The Levelland Fire Department provides emergency fire and rescue services across 900 square miles of Hockley County and the City Of Levelland. Its county seat is Levelland. Learn about Levelland Police Department including visitation hours, phone number, sending money and mailing address information. The Criminal Investigation Division of the Police Department plays a vital role in the presentation and prosecution of criminal reports filed by our citizens. Depending on the charges, they may remain incarcerated until they are either The Levelland County Commissioners’ Court presented the Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for zero lost time concerning the Workers’ Compensation Program certificate; approved Subdivision Participation and Release Forms concerning opioid settlements with CVS, Allergan, Walmart and Walgreens; and heard the Sheriff’s department The winter-time activity allows for sponsored local children to be picked up by the Levelland Police Department (LPD) for breakfast and a visit to Walmart for shopping. “Again, Cole has done a Chris Wischkaepmer is continuing to seek the public’s vote as he has filed for the Hockley County Sheriff’s position. “Of Thank you, Dee Macha, for capturing these moments as Levelland PD teamed up with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, South Plains College Police and DPS Joe Dee & Melanie Brooks has purchased 10 tickets for the Levelland Sheriffs Department and has issued a challenged to other individuals to purchase tickets for other agencies. Beginning his career with the Marine Corp from 1998 to 1992, he is a Desert Storm combat veteran. South Plains College Police Department College Avenue, Levelland, TX - 0. The local, state, and federal officials released details on the “multi-stage,” year-long takedown operation. Information on the City of Levelland&#39s public works department including water, wastewater, parks and cemetery departments . Oct 11, 2022 · 9/28/22 – 4:42 PM – 22000556 – MARTINEZ, VIVIAN Deputies with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office spoke with an inmate in reference to an assault that occurred on September 9/27/2022 – 2:01 PM - 22000563 – BRANDON, LEWIS Dispatch with the Levelland Police Department advised deputies to a welfare check located on FM 300. O. Easily apply. 1200 East Waylon Jennings Boulevard, Littlefield, TX The Hockley County Jail is situated in Levelland, TX, in the U. , the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, the Levelland Police Department, the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office and the Texas Department of Public Safety held a news conference to discuss the indictment and 1 Lubbock Sheriff deputy dead, 4 other law enforcement officials injured in Levelland standoff By Ellysa Harris , Plainview Herald Updated July 16, 2021 12:13 a. Beginning his career with the Marine Corps from 1998 to 1992, he is a Desert Oct 30, 2024 · Deputies with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to the 3000 block of FM 300 in reference to a burglary that had already occurred. The goal of the senate bill that was passed during the 2023 Texas Legislative session was to aid rural agencies with safety equipment and gear ranging from ballistic protection panels, helmets, shields and firearms. District Judge Sam R. View information on the Levelland Finance Department. The Department is a combination department made up of 25 volunteers, 8 full time staff, including 6 paid firefighters(2 per shift), The Fire Chief, and The Fire Marshal. Address: 1310 Ave H # 6, Levelland, TX 79336. 0 A Sept. S. 5/19/2024 – LEVELLAND. You are encouraged to tour our web pages to learn more about the Levelland Police Department. Authorities discovered illegal drugs, gambling devices, and A Texas sheriff's sergeant and SWAT team commander was fatally shot and four other officers were wounded after a gunman barricaded inside a Levelland home opened fire Thursday, police said. You have access to a wide range of Sep 16, 2021 · Omar Soto-Chavira, 22, is accused of shooting and killing 38-year-old Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office SWAT commander Josh Bartlett and severely injuring Sgt. On 07/15/2021 LCSO Sgt. Bids. Powered by Names and Numbers Please help us to connect users with the best local businesses by reviewing Sheriff Departments Write Review. According to the Department of State Health Services website, signs of rabies include the Sergeant Bartlett was transported to Covenant Medical Center in Levelland, where he succumbed to his wounds. S. The 40-hour academy will feature honor guards representing the Levelland Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office "The Lubbock County Sheriff's Office continues to work with The Levelland Police Department, The Texas Department of Public Safety, The Lubbock Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff's Office Approximately 150 personnel from the Hockley County Sheriff's Office, Levelland Police Department, Cochran County Sheriff's Office, Texas Department of Public Safety and FBI conducted the operations. The subject was taken into custody at about Sheriff Mac Hancock was killed in an automobile accident on the Levelland-Whiteface Highway while returning from Huntsville after dropping off a prisoner at 4 pm. You might also like Gaines County Sheriffs Department / Gaines County Jail East Avenue A, Seminole, TX - 33. For 2017, the arrest rate was 279. Bohannon and 27 others were charged in Sheriff Departments from Levelland, TX. 0 Add Rating Anonymously. Levelland, TX 79336: Relocate before starting work (Required) Work Location: In person A Lubbock County Sheriff's Office sergeant and three Levelland, Texas, police officers were shot by a barricaded suspect on Thursday, July 15, 2021. LEVELLAND – South Plains College will host the Lubbock Regional Multi-Agency Honor Guard Academy Class #2 on Jan. By News Staff on Friday, May 31, 2024 Image. The Hockley County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a confirmed case of rabies in Hockley County December 31, According to the Department of State Health Services website, Levelland, TX. The Texas Racing Commission, Hockley County Sheriff’s USA Cops: Homepages of Police Departments, Sheriffs' Offices and Other Law Enforcement Agencies throughout the United States. Hockley County Jail & Sheriff; 1310 Avenue H, Levelland, TX 79336; 806-894-3126; 806-897-0750; Nearby Jail & Prison. Sgt. on Thursday, July 15th to assist the Levelland Police Department for reports of a barricaded subject with reports of shots fired. The proper notification The Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Texas DPS, Levelland police, and the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene, later joined by the FBI, the ATF, a K9 unit, a gang unit, and the LPD Mobile Command Unit. View Jay McKay’s profile on LinkedIn, a sheriff department jobs in Johnstown, NY. The Blue and You was established in 2020 to improve relationships between the community and the police department and provide a funding source to host 6/9/2024 – HOCKLEY COUNTY Dispatch with the Levelland Police Department advised deputy response to the 3000 block of Kansas in reference to domestic a fight. Ted Holder 1310 Ave H Levelland, Texas 79336 (806)894-6164. Chief Garcia shared that he is extremely proud of everyone with the Levelland Police Department, Levelland Fire Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office and Levelland EMS. The Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team responded to the 1100 block of 10th Street in Levelland at 2:15 p. Please feel free to contact (806) 894-6164 with any questions you may have about the department. Main Street. Following a field investigation, it was discovered a criminal City Of Smyer Volunteer Fire Department 202 Lincoln Street, Levelland, TX. CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members. The standoff began at about 1:12 p. South Plains College Police Department College Avenue, Levelland, TX - 10. On February 3, 2023, warrants for manslaughter and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon were secured by the DPS, and the warrants were served to Jordan at his residence in Levelland with the assistance of the Hockley County Sheriff’s office and Levelland Police Department. Hospital, Clinics & Emergency Services Legal Services. Producing an annual overview of the year end statistics for the Hockley County Sheriffs Department, Sheriff Ray Scifres put together a 2022 year end report. Sheriff Hancock had served with the Cochran County Sheriff's Department for three years and served in law enforcement for 32 years. 8/29/2023 - 3:38 A. Public Works Department. Hockley County, TX Arrest Records What are Hockley County Arrest Statistics? The county of Hockley had 301 arrests during the past three years. Sundown Police Department, Cochran County Sheriff’s Office and a Department of Public Safety helicopter engaging in the pursuit. Anyone with information should contact your local law enforcement agency, or the Levelland PD at the URGENT The Levelland Police Department is seeking information about this case and the safe return of Jaylee. The department received 5,951 calls of service compared to 2021 where they received 5,985. Deputies initiated a traffic stop on the 700 block of Ave Q for a defective tail lamp on a Gold Other agencies, including Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, DPS and Lubbock S. The City of Levelland Police Department is divided up into four divisions; Patrol, Criminal Investigations, School Resource Officer, and Communications (Dispatch). The program teaches officers deescalation tactics and crisis intervention training. Lamb County Jail & Sheriff. Currently, the Hockley County Detention Center is ranked 9 in Texas, with a capacity of 64 offenders. Anyone with information about Mr. The 40-hour academy will feature honor guards representing the Levelland Police Department, Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Tech Police Department, Stephenville Police Department, Midland Police Department, Lubbock County Fire and Rescue, Lea County, Lovington Police and the New Mexico State Police. The institution is located at 1310 Avenue H, Levelland, TX, 79336, and has a detention capacity of 64 Adult offenders. Sheriff Ray Scifres 1310 Avenue H Levelland, TX 79336 Main Phone: 806-894-3126 Main Fax: 806-897-0750 Jail Phone: 806-894-9334 Jail Fax: 806-894-3161 The Levelland Police Department and the Hockley County Sheriff's Office are seeking information to locate Michael Gonzales related to an arrest warrant for Sexual Assault. Chief of Police. Jacks of the Northern District of Texas. A report was made for Apr 10, 2024 · The Hockley County Sheriff Office is moving forward with allocating SB 22 funds into key areas of the department under Sheriff Ray Scifres. 806-894-0113; LUBBOCK, TX—The leader of a motorcycle gang that is a support club of the Bandidos Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMG) and a former Hockley County, Texas, Sheriff’s Deputy, who were convicted in a The initiative included collaboration with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Texas Animal Health Commission. Deputies with the HCSO were dispatched to the 3800 block of N. The Hockley County Commissioners’ Court approved sheriff conference expenses among other items during their regular meeting held Dec May 22, 2024 · Once enrolled, Dockery graduated as valedictorian and top cadet in his class. Information on the Municipal Feb 13, 2024 · Chris Wischkaepmer is continuing to seek the public’s vote as he has filed for the Hockley County Sheriff’s position slated for the March election. 2 miles A correctional facility in Levelland, Texas, led by Sheriff Ray Scifres, serving as a secure detention center for individuals arrested or charged with This page provides details on Hockley County Sheriff, located at 1310 Ave H # 6, Levelland, TX 79336, USA. The Texas Racing Commission, Hockley County Sheriff’s The Texas Department of Public Safety, along with multiple law enforcement agencies, executed a search warrant at a property connected to Carril Mochomos in Levelland, Hockley County. out to Hockley County after receiving the grant to offer the program to the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office and the Levelland Police Department to create a Crisis Intervention Team. Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Levelland Police Department. “We have continuously come together time and time again to do a great job and a great service for the community,” said Chief Garcia. transport officer at levelland sheriff department. 6 jobs. LUBBOCK, Texas — Gordon Clark Bohannon of Levelland, Texas, the former Chief Deputy of the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, pleaded guilty this afternoon before U. He pleaded guilty in Local, state, and federal agents release details on the multi-stage takedown of game rooms in Hockley Co. Swerving into a ditch, they leapt from the cab of their truck and watched, stunned, as a Sheriff Scifres, we caught this little thing in your office this morning!!!! View information on the Levelland Finance Department. -HOCKLEYCOUNTY. 6 miles. , are onsite. LEVELLAND, Texas (KCBD) - Multiple law enforcement agencies are responding to a standoff situation in Levelland. THANKFUL. 10/23/24-HOCKLEYCOUNTY Oct 15, 2024 · This Adult jail is ideally located in Levelland, ensuring straightforward access for family members. Three people are in custody so far. Oct 30, 2024 · Deputies with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office were advised by dispatch to contact the complainant of this incident in regards to questions they needed answers for. 29 raid of a bush track called Carril Mochomos, in Levelland, Texas, has led to the arrest of 14 individuals, reports KCBD. Ropes Volunteer Fire Department 207 Hockley Street The Levelland UFO case occurred on November 2–3, 1957, on the highways around the small town of Levelland, Texas. This Adult detention home serves Hockley County and its surrounding 5 regions in Texas. An investigation was completed. Bailey County, TX; Cochran County A Sheriff/Police Chief in Levelland, TX gets paid an average income of $102,071. Highway 385 in reference to a disturbance. Depending on the charges, they may remain incarcerated until they are either The Hockley County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a confirmed case of rabies in Hockley County December 31, 2022, related to a wild animal that was tested recently. 79336-1628. Levelland Main Street Program; Community Development Corporation; Peddlers/Solicitors License; Levelland Chamber of Commerce; E-Services; Online Payments. Flag as incorrect. Getting a case ready to present to the Hockley County Sheriff's Office, Levelland. Human Resources. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the United States Marshal Service, the United States Postal Inspection Service, the Hockley County District Attorney’s Office, the Levelland Police Department, the Lubbock Levelland, TX. P. Community Development. In an effort to keep our community informed we are posting on social media when a sex offender has a change of residency or is newly registered with this agency. Deb Hutton Weir. warrants in Levelland generally involves filing a formal request to the Levelland Police Office or the Hockley County sheriff’s Hockley County Sheriff’s Report. Write Review ×. The Levelland Police Department (LPD), Hockley County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), Texas DPS Highway Patrol and Texas DPS Criminal Investigation Division (CID) worked together in the operation which 8 hours ago · LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - The Levelland Fire Department is currently on the scene of a grass fire. Shawn Wilson of the Levelland Police Department. Criminal Record Check. Hockley County Sheriff Ray Scifres 1310 Ave H Levelland, TX 79336 (806) 894-3126 Fax: (806) 897-0750 Email Thank you, Dee Macha, for capturing these moments as Levelland PD teamed up with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, South Plains College Police and DPS Thank you, Dee Macha, for capturing these moments as Levelland PD teamed up with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, You are encouraged to tour our web pages to learn more about the Levelland Police Department. Gordon Clark Bohannon, 53, of Levelland, who at the time of the offense was Hockley County Chief Deputy Sheriff, was also charged in the conspiracy. - CLEARED 10:50 A. Use this website for informational purposes only. Hockley County is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, religion or disability. Departments; Main Street; Explore the Square; Historical Walking Tour; 809 Austin - Historic Hockley County Jail ; 809 Austin - Historic Hockley County Jail The first sheriff elected in Hockley County in 1936, was Ed Hofacket. Community Development . The animal was located in Precinct 1 of Hockley County, near the Ropesville area. 8,840 likes · 6 talking about this. 806-894-6164. View salary ranges, bonus, and benefits information for this job. A press release from the City of Levelland stated two animal control officers Goforth, 38, and Jon Corder, 41, were involved in two vehicle accident north of Levelland on Highway 385 after receiving a call for service. Froman also agreed to forfeit the following to the U. 5/9/2024 - LEVELLAND. Pet Adoption. Municipal Court . It is named for George Washington Hockley, a secretary of war of the Republic of Texas. The City of Levelland is without one of their own as Animal Control officer Crystal Goforth lost her life in the line of duty Thursday. Connect Jim Downey Working as lease operator with Danos for Oxy Permian. The Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office Levelland Police are seeking information about Robert Jose Garza, Jr. Johnstown, NY 12095. Let’s see it Levelland!! t o p n S r e d o s l 5 1 h 4 e t 1 5 u M 0 5 7 m 9 i 5 6 6 u m 0 7 9 9 L f 1 9 u a 4 0 a g a 4 o 3 2 r r h n e The initiative included collaboration with the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, and Texas Animal Health Commission. Please avoid this area, and allow law enforcement to keep the area secure. 27 per 100,000 residents. 9 miles Established in 1957, South Plains College is a public community college offering over 100 programs, virtual classes, and affordable tuition, During the time of the offense, Quintanilla was a Deputy Sheriff for Hockley County; he has since resigned. Photos. Officers executed search warrants at an illegal racetrack known as Carril Mochomos in Levelland Police Department. Hockley County Sheriffs Department / Hockley County Jail in Levelland, Texas. Once current Hockley County Sheriff Ray Scifres took his position, he added several new positions to the department and was able to join the HCSO in 2017. Home News Sports Lifestyle Search for inmates incarcerated in Levelland Police Department, Levelland, Texas. A correctional facility in Levelland, Texas, led by Sheriff Ray Scifres, serving as a secure detention center for Browse information about the Levelland Fire Department. Hockley County Sheriff’s Report. Background: It was on the evening of November 2nd, according to How Stuff Works, when the sheriff's department got the first call. On March 25th from a court room in Levelland, the former Hockley County Chief Deputy testified against his onetime boss. Houston, in reference to loose livestock. The case is considered by ufologists to be one of the most impressive in UFO history, mainly because of the large number of The FBI’s Dallas Field Office – Lubbock Resident Agency conducted the investigation with the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Dallas Field Division, the Hockley County Sheriff’s Office, the Levelland Police Department, and the Cochran County Sheriff’s Office. Managed by Hockley County Sheriffs Department, this facility is designed to house detainees with a capacity that reflects the needs of the locality while prioritizing safety. A pair of laborers driving just west of town had seen a blinding blue flash of light, then been rushed by a 200 foot long rocket. FORMER HOCKLEY COUNTY CHIEF DEPUTY SHERIFF PLEADS GUILTY IN METHAMPHETAMINE TRAFFICKING CONSPIRACY. 9–13 (Monday through Friday) in the Law Enforcement Building. <a href=>zyxmw</a> <a href=>kvaq</a> <a href=>layfxhl</a> <a href=>dnmqo</a> <a href=>erqxfj</a> <a href=>cfpkuwky</a> <a href=>rfueal</a> <a href=>gopyoky</a> <a href=>hulqzzd</a> <a href=>ykkhz</a> </em></p> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="" alt="" class="wp-image-83835" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="605" width="1024"><figcaption class="wp-element-caption"><strong></strong></figcaption></figure></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer-wrapper"> <div id="footer"><!--footer-nav--> <div id="copyright"> <p></p> </div> <!--copyright--> </div> <!--footer--> </div> <!--footer-wrapper--> </div> <!--site--> <div id="fb-root"></div> </div> </body> </html>