Current Path : /home/church/www/ |
Current File : /home/church/www/ |
var EasyImageCollage = EasyImageCollage || {}; /** * Variables */ EasyImageCollage.spinner = '<div class="eic-spinner"><div class="rect1"></div><div class="rect2"></div><div class="rect3"></div><div class="rect4"></div><div class="rect5"></div></div>'; EasyImageCollage.file_frame = undefined; EasyImageCollage.editing_image = undefined; EasyImageCollage.manipulating_image = undefined; EasyImageCollage.editing_grid = {}; EasyImageCollage.callback = false; EasyImageCollage.lightbox_settings = { namespace: 'eic-lightbox', closeOnClick: false, closeOnEsc: false, afterOpen: function() { var lightbox = jQuery('.eic-lightbox'); var gridAlign =; var gridWidth =; var gridRatio =; var borderWidth =; var borderColor =; // Alignment lightbox.find('#grid-align') .val(gridAlign) .on('change', function() { = jQuery(this).val(); }); // Border color - init and bind event jQuery('.eic-lightbox #border-color') .val(borderColor) .wpColorPicker({ change: function () { = jQuery(this).wpColorPicker('color'); EasyImageCollage.redrawBorders(); } }) ; // Grid width - init and bind event jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width') .val(gridWidth) .simpleSlider({ range: [150,2000], step: 1, snap: true }).bind('slider:changed', function (event, data) { jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width-value').html(''+data.value); = data.value; EasyImageCollage.redrawGrid(); }) ; jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width-value').html(''+gridWidth); // Grid width finetuning jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width-minus').bind('click', function() { var val = parseInt(jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width').val()); jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width').simpleSlider('setValue', val-1); }); jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width-plus').bind('click', function() { var val = parseInt(jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width').val()); jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-width').simpleSlider('setValue', val+1); }); // Grid ratio - init and bind event jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-ratio') .val(gridRatio) .simpleSlider({ range: [0.25,4], step: 0.05, snap: true }).bind('slider:changed', function (event, data) { var ratio = parseFloat(data.value.toFixed(2)); jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-ratio-value').html(''+ratio); = ratio; EasyImageCollage.redrawGrid(); }) ; jQuery('.eic-lightbox #grid-ratio-value').html(''+gridRatio); // Border width - init and bind event jQuery('.eic-lightbox #border-width') .val(borderWidth) .simpleSlider({ range: [0,20], step: 1, snap: true }).bind('slider:changed', function (event, data) { jQuery('.eic-lightbox #border-width-value').html(''+data.value*2); = data.value; EasyImageCollage.redrawBorders(); }) ; jQuery('.eic-lightbox #border-width-value').html(''+borderWidth*2); // Border Adjustments jQuery('.eic-lightbox #border-change').on('change', function() { if(jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-divider').show(); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.redrawDividers !== 'function') { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-premium-only').show(); } } else { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-divider').hide(); jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-premium-only').hide(); } }); // Show Image size jQuery('.eic-lightbox #image-size').on('change', function() { if(jQuery(this).is(':checked')) { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-image-size').css('display','inline-block'); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.recalculateSizes !== 'function') { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-premium-only').show(); } } else { jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-image-size').css('display','none'); jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-premium-only').hide(); } }); } }; /** Variables from PHP * */ EasyImageCollage.grids = {}; EasyImageCollage.default_grid = {}; /** * Front end events */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { if(typeof eic_admin_grids !== 'undefined' && typeof eic_default_grid !== 'undefined') { EasyImageCollage.grids = eic_admin_grids; EasyImageCollage.default_grid = eic_default_grid; // Add new button $('#eic-button').featherlight($('.eic-modal'), EasyImageCollage.lightbox_settings); $('#eic-button').click(function() { EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('layouts'); EasyImageCollage.newGrid(); }); // Choose layout $('.eic-layouts .eic-frame').click(function() { var layout = $(this); if(layout.hasClass('eic-frame-custom')) { EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('creating'); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.customLayout == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.customLayout(); } } else { EasyImageCollage.btnPickLayout(layout.clone(), false); } }); } }); /** * Front end control buttons */ EasyImageCollage.btnCreateGrid = function(id, callback) { EasyImageCollage.callback = callback; jQuery.featherlight(jQuery('.eic-modal'), EasyImageCollage.lightbox_settings); EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('layouts'); EasyImageCollage.newGrid(); }; EasyImageCollage.btnEditGrid = function(id, callback) { // Set editing grid EasyImageCollage.editing_grid = EasyImageCollage.grids[id]; EasyImageCollage.callback = callback; var grid = EasyImageCollage.editing_grid; // Open lightbox jQuery.featherlight(jQuery('.eic-modal'), EasyImageCollage.lightbox_settings); // Load grid layout var layout_name = (typeof grid.layout === 'string' || grid.layout instanceof String) ? grid.layout : 'custom-' + id, layout = jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-layouts .eic-frame-' + layout_name).clone(); jQuery('.eic-editing .eic-container').html(layout); // Load images in grid if(grid['images'] !== undefined) { for(var i = 0; i < grid['images'].length; i++) { var image = grid['images'][i]; if(image) EasyImageCollage.setImageFrontend(image); } } // Go to edit grid page EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('editing'); }; EasyImageCollage.btnChooseLayout = function() { EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('layouts'); }; EasyImageCollage.btnPickLayout = function(layout_element, layout) { jQuery('.eic-editing .eic-container').html(layout_element); var grid = EasyImageCollage.editing_grid; grid['layout'] = layout ? layout :'layout-name'); grid['dividers'] = []; EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('editing'); for(var i = 0; i < grid['images'].length; i++) { var image = grid['images'][i]; if(image) { var attachment = { id: image.attachment_id, url: image.attachment_url, width: image.attachment_width, height: image.attachment_height, thumb: image.attachment_thumb, custom_link: image.custom_link, custom_link_new_tab: image.custom_link_new_tab, custom_link_nofollow: image.custom_link_nofollow, custom_caption: image.custom_caption }; EasyImageCollage.setImage(i, attachment); } } }; EasyImageCollage.btnImage = function(id) { EasyImageCollage.editing_image = id; EasyImageCollage.openMediaModal(); }; EasyImageCollage.btnManipulate = function(id) { EasyImageCollage.manipulating_image = id; EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('manipulating'); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.loadImageManipulate == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.loadImageManipulate(id); } }; EasyImageCollage.btnLink = function(id) { EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('links'); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.loadCustomLinks == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.loadCustomLinks(id); } }; EasyImageCollage.btnCaption = function(id) { EasyImageCollage.setActivePage('captions'); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.loadCaptions == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.loadCaptions(id); } }; EasyImageCollage.btnFinish = function() { var grid = EasyImageCollage.editing_grid; var data = { action: 'image_collage', security: eic_admin.nonce, grid: grid }; var new_grid = == 0 ? true : false;, data, function(grid_id) { var callback = EasyImageCollage.callback; if(callback) { // Gutenberg. callback(grid_id); } else { // Classic Editor. if(new_grid) { EasyImageCollage.addShortcodeToEditor(grid_id); } else { tinyMCE.activeEditor.setContent(tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()); } } = grid_id; EasyImageCollage.grids[grid_id] = jQuery.extend(true, {}, grid); jQuery.featherlight.close(); }, 'json'); }; /** * Other functions */ EasyImageCollage.newGrid = function() { EasyImageCollage.editing_grid = jQuery.extend(true, {}, EasyImageCollage.default_grid); }; EasyImageCollage.openMediaModal = function() { // If the media frame already exists, reopen it. if ( EasyImageCollage.file_frame ) {; return; } // Create the media frame. EasyImageCollage.file_frame = ={ title: 'Choose Image', button: { text: 'Choose Image' }, multiple: false }); // When an image is selected, run a callback. EasyImageCollage.file_frame.on( 'select', function() { // We set multiple to false so only get one image from the uploader attachment = EasyImageCollage.file_frame.state().get('selection').first().toJSON(); if( EasyImageCollage.editing_image !== undefined ) { // Get thumbnail if(attachment.sizes.medium !== undefined && attachment.sizes.medium.url !== undefined) { attachment.thumb = attachment.sizes.medium.url; } // Get auto caption switch(eic_admin.captions_autofill) { case 'caption': attachment.custom_caption = attachment.caption; break; case 'title': attachment.custom_caption = attachment.title; break; case 'alt': attachment.custom_caption = attachment.alt; break; default: attachment.custom_caption = ''; } // Set selected image EasyImageCollage.setImage(EasyImageCollage.editing_image, attachment); EasyImageCollage.editing_image = undefined; } }); // Finally, open the modal; }; EasyImageCollage.setImage = function(id, attachment) { var image_element = jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-image-' + id); if(image_element.length !== 0) { image = EasyImageCollage.getImageProperties(id, attachment); EasyImageCollage.editing_grid['images'][id] = image; EasyImageCollage.redrawImages(); } }; EasyImageCollage.getImageProperties = function(id, attachment) { var image_element = jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-image-' + id); if(image_element.length !== 0) { var total_border_width = 4 * parseInt(EasyImageCollage.editing_grid['properties']['borderWidth']); // Calculate size and position var frame_width = image_element.innerWidth() + total_border_width; var frame_height = image_element.innerHeight() + total_border_width; var frame_ratio = frame_width / frame_height; var image_ratio = attachment.width / attachment.height; var bg_width = frame_width; var bg_height = frame_width / image_ratio; var bg_pos_x = 0; var bg_pos_y = -(bg_height - frame_height) / 2; // Center vertically if(frame_ratio < image_ratio) { bg_width = frame_height * image_ratio; bg_height = frame_height; bg_pos_x = -(bg_width - frame_width) / 2; // Center horizontally bg_pos_y = 0; } if(attachment.thumb == undefined) { attachment.thumb = attachment.url; } return { id: id, attachment_id:, attachment_url: attachment.url, attachment_width: attachment.width, attachment_height: attachment.height, attachment_thumb: attachment.thumb, custom_link: attachment.custom_link, custom_link_new_tab: attachment.custom_link_new_tab, custom_link_nofollow: attachment.custom_link_nofollow, custom_caption: attachment.custom_caption, size_x: bg_width, size_y: bg_height, pos_x: bg_pos_x, pos_y: bg_pos_y }; } return undefined; }; EasyImageCollage.setImageFrontend = function(image) { var image_element = jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-image-' +; // Element styling image_element.addClass('has-image'); image_element .css('background-image', 'url("'+image.attachment_url+'")') .css('background-size', '' + image.size_x + 'px ' + image.size_y + 'px') .css('background-position', '' + image.pos_x + 'px ' + image.pos_y + 'px') ; // Handle move EasyImageCollage.handleImageMove(image); }; EasyImageCollage.handleImageMove = function(image) { var image_element = jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-image-' +; image_element.on('mousedown touchstart', function(e) { if ( !== image_element[0]) return; e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.touches) { EasyImageCollage.modifyEventForTouch(e); } else if (e.which !== 1) { return; } var x0 = e.clientX, y0 = e.clientY, size = image_element.css('background-size').match(/(-?\d+).*?\s(-?\d+)/), size_x = size[1], size_y = size[2], min_x = image_element.innerWidth() - size_x, min_y = image_element.innerHeight() - size_y, backgroundPos = image_element.css('background-position').split(" "), pos_x = parseInt(backgroundPos[0]), pos_y = parseInt(backgroundPos[1]); jQuery(window).on('mousemove touchmove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.touches) { EasyImageCollage.modifyEventForTouch(e); } var x = e.clientX, y = e.clientY; // New position pos_x = pos_x+x-x0; pos_y = pos_y+y-y0; // Check bounds pos_x = pos_x < min_x ? min_x : ( pos_x > 0 ? 0 : pos_x ); pos_y = pos_y < min_y ? min_y : ( pos_y > 0 ? 0 : pos_y ); // New starting point for drag x0 = x; y0 = y; image_element .css('background-position', '' + pos_x + 'px ' + pos_y + 'px') }); jQuery(window).on('mouseup touchend', function() { // Update new image position var backgroundPos = image_element.css('background-position').split(" "), pos_x = parseInt(backgroundPos[0]), pos_y = parseInt(backgroundPos[1]); image.pos_x = pos_x; image.pos_y = pos_y; // Remove event handlers jQuery(window).off('mousemove touchmove'); jQuery(window).off('mouseup touchend'); }); }); }; /** * Helper functions */ EasyImageCollage.redrawBorders = function() { var borderWidth =; var borderColor =; jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-frame') .css('border', borderWidth + 'px solid ' + borderColor) .find('.eic-image') .css('border', borderWidth + 'px solid ' + borderColor); EasyImageCollage.redrawImages(); if (typeof EasyImageCollage.recalculateSizes == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.recalculateSizes(); } }; EasyImageCollage.redrawGrid = function() { var width =, ratio =; var height = parseInt(width/ratio); jQuery('.eic-lightbox .eic-editing .eic-frame') .css('width', width + 'px') .css('height', height + 'px'); EasyImageCollage.redrawImages(); }; EasyImageCollage.redrawImages = function() { var grid = EasyImageCollage.editing_grid; if(grid['images'] !== undefined) { for(var i = 0; i < grid['images'].length; i++) { var image = grid['images'][i]; if(image) { var attachment = { id: image.attachment_id, url: image.attachment_url, width: image.attachment_width, height: image.attachment_height, thumb: image.attachment_thumb, custom_link: image.custom_link, custom_link_new_tab: image.custom_link_new_tab, custom_link_nofollow: image.custom_link_nofollow, custom_caption: image.custom_caption }; var newImage = EasyImageCollage.getImageProperties(i, attachment); if(newImage !== undefined) { var change_x_size = newImage.size_x / image.size_x, change_y_size = newImage.size_y / image.size_y, border_width = 2 * parseInt( grid['properties']['borderWidth'] ), change_x_pos = ( newImage.size_x - 2 * border_width ) / image.size_x, change_y_pos = ( newImage.size_y - 2 * border_width ) / image.size_y; image.size_x = Math.ceil(image.size_x * change_x_size) - 2 * border_width; image.size_y = Math.ceil(image.size_y * change_y_size) - 2 * border_width; image.pos_x = Math.ceil(image.pos_x * change_x_pos); image.pos_y = Math.ceil(image.pos_y * change_y_pos); } grid['images'][i] = image; EasyImageCollage.setImageFrontend(image); } } } if (typeof EasyImageCollage.recalculateSizes == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.recalculateSizes(); } }; EasyImageCollage.setActivePage = function(name) { var pages = ['layouts', 'creating', 'editing', 'manipulating', 'links', 'captions']; pages.forEach(function(page) { if(page == name) { jQuery('.eic-' + page).show(); } else { jQuery('.eic-' + page).hide(); } }); // Page specific if(name == 'editing') { if (typeof EasyImageCollage.redrawDividers == 'function') { EasyImageCollage.redrawDividers(); } EasyImageCollage.redrawBorders(); EasyImageCollage.redrawGrid(); } }; EasyImageCollage.modifyEventForTouch = function(e) { e.clientX = e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX; e.clientY = e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY; }; EasyImageCollage.addShortcodeToEditor = function(id) { var text = ' [easy-image-collage id='+id+'] '; if( typeof tinyMCE == 'undefined' || !tinyMCE.activeEditor || tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden()) { var current = jQuery('textarea#content').val(); jQuery('textarea#content').val(current + text); } else { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, text); } };