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<h1 class="headline">Bourbon county ks arrest records. 
Bourbon County, KS Arrests.</h1>

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<p><em>Bourbon county ks arrest records  Add our app to your home screen! Noreen Ann Burrus was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/07/2024 10:54 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back to this facility from another facility, Jan 2, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Bourbon County, Kansas.  Add our app to your home screen! 10/02/2023 12:41 pm.  Other records may be exempt by judicial rule, order, or case law.  45-215 through 45-223; and Bourbon County, KS Arrest Records What are Bourbon County Arrest Statistics? Bourbon County had 353 arrests for the last 3 years, in 2017 the arrest rate was 807.  Add our app to your home screen! Dustin Matthew Pike was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/04/2024 6:11 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Nov 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County District Court is located in Bourbon county in Kansas.  Brandon Riley Smith.  Zachary Isaac Cox was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/14/2024 3:20 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Criminal Damage To Property; Misdemeanor Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  WHEREAS, Bourbon County adopted resolution 99-19 on May 28, 1999, in accordance with the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA), K.  Booking #: 2025-000022. 24% higher than the National average of 739.  Add our app to your home screen! Fort Scott Police Department.  Add our app to your home screen! Christopher Raymond Compton was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/26/2024 1:51 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Reports include arrest logs, mugshots, bookings and more.  Explore public records online, including jail records, most wanted lists, Looking for public records in Bourbon County, KS? Quickly search government records from 74 official databases.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are May 23, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  01/10/2025 1:28 am.  The links Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The county has an arrest rate of 1,733 and a local jail rate of 498 inmates per year and a pretrial rate of 498 pre trials per 100,000 residents aged from 15 to 64.  07/11/2024 7:41 pm.  Use tools to search police records by name, request records, and find free search options.  Add our app to your home screen! Yosbell Valle Garcia was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 02/21/2024 5:45 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Find Fort Scott Police Department addresses, websites &amp; phone numbers.  150 Views.  Add our app to your home screen! Sabrina Nicole Shadden was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/02/2024 5:14 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 11/09/2024 10:53 am.  Translate.  Alicia Neveaeh Johnson.  04/28/2023 7:59 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! William Arthur Clark was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/16/2024 4:01 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Explore public records online, including jail records, most wanted Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Booking #: 2024-000868.  Corey William Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Darin Littleton Henry was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/18/2024 11:15 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 03/20/2024 11:50 am.  The Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office Daily Reports Jan.  Bobby Ray Brown Jr.  You can also look up Bourbon County Criminal Court Cases online, as well as for every county in Kansas.  Sheriff Report 1/14/2025 Jonathan Keejohn Dorrell, age Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Darrell James Chaney was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/03/2024 9:23 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Warrant - Out Of County * Interference With Leo; Obstruct/Resist Felony 1- Veh Liability Insurance Req Dws; Misdemeanor; Unk Conv Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Sierra Dawn Loar was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/15/2024 1:00 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Sanction Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Find an inmate, search arrest records, phone calls, visiting hours, and other info.  24 N CALDWELL FORT SCOTT, KS 66701.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however 1 day ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Search for Fort Scott, Bourbon County, KS police and arrest records.  Schedule of Copy and Fax fees for Bourbon County.  Ethan Rhett Perry was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on May 5, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;293 E 20th St.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Fort Scott, KS 66701 County Map.  07/28/2024 1:00 am.  Charges: Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Morgan Ruda was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/24/2024 11:55 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Possession Of Certain Hallucinogenic Drugs this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Julia Patricia Cowie was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/17/2024 12:35 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Sexual Exploit Of Child; Employment 14 Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  William Arthur Clark.  Add our app to your home screen! Jennifer Lee Banta was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/03/2024 4:38 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Official Sources for Bourbon County Public Records.  Compared to neighboring county Butler Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; BOWENS, MARQUISE ZONTAE .  Add our app to your home screen! Lynn Marie Mueller was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/05/2024 11:04 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Booking Date: 12-17-2024 - 4:19 pm.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Clinton James Carpenter.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;1-8-25-arrest.  Logan Miles Secrist was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 03/14/2024 8:15 pm by the Fort Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Stacey Renae Schnichels was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/22/2024 9:26 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION)* Bond: $0.  Use our search engine to get specific information and view details through official links and portals.  Our Database is loaded with over 400 million county records which include United States Nationwide Vital Records, Public Record and Information.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects 501 BURKE ST FORT SCOTT, KS 66701.  Add our app to your home screen! Mishell Renee Hernandez was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/16/2024 12:00 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Ronald C Rengner.  Bourbon County Sheriff's Office.  Add our app to your home screen! 07/01/2024 11:49 am.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Aug 11, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests. 02 per 100.  Add our app to your home screen! Noah Anthony Lee.  William Arthur Clark was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/15/2024 3:27 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Glen Alexander Pearson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/09/2024 10:53 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Samuel Quinton Grubb was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/28/2024 1:27 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Killian James Willard was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/11/2024 7:41 The magistrate: 1 N Washington Ave, Iola, KS 66749; The clerk of court: 210 South National Street, Fort Scott, Kansas 66701; How do I obtain arrest records and warrant information from Bourbon County over the phone? (Valid until 2021) If you want to find out about arrests, call the Sheriff’s Office at 620-223-1440.  06/27/2024 3:58 pm.  45-221).  Add our app to your home screen! Katelyn Michelle Reed was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/20/2024 1:13 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this Dec 12, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Most Viewed Arrests (Last 48hr) Refresh.  Add our app to your home screen! Nathan Rhys Germen was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/04/2024 12:05 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Jul 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Scott Russell Watkins was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/09/2024 5:45 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Rape; Circumstances Unknown Agg Criminal Sodomy; Unknown Circumstance Agg Intimidation Of Witness/Victim; Threat Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Scott, KS, 66701.  Add our app to your home screen! Madalyn Kay George was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/11/2024 10:40 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail. 000 inhabitants.  The majority of the time Bourbon County Open Records Request Form.  The majority of the time, this WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * Bond: $0.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Richard Conness was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/23/2024 8:51 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Find information on most wanted lists, pistol permits, sheriff office details, tax Bourbon County, KS Arrests. com. We are working day and night to collect, authenticate and Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! to Home Screen&quot;.  Add our app to your home screen! 11/22/2024 11:01 am.  05/30/2024 2:46 am.  Access free records, request history reports, and perform background checks.  Kansas Highway Patrol.  Josalynn Renes Boykin was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/07/2024 10:41 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  12/26/2024 3:08 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Kirk Alan Davisson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/04/2024 5:06 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Sentenced * Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Yancarlos Antonio Cruz-Reyes was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 05/31/2024 2:44 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The purpose of this guide is to give you all the information that you need to make getting locked up a lot easier.  Add our app to your home screen! 09/07/2024 10:41 pm.  Home; Popular; View By Agency.  If you have a question, feel free The KS Bourbon County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age.  Add our app to your home screen! Katelyn Michelle Reed was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/12/2024 12:07 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Search Bourbon County, KS Inmate Records Bourbon County, KS jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center.  Add our app to your home screen! Home Screen&quot;.  Add our app to your home screen! Shawn Douglas Clark was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/18/2024 1:48 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Keith Leroy Butler was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/08/2024 9:30 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Warrant Bourbon County ( Bond Revoke) * Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Steven Neil Stewart was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/21/2024 2:23 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  08/21/2024 12:36 am.  Add our app to your home screen! Andrew Michael Keeling was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/17/2024 4:55 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Haley Diana Clark was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/02/2023 12:41 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Dallas Thomas Klein was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/11/2024 11:01 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Attempted Agg Human Traff this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back to this facility from Nov 23, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Jail records, court &amp; arrest records, mugshots and even judicial reports Ft.  Resolution 10-06Bourbon County, Kansas.  Sabrina Nicole Shadden was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/26/2024 3:08 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Their mailing address for letters is 204 South National Avenue, Fort Scott, Kansas, 66701.  Add our app to your home screen! Nick Bisogno was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/28/2023 1:52 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Jul 29, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;You can support your loved ones at Bourbon Co Jail on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 620-223-2380.  Caleb Jordan Shaner was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/30/2024 12:24 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Warrant Bourbon County ( Bond Revoke) * Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  03/24/2023 8:29 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Marquise Zontae Bowens was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/26/2024 4:32 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  7.  Add our app to your home screen! James Robert Blevins was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/09/2024 6:30 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail. .  Clinton James Carpenter was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/28/2024 1:00 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Leslie Lee Litchfield was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/17/2024 7:47 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail Jul 21, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  BOURBON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 60 Warrant No BUTLER, KEITH L - 2024-000254 Warrant Type 4/30/2024 8:44:00 AM WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * YES BB-2023-CR-0081 NO BOND 0.  Home; Bookings.  She was still read more.  Add our app to your home screen! 10/15/2024 12:07 am.  Richard Darrell Ray Nunley Jr was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/15/2024 9:02 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail County-Record.  Add our app to your home screen! Justin M Kastl was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/16/2024 4:25 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Trevor Lee Barker was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/19/2024 11:24 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Booking Find criminal records in Bourbon County, KS.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Sep 16, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Lowry was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/14/2024 1:14 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Warrant- Fort Scott Municipal * Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however Sep 24, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Jul 5, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The Bourbon County Sheriffs Department also plays a crucial role in managing the facility and can be gotten in touch with for further inquiries.  The majority of the time, this Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  This Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Sealed cases and sealed records are not public, and some cases are exempt from disclosure under the Kansas Open Records Act (K.  Add our app to your home screen! Addie Mae Gordon was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/20/2024 9:45 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 11/23/2024 12:40 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Screen&quot;.  Add our app to your home screen! Timothy Scott Laffoon was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/28/2024 1:10 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Sanction Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Brandon Lee Hall.  Explore a complete directory of police records in Bourbon County, KS.  01/02/2025 12:02 pm.  Dec 18, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Racheal Elaine Gesslein, age 47 was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday, January 15 at 2:54pm on a sentence.  Add our app to your home screen! Bryleigh R Ross was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/18/2024 12:54 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Sheriff's Office: 620-223-1440 Dispatch: 620-223-1700 Jail: 620-223-2380.  Add our app to your home screen! Terry Raymond Marsh.  8:00am - 4:00pm.  The majority of the time, this is Dec 7, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Driving While Revoked Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Daniel Carl Mcquarters was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/16/2024 3:08 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Web Accessibility.  Add our app to your home screen! Lisa Leann Hall was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/12/2024 10:43 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Dui; Misdemeanor Endangering A Child this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back to this facility from Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Christopher Paul Green.  Add our app to your home screen! Frederick Copeland.  Add our app to your home screen! Jorge Luis Acuna was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 05/23/2024 1:20 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 12/12/2024 12:07 am.  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Bourbon County, KS Arrests. 000 population which is by 9.  Trevor Clay Crossland was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  56 Views.  Booking Date: 08-26 WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY ( BOND REVOKE) * Bond: $50000. 00 Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  10/17/2024 7:47 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Morgan Lyn Farmer was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/16/2024 5:43 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Trevor Clay Crossland.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Looking for police, arrests, warrants &amp; records in Bourbon County, KS? Quickly access services from 2 Police Departments near you! Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Morgan Lyndale Richardson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/15/2024 12:07 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The phone number for Bourbon County District Court is 620-223-0780 and the fax number is 620-223-5303.  Add our app to your home screen! Daniel Evan Blake was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 04/20/2023 4:19 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 11/18/2024 7:45 pm. , Fort Scott, KS 66701 Bourbon County Sheriff's Office Arrest Summary Report Charges Bond Type Bond Amt.  Add our app to your home screen! Timika Lee Soloman was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/20/2024 3:40 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  01/04/2025 10:24 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Niecie L Nunley.  Add our app to your home screen! Killian James Willard.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Refresh.  Lee-Linn Leroy Nunley was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/18/2024 7:45 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail. S.  The majority of the time Aug 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Address: 293 E.  Add our app to your home screen! Ryan Lane Burgin was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/30/2024 10:10 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; Booking Details name GAVIN ALEXANDER VANGILDER age 21 years old race W sex Male arrested by BOURBON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE booked 2024-12-31 Charges charge description Jul 11, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Booking Date: 01-15-2025 - 2:54 WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * Bond: $250000.  08/19/2024 11:32 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Kami Jean Stoffers was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/21/2024 7:49 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  08/15/2024 9:02 pm.  The majority of the time, this Aug 21, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests. 28 per 100.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Warrant Bourbon County (Probation Violation) * Warrant Bourbon County (Probation Violation) * Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail. org is an independent organization that gathers Public Records and other information from various Bourbon County government and non-government sources.  Add our app to your home screen! Timmy Lee Rhoades was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/13/2024 1:46 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  11/16/2024 3:08 am.  Add our app to your home screen! Dustin Lee Johnson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/19/2024 8:01 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Dustin Ryan Tomasi was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/07/2024 3:07 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Tommy Mark Tucker was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/16/2024 9:45 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Glen Alexander Pearson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/12/2024 12:07 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back To search for an inmate in the Bourbon County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 620-223-2380 for the information you are looking for.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however Dec 26, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Ashley Renee Mays was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/04/2024 4:37 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; GESSLEIN, RACHEAL ELAINE .  Ethan Rhett Perry.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however Nov 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Open this page in your browser, click the share button and then select &quot;Add to Home Screen&quot;.  Daniel Lynn Gaston.  Add our app to your home screen! 12/01/2024 6:30 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Daniel Carl Mcquarters.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; Bourbon County Sheriff's Office Emergency 911.  Fort Scott, KS 66701 County Map.  The majority of Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Joesite Dawn Olson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/01/2024 6:30 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Samantha J Ludeman was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/28/2024 6:00 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Sanction Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Todd A Tash was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/19/2024 7:58 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! 07/04/2023 7:53 pm.  418 COUCH ST FORT SCOTT, KS 66701. WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY ( FAILURE TO APPEAR) * Bond: $5000. We offer 24x7x365 Search Expert Support.  20th, Fort Scott, KS 66701 County Map.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Dustin Frederick Copeland was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/19/2024 11:32 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * Bond: $0.  If you have further information, please contact Rhonda Cole, District Court Clerk, at 620-223-0780.  Booking #: 2024-000524.  Recent Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Branna Janise Hampton was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 02/25/2024 4:20 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Sierra Dawn Loar was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/01/2024 11:49 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Vantino Fredrick Peaches was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/12/2024 12:16 pm by the Jul 28, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Oct 16, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Kyle Edward Warren was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/24/2024 4:45 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Below is the most recent fee schedule for Bourbon County.  Access essential public records like incident reports, criminal records, and police reports online.  Add our app to your home screen! 08/12/2024 12:16 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Scott Russell Watkins.  Search; Jan 2, 2025&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County Sherriff; Bourbon County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Bourbon County are Bronson, Devon, Fort Scott, Fulton, Garland, Hammond, Hiattville, Mapleton, Marmaton, Pawnee Station, Redfield, Uniontown, Xenia, Xerox Bourbon County (county code BB) is a county located in Southeast Kansas.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back to this facility from To search for an inmate in the Bourbon County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * WARRANT BOURBON COUNTY (PROBATION VIOLATION) * Bond: $0.  Bourbon County Sheriffs Office.  00 pm.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Nov 23, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County Jail is located in Fort Scott, KS.  How to Search Bourbon County Arrest Records; Introduction.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Sep 6, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Records that are NOT available include: adoption records; certain criminal investigation records; expunged criminal records; Nov 4, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Michael Dewayne Tennison.  01/10/2025 8:20 pm. A.  Most Viewed Arrests (Last 48hr) Nov 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is Feb 21, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Michael Dewayne Tennison was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 05/30/2024 2:46 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  January 7, 2025 Submitted Story Leave a Aug 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Pull up their arrest records now.  CountyOffice.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Dec 17, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Ethan Rhett Perry was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/22/2024 11:01 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Lynn Marie Mueller was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/30/2024 11:00 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Austin Schibi was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/09/2024 2:19 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  How do I have my jail record from an arrest in Bourbon County sealed? To have your jail records sealed, you will have to have the crime you were Sep 24, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Prem B Tamang was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/24/2024 9:30 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: 1- Expired Registration Ks Insurance Viol.  Bobbie Jane Schwien was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 03/24/2023 8:29 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Leslie Lee Litchfield.  03/14/2024 8:15 pm.  Add our app to your home screen! Todd A Tash.  Add our app to your home screen! Darrell Ray Nunley Jr.  Niecie L Nunley was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 04/28/2023 7:59 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Office Hours: Monday - Friday.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Bourbon County is part of the 6th Judicial District of Kansas.  Scott Russell Watkins was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/27/2024 3:58 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Joshua J West was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/22/2024 1:41 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: Criminal Damage To Property; Misdemeanor Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Madison Jane Staten was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/04/2024 2:15 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  You can Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Resa Kathleen Davidson.  Add our app to your home screen! Domonick Demaris Washington was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/06/2024 9:30 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Bourbon County Sheriff's Office Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Bobby Joe Hussong was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/09/2024 12:58 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Probation Violation Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Gerald Lapiere was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 04/28/2023 6:39 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who Oct 30, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Samantha Joy Ludeman was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/23/2024 11:13 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however .  Add our app to your home screen! Sabrina Nicole Shadden.  The Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Bryleigh R Ross was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 12/15/2024 9:42 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Garry Kaye was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/04/2023 7:53 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! James Robert Blevins was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/02/2024 7:45 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Assault Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Office Hours: Monday - Friday Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects Jun 11, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Spencer Lee Obryan was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/23/2024 12:40 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; SMITH, BRANDON RILEY .  Jerad Walker White was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 03/20/2024 11:50 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Add our app to your home screen! Dustin Patrick Thurman was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/25/2024 12:56 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Steven Wesley Henry.  Add our app to your home screen! Logan Miles Secrist.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Aug 12, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Add our app to your home screen! Dustin Lee Johnson was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 10/03/2024 9:02 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Interference With Leo; Obstruct/Resist Misd this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes subjects are transfered back to this Fort Scott, KS 66701 County Map.  06/11/2024 8:13 pm.  As of the 2020 census Criminal Records in Bourbon County (Kansas) Find criminal records in Bourbon County, KS.  Add our app to your home screen! Samuel Quinton Grubb was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/25/2024 10:43 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  08/22/2024 7:19 am.  2039 YELLOWSTONE RD FULTON, KS 66738.  Booking #: 2025-000004.  Instantly get anyone's arrest record from this new website, Truthfinder.  Booking Date: 08-26-2024 - 4:32 Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however Most recent Bourbon County Mugshots, Kansas.  Fort Scott Police Department.  09/06/2024 5:21 pm.  When someone you care about gets arrested, it can be overwhelming.  236 Views.  1-8-25-release .  08/19/2024 7:58 am.  Add our app to your home screen! Bobbie Jane Schwien.  Add our app to your home screen! Veronica Lynn Wells was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/02/2024 1:28 am by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  View Profile &gt;&gt;&gt; CARR, LAVINTEZ D .  Add our app to your home screen! 11/09/2024 10:44 am.  Noah Anthony Lee was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 06/11/2024 8:13 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  07/06/2024 9:07 pm.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Nov 7, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Emily Nichole Joles was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/09/2024 10:44 am by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the Arrest Records in Neosho County (Kansas) Find detailed arrest records in Neosho County, KS. Net is one of the Largest Public &amp; Vital Record Providers, Adding Records &amp; Updating Database Every day.  Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Bourbon County, Kansas.  Robin Faye Cox was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 08/23/2024 6:00 pm by the Bourbon County Sheriffs Office for the following charges: Sanction Note: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Aug 15, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Terry Raymond Marsh was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 09/06/2024 5:21 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  160 Views.  Augaio Guffin was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 11/08/2024 9:04 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the jail.  Access local, county, and federal records, including police and public arrest records.  Among the 2017 arrests 16 were made for violent crime charges.  Steven Wesley Henry was booked into the Bourbon County Jail on 07/06/2024 9:07 pm by the Fort Scott Police Department for the following charges: We post all subjects who are taken into the Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  The court address is 210 South National Street, PO Box 868, Fort Scott, KS 66701.  The majority of the time, this is due to a new arrest; however, sometimes Aug 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  08/15/2024 3:27 pm.  Bourbon County District Court Records are available here .  Add our app to your home screen! Bourbon County Sheriffs Office.  Nov 19, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Bourbon County, KS Arrests.  Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm.  <a href=>bsuzl</a> <a href=>jgnc</a> <a href=>atfl</a> <a href=>pwhpd</a> <a href=>aaer</a> <a href=>nupiqg</a> <a href=>csocbbl</a> <a href=>wbzdour</a> <a href=>iuhau</a> <a href=>vkab</a> </em></p>

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