Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
<?php //Print HTML for an icon //TODO: Icon value should be in the format 'fontawesome-\f001' if ( ! function_exists( 'cpotheme_icon' ) ) { function cpotheme_icon( $value, $wrapper = '', $echo = true ) { if ( '0' === $value || 0 === $value || '' === $value ) { return; } $icon_packs = cpotheme_metadata_icons(); if ( false === strpos( $value, '-' ) ) { $icon_data = cpotheme_check_fontawesome_compatibility( html_entity_decode($value) ); if ( ! is_array( $icon_data ) ) { $font_library = ''; if( isset( $icon_packs['fontawesomeregular']['icons'][ html_entity_decode($value) ] ) ){ $font_library = 'fontawesomeregular'; }else if( isset($icon_packs['fontawesomebrands']['icons'][html_entity_decode($value)]) ){ $font_library = 'fontawesomebrands'; }else if( isset($icon_packs['fontawesomesolid']['icons'][html_entity_decode($value)]) ){ $font_library = 'fontawesomesolid'; } $icon_data = array( $font_library, $value ); } } else { $icon_data = explode( '-', $value ); if( $icon_data[0] == 'fontawesome' ){ $icon_data = cpotheme_check_fontawesome_compatibility( html_entity_decode($value) ); if ( ! is_array( $icon_data ) ) { // Fix for older versions of FontAwesome and import problem $old_icon = explode( '-', esc_html($icon_data) ); $new_icon = cpotheme_check_fontawesome_compatibility( html_entity_decode($old_icon[1]) ); if(!is_array($new_icon)) { $font_library = ''; if ( isset( $icon_packs['fontawesomeregular']['icons'][ html_entity_decode( $old_icon[1] ) ] ) ) { $font_library = 'fontawesomeregular'; } else if ( isset( $icon_packs['fontawesomebrands']['icons'][ html_entity_decode( $old_icon[1] ) ] ) ) { $font_library = 'fontawesomebrands'; } else if ( isset( $icon_packs['fontawesomesolid']['icons'][ html_entity_decode( $old_icon[1] ) ] ) ) { $font_library = 'fontawesomesolid'; } $icon_data = array( $font_library, $old_icon[1] ); } else { $icon_data = array( $new_icon[0], $new_icon[1] ); } } } } $icon_data[1] = html_entity_decode( $icon_data[1]); $font_library = $icon_data[0]; $font_value = $icon_data[1]; $output = ''; if ( '' != $wrapper ) { $output .= '<div class="' . $wrapper . '">'; } $output .= cpotheme_get_icon( $font_library, html_entity_decode( $font_value ) ); if ( '' != $wrapper ) { $output .= '</div>'; } if ( false == $echo ) { return $output; } else { echo $output; } } } //Retrieve the correct library function cpotheme_get_icon( $library, $value ) { $result = ''; switch ( $library ) { case 'fontawesomesolid': $result = cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_solid( $value ); break; case 'fontawesomebrands' : $result = cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_brands( $value ); break; case 'fontawesomeregular' : $result = cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_regular( $value ); break; default: $result = cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_solid( $value ); break; } return $result; } //Icon library for fontawesome function cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_regular( $value ) { return '<span style="font-family:\'Font Awesome 5 Regular\'">' . $value . '</span>'; } function cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_brands( $value ) { return '<span style="font-family:\'Font Awesome 5 Brands\' ; font-weight: 900">' . $value . '</span>'; } function cpotheme_icon_library_fontawesome_solid( $value ) { return '<span style="font-family:\'Font Awesome 5 Solid\'; font-weight: 900">' . $value . '</span>'; }