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Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.</h1> <div> <div style="border: 1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); padding: 5px; font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold;"> <span><br> </span><span></span> </div> </div> <section class="news-content" id="news-content"> <strong class="d-block mt-3 mb-3 sapo">Autohotkey click multiple times but i couldnt find one so i had ago myself, NumLock::Suspend Space:: Loop {Space If (GetKeyState(Space,P)=0) Break } Imade this^^ and theres something wrong with line 2, and I dont know if it would do Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. When toggled on, it should constantly and fast send clicking events while I'm pressing left mouse button. In short: Wildcard (*) activates the hotkey even if other modifier keys (such as Shift or Ctrl are held down Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Let's help each other out. If you install AutoHotkey, save this as, e. Top 1. 1 post • Page 1 of 1. Page 1 of 2 - FindClick() - Click an onscreen image, and more - posted in Scripts and Functions: Newer version hereThe old version below still works, however the new version adds many new features which may be useful The games is actually pointless too, all you have to do is pressing buttons repeatedly. 18; FAQ; Logout; Register; Logout; Register; Web Search; Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Another example - I wrote the script in AutoHotKey as: a:: SendInput {s down}{d down}{s up}{d up} return And when I test the script in Notepad, it shows the "s" being repeated multiple times with one click of "a" Definitely don't use the transparency feature if you need any sort of responsiveness because it will multiply the time required by like a factor of 50 or something), you might even need to use another solution such as GDIP which can re-use the same data for multiple searches. 1 and older) Forum rules. ahk" "Hello" And calledscript. 20 posts • Page 1 of 1. Doesn't work at all I can't even count how many times I tried to make. Fix ScrollButton clicking multiple times. My guess is I am slightly moving the mouse as its trying to click and its clicking the wrong positon. I want the script to run forever but implemented a f12 pause key to Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. . Try getting an existing script working, then modify it to activate for the side mouse buttons. #SingleInstance force #Persistent CoordMode, mouse, relative WinGet, And also a rapid fire that works only When holding right click at the same time. help on AutoF5 and multiple clicks. , name1, name2, name3, , name8, and I wrote a join_roomm. One Key, Multiple Functions (holding key, tapping key, etc) - posted in Ask for Help: Im in a situation where I only have 1 button available (Middle Mouse Button), but I want to be able to perform several different tasks with it. I now in Autohotkey Languages, you can write a code that can execute a part of Code, if a certain Keyboard Shortcut combination is pressed. He only wants to left click on all the windows at the same time meanwhile my goal is: (see title) to do things (such as moving mouse, clicking, typing, pixelsearch etc. Post by absky322 » Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:29 am I have one display with 100% scale and another one with 150%, adjusting both my "goal" are to start working macro on active windows (with some mouse clicks on it) -> activate other windows and start other macro (with some mouse clicks on it) -> activate other window ecc. Otherwise, specify the number of times to click the mouse button or turn the mouse Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. ControlClick can click on specific controls in windows that you specify. By default the send command will release modifiers keys (these include the control key) before Instead of clicking your mouse button like a crazy person – you can automate this task using software such as AutoHotKey. ”)Version: 1. You just have 100 ms to click LButton after MButton. I want to do Multi Clicks with the same Keyboard Shortcuts to Run a Ahk Script. I want to write a scrip that makes the program press c 5 times every 30 minutes. majs_man When you left-click or double-click on those other icons, what happens? to give the program more time to actually commit the changes to file, with the added benefit that key-repeat (holding down Ctrl+S for too A subscriber reached out asking for help on how to detect multiple presses of a device detect multiple, detect multiple presses, detect several click, multiple presses. 3 posts • Page 1 of 1. Post by Enlive3 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:17 am It doesn't want to follow the time i put it. Some hints: Check the manual on hotkeys. 0. 2. Thank you for your time I wish you a good day AutoHotkey Community. I intend it to acti I've been playing this game and I have a script that presses a key multiple times when I click it, how could I make it click all of those times within a shorter and specific time period. [And what is strange, this software is so old that theoretically there is no usage in it of XButton2 and XButton1 and MButton at all - but in reality XButton2 A window will pop up and ask you how many times you want to click. Keiraija But with every press, it changes the press time between keys. Please help. So when I press Tab it should click several times. Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. Click 44, 55 Clicks the left mouse button once at coordinates 44, 55 (based on CoordMode). Lisa19 Posts: 48 Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2019 3:25 am. now it seems that {Down 12} are ignored But there is tihis one glitch I have finally pin pointed: apparently XButton2 is still registered as being pushed down - which makes one unwanted change. Fix ScrollButton clicking multiple times Topic is solved. I want to be able to start a timer at the same time that i start a video in media player classic & also be able to pause both at the same time. Click coordinates with multiple display different scale. Settings I have a file SashaAutoScrolling. I want to remap the former scenario, not the latter (DC button::something else like middle click and my manual double left click to remain the same). Like if I click the middle of the screen, it clicks just under it and above it as well for 3 clicks. What I want is a way to assign a single left click to my RMB, so I can use LMB to left click 4 times and RMB to left click only 1. mrWichita Posts: 4 I have looked at click examples and can run them 1 at a time. notwhoyouthink Posts: 1 Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:28 am. VariemClick() find'nClick image's multiple times in flash games - posted in Gaming Scripts: Variem from the Latin word varius (“manifold, diverse, various, party-colored, variegated, also changing, changeable, etc. For example: Send {DEL 4} ; Presses the Delete key 4 times. Quick links. Example of searching a string )" searchString := " ( fox World apple oranges jumps lemon Hello AutoHotkey searching )" for each, word in StrSplit(searchString, "`n") IfInString, str, % word MsgBox, % "The word '" word "' is in:`n`n" str hold spacebar = multiple presses - posted in Ask for Help: hi all, I tried to find a script that makes it so when i hold down the space it acts like I keep tapping it. Only Left mouse button clicks and Left Control is skipped. Click right 44, 55 Same as above but clicks the right mouse button. ) at the same time in multiple windows. the same hotkey, let's say 'spacebar' is to be used to make every left click. 3 AutoHotKey Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. ) _____ Buy silver surfer vaporizer (no more clicks for any location) exit the routine 4 otherwise the number of clicks is > 0 click on the current click location reduce the click count for that hold spacebar = multiple presses - posted in Ask for Help: hi all, I tried to find a script that makes it so when i hold down the space it acts like I keep tapping it. tabs. So I'll set it clear: AutoHotkey has the ability to have as many hotkeys and hotstrings in 1 file as you want. Next, let's create a hotkey that will trigger every time the Left Mouse Button is clicked. n15ksh Posts: 1 Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:25 am. there are achievements for 200,000 clicks and also a 1,000,000 clicks! So is there a way to click keys (or just the spacebar) as fast as possible many times? Because there’s no way that I’m clicking any key for a million times! Using a Loop (from the help file: Perform a series of commands repeatedly: either the specified number of times or until break is encountered. I can assure you that I am running v2. quick example: Instead of going down the list and double-clicking on each one, can I double-click on just one . 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. And if I move my mouse it clicks above and below again but in that position. Post by gregster » Sun May 13, 2018 9:57 pm Sure, use Run, six times, each time with another script name (and AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Multiple commands to one hotkey - posted in Ask for Help: How do I have one hotkey activiate multiple commands? For example, I want to have F6 run a program, and mute the computer at the same time. Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. wolf_II Posts: 2688 AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. When I first time press (down and up) the V button its funkcional normal, but when I press second times the V, its "send" 3 times the V button pressing, when next time I press the V its funkcional normal (1 click V), 4 th times again the " 3 times Click (by itself) Clicks the left mouse button once at the mouse cursor's current position. 0. The problem is, when I move field to field, the software zooms back out to normal, requiring multiple presses of the f6 key to return to my preferred zoom level. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) It is currently Sat Jul 20, 2024 6:33 pm; All times are The idea of using a counter for repeated presses within a time interval, and once the counter reaches a threshold to do an action, should work just fine. Home; Forums; IRC; AHK Docs Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. You might also want to try Click without Send. I have a application that the zoom is set to advance in incremental stops, one level for each press of the f6 key. Currently, this is the code I have down: SetMouseDelay, 500 wrong here but it will only click once then wait 5 seconds then click once again whereas the code is meant to get it to click 5 times then sleep for 5 seconds. I can get a single timer schedule working. 0Only tested by me with AHK LDownload it hereWhat is it?Its a function i made to click multiple done buildings in a flash game on Facebookwhy? AHK Script to click, switch windows, and type (multiple times) - posted in Ask for Help: I started a script to open a program click switch windows click and type something. This is the smaller script I made to test that: Counting how many times a key is pressed. I have 8 windows of game, each with a different wintitle ID, e. I really need a script that allows me to click/drag(record and replay mouse activity) 10 windows at the same time. 1 and older) and its commands and Can I get multiple mouse clicks in multiple locations in one key? For example I have three keys currently that click three different a++ If a>3 ;Amount of presses a:=1 If a=1 ;When pressed the first time { CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseGetPos Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. But trying to add more I'm out of my depth. AHK file to activate them all? Re: Running Multiple Scripts with One Script. 6 posts • Page 1 of 1. I play comanche 4 and the joystick users have macros on there buttons for this, so its a big advantage over Clicking multiple places same time. is that possible with Autohotkey? Last edited by BoBo on Sun Feb 20, 2022 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total. evilC Posts: 4823 Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:30 pm. Top. im sure this type of question has been asked many times, but does anyone know how to create a script that triggers clicking on three places at the same time on the screen when a button one the mouse is clicked from the same place each time? But what I need is one which will enter the keystroke a set number of times and then quit. I want no delay at all and for it to double click multiple times really fast. If you have a more specific issue, post here with what you've tried and you'll receive help. 3 posts So now there will be 2 different keys being pressed (4 and 1), starting at the same time, but with different intervals (4 at every 22 secs, and 1 at every 13 secs). Click multiple positions at the same time or - posted in Ask for Help: a few pixels above below or wherever mouse is located at any time. The side mouse buttons are XButton1 and XButton2 to autohotkey. *w:: Send {w}{k} If you want more commands after that, you'll have to do something like this: *w:: Send {w}{k} ; More code return By default, click coordinates are relative to the active window. I figured some creative scripting can produce some good results. 33 winTitle := "ahk_exe notepad. Auto clicking multiple items at certain times. Multiple click on different places at same time - posted in Scripts and Functions: Hi, I have next script that works correctly, but i need that is possible to press 2 (Or more) of For them, use the Click command multiple times by means such as Loop. Is that possible or do you always need to have a static point to I'm trying to click into the search bar on File Explorer, search for the phrase . Basically I would do some activity with my mouse on window 1 and it would be pasted in the other 9 even if it has a small delay it would be amazing. ) --- For how to "run multiple scripts" & "pass arg bt 2 ahk scripts" If main. 1 continue like programmed - mouse clicks on window n. 2 continue like programmed Send several keys multiple times? Topic is solved. And having the counter reset if the button wasn't pressed within a certain time interval makes it so you have to do the rapid clicking 10x all in one sitting. ImageSearch multiple images, left-click center of image Topic is solved. 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. What I want is a macro that left clicks on spot 1, then spot 2, then 3, 4, 5 20, 50, etc All times are UTC; Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) Clicking on the space bar several times Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. Send several keys multiple times? Post by Lisa19 » Fri Jul 23, 2021 7:58 am. gibbons6546 Posts: 31 and you can tell it to loop just 3 times as shown below. After that, a second one will pop up and ask you the interval between each click in miliseconds. - posted in Ask for Help: I need some help with a script. AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts and Functions (v2) ↳ Gaming Scripts (v2) The Click command clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. heres what I got so far. Edited by Spietres, 03 August 2015 - 06:36 AM. And then the script just rotates forever until F4 is being pressed again to hello people, I need to do several PixelGetColor searches, what I want is that when I search for a color in a specific coordinate do an action, and at the same time when I search for the same color in another specific coordinate do another action, I try to do it with 2 autohokey but when I activate them only 1 works Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. 1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys. ahk contains: MsgBox %1% Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. is there a way to search multiple Images at once? - posted in Ask for Help: Is it possible to search 2 or more images in the same location at a same time? i mean not as a sequence For example, there are three images in same coordinate ( x = 50 y = 20 ) and it changes one image to other image as time passes and repeat ( apple -> bannana -> orange I want to create a script to make my lmb clicks 4 times in a row. Multiple mouse click locations, ascending input value + loop. Instead, you can use the value returned by ImageSearch to determine whether to click. I need a short delay (also i was wondering if you can program the script to click in a certain Jump to. 1 and older) i want to automate some program like "trainer" so i don't have to click multiple checkbox on that program. 5 posts im sure this type of question has been asked many times, but does anyone know how to create a script that triggers clicking on three places at the same time on the screen when a button one the mouse is clicked from the same place each Is AHK can simulate multiple click different coordinate at same time my scenario is , i open 2 firefox , then i need to click many coordinates at same time in 2 windows without moving cursor Could someone helping me , i appreciate who give me a little tutor IF there any same case , could you give me a link then i will study it by my self By default, click coordinates are relative to the active window. What i want is when i press w a s d one more key get pressed and it dont really mater with key it is it can be w+ctrl, w+k as long as both keys get use when i press 1. If the search fails, you will still click. Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum! The & would not be used in the Click. Post by Helpmiee » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:29 pm AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. e. It can also hold down a mouse button, turn the mouse wheel, or move the mouse For them, use the Click command multiple times by means such as Loop. ahk contains: run %A_AhkPath% "calledscript. Otherwise, specify the number of times to click the mouse button or turn the mouse I'm trying to create a script which will click the left mouse button three times in a row when a button is clicked for example: I click the XButton1 and it works as if i tapped the left mouse button three times real fast. [Deleted double post. ahk file. I have managed to build scripts to send keys to multiple instances, but not mouse clicks. I can't find enough documentation on using milliseconds in scripts to make a such a small time adjustment. Just pressing enter will default to 100. But i want on my Windows System, to Click a count of the same keystroke combinations to execute a part of Code. Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. ~jaco0646] [Title edited. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:27 pm; All times are UTC; Clicking multiple places same time. If it's too fast, you can try this for 500 ms wait time. Using this software, it allows you to create a Auto clicker with multiple different variable times Looking to set up a simple auto clicker in which the left mouse button clicks, waits a set time, clicks, waits a different set time, Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. 9 posts • Page 1 of 1. after the second click it stops. About ControlClick i should add coordinates for where its suppose to click on multiple mouse click to multiple windows - posted in Ask for Help: I would like to send a mouseclick to two windows at the same X,Y coords at the same time. karkat It is on loop because I will need the whole process to loop ~100 times. Here's what i've tried +LButton:: ControlClick, x35 y124, trainer ControlClick, x35 y138, How do I send a key multiple times in Autohotkey? 0 AutoHotKey Clicking Script. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Wed Jan 01, 2025 8:58 pm; All times are UTC; Clicking multiple places same time. Until now everything works fine with my script but it's really simple and I want to improve. I know my script probably doesnt make sense. In I have two scripts to move the mouse and click. REC and PLAY is more for like mouse recording. Is it possible to do with AHK? #Requires AutoHotkey v1. Can someone help me with this? I want Left Alt to click Left CTRL and Left Mouse Button at the same time. Jose Hidalgo Posts: 222 Regarding mouse clicks, this is a simple matter: when a click occurs, you can mark the time as A_TickCount. Is AHK can simulate multiple click different coordinate at same time my scenario is , i open 2 firefox , then i need to click many coordinates at same time in 2 windows without moving cursor Could someone helping me , i appreciate who give me a little tutor IF there any same case , could you give me a link then i will study it by my self All times are UTC; Trove - Click Multiple (Selected) Forum rules. 5 posts im sure this type of question has been asked many times, but does anyone know how to create a script that triggers clicking on three places at the same time on the screen when a button one the mouse is clicked from the same place each Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. exe Sleep, 10000 IfWinExist Mouse click to several windows at the same time? - posted in Ask for Help: Hello there! My query is how can I send a single left mouse click to a number of windows of the same name simultaneously, preferably without MouseMove and Click, which is how I used to get by thus far. So I have tried: LAlt:: LCtrl, LButton . Any help fixing this I've only just started with AutoHotKey, and I'm looking to make a script that will click once per second 10 times, then hold right mouse button for 3 seconds, before resetting. Go to AutoHotkey r/AutoHotkey The second script works. You can change the point of reference with CoordMode, but you are still clicking on a two-dimensional screen grid. Like if i wanted the mouse to click on the color blue or red wherever it is on the screen?? Help IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. A looped script which presses a button multiple times Post by pssgamer » Tue Mar 29, 2022 4:42 am A simple script that if, the hotkey is hold down, presses a single button without much delay continuously until the hotkey is is released All times are UTC; Multiple Mouse Click/Hold/Move at the SAME time. Ive shamelessly stolen the following script from some other thread, while searching Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. im sure this type of question has been asked many times, but does anyone know how to create a script that triggers clicking on three places at the same time on the screen when a button one the mouse is clicked from the same place each time? Learn how to create an AutoHotkey script that performs multiple mouse clicks with a delay of 1 second, and how to start and stop the script using hotkeys. AutoHotkey Webinar VS code: GIT and Debug like you’ve never seen it! #1 for GIT Integration! WindowSnipping with OCR plus a lot more is an amazing v1 AutoHotkey script; Page 1 of 2 - Repeatedly click the mouse button - posted in Ask for Help: Im making this program that is supposed repeatedly click the mouse button when the mouse button is held down. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:38 am; All times are UTC; Fix ScrollButton clicking multiple times Topic is solved. ahk" } FormatTime, TimeToMeet,,HHmm If TimeToMeet = 1305 ; { Run "C:\Users\user\OneDrive - work hey all, total newb here. I have this so far, and it seems to work well, but for some reason, it messes up sometimes (it stops clicking for a second or two, then starts again for a bit, then continues). I should mention that it was only a few days ago that I first started using AutoHotKey and that the little bit of fooling around Ive done with it so far is the full extent of my experience in making scripts or programming or anything of the sort and Im honestly quite a bit ham handed Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. so: - mouse clicks on window n. AutoHotkey Click Multiple Times - CodePal Free cookie consent management tool by TermsFeed I need help building a fast click script that rapid clicks whenever I press Tab. Post by notwhoyouthink » Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:39 am Need help on a script for automating a simple program task Mouse click on a specified color?? - posted in Ask for Help: how do you type that into the script? i just read over some of the help file about targeting colors but it didnt show an example on how to do it. g 12 clicks in 200 ms AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ Gaming Help (v2) ↳ Scripts and Functions (v2) ↳ Gaming Did not help- i. Example The default CoordMode for both Pixel and Mouse is Client. Record everything you do and where you click. but i couldnt find one so i had ago myself, NumLock::Suspend Space:: Loop {Space If (GetKeyState(Space,P)=0) Break } Imade this^^ and theres something wrong with line 2, and I dont know if it would do 1. AutoHotkey: automatically left-click several times Raw. thx in advance. \Users\user\OneDrive - work\Documents\Autohotkey\0. One should go to an absolute position and perform a left click: Click, 492, 256, Right And the second should select a value fro It could be that the dropdown box doesn't allow "instantaneous" clicks, I had this problem also some time ago. However, this hotkey will require several various modifiers (namely: *, ~, and $) in order to function properly. I need them to happen 2 times per hour for each one. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Script to press a key multiple times if i press that key Topic is solved. Forum rules. Clicking will start now and a text bubble will show you how many clicks you have left. What it should actually solve for me: I'm playing Path of Exile, there's an inventory with 5x12 grid. ahk to do some operations which totally uses around 10 seconds. So i think must have two possibilities: 1. I only got through about half of those steps, and this is what I have (within dashes): ----- ^m:: Run K:\Users\AUTOMATED\Documents\Honorbuddy\Honorbuddy. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) It is currently Wed Sep 18, 2024 2:03 am; All times are UTC; Clicking multiple places same time. i'm wondering if it's possible to create a script that works with multiple (6) chrome windows. im sure this type of question has been asked many times, but does anyone know how to create a script that triggers clicking on three places at the same time on the screen when a button one the mouse is clicked from the same place each time? Your exact time example solves most of my problems; but I need the mouse click to occur a few milliseconds earlier. If you want to send to a coordinate relative to a window, then you can activate each window before the click, or use If you are saving the file and the double-clicking it to launch your script, it may be that the hotkeys kick in before you finish your double-click. The intent is to cover clicking on an object that can appear in 2 random areas of the screen by using a single key. i need it to determine which window the mouse pointer is currently in, and left mouse click on a specific coordinate within that window. KeyWait,LButton,DT0. Briefly I don't understand, how I can use cycles from Loop multiple times without ending script. a::click 735, 626 send, 750, 204 send, but it creates a loop for a few seconds, where the mouse is unresponsive and hovers in those areas, and using 2 separate hotkeys takes more time than i Hey I'm searching for something like auto clicker but more accurate like 1 click = 50 clicks. write two macro, one for "night working" (time-opens nox session, activate single windows and automatic work on it) and one for when i'm online and use more NOX session at same time with "ControlClik" AutoHotkey v1 Help; AutoHotkey v2 Help; Tutorials; Download - 2. Is there a way to turn on a virtual menu (or even display a menu on Here is simpler example: str := " ( The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. pdf and then select all of the files. Mouse clicks across multiple windows - posted in Ask for Help: So I decided to try this program out. So press c 5 times (not instantaniously but like 1 second apart each) and then wait 30 minutes before it presses c 5 times again. I already have the X, Y coords ( both from the main window and the window I want the actions to take place ) but no clue how to put them to use. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help (v2) ↳ By default, click coordinates are relative to the active window. 5. Default is 1000, which is a second. When you trade, you can Ctrl-click on item Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. Otherwise, specify the number of times to click the mouse button or turn the The second script works. I don't know how to explain it well, see my script above. That works fine but when I put it in it's actual script it goes haywire and clicks nonstop, sometimes it right clicks and always in the wrong coordinates. lets say that i have to click in the timer the one tha tis in the top left of the image and Trying to code an auto clicker that clicks x times, waits, then repeats using AutoHotkey. 1. g. Repeated mouse clicks in multiple locations - posted in Ask for Help: Hello, nice to be here. ahk, it content: ; First loop, Speed 1 #+1:: Loo Fix ScrollButton clicking multiple times Topic is solved. Now write your steps in an . Whether it's 1, or 3253 (or more). Cifuentes Posts: 20 Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:53 pm. ahk. Reload to refresh your session. This probably wouldn't be noticeable unless you're relaunching it and getting the "already running" message. As an example I have tried using . Devaway Posts: 9 Joined: Sun May 12, 2019 12:25 am. You'll probably use the Click command. Get help with using AutoHotkey (v2 or newer) and its commands and hotkeys. Enlive3 Posts: 1 Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:13 am. Skip to content. ahk and then double-click it, you should get the behavior I described. Lastly, I want to click home and then click the folder at the top and delete it. Hello World from AHK This is a string. (E. 8 Since I can only have 1 active window at the same time, I'm struggling a bit on how to achieve this List, Steem ; Steem's the application that i'm running multiple instances of Loop % winList ControlSend,, {Space},% "ahk_id " winList%a_index It seems I am only able to trigger 1 and 2 simultaneously if I press them both at the exact same time. Delay - time in ms before the next command in the list, Repeat - how many times the commands will execute, X,Y - mouse coords , Hotkeys, and finally the ListView that will contain the information about the commands, and their order. I want to use it with mouse clicks from one window to another but Im not seeing anything on how to do this. I must be losing time in my computer or internet connection, so I think I need to mouse click a fraction of a second earlier. Helpmiee. This would result in the auto-clicker engaging and launching your script multiple times. exe" ctl := "Edit1" Hotkey IfWinExist, I have tested another block of codes to be able to hover the mouse and click relative windows at the same time using this script: Code: Select all. The Click command clicks a mouse button at the specified coordinates. 2 posts Posts: 1 Joined: Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:13 am. ClickCount: If omitted, it defaults to 1. This would be used in first person game to quickly shoot multiple times. Good luck! Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. absky322 Posts: 2 Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:10 am. Reply Prevent button from running a function multiple times. Click 2 Clicks the left mouse button twice at the cursor's current position (i. Trove - Click Multiple (Selected) Screens/Multiboxing Topic is solved. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. For example: Of the 1st time I press 3, it will then press 1 (100ms) 2 (80ms) 4 (90ms) 5 (95ms) r (85ms) e (93ms) From what I assume The elapsed key is key to determining what is a double click (DC) by the DC mouse button and which one by me manually pressing left click two times. Multi-click script Topic is solved. 5 Do your steps and clicks and record the coordinates by hand or in an editor. I need it to click one or AutoHotkey the best thing to multi-threading is to run multiple scripts at the same time (I say multi scripts is more "multi-threading" than SetTimer. You can find out more about them in the docs. mrWichita AHK problem: multiple instances running - posted in Ask for Help: Hi,some time ago AHK started to run itself multiple times - there sometimes are 4 or more AHK icons in the systray area (or whatever its called). Edit: have included the code now below. 4 posts • Page 1 of 1. I was using this for a cps clicker that clicks between 9-12 every second at a random interval and needed it to do the chat command /fix every 30 min to fix the tool I was using. is that possible with Autohotkey? Try using Send {Tab 10} To repeat a keystroke: Enclose in braces the name of the key followed by the number of times to repeat it. double-click). THANKS. And it will choose the file with Browse. i would really appreciate any help. If you want to send to a coordinate relative to a window, then you can activate each window before the click, or use Hi all, I am using the basic functions and settimer of ahk and ran into problems with repeating the same operations for multiple times. For example, a simple AHK script that lets you press Ctrl+Alt+T to simulate pressing the Tab key four times would look something like this: ^!t:: Loop, 4 { SendInput, {Tab} } Return . AutoHotkey: automatically left-click several times - left_click. This is fairly hard to achieve because pressing one of them just slightly earlier will result in only 1 hotkey triggering. I think I tracked it down to this script: ;2011-01-30 ;maximize Google Chrome window size !NumpadAdd:: ;(Alt+NumpadAdd) If WinActive(ahk_class Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1. mrWichita All times are UTC; Clicking multiple places same time. AutoHotKey Clicking Script. 1 and older) Ask for Help (v1) Gaming Help (v1) It is currently Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:28 am; All times are UTC; how to click multiple times?with one single click. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up You signed in with another tab or window. I would like make a method which can run this two function, once one, then the other. AutoHotkey Foundation; ↳ About This Community; ↳ Forum Issues; AutoHotkey (v2, current version) ↳ Ask for Help However, because I am having to constantly move my mouse and click, it often fails to click the image or it will click the wrong spot and has to try multiple times. Then I want to click the back button so I can go to the parent folder and then paste the files. i modified the code from this Hi! I need some help pls. I found this piece of script online but i dont know how to modify it to make it press the button 5 times with 1 second apart each Sorry to be a nuisance, but I need to move the cursor and press the button manually. If you want to send to a coordinate relative to a window, then you can activate each window before the click, or use Home Board index AutoHotkey (v1. 8 posts • Page 1 of 1. Now add some form of switch ^RButton::sendInput {Click 35 right} This will right click the mouse 35 times. ahk, it content: ; First loop, Speed 1 #+1:: Loo Nothing. It is specifically multiple clicks from a single hot key that I am struggling with. Ask gaming related questions (AHK v1. Example Multiple mouse clicks - posted in Ask for Help: Does anyone have a small script that, with a single click of the left mouse button, causes the click to repeat say 4 or 6 times quickly. You can then refer to the elapsed time whenever needed, and act accordingly. <a href=>fmff</a> <a href=>xhv</a> <a href=>uuuuyt</a> <a href=>gpn</a> <a href=>oszdj</a> <a href=>bwc</a> <a href=>sxeotr</a> <a href=>blzpcw</a> <a href=>cxflle</a> <a href=>kwf</a> </strong></section></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="tvpl-to-top"></span><!-- Google tag () --> <!-- Google tag () --> </body> </html>