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<h1 class="headline">Best bollywood movies on netflix.  Brahmastra is currently the most expensive Hindi film.</h1>

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<p><em>Best bollywood movies on netflix  361K views • 1.  Create a Bollywood is one of the world's biggest film centers, producing iconic films such as 'Ram Jaane' and 'Om Shanti Om' that are streaming on Netflix.  Story of Mimi, whose dream is to become an actress, agrees to become a surrogate for a foreign couple.  With that being said, let us take a look at the top 15 Hindi dubbed South-Indian films.  Hence, we recommend a paid subscription to watch Bollywood movies safely.  Best Bollywood Movies On Netflix.  Best Indian Adult Web Series List 2020.  We all know the feeling of scrolling endlessly through Netflix, trying to find the perfect film for a chill evening.  Presented here is a curated list of action-packed Bollywood movies on Netflix, Read on to learn about the best movies based on Indian mythology. F: Chapter 2.  Happy New Year; Ginny Weds Sunny; Dil Dhadakne Do; Friday Night Plan; Plan A Plan B; The Archies; Love Per Square Foot; OK Jaanu; Do Dooni Chaar; There’s even A poster of Hindi film 'Jigra'.  Classic Bollywood Movies The best Bollywood movies on Netflix feature high profile stars and highly addictive plots, from star-crossed lovers to movies highlighting cultural stigmas.  By continuously enriching its library with the finest Bollywood offerings, the platform has been able to attract a loyal following and appeal.  TV Shows.  So, without wasting much time, check out our list of the best Bollywood Hindi suspense thriller movies on Netflix India.  Here is the list of best business movies in Hindi: 1.  So, here are the top 10 most romantic Hindi movies to From Bollywood to Hollywood, these Hindi-language favorites rank among the best Indian movies from a wide variety of genres.  9 nail-biting thriller shows and Can you feel the love tonight? You better believe it. 5K this week.  11 best Bollywood psychological thrillers on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ Hotstar Disney+ Hotstar stands as a prominent platform in the ever-evolving landscape of Indian cinema.  Hi Papa (2023) Writer-Director The top 10 most-watched Movies on Netflix globally right now.  213 Super 30.  218K views • 2.  Top 15 best Hindi dubbed South Indian films on YouTube, Netflix and more 1.  3 Idiots is one of the best Bollywood family movies about two college friends Farhan and Raju who embark on a journey to search for their lost companion Rancho.  Lagaan became the third Indian film to be nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy Awards, so you know this is a great choice.  2015 2h 43m Not Rated.  Return of Hanuman.  216 Jigarthanda Double X. S is a film that one can watch over and over again and never get bored of.  Happy New Year; Ginny Weds Sunny; Student of the Year 2; Dil Dhadakne Do; Kuch Kuch Hota Hai; Plan A Plan B; The Archies; Do Dooni Chaar; OK Jaanu; There’s even more to watch.  The Hindi dubbed version of the film is available online on Netflix.  Udaan.  Published Jun 13, 2023.  Also Read: Best hindi comedy movie from netflix 9.  Will he be able to investigate the case and serve Explore our curated collection of the best underrated Bollywood movies, spanning drama, thriller, comedy, and romance, catering to every cinematic preference! Presented below is a list of some of the Bollywood movies on Netflix that every teenager should watch, Leo to Pisces: Top 4 Zodiac Signs Who Are Filled with Childlike Wonder.  After airing on cable TV for over 30 years, WWE Monday Night Raw is heading to Netflix.  Check out these 40 Bollywood movies that can help students tread the path of righteousness alongside prompting them to follow their dreams.  Watch on Netflix.  Presented below is a list of some of the best Hindi movies available to watch on Netflix that showcase the beautiful bond shared between mothers and their children.  The good thing about Hindi friendship movies is that they are packed with emotions, sometimes even heightened emotions.  by Zerxo • Created 11 months ago • Modified 8 months ago.  What a difference a decade makes.  Call My Agent Bollywood; House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths; Ray; Telugu-Language Movies.  (Photo Credit – IMDb) Enter into the vivid tapestry of Hindi cinema, now gracing the screens of Netflix for your indulgence. 25.  30 titles; Sort by List order.  Whether you're a fan of action, Swades (2004) Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, ‘Swades’ is a cinematic Looking for quality Netflix Hindi films? Check out this list of 25 best Bollywood movies on Netflix, ranging from romance, comedy, drama, action, and more.  This article lists 16 reliable and high-quality websites to watch The Best Crime Movies on Netflix.  Every film out there, be it Bollywood or Hollywood, has a thing or two to teach.  The film's story, screenplay, and dialogue were penned by Siddharth Anand, Shridhar While many of the classic Bollywood films are not available on Netflix, there's still a robust selection to choose from, including those starring some of your favorite Bollywood stars, from Shah The key components required for classic Bollywood films are drama, romance, a strong script, good acting, a great background-score and a dose of masala for good measure.  We are glad you're here! With JustWatch you can easily find where to watch your favourite movies &amp; TV series on streaming services in India.  If you want to watch a Hindi movie on Netflix, check out films like Laapataa Ladies, Ludo, and Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara.  By Soniya Hinduja . 3/10; Movie Genre: Family/Drama/Romance; Bollywood beyond the box office, Top 10 must-watch off-beat Bollywood movies on Netflix, Prime Video and more OTT.  Drishyam 2 – Amazon Prime Video Best Bollywood Thrillers On Netflix 1.  Easily one of the top picks when it comes to Bollywood spy movies Now, we bring you the list of Top 10 Best Hindi Horror Movies on Netflix.  And that’s exactly what we are here to help you out with.  Related to Bollywood Movies on Netflix: The 20 Best Indian Movies of 2019.  Ginny Weds Sunny; Friday Night Plan; Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara; Plan A Plan B; Kuch Kuch Hota Hai; Shabaash Mithu (Hindi) Netflix has an extensive library of feature This film is a tad more complex than what an average Bollywood enthusiast might be used to, but still absolutely compelling, which is why it's frequently counted amongst the best Bollywood movies on Netflix India.  You can stream it right here. 5 Cast: Amol Palekar and Tina Munim.  From deep love stories to light RomComs, these romantic movies are ready and waiting.  A total of six Indian films have made it to the latest list of most-watched non-English films on Netflix in the week ending December 15.  Source: Bollywoodlife.  7.  Explore what others are watching around the world to find what you should stream next.  Star cast: Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Chhaya Kadam, Ravi Kishan; IMDb Rating: 8.  Pic credit: UTV Motion Pictures.  Guru Valentine's Day 2025: Recreate Khushi Kapoor’s glam makeup look step-by-step for a date with your bae.  The best Bollywood films of 2024, constantly updating, based on reviews and box office and user ratings .  The Best Drama Movies on Netflix.  Ajeeb Dastaans is a more recent release, available to stream on Netflix. 2 (99K) Rate.  Udaan is the story of Rohan, These are the great Indian movies and Hindi-language movies on Netflix, bringing you the best choices of Indian cinema on the streaming platform, from Bollywood and beyond.  210 Hindi Medium.  Bulbbul.  Learn about the plot, cast, and ratings of each film, and watch the trailer or stream it online.  Jawan, the biggest Bollywood movie of 2023, is now streaming on Netflix.  19.  (Image credit: Netflix) 2024 — Top 20 Bollywood Films.  Om Shanti OmYear: 2007 Director: Farah Khan.  Below, find the best Bollywood movies of all time that you need to add to your watch list, from epic historical dramas to to gripping thrillers to kick-ass action movies.  With an exciting selection of Hindi movies that The 13 Best Bollywood &amp; Indian Movies on Netflix By The Editors.  Sort by Reelgood, popularity and more to find something to watch!.  The Best Period Movies on Netflix.  Nishant.  This Sub is not a Fanclub.  Netflix has an extensive library of feature films, documentaries, TV programmes, Bollywood Movies.  Doesn’t matter if you are tensed, stressed, and heartbroken, these beautiful Bollywood Hindi Comedy movies will cheer you up! Here are 26 ‘feel good’ Hindi Bollywood comedy movies to lift your spirits on gloomy days! Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes &amp; Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight Spread the loveHere are the 20 best Bollywood movies on Netflix that showcase the vibrant storytelling and diverse genres Indian cinema has to offer: 1.  In addition to recent releases like Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3, Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video, and Jigra, the streamer also added a dozen theatrical releases from the last decade.  Prateek Vats’s experience as a documentary filmmaker shows in his unflustered narrative &amp; choice of framing that helps realize the internal 17 best suspenseful Hindi thriller movies that will mess with your head and blow your mind; on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, ZEE5, JioCinema and more 1.  10 of the most compulsively watchable true crime documentaries on Netflix right now.  2.  Hindi Movies &amp; TV | Netflix Official Site He is best known for making some of the most popular romantic films that have inspired other films in the genre over the years.  Laapataa Ladies.  18 'Beast' (2022) Introduce your Videshi friend to Bollywood with the best Hindi movies on Netflix! From timeless classics to vibrant blockbusters, experience India’s heart through music, drama, and colorful The OTT giant offers a wide variety of Indian and Foreign Movies, Web Series, Mini-Series, and more.  211 K.  List activity.  The best romantic movies on Netflix run the gamut between rom coms, weepy dramas, coming-of-age teen movies, classics, and of course, everything in-between.  4.  The case becomes increasingly intricate due to the secretive nature Here’s our handpicked list of the top 10 Bollywood films from 2024, from box office hits to underrated gems (so you will find something for your palate whether you are a Bollywood fanatic or a casual enjoyer), all streaming on Netflix, to wrap up the year in cinematic style.  &quot;Haseen Dillruba&quot; was the most-watched Hindi WWE is entering its Netflix era.  Whether you’re a die-hard Bollywood fan or a curious viewer, these movies are sure to entertain and captivate you with their compelling storytelling, stunning visuals, and unforgettable performances.  212 Android Kunjappan Ver 5.  That’s why we had to make a list of our favorites! So if you’re like us and you can’t get enough of Bollywood romance, scroll down for the 20 Best Romantic Bollywood Movies on Netflix to watch right now! One of the best Hindi comedy movies on Netflix, Munna Bhai M.  Raazi (&quot;Compliant&quot;) Related Video: The best Hindi films on Netflix. 1.  Why not use it to have them learn a little too? Luckily Netflix US has a huge selection of Hindi movies that are The epic period drama RRR — which imagines what could have happened had two famed Indian revolutionaries teamed up to fight British colonizers — became a global sensation thanks to its inventive action sequences and its catchy signature track “Naatu Naatu,” which Top Hindi Thriller Movies. 0.  3 From Bollywood to Hollywood, these Hindi-language favorites rank among the best Indian movies from a wide variety of genres.  List your movie, TV &amp; celebrity picks.  The Best Romantic Movies on Netflix. B.  You should watch the Shah Rukh Khan thriller, one of the best movies of 2023.  Why not try one from this list of the best Bollywood movies on Netflix India-October, 2023? Bollywood Movies Best Bollywood Movies Netflix Movies.  10 Best Tamil movies; Amaran, Maharaja, The Greatest of All Time, and more.  217 The Music Room.  This guide is organized by popularity to help you find In Good Hands 2; In Good Hands; Como ca&#237;do del cielo; Love You to Debt; Love Tactics 2; That Kind of Love; Ehrengard: The Art of Seduction; The Last Wife; Private Lesson; Man in Love; Happy Ending; Through My Window; A Beautiful Life; Anonymously Yours; MILF; 18&#215;2 Beyond Youthful Days; Upcoming Summer; Through My Window 2: Across the Sea Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes &amp; Tickets Movie News India Movie Derick Abraham, a fiery and dutiful police officer, continues to be the best officer until his brother Philip Abraham gets arrested for false murder charges.  Browse the full list of Indian movies and TV shows streaming on Netflix.  It has been estimated that Bollywood, the industry that makes the most films every year, produces films that are watched by over 2.  Now, for Bollywood fans, there are a ton of gems out there.  Best ‘90s Bollywood movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video &amp; SonyLiv: 10 Bollywood stars reveal their favourite films Commencing nostalgia in 3, 2.  132K views • 2K this week.  There is no question Feel-good Movies.  Ghost Stories; Drive; Thar; Class of '83; Monica, O My Darling; Maska; Sooryavanshi; Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare; Laal Singh Chaddha; There’s even more to watch. ; Netflix India — Official streaming website with a wide range of Bollywood movies, some available in 4K.  “3 Idiots” (2009) – A comedic drama focusing on the pressures of the Indian education system.  Read More: Best Bollywood Movies on Netflix List of Best Bollywood Movies on Netflix 1.  Despite being an intense murder mystery, the film is not without emotionality.  by khandelwal-udit • Created 9 years ago • Modified 9 years ago.  Produced and directed by Basu Tamanna Sahni (Shilpa Shetty) is a dedicated staff member of a top advertising agency; her ideas and designs have mainly contributed to the agency's success.  Here, we have shortlisted some of the highest-rated Indian movies on Netflix India that promise to be worth your while.  Bollywood and India on Netflix.  Netflix has an extensive library of feature films, documentaries, TV shows, anime, award-winning Netflix originals, and more.  27 mystery movies that will have you playing detective.  Bollywood is one of the world's biggest film centers, producing iconic films such as 'Ram Jaane' and 'Om Shanti Om' that are streaming on Netflix.  Hindi Movies &amp; TV | Netflix Official Site Best Hindi Spy movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ Hotstar 1.  Drishyam.  The Bollywood Business movies in the list are some noteworthy attempts at making high-standard films that ooze out inspiration and motivation.  Written and directed by Anvita Dutt, the story follows the titular 1.  Here’s a list of really amazing adult web series on OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar that you can stream right now.  Baton Baton Mein (1979) Available On: Amazon Prime Video IMDb Rating: 7.  JustWatch is easy and effective: choose your favourite streaming services in the WatchBar below and see what’s on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video India, Hotstar and many more.  India Review: &quot;Chhapaak&quot; Uses Acid Attacks to Highlight Victimization of Women in India By Srujana Yadlapalli.  Watch as much as you want, anytime you want.  The Best Bollywood Movies On Netflix; The Best '90s Bollywood Movies, Ranked; The Top 45+ Hindi Comedy Movies; The Best 40 8 Best 90s Bollywood movies to watch on Netflix: 1. 6 million people worldwide, and that number is only growing as From Bollywood to Hollywood, these Hindi-language favorites rank among the best Indian movies from a wide variety of genres.  It is not for people who want to hear only good things about their favourite BW stars. 95 cr: Baahubali 2: The Conclusion: 511 cr: KGF Chapter 2: One of the best Bollywood romantic movies on Netflix, Kabir Singh ever since its release had found a dedicated audience.  214 Pad Man.  25 titles; Sort by List order.  Suhana Khan nails snazzy airport look in blue suede jacket paired with wide-leg denim jeans 20 Best Female-Led Bollywood Movies To Watch Right Now Movie Lists.  Qala (2022) Qala is a 2022 Netflix original psychological drama about the fraught relationship between a mother and daughter.  by katilindfors • Created 6 years ago • Modified 6 years ago.  Netflix has an extensive library of feature films, documentaries, TV shows, anime, award-winning Netflix Out of all the Indian horror shows and movies on Netflix, this one is our favourite.  The Babysitter; McG directed and Brian Duffield wrote The Babysitter, a 2017 American teen black comedy horror.  Fortunately, we have tested over 50 streaming websites, so you do not have to.  A gripping portrayal of history, ‘Sardar Udham’ is a must-watch. S.  1.  As they all mature, each tries to pursue a We ranked the top Indian horror movies, based on IMDb user popularity.  In this article, we’ll be exploring the 20 best Hindi movies currently available on Netflix, ranging from classics like DevD to contemporary hits like RRR.  2020 1h 34m.  Netflix has an extensive library of Yet another of the top Hindi horror movies on Netflix, the movie tracks the journey of a local police officer called to probe the demise of a politician.  Best Hindi Romantic Movies on Netflix.  9 movies and TV shows to watch this week on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+ Hotstar.  Sacred Games.  Rated 6.  The top 10 most-watched Movies on Netflix in India right now.  Dangal (2016) The cast of Dangal.  215 Major.  Graveyard Shift.  If you love watching Bollywood romance films, then this docuseries is a must-watch that you may stream A lot of Hindi suspense thriller movies are now streaming online for your viewing pleasure on the device of your choice, whether it is mobile phone, laptop/ PC, or smart TV.  This section has a collection of the best romantic Hindi movies on Netflix.  Surfing through scores of movies can get very exhausting, we know it.  Fin Kal Ho Naa Ho (2003) Starring Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zahn, and Saif Ali Netflix has an extensive library of feature films, documentaries, TV shows, anime, award-winning Netflix originals, and more.  8.  Pathaan is an action spy-thriller movie directed by Siddharth Anand.  Top 10 Indian horror movies and web series to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and more OTT for a sleepless night We list down the best of Bollywood horror now streaming on major OTT platforms.  Looking for the latest Bollywood movies to watch on OTT platforms? No further Looks! Here is a list of all the new releases this week in Bollywood 2025 that you can watch this week on Netflix Best Old Hindi classics on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hotstar.  This adult web series Hindi features Saif Ali Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui in an Short on Time? Here Are the Best Websites to Watch Hindi Movies in 2025.  Here is a list of five Bollywood films on Netflix to watch when you want to embark on a path of self-discovery.  It revolves around a If you are also a movie buff like us, then you will love our selection of uplifting and ‘feel good’ comedy movies.  6.  Known for partnering with the best directors, writers, and talent, Netflix dropped the company’s first original film (Beasts of No Nation) in 2015; as of the Here are 10 highest IMDb rated Indian movies on Netflix that cover different genres and experiences, 4 Bollywood films that showcase the relatable life and struggles of middle-class.  Stream Lagaan on Netflix.  Watchworthy.  They display emotions that easily connect with you and speak to What are the top 10 suspense movies on Netflix? Including both Hollywood and Bollywood, 10 of the best suspense movies on Netflix recommended here would be Kiss the Girls (1997), Panic Room (2002), Disturbia (2007), A Wednesday! (2008), There is no question that the Hollywood of the east gives U.  Topics Prime Video Streaming.  Aries to Libra: Top 4 Zodiac Signs Who Find Happiness in Small Things.  It's time to curl up and watch some steamy Bollywood movies on Netflix.  “Dangal” (2016) – A biographical sports film that tells the story of a father who trains his daughters to become world-class 11 movies and TV shows to watch this week on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar and more.  Bollywood Movies.  All those movie lovers who are looking for some inspiration coming from the central characters of various movies can check out this long list of 40 movies made in Hindi.  In ‘The Romantics,’ we take a look at his illustrious career and the impact he has had on the film industry.  What To Watch.  7 best Hindi movies on Netflix to calm your anxious mind: 1.  Main Hoon Na (2004) Shah Rukh Khan is widely known as the king of Bollywood.  Einthusan — Excellent selection of Indian content, with licensed movies you can watch for free.  Based on real-life events, the movie follows Saxena’s journey 20 Bollywood Movies On Friendship.  Brahmastra is currently the most expensive Hindi film. 6 (15K) Hold tight and scroll through the list to check out the eclectic bunch of best Bollywood thriller movies that have a nail-biting finish.  3 Idiots is a movie that portrays Definitely one of the best new Bollywood movies, and a top-mention in the latest releases on Netflix, this is a film you should, without a doubt, experience at least once.  Desperate measures are taken This year has been an important year for Netflix, since the beginning of the year, many of the best Bollywood movies have been seen on this OTT channel, which is being loved by the public.  The movie is a dramatised retelling of the Maharaj Libel Case of 1862.  Highest Grossing Hindi Dubbed South Films; Pushpa 2: 825.  Welcome to world of Bollywood Gossip This is a Community to discuss Bollywood Stars, Rumors, Chinese whispers and everything else related to Bollywood celebs and movies.  Published: May 15, 2020 | 19:35 The next step is to figure out what to watch.  Twenty-one days, it would seem, is too short a time to catch up with what really defines vintage Bollywood and is available in Bollywood Movies.  Source Best Bollywood biopics on Netflix, Disney+Hotstar, ZEE5 and SonyLIV.  Top 5 Films At The Hindi Box Office On 17th January 2025: ALSO READ: 8 Best Hindi thriller movies on Netflix: Kareena Kapoor's Jaane Jaan to Nawazuddin Siddiqui's Raat Akeli Hai . 9 on IMDb, you can watch the movie on Netflix.  It's the largest film industry in the world for a reason—but the last Here are a few Bollywood movies on Netflix that deserve your attention for their Top Opening Day Top Opening Weekend Top Opening Week Top Lifetime Grossers 100 crore club 200 crore club 300 Netflix’s courtroom drama Maharaj marked the acting debut of Aamir Khan‘s eldest son, Junaid Khan. .  Aamir (2008) Adapted from the 2006 Filipino film Cavite, a young Muslim non-resident Indian doctor (Rajeev Khandelwal) returning from the UK is forced to comply with terrorists' demands to carry out a 2023 was the year many deemed as the comeback of Bollywood: Shah Rukh Khan made his long-awaited comeback; Karan Johar brought back the grand sets and colourful saris of the ’90s; Kareena Kapoor ushered in her self-admitted Kate Winslet era with two gritty women-led thrillers.  Release Year: 2007.  The film itself won the Filmfare Critics Award for Best Film as well as the National Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.  There is no question that the Hollywood of the east gives U.  They ace every romantic trope with lots of drama, singing, dancing, and delightful feel-good happily ever after’s.  They thrive on conflict, unexpected twists, and tension that keep viewers on the edge of their seats.  12 Best Bollywood Movies Filled With Drama, Romance, and Thrills - Netflix Tudum.  Netflix India.  From Swades (2004) to Soni (2019), these are the best Bollywood movies on Netflix right now.  Whether it be Madhubala and Dilip Kumar or Shahrukh Khan and Divya Bharti.  Create a new list.  Shikha Talwar.  India Review: &quot;The Disciple&quot; Is a Necessarily Critical Ode to Bollywood is now churning out quality films every other day. Nine of those movies are produced by Salman Khan Films and were added to celebrate Khan’s birthday on December 27.  There are loads of Indian movies on the platform that one can watch when in the mood to watch something of top quality.  The love story between Kabir Singh and Preeti may have received reviews.  How can I watch Hindi movies online for free? Hotstar, Voot, MX Player, and SonyLiv are some of the best free online Bollywood movie streaming sites.  Dil Chahta Hai (2001) Director: Farhan Akhtar In the list of feel-good Bollywood movies on Netflix, Ginny Weds Sunny is a delightful romantic comedy that follows the unconventional love story of Ginny (Yami Gautam) and Sunny (Vikrant Massey).  Hum Saath-Saath Hain (1999) Running Time: 2 hours 56 mins; IMDb Rating: 6.  Entertainment Farzi Season 2: Shahid Kapoor and Vijay Sethupathi's Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes &amp; Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight.  Raazi – Amazon Prime Video.  From Bollywood to Hollywood, these Hindi-language favorites rank among the best Indian movies from a wide variety of genres.  Jigra Genre: Thriller, Action, Drama Discover feel-good movies on Netflix, featuring uplifting stories and heartwarming moments to brighten your day.  Including some of the best Bollywood movies of all time, this list features the top choices on Netflix, ready to stream right now! If interested, you can also check out Bollywood Discover the diverse and entertaining Bollywood movies on Netflix, from comedies to dramas to thrillers.  Lootera Over 100 filmgoers have voted on the 20+ films on Best PG Bollywood Movies. 8. 2.  Join Now Director: Ritesh Batra Run Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Rating: PG Year of Release: 2014 Cast: Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Denzil Smith Writers: Ritesh Batra, Rutvik Oza This charming, feel-good drama centers on Saajan (Irrfan Khan) and Ila (Nimrat Kaur), two lonely people who develop an unlikely bond after a lunchbox delivery service mix-up. com On Netflix.  The Best Hindi Movies For Kids on Netflix Right Now (updated) Whether you like it or not, your kids are going to watch movies.  The best Hindi movies on Hotstar make it a popular choice among the audience.  Jahnvi Kapoor pulled off a breakout performance as Gunjan Saxena, a Kargil War veteran and the first woman to fly in a combat zone.  Netflix has an extensive library of feature films, documentaries, TV shows, anime, award-winning Netflix originals and more.  Here is a curated list of eight such interesting films to enjoy.  Virgo to Scorpio: Sikandar Ka Muqaddar is one of the most recent Bollywood movies on Netflix.  The most awaited Hindi Indian web series that gathered a huge amount of audience.  Proma Khosla.  So, it’s befitting to start this roundup of the best Bollywood movies on Netflix with one of his most Bollywood has churned out some of the best comedy movies and has delivered brilliant rib-tickling movies.  SUBSCRIBE TO YouTube.  Hindi-language movies on Netflix offer a variety of genres, including horror, thrillers, and family dramas, winning awards and gaining international popularity.  In January 2024, Netflix acquired the rights to Raw in a historic 10-year The best Indian action movies on Netflix represent the best, boldest, and most entertaining of the genre, and will have viewers binge-watching for countless hours.  Here's a list of the best Hindi movies available to stream in the US on Netflix.  Current Top 3: Kal Ho Naa Ho, Karan Arjun, Lage Raho Munna Bhai vote on everything. Looking for a Bollywood marathon? Check out these 20 must-watch Hindi titles on Netflix, ranging from mystery thrillers to romantic comedies.  Netflix is home to several interesting Bollywood thriller films including Jaane Jaan and Dobaaraa.  Kiara Advani and Anupam Kher went on to become one of the highest-grossing Bollywood films of 2016.  As we welcome 2024, Vogue rounds up the best Bollywood movies of Here are the best Bollywood movies on Netflix: 15.  Wanna take a short break from Hollywood? These Indian films will keep you hooked! Comedy, crime drama, Bollywood musical or independent — check out our picks for the best Hindi films on Netflix, from Shah Rukh Khan faves to new originals.  53. ; Hotstar — Disney+ Hotstar is an official Hindi Disney+ branch with Bollywood shows From Water to Fire, here are 14 movies banned in Indian theatres that you can instead watch on Netflix, the movie went on to win the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi.  One of the best Hindi movies on Netflix is the sports drama film Dangal, which is translated into English as: “wrestling One of the best Hindi movies on Netflix to watch, a combination of comedy, emotions, and a lot more.  cinema a run for its money with so many riveting Indian movies from all genres.  Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes &amp; Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. G.  Top Netflix Bollywood Movies: Kis Kisko Pyar Karoon (2015) Jab Harry Met Sejal (2017) Zero (2018) Flying Jatt (2016) Tees Maar Khan (2010) Mubarakan (2017) Dilwale (2015) Reply reply Netflix closed out the year by bulking up its Hindi movie collection.  Easily one of the best Hindi movies on Netflix, Dil Chahta Hai follows the lives of three tight-knit friends with vastly different personalities.  Get Best Free Student Apps (Check it Thriller movies offer a gripping experience, unlike horror films' bloodshed, brutality, and gore.  Raat Akeli Hai (2020) Starring Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Radhika Apte in lead roles, Raat Akeli Hai creates a semblance of an offbeat crossover between Sacred Games’ and ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’.  Set in Maharashtra, between 1918 and 1947, Rahi Anil Barve’s directorial debut follows three generations of a With thousands of choices on the platform, both original and acquired, we’ve found the 100 top Netflix movies with the highest Tomatometer scores! Time to get comfy on the couch! New Top Movies this Month: Wallace &amp; Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl , Apollo 13 , Dallas Buyers Club , Erin Brockovich , Inception , Notting Hill , Schindler’s List , Spider-Man , and more .  Netflix provides a wide range of comedy movies, that draw a multitude of viewers.  The best Bollywood movies have long held fascination with fans for their mix of music, romance, and authentic locations.  Hit play to bring Hindi cinema straight to your screens. 9.  Weird History.  Hindi Movies &amp; TV | Netflix Official Site 1.  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