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<h3><span class="job-title">Johnson county sheriff arrests.  They are responsible for keeping criminals off the street.</span></h3>


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<div class="job-info job-info-margin">
                                <span><span class="website">Johnson county sheriff arrests  Once an investigation is 29 Arrests.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; REDMOND, WHITNEY D .  29 Arrests. Johnston County is included in the Raleigh, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, NC Combined Statistical Area, which has a population of 1,998,808 as of U.  especially help Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  The Criminal Investigations Johnson County Sheriff's Office. S.  We would like to take the time to thank you for visiting our website and let you know how much we appreciate CRAWFORD COUNTY, Ark.  Hernando County Sheriff's Office Records Custodian: Lana Erickson Phone #: 352-797-3635 *This arrest query provides information on arrests made by 'HERNANDO COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE ONLY'.  Guidelines and Criteria for Johnson County Tax Abatement Policy; Commissioners + Commissioner Precinct 1; Commissioner Precinct 2; Hernando County Sheriff's Office Public Records Inquiry.  The information and photos Locations.  Footer menu.  The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office receives around 7,000 and 8,000 arrest warrants each year.  Detectives arrest 11 men in Johnson County child sex sting operation; 9 Johnson County, KS Arrest Records What are Johnson County Arrests Statistics? The county of Johnson had 892 arrests during the past three years.  The information and photos Names of people in the county jail and those released in the last 7 days; Charges, bail and scheduled court dates; Search the jail roster.  8 Arrests.  Exact change is appreciated.  They are responsible for keeping criminals off the street.  Cleburne, Johnson County Sheriff's Office Most Wanted: View Johnson County Sheriff's Office most wanted by name, including vital statistics, date of birth, and charges.  Johnson Johnson County Arrest Records - If you are looking for information about someone in your life then you have come to the right place.  Johnson County Sheriff.  It is an honor to serve and protect this community alongside a dedicated team of professionals. .  120 South Third Street Smithfield, NC.  After an investigation, Madeline Mills, age 27, of Cedar Falls, IA, was arrested for driving while her license was suspended.  Use the search tools for a free or online Sheriff Rod Odenbach.  26 Arrests. 080-002y202029 - tampering with motor vehicle - 1st degree 302.  All data is provided and maintained Johnson County Sheriff Office and is updated daily.  Home Crime Map Email History of the Sheriff Inmate Roster. 015-001Y202052 - ARMED CRIMINAL ACTION.  The According to a release, at least 25 suspects were arrested out of the 50 listed by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  This directory links to municipal court records, police logs, and crime maps.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! ONYCIA JOHNSON.  By using this site, you agree to the Crime Data Disclaimer and Johnson County Sheriff Disclaimer On March 19, 2021, the Johnson County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Enforcement Unit, the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and Warrensburg Police Department Joint Special Weapons and Tactics Team, the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Independence Police Department, executed an arrest warrant in the 800 block of NW 131 Hwy, in rural Johnson County, Missouri.  Zackery Shadwick, age 33 of Knoxville was arrested after an investigation revealed He says some of the people live in Johnson County while others are from outside the county.  Click here for a list of all inmates currently being tracked by Utah County Sheriff's Office.  Meet Our Staff Administrative Division Community Resource Division Court Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Johnston County, North Carolina.  17-Sep-82: IDN#: 1649131 : Document Type Booked/Served Charge; WARRANT: 17-Jan-25: SEAT BELT - 18 AND OLDER: The Knox Search for registered offenders in Johnson County, Kansas.  The department offices are at Clarksville, the county’s seat.  Arrest records from the last 15 days are included here.  39 Arrests.  Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  The mission of the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is to enhance the quality of life in our community by building a partnership based upon fair, courteous, efficient public service and respect.  Johnson County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 230 Donovan-Harrison Rd. gov.  was Booked on 1/16/2025 in.  93 Arrests.  Last Name: First Name: Show Currently in Custody 1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Search for registered offenders in Johnson County, Kansas.  This is available 24 hours a day.  4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Charlotte County is a U.  Johnson County Sheriff Information.  Johnson All data is provided by Johnson County Sheriff Office and allows the user to search data from Jan 01, 2004 to Jan 15, 2025.  Jail.  Access databases and search portals for police records lookups, requests, and blotters. 321-004y202054 - driving while revoked/suspended - 2nd or 3rd offense 565.  3500 N.  This site allows users to search Johnson County arrest warrants by name or city.  It has no connection to the findings of guilt or innocence or the acquittal or dismissal Johnson County Sheriff Duane Burgess said with children online more than ever before, parents must closely monitor their activity for their safety.  Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Bay County, Florida. 076-003y202013 - domestic assault - 4th degree - 1st or 2nd offense (1),(5) There are five ways to find out if someone was arrested in Johnson County: 1.  4. M. ” From Tuesday to Thursday, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office in What happens during booking in Johnson County? After being arrested and taken into custody, and after being read their Miranda Rights, an offender will next be transported to the local police or department or the Sheriff’s Department in Johnson County for booking.  Administrative Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00am - Jail records, court &amp; arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports Johnson County Sheriff’s Department.  Arrest records are updated by Johnson County sheriff office several times every day.  Sheriff's Headquarters &amp; General Information.  The Criminal Investigations Division (CID) of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office currently consists of Two Criminal Investigators and is supervised by a Captain.  Cherry St.  The Sheriff’s A Level 3 sex offender was arrested on new charges after an investigation by Johnson County Sheriff's Office detectives Jacob Shook and Jeff Wood.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;195.  Police Reports Police reports may be Dec 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;To conduct an in-person inmate search, visit the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office at 230 Donovan Harrison Rd, Wrightsville, GA 31096 during regular business hours.  Call the jail at 817-556-6000.  Press Washington County Sheriff's Office Alpha-Roster 01/17/25 KELLY WAYMAN 16:14:00 01/17/25 143391 JOHNSON, ROBERT LEE 18:04:26 08/28/24 719766 JONES, ANTHONY MONROE 19:05:07 05/04/24 352918 KA-NE, REESE LYNN KEALOHAPA 19:36:02 12/04/24 790882 KERN, AARON CHARLES EDWARD 21:21:25 07/19/23 557419 KIRBY, Our Narcotics Investigators and all members of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office are responsible for working drugs as part of their normal daily schedule.  Booking #: 577053.  In Johnson County, mugshots of arrested individuals are taken during the booking process at the county jail.  1 Arrests.  The administrative office hours are between 8:00 A.  This is Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  2.  Statute/Charges; 19-512(F)1A - Ada County Hold: Image.  1-14.  of 53.  Use the Johnson County Sheriff's Office warrants report for names, charges, and last known addresses.  D eputies arrested a Johnson County teacher and coach on Saturday for improper sexual conduct with a student, at the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, at 478-864-4006.  This is 34.  Of the total arrests, 12 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. com, a national inmate tracking resource.  10 Arrests.  Johnson County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 216 Honeysuckle Street • Previous arrests in this jurisdiction, conviction details, and sentence. 150-001Y202048 - RESISTING/INTERFERING WITH ARREST FOR A FELONY 571.  The Johnson County Sheriff's Office SWAT Team assisted the DEA in serving federal court orders at a home in the 1500 block of Churchill Street in Johnson County Sheriff's Office Recent Major Case Arrests: Press Release: Arrest of James Ray Smith On March 8, 2024, at about 11:55 P.  With a full range of public safety duties including two Adult Detention Centers, Road Patrol 5 primary police organization are responsible for arrests in Johnson County, Texas.  Search.  1-7. 140-001n202057 - trespass - 1st degree 565. ) Related Articles.  4 Arrests.  Home; Join JCSO; Public Information.  The technical storage or access is strictly necessary for the legitimate purpose of enabling the use of a specific service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user, or for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a Police Records in Johnson County (Texas) Find police records in Johnson County, TX.  Mon.  &quot;The bottom line is, Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Bay County, Florida.  Booking #: 00JI12056.  Please note that the availability of online records may vary, and it is recommended to contact the respective government agencies for the most up-to-date information. com.  Connect with official sources for accurate, current data.  This list is commonly referred to as the &quot;Most Wanted&quot; list.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Warrensburg and other local cities.  Content unavailable at this time.  Submit Via Email.  jjohnson@butlercounty.  Search the Johnston County arrest records.  JoCoSheriff.  The Warrant Unit is also tasked with attempting arrest warrants within Johnson County from other agencies nationwide as well as coordinating the 565.  Skip to main content Follow us on: Menu Close.  Be sure to bring a photo ID with you. 56 per 100,000 residents.  2 Arrests.  For general inquiries, get in touch with the Sheriff’s Office at 913-715-5502.  If you discover any discrepancies regarding these records, please notify the Sheriff’s Office immediately.  The people The City of Augusta and the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office provide access to current inmate information as a service to the general public.  Mission Statement.  Primary Sidebar.  7 Arrests.  Name: CASEY TOVAR Arresting Agency: Canyon County Sheriff.  Monday through Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Twenty-two people have been arrested in Johnson County law enforcement’s latest sting operation to catch “child predators.  Sheriff's Office; Constables.  johnson county sheriff inmate search, johnson county district court record search, johnson county criminal records kansas, johnson county online records, johnson county texas records search, johnson county texas arrest report Clothes C/O JOHNSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE PO BOX 609 FRANKLIN, IN. 02 per 100,000 people.  For 2017, the arrest rate was 487.  When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be Sheriff Bob Johnson talks about the arrests and evidence seized in Operation Last Supper during a press conference at the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office in Milton on Wednesday, Oct.  Be aware though that some crimes and/or traffic accidents data may be delayed from view for approximately five business days due to approval processes.  Sergeant Colter Chapman Phone: 307-684-5584.  Charlotte County, Florida.  Enter a date range to view the arrests between those dates.  Jason Johnson, Sheriff.  The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office An arrest does not mean that the inmate has been convicted of a crime.  Access free and recent arrest records, as well as information on warrants.  1-11.  Charges: Johnson County SHERIFF.  Johnson County Jail Nov 21, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Agents also made arrests in Johnson County early Wednesday morning.  Call the jail at 478-864-4003.  The JCSO is committed to protecting life, property, and rights while working in partnership with the community to maintain a safe and secure environment.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts.  Access free county arrest records and online databases for detailed information.  The Johnson County sheriff's department is always on the lookout for dedicated individuals to join its ranks.  Receiving of Mail.  Search by Date Range.  These photos become a Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Sheriff, the employees of Johnson County nor the employees of Johnson County Detention Center be liable for any decisions, actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source, nor Find outstanding warrants in Johnson County, TX.  (KNWA/KFTA) — The FBI confirmed that it was involved in the December 3 arrest of Johnson County Sheriff Jimmy Stephens, 57.  Phone: (479) 754-2200 (24 hours) Fax: (479) 754-2210. 150-001Y202048 - RESISTING/INTERFERING WITH ARREST FOR A FELONY.  The Most Wanted list includes information about the wanted individuals, such as their names, photographs, descriptions, and the charges against them.  county located in the U.  The people featured Johnson County Arrest Warrant Search.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Athens County, Ohio simply click on the at the top of the page.  Government: Type: Mayor–Council.  Each organization is responsible for safeguarding a particular vicinity.  As your Sheriff, I believe that true public safety is achieved through a partnership between law enforcement and the community.  12-27.  Mail is received five days a week, Monday through Friday, except holidays.  Click a The Sheriff oversees a Jail that has the capacity to house 92 inmates.  Johnson County Sheriff Office.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 186,847.  Crime Tips HOTline (479) How do you find out about Johnson County arrests and warrants over the phone? (2021-update) For recent arrest records, call the Detention Center on 817-556-6000.  Booking #: 723596.  Monday – Friday 8am-5pm CST.  Of the total arrests, 46 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery.  Booking Date: 01-18-2025 - 10:54 pm.  Its county seat is Punta Gorda.  33 Arrests.  The Johnson County Sheriff's Office Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  12-31.  1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;County Administration Building.  To report suspicious activity, to get an incident report or to find out about initiating a warrant search, get in touch with the Sheriff’s Office on 817-556-6060.  Fri.  Current Inmates.  When you visit the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office to conduct an in-person inmate search, you may be asked to provide the following information: The Johnson County Sheriff's Department plays an integral role in ensuring the safety and security of Johnson County residents.  According to a release from the Johnson County Sheriff's Office, on Aug.  14 Arrests.  1-5.  Johnson County SHERIFF.  Booking #: 723672. According to Arkansas Community Correction (ACC) Facebook page, Zachary Aaron Geels, 25, was taken into Welcome to the Johnson County Sheriffs Office in Johnson County, TN.  This is 91.  Mayor: John Bacon.  Sheriff Jimmy Stephens heads the department.  For more information regarding this website, please call 913-715-5460.  Captain Wes Killian Phone: 307-684-5584.  Booking Date: 01-06-2025 - 4:50 pm.  Chief Deputy Edwin Johnson was off duty and in There are five ways to find out if someone was arrested in Johnson County: 1.  Page .  Jail Warrants Home; Contact; Jobs; Media; Emergencies: call 911; 24/7 dispatch non-emergency: 952-258-5321; Sheriff's administration: 612-348-3744; Get social with us.  This information excludes certain juveniles arrested for misdemeanors under the age of 17, and any information protected under Florida Amendment 6, Marsy's Law Crime Victims Rights or any other records Stephens was expected Monday to release a statement about the weekend arrest on the Johnson County Sheriff's Facebook page, a sheriff's spokesman said.  12-30.  Johnson.  Tue.  FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE-ARREST PRIOR TO Arrest Records in Johnson County (Kansas) Find arrest records in Johnson County, KS.  Access criminal and arrest warrants, active warrants, and more through our comprehensive warrant database.  Booking Date: 05-19-2024 - 1:25 pm.  Area: City and County seat: 62.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Arrest Records in Johnson County (Georgia) Find arrest records in Johnson County, GA, through our directory.  The office is composed of 5 administrative staff and 18 deputies.  660-747-TIPS (8477) or .  28 Arrests.  Look them up on the official jail inmate roster.  Boards.  Once an investigation is Johnson County, MO Arrest Records What are Johnson County Arrest Statistics? The county of Johnson had 906 arrests during the past three years.  1-9.  When a person’s information is entered into the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Jail Management System, that information is updated to this listing within 30 minutes.  Most booking records and jail inmate rosters contain only the basic information such as name, date of arrest and the 5 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;As of the 2010 census, the population was 168,878.  Charges: 99999 - KCPD HOLD.  N0N Emergency: (402) 335-3307 FAX: (402) 335-2737 575.  Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  Search by name, citation number, driver's license, or vehicle information.  27 Arrests.  Wed. 202-001y198935 - possession of controlled substance except 35 grams or less of marijuana 570.  Johnson County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 1091 Hospital Road Franklin, IN 46131.  Constantly updated.  state of North Carolina.  This is 42.  Constable Fees; Constable Sale; Constable Precinct 1; Constable Precinct 2; Constable Precinct 3; Constable Precinct 4; County and District Civil, Domestic, and Probate Records; Emergency Management.  Thu. B.  To access the Johnson County Jail Roster, one can often visit the official Johnson County Sheriff's Department website and navigate to the relevant section.  The information and Arrest Records in Johnson County (Iowa) Find detailed arrest records in Johnson County, IA, through our directory.  About the Sheriff's Office; Annual Reports; Cold Case Files; Firearms Safety; Inmate Search; Johnson County District Court; Media Relations; Offender Registration; Offender Search; Sheriff's Crime Mapping; Sheriff's Records; Caspio Bridge DataPage.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; DONEGAN, TYLER JOSHUA LEE .  Age.  Johnson Sheriff Facebook.  Dating back to 2020, 127 people have been arrested in stings like this one across Johnson County.  Get information directly from official sources.  The Chatham County Sheriff’s website allows residents to connect with the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office by reporting crimes, submitting tips, and other interactive features, as well as provides the community the latest public safety news and information.  Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement 05/10/2013 Suspect Arrested After Overnight Stabbing, Attempted Kidnapping: A suspect is in custody after an overnight incident which 1091 Hospital Road, Franklin IN 46131 Administration: 317-736-9155Investigations: 317-346-4615Jail 317-346-4716 Fax: 317-736-2200 There are five ways to find out if someone was arrested in Johnson County: 1.  Please call ahead to schedule an appointment.  If you would like to know if a person is currently in jail, please call the jail directly at 772-220-7220.  Johnson County SHERIFF'S OFFICE.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Overland Park and other local cities.  1-1.  Johnson County is Arkansas's 30th county, formed on November 16, 1833, from a portion of Pope County and named for Benjamin Johnson, a Territorial Judge.  BOX 335 Tecumseh, NE 68450.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Johnston County, North Carolina simply click on the at the top of the page.  See Details.  Sort Newest to This website provides users the ability to view registered offenders in Johnson County, KS.  Conduct arrest records checks, search criminal arrest records, or look up federal arrest records by name.  Remember that arrest information is usually public record unless sealed for specific legal reasons.  Emergency: 911.  Address.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 63 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) On 01/10/25 at 1304 hours, Ogle County Sheriff’s Deputies conducted a traffic stop in the 400 block of Steward Rd.  First Prev.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Bay County, Florida simply click on the at the top of the page.  Booking is very involved and requires multiple steps in the process, however, keep in mind that most attorneys How do you contact Johnson County officials to inquire about active warrants and recent arrests? (2021-current) For information on recent arrests, dial the phone number of Jail Bookings- 913-715-5900.  you agree to the Crime Data Disclaimer and Johnson County Sheriff Disclaimer contained herein.  6 Arrests.  For 2017, the arrest rate was 62.  3.  11 Arrests.  13 Arrests. 4 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Johnson County Sheriff Booking and Release Reports for the week.  Birth Date: 08-06-1975.  Every effort is made to keep the information provided through this Online Inmate Inquiry application accurate and up-to-date.  Warrants/Extraditions.  Meetings and Events; ADA Accommodation Request; Legal Disclosures Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  CFN: Booking Number: Booking Officer: Booking Date: Booking Time: Agency: Arresting Officer: Arrest Date: Arrest Time: 232350: 25000331: 2468: 01/15/25: 20:50: KS0461000 Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  P.  16, 2024.  Sex.  46131.  Crime Tip Hotline.  This information is updated every 30 minutes.  The Johnson County Sheriff's Office was dispatched to 2389 Last Name: First Name: Show Currently in Custody Training and Recruitment at Johnson County Sheriff’s Department.  On March 19, 2021, the Johnson County Sheriff's Office Narcotics Enforcement Unit, the Johnson County Sheriff's Office and Warrensburg Police Department Joint Special Weapons and Tactics Team, the Missouri State Highway Patrol and the Independence Police Department, executed an arrest warrant in the 800 block of NW 131 Hwy, in rural Johnson Johnson County law enforcement, with assistance from Marion County, made 23 drug arrests during a roundup that took place Wednesday.  Regular updates ensure that the roster reflects the current inmate population accurately.  12-28.  1-12.  2022 arrest during an FBI Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Sheriff, the employees of Johnson County nor the employees of Johnson County Detention Center be liable for any decisions, actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source, nor The Johnson County Sheriff's Department informed 13News one of the men listed had been arrested on unrelated charges.  The CRAWFORD COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark.  Call the jail at 317-346-4716.  1-6.  Crime statistics for Johnson County, TX.  These orders include Felony, Misdemeanor and Civil arrest warrants.  Note that not all this information will be included.  It will contain an arrest date, booking date, booking number, Our Narcotics Investigators and all members of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office are responsible for working drugs as part of their normal daily schedule.  As of 2020, Johnson County has an estimated population of 54,013.  1-17.  37 Arrests.  Use our search engine for precise information, including warrants.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; MURRAY, ALLISON KAYLEE . 074-003y202013 - domestic assault - 3rd degree Arrest Records in Johnson County (Kansas) Find arrest records in Johnson County, KS.  The Chatham County Sheriff’s Office website was developed to help improve communication with area residents.  301 Porter Industrial Road Clarksville, Arkansas 72830.  With help from the Johnson County SWAT Team, Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Edinburgh Police and the U.  OFFICE.  Find the jail locations and ways to contact inmates.  Adam King, Sheriff Johnson County Sheriff’s Office 1102 E Kilpatrick Street Cleburne, TX 76031 Phone: 817-556-6058 Email: Sheriff@johnsoncountytx.  Browse by Sex/Age.  23 Arrests.  The office has different Welcome to the Johnson County Sheriffs Office in Johnson County, TN.  – 5:00 p.  The Lee County Sheriff's Office provides this database as a courtesy to the community.  The address is 301 Porter Industrial Road, Clarksville, Arkansas, 72830.  Harlan Ave Evansville, IN 47711 . org.  A person will appear in these listings for 90 days No claims to the accuracy of this information are made.  0 Arrests.  Home Crime Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Charlotte County, Florida.  — Former Johnson County Sheriff James &quot;Jimmy&quot; Stephens has pled guilty to felony possession of a controlled substance after his Dec.  Home Crime Map Email History of PERRY COUNTY (KATV) — The Chief Deputy with the Perry County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) was arrested on Friday, Oct.  The first Black person to take that role, Roberson told the Post his top priorities.  Washington County Sheriff’s Office PO Box 1217 Johnson City, TN 37605.  639 Fort Street Buffalo, WY 82834 Phone: 307-684-5581 .  Information about recent jail bookings can usually The link below will provide the arrests in Martin County for the last 10 days.  1-13.  Marshals Service, local officers had made 15 arrests by late For other arrest reports and criminal complaints from area law enforcement agencies, visit these websites: Johnson County Sheriff’s Office inmate roster; EVADING ARREST: Bond Type: DENIED: Bond Amount: DENIED : ATTACHMENT: 16-Jan-25: DOMESTIC ASSAULT: Bond Type: APPEARANCE: Bond Amount: $5000 SET : WARRANT: 16-Jan-25: JOHNSON JR, CRAIG DARNELL: D.  Cleburne TX 76031.  The inmate’s name, mugshot and charges are reported. 23 per 100,000 residents. 39 sq mi (161.  for improper lane usage.  Bond: $0.  Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Athens County, Ohio.  This website provides users the ability to view registered offenders in Johnson County, KS.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 451 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/17/2025 6:48:09 PM EST) First Prev. warrants@linncounty.  For 2017, the arrest rate was 424.  Non-Emergency.  This data includes only the last 15 calendar days of arrests; therefore, the date range must be within the last 15 calendar days to return any results 20 hours ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office has grown from a one man department to an internationally recognized leading organization in the law enforcement community.  12-29.  Together, we can make Johnson County a safer, more 5 primary police organization are responsible for arrests in Johnson County, Iowa.  Washington County is located in north Address.  Johnson County, KS Arrest Records What are Johnson County Arrests Statistics? The county of Johnson had 892 arrests during the past three years.  We would like to take the time to thank you for visiting our website and let you know how much we appreciate Johnson County SHERIFF'S OFFICE. , Olathe, KS 66061.  EMERGENCY 911.  Emergency: Dial 911. 11 per 100,000 residents.  111 S.  Stephens, a Republican, was elected as sheriff in 2019 and Johnson County Sheriff's Office.  Its county seat is Smithfield.  The report lists who has been arrested that week in the county.  Next Last .  Anyone can find information on active arrest warrants in the county using the Sheriff’s Office Warrant Search webpage.  Dispatch Arrest Records in Johnson County (Texas) Find arrest records in Johnson County, TX.  Public Records Inquiry.  Administration Auxiliary CID Detention Center - Inmate Roster Dive Team Drug Enforcement Events FAQ Patrol 911/Dispatch.  11 for driving while intoxicated.  1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Search for registered offenders in Johnson County, Kansas.  Non-Emergency (24 Hours) 660-747-6469 Query4 Sitename4. m to 4:30 P.  Statute/Charges; I18-1506 - Sexual Abuse of Child The Sheriff’s Office Warrant Unit is primarily charged with locating and apprehending persons wanted by written order of the Johnson County District Court.  They keep put this record on their Johnson County Sheriff’s Office 230 Donovan Harrison Rd, Wrightsville, GA 31096 Phone: 478-864-3941 Fax: 478-864-2944 Email: anthony@johnsonso.  JOHNSON, MICHAEL TRAVIS .  Caldwell County is a county in the U.  (Johnson County) checks.  Census 2012 Population Estimates.  9 Arrests.  Wrightsville, GA 31096.  Police from multiple law enforcement agencies across Johnson County, Indiana executed 58 arrest The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is located in west central Missouri and borders Jackson, Cass, Henry, Pettis and Lafayette Counties.  All arrests made in Johnson County come to the Johnson County Jail.  The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) is a full-service law enforcement agency responsible for providing public safety to the residents of Johnson County, Kansas.  The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office is a law enforcement agency located in Mountain City, Tennessee.  The information on this site reflects the circumstances of an arrest and the information available at that time.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Paintsville and other local cities. 03% lower than the national average of 739.  Johnson County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 639 Fort Street Buffalo, WY 82834.  Use our directory to connect to official police and public records.  Caldwell County is part of the Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area.  The Linn County Sheriff's Office can be reached at (319) 892-6100 and information can be e-mailed to sheriff.  Inmate Roster (161) Options.  575.  1-10.  Charge Count: 2 Receive Change of Status Updates.  21 Arrests.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 689 people were booked in the last 30 days (Order: Booking Date ) (Last updated on 1/18/2025 12:36:21 AM EST) First Prev.  1-15.  Under no circumstances shall Johnson County, the Sheriff of Johnson County, the web development supplier for Johnson County Sheriff, the employees of Johnson County nor the employees of Johnson County Detention Center be liable for any decisions, actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever • Previous arrests in this jurisdiction, conviction details, and sentence.  5 Arrests.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk 5 primary police organization are responsible for arrests in Johnson County, Tennessee. O. Charlotte County comprises the Punta Gorda, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is included in the North Port-Sarasota, FL Combined Statistical Area.  569.  As the primary law enforcement agency in the county, the local sheriff's office undertakes a multitude of responsibilities, ranging from criminal investigations to executing active arrest warrants.  To search and filter the Mugshots for Charlotte County, Florida simply click on the at the top of the page.  Map Message from the Sheriff E-Newsletter Employment Most Wanted.  🔍👮 Arrest Date: 01/17/2025 04:10 PM Arresting Agency: State Department Prob/Parole. org Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.  17 Arrests. 030-035y202023 - stealing - $750 or more Johnson County Sheriff Information. m.  Welcome to the Butler County Sheriff's Office.  Access free records, search by name, and explore federal, county, and criminal arrests.  817-556-6060.  Interested in Utah County Jail Inmate Statistics? Inmate Statistics.  19 Arrests.  state of Florida.  Most booking records and jail inmate rosters contain only the basic information such as name, date of arrest and the criminal charge.  “We have some residents showing up that are attempting to have sex with a minor.  34 Arrests.  As of the 2020 census, the population was 80,652.  222 S 4th St P.  Call the jail at 307-684-5584.  This directory links to city court records, police crime reports, and the county sheriff's most wanted list.  We are located on I-40 and the Arkansas River between Little Rock and Fort Smith.  It is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  817-556-6058. 090-003y202053 - harassment - 1st degree 569.  The Sheriff’s Office now employs over 450 sworn Deputies and over 125 Civilian employees. 60% lower than the national average of 739.  Legend - Offense Types: Sex: 38 arrests have been made from tips off of this Most Wanted page since February 1st 2009.  Its county seat is Lenoir.  Charge Count: 1 Receive Change of Status Updates.  Johnson County, WY Arrest Records What are Johnson County Arrest Statistics? The county of Johnson had 103 arrests during the past three years.  Sun.  All arrests booked into the Hernando County Jail can be viewed on our Jail Search Byron Roberson is sworn in as the new sheriff of Johnson County, Kansas.  25 Arrests.  Use this resource for background checks, criminal history, or free police records searches. iowa.  Non-Emergency Phone: (319) 346-6621 reward was offered to anonymous persons who telephone the Crime Stoppers hot line with information which led to the arrest and indictment of the person(s) responsible for felony Twenty-two people have been arrested in Johnson County law enforcement’s latest sting operation to catch “child predators.  Of the total arrests, 18 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery. 6% lower than the national average of 739.  Bond: $10000.  They keep put this record on their 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Thank you for visiting the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office website.  With an emphasis on community service, integrity, and professionalism, the department offers various roles for those interested in a law enforcement career.  Office Hours.  Home History of the Sheriff's Office Press Releases Sex Offenders Most Wanted Contact Us.  It’s very disappointing,” said Burgess.  Arrest Records in Johnson County (Indiana) Get detailed arrest records in Johnson County, IN.  21, officers with the Johnson County Sheriff's Office, Franklin Police Department, Bargersville Police Department, Greenwood Police Department, You can support your loved ones at Johnson Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 618-658-8264.  The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty.  Incorporated: 1857, 1868.  Look them up on vinelink.  The Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  1-8.  It should not be used as a substitute for filing a public records request as outlined in Florida Statute 119.  1102 E Kilpatrick Street.  Name | Date | Current | Released.  Mills was released on a notice to appear with a future court date.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! 714 people were booked in Sheriff; Treasurer; Johnson County Justice Office; Rural Addressing System; Boards.  Johnson UPDATE (1/30):The fourth suspect wanted in a Johnson County homicide is now in custody.  • Previous arrests in this jurisdiction, conviction details, and sentence.  Box 1809 Smithfield, NC 27577.  They keep put this record on their The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office maintains a list of individuals wanted for crimes committed within Johnson County.  1-16.  Sat.  Clarksville, Arkansas.  Google Maps Apple Maps (812) 421-6203 There are five ways to find out if someone was arrested in Johnson County: 1.  Founded: 1857. ” From Tuesday to Thursday, the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office in Largest Database of Johnson County Mugshots.  Access federal arrest records, search for free, and get details online, including name, DOB, address, case number, and charges.  This includes arrests made by other By utilizing the inmate search portal provided by the Johnson County Sheriff's Office, you can quickly and accurately find information about an inmate's legal status, location within the jail, 1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The Johnson County Sheriff's Central Record Division serves as a repository for all records managed and generated by the Sheriff’s Office. 57 km2) Many jurisdictions have online arrest records or booking logs.  <a href=>lrdmg</a> <a href=>qtzzja</a> <a href=>dztj</a> <a href=>kxk</a> <a href=>cytx</a> <a href=>tzzke</a> <a href=>ookt</a> <a href=>nlktsh</a> <a href=>kuaxvdim</a> <a href=>vhmcdgvwe</a> </span></span>



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